DashNex PowerTech Review Demo – Instant eCom Store And DashNex Pages

all right so right now we are inside ofthe – next pages a dashboard this iswhere you can create any kind of HTMLbased website very very quickly so letme run through a quick demo here to showyou really what you can do and I willshow you also a couple of websites thatwe have for our own business here at -Nick so when you will log in and this iswhere you will see basically all thewebsites and obviously in the beginningyou will not have any websiteswhatsoever but you'll be able to clickthis button add a website and simplychoose a subdomain name and title anddescription and launch a website nowonce you launch a website you will haveability to go to the settings page andon the settings page this is where youcan provide all the basic stuff so youdon't have to repeat that on everysingle page for example you can add alogo you can add an open graph imagefavicon you can add all the scripts likeFacebook pixel Google Analytics whateverscripts you are using then if you areusing templates you can upload thesource files and to our source hostingso that you have them right there onyour domain we also have a legal pagegenerator built in so that you don'thave to create them on your own you canjust click the button and generate themyou can also generate about and contactpage so you don't have to think aboutthose things and then finally if youwant to you can obviously add a customdomain we have the instructions how toconfigure that it's very very simple andit also comes with the free SSLautomatically so that your website issecure and really is trustable from theday one and once you have provided thesesettings you can go to pages here andliterally start to add any kind of pageand typically you have one of the fourpage types so you can use a leadgeneration page if you want to use ourbuilt-in templates so if we go here youcan see that we have a bunch ofdifferent lead generation templates andthese are really proven squeeze pagesthat you can use to build your emaillist quickly and there is for examplethings like dynamic thank-you page whereyou can deliver digital content like youcan upload your digital file here anddownload it automatically from the ThankYou page there are all kinds ofdifferent timers built in to increasethe scarcity and things like that and sothere's a lot of features right awaybuilt in so you don't have to thinkabout them and you don't have to addsome plugins or applications or thingslike that then we also have thesweepstakes page and currently we havetwo templates there but they are bothproven to work on facebook and again youcan just choose the template andconfigure the template by going throughthis visit and literally have it donewithin you know minutes and then you canrun a sweepstakes campaign whichobviously is very powerful when buildingan email list right now the other twotypes of pages are the redirect page andredirect page is simply where you canyou know redirect links like for exampleif you have some affiliate links thatyou wanna use or for example you have alink that you want to send to your emaillist but you want to make sure that youknow you don't enter the affiliate linkbecause then it will be considered as aspammy link and so you can cloak thatlink with with our redirect page andreally create a nice you know linkthrough your own domain and typicallythis is a problem for majority ofwebsite builders that they don't havethis feature built in and since we areusing – next pages for all our ownwebsites then you know this is you knowimportant to us and then finally blankpage and this is the power of – nextpages because blank page provides yourability to copy and paste any kind ofcode from any template and you can justhost absolutely anything on the web siteand this is a beauty because there aretens of thousands of different templatesofvailable today where you literallyeither you can download them for free oryou can purchase them for a one-timesmall fee and then build the website andyou know host it without ever touchingit again or just updating some you knowsimple things for example here is one ofthe templates that we give away this isthe portfolio template this is designedfor freelancers and people who aretrying to sell their skills so again youwould just replace these things in thebracket with your own text you wouldenter your own name there and that's ityou provide your skills provide the textand you have the website ready and younever need to touch it again so whywould you you know pay recurring fee orsomething like that for the website likethis and here we have instructions howto find a perfect template for you andyou know we host everything like thiswebsite – next pages that come is builton a – next pages platform instantlycomes store.com you see with thismulti-level a sort of navigation is alsohosted on – next pages platform agencywebsites you know webinar registrationpages a bunch of different stuff andactually the page that you are on rightnow is also hosted on – next pagesplatform so that's a quick overview ofthe – next pages obviously you can goinside we have the easy opt-in optionswe have integrations with theautoresponders for the sweepstakecampaigns and things like that we alsohave a referral program inside sothere's a lot of things that you can dowith – next pages platform now thesecond part of the – text powertechpackage is obviously the instant eekumstore platform and this is a realpowerhouse because it's built based onall the marketing requirements in orderto sell product and really convert youknow people from facebook to sales andso here you know obviously this is ademo account so I'mgoing to quickly run through thisbecause this is a large platform there'sa lot of features in there but just wantto show you a couple of things right sofirst of all you can integrate autoresponders merchants tracking productfulfillment shipping and other thingsare right here right and then you canbuild a store and again the principalbuilding the store is the same you justclick the button you provide the storename let me do a quick demo here so thisis going to be a – next power demo let'scall it that way let's select the timezone and the time zone is importantbecause you want to link it with youknow your your for example PayPalaccount right so that your data issynced together right next you canprovide you know a physical address letme just type in this and then on thefinal step you basically select amerchant that you integrated before andyou can select two merchants for exampleif you have a stripe account and PayPalaccount you can integrate both and thenyou just click Launch a store right andyou'll see that your store is ready sonow this is your individual storedashboard and inside of hereI will just run quickly through somestuff so here under the main storesettings this is where you do kind ofthe main store configurations you canadd a custom domain you can you knowprovide some SEO details social linkscustom scripts you know badges enablefor the check out for example right dointegrations for the for the check outfor example once people type in the nameinside of the check out we captured themand add them to your autoresponderautomatically currency conversions youcan enable it and show all the settingsso those are general settings andtypically on platforms like Shopify youwould need to buy additionalapplications or download additionalapplications right and every singleapplication would come with you knowaddition upgrade because those guys alsowant to makeso they will try to sell you somethingelse and so we have built everything inso you don't have to buy anything rightwe have the for example the marketinghuh but marketing hobby is where youcreate abundant campaigns you know cartabandonment campaigns where you createupsells where you can create conversionstuff right so things like that andthere is a lot of things inside here andthen when it comes to the products youknow you can obviously import productsfrom Aliexpress we have a Chromeextension that will allow you to do thatbut you also can add you know a productjust just like that just copy andpasting and there are so many variablesand so many features right here thatallows you to really customize yourproduct page so that you can you knowbasically maximize conversions becauseat the end of the day that's what thisis all about right and so you know youcan you know add any kind of product youcan create private product pages forexample so when you build an email listand you want to you know create aspecial offer just for folks and youremail list and you don't want to displaythat on the home page of your store thenobviously you know you can createprivate pages and things like that youget the product feeds which you canintegrate them with with Facebook sothat you can create dynamic ads andthere are lots of lots of differentfeatures but what's cool about this thatyou don't have to download any newapplication you don't have to you knowbuy some plugins and things like thatyou can just literally add productsstart to run traffic Ted you know makemoney and grow your business like thatand the story is very simple on adesktop you know there is no themes nono some kind of weird stuff obviouslyyou can customize the color you can addthe logo and things like that but it'sgenerally simple because 95% of trafficwill come from mobile phones and onmobile we have what we call Mdedicated mobile store which allows youto basically customize stuffspecifically for mobile phone right sothat people when they come from yourmobile phone you know they see abeautiful page it's easy it's intuitivefor them and things like that and wehave about 2,000 users on instant incomestore right now and that are using andbuilding stores and selling productsevery single day and all the you knowemails updates notifications everythingis automatic you know there is nothingfor you to buy or add to this you knowthe version that you're getting with the- next power tech bundle is you knowthat the top version so everything isliterally included and you can start toadd products on the store and start tosell in minutes from now
