Simply Explained: Lone Worker Protection with ecom

hello my name is hello my name isChristopher limbruner and I am KeyAccount Manager at pepper land folkstoday I'd like to show you how to make aloan worker safe using our hardware andwith no need for double staffingespecially in the oil and gas chemicaland pharmaceutical industries employeesoften work in hazardous areas speciallycertified hardware from the new pepperland folks brand EECOM lets you enterthose areas without worrybut risks still remain anything fromreleased gases to general risks likebreaking your leg or having a heartattack using special software on ourrobust and explosion protected devicesyou can keep your loan workers safe inthis video I'd like to introduce you toan overall solution that combineshardware and software so how does analarm work on the one hand theapplication on the device communicateswith the Emergency Center on the otherhand the app uses the existing sensortechnology and the buttons on the smartphone we distinguish between two typesof alarmsfirst there's the voluntary alarm theemployee is still able to set off thealarm himself for example by using thered button then there's the automaticalarm that can use the position sensorto detect if an employee is motionlessfor a long time in a horizontal positionadditionally it's possible to set atimer that will trigger a pre alarm oncethe set time has passed if the employeedoes not deactivate the pre alarmanother alarm is set off the thirdoption is an acceleration detection thedevice is able to detect rapidacceleration within a short period oftime when it comes to software wecollaborate with different companiestoday I'd like to show you a solutionfrom our partner Swiss phone on thisdevice you can see the Swiss phoneapplications there's a bar in the middlethat shows an overview of the parametersthat are currently active in my examplethe localizationand the man down aren't active and youcan see the yellow emergency buttonwhich has the same function as the redbutton there are also several settingsoptions that allow alarms countdowntimers and other features can be definedand configured and you can use the homebutton to go back to the main menu anduse the device normally in the statusbar on the top of the display you cansee that the app is still active andthat the user is still protected whileusing the smartphone normally let's talkabout the emergency center in ourexample the emergency center is runningon an explosion protected tablet fromEECOM in companies it is usuallyconnected to the control room or thegates it's also possible to outsourcethe emergency center control to serviceproviders as you can see there areseveral personal alarm devices listednext to the status you can see whichperson has been assigned to the deviceadditionally you can see the emergencycalls the incoming alarms and at thebottom of the screen there's an actionplan that has to be executed in case ofan alarmnow let's simulate a man down emergencyto do that we'll put the device in ahorizontal position in effect anemployee is now lying on the groundmotionlessly and not able to set off analarm himself after 30 seconds the prealarm goes off if the employee isunconscious and not able to switch offthe pre alarm or bring the device backto an upright position an emergencyalarm will be sent out automatically dueto the loud alarm employees around mightbe able to help immediatelyadditionally the emergency appears inthe emergency center there an employeehas to answer the call on a map he cansee where the device is which allows himto see where the employee is the nextstep is to read the rescue plan so thatthe employee knows exactly whatto do this action plan is definedindividually and set up with everycompany in advance now the employee canenter a protocol and save it to thearchive after that he can complete theemergency call in our case the emergencywas detected via GPS but GPS is limitedindoors especially where there areseveral floors so we offer anotheroption Bluetooth beacons allow devicesto be detected with an accuracy of up toone meter indoors the complete solutionthat you've seen now combining hardwareand software is certified by the Germansocial accident insuranceaccording to VG are 139 if you have anyquestions please feel free to contact usthanks for watching and see you nexttime
