How To Crush Q4 ECOM With EBAY! Top SEO / Promoted Listings Shortcuts!

what's up J our business welcome back tothe channel I know it's been a whilesince we posted but we have good reasonwe have been doing so many things withthe cars and we've been doing so manyawesome things with our channels yeschannels plural we have three what theheck am i doing three channels nowjunior garage which you guys areprobably familiar with junior businesswhich you're watching on now and then wejust launched junior aviation anaviation specific channel for all of uswho love planes and flying in all thatgood stuff if you guys didn't alreadyChristian and I have a huge passion foraviation and flying and that's why wedecided to make this third channel and alot of you guys kind of pushed us andsaid hey you know do it we'd love to seeit we'd subscribe so we're like alrightlet's do it so it is currently live Ithink we have three or four videos upthere now so be sure to go check it outand if you go over and subscribe nowyou'll be just in time for the giveawaywe're doing so anyone who subscribesyou'll automatically be entered intothis massive awesome giveaway we'redoing so number one prize you and aplus-one guests family member friendwhatever will fly you out to us and wewill all together fly on a private jetyes you guys heard that correctly youcan fly on a private jet all you got todo is subscribe drop a comment on somevideos whatever follow us on Instagramthat would be awesome and we'll bepicking that for the number one prizeand then we'll be giving away a GoProI've had Jared Raj merch some postersthings like that it'll be really reallyfun so it'll be linked down below besure to go check it outin other news in the car world I'm justgive me a little quick update before weget into this awesome video talkingabout e-commerce and q4 how to maximizeyour 2018 but anyway here we go if youguys didn't know already we bought aMcLarenthere she is she's home so we got theLamborghini the McLaren the Ferrari theother Ferrari the Bentley oh and webought a Bentley I don't know there's alot to update you guys on just go watchthe JR garage channel you'll seeeverything but we bought this McLarendon't worry I know it looks reallydisassembled right now that's because weare mounting the new carbon-fiber MSOfront bumper which is gonna make thiscar look so goodso Kristin's gonna be here a littlelater today we're gonna mount that verywe got new wheels coming forth all sortsof good stuff so that'll be some awesomecontent on the Jairaj channel okaynothing be talking that's that's most ofthe updates let's go ahead and hop inthe Ferrari get a startup to warm startnot a cold start thank goodness becausemy neighbors right there they would notbe happy with how loud this car isactually have to head over to the storeto get some supplies and water for thewarehouse figured perfect opportunity tostick up a GoPro and talk about businessand entrepreneurship so let's get to it[Applause][Music]made it into the Ferrari so I waslooking at the calendar look at my phoneI'm like oh my goodness October is likealmost upon us and I thought perfectwe're about to start q4 quarter for nowfor us and for many many other businessowners ecommerce people q4 is extremelyimportant in any business regardless buton ecommerce especially with holidayshopping Christmas time period all ofthat goodness it is crucial to executeit correctly to make a lot of moneysimple as thatso with our business and particularlycater to a lot of holiday onlineshoppers like eBay is huge in Decemberthat's our best month always so one ofour stores has a lot of old collectiblesafraid for like stocking stuffers thingslike that so obviously a ton ofindustries do super well on eBay inDecember not just ours and in this videoI'm gonna want to highlight a few thingsto get you guys going in the rightdirection and I found a tunnel tunneloverpassalright guys we're back at the warehousewe got all the stuff from the storeinstead of me trying to yell over theFerrari and you're not really being ableto hear me since it's so loud I figuredall right let me just park the Ferrariset up the camera here and talk so youguys can clearly hear me so anyway likeI was saying this video I really want tofocus just on e-bay primarily becausethat's our main source of e-commercesales but you can basically apply a lotof this to Shopify Amazon a lot of thesethings will still hold true over therebut regardless if you guys are goinginto q4 and you're not already one-commerce whether you're just a normaldude who wants to get intoentrepreneurship and have a side incomegreat if you're a pre-existing businessthat isn't already on e-commerce whatare you doing you should definitely beon e-commerce and if you're like me andalready have a store and want to growhere are some trips tips and tricks onhow to do that so I've made plenty ofeBay videos in the past go check themout there's all over the channel thelast two ones were very very in-depthand detailed talking about eBay SEOtalking about five things I think it wasfive or ten things you need to knowbefore getting on eBay or how to starton eBay all that good stuff so you canfind a bunch of good information therebut for this video I want to mention onething that I haven't touched on beforereally gotten in depth on and that iseBay sponsored promoted listings now Ihaven't touched on this before because Iwas still kind of honing it in playingwith it because it's a fairly newlyintroduced program by eBay now a littlebit of background and what they are andwhy they're important and why I'mtelling you about them so before on eBayit was all about SEO get you'relistening to the top of search resultsand that's how you that's how you'regonna drive the most customers to yourlistening get the most sales and beinfront of the most people obviouslythat that's how eBay was and it wastricky to get to the top hone in the SEOthat's why I've made previous videostalk about that while SEO is still veryvery important there is a way to let'ssay speed up bypass a catalyst promotedlistings are a catalyst to getting yourlistings to the top organically now whatdo I mean by that now promoted listingswhat they are you are not paying eBaydirectly hundreds of dollars to get yourlistings to the topor you can sell anything no promotedlistings work by giving a portion ofyour sales to eBay they take a portionof your sales to put your listing higherat the top so you don't pay themanything until your listing sells that'swhat's nice only when somebody buys fromthat listing from the promoted listingput to the top by eBay then they willcharge you so it's pretty fair if youthink about it alright guys so I'm gonnago ahead and hop on my laptop real quickhere and show you guys what thesesponsored listings look like oneimportant note is they blend in prettywell with the other listings so I'mgonna go ahead and search up adidasultra boost for example and we're gonnago ahead and sort by best match andlet's see if we can find sponsoredlistings boom there we go the firstlisting is a sponsored listing as youguys can see in grey small text righthere it's a sponsored that lets you knowit is a promoted listing so for instancethis is not a promoted listening this isnot nope this one is so two out of thetop six are so if we go ahead and clickon this now it looks like a completelynormal listing you can't even tell it'sa sponsor's listing once we're on hereif we go ahead and purchase this itemhowever much percent that this dude setup this listing with that he will bepaying to eBay so if we purchase fromhere he's paying a fee to eBay to gethis listing toward the top with promotedlistings so if we scroll further down wecan see most of these are just genericokay there's one there's another one forexample these two there you go that'show you tell guys it's literally justthat simple just the gray little wordssaying sponsored and that is what letsyou know promoted listings so this guyhe is paying quite a bit to be numberone that's for sure and then I'm alsogoing to show you guys what it lookslike on an item to add the promotedlisting so I'm at the bottom of one ofmy items I just revised it and I can goahead and click boost my itemsvisibility and here I can select therate I can say I want you know twopercent or I want twenty percent it justdepends how crazy you want to goobviously with the trending rate beingeight point one percent if you want togo above that you don't need to go muchabove that to be at the top of the spendgroup but right around 8 percent couldbe the sweet spot again you justto play with it and see what works foryou but that's all you do to change itand then you click update listing orsubmit listing with the promotion andyou are good to go with your sponsorlistening now where is it a good thingand where is it a bad thing believe itor not these remote listings can be veryvery helpful or they can run you out ofa lot of money so you have to be carefulwhat you're doing with them and now I'lltell you which ones to use them on sopromoted listings are fantastic for anew item that you're just putting outthere that you know is going to do wellbut it needs a little these little pushto get it going that's what I usepromote of listings for the most but Iknow it's a good item and maybeorganically it would take weeks if notmonths to get toward the top of searchresults you can start using promotedlistings it'll get toward the top quickbecause you're paying for it of courseand then once you start to get somesales on that item get some reviews getsome positive feedbacks from it get someorganic searches it'll really start tosnowball really quickly like you'll getto their weight quicker than waitingmonths to do it organically and you knowyou are paying something you are payingpercentage of your sales but in the endof the day it's worth it depending onwhat percentage you give eBay and thatpercentage can reign range from 1percent to 100 percent I don't know whyyou would do anywhere toward the top endof that percentage but eBay actuallygives you a trending percentage so basedon your item they'll tell you ok yourcompetitors are you know approximatelygiving this percentage toward theirpromoted listings and you can do abovethat if you're really trying to get tothe top or you can do less than that ifyou just want something up and reallyget some action but not spend too muchor you can just do the trending ratewhatever you decide but that's normallydepending on your category and industryI've seen it where it's 5% to 10%sometimes lower sometimes higher justdepends what you're doing some listingsare good to promote in some other othersaren't the best ones that promote arereplenishable restock able my cash cowlistings as I've talked about before andmy buddy prints actually principal tellyou guys know him he's eBay wizard he iskilling it on eBay we've made videos inthe past before again be sure to checkthem out but he made a video talk aboutfromlistings and you're gonna want to checkthat out if you want to in-depth datarich look at it it'll be linked downbelow or I'll put it up on the screenprints great friend he outlined it andvery very good information over thereand he was on the same same wavelengthof use them on replenishable listings ifI had you know one-off adidas ultraboost maybe your flipper and you foundhim at a Goodwill store at a yard saleor something you bought them from afriend I would not use a promotedlisting for like a one-off shoe that'sit's a bad idea because if a customer islooking for this ultra boost looking forthis price range in this size they'relooking for something very specificanyway they'll eventually find yourlisting if they look hard enough whichthey probably won't they're looking forsomething very specific so if they'regonna find you anyway what's the pointof paying to be at the top and competingwith other people who shouldn't even beyour competition if your customer isvery specific so I would not do it inthat regard prime listings in my opinionwants to get art the restock poultrypunishable items that you know will dogood long term that you can havehundreds if not thousands of quantity upand you can just crank through that'sthe best-case scenario for promoterlistening so now why do why do I mentionall this promoted listing stuff that'sbecause last couple videos I've gottensome comments saying you know uh tobuild up your SEO it takes so long and Idon't know if it's worth it for me eBayseems kind of hard well yes in the pastit was quite quite a long time like Imentioned to get your listings to thetop and to really get cranking on eBaybut with this new promoted listings likeI said it's just a catalyst it can cutyour time by quite a bit meaning you canget started on eBay now like I said youstill need feedback points and somecredibility on eBay because regardlessif people find you through a promotedlisting or normal listing they're gonnalook at your feedback score they'regonna look at your other items let makesure you know what you're doing beforethey buy from you so you still need thatin place so regardless it takes sometime to get going on eBay in that regardbut that is why I highly suggest inevery single video to right now if youhaven't already go open an eBay accountstart buying someitems on there just to get familiar withthe buying side of things and then onceyou're ready start selling some itemsand what if whether you're buyingsomething for a dollar or a thousanddollars you get a feedback point so ifthey leave you feedback you're buildingup feedback so when you go to sell itemsif you have I would say having at leasta hundred at least is good you know I'vetens of thousands and that really helpsbut having more than you know ifsomebody's trying to sell items withthree feedback points a eBay is notgonna be as nice with your SEO andpromoting you because you don't know asmuch of what you're doing on eBay mostlikely and be customers are just gonnabe like ah three points am I reallygonna buy from this guy who's done threetransactions or am I gonna buy from thisguy who's done three thousand so that'swhy feedback is all always alsoimportant that's why I tell you guysevery time open an eBay account it'sfree it's easy to do and just startgetting familiarized with the platformand it'll help when you've been buyingon eBay it'll help knowing what you lookfor and then you can be in kind ofcustomers eyes and you'll think okay Ishould do this isn't this one I'mselling to replicate what I want whenI'm buying so that's why that'simportant but I thought I would sharethat with you guys talk about that newkind of program by eBay it has been veryuseful for me but you gotta hone it indon't don't do don't start with somemassive like budget and don't put thebar all the way up to I'm gonna give 40percent to eBay so I'll be at the top ofall promoted listings you don't want todo that just start little by little honeit in and watch it closely let the dayto do the talking if it works it worksif it doesn't it doesn't and the othertime not not to use eBay promotedlistings is when you're already doingreally really good in SEO now what do Imean by that again if you are a resellerof shoes and you're selling thesereplenishable listings for these ultraboost shoes and you type in adidas ultraboost and you're like number one ornumber two already what's the point ofputting up a promoted listing just tolike compete with your own listingbecause it's not like a promoted listingtakes over your existing listing youonce you put out a promoted listing youstill have your original one out thereand then youanother one for promote for yourpromoted listing a lot of people don'trealize that so if you're already sayyour number one slot and then you put upa promoted listing and you become numbertwo slot you will have the first and thesecond slot one as an organic search andthen one as the promoted listing so ifsomebody clicks on your first one andbuys from there great no fees yournumber one that's that's your non fromone listening but somebody goes yourfirst one clicks out and then wanders toyour second one or you're promotedlisting and buys from there your payingthe fee so you kind of get screwed overthere so just be just be conscientiousof that stuff when your SEO is crankedand you're doing good you don't need todo a promote of the listing that's why Isay use that as a catalyst to get yourlisting going and to get the tractionand the ball rolling build up somefeedbacks build up some reviews on thatpage on that listing and like I said letthe snowball do the rest so anyway backto the overall topic of this videoecommerce queue for get into it ifyou're not already same same thingsapply to Shopify or Amazon queue for isgonna be huge it's gonna be huge for memy store relies on it heavily and likeprints my buddy prints he doeselectronics oh my goodness the amount ofholiday sales he does Christmas presentsall that stuff he is gonna have a pop infourth quarter and he's killing it rightnow so and like I said guys always haveyour eyes open for the next good deal inthe next flip out there if you're juststarting out and you want to just startwith baby steps like that's totally fineeBay is a great platform for that youdon't need to go out and start a Shopifystore and pay all the subscriptions andbuild all your own website it's all donethrough eBay it's simple you can justpost a listing that's that's why it'seBay is very beginner friendly butalways keep your eyes open like I wasjust saying so yesterday case in pointperfect yesterday I was getting dinnerwith my dad and we went to the mall andI stopped by a shoe store that I stoppedin every once in a while like where Ibought my ultra boost just seeing ifthey happen to have any deals and I goto their adidas section and they havethree nmd colorways different colorwaysall on sale for 50 $49.99 and these Ithink they either retail for 130 or 180so that is a super good deal and anyonewho knowsand nmds would know that any colorwaynmd is brand new is worth way more than50 bucks like you can't get him for 50bucks so anyway I look these shoes up onebay just to see what they were sellingfor and make sure there was no like evenbetter deal out there obviously therewasn't the cheapest buy it now listingcheapest like replenishable listing froma reputable seller was $80 $80 for theseshoes when I got them for 50 soentrepreneur says well if I can buy themfor 50 and sell them online for 80 letme do that and flip them and make somemoney and that's like straight-up justretail arbitrage like you're not evendoing anything but middle Manning theseshoes so guys always have your eyes openI'm considering going back there andjust buying a ton of them and sellingthem on eBay comment down below if Ishould do that that would be really funguys comment down below if you want meto do a complete walkthrough videobuying these shoes from the store makingthe eBay listing sharing you guyssharing with you guys promoted listingsmy strategies for that writing theperfect title description pictures whichI've touched on in previous videos againmaking the perfect listing it is alsoimportant but yeah let me know if youwant to see that that would be cool towalk you guys through step by step andshow you guys exactly how you can do itlike I'm not even in the shoe industrybut I know a good deal when I see oneand I can flip it on eBay to make moneyif I want so there you guys have it casein point there are deals everywhere outthere go to yard sales people always askme like where do you find good dealsguys like I started by hustling at yardsales pawn shops goodwill thrift storeslike there are so many good deals outthere you just have to find them likepeople do not want to go through thehassle sometimes I'm selling somethingonline literally as simple as that buylow sell high that's it so I hope youguys enjoyed this video comment downbelow if you want more eBay content I'llbe really happy to make it I absolutelylove eBay as a platform although thereare some things that you always stuff yoI gotta deal with on eBay but overallit's a great platform comment down belowany questions video suggestions leave abig like down the video if you enjoyedit subscribe to this channel if you'renew subscribe to our other two channelshare garage and JRE Aviation's staytuned for all this car stuff it's goingto be crazy next couple of weeks andthanks for watching we'll see you[Music][Music]
