Advice for Selling T-Shirts Online [Ecommerce]

hey everyone this is roberto blake helping you createsomething awesome today so today we'regonna talk about something interestingwe're going to talk about sellingt-shirts on the internet and how you dothat and whether it's viable or whetherit works now we're doing this videobecause it was a request from many ofyou in the audience both in the drokkendesign video comments and in some othercomments because you guys see that Ihave the always be creating and tocreate awesome t-shirts and a lot of youbeen wondering about that now the thingis I don't market those a lot becauseI'm not really in selling t-shirtsonline to make a ton of money or toreally even promote my website becausethere's no URL link or anything going tomy website these shirts for me we'reabout spreading a specific message andthen also in my personal brandingwhenever I walk out in these they're aconversation starter there's no point atwhich a day goes by when I'm wearingthese shirts that I don't end up talkingto someone about the crepe awesomephilosophy about creating things andsharing them with the world and livingout your dreams if you're creative sothat always ends up being part of theconversation so if you have a message oryou're a personal brand there might bereasons outside of the ecommerce benefitfor you to sell t-shirts online or tohave t-shirts because you might beinterested in building a community whichis what I'm doing I'm building acommunity of people who either want tobe entrepreneurs and they're creatingvalue for other people or they'recreative professionals or hobbyistthey're artists photographers paintersdesigners poor creating things andsharing them with the world so you knowcreate awesome and always be creatingapplies to anybody really and that's thepoint so I'm building a community ofpeople who are interested in thatmessage and want to feel like they're apart of something that's it that's why Idon't spam people with stuff for thet-shirts or go buy the t-shirts in thestore with that in mind if you arelooking to do ecommerce and sellt-shirts for whatever reason there aresome strategies and methods that I canadvise you on one I would say that Iunderstand if you were trying to gowholesale buy t-shirts from a wholesalerprint them yourself or whateverand then keep the largest margin but I'magainst that for several reasons becauseone it means that you're limited to themarket that you can either deal withlocally or that you have to absorbshipping logistics and shipping cost ifyou're doing any other type of businessall of that for selling the shirts for avery minimal amount of money is takingaway time from your other business so Irecommend that if you're doing any otherbusiness any other side hustle do notprint your own t-shirts and buy themwholesale just go through an onlinevendor let them keep the bulk of theprofits and you make like 150 or $2.00 ashirt it's fine because it means zerocost to you zero work and zero of yourtime so I would argue that the marginthat they're keeping is you buying backyour time so that's why I wouldrecommend the online marketplace that Iutilize for my t-shirts is Spreadshirtcomm so I have Roberto Blake Spreadshirtcomm but I also set up my own URL I setup Roberto Blake comm slash shirts toforward to that so if you have your ownwebsite I would say find a way to do theURL redirect and do something likeshirts or Store and then push peoplefrom your comm to your store the reasonI recommend that is you'll have bettertracking metrics it might be easier forpeople to remember and to get to itmight be better for you for linking thatup on your website obviously if you'rein youtube like me then using YouTubeinfo cards and annotations areassociated with your website your com sothat's going to make it easier for youto link out to that so those are myrecommendations with regard to utilizingan online store ecommerce platform as athird party for selling your t-shirts oryour you know apparel accessories onlinenow with regard to how you go aboutdesigning them I recommend that ifyou're going to do something that'stext-based like this or that is an iconor a logo that you take the adobeillustrator EPS file and you upload itand the reason I use Spreadshirt isspecifically because they take advantageof EPS and illustrator files so I knowthat it's gonna be clean it's gonna bevector it's gonna be perfect it's notgoing to be pixelated it's not going tobe off in any way so that's why I woulduse it also I feel the quality of theshirts is very goodso those are my recommendations forselling shirts online and how youapproach that I have links to the stuffI talked about in description below somake sure you're checking that out ifyou still have questions about sellingshirts online then go ahead and leavethose in the comment section I'll tryand answer as many of them as I canbut I think I pretty much covered it inthis video anyway like this video if youliked it don't forget to subscribe shareit with friends check out the otherawesome content on the channelas always you guys thanks so very muchfor watching and don't forget createsomething awesome today
