Ebooker – Android Ebooks App (PDF, Firebase, Material Design, Admin Panel, Admob, FCM)

BUY FOR $18.00

You can download the demo of Booker app here


Ebooker – Android Ebook App (PDF, ePub, Firebase Books App, Material Design, Admin Android App).

Ebooker – An Android app to read the Ebooks of different categories for free. User can login and register, search books, search books by their favourite authors, can read their book online, download their favourite Ebooks to read it offline, share the Ebooks with their friends via various social media platforms, can manage his profile.Users will also get a notification whenever a new Ebook gets uploaded. User can also contact the admin via Email from Settings.

Ebooker Admin -This is and Android Admin Panel App. Admin can search the users by their name and email, upload various Ebooks, can edit Ebooks, edit or add the categories from Admin App.Admin can also change the message which will apppear to user while sharing the app via social media platforms.

The source code of both the App are well organized and so its very easy for a new developer to understand.
The documentation is very much user friendly with video references of the steps.  The admob ads and Firebase setup is already done and so you just need to connect the app to your Firebase console.

The Key features and highlights are:-

  • Firebase Cloud Messaging Implemented.
  • Well organized code.
  • Clean And simple UI
  • Ebooks available offline
  • Facebook Shimmer Effect implemented.
  • Admob ads ready
  • Less Application size to attract users.
  • Material UI design.
  • Bottom Navigation with animations.


Please let me know your feedback and suggestions for this item in the comments section. If you have any query please feel free to contact me via my EMail or throught comment section down below.

