Shopify vs. Woocommerce – Best Ecommerce Platform in 2020?

before we get started I have the hookupwith both of these companies and I havea better deal for you then you can findanywhere else so stay till the end whereI'll share that deal with you and I'mgonna be going over in depth the prosand the cons for both of these platformsas well as answering the top five mostcommon questions I get about both ofthese platforms now if you want to skipahead to the summary to the results youcan do that but I recommend watchingthis entire video so you can make aninformed decision let's get started withthe pros of Shopify and Shopify is agreat platform and in my opinion theyhave better templates now this isarguable WooCommerce has some reallygood templates as well but I think theShopify templates are just a little bitmore professional Shopify is also alittle bit easier to use Shopify hasbeen built from the ground up fore-commerce to make it as simple aspossible for people to put theirproducts and sell them online part ofwhat makes Shopify easier to use is theyhave 24/7 customer support which is areally big deal with WooCommerce you'rea little bit more on your own becauseWooCommerce is a free plug-in toWordPress there's not a ton of supportthereShopify also has better add-ons andbetter apps than WooCommerce WooCommercedoes have a lot of apps it does have alot of add-ons but I would definitelysay that Shopify has better moreprofessional add-ons and apps it alsoseems like Shopify just integrates withmore things like it seems any kind ofemail provider you want to integratewith Shopify can do that pretty muchanything out thereShopify seems like it integrates withthat I think this is because Shopify isnot free and because you have to pay forit their team is a little bit moremotivated to go out there and make theconnections and make the integrationsthe last Pro for Shopify is less can gowrong I have mu commerce websites and Ihave Shopify websites and it doesn'tever seem like anything major goes wrongwith my Shopify site part of that isbecause you can't change the checkoutpage too much with WooCommerce you cantinker with it a little bit more butthere's a bigger chance that somethingwill break now what Commerce has somebig pros as well the biggest beingWooCommerce is free kind of WooCommerceis a free plugin for WordPress so tohave a WooCommerce site you need to havea wordpress site and tohave a wordpress site you're going toneed to pay a little bit for hosting soWooCommerce is still cheaper and it usedto be that you could get really cheaphosting from companies like I page butnow with WooCommerce you need an SSLcertificate and so I recommendpersonally going with site ground butstill paying for that hosting on siteground is a lot cheaper than it is to bepaying for a Shopify site and this isprobably the biggest Pro withWooCommerce is that it's a lot cheaperto have an e-commerce website withWooCommerce than it is with Shopify nowI have links down below to SiteGroundnow you don't need to go with Sai crownfor hosting your WordPress websitethere's a lot of companies out thereBluehost Hostgator a bunch of differentones I have links down below to all ofthem but I highly recommend I've done acomparison video where I compare all thedifferent hosts and I personallyrecommend Sai crown but it's up to youpick whatever host works best for youanother Pro with WooCommerce is that youcan change just about everything on yourwebsite with Shopify there's certainthings like the checkout pagethat they don't let you change too muchand this is because they don't want youto break it but with WooCommerce theydon't care root Commerce is open sourcewhich means that there's a lot ofdifferent developers out there workingon it trying to improve it and it alsomeans that if you want to change it youcan change it also WooCommerce willnever shut you down the benefit ofhaving your own WooCommerce website isyou don't have to go through a thirdparty now I think it's super rare for aShopify site to get shut down but itdoes happen especially it seems like indeveloping countries or people sellingkind of shady products and the last Profor WooCommerce is it's built onWordPress and WordPress is great forblogging so if you're gonna be doing alot of blogging with your ecommercestore if content marketing is a big partof your company then WordPress is gonnamake it really easy for you now let's goto the cons of Shopify and one of thefirst big cons of Shopify is it's moreexpensive now funny enough it's actuallycheaper to start because if you're gonnabe starting with the WooCommerce site alot of the hosting companies make youpay for a full year all at once so it'sa little bit cheaper to start withShopify but in the long run WooCommerceis gonna be a lot less expensive now Iam always trying to negotiate for abetter deal for you guys on Shopify socheck the link below I'll update that asIget better pricing for you another confor Shopify as I mentioned is they canshut down your site if you wanted to soif you're in a high-risk country oryou're selling high-risk products do notgo with Shopify they can potentiallyshut you down I've also found that thethird-party apps are more expensive onShopify than they are on WooCommerce forinstance a third-party app you mightwant is an app that recharges yourcustomers every month you have to pay athird-party company for theirintegration for their app on Shopify sothat you can do this and like I said alot of the apps seem to be moreexpensive with Shopify than they do withWooCommerce but that being said theyseem to work better on Shopify than theydo with Roo commerce but I'll talk aboutthat in just a secondthe last con is the fees now Shopifydoes charge a fee if you want to use athird-party payment gateway but youdon't need to do that Shopify has itsown built in payments basically the wayit works is every time you get a saleShopify takes 2.9 percent fee and thatfee goes to pay the credit cards it goesto pay everything now a lot of peoplethink that with WooCommerce there's nofee like that and that's not truewith WooCommerce you still have to pay afee but you're paying it too straightinstead of WooCommerce or with Shopifyyou're paying it directly to Shopifytechnically now depending on which planyou have that percentage will go downbut no matter what store you open you'regoing to have to pay a percentage feeevery time someone makes a credit cardtransaction on your website that's justthe way it works now let's talk aboutthe cons with WooCommerce and one of thefirst big cons with through commerce isyou're going to have technical problemspretty much everyone I've ever knownthat use WooCommerce at some point theircheckout doesn't work for a few days andthis recently happened to me I updatedsome plugins and for some reason that'sunknown to me my checkout stoppedworking and for I think three or fourdays I didn't realize it wasn't workingbut I wasn't getting any sales andthat's scary so keep that in mind atsome point with WooCommerce you may havetechnical problems it also seems likewith WooCommerce there's just lessintegrations there seems like there's alot of functions that I can get withShopify that I just can't find a lot ofapps add-ons things like that I justcan't get with WooCommerce or they don'twork as well as I would like and it alsoseems like even the loopon the surface is cheaper you have tobuy a lot of the functions that arebuilt into Shopify built into thatmonthly fee you have to buy them kind ofpiecemeal and you're hoping thateverything works well together but itdoesn't always do so and the last conwith WooCommerce is you're gonna have toset up payments through either stripe orPayPal either way there's gonna be a twopoint nine percent fee on everytransaction again a lot of people thinkthat there's no transaction fee withWooCommerce and that there is atransaction fee with Shopify and that'snot true no matter what any time you'reaccepting a credit card or any kind ofpayment online someone wants a piece ofthat action PayPal wants a transactionfee stripe wants a transaction feeShopify wants a transaction fee so in myopinion that's a con for both platformsand it's just part of doing businessonline now I have and currently use bothof these platforms and to be honest itreally just depends on the circumstanceson why you're starting an e-commercewebsite exactly what you want to do formy main company my main passion productbusiness I use Shopify because I want tomake sure nothing goes wrong I'm doing adecent amount of volume on sales and Ijust want to make sure that everything'sas smooth as possible and I'm willing topay more to make sure that everythinggoes well now recently I helped mygirlfriend saw her own passion productcompany and she mostly sells on Amazonand we don't expect to get a lot ofsales on her website so it didn't makesense to pay $29 a month on Shopifyinstead we decided for her to just havea WooCommerce website it's a lot cheaperultimately the decision is kind of likeAndroid verse iPhone it's not that oneis better or ones worse it just dependson the person in the in thecircumstances if you're willing to paymore for a website and e-commerce sitethat just works that has less issues andhonestly is it a little bit moreprofessional then Shopify makes a lot ofsense on the other hand if you're on atight budget if you're someone that'srelatively technical and you don't mindgoing in tinkering around on yourwebsite to fix things or if you'relooking to start multiple small websitesthen WooCommerce makes a lot of sense asI said I have the hook up with thoseShopify and SiteGroundand you can use the links up here ordown below to get that special offer nowI'm always trying to get a better dealfor you so use those links to check onlike what the latest deal is like thebednegotiated pricing I can get on top ofthat when you use these links to sign upI'll give you a free 30-minuteconsultation session just for using mylinks you can also check the prices forthe other hosting companies forWooCommerce and I have them listed belowin the description now this is not apaid video I don't care which platformwhich hosting company you go withwhatever platform you've decided on takethat first step today sign up getstarted on your dream starting ane-commerce website was the best thingI've ever done and I guarantee you'regonna be happy that you took that steptoday so sign up and remember to enjoythe journey
