Jack Ma: E-commerce is the future

I believe his ecommerce is the futureand e-commerce is going to replace a lotof traditional way of doing businesspeople say in the past 20 years withpoor logistic terrible payment terribleconnection of the internet in the worldthe Stute ecommerce grow like this forour platform alone in China in the past15 years people say our knowledge is theno credit system no financing know thisand know that even that last yearourselves on our platform it's more than750 billion US dollars GMB cellsit's almost ranking number 21 country'sGDP only 20 years imagine without aperfect logistic system without aperfect payment system without blockagein technology they grow like this whatif the next 20 years where all thetechnologies ready when all thegovernment and organizations andentrepreneurs are ready they think thisis a lifestyle this is the way youngpeople live and it's going to be thefuture so ecommerce is not for bigcompany ecommerce is not for thedeveloper the country's ecommerce is fordeveloping countries for young peopleand small businesses because in the pastdays young people don't have chance tocompete small business they don't havechance to compete with the big companiesand developing countries don't havechance to imagine that country likeChina can can grow like this I think aPalo a few years ago I went there thatday I remember I went to ask wherepeople were demonstration right I washappened to be there people hated thee-commerce and southerner there's ayoung the Pulu young man said I usingInternet and I sold my pollute productsto New Zealand Australiawhich I never thought in my lifecouldn't do it without internet so itwould be the future because young peoplelove it anything young people love it ithas the future I think it is impossibleto stop the trainthe world needs trade trade is supposedto way to solve wars if the trade stopsthe world starts this is always Ibelieve trade have to have to be changedand WTO has done great job in the pastyears in order to making sure the worldunderstand each other being up in orderto making sure the trade is theopportunity for everybody but I thinktoday the world has changed because ofthe new technology I was able to say inthe future there will be no made inChinano made in America no made in Peru it'sgoing to be mating on the internet ayoung people connecting each otheronline in the future no matter you likeor don't likewe will enable every young people everysmall business to to buy Global sellglobally and deliver globally and payglobally and travel Google global adjustto maybe with a mobile phone evenwithout a with a passport this is thetrend nobody can stop it soprotectionism and globalizationI think globalization is a great thingyou should not have killed the babybefore even the baby was born todayglobalization is a growing pain andthere were there it's so easy to launcha trade war but it's so difficult tostop the disaster of this war and I'mscared and I concerned I don't think theworld should have the you know don't usetrade as a weapon use a trade as thesolution to solve the problems whenyou're sucking the other country it isyou're sucking those small young smokebusiness young people they were killedjust like your bombing somewhere civilcivilization uske so we believe weshould using the internet usinge-commerce encourage young people themore trade we have the more businesswill come up there are hundreds of waysto solve the problem but there is onlyone reason the one if you want to launcha trade war it's easy but I would say ittakes about 30 years to fix that pain somy view is we should not have a tradewar and we have a plant of ways to solvethe problem and third we should not letthe world global trade controlled bysixty thousand big companies we shouldmake in technology policies toencouraging six million or 16 million or60 million business then can get benefitfrom small business from small businesslike entrepreneurs from Philippine theycan sell globally they can buy globallythis is the future
