eCommerce SEO: How to Bring Organic Traffic to Your Online Store

– eCommerce marketing is competitive.Google wants you to spend
money on paid advertising.So how do you rank your set organicallywithout spending money on paid ads?Hi everyone, I'm Neil Patel, and today,I'm going to teach you how
to bring organic trafficto your online store.(upbeat music)Before we get started,make sure you subscribe to this channel.If you're on YouTube, click
the alert notification.That way when I go live, whether
it's on Facebook, YouTube,or LinkedIn, you'll get notified.Question for you.How many visitors do you have per monthgoing to your eCommerce site?Leave a comment below with the number.The reason being is, and your URL,so that way I can go back and seeif you're improving over time and seeif you're leveraging these tactics.So step one, identify
how people are searchingfor your products on Google.You got to do keyword research.I want you to go to Ubersuggest,look at your products that you're selling,type them into Ubersuggest.It'll give you suggestions for allthe other keywords that
people are typing in.Some of them will be more
popular than your keywords,some of them will be less popular.But it'll give you an idea of
what people are looking for.If you don't know what
people are looking for,how do you know what to
optimize your pages for?The second step, I want you to look upyour competitors in Ubersuggest.Type in their URL.Once you type in their URL, I
want you to do a few things.The first is go to the Top Pages section.The Top Pages section shows
you all their pages, more so,that are ranking in Google, the keywordsthat each of those ranks for,
and who's linking to them.This is important because when
you have similar products,you want to be able to hit up those peopleand ask them to link to you.You also want to look at what
keywords you're targetingso you can make sure you're
targeting the same keywords.Then, I want you to go
to the Keywords Reportin the Traffic Analyzer.The Keywords Report
shows you a laundry listof all the keywords that
are ranking for them,from the most popular
to the least popular.This again will help you figure outwhat keywords you should be targeting.Without this, you won't know whereto focus your attention on.Step number three, I want you to optimizeyour product pages for those keywords.I'm talking about include those keywordsin the title tag, the meta description,within your product description, right?It needs to be everywhere, H1 tags.By doing that, search engines will knowthat you're targeting those keywords.The next step, optimize your pages,especially the product
pages, for user experience.Here's what I mean.Everyone thinks about eCommerce SEOslike I need to build links,
I need to pop in keywords.Yes, that is important.But if people get a terrible experience,they're going to leave your site.If they leave your site,
they're not going to come back.Google's going to notice
a high bounce rate.Boom, your rankings are going
to tank, or in some cases,they're never going to
go up because you weren'tranking in the first place.But you optimize that user experience.Have beautiful images,have videos that showcase your product.Have reviews, whether they're good or bad,just reviews that are transparent.All this stuff helps
improve the user experience,helps you build trust,helps you get more sales in the long run.It also helps you rank higher.Next up, I want you to build links.You already used the
Ubersuggest tool to seewho's linking to your competitors, right,based off their top pages.You take those URLs,
you're looking at them.I want you to hit up each of those sitesand send them an email that
goes something like this.”Hey John, I noticed you
link to XY and Z site”and I have a similar site
with a similar product.”You can check it out here.”Mine also covers one, two,
and three that theirs didn't,”which provides a much better
user experience for audience.”If you like it, feel free to link to it.”Cheers, Neil.”It's that simple.Most people are going to ignore you,but you're going to get a lot
of links when you do that.The next step, continually
update your pages.Here's the thing that no
one really talks aboutin Google's algorithm.You know what one of
the biggest factors is?How fresh is your content?Have you noticed that
Wikipedia continually ranks?It's because they constantly have peopleupdating their content and their pages.If you're not doing that,
you won't rank as high.Next step, interlink your products.For example, if someone has a car matand that's what they buy from your siteand you're like an auto eCommerce siteselling all these car products,someone buys a car mat, you
know that they're worriedabout getting their car dirty
or they want it weather-proof.So you may end up selling
them things like a car cover.So find all the relevant thingsthat are related to that car mator any of the other
products that you sell.Cross link them, cross
promote them together.Not only does that help
increase total cart size.It helps increase the
linkages that's flowingto all your pages, so they
all end up ranking better.The next step, make sure your
site is mobile compatible.And what I mean by mobile compatible,don't just have your site,
you know, be responsiveand your checkout work on a mobile device.I'm talking about having your
site also load extremely fast.If it loads fast, you
have good page speed,what you'll find is your rankingsfor all mobile drastically increase.Page speed is more important on mobilefrom everything that
we've tested than desktop.So the mobile experience is
not just about responsiveand the user experience.It's also about speed.And speed not only
improves conversion rates,it also improves your rankings.Last but not least, use schema
markups for your product.Doing this will help your rankings.You'll combine all of this, you'll findthat your eCommerce site can rank.Sure, you should still do paid ads,especially if they're profitable.But you should do both.Go after the SEO traffic and paid.If you need help marketing
your eCommerce store,check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital.If you enjoyed this
video, like it, share it,leave a comment, let other
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