The Basics of Internet Marketing with Guest Neil Patel: MakingBank S1E35

I have Josh Felber and you're watchinmaking bank where we uncover the successstrategies of the 1% to help you elevateyour life create the business that youwant and be able to have the time andthe freedom to spend with your lovedoneswelcome to the show today there are somany options to market our businesswhether we have a retail establishmentand it's putting ads in the newspaper wethink one of the Groupons and the livingsocials or as an online business withanything okay well we can put our postson Facebook we can try to figure outthis whole internet marketing approachbut just how do we do it how are we ableto figure this out as well as not getdown the wrong path with this internetmarket you spend a lot of money and goto run directions and I have I've beenthere before and as I was growing mybusinesses there I just didn't take thetime for myself to learn internetmarketing and to really figure out theins and outs of it and so I just paidsomeone to really help me do this butunfortunately there's a lot of peopleout there that say they know internetmarketing I have no clue what they'redoing and so I spent a lot of money noresults no results person after personafter person and finally it's like okayI gotta figure this out I have to dosomething because I didn't know if theyknew what they were talking about or notit sounded like they did and maybeyou've been in this situation beforeyeah they say all the right buzzwordsthey sell the right clues but just don'tdeliver they don't get the results foryou it's not your fault you just don'tknow and so I took the time I learnedI've been educating myself and reallyunderstanding all the ins and outs ofonline internet marketing and what ittakes to be successful in that field andwe have to start with the basics thevery first basics are what we have tostart with even before we go out andstart running Facebook ads andstart posting and trying to do paperclicks and click throughs and all thesedifferent kinds of things the very firstthing that we want to do is make sure aswe have our website as we have our salesfunnel whatever that may be is we wantto make sure we have it optimized searchand for search engines whether havingthe right content on the page for thesearch engines to find two specifickeywords that relate to what we're doingand be able to utilize that in a waythat it pulls our ranking higher on thesearch engines and it's it's it can be acomplicated process and so with that foryou the basics are you know it's makingsure you have the right content on yourpage making sure you have your imageheader tags making sure that yourwebsite or your funnels are optimizedfor mobile as wellthat's a really big thing that Google istaking a look at these these days is howis your website or funnel optimized formobile and so for myself working withall these different people not gettingthe correct results spending way toomuch money on people that didn't deliverwhat they said they were gonna deliverand now learning it myself and learningthis process I've now been able toimplement and I've implemented indifferent various businesses that I ownhow one of my businesses I'm someCrossFit gyms and I was able to takethose and have them ranked number one onGoogle through the different searchengine optimization techniques that Ilearned about and that I was able toimplement and for you what I challengeyou is don't rely on someone elsedon't think that they know what they'retalking about don't go and try to thinkman this person knows what they'retalking aboutdo some research do some learning onyour own study figure out hey you knowhere's how I need to learn how to dosearch engine optimization and go in andstart adding it to your website or youknow if you have a website guy he shouldknow how to do it but make sure you knowso here you know he's doing it rightbecause once you have the rightinformation here people can't takeadvantage of you anymore once you havethat right information you're now makingsure your website is doing what it'ssupposed to be doing your sales funnelis doing what it's supposed to be doingand getting out there and getting infront of people so once we have all thatkind of optimized something else then wegotta take a look at okay how do we getpeople more people to come to ourwebsite how do we get traffic to come toour website and we can do that withvarious different ways all over theinternet that could just be jointventure partnerships with otherlike-minded peopleit could be driving traffic fromFacebook from Google it could be havingthe inter ads on related sites whetherthat's our key demographic and so afterwe need to really know who our targetaudience is and we're going after it wecan now then get specific on who ourtraffic is and where we want thattraffic to come for our business andthat doesn't matter if you're an onlinebusiness or retail business you canutilize these techniques to build yourretail business as well as your onlinebusiness and so we'll actually have awhole nother episode on driving trafficand Facebook traffic and also check outmy interview with Russell Brunson andhow we talked about online marketing andhow to build your business online andmake it as successful but I'm reallyexcitedup next we have a search engineoptimization expert a internet marketingguru that all the other people looktowards for help when they're buildingtheir businesses online how to taketheir business and maximize its resultsand actually start generating a profitI'm excited to have Neil Patel who'staken several different companies builtthem up sold some of those off and nowit's just how is out there and withoutpassion helping entrepreneurs helpingentrepreneurs by giving back so muchinformation so much advice and I'mexcited today have Neil on the show sostick around and we'll be right backI am Josh Felber and you're watchingmaking Bank[Music]I am Josh Felber you're watching makingBank I am here today with an awesomeguest Neil Patel is the co-founder ofcrazy egg hello bar and kiss metricsNeil has helped companies like AmazonNBC GM HP and Viacom grow their revenueand the Wall Street Journal calls him atop influencer on the web andEntrepreneur Magazine says he's createdwanted the 100 most brilliant companiesin the world he was also recognized asthe top 100 entrepreneurs under the ageof 30 by President Obama and one of thetop 100 entrepreneurs under the age of35 by the United Nations Neil has beenawarded the Congressional recognitionfrom the United States House ofRepresentatives wow man that's awesomePresident Obama United Nations you'recrushing it thank you I'm like I couldbe doing better that decent right so farno that's cause some good creds there Ohwhat just kind of start off you give ouraudience you know you know they're allentrepreneurs they're business peopleyou know trying to you know highachievers looking you know kind of themove their business of that next levelgive a little bit you know of yourbackground and how you got started as anentrepreneur I guess started asentrepreneur the fact that I just wantto make money awesome okay yeah I grewup the middle class of America and myparents didn't do that well they weren'tdoing that bad either and I wanted to berich because I saw these rich peoplearound and I was so young I couldn't geta job like you're 16 years oldbecause you know half you can't get ajob that pays law right kind of hard Iwas thinking of trash and cleaningrestrooms at fifteen and a halfhundred grand a year doing that and mybook as a kid was to be just make sixfigures that's all I want I lost likeI'll be rich by make a hundred grand ayearnice that's awesome so what was thatfirst business then when you're rightaround that you know which 16 17 youknow that you got started in it was ajob boardI'll sircheaper job and I couldn't find one butI found out that the job board I wassearching on sure hundredsand millions of dollars so I was likelet me copy them I wasn't that creativeeither so I copied them I couldn't getmuch traffic to the business field Ithought you pop up a website people cometo you right but I did learn how togenerate my own traffic because I didn'thave much money so I was readingpractice on site and that's what I gotgood at and that was my first realbusiness was a agency that helped otherpeople generate more traffic to theirsite awesome and so with that you knowyou still have that business then todayor I do still have that business todaybut it won't kind of in kind of mob okayso with the agency we and the the job ordoesn't exist right but with the agencydid it for a long time stop doing it ranI just get so many consulting inquirieslike four or five thousand a month thatwe did cherry-pick projects like likeright now I'm helping Google get morecustomers to AdWords right it's coolit's some good clients that pay well andthe work isn't that hard for the moneysure no that's awesome and so with thejob board and everything what you knowand I guess you know driving trafficwhat were the three maybe three keycomponents that you found you know as anentrepreneur though I guess so there'stricks of the trade that you know forour audience that this is they hey Icould implement these today and starthopefully getting more traffic there soa few things times have changed but I'llgive you the modern version sure enoughof that because I was probably 13 14years ago for hatred so Google and allthese search engines have changed butthe main one was SEO okay there's youthings link building which is stilleffective okay so I would use like aeight reps or open site Explorer to seewho link to the competitors you're goingabout one by one and beg curling'sit's a tedious task people hate itthere's like ah this sucks it's boringbut it workssure that was one – just make sure youron-page code is optimized so use googlewebmaster toolsyou look at your urlyou add your site and I'll tell youerrors that they see fix all thoseerrors you'll be shocked google tellsyou the errors I think they call itsearch console now that you got all theairs that google tells you and you fixthem magically you'll get more trafficright then the next one that we ended updoing is content marketing so when youblog posts it's hard to get your blogposts all promoted out what we ended uplearning is when you link to otherpeople in your blog post when it makessense you don't want to link for noreason or at least make sense and yousay hey so-and-so you know i link to youwhat ends up happening is a portion ofthose people will actually share yourcontent because they're flattered thatyou link to them so I would be like heyJosh just want to let you know I link toyour site your confidence amazing feelfree to check out the post that I linkedto you in if you like it share it onyour paper your favorite social networkthat's it so those are three tacticsthat work really well awesome and thosesound pretty simple obviously it may bethe link building like you said it'stedious you gotta get out there find outwhat your competitors are doing and youknow just re you know kind of model whatyou know with who their work you knowwho they're connecting to and then thenext part would be then just optimizingyour website you know utilizing Google'stools to figure out hey what's wrong onmy website you know what if I got holesif I have you know links that are deadthings like that pages that are notthere and then just optimizing that willhelp us get a better ranking so that'sreally awesome and then the last part iscontent marketing you know I think wesee a lot of people you know that arehaving blogs now and you know doing wellto some degree with you know the blogpost but I think you know as youmentioned that key is is being able tolink back to certain people you know inreference to them you know in that blogpost you know hopefully then they'llshare it out with their audience andeverything else as well that's correctawesome man so got you know age you guysare listening to this make sure you'retaking notes Neil is a world expert ininternet marketing and he's gonna be youknow filling you guys with lots of greatinformation to take your business to thenext level and soone of the things that we want to dowhen we come back here shortly is ifNeil's willing to stick around for onemore segment with us it has you knowdive into a little bit more about whathis other businesses are doing how he'sbuilt his consulting business and wherehe can cherry-pick who he wants to workwith as well as you know maybe a coupleother you know really cool tips andtricks to help us launch our business tothe next level so real quick Neil whatwas one of your secret ingredients thatyou found that's made you so successfulin your career so far as an entrepreneurI'm gonna pass executors fast executorsexecute extreme that's it that's one ofmy best qualities awesome and so youfind something and then you just get outand do it you don't sit there and try tostudy it and learn it you just make ithappenyeah and care if it's perfect I just I'mawesome and that's and that's a greatthing I think so many times as we try toroll out a project or do something welike oh this has got to be perfect andthen you're trying to get it righttrying to get it right and all yourcompetitors have gone by you becauseyou're still sitting there trying to getit right so I think that's a great youknow strategy a great tip is you knowgrab it and start running with it andjust you know tweak and modify it as yougo you know and that's gonna help youbecome more successful in the long runso awesome Neil stick around for a fewmore minutes with us sounds goodgreat I am Josh Felber you're watchingmaking Bank and we'll be right back[Music]watch a making bank and we'll be rightbackI am Josh Felber you're watching makingBankwelcome back today we have neil patelwe're discussing discussing SEOstrategies internet marketingentrepreneurship and how you can takeyour business to the next level Neilwelcome back thanks for having mesure thing and so so you have what crazya KISSmetrics those are your companiesthat you still have today or still havetoday I don't work at KISSmetricsI spent almost all my document Razia canwhole bar okay so crazy a gonna hellobar so wouldn't crazy off do there yeahso crazy ik helps you maximize yourconversion rate if you have the firstcome to your site you're not generatingsales why crazy helps you figure out whyand helps you generate more sales likethrough keymapsa be testing all that kind of stuffcrazy will help you determine what makesyou more sales what makes you lessamount sales and then hellobar it'ssomething you put on your website it'slike think about it as like a welcomemat someone comes to your house itgreets you if you want to collect emailsyou want to get people to go to a salespage if you want to go to checkout pageor offer a special discount in there oreven get more social media followers soyou can do that all in the hello barthrough bars pop-up sliders all thatkind of stuff okayso base joeys so as hello bar basicallya plugin then for your website thatallows you to do all of those items likethe pop-ups in the bar you know thatjust slider bars and stuff it's a pluginor it's a script however you want to doit and then we're now adding marketingautomation to it as well so if youcollect emails in our system you can dotrigger based emails you know you cansay hey this first email I want this Ican eat mall I want that and we'reactually writing all the email templatesfor you so that way you just have done alot out that's awesome so it almost it'splug-and-play that's right that's cooland so that's where all your focus isright now with these two businessesthat's correct yes okay and so and Iknow you know we never buy out in yourright off is you've worked with peoplelike NBC Amazon GM you said you'reworking with Google you know helpingdrive more people you know to them nowhow did you get to that position fromwhere you were just starting out whenyou were 16 17 years old it really camedown to word-of-mouth so people will beshocked at two things I learned once youget conferences blogging networking likedoing a bit of everything helps you getcustomers the bigger clients are tend tomeet during conferences there's so manyof those companies at these big events -these big companies typically don't paythe best the midsize businesses are muchmore flexible with their budgets sureand more likely to get them the bigcompanies spend the most money with thebig agencies if you're not one of thosebig agencies you're not going to get theyou know the majority of their budgetthen middle sized medium-sizedbusinesses they're really flexible ifyou can provide them on ROI they'rewilling to pay you more okay cool sowith with the bigger accounts you knowyou've connected with them at the eventsmore likely they don't pay well but foryou and your anybody that wants to tryto go after and work with them it givesyou a good resume builder it's like heyyou know I'm working with Google whichleads into a lot of other opportunitiesfor you I'm Betty that's correctcool awesome him and you know what wastime you know in your career I know youmentioned initially with the one thejobs board they took off you knowstarted to get going and it just failedfor you what was another time you knowthat you've in your entrepreneurialcareer that you had a business or hadout you know you were working onsomething and it just completely failedjust no matter how hard you tried tomake it happen there was a lot ofbusinesses like that right all rightyeah what was a hosting company we'retrying to cloud hosting before was evenpopular okay and they failed because wecouldn't execute and get something outfast enough and we tried for so manyyears but just like with everythingright if you can't get something outfast enough or you can't figure it outyou're not gonna succeed right yeah notall businesses are meant to succeed lookat Mark Zuckerberg right smart guy noteverything he's done has succeeded evenElon Musk I bet you I don't know aboutany issues but I bet you he's run into alot of roadblocksright right so I I'm probably will neverbe as successful as either of those twoor anywhere near it but what I'm gettingat is even some of the most successfulguys out there on the web or just ingeneral in business have had theirfailures or the ups or downs are wellsure and what was the big component foryou you know Wade you learn from thatwhat is used to take to move yourselfforward you know in the next business weall make mistakes right is it's notnecessary one learning experience thatsaid alright I'm not gonna do this inthe next business it's more so handmadeall these mistakes throughout my careerwhat could I do to avoid making the samemistakes over and over again sure do youavoid making the same mistakes overagain you'll increase your odds andsucceed and definitely know asentrepreneurs you know I think we just alot of times we get into position likeman I just don't want to go try thatbecause I might fail or you know what orwhat are those people gonna think and wejust kind of get it in that mindset thatfailure mincer that fear mindset and youknow we really like you said is have towork to push through that and you knowhey what's you know we fail we you knowwe're not perfect you know mistakeshappen and it's it's the incompetencescene of the whole thing that allows usto move forward and become moresuccessful awesome man well cool so whatshare you know if you maybe have a quickmoment share with you wouldn't you knewyou were on something it wasn't a dreamanymore and you're like man this is areality this is I'm loving this this isa passion even though I make you know Iwant to make money but you know you feelyou have that passion in you about thatbusiness that you were doing it whatwhat is it I guess how'd you get to thatpointyeah so once you have something thatyou're like hey this is working out it'smy passion the way you end up getting tothat is just two iterations sure no thisis perfect out of the box what your theidea you start with is typically notgoing to be the idea that you end upwith or the kind okay just learning fromiterations and continually of onlinefrom point A to B to C to D etceverything is an evolution rightFacebook is the same as it was when theyfirst came out Tesla's probably changeda few times Spacek etc right all modelschangecool and so what was one of yourbusinesses that you can you start it outone way that's totally different thanwhere you started from today crazy itwas just supposed to be a heat maptechnology but it shows you where peopleclick on where they don't right now it'sa be testing product right okay whatwe're deciding he maps are cool that'sgreat you should still keep them butisn't the goal conversions how can wejust make it as automated as possible sopeople don't have to look at reportsright what kind of current reportingtool now we're just trying to do as muchfor themcool awesome him and then what's thebest advice you ever received focus Ihave a TV issues in which I try to dotoo many things someone once told me tosmoke someone business and go for ityeah I know entrepreneurs we had thatwhole shiny object syndrome and you getdistracted too many ways and like yousaid it's you gotta have that focus andI think that's what gives you the mostyou know drive forward and the mostmomentum and everything as well so wellcool well so what's one device you can'tlive without and my phone but I don'teven need a fancy phone I have an oldphone do you want have Gmail on thereI'm good to gooh nice no iPhone or Samsung nothinglike that huh well I have an iPhone isso really old by the old model okay as Idunno if you're still like hey I got myflip phone I get I just got an iPhone 5this year I used to have a four foreverlike over two years old and once theydid a software upgrade it really sloweddown the phone sure such a lag that oneof my buddies gave me that old five andat that time the six was already out sojust the 5s but the six and now the newversion of the iPhones coming out orsomething like that I think today ortomorrow but okay this phone she'll askme another year or two yeah no that'scool as funny as I get a lot of peoplethat do say the phones and then theother day he was Tucker max he's like ohmanyeah you know everybody has their phonebut I gotta have my Mac that's that's mything I write and I can't I have notmade the full transition to writing onmy phone so no that's definitely cooland then what's one big nugget from ainternet marketing standpoint that youshare with our audience before we gohere one big nugget from an internetmarketing standpoint it really comesdown to test so most people think likeSEO or content marketing or PPC is thenext hottest thing or CROright and I comes down to testing okaywhat one business even if it's in thesame space may not work the best you gota continually test no and that's verytrue whether it's I think internetmarketing whether it's your regularbusiness and you're going out there andyou know you're selling your product onthe street with a REIT I mean you got totest and find out what's gonna work bestwhat's gonna connect with your you knowthe audience that you're looking toattract to your business and everythingso hey man it was a an honor to have youon making Bank Neal and I reallyappreciate your time today thanks forhaving me yeah for sure again thanks toNeil Patel for coming on making BankI am Josh Felber and it was great to behere today get out and be extraordinarymaking Bank is also available fordownload on iTunes and stitcher
