7 Ways to Make Your E-COMMERCE Business WILDLY Successful – #7Ways

what's that believe nation it's Evan myone word is believe and I believe in youI believe you have an amazing giftinside you that I want to see explodedonto the world so to help you on yourjourney today I'm going to talk aboutthe seven ways to make your ecommercebusiness wildly successful so this is atopic I get asked a lot by entrepreneursthey have an e-commerce store they wantto ramp up their business they want toget more attention they want to drivemore sales but it's not working for themand so today I'm going to share with youseven different ways on how to make youre-commerce business wildly successful[Music]way number one is you actually have tobelieve in your product this might soundcrazy but a lot of the people who set upecommerce stores never actually usetheir products that they're selling itboggles my mind whenever I'm workingwith a company that I want to representor they want me to help pitch or promotetheir product I always have to use itfirst I have to feel a personalconnection to the thing that I'm sellingso as an example with sage I signed athree-year deal with sage and StephenKelly he's been on the channel everymonth talking about entrepreneurship Iactually use sage software in my companyit's what I use to grow my businessthat's how I run my accounting if youwanted to sit down and open up your sageaccounting software I'd be able to walkthrough how to use it because I use itmyselfI hate recommending products or I hateworking with companies when I haven'tactually used a thing that I'm saying isa good thing and so I think that happensway too often on ecommerce shops you'repromoting something because you thinkthere's an opportunity you think there'sa market for but you haven't actuallyused it and so that always has to be thestarting point you have to believe inthe product or service that you areselling[Music]way number two is make sure there'sdemand a lot of times people start offecommerce shops and there is no actualdemand for the product and so you'rebuilding up a community you're buildingup an audience maybe you're active onsocial media you're creating YouTubevideos you're on snapchat InstagramFacebook you're creating content andthen you want to try to sell somethingbut you haven't actually received anykind of demand for people so it makes itreally hard to identify where the marketopportunity is the best way to be ableto identify the products is from peoplewho are in the industry and wanting tohave a solution to a problem that theyhave sort of example if I'm making a newproduct I would test it out on myyoutube channel I would create a videotalking about this new thing that I hada new idea that I wanted to create andsee what the feedback was what you wantbefore starting that business is to getmarket feedback customers or potentialcustomers ideal customers saying yes weneed this because what happens is sooften we go down this rabbit hole wespend so much time working on thisproduct and researching the bestcompanies to buy from and takes tons oftime and tons of energy and you'reinvesting dollars and resources to makeit happen only to find out that nobodyactually wants this thing and you sellfive versions of it or five copies of itor five units it's a big waste of timeand so you always want to start with themarket first find the thing that youbelieve in and that there's a marketthat's how you start to win somethingyou passionately believe in that worksand there is a demand for[Music]way number three is get distribution nowthat you have a product you know thisdemand for it is something that you areusing and you believe in you need tothink how am I going to get the word outabout it because an ecommerce store isfairly easy to set up there's not a tonof technology that you need to have ane-commerce shop you need to figure outhow do I get my product in front of awhole bunch of people and the fastestway to do it the fastest way to buildyour business is to find people who arealready selling to your target audienceand find some way to be able to worktogether so an example if you're tryingto sell the entrepreneurs you might wantto talk to me if I love your product ifI use your app if I'm using your servicethen I'm more likely to want to tell thepeople in my community about it and sothere's a number of products that I'mtesting out right now there's a socialmedia management product that I'mlooking at there's a guy who came bytoday he wanted to pitch me on hislanguage translation and dubbing serviceto take my YouTube channel and put itinto Spanish in different markets sowhat he's doing he's gonna take ten ofmy videos he's gonna dub them intoSpanish and we're gonna see how it goesand if it works then I'm gonna tell myfriends about it I'm gonna use it I'mgonna pay him he's gonna make money offof me and I'm gonna tell my YouTubebuddies about it as well he was a greatservice and so what you wanted to do wasfind a distribution who is the personthat if they said this is great they canopen up the floodgates for you soinstead of trying to hit people one oneone at a time you're talking to aninfluencer who can get you massdistribution and you're hitting hundredsthousands or hundred thousand people atthe same time wing number four is havebeautiful pictures it's just sosurprising how many e-commerce shopswhen they're selling their productsdon't have beautiful pictures it's agreat way to be able to stand out andget your products or services noticebecause the picture is visually stunningif you look at eBay as an example peoplewho are selling their products on eBaymost people don't take the time toactually take a fantastic picture andthe picture will sell it if you'rescrolling through a list of products abeautiful looking picture it will make ahuge difference to getting people toclick on it and learn more about theproducts and so you want to make surethat you're investing time in to takingbeautiful pictures if you can afford tobring somebody on to do that or you'retaking on an intern who lovesphotography or it's just a skill setthat you want to develop yourself makesure that every single product first ofall has a picture because a lot ofecommerce storethey don't even have a picture you needa product picture and then make surethat it's a beautiful one we number fiveis write detailed descriptions soalongside a picture you want to makesure that there's a great detaileddescription of the product so manye-commerce stores have product pagesthat really suck it's one paragraph or acouple lines that's not enough toconvince somebody to want to make thatpurchase and so you really want to tellthe story ideally a personal story rightback to point number one you believe inthis product tell me your story tell mewhy you love this thing tell me why it'sso great and you've achieved personalbenefit from using it put that story inthere I want to understand what thebenefits are I want to understand whatthe potential side effects are I want tosay and how much it's gonna cost me Iwant to say in your personal storebehind it and you're optimizingeverything from a usability and readerperspective as well as SEO traffic a lotof e-commerce stores suck on SEO becausetheir product descriptions are reallyreally really poor so invest the time inphotography invest the time into makinggreat products scriptures with your ownpersonal story and that might mean thatyou drop down to a hundred productsinstead of ten thousand but you'rereally picking the ones that you careabout weight number five is get theiremails one of the biggest mistakes thatecommerce stores make is they expectsomeone to buy their product right awaythis is the equivalent of gettingmarried on your first date people don'tget married on the first dateusually it sometimes happens but usuallyit's not how it works you come back andso my goal if somebody's coming to ane-commerce shop is to get somebody totake one extra step I want to give themsome kind of bonus and get them on myemail list so that I have a way tofollow up with them if you are expectingsomebody to land on your website buy theproduct immediately that will be acertain percentage but you're leaving aton of money on the table what you wantto do is date before getting marriedhave them come to your website havebeautiful pictures great descriptionyour story in there have a newsletterwith a bonus offer for people to be ableto get some extra value learning fromyou and then you have permission tomarket to them you're setting up anemail campaign follow-up series whereyou're providing value on a regularbasis and including products that wouldbe relevant to them if you have thatextra bit in between the visit to thesale you'relike to convert sales on an ongoingbasis because you've collected theiremail address as opposed to just hopingthat they think of you all the time andcome back and buy from your website andwe number seven is get the tech rightthere's a lot that you can learn and I'mnot the best guy to talk about the techside of ecommerce but things like yourlow time things like your shopping cartoptimization reducing the number ofsteps that people have to take frominterest to to purchase all the thingsthat you need to get right from atechnical perspective just do yourresearch if this is going to be yourbusiness you want to be an e-commerceretailer this is how you're going tomake your money then you need to knowthe best tech you don't have to know howit all worksyou have to know the details of how tocode something on the back end but youneed to pick the best technology that'sgoing to help you accomplish your goalsso those are my seven ways on how tohave wild success as an ecommerce storeI love to know from you which one wasyour favorite which one is mostapplicable that you're going to work onin your business today did I miss an 8 910 that you want to add to the listleave your thoughts down the commentsbelow I look forward to hearing from youthank you guys so much for watching Ibelieve in you I hope you continue tobelieve in yourself and whatever you'reone where it ismuch love I'll see you soon if you hadto think of one word that's mostimportant to you or that sums you up orthat would be like a little beacon paybelieve nation if you want to know whatthe most important one word is for TonyRobbins Gary Vaynerchuk Oprah Winfreywill.i.am and Howard Schultz I have avery special secret video for you checkthe description for details
