Is THIS the BEST ECOM TIP For your store?

what's up everybody its Lucas herewrapping up my first week at gorgeous inNew York City filming the vlog introshere in the bathroom because thelighting is beautiful check it out Iguess we can even do it like thatgoodnight but wanted to share I'm gonnabreak it down into two videos the firstvideo is gonna be about sharingecommerce tips for you that wasn'tmostly filmed at commerce next the nextvideo is going to be who has the best tosweat so I'm going to in this firstvideo a lovely film at Humber snackswent around asking people for their beste-commerce tips it's all about the pixelspend where you have a pixel I'm Dannytang of the founder and CEO of box oohwe're the only Japanese subscriptionactually the only subscription I know ofin the world that partners directlythese 100 plus year old family snackmaker businesses and our keys throughoutJapan to source their amazing artisticalfamily recipe products from Japan to thewhole worldmy big tip for getting prepared for theholidays or during the holiday ecommerceboom for Black Friday to Januarywhatever is to definitely step upwhether it be using real freelancerswe're using gorgeous plus like a simplerintegration where you can get likefreelance data a I enabled the customersupport help but most importantly is ifyou're gonna have delays we've had thatlast year where just like we got aton of new orders coming up me a greatproblem to have but um definitelyproactively message that to yourcustomers to let them know that there'sgoing to be a delay they are generallyvery understanding the worst thing youdo is just like try and wait it out andpassively react to their complaints theyget real bad and they will blast you allover social media and review sites soproactively message people who aregenerally very understanding you they'retransparent with them especially ifyou're SMB they understandhey it's his math mercy here in Cleowe're an email marketing company anautomation platform for e-commercebrands not works over 19,000 bankcustomers and a quick email marketingtip we find that exclaim yo if you havemore data you can do better segmentationand with better segmentation you cansend to less users than to batching lastand reduce unsubscribe by upwards of 50%having a clearer more healthy list andhaving sustainable hello I'm Liana Iwork for Birchbox Birchbox is asubscription Beauty service you're ableto buy a box sample some products andthen if you like them you can buy thefull size personally for my customerservice team I think the best advicethat we've ever gotten is share yourcustomer feedback whether it's feedbackfrom one person or 100 people everyquote counts hi my name is Greta I'm thesenior manager of the customerexperience team at bauble bar it's afast fashion jewelry e-commerce companyand ran the earrings right now so Iwould say that one thing if you areleading or managing a customer supportteam is to have transparency with yourcustomer no matter how big or small thecompany is the customers will alwaysappreciate the transparency no matterhow sticky the situation is that you'rehelping them with it really does go along way and honesty and transparency ofthe customer knows that you're just areal person to another real persontrying to help them especially duringthe crazy hectic holiday[Music]you[Music]
