hey everyone okay so today I'm going tobe sharing with you my top five productsfrom the ordinary and the ordinary hasliterally taken the world by stormso before we get on with the productslet me just really quickly say to youthat the products sell out very veryquickly then they get restocked and thenthey sell it very quickly again pleasedon't be kicking off to the vendorsbecause it's not their fault that theproducts are not in stock they areconstantly battling with stock issues soplease bear that in mindnow all the links for US UK and Europeare in the description bar below now onemore thing before we get on I recentlyread a review from a company that Ireally respect and the main issue theyhad with the ordinary was that they weresaying that it takes more than oneingredient in order to build a skincareroutine and they're absolutely right thebit that they miss was the whole pointof the ordering is that you build yourown skincare routine whether it's twoproducts three products five productsand that's what they miss when reviewingthese products is that if you were touse three products at night and three inthe morning as an exampleyou would still not be spending the sameamount on a single high-end product yetyou would be getting six times theamount of volume so for one reallyhigh-end product at 30 mils you couldget six ordinary products and you wouldhave I don't know 30 60 you would get ahuge hundred and 20 mils of product itthat's what kind of earned me about theyou know it takes more than one skincareingredient of course it does that's thepoint of the ordinary huh let's make astar these are my top five products sothe first one is the Alpha let me startagain the alpha lipoic acid 5% now thisis my favorite of all of the productrange is also the most problematic ifyou have very sensitive skin thisproduct is not for you you can use thisamaximum of two to three times a week oron the side of caution with two this isthe only product that I have used whereyou will wake up instantly with betterbrighter skin it is phenomenal but youcan't use it every dayyou just can't it's too potent okay solet's talk about the next onenow I'm still sticking with is a leakacid at 10%now as a leak acid has brighteningeffects on the skin but research hasshown that it acts like a retinoid and abenzoyl peroxide product so meaning itexfoliates it disinfects the skin and itteaches the skin cells to behave youngerso basically they're not getting caughtthe pore lining is not getting cloggedso for those of you with problematicskin is a leak acid is the answer or oneof the answers this is my holy grail ofeye cream the caffeine solution 5% thisis very very strong for an eye cream soyou need to bear that in mindcouple of drops morning and night youwill see an immediate difference in yourIRA you get 30 mils of product for aneye product most eye products 10 15 milsif you're lucky and this is strong andagain you're talking about building aroutine for those of you who want a veryspecific routines for acne aging sundamage rosacea I will get them for youin another video and I will put downevery single product for every singleskin category moving on again for agingskin for acne prone skin for sun damagedskin retinol advanced 2% this is the onethat will everybody needs a retinol itis the one product that has been shownto work to reduce wrinkles to reducebreakouts this is the product you needif you want younger looking skin freshlooking skin brighter looking skin ifyou have sun damage acne age spotsthat's the product and finally we'regoing to be talking about the highspreadability fluid primer this is theprime that i tend to prefer they havethe other primer which isbut this is my preference again thirtyknows all of these products are 30 milsthis works great as your primer I tendto use it just on the t-zone but if I'mgoing to use mineral makeup all over theface because it just adds for a nicerbase and that is it that's my top fiveproducts remember in a video coming outI will be sharing with you all of theroutines for like I said acne skincaresun damage aging skin sensitive skin youname it I've got routines view thanks somuchinformation all down there on theseproducts see you soon bye bye
