hi guys welcome back to my channel todayI'm gonna be sharing with you guys mytop 10 favorite items from Amazon so ahuge shout out to Alexandria garza shedid this video a few months back and Iloved it I thought it was such a greatidea and so ever since then I have beenmaking a little list of my favoriteitems from Amazon and I love themthey're so unique they're so differentsome of them I really don't think youprobably have ever seen before so Ican't wait to share them with youI will link everything down below I'mpretty sure everything is stillavailable because Amazon is amazing withtheir inventory so if you want to shopanything just check the description boxbelow but if you are new to my channelthen hello my name is Shay and I'm soglad you're here I would love for you toconsider subscribing by hitting the redbutton right down below I make at leasttwo videos every single week and I wouldlove to have you back so give this videoa thumbs up if you are obsessed withAmazon like myself do you guys haveAmazon Prime because I do and it's atotal GameChanger I'm obsessed you canget things in two days and it's amazingso the first thing that I'm going tostart with is this weird-looking pouchnow what it is you ask I shall tell youit is something amazing for the mostunorganized organized person out thereso this is more of a travel item andit's for your makeup but what you do isyou actually just put your makeup all inhere and then when you're traveling andyou're in your hotel room or whereveryou are you just open it up and itcompletely displays your makeup and youcan just see everything perfectly youdon't have to like move everythingaround in your makeup bag I do have areally expensive Louboutin and makeupbag but I haven't even been using thatlately because this is so handy and soeasy in the center here there areelastic bands for your makeup brushes soyou can just slide those right inthere's also a zip compartment in thereso if you want to put anything that youdon't want to get lost maybe a necklaceor a pair of earrings sometimes actuallythrow a in there and then everythingelse you literally can just pile onthere and then you just go like that yousecure it with this little plastic cliphere and I literally just stick it in mybag and it is so functional it's so easyit saves me time I don't really have tolay out my makeup is just alreadydisplayed right on the counter for youit does have this little loop here ifyou do want to carry it it's veryinexpensive like I said I'll link itdown below I don't remember the exactprice but it's veryvery very affordable and yeah I wasreally happy with the price the nextitems I am super excited to show youbecause I've actually received a lot ofquestions about them and they are what Iuse for my monthly planner now sothey're for a while I was all aboutagain in the Louboutin planner I have athing for Louboutin but that one endedup being too small for me because I didhave the smallest size so I ended upselling that and I found these on Amazonand oh my gosh these are so cheap Ithink they're like $14 it actually comestogether this is the monthly planner andthen it comes along with a littlehardcover notebook both of these arehardcover I do have it in the marblepattern which is perfect for me but italso comes in a lot of other colors anda lot of other patterns as well so Ilove so many things about this planner Ilove how it has sections for each day ofthe week but it does come with plastictabs already in there for every singlemonth so you can easily skip to JuneJuly December October whatever at thebeginning of each tab is a full calendaron two pages here is July spread it ismuch cleaner but it also comes with thisawesomebookmark and you actually just clip itright into the spiral bound notebook andI do use this all the time because if Iam in the middle of a month like throughthe week I do to stick that right inthere for the day that I'm working onand then I keep this in my purse andthen throughout the day or throughoutthe week I can easily pull it out and Iknow exactly where I amthe very back page does have the futureyear listed on it so all of 2019 s datesare right there and that has come inquite handy actually and then if you dowant to see 2018 s which is the currentyear just at a glance that's on thefront cover and then there are variousnote sections throughout the planner aswell which I also find helpful but Ialso really love this little matchingnotebook that it comes with becauseagain it is hardcover and it's just fornotes and I make so many lists I am sucha list person and so I love how that'scoordinating I love how it's matchingbut at the same time I can keep separatelists of what I need to do that day orthings that I need to do in the future Iknow so many people keep track of thingsin their phone but for me I need tovisually see it and I just need to writeit down it's just so helpful wheneverI'm done with the list like here's oneright now I can just rip it out and Ican throw it away and I can move on tomy next task the next thing that I wantto talk about is pretty small but itpacks a punch I think you guys saw thisin a video where I showed a handbag andI actually didn't talk about it but alot of you asked questions about it it'sactually called a bud Li and it is myearphones holder it's like this siliconematerial it's super soft and squishy andit just kind of flips open like that andit holds my earbuds really really wellit keeps them from not being tangled andthere's a little section right in themiddle that you put the actual earbudsin and then you just wrap it rightaround like that so they don't ever gettangled and they are in a specific spotin my bag and I can always reach forthem and it's just really handy andreally cheap and really cool who everkind of invented this is awesomeI picked gray just because it seemedclean it's gonna hide the dirt reallywell and it kind of just goes with theApple product vibe in a way if you dowant a fun color they have those as wellthe next item that I want to talk aboutis actually a Polaroid camera I believeit's called the snap it is so cool I gotit to kind of take little pictures likeinstant pictures of the boys I want tobuy a little album that I can put all ofthe pictures in I know everybody lovestaking pictures on their phones and I doas well but there's just something abouthaving a tangible picture that you canactually put like on the refrigerator orin the office your bedroom like whereveror in a photo album I rarely take thetime to actually print I know somepeople are great at that they makeamazing scrapbooks I'm sure down theroad I will print very high qualitypictures and actually put them in aphoto album I did start that with theboys when they were very youngI'm very behind on it this is just sofun the boys love taking pictures Ithink I'm actually gonna call them downin this video and take a picture and youguys can see what the quality looks likewhen I actually take a picture but justan overview of this really quickly thereis a lens cap it's just magnetic you canjust take that off and then when youtake the photo you can select if youwant it to be black and white full coloror a sepia shade so I usually do fullcolor I think that just looks the bestbut also black and white is really cooltooyou just hit the on button and then itflips up the viewfinder as soon as youhit the button it does start printingand you get your photo within like 10 to20 seconds there's also this otherbutton right here that you can selectfor a frame or border so when you selectthat it does print out with the classicPolaroid frame again I think that's cuteif you want to decorate like your officewith that picture or maybe therefrigerator but if you're gonna put thephoto in an album I think it's good justto leave it the full frame alrighty so Ijust called thedown and it is Saturday morning Inormally wake up really early in themorning and start filming so that Idon't miss time with them throughout theday so they did just wake up so come onover boys let's have a little cameo inthe video and I'm gonna take a pictureof you so come on in say hello this isPaxton and this is Hayes so I want youguys just stand right here can we take apicture of you one two smile all rightit's gonna start printing see it'scoming out right thereit's so cute it is you Wow does thatlook goodyeah Wow pretty cool here let me showthem so yeah like isn't that super supercute so we do this outside we'll do itin the house we'll do it wherever andlike I said I just want to get an albumand just kind of like make a Polaroidpicture album I think this costs under$90 and then you do have to buy thisZink paper this is super cheap Ihonestly think this is like the perfectgift it's very unusual it's very uniqueI actually purchased this for a reallygood friend right after she had a babyeverybody was buying her baby thanks butI got her this so she could kind ofinstantly document all the cute thingsthe baby was doing I think it's greatfor kids I don't know I just think it'sall-around just a really cool thing sothe next thing that I want to talk aboutis actually my essential oil holder thisis more of a recent purchase for me I'dgot it in the last few weeks but I'vebeen loving it because I am an essentialoil junky I love them so much but forthe longest time I was just veryunorganized with how I stored them I hadsome upstairs I had some downstairs theyweren't in any particular orderwhatsoever and I was always looking fora specific oil that I wanted to diffuseor that I wanted to clean with or treatsomething with by the way thank you guysso much for all of your comments on mylast video I did ask you guys if youwanted to see an essential oils videowhere I talked about all of my favoriteways to use them and I got anoverwhelming response seriously likeevery single comment was doing essentialoils video doing essential oils videoI'd love to see that so that was superinspiring but anyway I found this onAmazon and now I just keep this rightbeside my bed the top is where I storethe black lid essential oils the middleis where I store the white lid thebottom drawer is a little bit larger butI actually haven't filled it up it'sactually where I store all of thestickers beit does come with labels that you canput right on top of the essential oilsit would make it so much more organizedso I really need to take the time to dothat you can color coordinate there areblank ones so you can actually write onwhat it is because a lot of times I dolike to mix my own essential oils andkind of make my own blendalthough Young Living is kind of knownfor their amazing blends I love them Ilove this cute handle up here it's sucha nice detail it's kind of like anantiquey vibe and then if you're not afan of the upright cabinet look theyalso have a version that's more of likea suitcase look it's kind of like atreasure chest in a way so I'll linkthat one down below it just kind ofdepends on where you're going to storethem and what shape and size you'relooking for I do sell Young Living onthe side just because they're myfavorite essential oils and I just buyso much of it it just made sense if youdo want to try them out I mentioned inmy last video that I'm obsessed with thestarter kit just dip your toes in andI'm telling you guys you're gonna gethooked just like me already so the nextitem is another travel item that hastotally revolutionized the way that Itravel so it's called the stow and goand it's the size of a carry-on piece ofluggage but it's very flat but it doescompletely expand and you can organizeeverything that you're taking on yourtrip and then when you get thereyou can easily pull it right out of yoursuitcase hang it right up in the closetand everything is organized ready to gowhen I recently went to Las Vegas I didshow this in my vlog so if you saw thatvideo this is the same thing a lot ofyou wanted to know where I got it soagain it's from Amazon there's also thissection down here that you zip up sothat's usually where I keep like mybathing suit my bras my underwear socksand then throughout the trip I actuallythrow in dirty things in here so as theyget dirty they're separated from therest of my things and I just keep themin there and then when I get homeeverything in this section is completelydirty and I just throw it in the laundrywhen you're ready to pack everything upagain you just put everything in hereand it smooshes it down it can reallysmoosh the air out and make it very veryflat and compact you just stick it rightin your carry-on piece of luggage andsometimes I even have room on topsometimes I don't depending on how muchI'm taking but this is seriously soconvenient such aGameChanger and i highly highlyrecommend itthe next item that I want to show you isanother little item that is very smallvery cheap but I love it it really kindof makes me productive and what it'scalled is today's plan of attack is justa little notepad and it is sticky and itbreaks up your day of to do's in themost critical would be nice not a chanceso basically you just write down all ofthe things that you want to accomplishthat day you break them up into like thevery most important thing the thingsthat you hope to do and then items thatyou probably won't get to but you stillhave it written down so if you do getthrough the whole list and you haveextra time you can tackle it and onceyou write it down it gives you a littlebit more motivation to actually do it soI use this all the time especially onthe weekends like on Saturday or Sundayand since it's a sticky I'll stick itright in the bathroom mirror or I'llstick it right in the kitchen where Ican see it throughout the day like kindof like high-traffic areas it's supercheap and just like a really great itemto just add to your cart and hopefullyit'll encourage you to be a little moreproductive so the next items that I wantto include are my travel coffee mugsbecause they are a little bit differentthan what many people carry so mostpeople carry plastic or metal travelmugs and those are great I mean theydefinitely keep the heat in pretty wellbut honestly I'm a little health nut andI keep reading over and over again howhot plastic even if they are bpa-freeand the metals they do leach outchemicals and metals that we reallyshouldn't be ingesting into our bodiesnow you guys obviously can thinksomething totally different but for meand my preferences I really do prefer tohave ceramic and pure glass I showedthis in another video before it justsays hustle and heart will set you apartso I love this travel mug I'm reallyupset because they actually lost the topto it I think it's somewhere in thehouse but it does come with a brightpink top so I'll link this one but I'malso loving this glass mug there's twolayers in here so when you're drinkingsomething very very hot you're not gonnaburn yourself or anything the top andbottom it does have silicones so it'sreally easy when you set it down itdoesn't make a sound or anything it'sjust called B well I got it in the browncolor because I thought it kind ofresembled coffee but of course it doescome in some really fun colors the lasttwo things I'm actually combining intoone so this is like my ninth and tenthrecommendation from Amazon this is thecrazy suction microdermabrasion tool Iactually talked about this in my lastvideo I'm obsessed with this tool Ithink maybe I'm just gonna start withthis but this is the facial cupping setwhich I'll get to that in one secondboth are great I love them both so muchso I wasn't really sure which to pick Igot them both on Amazon so I just wantedto include them in this video so anywayso like I showed you in my last videoI'll probably insert a clip of me usingit again a lot of people are all aboutthe PMD or the personalmicrodermabrasion tool I've never usedthat but it does seem to get mixedreviews but I found this one on Amazonand the reviews are fantastic it's likealmost 5 star reviews and so many peopleloved it and so I was very intrigued andso I ended up ordering it and I have totell you that I am like not disappointedwhatsoever it is so interesting it doescome with four different heads thisparticular head is more for the actualmicrodermabrasion which it really doestake off kind of like the top layer ofyour skin it makes your skin so smoothso supple it just like really instantlymakes a huge difference in the way yourskin feels but there's also the suctiontools and they come with three differentversions and it kind of centralizes orspreads out the suction depending onwhat you're looking for and it reallysucks out all of like the blackheads andthe whiteheads you like actually see itcoming out of your face which isdisgusting but like I said it's justlike impressive results it doesn't takebatteries so you just recharge it onceit's getting low it's super easy Ialways do this at night I don't do itevery single night I do it probablymaybe once or twice a week and it doesleave your face a little bit red butthen by the time you wake up the nextmorning you're back to normaldepending on your skin sensitivity andyou know like what your skin handles Iwould kind of start out low and thenlike kind of work up to see what's bestfor you now this facial cupping set onthe other hand is also really great it'sprobably not as harsh as this not thatthis you know tool is harsh or anythingbut this is more of like a subtle thingbut again it does make a very noticeabledifference even on the front here itsays it smooths lines and wrinkles it'skind of like a skin detox it's oftenscars improves collagen and elastinwhich is definitely true it tightens andtones facial muscles lymphatic drainagerelief from migraines even reducespuffiness itkind of weird-looking but what you do Iusually put on like a little serum orsomething to make my skin a little bitslippery I guess you just squeeze thissuction it to your face and you don'tkeep it in one spot and then you move itquickly all over your face it reallypulls up like the blood cells to thesurface of your skin it's not like itbruises you or you see you look reallyred afterwards or anything you might bea little flushed but it goes away veryquickly but it really kind of like pullsup the oxygen and the blood cells and itjust repairs so many of your cells onthe back here it does give you someinstructions so I would you know look atthat as well it comes with this littlelike facial massage or scrubberI think it's great for getting makeupoff and it's just I don't know I reallylike this thing actually and thenvarious sizes of these based on likewhat area you want to use so I usuallyuse like the biggest one over here andthen there's actually a really small onemaybe it's upstairs but I'll use thatlike around my nose and another thingthat I notice it really does reduce finelines kind of kind of long-term but thenalso temporarily because it like pullsup your skin and plumps it so with thisI actually use more in the morningbecause it doesn't leave my skin weirdafterwards and it really does like plumpup my face in a way but not weird butjust enough that I I don't see like mymakeup falling into the little lines onmy face so that does it for my top 10favorite items from Amazon I really hopeyou enjoy this video I feel likeeverything that I mentioned was veryunique very interesting very differentnot not everybody is going to have theseitems so I hope you enjoyed this videolike I've said probably many timeseverything will be listed and linkeddown below if you want to check anythingout if you guys have any like Amazonfavorites that you'd like swear by oryou just love please comment them downbelow I'm always looking for new and funthings from Amazon it's probably bad Iprobably spend too much money there butAmazon Prime it's it just gets you everytime if you like this video please giveit a thumbs up and be sure to subscribeif you haven't already so thank you guysagain and I'll see you very soon in mynext video bye[Music]
