How to Create an Ecommerce Brand

[Music]hi guys Greta here and today I'm goingto be covering how to create ane-commerce brand over the last six yearsI founded for multi-million dollarecommerce brands including skinny meatyv and drop bottle what I've learned isthat there's a fundamental difference ine-commerce the difference betweencreating an e-commerce store andcreating an e-commerce brand a lot ofaspiring entrepreneurs I talk with don'tunderstand why brand is important oreven what the concept of brand is abrand isn't just your branding it's notjust a name a logo or even a product abrand only exists in someone's mind abrand is a perception created both viaexperience and Association this can beboth factual for example the productcomes in a yellow box or emotional forexample it makes me happy I'm luckyenough to work in the same space as oneof the world's top digital brandingagencies love and money in Melbournethey've worked with top brands likePolaroid and Frank body and won awardsfrom the likes of Shopify love and moneyand my go-to for all things branding andthey've worked across all of my brandsto date so when I was thinking aboutwhat I chat with you guys about todayI turned to Toby their creative directorand asked that annoyingly broad questionwhy is it important to have a brand andoff the top of his head he answered abrand is something that you can selleven if you no longer have any productsor services to sell if you have noequity in your name something peoplebelieve in buy into and see valuing thenyou have no brand his answer was perfectexactly what I was looking for as ithighlights the importance of building abrand think of an ecommerce store youneed products on that store for it to beworth anything if you just want to makesome money in the short term go for itrun a store make some sales sellsomebody else's products I get that it'smore than fine but it's just not whatexcites me I want to build somethinglonger-term and more sustainable thenone day if I- I want to be able to sell it not justfor a sales multiple I want to be ableto create the brand equity and goodwillthat will skyrocket the valuation of mycompany so if you like me and you wantthat – you'll need to consider brand sonow that we understand why building ane-commerce brand is important we canmove on to how to create an e-commercebrand so I had a chapter shell thefounder and director of love and moneyabout what a good starting point theecommerce startups is when they'rethinking about brand and Showell saidnot all businesses need a full brandstrategy what our businesses do need isa clear idea of what why and how they'redoing any great business is defined byideas and action plans and these need tobe as succinct and distinct as possiblewhat love and money offer most startupsis what they call a brand 101 which isdesigned to be short enough to beunderstood easily sharp enough toclearly differentiate your business fromthe market and fluid enough to includewhatever might be pertinent for yourbusiness so what elements exactly shouldyou be considering in your brand 101personally when I think about creating abrand I always start with the four V'syour brand vision values voice andvisuals and the way there's need to becommunicated needs to be consistent andcreate a connection with your targetaudience the end goal is to build amemorable and long lasting relationshipwith your customer so in terms of it forthese let's quickly cover how we can goabout determining means for your brandso again according to love and moneyyour brand vision is what your businessaspires to achieve beyond your bottomlineyou should be proud enough to share thiswith everyone shareholders employees andconsumers alikeremember that your product should be thesolution to a problem so think back tothe problem that your product wassolving in the first place for exampleyour brand might be a Bri usable coffeecup or keep Cup and the problem yourbrand is solving could be the wastecaused by everyday disposable items andthe damage that causes to our sharedenvironment so your brand vision couldbe to encourage the use of reusableitems to reduce the waste caused byeveryday disposable items and protectour shared environment for futuregenerations when it comes to determiningyour brand valueshave a think about what's trulyimportant to you as a founder your brandand your audience your brand values likethe core of your culture staying ontheme with our reusable copy cup examplethese values could revolve around theenvironment transparency and thecustomer for example I particularly loveWarby Parker's core values which includetreating others the way that you'd liketo be treatedcreating a working environment whereemployees can think big have fun and dogood serving the community and thatgreen is good so do your research aroundother brands you love and see whatresonates with you most strongly when itcomes to establishing your brand's toneof voice I'd start with your brand'spersonality again here love and moneylike to say that every brand has apersonality if it doesn't have apersonality it's not a brand it's just alogo they use what's called the MillwoodBraun index that breaks down humancharacteristics into 20 different traitswhich can be characterized by certainbrand archetypes so there are 10 brandarchetypes from the Joker to the dreamerto the friend to the seductress do yourresearch around these archetypes andpick one to truthy a brand should embodyamong other things this will help guideand direct the tone of voice for yourbrand so moving on to the fourth andfinal V which is visuals which refersdirectly to your branding this is whereyour logo typography or fonts colorspackaging and visual branded contentcome into play a couple of great placesto start when creating a brand a 99designs or canva so do some researcharound these tools otherwise you canalways work one-on-one with a graphicdesigner or a branding agency like loveand money so that's the four beerscovered one last thing I'd like to touchon before we finish up is your brandpositioning and creating a unique valuepropositionthese are a really important way todifferentiate your brand from a sea ofothers on the market your brandpositioning can be seen as the way inwhich you design your company's offeringto occupy a distinctive place in themind of your target audience one greatway to think about this is throughcreating a unique value proposition oruvp this is a single clear compellingmessage that states why you're differentworth buying for example at my brand vour brand was different because we onlysold our watches on the fifth of eachmonth for five days so you want to findyour point of difference within themarket and articulate exactly what thatis to your target audience again herewhat you want to think about is theproblem that your brand is solving andhow you can solve it in a different waysome areas where you can highlight yourpoint a difference are your productsdesign function price and time that it'savailable so when it comes to designsome trends to look at could bepersonalization or customization trendslike adding your customers initials toyour design when it comes to changingthe functionality of their product youwant to solve an existing customer painpoint with that product so for exampleif you drop your iPhone a lot aprotective phone case or if you take alot of selfies a case that creates theperfect lighting when it comes to priceyou want to consider whether you'regoing for a lower direct to consumerprice point which is more accessible tothe masses or a more exclusive higherprice point so consider how your brandis different and how to communicate thiswith your target audience so that's aquick intro in how to create ane-commerce brand if you need moreguidance I'd consider checking out mycourse with founder called start andScalia online store which takes youstep-by-step through finding a trendingproduct idea branding manufacturingbuilding an audience launching andscaling your e-commerce brand so thanksfor watching guys and if you want morecontent from myself and the founder teambe sure to hit subscribe below thefounder mission is to help you create anass-kickin business and help you learnstraight from the mouths of world-classfounders get your free printed editionof founder magazine featuring SirRichard Branson just covered shippingand handling at founder com forwardslash Bransonyou
