The Top 3 Reasons People Fail On Shopify | Ecom Insiders

hey guys what's going on it's James heretoday I just want to record a prettyquick video on basically why people feelon Shopify so I've been there missionyou're on six seven months nine I've gota course I've been in other groups I'vebeen in other courses and I see thistrend off you know people complainingthat they're not being successfulthey're not having any success you knowthey're not making seals the coursedoesn't work whether it's my course orsomeone else's I'm the general failureon this is the number one thing peoplejust aren't putting in the effort andit's as simple as that I see it thegroup's you know people are comment andI see it two three times a day askingthese questions but then you follow themand you get that you get to see thesepeople popping up and pop it up and thenyou know after my course I'll go and askthem you know how's things going maybeto exceed or else's the basket all thesequestions and you know you can see thatthey've done awesome they've took notonly advice or a given on board and it'sjust you need to stop asking questionson star just actually implemented youknow otherwise people won't attack mycourse to be whether it's happen tolaptops or just you know have the courseup on screen and have your Shopify storeopen on another string and work throughas you're watching videos get shippeddown there's no point in you know sitand watching the course and not actuallyimplementing that stuff the way I set upthe courses so you can follow along asyou do and whether it's my course orwhether you're just following a tutorialon YouTube you should be implemented inthe eyes your arm because you can watchthese videos but you know there's thisart of contentand it's gonna be hard for contenteverywhere showing you what to do and ifyou're just watching out you knowneither better or just watching it inyour office if you're not implementingthat stuff you're gonna have to readwatch the video running light so did itdo it while you're watching and you'lllearn so much parking lot right and justimplement that's it only real wear thatI actually do this stuff is to implementa tag action and get to work and I thinkthe next biggest thingpoint number two it is people just getup to symbols out like you know when Istarted it took me probably I'm gonnasay three four weeks at least to get oneseal and I tested a lot of products Ithink probably now I've probably tellsthem well over 10 or 50 products threeother products but to get my three bigwinners I test it at least a hundredproducts if not 150 products before Iactually got three big winners which youknow deny that probably done over 100cage but that's is sort of like you haveto test test test test them people cometo me I uploaded three products and it'snot working but you know you can't dothat you have to upload whether it beten products or whether it be 150products you've got to just keep doingthat until you find what works and youknow that I uploaded a lot of productsand passing a lot of stuff I can pickwinners a lot quicker and that justcomes with time and you have takenproducts but your product research willget refined and you'll know what to lookfor in a product but in the end of theday you've got the test test test likenigh when I'm uploading product I'llclue ten products and I start going oddson if two of them are good that's reallygood ratio for me you know if one ofthem is gonna be like a winner so youknowme net profit Tangerang another onesmaybe gonna make three ground you knowthat's goodbut that ones that are gonna make you100 cat to her calf 300k are you knowyou've got work to find them you've gota tassel a lot of stuff to get themproducts it's not fun it's not easy butyou know you just gotta do the work andthat's what like I see this everywhereas people just they're not implement andthey're not taking action they'reuploading three or three productsspending $30 or nods and Sam thisdoesn't work and if that's you andyou're not willing to spend a couplehundred dollars then you probably notgonna succeed it's as simple as that yougotta go on the test we got to bewilling to put some money on the line toactually move forward and have aprofitable store in the future the moreyou test to learn are the quicker you'regonna learn and the more success you'reon top and it's as simple as that guysknow you gotta be persistent and beconsistent and being there in your storeevery day up Lewton mama lies your oddstesting these stuff you've stopped youout there I'm doing that the thirdbiggest point I've got it's you know alot of people can get that their websiteactually mattered so people are sofocused on Facebook guys and you knowit's a big part of it but you're gonnabe the best piece because in the worldbut if your website isn't optimized thenyour Facebook guys are basically uselessso you want to have all the key featuresoff your website done before yousurprise again I say this people sent metheir odds people sent me the websiteand say oh look I'm not gonna stealwhat's going on here on it with theirwebsite and you know that just copy andpasted our productmy express and that doesn't work youcan't do that I mean you felt that goodcopy and there you've got the come upwith some creative descriptions yourshelf but having like words misspelledhaven't always just draw only goodthat's from aliexpress in there isn'tgoing to give you a proper website soagain make sure about good gooddescriptions make sure you've got poundprotection icons for trust and anotherthing would be your start early timersthen there's three biggest things onyour page four is well it'll be goodimages you've got good images you knowyou want it as big as possible showingup on the screen whenever people hityour website like if there's watermarksand the photos or stuff like that scribeyou know find you either ordering theproduct or shelf and take your ownphotos or you'll find some suppliers ofgood photos who take them from now andthat's how you're gonna build a betterwebsite so that it converts better whenyou drive in traffic there's a lot ofkind of a compiler speech frequentlyasked questions all that stuff in therebut this one of the things I see peoplewhere they're going wrong you knowthey're wrong odds are getting trafficbut nothing's converting on the Wonderwidely on Facebook for sentence stupidtraffic but generally that's not thecase it's something on your end probablyyou're a problem so just focus onsorting out your odds sort of like awebsite be persistent guts I'll see youguys in the next videomake sure to LIKE the video blue andsubscribe if you haven't already and Iknow the other than Tom to contact 2017so I'll see you guys there
