Aliexpress Best Products 2020 – Top Aliexpress Products For Dropshipping

hey guys welcome back this is Ryanthanks for watching this is anothervideo for those of you guys that aredrop shipping online so you are buildingout your storefront with Shopify andthen you're running scaling ads onFacebook or Instagram and hopefullymaking a lot of sales along the wayright guys at least I hope you're makingyour money back so as you know when yourdrop shipping not every product iswinner but what you want to do is youwant to quickly be able to have otherproducts in the back of your mind incase you need to quickly shut down thoseads and start with a whole new otherproduct so in this video I'm going toshare with you guys five more productsthat you guys can consider on futurestorefronts and you guys should alwaysbe on the lookout for other productsthat you guys can sell some of the topdrop shippers out there their storesaren't successful always right off thebat sometimes they have to test multipleproducts themselves too and see whichone works for them so you always want tobe able to have another product that youguys can promote okay so you should bewatching videos like this so what Iwould recommend for you to do is lookout over here hit the subscribe buttonright over here on the bottom right handcorner of your screen just smack thatsubscribe button also hit the bell whenit pops up the notification bell so thatyou're notified when I come up with thenext video on Aliexpress best productsokay so let's go ahead we'll get startedand we'll start moving through theproducts here have a pen ready so youguys can take some notes okay let's goahead and get started oh one last thingmy facebook ad ebook tutorial that I putout in the last couple videos some ofyou guys have said that you've had aproblem downloading it so what I'm gonnado is instead of putting the link at theend of the video I'm just gonna put itin the in the description of the videookay of how you guys can request that soit's going to be basically an autonotification system so as soon as yousend the request you should be able toget the link back to where you candownload it it'll be a Dropbox link okayand if you guys end up downloading myFacebook ad tutorial ebook if you guyscould please give it a thumbs up on thevideo right now that lets YouTube knowthat you value the content that I'mproviding so thank you and let's goahead let's go ahead and start lookingat the first product okay so here we gookay so here's the first one it's calleda mini drone and a lot of you guys haveseen the drones out there the ones thatyou hold the hey little hand recorderand you you aim it and you zoom thedrone all around but this one'sbasically you justpick it up throw it up in the air and itstarts flying so let's watch the videohere real quick it's the function ofautomatic avoidance with encounteringups tackle at the button it will riseautomatically and sensing interactiveaircraft it can be played by many peoplethe grape turns over to stop flyingclick on its power button to switch intohigh-speed mode ok so that's basicallyhow it works you guys can go and watchit yourselves it's a it's a mini droneit's available for only $10 and 40 centsand what I like about this product is Ihaven't seen a lot of these out there Ihaven't seen a lot of people promotingthem I think it's great for Christmastime so if you can get your storefrontsup really quick or maybe you've got astorefront already up you could quicklyadd the product through or bare low andget it up and running fast it's gotalmost nine thousand orders already guysso it is popular it's got four hundredand forty six reviews a 4.7 rating and Ithink that this is something that isgoing to be you're gonna be seeing a lotof this out there okay here we go let'sgo over to item number two alright thisone is basically amount am I looking uphere for its amount for your iPhone caseor your cell phone case in the car andbasically what you do is you stick it toeither your dashboard or you could putit on your window and what's great aboutit is that you can quickly just smackyour phone onto the mount and it sticksand you could pop it right off with theones with that with the clamps right nowyou know that when you're fiddlingaround while you're driving if you're ifit falls down your phone falls off youhave to quickly you know what I do is II grab the wheel with my knee and then Iquickly reach over and put my phone intothe clamp and hopefully it stays so thisis something that's great I saw a guyyesterday I pulled up to a light Ilooked over to my right and there was aguy that just basically popped it rightoff did something with his phone smackedit right back on it was so quick andsimple I thought I'd seen these beforebut I never really thought to get oneand so this one right here has 1500orders 646 reviews that's a lot ofreviews for fifteen hundred and tenorders and it's got apoint-9 reading so let me play the videohere real quick on that[Music][Applause][Music]that's the magnetic strips right thereyou put it on the back earphone and thenit just quickly sticks right to the unitthere and that's how it works so if youguys are interested in that that mightbe an option for you I did check let mesee here I'm gonna go check I found aname I'm over at save big domains guysif you guys are interested in buyingtheir namesI found one here it's magnetic car phoneholder if you're wanting to create awebsite for that only $8.99 if anybodywants that feel free to take it I didcheck some other ones on some of theother products and kicked member with itwhat it is right now but if you guys arelooking to save money on your domainnames or maybe you have ones coming upfor renewal I'd recommend going to savebig domains it's a lot less expensivethan GoDaddy and network solutions andall the other companies all right solet's head over we're gonna look at itemnumber three this is basically alighting system and I know we've allseen lighting systems at Home Depot andstuff but this one they do it in kind ofa neat way they basically put itunderneath the bed and so it kind ofcreates a nice ambience lighting for theevening time onto your bed and this onelook at the number of orders on this youwouldn't expect this for just somelighting cords a little over sixteenthousand orders thirty three hundred andtwenty one reviews in a four point eightreading and look at the prices if youguys buy this in bulk you guys could beselling this on Amazon and making somemoney you could even offer this if youcan get it low enough free plus shippingif you wanted to if you were going to beselling a lot of these depending uponthe storefront that you had and type ofproducts that you guys were promoting sothat is item number three let's go aheadand take a look at item number four herewe go it's kind of under the same kindof lighting concept these are basicallyLED fiber-optic shoes for boys and girlsyou guys could promote these two littlekids to run around at nighttime I knowwe've all seen like the little light onthe heel when little kids are walkingsometimes at night when they're walkingyou know out and about outaround town and every time they take astep the light clicks on this issomething that I think would be reallyinteresting it's got almost fourthousand orders and it's got a fourpoint eight reindeer ranking and look atthe price is 18 to 25you could easily promote these fourlittle kids you know on the $40 range$45 range let's click that real quick sothat is the LED shoes for those of youguys that are interested in promotingthat to young kidslet's go ahead we'll take a look at thelast item number five this goes alongwith the order of the holidays right nowwith the lighting it's still earlyenough that if you guys are sellingproducts currently in the Christmasarena in the holiday arena then this isa product that you guys can promote itis a it is a like a fairy light Garlandoutdoor area or even you could do it forweddings and stuff but look at theamount of orders this is what struck meit's got over 45,000 orders that's a lotof orders guys somebody is making a lotof money on this and look at the pricesix point seven three to 18 point sixzero so depending upon if you're buyingin bulk or not you guys could go outthere and promote this this is somethingthat you guys could run scaling adsbased upon weddings and you could runads in perche in any country becauseeveryone's getting married women aregetting married constantly and you couldalso run ads based upon the what do youcall it the events that wedding holdersare having they're having these hugeshows in Los Angeles in New York inMiami for bringing all these women thatare getting married all these women thatare going crazy because they're gettingmarried and they will just spend moneylike crazy on buying lights like thisfor their wedding shower parties ortheir wedding dinner event so you guyscould promote this so that is itor the five products for today rememberguys if you guys like this if there areany products in here you guys thoughtwere interesting please look down belowthe video right now and hit thesubscribe button over here right overhere and then smack the notificationbells so that you're notified when Icome up with more winning videos thanksguys for watching and I appreciate youguys hanging out with me alright bye bye
