Internet Marketing For Beginners – 13 Tips For Massive Traffic

hey guys Justin Bryan here fromself-made and in this videoI'm going to show you 13 tips andresources for getting massive trafficand as a beginner in internet marketingyou may realize that traffic is reallythe name of the game for just gettingenough people to have that sales volumeyou need to be able to support yourbusiness pay the bills support yourselfand I'm going to give you 13 tips forgetting traffic 13 of the best ones youcan ask for and I'm also going to giveyou resources to go along with these sothese are blog posts these are ultimateguides these are courses that you can gothrough to get startedlearn from people that are really thesome of the best in the industry at eachof these strategies and really just getyou on your way as quickly as possibleto getting results so the first thing isyou need to start blogging if you haveany kind of website you want to blogbecause it gets you more traffic to yourwebsite it allows you to build yourbrand it allows you to get more sales itallows you to help people find you insearch engines and the best way to dothis of course the best way to makebetter blog posts the best way to marketyour blog posts are covered in thisultimate guide it's called the completeguide to building your blog audienceit's on quick sprout calm so you cansearch quick sprout and then or just putin the name of this right here thecomplete guide to building your blogaudience it's a very long multi chapterguide that teaches you step by step howto build up a very big successful blogit's by Neil Patel who's the main writerthis course but Neil Patel is thefounder of quick sprout KISSmetricscrazy eggneil patel calm he is known as one ofthe best bloggers in the industry hewill show you how to get massive amountsof traffic in no time he built a blogwith over a hundred thousand visitors amonth in just a year just to prove apoint that it can be done so Idefinitely recommend this guide and Idefinitely recommend blogging to gettraffic number two you need to make aYouTube channel or if you're interestedin creating content you need to have amain stream of content now you might notbe into blogging so you might do aYouTube channel and then just repurposethings to your blog from your YouTubechannel but I'll get more into that in aminute a YouTube channel is one of thebest ways to appeal to Millennials andyounger demographics because people goto youtube usually when they're betweenyou know teenage and under 30 years olda YouTube channel is very easy to makecontent for you just get your camerafrom your smartphone you can have a fullgreen screen set up if you want to govery professional you can have a crewyou can do it all by yourself you can doscreen captures like I'm doing right now- if you want to show more of apresentation to show people kind of howyou're doing things but a YouTubechannel is one of the best ways to gettons of traffic to get over billionviews a month and YouTube is the thirdlargest website in the entire world sovideo is really taking over it's reallythe future of traffic in its growingyear after year the best way to make asuccessful YouTube channel is to followsome of the points in this article onconvince and convert this is one of thebetter articles out there one of themost comprehensive that goes over how tostart a YouTube channel they go over thenumbers they go over exampleschannels that do well why some succeedwhy some fail they take you through thenumbers they take you through thestatistics they take through casestudies and it's just a great postoverall from a very good marketingcompany if you want to start YouTubevideos a great resource to check out onconvince and convert but a YouTubechannel is one of the absolute best waysto get traffic especially for a youngerdemographic number 3 build a socialmedia presence so social media of courseFacebook has over a billion usersTwitter has hundreds and hundreds ofmillions of users there's hundreds ofmillions of users on Instagram and someof these other ones there's PinterestGoogle+ you need to have social mediapresence if you want your business tothrive and doing that you want to getthe best info from the best experts andsocial media examiner is a great blogthat I found to be very helpful forfiguring out the latest social mediatactics what experts are saying insocial media what the trends are for thefuture of social media what the besttools to use our social media examineris one of those top resources there'stop websites that you can go to wheneveryou have social media questions so it'sone of the best ways to get traffic andbuild a brand show people who's reallybehind your brand and just reallyconnect with your people on a whole newlevelbut you need to know what you're doingand social media examiner is one of thebest resources for figuring that out andbefore considered to starting a podcastso podcast of course is basically likeyour own little radio show that you canstart through Apple and of course thereare other podcasting sites now but Appleof course still dominates the podcastingspace and there are many successfulpodcasts now there's like the TimFerriss show there was entrepreneur onfirethere's a lot of different podcast fromcelebrities to businesses to personaldevelopment strategist and starting apodcast is something you want to learnfrom the bestyou want to study the best peopleentrepreneur on fire is one of the toppodcasts one of the top entrepreneurshippodcasts they interview people all thetime and they have a very good model tomodel after and podcasters paradiseis the course that they created forpeople who are looking to create theirown podcast like a successful brand likeentrepreneur on fire so they createdthis course for people like you ifyou're looking to start a podcast Ifound that this is the one of the mostpopular podcasts and courses out thereand if you want start podcast this isthe place to go just go to podcastersparadise calm but it can get you a tonof traffic just ask Tim Ferriss just askJohn Lee Dumas just as packed when thesepeople make a living off a podcast andtrust me it can take your business to awhole new levelnumber five repurpose content so there'sno point in just making one piece ofcontent with a lot of great stuff in itand then just leaving that as the onlyversion of it you can really reach awhole new group of people if you justrepurpose it and recycle it so if youmake a really good blog post just sayyour brand is born into blogging andthat's your main source of traffic youcan take a blog post and you can turn itinto alternative posts you can post themon LinkedIn pulse you can post them onmedium you can post them on hub pagesyou can repurpose them into sections soyou can create individual social mediaposts from different points that youmake in that blog post you can turn ablog post into a YouTube video then youcan share that video on multiple siteslike Vimeo and dailymotionyou can turn into a podcast episode orturn it into multiple podcast episodesyou can turn it into SlideSharepresentations where you take it and turnit into a slideshow there are so manyways to repurpose your content so oneway to figure out how to do this in thebest way get the right resources go tothe right websites for repurposing getsome great ideas you can go tooptinmonster comm and check out thispost called 40 ways to repurpose yourblog content and why you should it's avery it's a very timely post it's beendone recently so it's updated with allthe latest trends in social media andblogging and all the updates that aregoing on on the Internet and it givesyou 40 different ways to republish yourto repurpose your content and differentsources that you can use for doing so soit's a really great way a great greatresource to study and take some notesfrom and just kind of jot down what kindof resources to use when you want torepurpose your stuff so you canrepurpose it through ads you can bepurpose it through like I said you knowdifferent content mediums differentwebsites all kinds of stuff so check outthis post and consider repurposing yourcontent into many different forms to getthe most traffic number six you need toadvertise on Facebook if you're going toadvertise because advertising onFacebook is cheaper than Google AdWordshas more more targeting options thanbeing and it's just the best overall foryour money as far as my experience goesso Facebook advertisingyou create a Facebook page you mark itthrough sponsored post or write : adsbut the best way I would think to getstarted in Facebook marketing somethingI wish I knew when I started is study apost like this from digital marketerdigital marketer is one of the bestcompanies I've seen at Facebookadvertising they get the most for theirmoney they get the best qualifiedprospects that are most likely to buythe products so they know what they'redoing and they have some great posts andresources that you can use to help youget the same kind of results that theydo so go to digital marketer and checkout this post right here called thecomplete guide to Facebook ad targetingso you can go through and figure out howto target the best people for yourFacebook ads and they give examples theyhave other posts that they wink to thisone if you want to go even more in-depthbut they go over location they go overdemographics like age gender they dolanguage they do interest targeting youcan target things like peoplesoccupations you can target what the kindof magazines they read there's all kindsof stuff that you can target throughFacebook ads and there's some prettyspecific tricks that you can do to savemoney and get the most value per clickfrom Facebook so I recommend you readthis post to get started as a beginneron Facebook advertising and I recommendFacebook advertising if you're lookingto do any kind of advertising if you'reon a budget you don't have to do paidads you can do very well which iscontent marketing but Facebook ads canbe very worthwhile if you do themcorrectly number seven you can collectemails and this is something you have todo in today's world if you're running abusiness you have to collect emailsespecially if you have any kind ofwebsite becausethat's how you get people to return toyour website that's how you get peopleto see your product your offers multipletimes so that they can really understandwhy they should make a buying decisionand people are not going to buy thefirst time they see your business forthe first time they see your servicethey have to see it about five six seventimes before they make a buying decisionand people tend to do the research soyou need to collect their email whenthey first come to your site so that youcan not worry about being out of sightout of mind you can work you can focuson giving them value giving them blogposts and YouTube videos and things thatteach them that show you why you knowwhat you're talking about why yourbusiness works and how it improves theirquality of life and then of course youcan send them to sales pages from theseemails so it's the best way to marketoverall and the return on investment isamazing from email marketing so if youwant to get started in email marketingas a beginner I would recommend you reada post like this one on KISSmetricsdot-com where it talks about abeginner's guide to successful emailmarketing just look that up on Googlecome right up and you can go throughthis you have how you how to getpermission how to get whitelisted how toavoid being a spammer how to useanalytics and things like that to getthe most out of your emails when topitch when to give value it reallycovers a lot of great aspects of emailmarketing and as a beginner and you needto know just how to get started on theright foot without shooting yourself inthe foot and this is a great post tohelp you do that so another thing Iwould recommend for getting traffic isjust leveraging analytics so technicallythis doesn't directly get you trafficlike say blogging like say advertisingthe analytics is what helps youknow what gets the most traffic and whatdoesn't work so if you don't knowanalytics you don't keep track of yournumbers you're not going to know how toget more traffic from the best types ofblog posts so in other words you'regoing to be blogging or doing videossome of them are going to do poorly someof them are going to do well you need toknow which ones are doing poorly andwhich one they're doing well so that youcan stop doing videos and content likethe ones that don't get any results andyou can do more and build on thestrategies that work that got bigresults and you don't know any of thosethings without knowing the numbers inanalytics so the best analytics that youcan get for free is Google Analyticstells you all about your website allabout your demographics your attractingwhere people are coming from whereyou're getting the most traffic fromwhich kind of blog posts are doing thebest how you're converting all thatstuff can be done with Google Analyticswhich is free to start using and the altthere's a great guide for beginners touse Google Analytics on Moz comm andit's called the absolute beginners guideto Google Analytics it's very long postit really goes very very in-depth on howto do every aspect of Google Analyticsand I recommend you read that if you'rebeginner and don't really know everypart of Google Analytics and need toknow how to track your results and getthe most from your marketing so you'renot wasting a lot of time on things thatdon't worknumber nine you can get traffic fromanswering questions on Cora and Cora isa fairly new brand they are basically adifferent type of Yahoo Answers in a wayso Cora is a place where you answerquestions for people but you can wink toresources after answering the questionso if you give people very qualityquality answers to their questions thatand really just answer the question butthen you want if they want to get moreelaboration on the topic you can letthem know hey if you want to see evenmore on this topic you can go to thiswebsite or this page or this blog postor this video and you can link to it inthe answer of these questions andhundreds and thousands of people seeeach question in many cases on Quoraso when you have all these people seeingthese the percentage of them will clickyour link if your answer is good so it'sa great way to get extra traffic fromjust another type of resource and thispost on smart blog or calm how to turnCora into a traffic driving machine foryour blog very popular post will showyou how to really get the most trafficfrom Cora that you possibly can and itwill go through case studies examplesnumbers you can expect kind of how to dothis without becoming a spammer how todo this the right way so Cora doesn'tkick you off and how to actually providevalue while still winking to yourwebsite so it's a great post on smartblogger check it out Cora is a great wayto help people and get more trafficnumber 10 you can publish books onAmazon and wink back to your brand orringbut wait back to your YouTube channelyour website your social media profilesso you can get their emails you cancollect their information you can getmore followers you can get more visitorsto your blog and your channel allthrough Amazon books and if your booksare good you'll notice that bestsellerstend to have very popular blogs as welllook at somebody like Tim Ferriss hewrote the 4-hour workweek a 4-hour bodyin the 4-hour chef look how popular hisblog is and he really doesn't even dothat much SEO he doesn't even rank for alot of terms he just gets so muchtraffic because people know him throughhis podcast and through his books and hereferences his websites through hisbooks by having resources on his websiterelated to the material in his books sothat is a great way to get more trafficas to write a very well-done bookpublish it on Amazon and as people readyour book you can reference differentadditional resources on your website andone of the best ways to rank books thebest way to learn how to do this is totake a course that I took called K moneymastery you can go to / K – money – mastery itlooks like this page and it's a very lowcost course that will teach you allabout how to rank books and Amazon howto promote yourself in the books at theend how to get reviews how to publishbooks almost automatically withouthaving to even write them yourselfthere's all kinds of tricks andstrategies in this course for publishingon Amazon and it will get you tons ofextra trafficnumber 11 you can promote stuff on viralcontent buzz viral content buzz is asocial media community where you sharestuff you earn points and then you getpeople to share your content by creatingprojects and paying them in these pointsso it's basically like trading sharesfor shares and you can also get apremium account where you don't have toshare that much stuff of other people'sand you get points each month for yourprojects but the way it works is you goon here you log in and you're on a pagelike this you can go read this materialand decide whether you want to promoteit on StumbleUpon Twitter Facebook orPinterest and when you share it Oh tellyou how many points you'll get or howmany credits you'll get when you shareit you use these credits to create yourown projects like these where peoplewill see this and they will share yourstuff so you get more social mediashares you get more traffic to whatevercontent you put on here so viral contentbuzz is a great way to get a lot ofsocial media traffic and a lot morepromotion for your content if you don'thave a big following yet it's completelyfree to use number 12 you can get moretraffic from just retweet just retweetis similar to viral content buzz exceptyou basically promote a tweet instead ofpromoting the actual page of yourcontent but the link to your content iswithin the tweet so people can retweetlike or +1 these tweets on TwitterFacebook and Google+ and they paidcredits that you give them when they doit so these people are trying to earncredits to get shares for their contentso they have to share your content toget those credits and it's just a way toget everybody on thismore publicity more traffic to theircontent and if it's good you'll you'llget stuff that will even go viral so ifyou don't have a huge social mediafollowing yet use viral content buzz andjust retweet to share to people'sfollowings that are already establishedwithout having to do things the hard wayor pay them for doing it and last butnot least you can promote contentthrough empire cred Empire cred used tobe known as Empire Avenue but Empirecred allows you to do something similarto just with just retweet and viralcontent buzz and you create missionswhere you pay people credits to promoteyour stuff and it's all fake credits youdon't have to pay anything you can payto upgrade if you want but you don'thave to and what you do is you also havea stock market so it's actually morelike a game than the other two optionsbecause you can play stocks you caninvest in people who have really goodsocial-media followings who are trendingup in social media and you can sellstock to create more credits foryourself so you get you get credits forinvesting as well as doing missions andmissions are when you share otherpeople's stuff you visit their posts youdo all these things whatever they askyou to do but then you create your ownmission up here and then you have peopleshare your stuff in exchange for thecredits so if you combine viral contentbuzz just retweet and Empire cred foreach piece of content that you do youcan get a huge boost in in traffic andit will help you grow your socialfollowing a lot faster if you will havea big one already so if you gotsomething from this video if you feellike you learned some ways to gettraffic that you didn't already knowabout an internet marketing please likeand subscribe so I can create morevideos like this for you if you want tolet me know about some other great waysfor beginners to getethic through internet marketing that Imissed in the video that you thoughtshould have been in this video or youwant to just let me know what youthought about it just leave a commentbelow I'd love to hear from you and ifyou want to contact me directly if youwant to get more in-depth blog posts onthis stuff and you want to get coursesand tools that you can use to help youget better results and go to other than that I hope youenjoyed the video and I hope you have agreat dayyou
