How to Make Money with eCommerce

[Music]sure this looks great but what are theyselling I'm Rachel to program thefounder and CEO of Mi'kmaq in the year201985% of Internet traffic is going to comefrom mobile video view so the internetis about to become what big video yousee companies like BuzzFeed refinery29now this news fire their editorial staffand replace them with short form videoproduction teams I'm a big believer thatwhatever happens to media will soonhappen to commerce shopping is anemotional experience it literally sendsdopamine to your brain if you thinkabout e-commerce it often is the leastemotional place online if you just thinkabout the history of the infomercial itfirst started as a 60 minute segmentbecause it was born in the golden age oftelevision it then got truncated to athree minute spot and then the internetcame where you literally only have amatter of seconds not only get someoneto stop scrolling through their feedbuild an emotional connection with theviewer and then cause them to hit Add toCart social is the first place thatpeople interact with your brand if it'snot the heartbeat of what you're doingfrom a marketing standpoint then you'vecompletely missed the boat Instagram isactually the world's largest mall andyou come there to do window shoppingKaspar Warby Parker away glossier all ofthem understood that that's where peoplewere gonna discover engage and buildcommunities around their brands here aresimple tips to drive sales conversionthrough social video you literally havethree seconds to not only hook theperson but convince them that this isthe product for them to buy a greatexample is from our clients BenefitCosmetics they recently launched amascara called the bad gal mascaraimmediatelyyou see a host hold the mascara say badgal mascara the before and aftertransformation is communicated and shetold the viewers to swipe up you need toconvert people and the places where theyspend time and then ensure that you havetechnology in place that removes all ofthe friction from checkout so you can gofrom consuming a video to the endtransaction in a matter of seconds notto toot our own horn but at Mi'kmaqgoods we do here we have software calledMi'kmaq attached that's literally acommerce layer for Instagram stories andsnap we've completely collapsed thefunnel and shortened the path to revenuethe power of the infomercial industry iswhat psychologists call a parasocialrelationship where you the viewerbelieve that I the host and your friendan easy example is Flo from progressivewhen we all see Flo we smile and we knowthat flow equals Progressive Insuranceyou're lucky if someone watches morethan three seconds of your video to keepthem viewing your video you have to justkeep delivering on the climaxI think BuzzFeed was actually thecompany that really honed in on thisinside of climax climax climax breakingnews here's a clickbait headlinefollowed by a really funny facialreaction followed by an explosion climaxclimax climax when you're trying to sellan item online you don't try to hide itthis is why you should buy my productand this is why it's for you and then ifyou really want to drive sales up youpoint to the Add to Cart button EECOM isabout to become the backbone of theentire internet and that content andcommerce is going to look a whole lotlike QVC except with three second videosall over the[Music][Music]
