The TOP 3 eCommerce Apps for Increasing Sales IMMEDIATELY in 2018!

is that Mentos ready for the bestShopify apps I know I said I was gonnado the top three but I always like toover deliver to you guys so we're gonnado a few more than three but these aremy favorite apps for getting more salesimmediately in your store which is themost important part so the first one iscalled hurry by a lot of people haveprobably heard about this one it kind ofgives a little sense of urgency for yourstore everybody kind of uses urgency youknow as today is the last day for the20% off sale make sure you get your youknow final christmas deals black fridayright it's just kind of human nature toappeal to scarcity it's in a lot ofbooks that I've read on kind of thepower of influence and persuasion andthings like that and it simply works formy specific store it actually increasedmy conversion percentage by four percentand as we know it is only $6.99 a monthso literally on your very first saleit's paying for itself so if you get oneadditional sale just literally one notone percent one additional sale permonth it pays for itself it gives you afree trial it's very easy to set up wedo go to it you know extreme detail andexactly how to set this up in the bestway in the Shopify ninja master classbut this is one of my favorite favoriteapps just for kind of assigning a littlebit of scarcity for your buyers the nextone is called sales pop buy be kiddingand these guys do a great job Irecommend just looking at their entirestore they really understand kind of thebiopsychology and you know the Shopifycustomer credentials and kind of thedemographics so what sales pop is isit's similar to a couple apps you knowuse FOMO is another one proof is anotherone have you ever been browsing awebsite or something like that you'veseen a little pop up in the bottom lefthand corner that says you know Kevin inQueenstown New Zealand just bought thisamazing widget and so you know it kindof just shows you it gives people kindof the idea that other people are buyingthis as well and nobody likes to be thefirst one nobody likes to be the firstone to review a product on Amazon nobodylikes to be the first one you know tolike a Facebook page nobody likes to bethe first one to buy a product they liketo see that other people are doing ithuman beings kind of just havecrowd mentality it's just like walkingdown the street and if you see a bunchof people looking at something you'reprobably likely to look at it too sothis is beacons version of sales pop itjust basically says you know AnthonyRoberson in New York just bought thisproduct also so people say oh otherpeople are buying it right it appearsbeautifully both on desktop and onmobile and it makes a huge differenceguys and this one is absolutely free andthat's why there's probably 8000 reviewshere just because it simply works andit's a very very effective product thenext one is called frequently boughttogether so for those of you who knowanything about Amazon obviously I have alittle bit of experience there Amazon isthe biggest most influential platformfor e-commerce ever built in the historyof the universe obviously and so whatthey kind of pioneered or at least kindof spread into widespread adoption isthe idea of frequently bought togetherso what this kind of means is if youhave multiple products or multipledifferent kind of products in the sameniche or sub niche it shows what isfrequently bought together so like let'ssay for example that you had a camerastore so this would be you know likeyour Canon camera and it would sayfrequently bought together and wouldhave maybe a camera strap and a camerabag and a camera lens and a cameracleaner or something like that right sopeople don't know what other kind ofcomplementary products are also you knownice to buy with the product that theyare purchasing and so the frequentlybought together section says oh well youknow other people are doing this thatseems smart I might as well get all ofthese things that I need all at the sametime and it increases your average cartvalue by a ton which is extremelyvaluable for you obviously as a sellerso the frequently blocks togethersection is absolutely great and as wecan see here this one is you know verycheap again 500 $5.99 per month and theyhave a 14-day free trial so this isdefinitely a good one to use guys andit's black belts which is representativethe ninjas um but I don't have anyaffiliation I just use the productmyself so the next one is called spin asale so for those of you who don't knowwe leo or spin a sale they kind of werethe pioneers of this particular nicheit's kind ofthe next evolution of pop ups so a lotof people don't really like pop upsthey're kind of annoying you immediatelyclose them every time because they don'treally add any inherent value inthemselves you know sometimes peopleoffer you like a percentage off if youenter your email but people are justkind of so tuned out from it and soagainst it by nowthat they just kind of close it out ofhabit without even looking at it spinassailing wheelie Oh kind ofrevolutionized that by bringing it likea nice beautiful kind of spinner pop upthat has kind of like a Wheel of Fortunetype feelwhere you can literally win you know 10%20% 30% 40% off coupons literally justby clicking this little button andentering your email to claim it so thisdoes a couple things first of all numberone most important thing of building asuccessful Shopify store is an emaillist of interested customers so youcollect emails number two is you'reactually giving them a discount codethat they can use in real time whichincentivizes them to actually make apurchase on your site and number threeeveryone loves gambling everyone lovesyou know some people love it too muchbut everyone loves the game of chanceeveryone loves you know winning thingseveryone loves kind of just little gameslike this so it does so it appeals tothree human emotions all kind of at thesame time all of which are helping yourbusiness it's getting you more sales andit's collecting you email lists andpeople are having fun instead of beingannoyed by your pop-up so it's probablyone of the most important apps of all ofthe apps that I use integrates directlywith both clavo and MailChimp which wewill talk about next which are yourautoresponders this is how you sendemails to everyone so an autoresponderfor people who don't know basically justmeans if you have a hundred people whosign up to your email list instead ofyou know going to Google and Gmail andtyping a hundred emails to these peopleautoresponders send you no mass amountsof emails all at once so it'll send thesame email to all a hundred people whoyou've collected so let's talk aboutthis MailChimp there's two kind ofchoices here for your autoresponder forShopify the first is MailChimp very easyto use it's free up to I think 2000 yesyou can send 12,000 emails a month and2,000 subscriberscompletely for free which is absolutelyincredible they understand the value ofbuilding these templates to people andyou know once people start to build moreand more subscribers it becomes more andmore values with them and they arehave their templates built out and sothey don't migrate away from theplatform so MailChimp very intelligentlyallowed you a lot of value completelyfor free kind of to build marketdominance and so MailChimp is extremelyeasy very intuitive I go into a veryvery detailed kind of explanations ofhow to set up abandoned carts right soif somebody's coming to buy from you andthen you know their dog pees on thefloor something like that and then theyclose out of their window becausethey're mad at you know poor Rover who'speeing all over himself and then theylose the cart right so they were goingto buy from you but something came upand they weren't able to complete thetransaction so MailChimp has acapability of what's called abandonedcarts where it automatically sendsemails to people saying hey Kevin youknow you had this awesome droneaccessory in your cart and Shopify didyou want like did you want to buy itright and then you can send follow-upsaying hey we noticed as you had this inyour cart we wanted to offer you like a20% off coupon to come back to us and soit really makes the biggest differenceof anything you can basically possiblydo on Shopify is setting up yourautoresponder your email marketing andyour abandoned cart correctly all threeof which are possible and easy to dowhen I go in a very very detailedstep-by-step exactly how to do this inthe biggest way that's going to give youthe biggest results in the Shopify ninjamaster class so that is the choicenumber one this one is a little bit moreattuned to beginners it's free for youknow most of the things that a lot ofbeginners would need it for you knowonce you get past the 2,000 subscribersyou start to pay which is you know veryfair from an autoresponder perspectivethe one that's a little bit moreadvanced it's a little bit more advancedfrom you know an intuitive kind of setupperspective you can do some reallyadvanced stuff with itbut it's only free up to 250 contactswhere MailChimp gives you you know 2,000subscribers and so Clabby o is a littlebit more advanced if you already kind ofhave a store that's working you alreadyhave you know generating some revenueand you're okay with paying slightlymore kind of from the start for thesecapabilities and it allows you kind ofto do a little bit more you knowdirectly integrating with Facebookadvertising and just a few more advancedtopics and if you guys want me to gointo a video you know on reallyemail marketing I think it's probablythe number-one thing that differentiatesbeginners who aren't necessarily makingas much as they want to on Shopify andyou know a little bit more advancedpeople who are making significantly morebecause once you have an email list guysit's just completely night and day youcan click one button and you can send anemail and you print money it's literallylike having your own bank and when youpress one button all of a sudden youknow your hundred people in your emaillist or your thousand or your 10,000 oryour 50,000 or your hundred thousandpeople are reading this email and thenyou know even if you're converting atone percent it's just money flowing inso email lists are incredibly valuableextremely extremely profitable and it'swhat differentiates people who aremaking a ton of money online and peoplewho aren't necessarily making as much umthe next app I want to talk about iscalled confer CEO so conversatio and itused to be called receive full if you'vebeen around for a whileconversatio is a cool little app thatbasically instead of just sending thenormal kind of receipt that Shopifyautomatically sends out when people makepurchases from your store it sends out alittle bit more fun of a receipt so itautomatically will generate discountcodes and it'll say hey David you knowthanks for purchasing that awesome dronethat you bought today you know as a wayof saying thanks for shopping with ustoday here's a coupon for 10% off onyour next purchase within the next twoweeks and so it does this all for youit's all automated and it automaticallysends out emails and then highlights thediscount code to kind of try to you knowget additional value out of eachcustomer because anybody who runs anonline business knows that the cost of anew customer is exponentially higherthan the cost of selling to a anexisting customer that you already haveand who's already bought from you beforeit's just night and day difference andso receive or excuse me conversatiomakes it very easy to actually convertmore pre-existing customers just simplythrough the receipts and through thediscount codes that you're distributingthere and they're pretty good they giveyou a one of your main dashboardfeatures they'll show you you knowconversatio made you this much moneythis month just through receipts so youknow if you can generate an additional$19 a month from this app then it isworth it and it's it's obviously doingthat for all the stores that I run andthat I use for it you know it does itwithin an hour or you know much lessthan a single day but if you're juststarting out the $19 price might be seemhigh but you know they give a 30-dayfree trial so it's definitely worthchecking out and setting up and if youwant more details about exactly how youknow to set up conversatio to get themaximum conversions um I could do a kindof a more detailed video on how toactually set up these apps or as alwaysit's obviously available in the Shopifyninja master class which is available inthe description the last thing that Iwant to talk about so Facebook chat isthe future Messenger is the future it'sthe future of customer service it's thefuture of email marketing right thepeople who are understanding many chatmany chat is the most valuable thingthat you can possibly pay for right nowin my opinion onlineBar None I paid I think I pay $60 amonth for you know a ten thousand plusyou know quote-unquoteemail list where I can send broadcasts Ican create sequences I can answercustomer service requests and how thisworks and so just just because I wantedto make this a little bit more beginnerfriendlywe're gonna talk about Facebook chat byagain by diecutting this companiesabsolutely makes a killing but many chatis a little bit more advanced you can doa lot more with it it's for people whoare kind of have a little bit higher ofa budget and are really scaling for thefuture so eventually I'll probably makejust a complete video on money chatbecause it's unbelievably valuable it'scrazy it's weird it's where the futureis going it's moving away from email andit's moving into messenger BOTS andthat's what many chat is so if you guysare interested in me doing a mini chatvideo for Shopify just in general leaveme a note in the comments and I could doyou know just a super in-depth kind of atutorial for beginners on mini chat andhow to utilize the unbelievable powerthat many chat gives you but for nowfacebook chat is just a very simple kindof version of some of the things thatmany chat allows you to do and what thisis is it'll give you this it gives youthis little pop-up you know both onmobile and on desktop and if somebodyhas a question and you might think youknow my products really simple you knowI only sell t-shirts or a golf club orwhatever it is you have no idea thenumber of ridiculous questions that Iand my virtual assistants get everysingle day saying you know hey is thisis this golf polo going to shrink in thewash I'm allergic to cotton like is thisgonna be okay or you know somebody mightsay is this with this golf club fitsomebody that's 510 or can women usethis like you just you don't understandhow many questions people have andthey're just they're very close tobuying and just that little final humantouch of having a virtual assistant oranswering these your questions yourselfgives you such a huge advantage from aconversion perspective just giving themthose that final little thing becauseone of the biggest things that I'velearned from using these type of appsall the time is that people are oftenone little answer away from making apurchase whether it's you know a tendollar purchase or a hundred dollarpurchase or a thousand dollar purchasepeople just have these little kind ofyou know questions in the back of theirhead and if they get a human being who'sthere and they feel that kind ofpersonal touch and they get their finallittle question answered theirconversion rate goes from you know onepercent to fifty one percent with thefive minute conversation and having Ihave you know virtual assistants that Iuse full-time for all of my Shopifystores to just answer customer servicequeries 24 hours a day and it has beenone of the number one biggest factorsfor increasing my conversions and so thelast thing that I want to talk aboutreally quickly is Google Analytics sothis is Google Analytics for one of mysites we see that there's 15 activeusers right now but what were what we'recurious about here is what's called thee-commerce settings and so ecommercesettings is one of the most importantthings that you can do for your Shopifystores it gives you all types ofinformation about you know what pagespeople are most often visiting how longthey're staying on those pages whetherthey're leaving your website from thosepages so maybe they're getting you toyour car and then they're kind ofconfused and they leave and if younotice a pattern with that then maybeyou spend more time you know making yourcart more clear maybe you're maybe therewas an error on your cart page that'snot allowing people to proceed andeveryone's leaving your website rightyou would never know these type ofthings unless you actually enabled youreconsettings and so this specific website isnot an e-commerce site and so I don'thave it enabled but all you have to dois go into your Google Analytics comedown to e-commerce settings set up yourShopify store and then just click andNabal here and you can do some reallyadvanced stuff that I go really indetail in it's it's a little bit morecomplicated so I'm not gonna do it allin this video but if you guys areinterested you know I'm happy to do thatthe e-commerce settings that GoogleAnalytics gives you completelybeautifully synergistically integrateswith Shopify and so at the single clickof a button you can get all of theanalytics that you possibly need tocompletely optimize your store from acustomer perspective and from aconversion perspective and that's goingto give you the information that youneed to make very important profitabledecisions so those are kind of the appsthat I to use guys I hope you enjoyedthis video if you did make sure you dome a huge favor and click that littletiny subscribe button the red one slapit directly in its face and hit thatlittle notification bell so you stay upto date on all of the ninja knowledgethat's going to be dropped every day andall in the future guys so I hope youenjoyed this video and we will see youon the next one[Music]
