Top 5 Ubiquiti Products 2018

welcome to crosstalk solutions my nameis Chris and today we're gonna be doingsomething a little bit different I wasthinking about ubiquitous product lineand I was trying to think of my fivefavorite ubiquity products which isn'tall that easy given that they have apretty large assortment of products andmost of them are pretty good so thislist is going to be cross talks top 5ubiquity products and I hope you enjoyit also let me know in the commentsbelow what your top 5 ubiquity productsare do you agree with my list of whatwould you add or remove and finallylinks to all of these products are belowin the description if you want to checkthem out these products are all listedin order of my favorites with myabsolute favorite ubiquity product atnumber one ok so let's get right intothe list starting with my fifth favoriteubiquity product my fifth favoriteubiquity product is the UVC g3 camera orthe standard g3 bullet cam now thiscamera costs about 143 bucks and it'sextremely versatile which is one of therecurring themes throughout all of theproducts that I picked as my top 5 nowthis can be mounted indoors or outdoorsthe picture quality is excellent andeven the night vision is really good youcan also extend the night vision with anIR extender right here so this isanother I think it was 79 bucks extraand you can even extend the night visionI'll have a video coming out where Itest this thing out in the near futureso this camera is powered by 802 3 AF pOE or 24 volt passive Pio II and this ismy go-to camera for all of my NVRinstallationsnow compared to the rest of the bik wa tcamera lineup it has absolutely the bestprice to performance ratio or price tofeature ratio these other cameras allhave their uses but none of them is asversatile and as good-looking as the UVCg3 for the price that you pay ok on tomy fourth favorite ubiquity product andthat is the light beam a/c so this I gotit upside down this is an awesome pointto point or point to multi-point accessantenna so why do I like this antenna somuch first of all it's just a reallygreat small form-factor access point forsimple point-to-multipoint deploymentslet's compare the size of this accesspoint to the size of the rocket ACsector and antenna combo there we go soit's off the top of the screen evenright so this is the rocket AC light youknow this actually will work with anumber of the different rocket ACantennas and the 120 degree sectorantenna that it comes with versus thelight beam AC so I mean here you canreally see the size difference betweenthese two access points this light beamAC will do everything that this bigrocket plus sector antenna will do butit'll do it just on a smaller scalewhich we find to be more often the casewith our deployments if you're running awireless ISP and you need to providesubscriber access to 50 or 100 customersin your coverage area then you want therocket AC with this big ole sectorantenna but if you're just trying toconnect a few buildings on your propertyor perhaps give internet to some otherbuildings some outbuildings or set upremote cameras in a few differentlocations then the light beam AC isgoing to be just fine for thatdeployment the price on this accesspoint is 99 bucks and it will work withany of the five gigahertz or ACsubscriber antennas such as the Nanostations the Nano beams here's the Nanobeam the new one the AC gen – comparesthe $99 for the light beam to the over$400 for this setup you know most peoplejust don't need this they can use thelight beam AC and be just fine so let'stalk about specs for a second I'll put alink to one of my videos where I setthis access point up but it's powered by24 volt passive peely it does includethe pol II injector in the box and it'sa hundred and twenty degree antenna itcan push up to 450 megabits through tothe subscriber antennas so if you'relooking for the best subscriber antennato use with the light beam AC I wouldprobably recommend the Nanoa siege n2 this runs $95 or the firstgeneration Nano beam AC is also fine andit runs about $76 it has this reallynice ball joint mounting system for easypositioning and really on top ofeverything elseit's just a sexy-looking antenna it's sosmooth and sleek and I just love thisantenna this is absolutely one of myfavorites and this comes in at numberfour on my list of the my favoriteubiquity products for my third favoriteubiquity product and from here on it'sactually pretty much a toss-up it wasreally hard for me to decide whichproducts I liked best but for numberthree I chose the edge router light nowthis actual this actual one right herethis is the first piece of ubiquityequipment that I ever purchased and Iused it as my own personal firewall forwell over two years the edge routerlight comes in at just under a hundredbucks and in my opinion is an almostperfect firewall for home and smallbusiness use it doesn't have a lot ofextra fluff like some of the otherfirewalls try to throw in but itfunctions really well as a straight upfirewall and router with enterpriselevel features but at a super smallprice point now the edge router lightfeatures three Gigabit Ethernet portsthat can be configured as lands or windsindependently and it has Wizards forsetting up the most common single anddual LAN configurations I know what alot of your gonna ask and that is wellwhy did I pick this router over the edgerouter X which is only about 50 bucksand has all the same features well for acouple of reasons first most peopledon't need the PIO en and peelypass-through of the edge router X sothat's just kind of a gimmicky thingunless you have a specific reason or aspecific need to have that futurefeature excuse me and also the edgerouter X only does layer 2 switchingwhereas the edge router light does layer3 switching and it can do full 3 gigabitper second line speed processing of upto 1 million packets per second it's aseriously fast router for the price thatyou pay for it now you could also saywell Chris ubiquity II just came outwith the edge routerfor why didn't you pick the latest andgreatest edge router well two reasonsthere again first of all the edge routerfour is more expensive it's almost twiceas expensive at a hundred and eightyfive bucks now the reason this is moreexpensive is because it has a faster CPUit has more RAM however if you're usingthe edge router light in a home or smallbusiness environment you'd be reallyhard-pressed to max it out so if youdon't need the extra processing powerwhy spend the extra money the edgerouter 4 also has an F and s FP port forfiber connectivity out to a switch orsome other device which again is niceit's just something that most peopledon't need so one of the only reasons Iwould recommend the edge router for overthe edge router light in a home or smallbusiness environment is if you wanted torackmount the firewall so the edgerouter 4 has an optional rack mountbracket which is really nice if you'rebuilding out your rack but again in mostcases this sub $100 edge router light isgoing to be just fine in thoseenvironments so the price andversatility of the edge router lightmakes it my third favorite ubiquitydevice all right onto the top two and mysecond favorite ubiquity device in thewhole wide world is the Nano Station m5or also the nanostation m2 if you wantedto go with the 2.4 gigahertz spectrumnow I love this antenna forpoint-to-point deployments it comes inright around 82 dollars per unit andonce again it's just a really versatileaccess point for a ton of different usecases the most common use case for thisdevice is just for creating simpleextension of your network wirelesslyover long distances so just by creatinga point-to-point wireless bridge thisthing will shoot an internet connectionup to 15 kilometers however most peopledon't use it for distances that farthere's actually better antennas if youneed to go that far most often we seefolks deploying bees on their propertyto get internet access out to anoutbuilding or something like that sonow you may ask well Chris why choosethe Nano station m5 over the Nanostation local m5 when the local m5 cando the same thing but it's cheaper andsmaller and the answer to that is becuz of the POA passed through port sothis is one of my favorite things aboutthis antenna so imagine a scenario whereyou want to get internet out to a barnor something right you can mount one ofthese on your house where the internetcomes in and then a second one twohundred yards away across the pasture orwhatever right so that's great and younow have a point-to-point wirelessbridge set up but you still need anaccess point on the remote side for yourclient devices so with the nano stationm5s you can use something like the u APAC light or the lr access point which ispowered by 24 volt passive p OE and thensimply hook them up to the secondary pOE pass-through port of the Nano stationnow in one compact pass package you haveboth your point-to-point receivingstation and your access point to provideconnectivity to your client devices infact I have one let me actually justgrab it so here's a UA P AC light rightyou would wire this to the secondaryport and basically you have yourinternet plugged into this one it shootsits internet over to the receivingantenna and then you have the secondarypass through port powering up your u APAC light or other 24 volt passivepowered access point to provideconnectivity to your iPhone or whatevernow same concept for having remotecameras in certain areas you don't needan extra switch or more power you cansimply hang a camera like a g3 cameraoff at the end of this nano station andyou're all done so the next question iswell Chris why would you pick the Nanostation m5 over the latest and greatestversion of this antenna which is theNano station AC you know admittedly thislooks a lot sexier than this one doesthey've come a long way in their designbut again it comes down to two reasonsthe first reason is the price the Nanostation ACS are almost twice asexpensive coming in at a hundred and $59per antenna on Amazon and second whilethe nanostation AC is much faster thanthe Nano station m5 it can do 450megabits versus the m5 which can do 150megabits most people don't need thatkind of speed for what this is used forif you're simply hanging a camera off ofthis thing to have a remote view of yourbarn or something like that the camerais going to be pushing about a half amegabit for an HD video stream if you'reusing the Nano station to provideInternet access to your iPhone whileyou're out there feeding the cows or ifyou're using it to run Spotify you don'tneed a 450 megabit link for that nowdon't get me wrong though absolutely ifyou need to have 450 megabits to aremote location for doing big filetransfers or something like that then byall means you can spend twice as muchand get the AC units instead but by andlarge most people don't need that kindof speed so that's why the Nano stationm5 is my second-favorite ubiquity deviceokay so finally on to my number one mostfavorite ubiquity device and that is theyou ap AC pro access point this is theaccess point that I personally run in myhome I have just one of these set up atthe mid point of my home and it providesperfect wireless all throughout my housenow I've deployed literally hundreds ofthese access points out to clients sitesand for big deployments and I don'tthink I've ever had to RMA a single oneof them this access point comes in at ahundred and twenty nine dollars onAmazon and it has the best price toperformance ratio in my opinion of allof the ubiquity access points out thereand probably of maybe all access pointsthat are in existence period now I'llput a link up here in the corner to avideo where I did a comparison of all ofthe ubiquity access points that were outat that time and all of those differentaccess points have their use cases butthis one the UAP AC pro is absolutelythe most versatile access point for theprice when we're doing a deployment fora business this is the default accesspoint that we use if we have a largeauditorium or something like that wherewe're gonna have a lot of people thatare going to be congregating then we'llpop in a few of the HDS or the S HDS butby and large for a normal officeenvironment this thing is bulletproofand it provides more than enoughbandwidth with it with its three bythree mimal antenna pair that with allof the wirelessof unified and this access point I meanthis just can't be beatI would put this access point up againstany other competitors solution and itwill absolutely be able to compete atthe same level and will be much morecost-effective so I'm very very happy tostand behind this product and that's whythe UA P AC Pro is hands-down myfavorite product that ubiquity makesokay so there's my list of the top fiveubiquity products but of course I'm justone man with some opinions and what areyour opinions would you add or removeanything from this list I can alreadyhear the comments complaining about menot including any flavor of us G on thislist but I can back that decision uppretty easily that however is a topicfor another video so okay my name isChris with crosstalk solutions if youguys enjoyed this video please give me athumbs up and if you'd like to see morevideos like this please click subscribethank you so much for watching[Music]you
