Top 10 Ridiculous Infomercial Products

they're seen on TV and silly as can befinally there's a better way Comfortwhite being a big guy certainly has itsadvantages and its disadvantages this isa great product welcome to watchmojo.comand today we're counting down our picksfor the top ten ridiculous infomercialproducts and the teddy bear works sogreat he got one for himself too number10 the wearable towel robes are heavyand hot and towels with fasteners Ithink not such poetry know if there'sbeen wearable towel ever find yourselftrying to get ready but your peskytowels getting in the way the wearabletowel is perfect for any situation greatfor getting the paper although we'dsuggest not leaving the house in it ifyou're feeling is specially patriotic itcomes in good old red white and blue howwill you wear it can be worn in a tunicstyle and in a toga style does theshoulder strap in your car cut into yourshoulder number 9 the teddy bear it maynot be the most ridiculous product onour list but the teddy bear wins theprize for the most ridiculous namethat's tid BY bear so ridiculous theyhave to literally spell it out for youjust to make sure you're not thinkingexactly what you are thinking myshoulder strap used to pull so tight Icould hardly breathe we know that's ourbiggest concern when driving and it fitson all makes and models of cars or oftittiesthat's ti ddy kayo call now we'll giveyou a second titty bear absolutely freenumber eight thoughwhere do we start with this one youcan't take the work out of your workoutthat's kind of the point but forargument's sake let's ignore that oh mygosh this is amazing can you imagineyour colleagues sitting idly by if youwere doing this at work Hawaii chairwhile answering phones using thecomputer balancing books or filingpaperwork it's a chair with a motor anda tropical gimmick and it's supposed togive you abs feels great on my abs butapparently all it does is make your butthot I just really feel this workingnumber seven rejuvenate and slide theheadband over the top of the headyounger looking skin is only oneterrifying mask we're away just get intoyour silk pajamas sit in your favoritefireside chair and get ready for a realtreatenjoy facial toning sessions that sendimpulses from a nine volt batterydirectly into your 12 facial zones andwhatever you do don't forget your lubeplace a small amount of gel on the endsof each of the contact areas of the maskdoes this sound to anyone else likeshock therapy side effects may includeredness burning memory loss and violenthorror film inspired nightmares have aheart pacemaker a pregnant have ahistory of epilepsy or seizures haveactive skin cancer of the face thank younumber six the flow bead with the flowbeam you can do any kind of a cutimaginable and of course with kids thesedays we're talking about any kind of acut imaginable absolutely we get it haircuts are expensive but is there nomiddle ground between salons and vacuumsbrought to you by inventor Rick hunt andyes that is his real name the flow beetakes the mess out of home hair cutsthis is how I turn myself around theyears you might do yours a littledifferently it doesn't matter you mightwant it to hang over it doesn't matterwhatever you like you can get with theflow be but the instruction video ispainful and may or may not feature atime-travelling Hilary Swankno hassle no mess easy to do thisamazing discovery has been around solong it's even made its way into some ofour favorite movies drink a lot of waterI really have to gonumber five the Euro club introducingthe Euro Club the discreet sanitarysolution for your urgent relief inventedby a urologist it looks like youraverage club but contains a reservoirbuilt into the grip to relieve yourselfgolfers who can't wait till the 18thhole will be relieved pun intended tofind a hollow reservoir where they candiscreetly empty their bladders theuroclub comes with a towel and appearsthat you're just checking out your clubhowever even with the attached towel westill don't think it's that discreetthink we'll ever see this at the Mastersthe euro Club the only Club in your bagguaranteed to keep you out of the woodsGLH means great-looking hair number 4GLH number 9 that's great-looking hairformula number 9 and it's hair in a canwow that's incredible at least youbaldies wish it were unbelievable Wowhey Emmet look at me now a full head ofhaireh anyway no yes incredibly Ron Popeilis the king of infomercials that's greatif you are homesick in the 90s you canbet your ass you are begging yourparents for a food dehydrator or a pastamaker the minute they walked in the doorgreat pasta but the most ridiculousRonco product was GLH number nine Inever dreamed that I'd look like thisthink that before and afters would be aseffective in HD Oh more days laughingcalled old man but babes are back numberthree the Snuggie so you can stay warmfrom a head to toe no more cold feetaren't blankets the worst alwaysrestricting us with their excess fabricand when you need to reach for somethingyour hands are trapped insidenow there's the Snuggie cue the blanketwith sleeves otherwise known as theSnuggie so now you can work the remoteor read a book in total warmth andcomfort stay warmget close to loved ones and ensure yourelectricity bill stays where it belongsperfect for chilly outdoor eveningsstaying cozy and warm it's sportingevent okay you know what this one looksridiculous but it's actually kind ofhandy and unlike some people we are notashamed to say that we own one misslemon you dummy I'm wearing it as a jokenumber two sham well slap shop andsticky hi it's Vince with ShamWow forthose klutzes who can't get through aday without dousing their surroundingsand gallons upon gallons of liquid comesthe sham well maybe Germany you know theGermans always make good stuff what I'msaying this is a ridiculous product perse but sarcastic spokes creep Vincebrings everything to that next levelright there you follow me camera guytake for example this laptop stop havinga boring tuna stop having a boring lifeor the sticky problem with that shitty pickup cat hairs from clothes whatelse can this dinky do Vince stickymakes you look your best Karen for thoseunforgettable moments like when you beatup a hooker you're gonna love my nutswatch this number one the shake weightI'm feeling it in my chest and my bicepsand my triceps you know what else is agood arm workout do it faster actuallywe're not even gonna make the joke ifyou had to shake weight in your handsright now women are always trying toavoid the dreaded Oprah arms and theshake weight is the revolutionaryproduct that exercises your biceps andtriceps while making you look like acomplete jackass and it's not just forladies obviously and it's going to kickyour in just six minutes a day thislittle guy will work its magic guaranteedo you agree with our list before youanswer listen it even comes with amatching fork to make carving a pleasurehave you ever bought an infomercialproduct I had to pick a favorite it's apink tank top girl yeah for more top 10sabout your favorite ridiculous things besure to subscribe to youcan experiment you can create good kidsare willing to do that these days not me
