The Best Website Builder for Ecommerce!

there are a lot of e-commerce softwarecompanies you could use to build youre-commerce website shopify bigcommercewith gentle illusions Squarespace and alot more so how is anybody supposed toknow which one is bestfortunately I have the answer for youhere's what I did is I found ninehundred and forty four users of the topseventeen ecommerce companies I askedeach user one simple questiondo you recommend the e-commerce softwarethat you're currently using I use theirresponses to calculate a customersatisfaction rating don't worry aboutpausing this video I've linked to thechart in the video description below soI'm going to go through each ecommercecompany and give you a short overview ofwhat I learned from talking to theircustomers you can find a link to each inthe video description below here we goone user summarized 3d Cart well it wasfine 15 years ago when we first openedour company but we're now moving to anew platform basically 3d cart isoutdatedVolusion has the same problem it's anolder company in users complain it'sbuggy and outdated the 27% of people whoweren't satisfied with Magento so it wasdifficult to use users kept mentioningthat Zoe gets expensive for examplehere's one user of you we have to moveto Shopify which costs 25% of sillyhere's another review Zoe's prices go upfast and you can only use importantthings if you use the power plant whichis $500 a month core commerce users wereunsatisfied with the poor customersupport in limited functionality bigcommerce has a lot of flexibility iteven has its own App Store that lets youadd new features to your online storeunfortunately users complain that it canbe clunky and difficult to use GoDaddyonline store was best summarized by oneuser I would recommend it as a basicsite with essential functionality that'seasy to use a fairly priced it justlacks some of the luster andfunctionality of other store builderssupa dupa is simple and being simple hasupside it's easy to use and it's greatfor stores starting out but it also hasa downside it's limitedmarry commerce has had a weird historyit was bought by capital 1 and chapter 1changed the name to spark pay thencapital 1 sold it back to the originalowners who changed the name back tomarry commerce one thing I kept usingfrom America mercy users customersupport is very prompt Big Cartel issimple and like I mentioned with supadupa being simple has upside it's easyto use until it's great restores juststarting up but there's a downside it'slimited wigs is a website builder andWix commerce adds ecommerce to the Wixwebsite builder I'd recommend it forexisting with users but otherwise you'rebetter off with something differentone user summarized PrestaShop bestsPrestaShop is a generic ecommerceplatform that can be adapted with theaddition of modules but it is quitecomplex ecwid is unusualall the e-commerce software in thisvideo will let you build a websiteexcept for equity instead ecwid lets youadd ecommerce onto an existing websitebasically you add their embed code to awebsite and that then embeds ecommerceonto your existing website so if youhave an existing website and you need toupgrade it in order to have oure-commerce you might want to give it aquick I try almost all jump seller usersmentioned the same thing they use jumpseller because they live in Chile andChile has unusual conditions foraccepting credit cards which jump sellersupports Squarespace is a really popularand excellent website builder a coupleyears ago they launched their e-commercefeatures and have been building it upsince then I'd recommend it if you wanta website that mixes in some ecommercerather than just being a simpleecommerce website WooCommerce is awordpress plugin so it runs on WordPresswebsites one user explained it well ifyou use WordPress WooCommerce is thebest e-commerce option out there if youhave never used WordPress before settingup an e-commerce website using muqaamand WordPress can be tricky Shopify thehighest rated ecommerce software userslike it because it's easy to use and ithas a huge app store that lets yourstore become super powerful Shopify alsohas a point-of-sale system for sellingoffline and honestly a long list ofother features you really can't go wrongwith Shopify 97% is just a really highcustomer satisfaction rating there yougo let me know in the comments if youhave any questions I'm happy to answerany of them you can find a link to eachecommerce company in the videodescription below thanks for watching
