What is Internet Marketing? In Simple English

[Music]what is internet marketing in simplelanguage so what is internet marketingwell depending on whom you ask the terminternet marketing can mean a variety ofthings at one time internet marketingconsisted mostly of having a website orplacing banner ads on other websites onthe other end of the spectrum there areloads of companies telling you that youcan make a fortune overnight on theinternet and who try to sell you someform of internet marketing program todayinternet marketing or online marketingis evolving into a broader mix ofcomponents a company can use as a meansof increasing sales even if yourbusiness is done completely onlinepartly online or completely offline thedecision to use internet marketing aspart of a company's overall marketingstrategy is strictly up to the companyof course but as a rule internetmarketing is becoming an increasinglyimportant part of nearly every company'smarketing mix for some online businessesit's the only form of marketing beingpracticed essentially internet marketingis using the Internet to do one or moreof the following communicate a company'smessage about itself its products or itsservices online conduct research as tothe nature such as the demographicspreferences and needs of existing andpotential customers and to sell goodsservices or advertising space over theInternet there are several internetmarketing components you should knowcomponents of internet marketing oronline marketing may include setting upa website consisting of text images andpossibly audio and video elements usedto convey the company's messages onlineto inform existing and potentialcustomers of the features and benefitsof the company's products and/orservices the website may or may notinclude the ability to capture leadsfrom potential customers or directlysell a product or service onlinewebsites can be the internet equivalentsof offline brochures or mail-ordercatalogs and they are a great way toestablish your business identity thenthere is search engine marketing whichis marketing a website online via searchengines either by improving the site'snatural rightgetting through search engineoptimization buying pay-per-click ads orpurchasing pay for inclusion listings inwebsite directories which are similar tooffline yellow page listings we willlook at these in more detail in latervideos then we have email marketingwhich is a method of distributinginformation about a product or serviceor for soliciting feedback fromcustomers about a product or servicethrough email email addresses ofcustomers and prospective customers maybe collected or purchased variousmethods are used such as the regulardistribution of newsletters or massmailing of offers related to thecompany's products or services emailmarketing is essentially the onlineequivalent of direct mail marketinganother component is banner advertisingwhich is the placement of ads on awebsite for a fee the offline equivalentof this form of online marketing wouldbe traditional ads and newspapers ormagazines we also have online pressreleases which involve placing anewsworthy story about a company itswebsite its people and/or its productsand services with an online wire servicethen there is blog marketing which isthe act of posting comments expressingopinions or making announcements in adiscussion forum and can be accomplishedeither by hosting your own blog or byposting comments and/or URLs and otherblogs related to your product or serviceonline we also have article marketingwhich involves writing articles relatedto your business and having thempublished online on syndicated articlesites these articles then have atendency to spread around the internetsince the article services permitrepublication provided that all of thelinks in the article are maintainedarticle marketing can result in atraffic boost for your website and thedistribution of syndicated articles canpromote your brand to a wide audiencefinally there is social media marketingwhich can involve social networks likeTwitter LinkedIn Facebook and socialbookmarking sites like Digg so as youcan see there are many parts to internetmarketing to consider we will coverthese in more depth later[Music]
