My Friend Who Makes Millions (eCommerce)

all right so we are here with Noahbrewer who I'm gonna let introducehimself like I said he's been a goodfriend of mine for many many years Iwant to have him give you his take onwhat he does between commerce and how hegot into that so give a quick rundownwho you are where you're from your agewhat you do yeah so basically I'm fromConnecticut and my main focus isFacebook Ads not not really a huge lightShopify guy you know like running my ownstores and stuff I'm just getting intoit but kind of how I started was youknow taking people that already had awinner and moving them into look-alikesthrough Facebook you know about I don'tknow two years ago I mean two to twoyears ago and two months ago to be exactand basically just this whole time I'vejust literally solely focused onmastering Facebook Ads you know justlearning through doing and you knowthrough you know along the journey I'vebeen able to to help out a lot of peopleyou know there's clients students youknow they're gonna grow a lot of storesand see there's the specific angle asidefrom the bonus point of having a hugewater bottle which is key no single-useplastic even this is shameful anywaysthis should be metal by the way what sothat's the angle of what he's takenwhich is an interesting thing and kindof jumping in a more of a clientperspective people who already have abusiness that doesn't necessarily haveto be on Shopify but doing e-commercenonetheless for the most part you knowsome things for other offers and like atone point other companies right you'redoing Luminess ma yeah but stillFacebook ad so that was his angle istaking something that's already workingand then being able to really scale itand see success and find new audiencesthrough the use of look like audienceswhich for those who don't know that'sbasically a piece of data it's anaudience on Facebook that can allow youto reach a lot more people that youhaven't reached before we're similar toan existing customer yeah so explainkind of what that's been like over thelast two years and it kind of the fineindivid you know what you've learned andyou know how you were able to scale itand kind of where you're at now witheverything yeah so I follow I followed afew different methods over the past twoyears starting out was really reallyconservative with budgets and all thatbut in the first six months that I wasactually doing Facebook ads I managed togenerate my first million in salesacross like maybe I don't know four orfive stores you know just basicallytaking testing products finding a winnerand then scaling it up you I was usingone method in the beginning and then Iwas following another methodI don't know mid well last year that'skind of when I discovered worldwidetargeting yeahgoing really broad and then and then youknow so on that first strategy that Iever learnedwe basically generated about a milliondollars in sales in six months yeah thefirst six months like six months beforethen I didn't even know what likeinterests were it's a good good start toyour e-commerce career yeah exactlyand I had a mentor which helped me outinsane the amount because I hadobviously no clue what I was doing andhe kind of held my hand and let me youknow let me down that road he lives downin Florida right yeah so he startedgoing down to Florida – and you've beenable to travel as well she's been coolyeah I went to Florida to meet him I methim in Ohio which is where he lived youknow a couple years ago and when we wereworking together but after I discoveredworldwide that's like when everythingchanged because just with worldwidetargeting alone I've been able togenerate over 5 million you know there'sno big there's like you know that thatone little curve and this is why Ialways say that people think FacebookAds are like getting worse or whateverbut they're actually getting betterpeople think that different means worsebut it really doesn't it just means thatyou have to adjust and take might likeyou might have a couple down monthsbecause you're trying to figure it outagain but once you get back in thegroove it always comes back harderthat's true because Facebook alwayschanges you'll see that every few monthsis a big shift and there's big shipsduring the month every couple weeksthey're changing something right the waythat they have something to react andsomething that might have worked a yearago doesn't workwell now oh yeah so and then you'reimplementing the huge changes which CBOis we can touch on that real quick youknow I don't want this to get into toospecific of like a Facebook ad video butas you were starting to grow you knowwhat was that jump from the first 1million to 5 million like what were youdoing during the time not just you knowin the the Facebook ad side of thingswhich was to kind of the worldwidetargeting but in your personal life wereyou you know did you live on your ownrecently with your parents you buyanything were you traveling like I wantto also give them an insight into whatyou did and how you reacted to that howyou changed yeah so I think it's animportant piece I mean in terms ofmoving out I moved out after I did Imoved out at the beginning of this yearso the beginning of 2019 which was afterI've you know just to give you a moneyperspective it was after I generatedabout three and a half million so I meanthe whole time I was literally just inone bedroom like I didn't even have adesk I was working on my bed you knowand like yeah that'll give you a goodperspective of you know what I did andby the way I'm I just turned 19 so I wasstill like 17 or 18 at the time so itwasn't a big deal you know staying withthem which was probably a mistake like Ishould have left earlier but it's hardto regret when things work yeah I meanby the way after I moved I made way moremoney you know that's interesting that'san interesting point moving out you canmake a lot more money because especiallysurrounding yourself with the rightpeople which you didn't get to do a hugeamount of you were still in Connecticutat the time but you know the amount offocus you don't have like you know kindof people around you're just in your ownspace there's nobody bothering youyou're not hearing the noise of a forkdrop in the kitchen like little thingsthat do throw you off wanting to thinkabout but nobody's telling you to takeout the trash yeah like the trash pileup yeah but like the biggest differencewas like after we hit the first millionwhich was a huge like accomplishment forme we we actually I met up with a bunchof guys out in Lausannethis was like Juna last year and youwere there as well but there I had a fewclients with us you know a couple of theclients that we made really successfulyou know like Patrick and John you knowpeople like those and that was like thewake-up call that you know this is areal you know this is tangible becausethe whole time I was just sitting in myroom so like it doesn't really I meansure the money comes in but until youget out in the world and use it itdoesn't really feel like anything yeahso it's you know seeing that was reallythat's what made it real and you knowyou know you mentioned the differencebetween what it took to get to 1 millionand what it took to get the to 6 nowit's literally just which is probablymore than six now I don't know how tosay don't really keep count anymore butit's it's literally just putting my headdown and just keeping keep keep onreplicating you know like I could easilyyou know just sit back stop growing somany stores like right now I think I'mworking on like 50 stores with differentpeople so how are you running 50 storebut that's a lot to put it inperspective for you guys I'm working onabout a dozen which is a lot for me cuzyou know normally I have my couple mainbrands and anything else I'd do is extraits additional trying to really reallyscale horizontally how are you running50 so I mean I'm not necessarily runningthe stores I'm basically controlling themarketing for them so obviously otherpeople do the work like I don't reallydo anything besides consulting so youknow these are people that are lookingto get their stores you know asuccessful like they're looking to findwinners test better products theyalready have a winner and they want toscale so basically they just do all thework and I just take control of theirwhole system so we just meet a coupletimes a week so I have a lot of meetingsalright you meet with a lot of people soyou're partnering with people whoalready have something going and youjust scale to the note yeah exactly Imean it's more about taking takencontrol you know for the better of meand the better the people you know it'sit's kind of like you know would yourather work with somebody that has grownlike three or four stores and and theyhaveI guess success a few times or would yourather gross work with somebody that isdoing it with like 30 different peoplecurrently yeah you seen every littleangle I got a total bird's-eye view of alot of different accounts so ifsomething goes wrong I know right awayyou know if if something new is workingreally well I know right away ifFacebook changes the policy I know likeliterally the same day so it gives youan edge yeah and and and like I said Icould easily like like just like youjust like most entrepreneurs out therewe can easily drop everythingstop working 10-hour days and just gosit somewhere and just do nothing ortravel the world or whatever and andthat's how you don't get from one tofive million you know I think it's trueyeah so so you know in order to get fromone to five you really just have tocontinue doing what you're doing likedon't let don't let it get to your headand keep your eye on a bigger goal it'sthe same thing as your first thousand tofive thousand your first ten to fiftythose are all big ships your 5x seensomething at any point that 5xmultiplier is a huge huge movement ofyour your income your net worth whateverit is I mean five is big so do you thinkonce you're at 10 million going to 50you're gonna slow down or there's itlike you know what's kind of the wholething of you know when is enough enoughit's not really the money it's that'syour career it's working that's what youlike to do you're helping a lot ofpeople and since you're so spread outhorizontally there's so many things youget to be on top of it but there's alsoa bunch of different income streams yeahI know I believe when you're testing youknow that much horizontally thatbandwidth you're gonna eventually evenif a bunch of them you kind of work okayyou know but the 13th one is gonna boomyou're right in the twenty ninth oneboom so you're gonna be able to find alot more really big winners out of thatthen you know divert most to yourattention on of those yeah I mean onewhen I hit those numbers it's it's gonnabe no different than right nowI've always been focused on you knowjust making the right moves and you knowthe the revenue or the money will followyou know so right now I'm literally justfocused on you know you knowdoing the right things with Facebook inthe accounts you know testing the rightproducts and and you know when I am at15 million 20 million I bet I'm gonna befocused on the same exact thingnothing's gonna change yeah it'll justtake more time and sure I might havebigger stores and like I think thebiggest store that I've grown so far is1.4 million in two months so they coulddefinitely go bigger like we can do wecan do two million in 30 days righthonorable you know it's always smalltweaks with Facebook guys we're at onelittle angle one difference boom youknow that's why him being able to have50 different things he's working onallows you to find that thing a lotquicker so I do want to touch real quickyou're reeling it back again kind ofmore on the back and not just thebusiness because I believe this is socrucial I used to be curious about thisnow that the money is flowing in andit's been flowing in you know how haveyou handled taxes anything you'vepurchased are you doing otherinvestments you know where you addacross the board with other thingsyou're trying to do obviously yourattention is on e-commerce yeah but areyou puttin money elsewhere we know howare you structuring the back end becauseyou know I believe it's not just gettingmoney it's also managing them well yeahso accounting I don't do I don't worryabout accounting at all I just paysomebody to do it it's literally soconfusinggood timing Zubat it's a pain in thebutt it's time-consuming it's everythingthat I don't want it to be so I just youknow I think I pay somebody like 6 or 7grand a year just to do bookkeeping so Iknow you know it so I can have estimatesand stuff yeah so which is a lot ofmoney I might move to a cheaper one butI mean at the same time I don't knowmuch about it so I just kind of wentwith the one that I trusted and that'sthe one that I trusted so now that Iknow a bit more I might shift into adifferent thing in terms of likeinvestments I have I bought one rentalproperty about three months ago there'sa little triplex and then I'm gonna buyanother hopefully four unit when I getback to Connecticut so hopefully in thenext month and then after that I want toget another four unit and and those arejust strictly cash flow byes you knowjust to get you know the monthly incomenot a lot of appreciation or anythinglike weirdlike you know 12 to 15% returns everysingle year so that's just the marketwhere I'm at it's different everywherebut yeah you know with that with thatcash flow I think it's a really goodtime to buy there and a lot of peoplesay it's not but it really is so what doyou want to do long-term with realestate is there something specific isthere you know you're starting to buylike you know three or four unit placesdo you want to get a 50 unit a hundredyeah yeah so I go to hotel developmentthere's a bunch of different angles yeahI mean really after after I have likefour or five you know based residentialmultifamily buildings I'm probably justgonna 1031 them into you know I don'tknow four or five would probably beworth about three hundred thousand so Icould probably I'll probably end upputting three hundred thousand down onlike a 1.1 1.2 million dollar apartmentprobably 15 units ish somewhere aroundthere maybe actually pulling closer like20 to 30 units if I buy it where I'mdead depends on what I wear yeah andhe's solely an investor he's not youknow the tenants are not calling youyou're not at the property like you knowdealing with anything you know propertymanagement company so strictly afinancial investor for it just forpassive income yeah I mean whereasattention is on e-commerce I want tomake that very clear yeah I mean likeright now I only have two tenants youknow cuz I gotta get I gotta get onerented out and then I'll have three butlike they I mean I don't have a propertymanager right now and I haven't hurtlike the only time I heard from them waswhen they were asking me how to pay rentso I mean even even then it's not a painin the butt but you know I need to goout and get a property manager and doall that when I get back to Connecticutyeah it's mainly because I'm so focusedon e-commerce I move so slow in realestate it's kind of like I had to getthis damn unit renovated and it's takenme like two and a half months forsomething that would take a normalinvestor like a week just because it'slike do I go fix this and that so I canget it rented and make $900 or do I stayhome and make six grand opportunity costbut that nine hundred would be a monthsix grand would be one time so you knowit's move slowerget it do the math so I like that butyeah so it's kind of what he's focusedon you know in the now and long term Iwould very much so like to open it up toany questions or if you want to checkback in the comment section over thenext few days once we post it I'll gothrough it as well to kind of pointanything out to him and make sure we getsome answers going but we'd love haveloved to have a discussion with you guysif you have any questions ecommercerelated and real estate anything for himfeel free to either drop in the commentsor follow him on Instagram I'll leave itlinked in the description down below butit's been an interesting journeywatching you do that I mean I've knownyou since we were sleeping on a couchthree people in a room you know doingdoor-to-door sales and negative tendegrees in the snow I mean it's it'sthree years is a quick period of time soit's been crazy got to appreciate whatyou have so definitely keep working keeppossible in an e-commerce is somethingyou want to do feel free to check outother videos on this channel feel freeto ask us any questions either onInstagram or here on YouTube we'd loveto help you out with that being saidmake sure to drop a like subscribe tothe channel go check out his stuff Iwill leave it linked in the descriptiondown below but that being said weappreciate you guys tuning in we'll seeyou in the next one peace
