Top Ecommerce Platforms [2019] Speed Dating Style

top ecommerce platforms so
congratulations to finally needing ane-commerce platform today I'm going to
cover my top 20 best online storebuilders it's gonna be kind of like a
speed dating for online platforms solet's get into that right nowbefore we continue take a quick second and subscribe to the channel so you'll be
notified every timeI put out a new video also make sure and watch this video to the end because I'm going todiscuss a couple of e-commerce platforms
that are kind of sleepers that youwouldn't think of also I'm going to show
you which two platforms I use to getresults like this in online sales okay
not all online platforms are createdequally obviously and depending on what
it is you are trying to achieve it'sgoing to dictate what kind of e-commerce
platform you're going to choose ifyou're a local Baker who really just
needs to have some local presence andnot a lot of online e-commerce Elling
and to use the entire breadth of appsthat are available to you then something
as inexpensive or easy to use as Wix orWeebly might be your solution but if
you're a big store who's looking for achange and moving over to a more robust
platform then maybe something likeMagento might be for you so it all
depends on what you're trying to dolet's start my list and this is in no
particular order but let's start my listwith big commerce so with any website
builder ecommerce platform I think whatyou really need to if you want to boil
down what it is you're looking for youwant to make sure that it has
ease-of-use for you the end user areyou're going to need to hire a technical
manager or somebody to come in and dothis or is this something that you can
handle so ease of use is a big one thesecond one is security you have to make
sure that your website is secure becausethe bigger you get the more interest you
get the more attention you draw frompeople that are trying to hack your
business so security is number two andnumber three is speed really it all
comes down to speed these days mobileusers especially will leave your site if
something isn't working the way theythink it should within about three
secondsso speed ease-of-use and security and
BigCommerce has all three of thoseoptions
I would certainly rank BigCommerce veryvery high on my list from anywhere from
a first-time novice user all the way upto an experienced pro so big promise
makes the cut on my top 20 list the nexton my list is Shopify now Shopify hits
all of those same metrics thatbigcommerce does especially with the big
three ease of use site speed andsecurity they handle all that stuff on
the back end I actually did a completevideo guide on BigCommerce versus
Shopify should be a card somewhere inthe upper corner of this video if you
want a more detailed video explanationabout those two platforms these two
platforms but Shopify hits all of thesame markers that BigCommerce does I
think that you could go with either oneof these guys and not hit any kind of
hurdle with setting up an e-commercestore especially one that you're looking
for long-term growth and usability ifthey have a ton of apps that are
available to available to them asthird-party plugins so you the sky's the
limit with shopify bigcommerce now thenext on my list is WooCommerceWooCommerce is also one of my favorite
platforms however it is self hosted youhave to have your own website hosting
you have to do your own security andprevent against hackers and the speed is
up to you so and it depends very largelyupon what hosting company that you go
with but WooCommerce provides a ton ofalmost an unlimited set of customization
because it's an open source platform youcan built on WordPress you can virtually
do anything that you can imagine and youcan keep it running fast you can keep it
running secure but to keep it runningit's going to be all up to you so if you
are more comfortable with doing a littlebit of coding and looking up on YouTube
how to videos for WooCommerce then thismight be the platform
for you because it's essentially freeyeah you have to pay for hosting but
hosting packages are far less than whatShopify or big commerce packages start
at so I really like WooCommerce I havesome low commerce stores running today
as I do with the other platforms butWooCommerce definitely makes the cut on
my top 20 list all right coming in nexton my list is 3d cart a 3d cart has been
around for a long time since about 1997I believe and they were one of the
pioneers for this software as-a-serviceonline store builder ecommerce based
store builder one of their biggestshoutouts is their claim to fame is that
they are super SEO friendly and thattheir stores rank higher due to SEO
performance then most other of thebuilder platform services like we just
talked about you know it's it is a userfriendly system their site speed is
adequate in my opinion although I havenot used 3d car in a long time so it's
on the lower end of the pricing programsfor some of these other platforms but it
makes my top 20 list for surenext on my list is Magento Magento has
been around for a long long time but itis another self-hosted type of platform
just like WooCommerce or WordPress inthat you're gonna need your own hosting
to run it now it is an Adobe companyAdobe acquired them some years back so
if you're a big fan of Adobe thenthere's a leg up for you they do have
free options available but Magento to meseems a little clunky you really need to
have some resources in place to reachout and have help with the technical
aspects because Magento can be a littlecumbersome in my opinion but it is very
much soscaled at our focused at scaling and
towards large business structuresobviously you can use it for a beginning
startup and growth but you're reallygoing to need to have some resources in
place to run the technical side ofMagento ok next on my list is PrestaShop
PrestaShop has both a software as aservice solution like a Shopify and it
has a self hosted solution like aWooCommerce so they do have a variety of
options that will appeal to just abouteveryone and they do have a lower price
point option so if price point issomething that you're concerned with yet
you still want an expanded option ofthemes and resources and apps and things
like that then PrestaShop woulddefinitely be one to at least explore on
your way to making a decisionok next on my list is Squarespace
Squarespace is a pretty big known namebrand you've probably seen their
commercials on the Superbowl and etcthey've been around since about 2004 or
so and they're a software-as-a-servicecompany so everything is hosted with
them shopping cart everything isincluded with their system and it is
pretty easy to use I've seen some reallyelegant looking Squarespace websites
that have been put out but they'resquarely focused squarely focused get it
on e-commerce and if you choose themI don't think that it would be a bad
choice at all okay next on my list isVolusion Volusion is a
software-as-a-service it is a hostedoffering so they take care of everything
the shopping cart they have apps themesyou know it's just a plug in play and
show sort of deal in my opinion I thinksorry the Volusion guys but in my
opinion I think that there are at theirprice point a lot of other systems like
Shopify or big commerce that reallywould be a more seamless or initial
choice than starting with Volusion butit is worthy enough to make my top 20
listokay so next on my list is Weebly Weebly
is a super easy drag-and-drop build yourown theme deal they have some themes
that you can plug in obviously a fewlittle apps and things like that but
Weebly is going to be on your moresimple end of the choice spectrum they
also offer a free version of Weebly itis not super robust but if you're just
looking for something that is free andyou're just starting out
Weebly might be a choice for you if youmaybe have one or two products only in
your store that you're trying to promoteset up with the free option and give
weekly Weebly a try okay and next on mylist is Wix Wix is very very much like
Weebly they offer a free version it is adrag-and-drop interface it it's almost
exactly like Weebly the thing that Idon't like about Wix is it doesn't SEO
really well it's not really SEO friendlya lot of the site links are specific to
Wix and not specific to your SEO thingsthat you're trying to accomplish
so I would not put Wix high on my listjust like I wouldn't we bleep but that's
because I am where I am with mye-commerce journey so I'm a little more
advanced than these guysbut it's nice to have a free website
builder platform in your back pocket tochoose if you choose to choose if you
choose to choose fromand next on my list is x-cart x-cart is
one of the older platforms you can seeright here it's been around since 2001
so going on 18 years of being in themarket x-cart has they boast about the
the cost of ownership for theirparticular platform you just pay a
one-time licensing fee for their systemhowever you do have to have your own
hosting so there will be an Associatedcost with that also there is some range
of technical aspects that you're gonnahave to be comfortable with with x-cart
so knowing that going in it is not astaples easy button push-button solution
like some of the first options on mylist okay next on my list is ecwid and
ecwid is kind of a unique platform theyhave traditional online software as a
service programs that you would expectand they have free ones they start with
free that are pretty robust but whatmakes ecwid unique is that if you
already have an online presence andyou're looking to add a shopping cart to
it a mobile arena a platform ecommerceplatform to your existing website say
you had a nice thirty thousand dollarwebsite built for you five years ago but
it does have does not have any commercecapability you could simply go with
ecwid and that kind of adds on ane-commerce layer to your existing set up
which is certainly nice to have forfolks that haven't had any e-commerce
capabilities in the past okay next on mylist is a bot a cart now they have a
solution very similar to the previousone that I mentioned ecwid and that
allows you to set up says right here youcan sell on your existing website quick
and easy so again if you have anexisting website that does not have an
e-commerce solution you can implement abhante cart right into that and
instantly be selling online probably oneof the biggest hurdles with these guys
is that it takes some technical liftingto get this thing implemented so you
would definitely need to hire some sortof webmaster or program
to implement a bhante cart but theirsolution is definitely sound and sound
enough to make my top 20 listokay next on my list is Big Cartel so
basically if you are in the cartel thisis the e-commerce platform for you
kidding Big Cartel has free options theyare pretty much software as a service so
it's hosted online just plug and playand you can tap right into instantly
having an e-commerce platform they havesome nice-looking templates so Big
Cartel if you're looking for especiallya low you know free entry points
ecommerce platform you could certainlyconsider Big Cartel although it is not
the most robust package at the freelevel you certainly look at exploring
Big Cartelokay next on my list is Drupal Drupal
Commerce Drupal is a online self hostedmeaning you have to host it yourself
open source platform just like WordPressWordPress and Drupal were the big two
years and years and years agoI think Drupal has fallen off a little
bit just by the rise in popularity ofWooCommerce but certainly they have a
very sound back in open sourcetechnology and Drupal chrome Drupal
commerce is a nice complement to that sothey have free options available you
have to get your own hosting andprobably need to get a webmaster to help
set it all up for you but if you areinterested again in a free open-source
version of e-commerce platform thenDrupal certainly should be one of your
top couple considerations for youre-commerce platform next on my list is
GoDaddy so GoDaddy ecommerce GoDaddywouldn't be my first choice but they are
so heavily infused in or dominant in thedomain name space that so many people
have accounts with GoDaddy and the nicething about GoDaddy is you know that
they are going to be around for a longtime a lot of these little website
builder platforms they rise and thenthey fall and they close down so where
does that leave you it leaves you withneeding to export all of your
information and find a new host andmaybe that's why you're watching this
particular video butback to Go Daddy go daddy is one it's
not the most intuitive website builderalthough they tout it to be and it may
have improved over the last few yearshas certainly been three or four years
since I've used it last for a client andI wasn't the happiest with it then but I
think it's worthy enough noteworthyenough to mention on my top 20 list due
to the fact that they're such a big namein the space ok next on my list is moon
fruit moon fruit they have a very ifvery sleek sophisticated looking
websites that they put out it is hostedso they take care of the security and
the speed and things of that nature butthey do also have free options available
again any free hosted software as aservice program that you look into is
not going to be the most robust but itis nice to have that option especially
when you're small and starting out youjust need to be sure that you can grow
into all of the feature sets and thingsthat these platforms offer but moon
fruit would definitely be a good one tolook at to start out with next on my
list is open cart open cart again is aopen source ecommerce platform very much
like Magento or WooCommerce and thelikes you'll need your own hosting so
that'll be a cost but open cart has avery neat and robust service set you can
see with their dashboard and all kindsof management extensions that they have
Open Cart would definitely be one tolook at they have what I do like about
them is they have a lot of videos toreally help you get off the ground and
get started without the need it istechnical but without the need of
potentially hiring a web host or sorry awebmaster to help you get this thing up
and running so opencart makes my top 20list
next on my list is ultra cart ultra cartmakes my top 20 list as a self-hosted
got to host it yourselfplatform it is squarely designed at
small businesses and one-man shops it isfairly easy to get up and running and
make all kinds of modifications andchanges as you go but you know again
anything that's self hosted you're goingto need to be sure that speed and
security of your hosting package thatyou select is paramount so you really
want to make sure that you have thosethings dialed in so that a solution like
ultra cart would run really good for youand last on my list is Yola now Yola is
a hosted solution they do have freeofferings so again if it's a budget
minded decision that you're going afterthen Yola might just be for you it is
certainly worth making my top 20 listand it's worth a minute to peruse their
feature set and see if it's somethingthat appeals to you but Yola is yet
another website ecommerce builderplatform that you might not have thought
of in the first place so rounding out mylist at number 20 Yola hey if you've
made it this far all the way to the endthen be sure and subscribe to my channel
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