I'm an Internet Marketing Success Story! (From Broke to 5 Figures Monthly)

hey guys this is your girl Steph Perezand I apologize that the Lighting's kindof funky I'm actually in my car just gotdone with getting a pedicure and gettingmy nails done and just kind of thoughtabout you and everyone out there thatyou know a searching for opportunity orlooking for a way to make money online Ireally want you to think about what'simportant to you and the reason whyyou're really searching for an onlineopportunity as I was walking into themall to get my nails done I passed DSWand I remember you know there was a bagthen I was like oh as soon as I come outI want to make sure I go and DSW becauseI want to see you know if I really likethe bag and after I got my nails doneand my pedicure and I walked in the DSWand I you know went to go look at thebag I remember thinking now it's notreally what I'm looking for and then youknow I went to look at a few otherthings because you can't go India'sw-would not look around right so Istarted looking around some other thingsand I can remember you know thinking wowlike if I wanted this right nowregardless really of the price I couldget it and not that I'm one of thesepeople that goes out there and spendscrazy amounts of money you don't want alot of different things but just knowingthat I have the option and the choice toreally buy it what I wanted to buy youknow we have a cruise that we're leavingfor in a couple of days and I can justremember you know when I first cameonline in the year 2007 you know mydriving and motivating factor was I wantmore I can remember setting a goal thatall I wanted to be able to do was to beable to get my nails done every twoweeks and it'd not be an issue and Ishouldn't say that was my only goal butthat was a big goal because I remembertelling myself that if I could get to apoint where I could get my nails doneevery two weeks and it not be afinancial issue then chances are thingsare going pretty well and it wasn't veryyou know many months past me settingthat goal that I began earning you knowa full-time incomebuilding my online business you know soI just really want to shoot this videobecause I know a lot of times you knowwe're looking for opportunities we'relooking for people to mentor and coachusand all I want to tell you is you knowwhen I first got started I had somegreat people that were in my life andthat we're doing better than I was doingonline and I learned from them bywatching them and really copycatting youknow if I saw that they did somethingthat obviously was getting them resultsthen I went out there and I attempted inmyself all the skillsets that Ideveloped over the years I developedthem because I wanted to learn how tomake money online I wanted to learn youknow how to use capture pages andautoresponders and social media and Iwanted to learn all this stuff and Ilaughed because we really do give ourteam members access to so muchphenomenal training and me and mybusiness partner sit back and we laughbecause we're like wow when we first gotstarted like we have to fight to dig outthis kind of information and content tohelp us learn what we know about makingmoney online todayso for me that's why I really take thisjourney so personal is because nothingwas ever given to me I was never givenopportunities you know I was never givenresources and tools and my I have beengiven the opportunity to part takenthings yes but for someone just tohand-deliver me opportunities and to paymy way in and to give me free mentoringand coaching no it didn't happen Ilearned through the University of Googleand the University of YouTube and what Imean by that is I went out there and Isaw out the information that I felt likeI needed to help me get to where Iwanted to go you know if I needed tolearn for example you know when I wasfirst beginning to dive into creating myown websites in my own capture pages Ican remember if I didn't know forexample an HTML code for something Iwould literally go to google and type inHTML code for you know hyperlinking animage for the HTML code for the coloryellow literally whatever it is that Iwanted to learn how to do I went outthere and I found the information youknow but I wanted it really badit's what I'm experiencing right now iswhat I always want it in my life and Iknewthat learning how to market onlinelearning how to share information how toshare content and inspire and empowerother people that learning the skillsets that I learned I just knew that itcould give me this kind of lifestyle andso I don't take for granted any of thethings that I have I don't take forgranted the opportunities I don't takefor granted the people that come into mylife I don't take for granted the peoplethat click on my link and invest orpurchase or buy from me I don't take forgranted any event because I know thateasy come also easy go you know and soevery $100 that comes into me or $200 or$1000 whatever the case may be I'mgrateful because it means that what Ilearned how to do continues to pay offfor me so I never think that I have iteasy I don't take for granted you knowwhat comes into me and what happens forme on a daily basis in my business I'mforever grateful and I really justwanted to shoot this video because as Ireflected when I was in DSW I was likeyou know what today wasn't a bigcashflow day so far right now it's goingon four o'clock and you know I think Imade close to 300 bucks for the day butI was so busy doing other things likesetting up a new website putting somethings in motionI didn't truly like build my businesstoday but because of things that I havein motion because I learn how to marketmyself online and I've learned how toput content out there you know I wasable to generate 300 bucks without evenphysically having to do anything todayto generate that income and while I wasin DSW I just kept thinking wow howawesome is this and if I wantedsomething in here it would be no issueyou know if I wanted to go back into themall and do a little bit shopping itwould be no issue you know my husbanddoesn't ask me about the money that Ispend you know and I want more people toexperience this so whatever your Y isfor wanting to build an online businessor wanting to become an internetentrepreneur I want you to ask yourselfhow bad do you really want it do youwant it so bad where literally you canlike feel the kind of lifestyle thatyou're looking to build for yourself canyou feel the fact that you know youcheck your bank account onon a daily basis and you're almost blownaway by what you see in there you knoware you envisioning checking your emailand seeing all these notifications ofpayment received or someone joining yourbusiness are you visualizing that thisis possible for you see those are allthe things that I visualized as I wasgetting started and those are the thingsthat just kept me moving forwardnever blaming anyone else always takingaction always being open and receptiveto learning something new or to look ata new opportunity or a new way of doingthings you know so I just hope thisvideo can inspire you just a little bitto not give up to continue to seek outthe information that you need to helpyou get to that next level or just haveto finally get things going if I canhelp it all with that journey feel freeto reach out and let me know visit mywebsite to see exactly you know what Ihave going on we have phenomenal teamtraining in place so no matter where youare in your business right now we havecontent and training and step-by-steptutorials that can help you know andlearn what I know about making moneyonline except for I had to dig my waythrough all this information which isnow available to youso again just wanted to inspire you andlet you know how grateful I am and thatliterally in my opinion anyone canexperience what I'm experiencing rightnow things are getting better things areprogressing and it's so funny to thinkthat today was a three hundred dollarday so far it's just going on fouro'clock right now to me the day is stillyoung you know but that so many peopleare just scraping by you know to maketheir first buck online you know justnot really understanding what to do andto know that you know three four fivehundred hour days are really like thenorm so I'm excited it's so excited andI hope that I can inspire you to heckvisit my website see what I have goingon if it makes sense for you you knowwould love for you to take action I canplug you into our training and hopefullyyou know hear your success story veryvery soon so this is your girl StephPerez if you're not subscribed to mychannel please subscribe right now Idefinitely would love to keep you in theknow and I look so forward to seeing andhearing about your onlinesuccess I'll talk to you soon bye
