How To Start Selling Online with A Shopify eCommerce Business (#1 Mistake Beginners Make)

stood I had so much fun it is fun as fto like find a product that's hotput it in your store market it and thenactually get somebody to transact andbuy it[Music]you want to know how it gets startedwith drop shipping and you want to getstarted how to get started withe-commerce especially the money part isinteresting so so I ran two e-commercestores to Shopify stores I'm not doingit anymoreI'm just doing my agency and I'm doingmy online academy but the key toe-commerce I'm telling you right now youtold me you were afraid that you mightfail Yeah rightlet me tell you something brother thereisn't a night that goes by where I don'tchange something on my website whetherit's a picture whether it's text whetherit's copywriting whether it's a videowhether it's a testimonial whether it'sa new link a backlink I mean you're it'sit's a never-ending game and there isn'tone person who's ever been successful onplanet earth who has not failed you knowthere's a there's I think there's aquote like 90% of businesses fail youknow in in the history of business 90%of businesses fail right that's not toscare you that's not to deter you Ithink the stat the true stat is 90% ofbusinesses fail because people quit it'snot because of they they allowed failurethis is about perspective they allowedfailure to define them right I meanHenry I'm sorry Thomas Edison the greatinventor he invented this you know howmany times he failed before he finallyfound the right filament to fill theincandescent light bulb I mean it waslike thousands of times he failed sofailure is not if failure is inevitablelet me just tell you this you're gonnafail them I actually think it's reallyit's much easier to sell products andservices online than it is in real lifeI actually think it's easier to sellphysical products than it is services Iwas getting much more success runningFacebook ads into Grandma's and Google AdWords now it'scalled Google Ads with physical productswith these stores way easier than is tosell my services executive CareerCoaching personal branding right it'strial and error I went to the Universityof YouTube and I watched every YouTubevideo you can imagine this was like 5 10years ago right and I still do I stillwatch a lot of videos on Google andYouTube I still try to keep abreast ofthe e-commerce experts I even bought acourse on e-commerce mastery and allthat stuff right I invested a lot ofmoney into it I don't think you need alot of capital I don't think you needthe beautiful thing about drop shippingis you really don't need a lot of moneybecause you're not holding inventoryyeah does that make sense so you'reyou're you're getting inventory fromthese other websites right your youryour each purchase is based on apurchase order a real purchase orderit's not based on if you have it or notif it's in stock so there's really not alot of risk with drop shipping it's agreat way to practice you mighteventually end up doing private labeldoing your own product or what-have-youbut I think this is a great way to startso how do you get started you getstarted by just finally bucking upforget the idea of not ever failingyou're gonna fail but do something withfailure don't let failure define youdon't let failure make you quit just dosomething with it learn from it okaythat didn't work let me try thisokay this didn't work let me try thisthe reason that 90% of businesses failis because people quit not because theydon't have a good idea or not becausethey're not equipped to handle it orexecute it it's because they justthey're not seeing results fast enough[Music]they've they tried Facebook Ads once andthey quit which is like insane like youknow how many times I had to learn thebackend of Facebook Ads manager and thedifferent objectives and the differentcampaigns and all this stuff is gonnasound complicated rightlike drop shipping fulfillment orderingwebsite creation branding marketingadvertising Facebookmechanics ads manager of all that stuffsounds complicated but it's not I wantto make this very very clearit all sounds complicated but I promiseyou with every fiber of my being it'snot you just have to sit down you knowwhat the hardest thing about creating abusiness is just sitting down and doingit that's the hardest thing so you'vealready decided like this dude insideyour head which I talk about a lot on mychannel all the timethis dude inside your head has alreadyconvinced you why are you doing thisdude who do you think you are to startan e-commerce business what did you tellme two minutes ago you said nobody yourfamily's ever what you know how manytimes I've heard that beforea million in six times you know how manypeople have gone on to create successfulbusinesses with my coaching a lot ofthem most of them because I tried toreally give them the framework which itstarts with this and then the rest is inyour hands it starts with this and therest is in your hands I mean literallyin your hands like the laptop thefreaking you know because we're alllaptop warriors now the whole world islike business is laptop you know you'rea laptop you know samurai you know I'msaying yeah get out of your head andjust do and here I'm gonna save me thesuspenseyou want to know if you're gonna fail ornot you're gonna fail but guess whatfailure don't mean jack failure doesn'tmean jack so you just gotta keep doingit you just got to keep trying it keeptweaking it learn learn this why isn'tthis working why isn't that workingI might actually I've had honestly dudeI've had serious thoughts about gettingback into you know revamping I still payshopify $14 a month to keep my shop it'sasleep right now like nobody can buyanything from it but I still paidShopify $14 a month to keep it just atleast alive it's not dead but it's thestore is paused right now and you'llknow what that means when you get intoShopify if you don't mind the questionpleasewhat kind ofstuff for yourself girl I was doing likeit everything store now there's twoschools of thought yeah there's twoschools of because I had stood I had somuch fun it is fun as f to like find aproduct that's hot put it in your storemarket it and then actually get somebodyto transact and buy it but the problemwas and this is something that you mightface the problem with dropshipping isthe products are usually low-qualityyeah I don't know that might havechanged the last time I actually ran ane-commerce store by myself and ran acouple of e-commerce stores for clientswas like three years ago two three yearsago things might have changed by then Ialways wondered why you know and ifShopify if you're watching this pleaseI've always wondered why they don't dolike an Aliexpress for the USwhy wouldn't they create an Aliexpresstype of shop for the US if there is oneI apologize maybe I don't know maybethere is an Aliexpress do you guys knowwhat Aliexpress is your Alibaba whyisn't there one in the US is it justbecause of shipping and manufacturingcost yeah that makes sense but in thesea this isn't here this is a beautifulthis is a beautiful example this is abeautiful metaphor most of thesecompanies they're they're the mostpeople that fail but like really failnot like just fail because they thinkthey fail what's the reason that thesepeople fail is because they're onlythinking they want that immediateinstant gratification business doesn'twork that way if you want to build abusiness you should think about buildinga brand yeah what do I mean by buildinga brand building a brand takes a lot oftime I can't tell you how many contentcreators I've worked with I can't tellyou how many businesses and brands I'veworked with they're so like their warpedperspective they think that they allthey need to do is put up a website buya domain name throw some crappy productson their page and they should be makingten twenty thousand dollars a month itjust doesn't work that wayit's just like starting a coachingbusiness you can't just start a coachingor services bins at business put up afancy LinkedIn profile or put up a youchannel and everything's just going tostart the watch the money start pouringin it takes time it takes learning ittakes it takes mastering your craft ittakes understanding more about themechanics of business the mechanics ofe-commerce the science and art ofe-commerce than anybody else in yourcompany you should know more thaneverybody first you should start fromthe dirt level but I'm telling you rightnow dude this is the best time to do itthe only thing stopping you is this guyI call them the eternal daughter it'sthat one dude inside your headwho's telling you who do you think youare you don't come from that backgroundyou're not this you're not that thesepeople aren't like you who do you thinkyou are you can't do this you're gonnafail you suck it's that guy and thisgoes for everything not just ecommerceliterally everythingit starts in here what does the dudeinside your chest say not the dudeinside your head what's the dude I meanhonestly I'm just we're just wrappinghere like what's the dude inside yourchest say just do it one side like whenI sit down and I'm like there I'm justlike I think about him I think at themoment where I started think about iswhen at the moment that I starteddoubting myself yeah so because oncethat thought creeps in there that itmakes you you get any tangles you getentangled in it with your attention youget entangled in that don't ever forgetthis – a thought cannot have powerunless you give it attention youenergize it with your attention sothoughts come and go you have a trillionthoughts a day practically right I meannot literally but practically which onestick the ones that stick are the onesthat you give attention to so the nexttime that dude comes in just be likecool I'm not gonna listen to you you canwork all day but your bark is a hell ofa lot worse than your bite as a matterof fact this bite is is is an imposterit's an apparitionI mean you don't have kids rightyou're young how old you you're 23 yearsold you don't have kids you don't have amortgage right I'm assuming you don'thave a wife I'm assuming your husband orwhatever you're into I don't care forduties like wait a minuteI don't mean it's cool with me I don'tcare what you're into I mean it to eachhis own umfail fail as much as you can with dropshipping and ecommerce you don't need aton of capital you will need money to doadvertising but you could get away with$15 a day you could get away with even$5 a day ads now let me backtrack thatyou can do five-dollar ads a day and ifyou don't get a sale within two to threedays you just cancel the campaign Iwould say $5 ads a day are myths andFacebook is becoming increasingly moreexpensive and I think Facebook andInstagram and Google or where you needto go that's it those are just the threehottest products LinkedIn for e-commerceI'm not I don't think it's been a provenas of this kind of time period where inyou know summer of 2019 I haven't seenit I haven't seen it a I haven't seen itpresent itself as a proven concept yet Iknow reddit ads are kind of interestingand but but I don't want to confuse youand I don't wanna kind of it when you'rejust starting out you need to go wherethe bread and butter is the bread andbutter is an Instagram Facebookyeah the bread and butter is InstagramFacebook and I would say Google GoogleAdsand where do you go to learn how to dothat the beautiful University of Googleand YouTube yeah you just Google how doI create a Facebook ad how do I startyou could even Google how do I start ane-commerce store that might be the titleof this you know video that's this videois gonna go on my channel because Ithink it's super helpful I'm seriousdude please promise me just do it andkeep me posted message me DM me onLinkedIn or on Instagram or whatever youhave my email even to my email my mainemail this goes for anybody leave in thecomments down below let me know if thishelped you if this inspired youif you want to reach out to me Nez atprofessor Nez at professor Nez combo bea little you know graphic down therebelow dude you need to do it you need tostart it and so how you get started isI'm just telling you the sort of biggerpicture like this now the the finite thetangibles and the details obviously youneed it you need to create a websiteright you need to buy a domain name youneed to figure out what you want to selland your saying you might want to do iteverything kind of types yes now theonly reason that I've done in everythingstore you might want to research thisagain the University of YouTube andGoogle the reason that I did ineverything store is because I felt likeI wanted to focus on proven products Ididn't want to reinvent the wheelso what does that mean I would researchwhat are the hottest products out thereand I'd put it in my shop I'd look at mycompetitors this is competitive marketanalysis this is real world stuff lookat shops that are successful look atwhat they're doing how they're eventheir colors their brand their theirproduct page their homepage their aboutpage like literally everything and I'mnot saying like copy paste but just usethat for inspiration you know I'm sayingand just be like okay I'll createsomething like that because that's whatI want to do and the reason that Iwanted to create it everything store butI've heard a lot of different varyingopinions on this I've heard other peoplesay no no no that's the wrong way to doit you want to create a niche storeniche it down as much as possible Ipersonally I was being I was successfulwithin everything store and my wholething was I'm not in there to have aunique dog store or have a uniquefishing bait kind of store or whateverlike that I wanted a store where Iwanted to get the hottest products thathad a proven track record how to provenhistory of being profitable and thoseare those of the products I put in mystore and those are the products Irecommended to my clients so for me itwas about making money and for me itwasn't about like Fame or being cool orhaving a cool logo for me was aboutmaking money comevirgins does that make sense yeah so Iwant to use the products at work likewhoever like did a Shopify store justfor fidget spinners when that washot yeah can you imagine how much moneythat may they be millions so the nexthop product is right around the corneryou got to do your due diligence you gotto research the F out of all of theseproducts and find out from the storethere's so many ways just google thisstuff YouTube this stuff there's so manyways that you can research stores andresearch ecommerce shops and researchproducts there's so many ways there's somany cool little hacks and and tacticsand details that you can research allthis stuff and then just find thoseproducts even like the I know the mainkind of fulfillment plugins like Oh bearlo I don't know if you've heard of Ohbear lo like Oh bear lo is one of themain plugins and there's there's acouple other ones I think but Oh bear lofor Shopify they really kind of areintegrated well together I think theyeven have like their best even Alibabaand Aliexpress they have like if youclick on bestsellers or you go or you goon the competitors websites and theyhave they have a page called bestsellersand you just emulate those productsmaybe even put those same exact productsin there just put your own uniquecopywriting and your own unique brandingcolors dude that's a great way to startand then run Facebook ads targetingpeople like if it's a purse you probablydon't want to target 18 to 35 year oldmen who are into UFC right unless theyor you might want to target though menwho make a certain amount of incomebecause they might want to buy they'relate like Mother's Day is coming upright so a good ad campaign might be twothirty five to fifty five year olds whomake $100,000 to $150,000 a yearadvertise these specials for Mother'sDay your product right like Hollett thatto me that stuff is so much fun ifthat's fun for you if that's somethingthat like gets you excited like I wantto do a Halloween sale I want to do asummer bikini sale like that likemakes me really jazzedthat's when you know you're meant to dowhat your maybe when he gets you reallyjust I don't like the whole philosophyyou follow your dreams and butterfliesand you know lizards and unicorns andall that crap I don't know where lizardscame from like I hate those bumperstickers but but but if you if if it'ssomething to where it just gets just sojazzed it saps your bones withelectricity do that and my what zaps mybones with electricity is the ability tounderstand human behavior influencehuman behavior and be able to createeconomic freedom for myself that's mylike beautiful but that that stuff getsme cooked because it's really 21stcentury communications it's pathos it'sconvinced it's it's Aristotle it's theability to use words images right andcopywriting to influence behavior it's apowerful thing right it's a really coolthing actually and you can use that forgood or bad obviously I'm not gonna getinto a moral dilemma but you know I'mnot forcing people to buy anything Ijust I'm giving them the opportunityplus there's gonna be other 23 year oldsout there creating sure there's I meanthere's 18 year olds right now dude thatare doing Shopify and they're making ahundred K in revenue a month in revenuenot net profit yeah but in revenueprobably net profit maybe sixty thousandhow would you like to make 60 fiftythousand dollars a year I mean I mean Imean I mean a year a monthlet me how crazy would that be there'seighteen year olds doing this right nowso get started how do you get startedwith e-commerce how do you get startedwith Shopify I would say you need tolook at what it is decide what kind ofproducts you want to sell this Scottdecide what you want to you know reallyspend most of your time on because thisis a lot of time it's a lot of yourenergy right but it's highly highlyworth it and then look at competitorslook at what they're doing researchresearch research find out what the bestproducts are find out if they fit andalign with what you're doing figure outhow to get attention Facebook marketingx2 Instagram marketing Google Adwordsyou read it Twitter what I don't know Iwould start with the big three InstagramFacebook and Google and then fail asmuch as you can it's okayfail as much as you can there's nothingwrong with failure because you're gonnalearn you're gonna get I promise youthis with every fiber of my being you'regonna get better and better and betterjust like I did everybody starts withabsolutely zero knowledge well thedifference between the people who havewho are successful and an or not theydidn't quit they didn't let failuredefine them it's okay to fail I want youto promise me you're gonna at least tryto do it please can you promise me onthe record I'm kidding I don't wanna putToys R Us right but I literally only I'mserious man like I want you to do it andkeep in touch with me all you need to dois Google all you need to do is Googlehow to create a Facebook ad how tocreate an Instagram it it'll take you Imean literally tons of tutorials butyou'll find a bunch of valuableinformation I did it everybody else didit and then when you become the FacebookAdsexpert here's the cool thing about goinginto business is things change all thetime you might not want to do apparelyou may not want to do e-commerce rightyou might want to start a social mediamarketing agency in five years be likeyou know I really love the marketingside of it I really love the Instagramside of it I like the Facebook side ofit I like the digital side of it I likethe branding side of it you might changeyour business but get that enginecooking hit the ball rolling you know tome because I want because 23 with nostrings that's a no-braineryou need to start like yesterday youneed to start like yesterday does thatmake sense yeah any other questions oranything is it still recording uh okaygoodany other questions or anything likethat what were your questions maybe youwant to stick around and maybe hear whathe has to saysure it was it relate to did I help youat all without youShopify and then some other websites orwe should be their own websitewell Shopify is just an easier way tocreate a website it's still your websiteand I would definitely I think correctme if I'm wrong but you have to pay thisis this'll all be this is the littlestuff but there's a way of paying itforward you know that it says powered byShopify at the bottom or something likethat there's a way of paying the to getrid of that watermark it's like awatermark but it's still a websitewhether you created on your own or yougo through Shopify it's not Shopify it'sjust Shopify you know what Shopify doesShopify makes it easy for people who arenot website designers yet literally theywalk you through here's your bannerhere's your about page there's colorshere's you know I mean this is how youcan put your products there yeah exactlythey give you a template the productwon't be listed on like so far like eBayno Shopify is not a marketplace it's notlike eBay no Shopify is just a it's asoftware service that's all it is I meanit's literally just a sass I think isn'tit it's just a service that's providedto you to UM help you create ane-commerce store for yourself you'restill the owner it's still your productbut it's not like yeah it's not likeeBay or Amazon you put it on Amazon youget amazon's marketing engine whichwould be killer but you can't do AmazonFBA fulfillment by Amazon I've neverdone Amazon FBA but I've wanted to tryitI just haven't known the time I know theenergy to do it right now time or morethan anything I would love to doanything my name is on FBA I mean youcan google the crap out of it there'samazing ways of becoming a seller onAmazon and using the Amazon engine theunbelievable brand of Amazon to do a lotof the heavy liftingI didn't know that I don't know thatmuch about it I have to do more researchon it I can't do it this isn't a videoabout Amazon FBA I couldn't I wouldn'tbut I know that that's a viable optionto make money online more a more viableoption to usewell maybe not more viable but anothergreat viable option for making money onAmazon is affiliate marketing so butthat's a whole other you know it's agood yeah it's a good starting pointwait yeah yeah I mean what would you sayI'm curious I mean like I've done a lotof research and it's like if you'retrying to do like private label on thereis a little difficult because you haveso much come in competition so it'sgonna require more money and advertisingand all these other costs and also likeAmazon charges like a like a fee twiceyeah but you know what though yeah butyou know what though like I would say ifyou're not like desperate if you're notin a desperate situation and like youguys are young how are you so you guysare young notice how I mean I haven'tused your names at all in this videowhich they won't be used in the video soI'd want you to feel like comfortableit's more than but if you're young andyou don't have like 25 all you in there20 for you so 25 23 oh so jealous of youguys would love it I'm so proud of youguys if you do this if you thinklongevity then you should do your ownthing don't worry because I almost feellike doing the Amazon thing and doingthe eBay thing is like a quick quickrich thing which it is but ifyou do the longevity thing which is youare in this to create your own businessand brand then definitely do your ownthingShopify just helps you create it fasterbut it doesn't do the work for you stillit's still your business your brandwell what Shopify does is it integratesa lot of apps it integrates a lot oflike beautiful marketing kind ofintegrations and pop ups and things thatare really easy that you could probablystill do on your own but it just makesit easier the text basically Shopifytakes care of the tech side of a lot ofyou know I mean it put a lot of websitedesigners out of business I mean I'msure even Squarespace which I was justwhere my website is on I mean it took alot of I mean people used to chargethousands and thousands of dollars tocreate a website they still do but youcan do it now with all these easysoftware's and so you know if you wantto if you want to if it really dependson what your mission is what's yourstrategy like what do you want to youwant to create a brand or you just wantto like make money quick you can maybedo both you could create maybe a Shopifystore for just like experimentation Idid this before and I don't know if thisis the right thing or wrong thing to dobut I had a Shopify store where I justexperimented and just f'd around andtried all sorts of crap just to getfamiliar and then I had the Shopifystore which was my brand in my businesswhere I can implement all the failuresand trials and errors I could put thatin the real brand you might want to doboth I still made money with that trialand error Shopify store I still need alot of money with that one but mybusiness and brand was something that Iwas looking for that sort of reputationand that ethos you know what I meanso you could do both you can make quickmoney and you could build something Iwould say it's if you're if you're notsomebody who see I was I was reallydesperate to get out of education when Isay education I mean Here I am we'resitting in class I still teach but Ihave two successful businesses but it'sit's a beautiful feeling to say if theif the university wants to come down onme and try to put a glass ceiling on meor try to try to suppress what I want toteach and how I want to teach I can tellthem to eff off which is a beautifulfeeling I love that feeling right likehow good would it feel to not have tolisten to your boss and like if yourboss came and gave us one day you couldjust say good I'm out of here later broI'm good like if somebody came in rightnow and said you're done at thisuniversity I'd be like all right laterI'm sure with that right obviously Idon't want that to happenI well then s why do you still teach FeUniversity funny you asked because thepay is crap right the bureaucracy is aliving nightmare because of this I meanthat's the truth I know it sounds kindof mushy and BS but literally I loveconnecting with you guys I love helpingyou guys I think I'm a natural-borncoach I'm a natural born teacher myfather was a professor my grandfatherwas a teacher I'm an it's in my bloodit's in my DNA it gets me more excitedthan anything to have these kinds ofconversations with people and share whatI've been able to learn especially theanxiety and depression I went throughwhich which is what I really talk a lotabout on my channel as well as brandingbecause it starts with your mindset soyou might want to do both maybe I've hadI hope that answers your questionyep[Music][Applause][Music][Music]
