Building an eCommerce Store with Magento and AWS

[Music]welcome to this episode of AWSQuickStart series on hosting yourecommerce store with AWS my name isArtie and I'm a Solutions Architect withAmazon Web Services today I'll bewalking you through the steps needed toconfigure your Magento eStore usingAmazon lightsail Magento is a verypopular open-source ecommerce platformbased on PHP it offers you a lot offlexibility to customize and extend yourecommerce store Amazon lightsail on theother hand is the virtual private serveroffering from AWS it was primarilydesigned to make it very easy for you toget your workloads up and running on thecloud you do not need to have anybackground expertise on running ormanaging infrastructure on AWS there area few unique features about Amazonlightsail that sets it apart from otherAWS services I sneak a look at whatthose are first light co is a bundledoffering this means when you sign up forAmazon Lite 0 it comes as a package thatincludes compute storage and networkingfurther each of these components arepre-configured for you nextAmazon lights here comes with a fixedpricing plan prices start from as low as$3 50 cents a month for UNIX and Linuxbased operating systems and $8 a monthfor Windows what this means is you caneasily predict your costs at the end ofeach monthlight Co has its own console that isdesigned to make it very intuitive foryou to get your applications up andrunning with just a few clicks of abutton although designed to be easy touse you still have the ability to growand build complex workloads as yourbusiness grows for example you canprovision additional storage for yourAmazon Lite zero instances or you couldset up a load balancer to distribute thetraffic across multiple like zeroinstancesyou also have the ability to integratewith other AWS services for example youcould run your website on Amazonlightsail but choose to host yourrelational database using Amazonrelational database service or RDS forthose of you in the audience who preferprogrammatic access you have an API anda command-line interface to interactwith but that let's look at a demo ofhow exactly you can set up your Magentoecommerce store using Amazon lightsailthere are three important steps to thisthe first you would log into yourlightsail console second you will usethe pre-configured Magento blueprint toset up the e-commerce store and finallyonce your store is up and running youwill be able to log in and monitor theapplication we are now logged into ourlightsail console let's go ahead andclick on create instance you will seethat the region has defaulted toSingapore in this case but lightsailhowever is available across differentregions in the world we will stick withSingapore for this demo the next thingyou see here is an availability zonealso referred to as the ez ez czarisolated locations within a region youcan distribute your resources acrosseasy and design your applications suchthat if one resource fails the resourcein another away the body's own can takeon the load so this is a great way tomake your applications highly availableon it of the yes for this demo we willchoose with the default selection ofzone a the next thing we will do isselect our operating system you canchoose between Linux and UNIX basedoperating systems and Microsoft Windowsfor this demo we'll be using a Linuxbased operating systems blueprints onAmazon light sales give youpre-configured applications on theoperating system itself you however havethe option to start with the plainoperating system and install theapplication of your choice on thisagain for this demo let's make use ofthe pre-configured Magento blueprint youcan also customize your instance as itstarts by specifying additional launchscript here next since we have chosen aUNIX based instance lights you willprovide you an SSH key in order toconnect to the instance you will seethat is I set up a default key for youto use you can download this key locallyand use it later on to SSH into yourinstance next you need to pick theinstance plan and we will choose thefive dollar plan please note todaythough lights here plans start from$3.50 next we will just create one copyof our Magento instance let's click oncreate now you will see there areMagento instance now shows up on thedashboard with the status as pendinglet's take a quick look at the othertabs here amazon light sale gives youthe ability to associate a fixed publicIP address with your light co instanceif you do not have a static IP everytimeyour machinery stouts it will come upwith a new IP address a static IPaddress on the other hand will persistacross restarts also if you are buildinga customer facing website you willlikely want to associate your own customdomain name with this website solightsail provides you basic DNSmanagement capabilities as well finallyyou have the option to configure a loadbalancer to distribute your trafficacross multiple light Co instances thisis a great way to scale as the usageincreases on your Magento instance nextunder storage you'll see that you havethe ability to configure additionalstorage for your Magento instances byclicking on create a disk make sure herethat you choose the same region in whichyour Magento instance was created youhave the option to allocate sizesstarting from 8 gigabytes all the way upto 16 terabytesyou should see an estimate of your costfor the dischargefor this demo we will not be creatingany additional storages snapshots arenow point and time images of your lightsail instances and there are a great wayto build your disaster recovery strategyyou can snap shot the entire instance orjust the storage components and use thesnapshot to create a new light Coinstance now if we go back to ourinstances tab we can see that ourMagento instances are been running solet's go ahead and look at the detailsof this instance the first tab you seehere is the connect tab that tells youtwo different ways to connect yourMagento instance you can directly SSHinto this instance or you can connect toit over the public IP address so let'slook at both of these connection optionslight Co gives you an option to SSH intoyour instances directly using thebrowser you also have the option do youuse the SSH key you downloaded earlierto connect your instance so let's clickon connect using SSHand you will see the status takes you tothe terminal of your instance and youcan type commands in here for example inthis case I have listed the contents ofthe current directory you will also seea clipboard icon in the bottom right ofyour screen which makes it very easy foryou to copy commands from your localinstance to your Magento instance forexample here let's use the cat commandto view the credentials that we can useto connect to a Magento instance pleasenote that the reverse is also possiblethat is you can copy details from theterminal on to your local instance sofor example in this case let's try tocopy the password for a Magento user andif we go and click on the clipboard iconat the bottom right you will see thatthis passport password has been copiednext let's go ahead and actually try toconnect to our Magento instance usingthe public IP address here let's copythis address and paste it in a new tabon the browser and you will see thatthis takes us to the landing page onMagento the next thing we will do hereis we will use the credentials thatMagento has set up for us to log intothis instance so let's make sure we copythe password again the default usernameit's just user the admin terminal onMagento is available in the URL slashadmin please note that your browser doesnot block any pop-ups otherwise youmight not see this login pageonce this page loads up we will specifyour user as user which is the defaultusername and the password that we copiedearlier on so when you click on sign-inthis should now take you to the defaultpage you will see here that you get amessage to install some importantupdates on this Magento image and atthis point we do not have any userconfigured so if we go back and click ona metrics tab we should see usefulinformation about the Magento instancelike CPU utilization the amount of dataflowing in and out of our Magentoinstance and also the overall health ofour Magento instance if we hover overthe graph you can see the actual valuesfor these metrics the history tab herekeeps track of all the actions that wereperformed on your Magento instance if Ichoose to create additional storage thenthe action will show up here you canstop and reboot your instance usingthese two buttons on the top and finallyyou can use the delete tab to deleteyour Magento instance and with thatwe've concluded this demo as a next stepI would encourage you to visit the Litesave console at AWS store amazon.comslash light sale and find out more aboutthe different features that light co hasto offer you can avail the free freetrial for the first month of your lightco usage you can use light co to buildyour web applications blogging sitesecommerce stores or even your testenvironments also note that ADA biasitself offers you a 12-month free trialperiod in which you can play around withmany different services if you'resomeone who's aspiring to build your ownstartup then you can leverage the AWSactivate builders program this gives youfree credits and access to freetrainings you can find out more aboutthis program by visiting activate and with that I'd like tothank you for watching[Music][Music]
