How to Make an Ecommerce Website with GoDaddy + WordPress – 2018!!

if you want to learn how to create ane-commerce website with WordPress watchthis video and I'll show you how what'sup everyone its Jameson from NYC techclub and today I'm going to show you howto create this ecommerce website withwordpress step-by-step and you don'tneed to know any type of coding orprogramming whatsoever it's just gonnabe a bunch of drag-and-drop and copy andpaste and as you can see this website isjust beautiful it's sexy its sleek andit has everything that you need to run asuccessful online store what I wanted todo when I created this website wascreate something that you can be proudof something that incorporates a lot ofthe design aspects of leading e-commercewebsites such as Amazon Alibaba and Nikeall of which are multi-billion dollarbusinesses that have spent millions ofdollars on web design research I triedto stay away from website designs likethis that are just ugly cluttered andmake no sense whatsoeverwhat I wanted to make was something thatyou can be proud of something that'seasy to navigate and something thatworks something that will make yourcustomers want to come back to over andover again and buy more and more of yourproducts and I really think that we wereable to achieve that with this websiteand I'm really excited to show you howto create this ecommerce website withWordPress so if you want to savethousands of dollars building out thisecommerce wordpress website yourselfthen keep watching this video becausei'm about to give you a tour of exactlywhat we're gonna build right now so thisis the e-commerce homepage that we'regonna learn how to make and what we'regonna do is learn how to create a customslider just like this so we'll insert afew different images and add whatevertext that you want and we can alsoinclude these buttons right here toredirect your visitors to differentparts of your e-commerce website andI'll also show you how to insert atransparent header menu just like thisand also include a top bar at the top ofyour website if you want and you cancustomize the colors of your entireecommerce website and the layout of allyour different pages I'll show you howto do that in this video tutorial sobelow the custom slider what we're gonnado is insert some buttons down here toredirect your visitors to differentparts of your e-commerce website andthen we'll have a featured productsection just like this and what we cando here is showcase some of the productsthat you sell on your e-commerce websiteright here and your visitors can alsojust click and add these to theirshopping cart or their wish list if theyand then below this what we're gonna dois insert a call-to-action so that yourvisitors can click and go to yourshopping page and then we'll have acustom footer at the bottom with somesocial media buttons and then somefooter links down here and now what Iwant to do is show you what the aboutpage is gonna look like that we're gonnamake so this is the about page thatwe're gonna learn how to make and on allof our pages we're gonna have custompage titles at the top and on this pagewe'll have a little section that talksabout your business and then if you wantyou can insert an employee section justlike this and then we can have aproducts and services section down herewith custom icons so I'll show you howto create this but you can always go inhere and customize the layout of yourabout page to look however you want andthen what we're gonna do is have a callto action at the bottom that's gonnalink to the contact us page and thenwe'll have our custom footer down hereokay so now what I want to do is showyou what the shop page is gonna looklike so this is the shop page that we'regonna learn how to make and you can seeright here that we have custom categorylinks and we can have a custom sidebarjust like this so I'll show you how tocustomize this and what we're gonna doon the shop page is just show all ofyour different products right here sothis is the shop page and what I want todo now is just show you some of theproducts that we're gonna learn how tomake in this ecommerce tutorial so thefirst type of product that we're gonnalearn how to make is called a simpleproduct and that's because there isn'tany variables like different sizes ordifferent colors there's only oneproduct that you can purchase and whatyou can do is add as many as you want sothis is a simple product page and youcan see that we have our main imageright here that you can zoom in on andyou can also click on another image oradd as many different images as you wantfor this product and then down here youcan see that you can add this to yourwish list and you have a longdescription down here and you can checkout reviews and then below this we'regonna have a related product section forproducts that are similar to this andthen below this we'll have our customfooter okay so now what I want to do isshow you the other type of product thatwe're going to create so this is avariable product and the differencebetween a variable product and a simpleproduct is that you have these dropdownsright here with different variables anddifferent options for your products soI'll show you how to add differentvariables to your products ifyou have variable products and prettymuch the rest of this page is prettymuch the same so if you want to createany other type of products likedownloadable products or virtualproducts or affiliate link products I'llalso show you how to do that but themain products that we're gonna focus onare these simple products and thevariable products okayso now what I want to do is just showyou what the blog page is gonna looklike so this is the main blog post pageand if you're gonna write some blogposts to keep your visitors updated thenthey would come to this page right hereand they can just scroll down and findthe article that they want to read andthey can hover over it and just click onthat article and you can customize thesehover colors to be whatever you want andnow what I want to do is just reallyquickly show you what an individual blogpost looks like so this is an individualblog post and you can have a featuredimage show up just like this or you canleave it blank and just have a whitebackground and below this is going to beyour content section so you can addwhatever you want and then we'll have asection for your visitors to leavecomments if you want also okay so that'swhat your blog posts are gonna look likeand now what I want to do is show youwhat the Contact Us page looks like sothis is the contact us page and we'regonna have a custom title at the top andthen some contact information right hereand I'll show you how to link your emailaddress if you want also and if you havea physical location we can insert a mapjust like this and now what I want to dois show you the other pages I'm going tocreate for our footer down here so thefirst is gonna be the frequently askedquestions page so this is the FAQ pageand we'll have a custom title and thenwe can have different sections righthere for different questions and answersand you can add as many differentsections as you want and then we canalso add a call to action at the bottomto let your visitors get in touch withyou if they have some additionalquestions and on all of your pages youwill have a back to top button just likethis that brings you right back up tothe top of the page so let me show youthe last two pages the first is gonna bethe privacy policy page and this is theprivacy policy page it's pretty basicbut you can always add some additionalinformation or format the layout howeveryou want and then we're going to have aTerms and Conditions page just like thisand this is the terms and conditionspage that we're gonna make and you canadd whatever sections that you wantright here and I'll show you how to adda separator line just likethis and by the end of this videotutorial you're going to be able tocustomize the layouts for all of yourdifferent pages to look however you wantand on each of your pages we'll have acustom footer with a custom backgroundcolor just like this and you can addwhatever links that you want down hereand you can have a custom copy rightdown here also so this is a responsiveWordPress website so this website isgoing to look good on any PC laptop iPadiPhone or Android deviceit's gonna resize automatically and youcan see that we have all the differentdevices right here so this is what itwould look like on a mobile device andthen on an iPad device right here andthen on the PC or laptop right here sothis is the e-commerce website thatwe're gonna learn how to make in thisvideo tutorial and what I want to dobefore I talk about the theme that we'regonna use is run through a transactionwith you really quickly so I'm on thehome page and what I want to do is justcome down to the featured productsection and I want to add one of theseto my shopping carts so I'll hover overthis product right here and just clickAdd to Cart and once the item is addedto my cart I should see thatnotification right there and what I cando now is just hover over my shoppingcart and click on that and let's go andclick on View cart and once I'm on theshopping cart page you can see that Ihave my product right here and if I wantto remove this I can click on the Xright here or I can add a coupon code ifI have one and over here I have thesubtotal and I can see the shipping costand also we can calculate the taxesbecause we're using a plug-in calledWooCommercewhich allows you to calculate the taxesand the shipping for your customerswhenever they put in an order so the taxwill show up after I include my billinginformation and for my e-commercewebsite I integrated PayPal but you canalways use whatever payment options thatyou want and I'll show you how tointegrate those a little bit later inthis video tutorial so down here I canclick on proceed to checkout or checkout what PayPal so I'll just click onproceed to checkout and once you're onthe checkout page if you have an accountwith this ecommerce website then yourcustomer can click here to log back inthis is my first time buying a producton this ecommerce website so what I didwas I filled out the billing informationright here and I put in my address andwhat that does is it calculates the textfor me automatically Ohhere and then at the bottom of here Idecide to check this box to create anaccount with my e-commerce website so Iput in my email address and a newpassword and now all I have to do iscome to the right-hand side over hereand then just select the payment optionthat I want to use and then click onproceed to PayPal and once I'm on thePayPal page all I have to do is choosehow I want to pay for this and thenclick on continue right here and then Ican just click on Pay Now and once thepayment goes through I should get thisnotification and now I can just click onthis link to go back to the e-commercewebsite and once I'm back on thee-commerce website I should see thisnotification right here that says myorder has been received and if I want Ican go to my account page by clicking onthis icon right up here and once I'm onmy accounts page and I'm logged in Ishould see some links right here and Ican click on the orders link and I'llcome to this page right here and Ishould see the order that I just maderight here and I can see the status ofthe order right here and what I want todo really quickly is just show you theemails that you would get as thecustomer and the business owner of thee-commerce website so first as acustomer I would get this email thatsays I made a payment to the e-commercewebsite and then as a business owner ifyou get a new customer order you'll getthis email with the new customer orderand then you'll get all the details downhere and since we're using theWooCommerce plugin for WordPress whichis the best e-commerce plugin there isif you log in to your WordPress websiteyou can also track the order and get allthe details here and I'll cover all ofthis and the video tutorial ok so that'sjust a quick rundown of a transaction onthe e-commerce website that we'rebuilding and what I want to do reallyquickly is just talk about the themethat we're gonna be using to build outour e-commerce website so what I want todo is go to the theme force website sothis is the theme forest website andthis is what we're gonna go to get thetheme that we're gonna use to create oure-commerce website with WordPress nowthis is a premium theme so there is asmall fee but again remember you'regonna be saving hundreds if notthousands of dollars building out thissuper professional ecommerce websiteyourself and this theme literally haseverything that you need you cancustomize the layouts the pages thecolors and even the payment options thisis one of the most popular e-commercethemes in the world and it's created bya company called get bowtie which is anelite wordpress developer with a greattrack record they offer great customersupport so if you have any questionswhatsoever they'll help you out and getback to you right away and I'm gonnahave a link to this page in the videodescription so that you can come andcheck out this theme yourself but Ipromise you this is the best e-commercetheme available and we've beenrecommending ecommerce themes for yearsthe shopkeeper theme is completely worthit and if you want an amazing ecommercewebsite using WordPress and theWooCommerce plug-in this is the themethat you want you can see up here thatthere are thousands of people that haveused this theme to create their owne-commerce website it has a five-starreview and it's always being updatedwith the latest premium features thatyou can use for your own e-commercewebsite so again this is the shopkeepertheme and this is the theme that we'regonna use to create our e-commercewebsite together so without further adowhat I want to do now is just getstarted on this video tutorial so ifyou're ready I'm ready let's get startedthe first thing that we have to do isregister a domain and then we have toget hosting service to run our websiteand store all of our content so yourdomain is your web address and you cansee up here that my domain is NYC techclub com so what we're gonna do is go toGoDaddy and register a domain for thee-commerce website that you're makingand then we're gonna go to a websitecalled Hostgator to get our hostingservice and I'll tell you all aboutHostgator in just a little bit so thefirst thing that I want you to do iscome to the text tutorial on how to makean e-commerce website with WordPressusing a GoDaddy domain so what you cando is click on the URL in the videodescription and you should come to thispage or you can just type in the URLthat you see up here and once you cometo this page this is the text tutorialso it's going to have every step thatwe're going through in this video and ifyou need to you can always referencethis or if I go too fast you can alwayspause the video and just rewind andre-watch whatever section that you're onok so once you come to the text tutorialwhat I want you to do is come down tostep number one which is register adomain and get hosting and you'll see alink over here to GoDaddy and what youcan do is click on theor you can click on the link on theright hand side to go to a specialGoDaddy page that's gonna let youregister a domain for just 99 cents andthese are affiliate links so if youclick on them that'd be awesome but it'sreally up to you so once you come tostep number one go ahead and click onGoDaddy right here or the link righthere and once you come to this specialGoDaddy page you can see right here thatyou can register your first domain for99 cents so make sure that you click onthat link to bring you to this pageright here and what you're gonna do istype in the web address that you want toregister for your e-commerce websiteright here so for my e-commerce websiteI'll type in shopkeeper theme comand once you're ready let's click on thesearch button right here and once thesearch results come back if you see thisnotification that says yes your domainis available then what you want to do isclick on this button that says add tocart otherwise what you want to do istype in a new web address and search forthat because the one that you wanted isalready registered by someone else soonce you add the domain that you foundto your cart we can just click on thisbutton right here that says continue tocart and once you come to this page letme show you what I would select forthese options so down here I wouldselect no thanks because this is just anextra cost right now and we can alwaysadd the service back whenever we wantand then down here where it says createan email address with your domainI would also select no thanks because Ihave a video on the NYC tech clubYouTube channel that shows you how to dothis for free so I'll link you to thatin the video description so once you'reready what I want you to do is click onthis orange button that says continuewith these options and then go throughthe signup process on your own and youcan select how long you want to registeryour domain for and everything like thatand I'm not gonna do this with youbecause I've already registered mydomain and I have an account withGoDaddy already so pause the videoregister your domain and then push playonce you're ready and then we'll move onto the next step so I'll see you in justa few minutes alright so welcome backand if you pause the video to registeryour domain with GoDaddy now you shouldbe logged in to your new GoDaddy accountand what you should see is yourdashboard right here and you should seeyour domains tab and what I want you todo is just click on manage all righthere and once your only my domains pageyou should see the domain that you justregistered right here with GoDaddy andif you do then we are good to go andwe're gonna come back to this page injust a little bit so let's keep this tabopen and what you can do is go back tothe text tutorial on how to make ane-commerce website with GoDaddy 2018 andagain we're on step number one and downhere there are some links to Hostgatorand this is what we're gonna go to getour hosting service to run our websiteand store all of our content so you canalso just type in WWE skater comm but ifyou're on the text tutorial go ahead andclick on one of these links so you bringyou to the Hostgator page and now youshould be on the Hostgator home page andthis is where we're gonna go to gethosting service to run our website andstore all of our content and I recommendHostgator to all my clients and I usethem on each and every one of mywebsites because they're super fastreally reliable they're cheap and theyhave great customer service and they'realso fully integrated with WordPress soif you've done any research on WordPressyou've probably heard of Hostgator alsobecause a lot of WordPress websites areusing Hostgator to host their websitesand that's why I'm gonna recommend themto you so once you come to this pagewhat you're gonna do is click on thislink right here that says web hostingand now you should come to this pageright here and you can see there arethree different hosting plans to choosefrom the hatchling baby and businessplan and the business plan is a littletoo expensive and more than what we needso we're just gonna focus our attentionon the icing and the baby plan so thehatching plan is if you want to make onewebsite and one website only then allyou need is the hatchling plan if youwant to create more than one website andyou want to host them on the sameaccount then you want to select the babyplan so for this ecommerce tutorialsince we're only making one site I'lljust select the hashing plan but it'sreally up to you what you want to selectfor the hosting plan that you want touse so once you're ready go ahead andclick on onethese buttons down here that say bye nowand now you should be redirected to thispage right here and this is what we'regonna go to select the hosting plan thatwe want so we'll go through these stepstogether just to make sure that you filleverything out correctly so first cometo step number one where it says choosethe domain and since we alreadyregistered our domain with GoDaddywe want to select this tab right herethat says I already own this domain andwhat we're gonna do is type in thedomain name that you just registeredright here so I'll type in shopkeepertheme com and once you type yours in goahead and push enter and once the searchresults come back you should see thisgreen check mark and it should say addedand if you do then we're good to go andwe can move on to step number two sostep number two is where you're gonnachoose the hosting plan so in this firstdrop-down you can see there is thehatchling baby and business plan andagain the hatchling plan is if you wantto make one website and one website onlyand then the baby plan is if you want tomake more than one website and you wantto host them on the same account thenyou want to select the baby plan so forthis tutorial I'll select the hatchlingplan and then what you want to do ischoose your billing cycle so what Iusually recommend is either 3 or 6months for my clients just so that theyhave enough time to know whether or notthey want to run a website or not so forthis tutorial though we're gonna select1 month and again you can selectwhatever billing cycle that you want andthen what I want you to do is create ausername and a security pin and I'm notgonna do this with you because I'vealready created my Hostgator account butif you need to you can pause the videoand type this stuff in and then onceyou're ready let's go down to stepnumber 3 so step number 3 is whereyou're gonna enter your billinginformation and again I'm not gonna dothis with you because I already have aHostgator account but if you need to youcan pause the video and fill everythingout and then once you're ready push playand we'll move on to step number 4 sostep number 4 is adding additionalservices and by default Hostgator selectsome of these for you and what I wantyou to do is uncheck these boxes becausethese are extra services that we don'treally need right now and they're justan additional cost and we can always addthese back later and also I'll show youhow to create an email address with yourdomainfor free and that video is going to bein the video description so I have avideo on the YouTube channel NYC techclub that shows you how to do this somake sure that you uncheck all of theseand then once you're ready let's go downto step number five so step number fiveis entering a coupon code and this isprobably the most important step in thiswhole signup because this is where youcan type in a coupon code and you'llsave some money and you can see thathostgator puts in a coupon code for youright here and down here you can see thediscount and right now their coupon codethat they put in has no discount so whatI want you to do is delete this and whatwe're gonna do is type in a specialcoupon code that I'm able to give you tosave some money so the coupon code isNYC tech 3-0 so type that in and thenclick validate right here and whatyou'll notice is that the discountactually increases to about 60 percentand that's because this coupon coderight here NYC tech 3-0 is the largestcoupon code available on Hostgator somake sure that you type in NYC tech 3-0and click validate and then you'll see alarge discount right down here and onceyou're ready let's just come down to thebottom and check this box that says Ihave read and agree to the terms andthen click on the button right here thatsays checkout now and once you get yourHostgator account what I want you to dois go to your email inbox and open upthis email titled your account info andyou'll see some details down here andwhat we're gonna do right now is connectour GoDaddy domain to our Hostgatoraccount so we're gonna take these twoname servers and paste them into theGoDaddy domain so that we connect godaddy with Hostgator so you should stillhave the tab open for GoDaddy and if youdon't go ahead and open up a tab andthen log in to your GoDaddy account andyou'll come to your domains page righthere and what I want you to do is clickon the domain that you just registeredwith GoDaddy and once you're on thedomain settings page what I want you todo is scroll down to the bottom to thislittle link down here that says manageDNS and click on that and once you're onthe DNS management page what you'regoing to do is come down to the sectiontitle name serverswhat we're gonna do is paste in the nameservers from our Hostgator email intothis section right here and that's goingto connect GoDaddy with Hostgator sowhat you're gonna do is click on theChange button right here and then gointo this drop-down and select customand then you'll have these two boxesright here and what you can do is go toyour email from Hostgator and then justcopy the first name server right hereand then go back to your GoDaddy pageand just paste that in right here andthen paste in the second name serveralso so I'll just highlight this andthen copy that and then go back to theGoDaddy page and then paste that inright here so you should have both ofthe name servers and then all you'regoing to do is click Save right here andonce that's saved it might take a fewminutes or an hour or two for GoDaddyand Hostgator to connect but it willconnect so this is all we have to do toconnect our GoDaddy account to Hostgatorso we are actually good to go now and wecan close out of this tab and what Iwant to do now is go to our controlpanel so that we can install WordPressand start building out our e-commercewebsite so come back to the Hostgatoremail right here and you should see thislink right here that says your controlpanel what I want you to do is click onthis and once you come to this page whatwe're gonna do now is go and login tothe cPanel and install WordPress so ifyou need your username and your passwordgo ahead and go back to your email fromHostgator and your username and yourpassword are right here and then you canjust copy and paste those into these twosections and then once you're readyclick on the login button and onceyou're logged in this is your controlpanel and this is where we're gonna goto install WordPress so that we canstart creating our online store and thecontrol panel might look a littledifferent when you login because I'vebeen told that it's gonna get redesignedin a few weeks so if it does don't worryall you have to do is find this buttonover here that says build a newWordPress site and go ahead and click onthat and once you come to this pageright here all you have to do is go intothis drop-down and select the webaddress that you want to installWordPress on so I selected shop keepertheme calm and we're going to leave thisblank and all we have to do is click onthe next button right here and now youshould be brought to this page righthere and what you want to do is put inthe title of your WordPress websiteright here and you can always updatethis later after we install WordPress soit doesn't really matter what you typein and then put in a user name so createwhatever user name that you want andthen your first and last name and thenthe email address that you want to haveassociated with this WordPresse-commerce website and then once you'reready check these boxes right here andthen click on the orange button thatsays install and once WordPress isinstalled you should see thisnotification and you should have yourlogin details right here to log intoyour WordPress website so you can writethis stuff down and save it or you cango to your email inbox and you shouldhave an email from Hostgator titleinstall complete and if you open this upyou should have all of your logindetails right here so just make surethat you save this email and you shouldhave your username and password and whatwe want to do is go to the admin URL soit's gonna be your web domain slash WPadmin and this is the website that we'regoing to go to to login to our WordPresswebsite so we can start creating oure-commerce website so what we want to dois just click on this link and youshould be redirected to this page righthere and now what we're going to do islog in to our WordPress website so whatI want you to do is put your usernameand password in these two boxes and ifyou need them you can go to your emailfrom Hostgator and just copy and pastethe username and password and onceyou're ready go ahead and click on thelogin button and once you're logged inthis is your WordPress dashboard andthis is gonna become very familiar toyou as you go through this videotutorial because this is where we go tocreate all of our different pages andposts and upload all of our images andalso where we're gonna go to create allof our different products for oure-commerce website so right at the topyou should see a notification that saysyour site is currently displaying acoming soon page so unless a visitor islogged into your WordPress website rightnow they're not gonna be able to see theWordPress website that you're making sowe click on this link to publish ourWordPress website whenever someone comesto your website they're just gonna see acoming soon page and we're gonna clickon this link at the end of this video sowe're gonna create and customize ourentire ecommerce website first and thenonce we're ready we'll launch ourwebsite at the end for the world to goto and then buy a bunch of stuff andmake you lots and lots of money okay sowhat I want to do before we go andinstall the shopkeeper theme so that wecan start creating our online store is Iwant to go and show you what the websitelooks like now that you installedWordPress so if you want you can justtype in your web address and go to yourhome page or you can hover over yourwebsite name on the upper left and clickon visit site and once your WordPresswebsite loads this is what it shouldlook like right nowso there should be some demo content andit should look pretty basic but don'tworry about what it looks like right nowbecause remember we're gonna go and getthe shopkeeper theme and we're going tobuild out our e-commerce website to lookjust like thisso what I want to do now is go back tomy WordPress dashboard so that we caninstall the shopkeeper theme and then wecan start creating the e-commercewebsite with WordPress so if you're onthis page what I want you to do is hoverover your website name on the upper leftand then click on the dashboard link tobring you back to your WordPressdashboard and once you're back on theWordPress dashboard what I want you todo now is go to the text tutorial on howto create an e-commerce website withWordPress 2018 and we're gonna go downto step number four and step number fouris getting the shopkeeper WordPresstheme so again we're going to be usingshopkeeper to create our e-commercewebsite and there's a few links herethat you can click on to bring you tothe shopkeeper page and I'll also putthe link in this text over heresomewhere so you can see the URL if youjust want to type it in so once you cometo step number four go ahead and clickon one of these links to bring you tothe theme Force website and now youshould be on the theme Force website andthis is what we're gonna go to get theshopkeeper theme so make sure thatyou're on the shopkeeper theme pageright here and all we have to do to getthis premium theme is come down here andclick on this buy theme button and youshould get this pop-up and all we'regonna do isclick on go to checkout and now what youwant to do is create your account so ifyou need to you can type in your nameand your email address and then click onthe next button right here and thencreate a username and a password andthen check these boxes right here andthen click on the button that sayscreate an account and continue and thenyou're gonna fill out your billinginformation and then you can get theshopkeeper theme and I'm not gonna dothis with you because I've alreadycreated my theme forest account and I'vealready got the theme so go ahead andpause the video and fill out all thisinformation and then push play onceyou're ready and I'll show you how todownload the shopkeeper theme and how toinstall it so that we can start creatingour e-commerce website with WordPressokay so I'll see you in just a fewminutes all right and welcome back so ifyou pause this video to get theshopkeeper theme now you should belogged into your theme forest accountand I'm on the downloads page right hereand you can see that I have theshopkeeper theme right here and if youneed to come to this page what you cando is hover over your username and clickon the Downloads link and it'll bringyou right to this page and what we'regoing to do is download the files thatwe need so that we can install theshopkeeper theme onto our WordPresswebsite so what I want you to do isclick on the download button right hereand click on this link right here thatsays installable WordPress file only andwhat that's going to do is download azip file with all of the files that weneed to install to get the shopkeepertheme and what you can also do is clickand download one of these licensecertificate and purchase codes and I'mnot gonna click on this because it'sgonna pop up and show you my activationcode but what's going to be in here isthe certificate code that you can inputonto your WordPress websiteso whenever shop keeper gets updatedyour WordPress website and yourWordPress theme that you're using isalso going to get updated automaticallyso again download the installableWordPress file only and then click onone of these links to download thecertificate so that you have the codethat we can input into our WordPresswebsite ok and once you're ready let'sgo back to our wordpress dashboard andwhat we want to do is install theshopkeeper theme sothe WordPress dashboard come down toappearance on the left hand side andhover over that and click on the themeslink and once you're on the add themespage just click on upload theme and thenclick on choose file and go to thefolder where you downloaded theshopkeeper theme and you want to makesure that you're installing a zip fileso if you only see the folder right herewhat you want to do is go to your folderso let me go to my finder and I'm in mydownloads folder right here and if allyou see is the folder what you want todo is right-click it and then click oncompress and what that's gonna do ismake this into a zip file and this iswhat we need to install onto ourWordPress website in order to get thetheme to work so make sure that youright-click that and turn it into a zipfile if you don't see the zip filealready ok and once you do you shouldsee the zip file right here and justselect that one and then click on chooseand then click on Install Now and oncethe theme is installed just come downhere and click on the activate link andonce the theme is activated you shouldsee this screen right here and all wehave to do is go and install the plug-intools for this theme so let's click onthis button right here that says installnow and once the get bow-tie tools areinstalled you should see thisnotification right here and it shouldsay all the plugins are installed andactivated and there's a few more that wehave to install so let's click on thislink right here that says return toplugins or what you can do is hover overplugins on the left hand side and thenclick on install plugins and once you'reon the plugins page let me take a stepback and explain what plugins are soplugins are tools that help you createand customize your WordPress websitethat you're making and we're going to beusing plugins to create the e-commercewebsite and we're going to install a fewmore that we need to you can see there'sa notification right here but before wedo that you can see there's a list of abunch of different plugins that areinstalled and if you ever want todeactivate these you can just click onthe links right here and then oncethey're deactivated you can delete themif you want to so you can see that wehave the get bow-tied tools plug-inright here and we just installed thisand we need it for our e-commercewebsite butwe also need are these two plugins righthere the WP bakery visual composer andthen the WooCommerce plugin and this isthe page builder that's going to help uscreate our page layouts and thenWooCommerce is what we're going to useto run our e-commerce website and it'sone of the most popular plugins fore-commerce websites on WordPress so whatwe want to do is install both of theseso let's click on the begin installingplugins button right here and once youcome to this page right here just comedown here and click on Install Now andthen click on Install Now forWooCommerce also and you can see thatthey're both installing and once they'reboth installed what we want to do is goback to the plugins page just to makesure that both of these are activated sothat we can use them so hover overplugins and click on install plugins andonce you're back on the plugins page youcan see right here that it says thefollowing plug-in is currently inactiveso what we want to do is just come downto the WP page builder right here andclick on the activate link right hereand once the plug-in is activated what Iwant to do now before we move on to thenext step is download some additionalplugins so that we can create a wishlistfor our online store and also a plug-inthat's gonna help make your website runa little faster so if you're on theplugins page still what I want you to dois click on the add new button and onceyou're on the add plugins page right nowI'm on the featured tab and the firstplugin that I want is this one called WPsuper cache so if you don't see this youcan just type in WP super cache righthere and this plug-in should show up andwhat this one's gonna do is store yourfiles on your server so it's going tomake your website load a little fasterso we want to install this just to makeour website load faster so let's clickon the Install Now button and once it'sinstalled let's click on the activatebutton right here and once that pluginis activated let's go back and add onemore plugin so click on add new and onceyou're back on the add plugins page thistime I want to search for the plugins sotype in Y i th WooCommerce wishlist andonce you do you should see these searchresults right here and this is the onethat we want so once you find it goahead and clickon install now and then just click onthe activate button and once you're backon the plugins page I just want to makesure that you have the plugins that weneed to make our online store so youshould have get bowtie tools and theMojo marketplace helps you show yourcoming soon page but if you don't havethis one that's okay and we want to makesure that you have the WooCommerceplugin the WP super cache to make yourwebsite faster the page builder and thenthis wishlist plugin so if you have allof these and they're activated thenwe're good to go and now what I want todo is show you how you can link the shopkeeper theme to the theme forest websiteso whenever shop keeper gets updatedyour websites also going to get updatedso on the left hand side let's hoverover shopkeeper and let's just click onthis Welcome link and once you're on theWelcome page right here you should seethis little notification right here torun the setup wizard and we don't reallyneed to do that because we're gonna gothrough these settings together andwe're gonna select everything that weneed step-by-step so all I want to doright now is go to the Updates tab righthere and once you come to this page youcan see down here it has this buttonright here that says connect your Envatoaccount to this theme and what that'sgonna do is enable the theme updates foryour WordPress website so we want to dothat just so that you get automaticupdates so click on this button righthere and once you see this pop-up righthere just come down to the bottom andclick on the approve button and youshould be brought back to this pageright here and now your theme forestaccount should be connected to yourWordPress website so you should haveaccess to updates to the shopkeepertheme whenever they get updated so we'regood to go and you don't actually needto do this step so if you didn't do thisstep that's okay you don't need toconnect your theme forest account toyour WordPress website but if you do itjust makes your life a lot easier sobefore we move on to the next step whichis gonna be downloading and uploadingall of the demo content I want to showyou how you can get all of the differentlayouts that you saw on the previewwebsite from the shopkeeper theme so allyou have to do is click on the demo tabright here and once you're on the demotab if you want to install all thedifferent pages with their layouts fromthe shopkeeper theme demo website andI'm talking about the demo website thatthe developersright here and if I hover over thesemenu items you can see there's all thesedifferent layouts and all thesedifferent pages then all you have to dois click on the button right here thatsays import demo content and that'sgonna upload all the different pages andproducts that are on that demo websiteand then you can go into the pages andreplace the content or learn how to makethe pages by looking at the page builderbut we're not going to do that for thisvideo tutorialbut I did want to show you how you canget those layouts if you want theminstead what we're gonna do is go anddownload the demo content that we'regoing to use for this video tutorial andthen we're going to go and create all ofthe pages on our own using the pagebuilder so what I'll do right here isjust close out of the demo and then whatwe want to do is go to the text tutorialto download the demo product images andeverything like that so let's go back tothe text tutorial and remember we dohave a link to this page on how tocreate an e-commerce website withWordPress in the video description soonce you come to this page I want you toscroll down to step number seven and onstep number seven you can download a zipfile with some demo images to use tocreate your e-commerce website if youhave your own images you can use thoseinstead but if you do need some democontent go ahead and click and downloadthe zip file with a bunch of differentimages that you can use to follow thisecommerce tutorial so once you click anddownload this let's go back to ourwordpress dashboard and we want toupload the images that we justdownloaded so on the left hand side ofthe wordpress dashboard hover over mediaand then click on add new and onceyou're on the upload new media page whatyou can do is upload all of your imagesall at once or you can do this one byone as we go through making all of ourdifferent pages so if you do have abunch of images right now that you wantto upload what you can do is click onselect files and then go to the folderthat you have all of your images in soright here I have the demo contentfolder and if I open this up I have allmy images right here and I'll justchange this to a list and what you cando is select these one by one and uploadthem or you can just clickI think control-shift and it will selecteverything and you can just upload themall at once so once you select them allgo ahead and click on choose and youshould see all of the images gettinguploaded one by one right now so we'lljust wait for these to all upload andthen we'll move on to the next stepright after and once everything isuploaded you should see all of yourimages right here and if you want toedit any of these you can just click onthe Edit link right here or what you cando is go to your media library so hoverover media and click on the library andonce you're on the immediate librarypage you should see all the images thatyou uploaded onto your e-commercewebsite right here and if you want toedit any of these images just hover overthe one that you want to edit and thenclick on that and you'll get this pop-upright here and you can delete the imageright here or if you want to edit theimage just click on the button righthere and you'll get this pop-up righthere and you can resize the image overhere and if you want to crop this imageall you have to do is highlight the areathat you want to crop and then click onthis button right here and you can alsorotate the image with these buttonsright here so if you do make any changesto any images what you want to do isclick on the Save button down here okayso we're not gonna edit this image soall I want to do is click the X righthere to exit and we should be back onthe media library page and I do want tonote that you can upload some additionalimages here by clicking on the add newbutton and then finding the images thatyou want to upload and I can also showyou how to upload images as we createour pages and posts so we'll do that aswe go through this video tutorial okayso what I want to do before we move onto the next step is actually go to oure-commerce website now that we installedthe shopkeeper theme because I justrealized we haven't gone to see what thewebsite looks like now that we have thetheme installed so what we can do isjust hover over our website name on theupper left and click on visit site andonce the e-commerce website loads ifthis is what you see then we are good togo and it should look a little differentthan what we saw a little earlierbecause now we're using the shopkeepertheme so again if this is what you seethen we are good to go and now we canmove on to the next step and now what Iwant to do is create the first two pagesfor the e-commerce webthat we're making so we're gonna makethe homepage and then the blog post pageand then we're gonna go into our themeoptions and select these settings thatwe want for the online store that we'remaking so if you're on your home pageright now what I want you to do is goand create a new page so you can hoverover new and click on page and if you'restill on your WordPress dashboard let meshow you what you have to do so let mego back to the dashboard and once I'mback on the WordPress dashboard tocreate a new page again you can hoverover new and click on page or on theleft hand side you can hover over pagesand then click on add new and onceyou're on the add new page if you wantto make a new page all you have to do istype in a page title right here so we'recreating the home page so I just typedin home right there and then down hereis where you can put in your content orcreate the custom layout and we're gonnado this in a little bit so we'll comeback here and create the whole layoutfor this page a little bit later soright now what we can do is uncheck thisbox next to show page title becausewe're gonna have a custom slider with apage title when we make this page andthen down here in the page attributes Ican go into the template drop-down andselect full-width page because that'sthe template that we're gonna use forour home page and you can always selectwhatever you want and we can always dothis later also so once you're readylet's just publish this page so that wehave the home page ready to go so clickon the blue button right here that sayspublish and once the page is publishedif you want to go and check it out youcan click on View page right here butwe're not going to do that because thispage has nothing on it but what I dowant to do is create a blog post page soright at the top let's click on add newagain to create a new page and onceyou're back on the add new page againall we're gonna do is just type in apage title right here and this timearound we're creating the blog post pageso just type in blog right there andwe're gonna select the layout for theblog page a little bit later or actuallyin the next step so what we want to dois leave this checked because we do wantto show the page title this time andthen down here we're gonna leave this asis also so you don't need to changeanything this time so once you're readygo ahead and click on the publish buttonand once the blog post page is publishedwe have the first two pages for the onstore that we're making so now we canmove on to the next step and now whatwe're gonna do is go to our themesettings and select the colors that wewant the font styles and some of thepage layouts for some of our pages so ifyou want to do that what I want you todo is hover over shopkeeper on the lefthand side and click on the customizelink and once you're on the customizepage you can see there are some tabsover here and we're going to go throughthese and I'll show you what I selectedfor the demo ecommerce website and youcan follow along or you can selectwhatever settings that you want for theonline store that you're making and onthe right hand side over here this is apreview screen so this is what yourwebsite looks like to your visitors andwhenever you make changes over here thisis going to update so you can see whatthe changes would look like and wheneveryou do make changes click on the bluebutton up here to save your changes andif I go too fast remember there's alwaysthe text tutorial on how to create ane-commerce website with WordPress and onstep number nine I have all the settingsthat I selected for the demo ecommercewebsite here okay so let's go back tothe customize page right here and thefirst thing that I want to do is set thehomepage and the blog page that we madeso on the left hand side over here comedown to the home page settings and clickon this tab and you'll see this pop upover here and what I want you to do isclick on a static page and then go intothe post page drop-down and select theblog page to set the blog page to thepost page and then go into the home pagedrop-down and select the home page thatyou made and what this is gonna do isset these two pages to the home page andthe post page and once we do that youcan see now this is what the home pagelooks like right now so let's click theSave button really quickly and onceeverything is saved now we can go backto the main customize page and what Iwant to do now is just go through thesein order so first is the header tab andwhen we go to this you can see there area bunch of different options here andthe header is this section on the demoWordPress website so up here is the topbar and then this is the header righthere and if we scroll down you can seethat the header changes tooa black background color so by defaultwhat I selected was a transparent headerso if you want this then what you wantto do is just follow along with thesesettings that I select so let me go backto the customize page right here and thefirst thing that I'm going to do is gointo the header Styles tab and you cansee here there are a bunch of differentoptions so let me just show you what Iselected over here so for the headerlayout I selected this one and this hasthe menu on the left hand side and thenthe header menu items on the right handside so you can select whichever optionthat you want and then down here I havethe navigation size as 13 but if youwant to increase or decrease this youcan drag this wheel around and I keptthe font color as black but if you wantto change this all you have to do isclick on select color and you can typein the color code if you know it righthere or you can drag this wheel tochange the color to whatever you wantand you can also click on these buttonsdown here if you want to have thedefault color all you have to do isclick on the default button and that'sgonna change it back to the defaultsettings and then once you're ready justclick on select color to close that andagain for my header on the demoecommerce website we have a transparentheader so I want to turn this on and forthe default transparency color scheme Iselected dark and then I selected sameas above up here and then I'm just gonnaskip down to the dark transparency colorscheme and I change the text color toblack so again you can go in here andchange the color to whatever you wantand we always have the color codes andall that stuff in the text tutorial onhow to create an e-commerce website andthen I'll just click on select color toclose that and then down here where itsays header background color I went inhere and I change this to black also andagain you can do whatever you want youdon't need to follow exactly what Iselect and then down here I alreadychanged some stuff just to save sometime so for the spacing above the logo Idrag this to 22 and then for below thelogo I have this as 21 and then for theheader width I selected the customoption and change this to 1173 so if youwant to do that go aheadand also on the bottom down here you cansee there are a few different icons andwhat these are are different devices soif you click on these you can see whatyour website looks like on thesedifferent devices so right now we're onthe laptop and PC so again you canalways just click on these just to seewhat the website looks like for thesedifferent settings that you select okayso once you're ready let's go back up tothe top and if you want you can click onthe publish button right here to saveyour changes or you can do that right atthe end so let's just click back righthere and let's go to the next tab andfor the hell're elements we shouldalready have all of these turned onexcept for the off canvas drawer and Idon't want to make any changes here butall of these are for the icons on theupper right over here so if you want tomake any of these disappear what you cando is just click and turn these off andyou can see that the heart disappearsnow for the wish list since I turnedthis off and if you have custom iconsthat you want to have instead of thesedefault ones you can also upload themhere so we're not going to make anychanges here and we're gonna leave thisone off so all we have to do is just goback right here and now let's go to thelogo tab and on the logo tab this iswhere you can go to upload your owncustom logo for your e-commerce websiteand if you don't have a logo I'll showyou how to create one for free in thenext step so what I want to do now isjust show you how you can upload yourown logo so first we want to remove thedefault logo and then what you can seeis that once you remove the logo thename of your website just shows up righthere so if you want this then that'sfine and if you want to change the nameof your website I'll show you how to dothat in just a little bit but if you dohave a logo that you want to upload whatyou want to do is click on select fileand if you want to upload your own imageall you have to do is make sure thatyou're on the upload files tab righthere and then click on select files andgo to wherever you saved your image orlogo select that and then click on thisbutton down here and that's how you'regoing to upload your logo or images toyour e-commerce website if you want touse the demo content what you're goingto do is go to the media library tab andyou can see we have all of the demoimages already uploaded and we just wantto find the logo that we want to use sothe demo logo that I have for thisecommerce website so once I select thisand the name of this is dark logo dotPNG all I have to do is click selectright here and now you should see thelogo show up right here and also righthere and if you want you can have analternative logo for the sticky headermenu so let me show you what I mean onthe demo ecommerce website we have ourtransparent header menu up here and youcan see that the logo has the black textand then if I scroll down you can seethat the transparent header menu now hasa sticky header menu that stays at thetop of the page as I scroll down and thelogo changes also to the alternativemenu with the white text so if you wantsomething like this what you want to dois create a second logo with whatevercolor text or logo colors that you wantand then you can upload it over here forthe sticky header menu whenever someoneScrolls down your page so let me justremove this and upload that logo soagain I'll click on select files andI'll just go to my demo content and justclick on this one so this is the Litelogo dot PNG and just click select righthere and now I have my alternative logoright here for the sticky header menuand I believe that's all we do we don'tchange anything else here so this isgonna be 50 and this is gonna be 40 andonce you're ready you can click the Savebutton or just click back right here andlet's go to the top bar tab and reallyquickly let me show you what a top baris so on the demo ecommerce website thisis my top bar and you can see I have amessage up hereand I have my social media buttons righthere and you can customize this sectionto look however you want so if you dowant a top bar what you want to do isturn this on right here and you'll getthis little section and you can changethe background color for the top bar ifyou click on select color and I selectedblack right here and then you can alsochange the text color over here and thenyou can add whatever message that youwant right here so you can delete thisand type in whatever you want and thenif you want these social media buttonsto show up you want to turn this on andthere's another tab in the customizeoptions to add whatever social mediaicons that you want so I'll show you howto do that in just a little bit but ifyou do want these social media buttonsmake surehe turns on and once you're ready let'sgo back and finish off the headersection so let's go to the sticky headertab really quick and what I want to dofor my website has changed thebackground color for the sticky headerto black so I want to go in here andjust select black and then I want tochange the sticky header color to whiteso go in here and just change this andagain you can do whatever you want andonce you're ready let's click on theSave button up here and once everythingis saved let's click back right here andgo back one more time and now let's goto the footer tab and on the footer tabI want to change some of the colors overhere so you can see on the demoecommerce website this whole section ismy footer and I have some social mediabuttons and then a section down here fora footer menu and then our copyrightdown here and you can customize this tobe whatever color that you want and alsothe text and the font hover colors canbe whatever you want also so what youwant to do is go back to the customizepage here and the first thing that I'mgoing to do is change the footerbackground color so I'll click on selectcolor and if you want that navy bluecolor you can go to the text tutorialand right here in the footer section onstep number nine I have the color coderight here so I can just copy this andthen paste it in right here so the colorcode if you want to type in that navyblue color is pound sign zero four twothree six eight and you can see that thecolor shows up right here and you canalso see it right here in the previewsection right now and I want to changethe font text to white and again youdon't have to follow along you canchange these to whatever you want andthen the footer links when someonehovers over them I want them to be whitetoo but you can change that to whateveryou want and then down here I want toturn on the social network icons soyou're gonna show these social mediabuttons and then if you want to changethe copyright footnote what you can dois just type in something right here butif you want it to look like the demoecommerce website where we have thecopyright and then your website name andit's gonna link to your home page whatyou can do is go to the text tutorialand I have this HTML here you can justhighlight and copy it and then justpaste it in right here so delete thisand paste itand then all you have to do you can putin the date in the front if you want butif you want the text right here to linkto your home page or any other page justtype in the URL right here and make surethat you keep the apostrophes over thereand then if you want to change the textfrom NYC tech club to your own websitename you can change that right here andthat's all you have to do and then ifyou want to turn on the back to topbutton you can just click that righthere and you can see that we have thaton the demo ecommerce website it's alittle hard to see but you can see itright here so if I click that it justbrings me back up to the top so if youwant that make sure that you turn thaton right here okay so that's how youcustomize the footer and once you'reready we can click back right here andnow let's go to the blog tab and on thistab you can select the blog layout thatyou want for your e-commerce website soI use this one but you can play aroundwith these other ones and see what theylook like and if you want to turn onyour sidebar for your blog post pagesyou can turn that on here but I'm gonnaleave that off so that's all we have todo once you choose your layout let's goback right here and now we're gonna comedown to the shop tab and this is whereyou can go to customize the layout forthe store page and the only thing that Ichange here is where it's a sidebarstyle I want to select on page andthat's gonna give me a sidebar you cansee on the demo ecommerce website on thestore page we have the sidebar righthere so I'll show you how to customizethis when we build the online store solet's go back to the customize page andmake sure that you turn this on and thencome back up to the top and let's go tothe product page now and for this page Idon't make any changes to the layout forthe product page but you can play aroundwith these on your own and you can seethe other default settings right hereand if you want to see what the optionthat I select it looks like you canalways go to the demo ecommerce websiteand check it out right here okay solet's go back and if you do make anychanges go ahead and click on the Savebutton up here otherwise click back andnow let's go to the styling tab and onceyou're on the styling tab this is whereyou can go to change some of the fontcolors for your e-commerce website and Ileft the default color codes for thebody text and also for the headingswhich are going to be the page titlesandlarger fonts but if you want to changethis stuff just click on select colorand drag this wheel to whatever colorthat you want or you can change thecolor code right here the one that I didchange was the accent color so if I goin here you can see the color code is EFsix seven zero zero and it's just abrighter orange color so if you wantthis orange color then just type in thiscolor code and let me show you theaccent color on the demo ecommercewebsite so if I hover over a product youcan see the accent colors show up overhere and also on these other pages likethe shopping page you can see that theaccent color shows up over here and thenon the product page it shows up indifferent spots over here so whatevercolor that you want for the accent colorwhat you want to do is go to thiscustomize page right here and then typein the color code or drag these wheelsto whatever color that you want andthat's all I changed for this tab so I'mnot going to do anything else here andif you do make any changes go ahead andclick on the Save button up here andthen we can go back and we can go to thenext tab which is the fonts tab and ifyou want the same font style as the demoecommerce website select Poppins for themain font and then check the box next tobold 700 and unselect any other box andthen for the heading font size changethis to 21 and then for the secondaryfont type in yn and find this font nameright here and I can't pronounce it sojust type in Y N and you'll find it andthen for the variant I selected semibold 600 so check this box and thenuncheck any other box down here and justmake sure the font style for the body is16 and once you do that we can just comeback up to the top and click back andthen go to the social media tab and whatyou want to do here is type in the URLsfor the social media buttons that youwant to show up on your e-commercewebsite so you can see I have FacebookTwitter Instagram and YouTube and I leftall these other ones blank so only thosebuttons show up on my e-commerce websitewherever I wanted to put them so if youwant you can pause the video and type inthe URLs for your own social media pagesand once you're ready push playthen click back right here and then wecan move on to the next tab so we'regonna skip the custom code tab becausewe don't have any custom code so onceyou're ready just click on site identityand on this tab you can update thewebsite title and the tagline and youprobably want to do that because it doesshow up on your web browser right hereso for my tagline I typed in fashion hasnever been better and if you have afavicon or site icon we can upload thatand that usually shows up next to thesite title or sometimes next to the URLover here so let me show you how toupload that if you do have one and ifyou don't we can create one when youmake a logo in the next step so let'sclick on select image and if you haveyour own favicon and you want to uploadit click on upload files and then clickon select files and find that image andthen just click on select if you want toupload the demo one go to the medialibrary and let's just scroll down alittle bit and I have the favicon downhere so I'll just select this and thenclick on select and we shouldn't have tocrop this but if you do you can justdrag these corners you can see a previewright here so it looks like it fitsperfectly so we'll just click on skipcropping and the favicon should show upright here now and depending on your webbrowser it should also show up over hereor over here ok so once you're ready goahead and click on save if you want orjust click back right here and now whatI want you to do is just come down tothe WooCommerce tab and click on thatand then go to the product catalog taband click on that and these are theoptions that I have for the demoecommerce website so shop page displayis show products and then categorydisplay is show subcategories andproducts and you can go in here andselect whichever one that you want andthen I sort by most recent and I havefive products per row and then five rowsper page and once you're ready clickback right here and then go to theproduct images tab and click on that andI have 600 for the main image width andthen 300 for the thumbnail width and Iselected the custom option here andchange this to 3 by 4 so make sure thatyou type that in and then we can clickback and we can click back againand now we are done setting up the themeoptions or theme settings for thee-commerce website that we're making sowhat I want you to do just to be safe isclick on the Save button at the top andonce everything is saved we are good togoso we can just click on the X right hereand now you should be back on theWordPress dashboard and we're going tomove on to the next step which is gonnabe modifying the permalinks for theWordPress website that we're making sowhat I want you to do is come down onthe left hand side to settings and hoverover that and then click on general andonce you're on the general settings pagethis is also where you can go to updateyour site title and tagline but we justdid this so you shouldn't have to do itagain so just come down to where it saysWordPress address and site address andwhat I want to do is add the WWE infront of my website address so righthere where it says HTTP colon slashslash put your mouse in before yourwebsite name and just type in WWE andthen same with the site address just bevery careful and just put the mouseright before your website name and justtype in WWE and just double check tomake sure that everything else iscorrect and then once you're ready comedown to the bottom and click on SaveChanges and for security purposes you'llbe logged out so all you have to do isjust type in your username and passwordand then you can log back in and now youshould be back on your WordPressdashboard and now if you go up to yourweb browser you should see the www dotin front of your website name so if yousee that then we're good to go and nowwhat I want to do is just change thepermalink structure so again hover oversettings and then click on permalinksand once you're on the permalinksettings page all I want to do is selectthe permalink structure that I want forall of my pages and posts so I like touse the post name options so I'll selectthis one and you can select whicheverone that you want and once you're readycome down to the bottom and just clickon Save Changes and once the permalinksare updated we are good to go and we canmove on to the next step and now what Iwant to do is show you how to create afree logo for your WordPress website soif you already have a logo then you canskip this section and move on to thenext stepbut if you want to learn how to create afree logo what I want you tois go to the text tutorial on how tocreate an e-commerce website withWordPress and on step number 10 we havea link right here to a website calledlogo maker and we can just click on thisand once you're on the logo maker pageyou can come over here and click on theX right here and then click next nextand done and what I want to do is justgive you an overview of how to use thelogo maker website so you can createwhatever type of logo that you want foryour online store and then you can pausethe video and do it yourself so thefirst thing that you want to do is findan icon or shape for your logo so youcan click on the button up here thatsays browse all logos or you can type ina keyword so if I type in something likeshopping cart and push enter twice I'mgonna get a bunch of different shoppingcarts to choose from and I can selectone of these to use as my logo so if Iclick on it it shows up right here andif I want to change the color I can justdrag this wheel around to find whatevercolor I want and I can resize this byclicking on the corner over here and Ican also move this stuff around if Ihave more shapes or some text so if Iwant to add some text like my site titlename or e-commerce business I can clickon the tee right here and then I canjust double click here and just type inthe name of my website so it's shop shopand I can format this by clicking out ofit and then drag it to wherever I wantand then if you want to change the fontstyle hover over the layer right hereand just click on this and you'll seethat you get this little pop-up here andwe can go in here and just change thefont style so let me just click on thisone just for fun and if I want I canchange the font color and I can resizethe logo so everything looksproportional and what I recommend thatyou do is make the height around 70 forwhatever layers that you have so you cansee when you drag these corners you getthese numbers for the H you probablywant it around 70 so that it fits withinthe header area so it looks pretty goodand you can just move this around towherever you want and then once you'rehappy with it what you're gonna do todownload the logo is click on the discover hereand we're going to go with option twohere so all you have to do is click onthis download button and that's going todownload your logo right here andremember that I have an alternative logowith white text so if I go to the demoecommerce website really quickly you cansee that we have the header menu withthe logo and then if I scroll down theheader menu changes to the white colorbecause we have this black color righthere so what you can do is go back tothe logo maker website and after youdownload your first logo you can justclick on the X right here and go back tothe main screen and then you can clickon these layers and then change the textto white or whatever color that you wantand if you change it to white you won'tbe able to see it but the logo does showup right here and then again you canclick on save logo and then go back tooption two and just click download righthere and your gonna download your secondlogo okay and then the last thing let mejust talk about really quickly is if youwant to have your favicon I would comein here and probably delete my text so Iwould delete this layer I can just go inhere and click on this and then justclick delete and then I have my iconright here and I can change it towhatever color that I want and I justwant to make this about 50 by 50 so Iwould drag this in to about this sizeright here it doesn't have to be perfectand then I would again go to save mylogo and click on option two and that'sgonna download the site icon or faviconso now I have all three things that Ineed the favicon and my two logos thealternative logo and then the normallogo and then we can go and upload it soif you want I know I covered a lot righthere and you might have to watch thissection again but go ahead pause thevideo create your logo resize it towhatever size you want and I have somenotes I'm gonna put in the video for theright sizes that you need for the logoand the favicon and then once youdownload everything push play and we'regonna go back to our WordPress dashboardand upload everything okay so I'll seeyou in just a little bit alright sowelcome back if you pause the video tocreate your logo and if you have anyquestions you can leavecomment in the comment section and I'llget back to you on how to make your freelogo for your e-commerce website butright now what I want to do is justremind you how to upload the logo thatyou just created so if you're on theWordPress dashboard all you have to dois hover over shopkeeper and then clickon customize and once you're on thecustomize page to upload your logo justclick on header and then click on logoand then you can click on select fileright here for both the logo and thealternative logo and you can upload themand then you can see how it looks righthere and if you're happy with it justclick on the Save button up here andthen for the site icon or favicon youwould come back to the main section overhere and click on site identity and thenyou can click to upload the favicon overhere and if you're happy with how itlooks then again just click on the Savebutton right here and once everything issaved just click on the X right here andwe can move on to the next step alrightso welcome back if you pause this videoto create your logo for your onlinestore and if you have any questions youcan leave a comment in the commentsection and I'll get back to you butright alright so welcome back if youpause the video to create your logo foryour e-commerce website with WordPressand if you have any questions on how todo that you can always leave a commentin the comment section and I'll get backto you but really quickly what I want todo now is just remind you how you canupload your logo so if you're on theWordPress dashboard like I am what youwant to do is just hover over shopkeeper and click on customize and onceyou're on the customize page to uploadyour logo just click on header and thenclick on logo and then click on selectfile for your logo and the alternativelogo and you can upload your logos righthere and then you can see what it lookslike and if you're happy with it clickon the Save button right here and if youwant to upload a favicon just click backto go back to the main section and clickon site identity and you can upload yourfavicon over here ok so that's all youhave to do so go ahead and do that ifyou haven't already and make sure thatyou click on the Save button once youupload everything and once you do we canclick on the X right here and now we canmove on to the next stepand now you should be back on theWordPress dashboard and now what we'regonna do is learn how to customize thehome page for our e-commerce website andthis is the beautiful home page thenwe're gonna learn how to make so whatwe're gonna do is go back to the homepage that we created a little earlier soif you're on the WordPress dashboardcome down to pages on the left hand sideand hover over that and click on allpages and once you're on the pages pageyou should see a list of pages righthere and if you want to delete thesample page which is created for youwhen you installed WordPress just hoverover it and click on the trash linkright here and I'll delete this on myown a little bit later just to save sometime and you want to keep the wishlistpage and this was created when weinstalled the wishlist plugin okay sowhat we want to do now is just hoverover the home page right here and wewant to edit this so that we cancustomize it so click on the edit linkand once you're on the Edit home pagethe first thing that I want to do ismake sure that you uncheck this box nextto show page title so we don't show thepage title on the home page and thendown here in the page attributes I wantto make sure that you select the fullwidth page option over here and thereare a few different options but the onethat we want is the full width pageoption and then come back up to the topand we want to turn on the page builderso that we can customize the layout forthe e-commerce home page and there's twooptions here the front end editor or theback end editor and I like to use theback end editor so let's click on thisand you should see the page builder showup right here and what we're gonna do isadd a bunch of different sections tothis page and then insert our content tocreate the home page so let me show youon the demo ecommerce website what I'mtalking about so this is the slider sothis is going to be the first section onthe home page and then if we scroll downthis section is going to be anothersection and then we'll have anothersection down here and so forth so whatwe're gonna do on the Edit home pageright here is add a bunch of differentrows and all of our content so whatwe're gonna do first is add a row forour slider so to do that let's click onthe plus button right here and youshould see a bunch of different elementsand you can add whatever you want to anyof your different pageand right now what we want to do is adda new row so right at the top click onrow and you should see the row getinserted right here and you can changethe number of columns for the row overhere and right now we just want onecolumn and then on the upper right youhave this pencil right here so that youcan edit the row settings and you canalso make a copy of this row or you candelete it so right now what we want todo is go and edit the row settings soclick on the pencil right here and oncethe row settings pop up just go into therow stretch and select stretch row andcontents with no padding's and then downat the bottom you should have the rowtype and it should be full width andthat's all we have to do for thissection so click on Save Changes and nowwe want to add a slider element so thatwe can add the images for our slidersso click on the plus button in themiddle of this row and then go down tothe bottom and find the slider elementand click on that and once you get thispopup all I want to do is check this boxto hide the navigation arrows and I wantto change the number of seconds that Istay on each slider image to eightseconds and once you're ready click SaveChanges and now what we can do is addthe slider images that we want for thehomepage so click on this big plusbutton right here and once you get thispopup all you have to do is click onimage slide and you should get thispop-up right here and just to save sometime I already filled everything out andyou'll see as we go through this video Ifill out a lot of stuff before you seeit just to save some time so that wedon't make this video super long but Iwill walk you through exactly what wedid so once you come to the image slidesettings what I want you to do is clickon Advanced Settings right here andyou'll pop up this section right hereand the first thing that you want to dowith your first slider image and isputting your title right here so you cansee on the demo ecommerce website thatthis is the title and then this is thedescription and then we have a buttonright here that's gonna link to anotherpage so back over here what you can dois just type in your title and then putin the font sizeI have 66 px but you can put in whateversize that you want and you can always goand check it out to see if it's toolarge or too small and then what you'regonna do is just come down here and putin your description and for the fontsize I have 16 px andthe line height is 24 px and then downhere you can change the color for thefont if you want and then for the buttontextit's a SHOP NOW and then I put in a URLfor the shopping page on the demoecommerce website and I actually have tochange the URL right here so let me justchange this to shopkeeper theme commslash shop so if you want to link thebutton to your shop page what you'regonna do is just type in HTTP colonslash slash WWE your web address comslash shop and that's gonna link to theshopping page that we're gonna make alittle bit later and if you want to linkthe entire slider to that page what youcan do is click yes right here but Ijust want to link the button and then ifyou want to change the button backgroundcolor or the text color you can do thatright here and the only thing that I dohave to do is add a background image andif you don't add a background image whatyou're gonna see is the background colorthat you have right here so we can justgo in here and click on background imageand if you want to upload your own imageclick on upload files and then click onselect files and find these sliderimages that you want to upload if youwant to use the demo slider image findthis image right here that's titledslider image JPEG and it might look alittle different than this one becausethis one is copy written but I will addsomething very similar to this for youto use so once you click it you shouldsee this check mark right here and allwe have to do is click set image and nowyou should see the background imageinserted right here and what you canalso do is align the text that you havefor your title and your description andthe button to whichever side that youwant so we're gonna leave it on the leftside and once you're ready all you haveto do is click Save Changes and now wehave just inserted our first sliderimage and if you want to edit this allyou have to do is click on the pencilright here and then you can go back inhere and change whatever you want so ifyou want to add additional images whatyou're gonna do is click on the smallplus button right here and then againyou're gonna click on an image slide andonce you see this pop-up again all youhave to do is click yes for AdvancedOptions and you'll get this pop-up overhere and you can put in your title forthe second slider and this time around Iput in 6px4 the font size just for spacingissues so I'll show you how to previewyour slider in just a little bit so youcan play around with the font sizes ifyou want and then down here you want totype in your description and if you wantto use the same description that I haveon the demo ecommerce website you canjust come over here and copy that andthen what I did was I put in font size16 for the description and then the lineheight is 24 px and then down here youcan change the color of the text if youwant and if you don't want a button toshow up on your slider then you want toleave this blank right here if you typesomething in then a button will show upand then you can type in a URL towhatever page that you want to link thebutton to and what we're doing islinking the button to the shop page forboth of these sliders so if you want todo that you can just type in the URLHTTP colon slash slash W W your websitename comm and then slash shop and if youcreate any other pages you can just copyand paste the URL in here a little bitlater also you can always update thisand then down here you can change thebutton colors if you want and the onlything that we have to do is add abackground image so I'll click on thisand once you come to the media libraryI'll just select the second slider imageright here and click on set image andyou can align the text to whichever sidethat you want and again you can alwayscustomize the colors for your textdepending on what type of images thatyou have over here okay so once you'reready go ahead and click on Save Changesand if I went a little too fast you canalways pause the video and go throughthese sections and edit everything andwhat I want to do is just show you howyou can preview whatever you add it toyour home page so all you have to do isclick on this button right here thatsays preview changes and that's gonnaopen up a new tab and if we go to it andyou should see a preview of the sectionthat you just add it so you should seethese slider images right here with ourtitle descriptions and the buttons rightbelow and what you can do is evaluatethe font sizes and the font colors andwhere everything is aligned and if youwant to make any adjustments all youhave to do is go back to the Edit Pageand just hover over the element that youwant to edit and then click on thepencil and then you canback in and change whatever that youwant to change okayso I'm gonna close out of the previousscreen but if you ever want to previewwhat your website looks like or thewebpage that you're working on justclick on the preview changes buttonright here so what I want to do beforewe add the next section on the home pageis just save everything so what you cando to save everything is just click onthis button right here that says updateand once the page is updated if you wantto go and check it out you can click onView page right here but we're not goingto do that so I'm just gonna close outof this and what we're gonna do iscontinue on making the rest of thehomepage so we're gonna make this nextsection right here and then we're justgoing to go down the home page and makeall these other sections down here soback on the Edit Page what we want to donow that we have our slider is we wantto create a new row for the new sectionsso click on this big plus button righthere and then find the row element andclick on that and the row should getinserted right here and this time aroundwe don't need to make any changes to therow settings so we can just start addingour elements to this row so let's clickon the plus button in the middle and thefirst thing that I want to do is add anempty space element and that's justgonna give me some space between theslider and this section right here sofind this element and click on that andonce you get the empty space settings Iwant to change the height to 50 px andonce you're ready click on Save Changesand now we can add the text for this rowso you can see on the demo ecommercewebsite if I scroll back up we're gonnacreate this section right here where itsays style is something we takeseriously so let me just copy this andthen go back to the Edit Page and wewant to click on this small plus buttonright here to add an element right belowthe empty space so finally textblockelement and click on that and you shouldsee this pop-up right here and thereshould be some dummy content so we candelete this and just type in our titlefor this section so I have style issomething we take seriously and I canformat this by highlighting it and thengoing in here and changing it to heading3 to make the font larger and then I canCenter this right here so there are abunch of different buttons here for youto style your text and if you want tosee additional buttons click on thisbutton right here and you'll see asecond row okay so all we have to do isjust Center this and change it toheading 3 and type in whatever you wantand if you want to change thecolor you can highlight this also andthen go into this button down here andchange the text color but we're gonnaleave that black so once you're readyclick Save Changes and now what we wantto do is add a row for the banners orthe buttons so let's click on the plusbutton right here and click on the rowbutton and once the row gets inserted Iwant to go to the row settings for thisone so click on the pencil and once youget the row settings pop-up come down tothe bottom to the row type and go inhere and select the box option and thenclick Save and we want to have a rowinside this row and that just makes thespacing look really good for thissection so again click on the plusbutton inside here and then find the rowelement again and you can see that a rowgets inserted inside this row and nowwhat we want to do is change the numberof columns here to 3 so that we can have3 banners so hover over this buttonright here and then click on the onethat says 1/3 plus 1/3 plus 1/3 andyou'll see that you get 3 differentboxes here and what we're gonna do isadd a banner element into each one ofthese and then link it to a differentpage on our ecommerce website so on theleft hand side let's click on the plusbutton right here and the element thatwe want to find is the banner element sothat's this one right here so go aheadand click on that and once the bannersettings pop-up you can add a title andsubtitle to this banner so you can seeon the demo ecommerce website that thisbanner that we're working on saysaccessories and SHOP NOW and we're goingto add a background image also and theseother ones have different text so youcan add whatever you want for the titleand subtitle and you can see I'vealready filled this out just to savesome time and I want to link this buttonto the accessories category page so I'lljust paste in a URL right now and youcan always update your URLs for anylinks that we make on this ecommercewebsite a little bit later since wehaven't made a bunch of pages right nowand I'll also show you how you can findall your different URLs but if you wantto have a category page labeledaccessories and you want to link to thatpage what you can do is just type inthis URL HTTP colon slash slash W W yourwebsite name so I have shop keeper themecom slash product – category slashaccessories andyou can always update these a little bitlater so I'll remind you this at the endof this video okay so once you're readylet's go down to the bottom and what youcan do for this banner is add abackground color if you just want tomake it a solid background color but ifyou want to add a background image clickon the plus button right here and you'regoing to be in the media library withall of the demo content but if you wantto upload your own banner image click onupload files and then click on selectfiles and find the image that you wantto upload if you want to use the democontent what I want you to do is justfind this image right here which isbutton image JPEG and what's really goodabout the demo content is if you clickon it you can also see the recommendedsize that I have over here and that'sgonna be for all of these differentimages so if you don't know what size tomake your images you can just look atthe demo content also okay so that'sjust a pro tip for you so once you findthe banner image right here go ahead andclick on that and then click on setimage and you should see the image getinserted right here and if you want tochange the separator line between theheadline and the sub headline you can dothat right here but we're not gonna makeany changes so once you're ready goahead and click on Save Changes and thenwhat you can do is add your other twobanners right here so you can click onthe plus button right here and again allyou want to do is find the banner buttonand click on that and once you get thispop-up again you're gonna add a titleand subtitle and I already filledeverything out just to save some time sofor this banner it says meet the teamand the subtitle says about us and Iwant to link this to the about page thatI'm gonna create a little bit later soif you want to do that too just type inthe URL HTTP colon slash slash W W yourwebsite name comm slash about and youcan always update the URLs a little bitlater after we create all of our pagesand posts and product category pages andI'll show you how to get those URLs andyou can always come back to any page orbutton and update your links wheneveryou want okay so if you need to you canpause the video and fill out this stuffand then once you're ready push play andcome down to the bottomyou can add a solid background color forthis banner or you can add a backgroundimage and if you want to add abackground image all you have to do isclick on the plus button and you want tofind the demo image right here if youwant to use the demo content and if youwant to upload your own image go toupload files and click on select filesand then find your image and then justclick on set image after you select itso I'll close out of this since wealready have the background image overhere and that's all we have to do so ifyou want to change the separator linecolor you can do that for the subtitleand title but we're not going to do thatso I'll just click Save Changes righthere and to save some time I alreadyadded the third banner right herebecause these steps are exactly the sameas the first two banners that I justshow you how to make so if you need toyou can pause the video add your thirdbanner and customize it however you wantand then push play once you're readyotherwise we're just going to move on tocontinuing to make this homepage so whatI want to do after I add the banners isI want to add a separator line and youcan see on the demo ecommerce website wehave this little border line right hereand this is a separator line so on thehome page that we're making down hereI'll just click on the small plus buttonand I want to find the separator elementso it's right at the top and you canjust click on that and once you get thispop-up right here this is where you cancustomize the separator lines so if youwant to change the color or add a customcolor code you can do that right herebut we'll leave this as gray and I'mgonna leave this stuff unchanged theonly thing that I want to change is theborder width to make it thicker so Iwant to change this to 4px and then allI have to do is click Save Changes andnow we are done creating the bannersection for our home page and now what Iwant to do is add the featured productsection so the first thing that we'regoing to do is click on the plus buttonright here and I just want to add someempty space to separate the two sectionsthat we have so let's click on the emptyspace element right here and once we getthis pop-up let's just put in 20 px forthe empty space and then click Save andnow let's add a row for the featuredproduct section so click on the big plusbutton right hereand then come up to the upper left andclick on the row element and once therow gets inserted let's go to the rowsettings so click on the pencil and wecan leave the row stretch as the defaultbut I want you to come down to thebottom to the row type and change it tothe boxed option and then click SaveChanges and now we can add the headlineand sub headline for this section soclick on the plus button right here andfind the text block and click on thatand once you get this pop up we can justdelete the text in here and type in ourheadline and sub headline so my headlinesays shop these looks and the subheadline says you probably don't haveanything to wear anyways and I want toedit this text so for the headline I'mgonna highlight this and go into thisdrop down and select heading 1 and thenfor the second line of text I'll justhighlight this and I want to change thecolor so if you don't see the second rowright here what you want to do is clickon this button that says toolbar toggleand you'll see the second row pop-up andI'll just go into the text colordrop-down and select this gray colorright here so you can see it turns intoa light gray and then I want to alignall this to the center so I'll highlighteverything and click on the align Centerbutton right here and that's all I haveto do so once you're ready go ahead andclick on Save Changes and now what wecan do is add our featured productselement so that we can show someproducts on our home page so click onthe small plus button right here andwhat I want you to do is find thisfeatured products element and click onthat and once you get this pop-up forthe featured product settings what youcan do right here is type in the numberof products that you want to show on thehome page so I want to type in 15 andthen I want five products per row so youcan see on the demo ecommerce websitethat I have five products per row andsince I have 15 products showing I havethree different rows and what we can dowhen we create our products is we canset these to the featured products so wecan actually control what products showup in this section okay so go ahead andtype in whatever you want right here andonce you're ready go ahead and clickSave and now what we're going to do isadd a row for the call to action sectionso again on the demo ecommerce websitenow what we're going to add is thissection on our home pageand then we are done creating thehomepage so let's go back to the edithomepage right here and click on the bigplus button and then find the rowelement at the top and click on that andonce you see the row get inserted let'sgo to the row settings and once you getthis pop up we're not gonna changeanything for the row type or the rowstretch but go to the design options taband what I want to do is add abackground color for this call to actionrow so right here where it saysbackground I want to click on selectcolor and you can see that we get thiscolor pad right here and you can dragaround this wheel to select whatevercolor that you want for the backgroundcolor of this row or you can just clickon one of these colors so I'll click onblack right here because that's thecolor I want for this background colorand once you're ready click on SaveChanges and now what we're gonna do isadd another row inside this so click onthe plus button right here and then findthe row element and click on that andonce you get this pop up for the innerrow settings come down to the bottom tothe row type and let's select box forthe inner row and then click SaveChanges and now all we have to do is addthe text for the call-to-action so youcan see on the demo ecommerce websiteit's gonna say wanna see more of what wehave and then we'll have a link in yourwebsite colors that's gonna link to theshopping page so back on the e-commercewebsite that we're making let's click onthe plus button right in the middleright here and then finally text blockelement and click on that and once youget this pop-up all we have to do isdelete this text and type in our call toaction so mine says want to see more ofwhat we have shop now and I want to linkthe shop now' text to my shopping pageon the e-commerce website so if you wantto link any text to another page all youhave to do is highlight the text andthen click on this button right herethat says insert edit link and you'llget this little pop-up and you can typein the URL right here for the page thatyou want to link to or you can click onthis button that says link options andyou'll get this pop-up right here and ifyou created a bunch of different pagesand posts already you'll see them inthis list right here and you can justfind the page that you want to link toand click on that but since we haven'tcreated the shopping page yet I want totype in the URL for that page that we'regoingmake a little bit later so if you wantto link your text to the shopping pageon your online store just type in thisURL right here HTTP colon slash slash WW your website name so I'll type inshopkeeper theme comm slash shop andagain make sure that you put in your ownwebsite name right here and then if youwant you can open up the link in a newtab when someone clicks on it but we'regonna leave this unchecked so onceyou're ready go ahead and click on addlink and now you should see the textlink to the shopping page right here andnow what I want to do is just highlightall of this text and I want to make thefont size larger so I'll go into thisdrop-down right here and change it toheading 2 and then for the firstsentence right here what I want to do ischange the font to white so I'llhighlight the text and then go into thisdrop-down where it says text color andjust select white right here and now youcan't see the text but it is white okayso that's all I want to do for the callto action and oh actually I want toCenter this so let me do one more thingI'll highlight everything and just clickalign Center and now I am done so ifyou're ready click on Save Changes andnow we have the call to action righthere and we're actually done creatingthe home page for our e-commerce websiteand now we can actually save everythingso let's click on the update button onceyou're ready and once the page isupdated let's go and check it out solet's click on View page and once youre-commerce website loads this is whatyou should see so we should have theslider images at the top and if we waitjust a little bit we should see thesecond slider image and then below thiswe have our banner row with links todifferent parts of our e-commercewebsite and we can always go in here andupdate these URLs a little bit later andthen we should have the featured productsection and it should be blank right nowbecause we don't have any products butonce we create some products and setthem as featured products this sectionis going to get populated and below thatwe have our call to action with a linkto the shopping page and then our customfooter down here so if this is what yousee then we are good to goand now we can move on to the next stepand nowwe're gonna do is learn how to createthe shopping page for our e-commercewebsite so first we're gonna create anew page and then go into ourWooCommerce settings and set theshopping page for our WordPress websiteand then I'll show you how to customizethe sidebar over here to have whateverwidgets that you want so if you want tolearn how to create the shopping pagefor your online store go back to yourWordPress website that you're making andthe first thing that we want to do iscreate a new page so hover over new andclick on page and once you're on the addnew page all you have to do is type inthe page title right here so I'll justtype in shop and we're not gonna changeanything else for the shop page so justclick on the publish button once you'reready and once the page is published nowwhat we want to do is set the shoppingpage in our e-commerce website so what Iwant you to do is come down to theWooCommerce tab and hover over that andclick on the settings link and onceyou're on the settings page we're gonnago through all of this stuff a littlebit later for our WooCommerce settingsbut right now all I want you to do is goto the products tab and once you're onthe products tab come down to where itsays shop pages and in this drop-downright here what you want to do is selectthe shop page that you just made andthat's gonna set the shopping page onthe e-commerce website and then justcome down to the bottom and let's clickon Save Changes and once the settingsare saved we are good to goand now what I want to do is show youhow you can customize the sidebar onyour shopping page so if you want to dothat let's go back to our e-commercewebsite and we want to hover overappearance on the left hand side andthen click on widgets and once you're onthe widgets page what you're gonna do isdrag some of these widgets on the lefthand side into the shop sidebar andthat's how you're gonna customize thesidebar for the shopping page and don'tworry about this one that's calledsidebar this is for the blogpost pagesand we didn't turn on the sidebar forour blog posts in the theme settings sounless you did that on your own youdon't need to customize this section butyou can always do that if you want solet's focus on the shopping page sidebarright here and let me show you what Iwould add to my e-commerce website thefirst widget that I would add is filterproducts by price so I can click anddrag this in over here and if you modifythe title right hereyou want to make sure that you click onthe Save button right here and if youwant to delete this widget just click onthe delete link right here okay so I'mgonna close this and I want to add twomore widgets to my e-commerce website Iwant to add the product categorieswidget so I can click and drag this upthere or I can just click on the widgetand I'll get this pop-up right here andthen I can select where I want to addthis widget so I want to click on shopsidebar and then I can click on addwidget and you can see that it getsadded right here and if you want tocustomize this you can so I'll checksome of these boxes right here and justmake sure that you click Save if you domodify this at all and I'll just closethis and I want to add one more widgetwhich is going to be the product tagcloud so again I'll just click on thisand make sure that the shop sidebar isselected and then click on add widgetand you should see the widget get addedright here and I'm not gonna make anychanges so what you can do is take sometime and customize your sidebar to lookhowever you want for the shopping pageand then once you're ready we can go andcheck out what the shopping page lookslike right now so if you want I'm justgonna show you how to do that so I'lljust hover over my website name righthere and then click on visit store andonce the shopping page loads for theonline store that you're making itshould look just like this right now sowe have our page title and we don't haveany products right now because wehaven't created them yet and then oursidebar looks a little basic right nowbut this is gonna get filled up after wemake our products so if this is what yousee right now then we are good to goand now we can move on to the next stepand now what we're gonna do is learn howto create a simple product for youre-commerce website so if you have anyproducts that don't have different sizesor different variables what you're gonnabe making are simple products and whatwe're gonna do is insert a few differentimages of your simple product and thenwe'll put in a title a price a smalldescription and your visitors can buy asmany of this product as they want andthen down here we'll have a longerdescription and will enable the reviewsright here and we'll also have somerelated products that show up over hereas we create some additional productsokay so now what I want to do is go backto the e-commerce website that we'remaking and I'm on the dashboardnow and what we're gonna do is go andcreate some simple products so what youwant to do is come down on the left handside to products hover over that andclick on add new and once you're on theadd new product page creating a simpleproduct is really easy so I'll show youhow to do this a few times and then youshould be it'll make a simple productfor your ecommerce website on your ownso the first thing that you're gonna dois put in a product name so let me go tothe demo ecommerce website and just takethis product name right here and copythat just to save some time and I'llpaste it in right hereso it says maroon red dress and downhere this is where you can type in yourlong description so on the product pageover here you can see this is the shortdescription and down at the bottom thisis the long description so what you cando is just type in whatever you want andI'm just going to copy this and pastethat in right here so type in your longdescription and then come down to theproduct data section and in thisdrop-down you can select the producttype that you're creating so right nowwe're creating a simple product but ifyou wanted to you can create a groupproduct an affiliate product or avariable product and I'll show you howto create a variable product in the nextstep but right now make sure that youselect the simple product and if youwant to make this a virtual product youcan check this box and you'll noticethat the shipping tab disappears and ifyou want to make this a downloadableproduct you would check this box andthen you get this section right herewhere you can upload the file that yourcustomers would download if theypurchase your product but since we'remaking a physical product I will uncheckthis and all you have to do is go to thegeneral tab and you want to type in theprice right here so I'll type in $199.95and then if you wanted to you can put ina sale price right here and if youwanted to schedule the sale you can typein the price and then click on theschedule right here and then you canjust put in the dates that you want forthe sale and your website will updateautomatically to show the sale price butwe're not going to do that so I'll closeout of that and don't worry about thecurrency that you see right here we'regonna update the currency in theWooCommerce settings a little bit laterso we'll go through how to change thisand how to add a few other things foryour e-commerce websitebut right now what I'll do is just gothrough these other tabs really quicklyso if you click on the inventory tab youcan add an SKU number and you can manageyour inventory if you check this boxright here we're not going to do this sowe'll leave this blank and then if yougo to the shipping tab we're going to goover the shipping classes a little bitlater in the WooCommerce settings butover here if you wanted to you can typein the weight or the dimensions of thisproduct and we're not going to go overthe linked products or the attributesfor these simple products so we can skipthese two but I want to go to theAdvanced tab and if you want to enablereviews you want to make sure that thisbox is checked right here and then whatyou can do is add your short descriptionright here and my short description isthe same as my long description so I canjust paste in the same description thatI have from the product website so goahead and type in the short descriptionand again the short description shows upat the top over here okay so once you'reready what we want to do is add a mainproduct image so we can come over hereand click on set product image andyou'll get this pop-up right here and ifyou want to upload your own images justmake sure that you're on the uploadfiles tab and then click on select filesand find the product image that you wantto upload if you want to use the democontent go to the media library and youshould see all the demo content here andwe can just scroll down and find theimage that we want so I want this oneand then I can click on set productimage and you should see the productsshow up here and if you want you can addsome additional images so you can see onthe demo ecommerce website that we haveanother image right here so if I clickon this it's gonna change to this imageright here and you can add a bunch ofdifferent images if you want I just addtwo so if I go back to the product pagewhat you can do to add some additionalimages is click on this link right herethat says add product gallery images andagain I'm on the media library tab soall I'll do is just come down and findthe image that I want so I'll selectthis one and then click Add to galleryand now you should see the image righthere so this is the alternative imagefor my product and now we can just comeup here and if you want you can type ina product category name so we can gohereand let's type in one so let's click onadd new category and you should see thispop up right here and we can just typein a category name so I'll type inwomen's and push enter and if I want toadd something else like a subcategoryname I can type in dresses and then Iwould go into this drop-down right hereand so like women so that dressesbecomes a subcategory of women's so I'llclick on add new category and whatyou'll notice is that dresses fallsunderneath the women's category sothat's how you create a subcategory andwe can come down here and create producttags and both the categories and theproduct tags help populate the relatedproducts on your product page so we canjust type some in right here and we canadd women's dresses and tops and pushenter and you'll see that the producttags get added right here and if youcreate some additional products withsimilar tags and similar categoriesagain what you're going to notice is onyour product pages at the bottom you'llhave related products that are verysimilar to those categories or thoseproduct tags okay so once you're readycome up to the top and if you want tomake this product show up on the homepage in the featured product sectionwhat you want to do is come right hereto where it says catalog visibility andclick on the Edit link right here andyou'll see this little pop-up right hereand what you want to do is check thisbox right here that says this is afeatured product and once you do thatthat's gonna make this product show upon the home page in the featured productsection so all you have to do is clickOK right here and now you should see itsays featured right here and you canalways edit this and remove thatfeatured product option if you want sonow we are done creating our firstsimple products so all we have to do isclick on this publish button right hereonce you're ready and once the productis published let's go and check it outand once the product page loads this iswhat you should see so don't worry aboutthe currency because we can change thisin the WooCommerce settings when we goover that a little bit later everythingelse should look exactly like this andat the bottom of the page you should seethe long description and the relatedproduct section below this will startshowing up once you start creating moreproductso what I want to do before I show youhow to create another simple product isI want to go to the website reallyquickly and I have a tab open for it andI just want to come down to the featuredproduct section and what you'll noticenow is the product that we just madeshows up over here because we set thisto be a featured product so as youcreate more products and you set them asa featured product they're gonna show upon the homepage over here okay so I'mgonna close out of this and what we wantto do is create one more simple producttogether so if you're on this page righthere all you have to do is hover overnew and click on product and once you'reon the add new product page the firstthing that you're gonna do is put in theproduct name so let me go to the demoecommerce website and just copy this andI'll paste it in just to save some timeand then we can type in our longdescription right here so if you wantyou can pause the video and type inwhatever you want I'll just come downhere and copy this description over hereand then I'll paste that in right hereand once you're ready let's come down tothe product data section and since we'remaking a simple product in thisdrop-down you just want to select thesimple product option and then you havethe virtual and downloadable optionsright here we'll leave those uncheckedand what I want to do is just put in aprice right here so I'll type in $79.95and I'll put this one on sale for $39.95and if you want to manage your inventoryyou can go to the inventory tab and typein an SKU number and also you can managethe stock by clicking on this buttonright here we'll leave this uncheckedand we can just come down to theshipping tab and you can put in theweight and dimensions if you want andthis will show up as additionalinformation on the product page we'regonna leave those blank and right herewhere it says shipping class we haven'tadded any shipping classes yet and we'regonna do that in the WooCommercesettings so there's nothing to selecthere but if you have different shippingclasses or shipping rates for differentproducts you can come in here after youset everything in the WooCommercesettings and you can select whatshipping class you have so you canalways come back here and edit thislater so we'll leave this as is for nowand we can just come down to theAdvanced tab and I want to make surethat this box is checked to enablereviewsonce you're ready we can come down tothe product short description and justtype in our little description so againI'll just paste in some information andonce you're ready we can add our productimage over here so click on this linkand once you get this pop-up if you wantto add your own images just click onupload files and click on select filesand find the product image that you wantto upload if you want to use the democontent go to the media library and justscroll down and find the image that youwant so I want this one so I'll justselect this and you can see that we havethe check mark right here and then I canclick on set product image and youshould see the image get inserted righthere and then we can add some additionalimages to the product gallery byclicking on this link down here andagain I'll just stay on the medialibrary and I'll scroll down and findthe next image that I want to use so Iwant to select this one so click on addto gallery and you can add as manyimages as you want to the productgallery but I'm just going to add oneover here and once you're ready let'scome up to the product category sectionand I want to select women's for thisproduct category and then down here forproduct tags I'll just type in women'salso and remember the categories and thetags that you use help for the relatedproducts that show up on the productpage so if you want this product to showup on some other pages for dresses oranything like that you want to have thesame categories and product tags okayand if you want you can turn on theoption to make this a featured productby clicking on the Edit link right hereand then just checking this box righthere and then click OK and now that'sgonna make this product show up on thehome page in the featured productsection but you don't have to do thisfor every product only the ones that youwant to show up on the home page ok sonow we are done creating this productand all we have to do is click on thepublish button right here and once theproduct is published what I want to dois go and check it out so click on Viewpage and once you're on the product pagewhat you'll notice is that this productis on sale because we have a sale priceover here and if we scroll down youshould also see the related productsection now because we have more thanone product and they're all in the sameproduct category or have similar producttags so if this is what you see then weare good to go and before we move on tothe next stepI want you to give this video a thumbsup so click that thumbs up button if youjust learned how to create a simpleproduct and if you only have simpleproducts on your e-commerce website goahead and pause the video and createthese simple products for your ecommercewebsite or you can do that later and youcan just watch the rest of this videotutorial and add the products to youronline store as you go otherwise we'rejust going to move on to the next stepwhich is going to be learning how tocreate variable products so if you wantyou can pause the video and make somemore simple products otherwise keepwatching because we're going to move onto the next step and now what we'regoing to do is learn how to create avariable product for our online storeand a variable product is very similarto a simple product except a variableproduct has different variables likedifferent sizes or different colors andyou can also have a range of differentprices based on your variableseverything else for a variable productis the same as a simple product so ifyou want to learn how to create avariable product let's go back to oure-commerce website and if you're on thispage right here all you have to do ishover over Neal and click on product andonce you're on the add new product pagejust remember that you can always justhover over products and click on add newand you'll come to this page also sowhat we're gonna do is create twovariable products the first is gonnahave one variable and one price and thenwe're gonna create another variableproduct with more than one variable anda different price range so the firstthing that we're gonna do is add ourproduct name right here so let me go tothe demo website and just copy this andI'll paste it in just to save some timeand then we can type in our longdescription right hereso again if you need to you can pausethe video and type in whatever you wantI'll just copy this and then paste thatin right hereand then once you're ready let's go downto the product data section and what youhave to do for a variable product is youhave to go into this drop-down andselect variable product and you'll seethat these tabs change and we can gothrough these so if you're on theinventory tab and you want to add an SKUnumber you can and if you want to managethe inventory you can do that right hereand then if you click on the shippingtab you can type in a weight or thedimensions for this product and thisagain shows up in the additionalinformation tab on the product page andif you have different shipping classesyoucan go in here and select the shippingclass for this product and we're gonnago over this in the WooCommerce settingsso if you want to have differentshipping rates for your products you cancome back here a little bit later andedit this section and we can go to thelink products tab and if you want toread up on the stuff you can hover overthese question marks right here we'renot going to cover this section in thisvideo tutorial but I will have a videoon how to use WooCommerce and we'llcover all of this stuff over there okayso what we want to do for a variableproduct is we want to go to theattributes tab and you should see thissection right here and what we're gonnado is type in the name of the variableright here and then the values righthere so for this example we'll type insize and the values will be small mediumand large and you want to separate thevalues with this line right here so toget the line you're gonna hold down theshift button and then push the / buttonsso let me just show you will type insmall and then I'll hold down the shiftbutton and push the slash button andI'll get that separated line and thenI'll type in medium and again I'll holddown shift and the separating line toget large and that's all we have to doto create our variable so now we canjust click on this box right here thatsays used for variations and once you'reready click on save attributes and oncethat's saved now what you want to do isgo to the variations tab and once you'reon this tab you can see in thisdrop-down there are a bunch of differentoptions but for this example all we haveto do is make sure that it says addvariation at the top and then click onthe Go button right here and now youshould see this section right here andin this drop down over here it has allof your different variables and what youwant to do is just click on this arrowto expand this section and then you cantype in the details for this variableproduct right here so all we want to dois just type in a price right here soI'll type in $89.95 and don't worryabout the currency again we're going tocover that a little bit later so we haveour price for our variable right hereand you can put in a sale price if youwant also but we'll just put that inright here and now all you have to do isclick Save Changes and once everythingis saved now we have our variable and wealso have the price listed for thisproduct and you can go down to theAdvanced tab hereand just make sure that the box ischecked to enable your reviews and thenyou can type in your short descriptionright here and then pretty mucheverything else is the same as creatinga simple product we'll add a productimage right here and once you get thispop-up if you want you can upload a newproduct image over here or use the democontent in the media library so I'lljust select this image right here andclick set product image and once thisimage shows up right here I'll add someimages to the product gallery byclicking on this link right here andonce I'm back in the media library I'lljust select this image right here andclick Add to gallery and once you seethis image right here we can just comeup and change the product categories oradd a product category so we'll go withwomen's and dresses right here but ifyou want to add an additional categoryyou can always just click on add newcategory and type that in right here andjust click on this button right here andthen for the product tags will go withdresses so I'll just type that in andpush enter and you should see it getadded right here and then if you want tomake this a featured product again justgo and click on the Edit link right hereand then check this box next to this isa featured product and then click OK andonce you do that we are done creatingour variable product and we just have topublish it so click on the publishbutton right here and once the productis published we can go and check it outby clicking on view product and once theproduct page loads if we come down herewe should see the variable and we haveour values in this drop-down so this ishow you create a variable product withone price and now what I want to do isshow you how to create a variableproduct with more than one variable anddifferent prices based on the variablesthat you select so in here I can selecta size and then I can select a color andyou can see that this is $109 and thenif I select another color then the pricechange is 299 dollars so this is goodfor if you're selling something thatcosts a different amount based on thesize or something like that so let meshow you how you can create variableproducts with more than one variable anddifferent prices let's go back to thee-commerce website that we're making andlet's go and make a new product let'shover over new and click on product andonce you're on the add new product pagethe first thing that you're gonna do isput in the product name right here soI'll just copy thisand paste this in and then we'll put inour long description right here so againI'll go to the demo ecommerce websiteand copy this and then just paste thatin right here and once you're readylet's come down to the product datasection and remember we're making avariable product so select variableproduct right here and if you want youcan go through these other tabs so theinventory tab the shipping tab and thelinked products tab I just want to go tothe attributes tab because this is wherewe can add the variables so right herewhere it says custom product attributewe want to click Add right here to putin our first variable and once you getthis section right here you can justtype in the variable name so we'll typein size and the values we'll have oursmall medium and large and remember thatyou want these separator lines so if youwant that line hit the shift button andhold it down with the slash button andonce you put any values go ahead andcheck this box next to used forvariations and before we click the Savebutton what I want to do is add anothervariable so up here where it says customproduct attribute go ahead and click onthe Add button again and that's gonnaadd a second variable option over hereso all we have to do is just type in thename so we'll do color this time andI'll add black and white right here andagain you want to separate it with thatline and then check this box right herethat says used for variations and if youwanted to add some more variables youcan otherwise let's just click on saveattributes right here and once that'ssaved let's go to the variations tab andonce you're on this tab you want to makesure that it says add variation andclick on the go button and you'll seeyour variables right here in thisdrop-down so you have size and color andwe want to leave this as the defaultwhere it says any size but what I wantto do is come into this tab and selectthe black color and what we're gonna dois expand this section and you can fillout whatever you want and when you fillout details here it's only gonna be forany size and the black color so what wewant to do here is put in a specificprice for when someone selects the blackcolor so we'll put in $99ninety-five cents right here and then wecan just collapse this if you don't wantto fill anything else out and then whatI want to do is add another variationwith any size and then the white colorso that when someone selects the whitecolor they're gonna get a differentprice so to do that just come back uphere to where it says add variation andclick go again and once you get thissection right here we're gonna selectthe white color and then we can go andedit the options or everything in hereso this time around instead of puttingthat same price for the black colorwe'll put in a different price so maybewe'll put $299.95 just for fun and youcan fill out any of this other stuff ifyou want otherwise you can collapse thisand then we can just click Save Changesand once that's saved now we have twodifferent prices based on our differentcolors and you can do this with just onevariable with a bunch of differentvalues so if you had size and you hadsmall medium and large if you wanted adifferent price for each of those valuesyou would just create three differentvariations and then expand each of thesesections and then add different pricesfor each of them okay so that's how youadd different prices for your differentvariables and if you have any questionsleave a comment and I'll try to explainit in better detail all right so let'sround out this product page with a shortdescription and then let's just add ourimages right here and you'll come to themedia library and we can just selectthis image right here and then click onset product image and the image shouldshow up right here and then we can addanother image to our image gallery soclick on add product gallery images andonce you see the media library I'll justselect this demo image right here andclick Add to gallery and you should seethe image right here and then we cancome up to the product categories andI'll just check women's right here andI'll also add a new category called topsand push enter and then I'll add someproduct tags right here so we'll do topsdresses and women's and again theproduct tags and the product categorieshelp with the related products and ifyou want you can make this a featuredproduct by clicking on the Edit linkright here and then checking this boxbut remember when you do this yougonna make this product show up on thehomepage so only make the products thatyou want to show up on the homepage thefeatured products and so once you'reready click OK and then all you have todo is click on the publish button andonce the page is published let's go andcheck it out by clicking on view productand once the product page loads you cansee that we have a price range righthere and then down here we have ourvariables and if we just select thesevariables you can see that we have oneprice and then if we change the color tothe other color we have another price sothis is how you create a variableproduct with more than one variable andhow you can add different prices foryour different values for your variableso what I want to do now is show you howyou can save the different values foryour variables so you don't have to typethese in each time you make a variableproduct and that just saves a littletime and then what you can do is pausevideo and create all the different typesof products that you want for youronline store so if you want to learn howto save your variables and the values soyou don't have to type it in each timefor your variable products what I wantyou to do is go back to your WordPressdashboard so hover over your websitename and click on dashboard and onceyou're back on the WordPress website ifyou want to learn how to save variableson your e-commerce website so you don'thave to type in all that informationeach time that you create a variableproduct what I want you to do is comedown to products and hover over that andclick on attributes and once you come tothis page this is where you can add thevalues for your variables so for thesesize variable we would add small mediumand large so I'll type in small righthere and I'll type in small for the slug2 and just click add new size and youshould see the value get added righthere and then we can type in our secondone so we'll type in medium and thenwe'll click on the button one more timeand now what we want to do is add onemore value so we'll type in large righthere and just click the button one moretime and you should see all the valuesright here and if you want to rearrangethe order what you want to do is comeback to the attributes page and onceyou're on the attributes page just clickback on the variable and once you comeback to this page now you should seethese bars over here and what you can dois just drag these variables into theright order so the top one is going toshow up on the left hand sideand then the last one is gonna show upon the right-hand side so for yourdrop-down this is the order that youwant for these sizes you want small atthe top and large at the bottom and youdon't have to do this for all of them solike if you have colors or anything youcan just add them but for somethingwhere order mattersyou want to come back in here and dragthese to the right order okay so nowwhat I want to do is just quickly showyou how you can access this variablewhen you create a variable product sowhat I'll do is go to the add newproduct page by clicking on this linkright here and once you're back on theadd new product page I'm going to skipthis section and just come down to theproduct data section so that I can showyou how you can access the variable thatyou just saved so I'll go in here andselect variable product and to add avariable remember we have to go to theattributes tab so click on that andbefore what we did was we selectedcustom product attribute in thisdrop-down but now that you saved thevariable on your ecommerce website ifyou go in here you should see the nameof the variable right here so we canselect that and then just click on theAdd button right here and you'll seethat the variable gets added right hereand what you can do is click on this boxand select the values that you want toadd to this variable or what you can doto save a lot of time is just click onthis button right here that says selectall and that's going to populate all thevalues right here and then all you haveto do is check this box next to use forvariations and click the save attributesbutton and then go into the variationstab and just add your prices and allthat stuff so this is just a quick wayto save a lot of time if you create abunch of variable products so if you dowhat you want to probably do is add thevariables into your e-commerce websiteso you can access them very quickly justlike this okay so before I let you goand pause the video to create a bunch ofdifferent variable and simple productswhat I want to do is just go through theWooCommerce settings and set everythingup so that you have your shipping andyour taxes and all that stuff set up sowhat we're gonna do is go back to theproduct page so at the top over herelet's click on products on the left handside and now what we're gonna do is goand set up our WooCommerce settings soif you're on the product page right herewhat I want you to do is go to the upperright and you should see this Helpbutton right hereI can expand that and then come to theleft-hand side over here and then clickon the link that says setup wizard andthen click on this button that sayssetup wizard and now you should be onthe WooCommerce settings page and we'regonna go through these settings togetherto set up our e-commerce website so onthe store setup what you want to do iscome in to this drop-down and selectwhere your store is based and then youcan type in your address right here andthen down below that this is where youcan select the currency that you wantfor your e-commerce website and Iselected the US dollar and then downhere is where you can select the type ofproducts that you want to sell so I justselected that I'm gonna sell bothphysical and digital products and onceyou're ready let's click on the buttonright here that says let's go and nowyou should be on the payments tab andwhat you can do is turn on or off thesetwo options right here for youre-commerce website so I'll turn offstripe for this demo website but if youwant some additional payment optionswhat you can do is click on this linkright hereand it'll bring you to the WooCommercewebsite and you should be able todownload some additional plugins fordifferent payment options so what I wantto do for this demo ecommerce website isI want to leave the PayPal option on andI want to show you how to link yourPayPal account to your e-commercewebsite but if you want to have PayPaland you don't want to link to a PayPalaccount then you want to check this boxright here and also you can have offlinepayments if you open up this box andyou'll expand this section right hereand you can check any of these optionsto turn them on also ok so once you'reready go ahead and click on the continuebutton right here and once you're on theshippings tab you have a few options inhere live rates flat rate and freeshipping and live rates is a WooCommerceplug-in that gets you updated pricingfrom US postal to ship to wherever youneed to so that's the one that Irecommend but if you want to charge aflat rate you can go in here and selectflat rate and then put in the priceright here and you also have the freeshipping option so I'll use live ratesand I want to ship to everywhere in theUnited States and I want to use liverates for locations not in the UnitedStates also and if you want to turn anyof these shipping zones off you can justclick on these buttons right here to dothat so I'll show you how to update theshippingthat also in your WooCommerce settingsif you're not too sure about what to usehere but right now go ahead and selectwhatever you want and we can alwaysupdate this later and then down at thebottom you can change the weight unit orthe dimension unit to whatever you usein your own country and then once you'reready click on the continue button andnow you should be on the extras tab andwhat you can do here is turn on theautomated taxes so if you turn this onthen we'll commerce will calculate yourtaxes for your customers when they go tocheckout so this makes your life a loteasier if you turn this on but you canalways go into the WooCommerce settingsand set the tax rates for differentstates or different regions on your ownso I'll show you how to do that also butwhat I'm gonna do to make my life easieris turn this on so I'll turn this on andagain I'll show you how to add your owntax rates in the WooCommerce settingsafter we go through these other tabs soonce you're ready go ahead and click onthe continue button and now you shouldbe on this activate tab and what youwant to do is connect your store to aplug-in called jetpack so you can getservices like the automated taxes andthe live rates and everything like thatso I recommend that you do this and ifyou want to all you have to do is clickon this button right here that sayscontinue with jetpack and once you cometo this page what you want to do is login to your WordPress comm account and ifyou don't have one go ahead and click onsign up now and create a username andpassword and then you can log in andconnect your e-commerce website with thejetpack plug-in so I already have account so I'll just typein my username right here and then clickthe continue button right here and typein my password and once you're ready goahead and click on the login button andyou should see this pop-up right here sowe're just gonna wait for jetpack toconnect to our e-commerce website andonce you see this notification thatmeans that your e-commerce website isset up with the jetpack plugin and nowyou have access to the live rates forshipping and the automated taxes andpretty much our WooCommerce settings areset up and all we have to do is connectour payment options to our e-commercewebsite and I also want to show you howyou can update your WooCommerce settingson your own through the dashboard so ifyou wanted to change the shipping or thetax rates I'll show you how to do thatso what I want you to do is come down tothe bottomand all we have to do is click on thislink to bring us back to the dashboardand once you're back on the WordPressdashboard what I want you to do is comedown to the WooCommerce tab and hoverover that and click on these settingslink and once you're on the settingspage this is where you can go to updateyour WooCommerce settings and also wherewe have to go to connect our paymentoption to our e-commerce website so forthis video tutorial I'm going to showyou how to connect PayPal to youre-commerce website but if you want touse any other payment options I can showyou how you can connect those also solet's just go through these tabstogether even though we shouldn't haveto change anything because we shouldhave already set everything up but justin case let's go to the general tab andon this tab this is where you can updateyour address right here and then you canupdate the selling location or shippinglocations if you want over here and thendown at the bottom this is where you canselect the currency that you want foryour e-commerce website and if you domake any changes make sure that youclick on the Save Changes button downhere otherwise come back up to the topand let's click on the products tab andonce you're on this tab there's reallynot much that we have to do but if youwant to change the weight or dimensionunits you can do that in this drop-downright here all I really want to do onthis tab is come down to where it saysreviews and over here I want to checkthis box that says reviews can only beleft by verified owners and what that'sgonna do is only allow reviews frompeople that have purchased your productso if you do check this box what I wantyou to do is click on the Save Changesbutton right here and once the settingsare saved you can see right at the topthere are some additional links righthere and you can click on these and playaround with them on your own we don't gointo either one of these but in my videotutorial on how to use WooCommerce we docover the inventory and downloadableproducts links so you can check out thatvideo and I'll have a link to it in thevideo description ok so once you'reready let's click on the tax tab andonce you're on the tax tab you shouldhave already enabled the automated taxesand this lets WooCommerce calculate thetaxes for you when your customerscheckout and it saves you a lot of timebut if you want to disable this you canclick disable right here and then youcan input all the different tax rates onyour own using the standard rates linkright here and I'll show you how to dothat injust a little bit but first what I wantto do is go through these other links orthese other options with you so righthere where it says prices enter with taxif you want to show the product pricewith the tax included you want to selectyes right here I like to select nobecause I like to show the priceswithout the tax but again this ispersonal preference and then come downto where it says calculate tax based onand what you can do is go in here andselect how you want the taxes to becalculated so is it going to be by thecustomer shipping address or theirbilling address or by your own businessaddress and you need to select the onethat you need for wherever your businessis located so I'll let you look intothis on your own and down here in theshipping tax class what you want to dois probably leave this as standard ifyou're not going to change the tax classin the product section when you createproducts but if you do have someadditional tax classes like a reducedrate or a zero rate then what you can dois go into this drop-down and selectshipping tax class based on card itemsand what that's going to do is calculateyour taxes based on the differentproducts and the different tax classesthat they're assigned to okay so itdoesn't really matter if you're notchanging the tax class and you'releaving it as standard you can just usethis but if you want to be safe then youcan just select this one right here andthen we can just come down to the bottomand I don't change anything down herebut if you want to go ahead and do thatand then once you're ready let's clickon Save Changes really quickly and oncethe tax settings are saved let me showyou a website that I have a link to inthe video description and this is theWooCommerce documentation website andthis is a page on setting up taxes inWooCommerce and if you scroll downthere's an entire tutorial on how to setup your taxes in WooCommerce and there'salso this video right here that's aboutthree minutes long that walks youthrough how to set up your taxes a lotbetter than what I just did and my twominutes are so going through that tab sowhat you should do is click on that linkin the video description and come tothis page and just spend three minuteswatching this video and you'll get abetter understanding of howsetup taxes and WooCommerce okay so thisis just a helpful hint for you and whatI want to do now is go back to thee-commerce website right here and I wantto show you how you can input your owntax rates if you select a disableautomated taxes right here so assumethat you select the disable automatedtaxes and you click Save and you want itto input your own tax rates for all thedifferent states that you're sellingfrom or different countries what youwould do is go to this link right herecalled standard rates so let's click onthis and once you're on the standardrates page what you want to do if youwant to insert the tax rates on your ownis you want to create rows for everycountry or state that you want to createa tax rate for so just really quicklyI'll show you how to add the tax ratefor the entire state of New Yorkso what you want to do is click oninsert row and right here where it sayscountry code we can type in US andselect United States and then put in thestate code right here and why for NewYork and I can leave the zip code andthe city blank and so what that's gonnado is when a customer puts in theirshipping address and they have the statecode and why for New York they're gonnaget this tax rate right here so I'lltype in 8.5% and I'm not sure if that'sright or not but you can always go toGoogle and find the tax rates for allthe countries and states that you'recreating tax rates for and if you wantto name this tax you can I can alsoleave this blank and you can check theseboxes if you want you can hover overthese question marks to read what you'rechecking the box for and then what youhave to do after you insert all the rowsfor your different states or countriesand their tax rates is just click on theSave Changes button right here and ifyou ever want to remove one of these taxrates just double click on it so thatit's yellow and then click on the removebutton right here okay so that's all youhave to do to add your own tax rates onyour own but again we're using theautomated taxes in the WooCommercesettings so unless you disable that youreally don't need to do anything herealright so if you want you can pause thevideo and insert all the tax rates thatyou want if you enabled the automatedtaxes then don't worry about thissection whatsoeverand let's just move on to the next tabcalled shipping and once your onlyshippings tab you'll notice that youhave some zones right here so I thinkthis depends on where you're located soI'm in New York so the first shippingzone that I have right here is for theUnited States and then I have anotherone down here for locations not coveredby the other zones listed so this one isgoing to cover the rest of the world andthis one covers the United States so Ihave shipping methods for both of theseand they're both using the live ratesright now and I just found out and Ithink this is true that the live ratesis only available for people in Canadaand the US so if you're not based in theUS or Canada then you might have to usea flat rate in order to charge shippingto your customers or you can offer freeshipping so you can try it out and I'llshow you how to set up the live ratesand everything like that but just makesure that you can use it wherever you'relocated ok so what we want to do is editthese zones so if you wanted to add someadditional zones with different shippingmethods or different shipping rates whatyou can do is click on this button righthere and then you can add some zones andsome regions and then the shippingmethods so let me show you how to dothat by editing the shipping method inthis first zone right here for theUnited States so what I'm gonna do isjust click on the Edit link right hereand once you're on the Edit zone page ifyou want to change the name of the zoneyou can do that right here and if youwant to add some additional regions youcan do that right here also and youmight want to do this if they're usingthe same shipping method or price thatyou're charging some customers in thiszone so just as an example I can put inEurope right here and what that's goingto do is if I send a package to anyonein the US or Europe they're gonna becharged using the Live rates method thatI have selected right here ok and youcan always just create some additionalsipping zones on the shipping zones pageso I'll show you how to do that in justa little bit so what I want to do onthis page is just show you how you canadd a different shipping method if youdon't want to use the Live rates and Idon't really recommend the live ratesanymore now that I know that it's onlyavailable in the US or Canada if you arebased in the US or Canadait's great you should use it becauseit's really awesome and it's really easyto use but if your based somewhere elseand you can't use the live rates optionthen probably what you want to do isdisable this and then click on the addshipping method button right here andyou're gonna get this pop-up and if yougo into this drop-down you can selectthe shipping method that you want to usefor this zone so you probably want tocharge a flat rate unless you want to bereally nice and charge free shipping solet's select flat rate right here andclick on the add shipping method buttonand now you should have the flat rateall saved and ready to go right here soif you want to use that then that'sawesome and you can just go back to theshipping zones and change the shippingmethod for the other zone which is goingto be for the rest of the world andwe'll go back to that page in a littlebit and I'll remind you but I want tocover the Live rates option for everyonein the US and Canada so if I turn thisone off and turn the live rates one backon this is really for only the peoplethat can use the live rates option whatyou want to do first after you turn thisback on is click on the Save buttonright here and that's just gonna saveyour settings so that this is enabledand then what you have to do is click onthis edit link right here to set up thelive rates so click on this and againyou only need to set this up if you canuse the live rates and I'm gonna saythis one more time I think this is onlyfor the US and Canada so if you're basedanywhere else you probably want to use aflat rate shipping amount okay so if youdo come here and you want to set up thelive rates what you want to do is justput in the origin zip code of whereyou're shipping your package from righthere and then come down to the ratessection and you want to select theshipping method so you can get the rightrates to charge your customers so Iselected Priority Mail for domestic andpriority international for internationalshipping and then there is somethingcalled a fallback rate which is a flatrate that you can charge if the liverates don't work or don't update so Ijust put in 20 dollars here so that'show much I would charge my customers ifI can't pull the live rates to chargethem okay and then down here if you wantto select the packaging method you canotherwise all you have to do to turn onthe live rates to work on the checkoutpage is click on the Save Changes buttonright hereand once everything is saved you shouldsee this notification right here and wecan just come back up to the top and nowyou have just set up the live ratesoption for this zone right here andagain this only works for the US andCanada I believe but if you are usingthe live rates option that means thatthe post office needs to calculate yourshipping rates for your customers sothey need to know the products weightand dimensions so if you're using thelive rates option that means that youhave to go to your products pages and ifyou created any products already whatyou have to do is come down to theproduct data section and go to theshipping tab and you need to put in aweight and the dimension so that thelive rates can actually calculate theshipping costs so if you created someold products what you want to do is goback to the all products page and go tothe Edit Page for all your products andthen go to the shipping tab and put inthe weight and dimensions and if you'recreating new products and you're usingthe live rates option you want to makesure that you fill out this section alsookay so there is a few additional stepsif you're using the live rates optionbut once you set up all your productsthen you're good to goso again this only works in the US andCanada and I said that more than enoughtimes so we're gonna go back to theUnited States zone and I'm just gonnaselect the flat rate just to make thingsa little easier for everyone and onceyou're back on the zone page if you wantto change the shipping method and justdisable this and enable the flat rate soI'm just gonna charge $20 to every onethat I have to ship something to nomatter where in the world they are andit's really up to you what you want touse but once you're ready go ahead andclick on Save Changes if you do make anychanges and once that's saved let's goback to the main shipping zones page soclick on this and once you're back onthe shipping zones page if you want toadd some additional zones then you canjust click on this button right here andyou can add the name the region and theshipping method so we're not going to dothat because we have the United Statesand then we have the rest of the worldright here and right now this one hasthe live rates option selected so if youwant to activate that what you want todo is come down to manage shippingmethods and click on this and once youcome to this page if youwant to set up the live rates for therest of the world you can just hoverover this and click on the Edit link andyou'll go back to that setup page andselect these shipping methods that youwant to use but if you want to select adifferent shipping method what you wantto do is disable this and then click onadd shipping method and select theshipping method that you want to chooseso we'll go with the flat rate optionand I'll click Add shipping method andonce it gets added right here I can justhover over it and click on the Edit linkand we'll get this pop-up and I'll justput in the amount that I want to chargefor shipping right here and then clickSave Changesand now everything is saved and now Ihave the flat rate chosen for everyonein the US and abroad so back on theshipping page right here you can seethat the shipping method that I selectedis the flat rate option and again youcan choose whatever you want but if youare using the live rates option justremember that it's not going tocalculate the live rates unless you havethe weight and the dimensions inputtedinto the products that someone's buyingso you have to make sure that you put inall of these weights and dimensions foreach of your products if you're usingthe live rates method okay so now we aredone with the shipping tab and we don'thave to go through these other links Ido cover them in my tutorial on how touse WooCommerce but for this ecommercetutorial we don't actually need to gothrough these so once you're ready let'sjust move on to the next tab so let's goto the checkout tab and once you're onthe checkout page this is where you cango to setup these settings for thecheckout process so if you want to allowcoupons on your e-commerce website makesure that you check this box right hereand if you want to create some couponcodes underneath the WooCommerce tab youcan just click on coupons and that'swhere you would go to create your couponcodes and then down here for thecheckout process if you want to letvisitors checkout without creating anaccount you want to make sure that thisbox is selected right here to enableguest checkout and then down here forthe checkout pages by default you shouldhave a cart page and checkout pagealready created and they should alreadybe set right here but as we go throughthis video tutorial we will make surethat we have these pages created andwe'll come back here and select thesepages a little bit later and same withthe terms and conditions pagewe're going to create this page a littlebit later so we'll come in here andselect that page that we create so thatwe have these pages selected in thesesettings and once you're ready we canjust come down to the bottom to thegateway display order or the paymentgateway and you can see that we have afew different payment options here andwhat you want to do with your paymentoptions is you want to go into each ofthem and you want to enable the onesthat you want to use and if you want toadd some additional payment options whatyou can do is click on the extensionsbutton right here and you'll go to thispage and this is an extensions page witha bunch of different plugins fromWooCommerce and right now I'm on thepayments tab right here and you can seethere's a bunch of different paymentoptions here and what you can do isselect the payment option that you wantto have on your e-commerce website andthen you would just click on that optionand download the plug-in that you needand then you can go back to the settingspage over here and then you'll see themin the list and then you can click oneach one and enable them and thenactivate them so they're connected toyour e-commerce website so I'm gonna dothat with you for the PayPal options butfirst what I want to do is click on theSave Changes button in case you made anychanges to the checkout tab so let'sclick on this really quickly and oncethe settings are saved you should bebrought back to the top of the checkoutpage and up here you can see all thedifferent payment options that we haveavailable to us right now and what we'regonna do is enable the PayPal and PayPalExpress option but again if you do wantto add some additional payment optionsall you have to do is come underneathWooCommerce and click on the extensionslink and it'll bring you to this pageright here and then just click on thepayments tab and you'll come over hereand you'll see a bunch of differentpayment options that you can select fromand just click on them and add them toyour e-commerce website and once youcome back to the checkout page youshould see them up hereand you can just enable them to use onyour e-commerce website okay so whatwe're gonna do right now is just enablePayPal and PayPal Express so you shouldsee these two at the top and what we cando is just click on PayPal and onceyou're on the PayPal page all you haveto do to enable PayPal is check this boxright here next toenable PayPal and then put in yourpaypal email right here so whateveremail address is associated with yourPayPal account type that in right hereand then down here in receiver email youcan type in the same address and then atthe bottom over here if you want to beable to issue refunds via PayPal thenwhat you want to do is go to PayPal andget some API information that you canpaste in right here and I do have a linkin the video description to thisWooCommerce page on how to set up PayPaland it walks you through everything butI'll also show you how to do it rightnow so back on the e-commerce websitewhat we want to do is get this APIinformation so open up a new tab and goto your PayPal account and login andonce you're logged in you should be onthe summary page just like this so whatyou're going to do is hover over yourprofile up here and then you're gonnaclick on it and then go to profile andsettings and once you're on the settingspage what I want you to do is come downhere and click on this link that says myselling tools and you'll see thissection right here and you're gonna goto this one where it says API access andthen click update right here and onceyou're on the API credentials page comedown to the bottom to this section righthere where it says NVP soap APIintegration and then click on this linkright here that says manage APIcredentials and you should come to thispage right here for a security check soif you want you can have PayPal justtext you a code so that's what I'll doso I'll just click Next right here andonce you get your code go ahead and typeit in and click Next right here and onceyou come to this page all you have to dois click on these links right here toshow your API username password andsignature and what I want you to do iscopy and paste those into these sectionsright here and then you're all set upwith the API credentials so go ahead anddo that on your own I'm not gonna showyou my API username password andsignature because we all have uniqueones but once you're ready go ahead andclick on Save Changes right here andthen we'll move on to the next tab andonce your settings are saved we havejust enabled PayPal on our e-commercewebsite and now what we can do is set upPayPal Express Checkout and this is justa one-click checkout so I do recommendit just to make it easier for yourvisitors to buy stuff so let's click onthis link right here and once you cometo the PayPal Express checkout pageall we have to do is link our PayPalaccount it should already be enabled butif it's not go ahead and check this boxright here and all you're gonna do iscome down to API credentials and clickon this button right here that sayssetup or link an existing PayPal accountand once you're brought to this page goahead and login and once you come tothis page right here go ahead and clickon the button right at the bottom andonce you get this notification then oure-commerce website is linked up withPayPal Express and we are good to go sonow we can click on this link right hereto go back to our WooCommerce websiteand there's one more link to click on sojust come to this pink button right hereand click redirect me and now you shouldbe redirected to the e-commerce websiteand we have just set up our PayPalaccounts and if you want to add someadditional payment options just rememberthat you can come down to theWooCommerce tab and click on extensionsand then add whatever plugins that youneed for the other payment options soyou can do that on your own and we'reactually done with the checkout page nowso what I want you to do is go to theaccounts tab and once you're on theaccounts page all we have to do is comedown to where it says customerregistration and we want to check thesetwo boxes right here so that a customercan register an account on the checkoutpage and the my account page and onceyou're ready come down to the bottom andclick Save Changes and once yoursettings are saved let's go to theemails tab and once you're on the emailpage all I want you to do is check tomake sure that these email addresses arecorrect so that you can getnotifications whenever you get a neworder a cancel order or a failed orderand if you need to change the emailaddresses right here just click on thesebuttons right here and then you canupdate the email address and then if youscroll down a little bit what you can doover here is change the name of yourwebsite and the email address that youwant to send emails to your customersfrom if you want I'll just leave this asis so if you do make any changes makesure that you click on the Save Changesbutton and once your settings are savedwe are done going through theWooCommerce settings and before I letyou go pause the video and create all ofyour products for your e-commercewebsite what I want to do is go througha transaction with you just to show youthat your e-commerce website does workso what I'm gonna do is go to my shoppage so I'll hover over my websname and click on visit store and onceyou're on the shop page even thoughwe're not done with our e-commercewebsite yet we can still create atransaction because we're logged in toour WordPress website so if this is thefirst time that you're looking at theshop page then on the left hand side youshould see the custom sidebar that youcreated and right now we have fourdifferent products on our e-commercewebsite and after this section I'll haveyou pause the video and create whatevertype of products that you want for youronline store so right now we're justgoing to do a quick transaction so I'lljust hover over this product right hereand I'll click Add to Cart to add thisitem to my shopping cart and you shouldsee this pop up right here that saysthis product has been added to your cartand right up here you can see that Ihave the shopping cart and it has a 1next to it so if I click on this you cansee that we have this pop-up right hereand we can just click on checkout andonce you're on the checkout page Ialready filled out the billinginformation right here so you can see Ihave my product price and the shippingrate is the flat rate option and I havemy text right here so we have our totaland all we have to do to pay for thisproduct is click on this button righthere that says proceed to PayPal andonce you come to the PayPal page all youhave to do is just log into your PayPalaccount and once I come to this pageright here I can just select whatevertype of payment option that I want touse and then click pay now and thenyou'll get this notification right herethat says the payment is processed and Ican click on this button down here toreturn to the website and you should beredirected to this page right here andit should say that your order has beenreceived so as a buyer you are good togo and you can just wait for yourproduct to come in the mail and ifyou're the seller or the owner of thee-commerce website on your dashboardover here when you get a new order itshould show up in the WooCommercesection so if I hover over WooCommerceyou can see that I have a 1 next to theorders and if I click on this and I'llcome to the orders page right here and Ican see all of my orders and you can seethat we have this order right here so wecan click on this and you should come tothis order page right here and there's abunch of details so you have the billinginformation the shipping address and theitem that was purchased down here andyou also have astatus update right here so if you wantto go in here and change it to completedyou can and then you can add some ordernotes down here and just click on theUpdate button if you want to save yourchanges and you can always referencethis order and any other orders if youclick on the orders page right over hereokay so let me show you the email thatyour customer gets once they place anorder so once your customer places anorder they'll get this email from PayPalthat says a payment was sent and if yougo to your PayPal now you will see apayment from your customer over here andthis is the email that you would get asan e-commerce owner you would get anemail from your website that says newcustomer order and then it has somedetails about what got ordered and whoordered it and if you don't get thisemail in your inbox and it goes to yourspam box what you want to do is go backto your WooCommerce settings andremember we have this emails tab righthere what we can do is create some freeemail addresses using our website domainand we can just put those in right hereand also down here and when you send anemail from your web domain it's going togo to your inbox instead of usingsomething like Gmail which sometimes goto your spam inbox so I'll link you tothat video on how to do that I created avideo on how to make an email using yourweb domain for free and that'll be inthe video description so check that outand then create an email address andthen come back to this section and thenjust click on these buttons right hereand update your email addresses righthere and also right here and make sureto click Save when you're done okayso what I want you to do now that wehave shown you how to make a transactionwork on your e-commerce website is Iwant you to pause the video and this isonly if you want to but you can pausethe video and create as many differentproducts as you want for your e-commercewebsite and then push play once you'reready and then we'll move on to creatingthe other pages for our online store andremember if you're using the live ratesoption for shipping you want to put inthe weight and the dimensions for all ofyour products in order to get the liverates to work okay so if you want pausethe video create some products and thenpush play once you're ready and we'llmove on to creating the rest of oure-commerce website with WordPressall right I'll see you soon all rightand welcome back so if you pause thisvideo to create some products then onthe product page right here you shouldsee a list of all the different types ofproducts that you just created for youre-commerce website and if you ever wantto edit any of these you can just hoverover them and click on the Edit linkright here and now if I go to mye-commerce homepage and I scroll down tothe featured product section I shouldsee some featured products down herebecause I selected that option when Icreated these products and if I go tothe shop page now I should see my customsidebar and then all of my productsright here so if this is what you seethen we are good to go and now we canmove on to the next step and let me justgive you a quick teaser of what we'regonna cover so what I want to do is showyou how to add the category linksunderneath the shop title like this andthen I'll show you how to customize yourcategory pages like this or like this soif you want to learn how to do this andadd these custom category links keepwatching because in the next step we'regonna cover all of this and now whatwe're gonna do is learn how to customizethe category pages and add the categorylinks to our shop pages so if you wantthe category links to look like this onyour shop page or your category pageswhat I want you to do is go to yourWordPress dashboard and we're gonna goback to our theme options so once you'reover here hover over shopkeeper andclick on customize and once you're backon the customize page all I want you todo is come down to the WooCommerce taband click on that and then go to theproduct catalog and click on that andthen right here where it says shop pagedisplay go into this first drop-down andif you want the category links to showup underneath the shop title select shopcategories and products and what you'llnotice over here is that the categorylinks show up right here so let's clickon the publish button to save all ofthis and what you'll also notice is thatyou have this uncatted option right hereand you probably don't want this but ifyou do then that's finebut if you want to learn how to get ridof this let me show you how to do thatso once this is saved let's close out ofthis and once you're back on theWordPress dashboardif you want to get rid of that uncattedErised link what I want you to do iscome down to products and hover overthat and then click on the categorieslink right here and once you're on theproduct categories page you can see uphere that you have all of your differentcategories and you have the uncattedeyes option right here and what I wantyou to do is just hover over another oneso maybe the one right below it and thenclick on this link that says makedefault and once you make anothercategory name the default option if youhover over Uncategorized you should seethis link right here to delete this sogo ahead and click on that and thenclick OK right here and you should seethe uncatalyzed category get deleted andnow if we go to our shop page reallyquickly you should see all of thesecustom category links now and once yourshop page loads now you should see thecategory names right underneath yourshop title and if you click on any ofthese links then they'll go to thatcategory page so now what I want to dois show you how you can customize yourcategory pages so if you want to leaveyour category pages looking just likethis then you actually don't need to doanything because by default this is howthey look and if you like this thenyou're good to go and you can just skipon to the next step but if you want tolearn how to customize your categorypages like this with a full width imageand then the description right here whatI want you to do is go back to yourWordPress website and I want you to goback to that categories page so whatwe're going to do is hover over ourwebsite name and click on dashboard andonce you're back on the WordPressdashboard again we're going to go backto the categories page so hover overproducts and then click on categoriesand once you're back on the productcategories page if you want to customizea category page what you want to do isjust go and find the category page thatyou want to customize and then hoverover that and then click on the Editlink and once you're on the Editcategory page you can see that this isfor the men's category page and all Iwant to do is type in my descriptionright here so you can see on the demoecommerce website this is thedescription that I put in so let me justcopy this and you can always pause thisvideo to type in whatever you need to soI'll just paste that in right here andthen if you want to have that backgroundimage you want to come to the headersectionand then upload or add your header imageright here so I'll just click on thislink and once you get this pop-up if youwant to upload your own background imagejust make sure that you're on the uploadfiles tab and then click on select filesand find the images that you want toupload if you want to use the democontent go to the media library and justscroll down and try to find this imageright here called category header imageJPEG and once you do go ahead and clickon it and then click use image and nowyou should see the image get added righthere and that's pretty much all you haveto do so once you're ready go ahead andclick on the Update button and once thepage is updated now we can go and checkit out or you can go and customize yourother category pages and if you want todo that you can just click on the backlink right here or you can always justclick on categories down here what Iwant to do is just go to the shop pageand show you that you can click on themen's category link and you'll go to thecustom page so I'll hover over mywebsite name and click on visit storeand once I'm back on the e-commercewebsite what I want to do is click onthe men's link right here and once thecategory page loads you can see that wehave the background image inserted righthere and then our description right hereand our subcategory links right here forthis category and if we scroll down weshould see the products inside thiscategory right over here so this is howyou can customize your category page ifyou want or you can just leave it as isand it'll look just like this and Iactually prefer this but I did want togive you the option so if you do want tocustomize your category pages like thisyou want to go back to the categoriespage and again all you have to do ishover over products and click oncategories and you'll come to this pageand then hover over the category namesand click on the edit button and thenyou can customize them however you wantand you can always go in here and deletethe category names also if you don'twant them on your e-commerce website andthe same goes with the product tags okayso if you want you can pause the videoand customize your category pages if youwant otherwise what we're gonna do ismove on to the next step which is gonnabe creating the Abell page and now whatwe're gonna do is learn how to make anabout page for the e-commerce website soyou can see right here on the demoWordPress websitethis is the about page that we're gonnalearn how to make and we have a custompage title at the top and then a smalldescription right here and we'll add ateam section right here and then anothersection that you can describe yourbusiness over here and we can show youhow to add these icons and you cancustomize the colors to be whatever youwant and then down at the bottom we'llhave a call to action with a button alink to the Contact Us page and thenwe'll have our footer down here so ifyou want to learn how to create thisAbell page for your e-commerce websitelet's go back to the wordpress websitethat we're making and right now i'm onthe dashboard but it doesn't reallymatter what page you're on you can hoverover new and click on page to create anew page or you can go on the left handside and hover over pages and then clickon add new once you're on the add newpage the first thing that we're going todo is type in our page title right hereso I'll type in about and then I'll cometo the page options and I want touncheck this box that says show pagetitle because we're gonna put in acustom page title and then come down tothe page attributes section and in thetemplate drop-down I want to select thefull width template and once we do thatwe can come back up to the top and ifyou remember what we're going to dowe're going to turn on the page builderso we can start building out thisecommerce page so click on the backendeditor and now you should see the pagebuilder right here so let's start addingour different rows for the layout forthis page so let's click on the plusbutton right here and find the rowelement so we'll click on that and youshould see the row get inserted righthere and this is gonna be for the pagetitle so what I want to do first is goto the pencil and click on this and oncethe row settings pop up we're gonnaleave the row stretch as default and thewidth as full width so I want to just gointo the design options tab and I wantto add some top padding over here so Iwant to type in 200 px and what that'sgonna do is just give me some spacingbetween the header menu and the pagetitle that we're going to insert so onceyou type in 200px go ahead and click onSave Changes and now what I want to dois add the text block for the page titleso right in the middle click on the plusbutton and then find the text blockelement and click on that and once weget this pop-up right here we can justgo in here and delete this and typeour page titles so I'll type in ourstory and then I want to highlight thisand go into the drop-down and changethis to heading one to make the fontlarger and then I'll just click on thealign center button to Center this andif you want to change the color you cando that or edit the text with whateverbuttons that you want and once you'reready all we have to do is click on SaveChanges and now I just want to add anunderline underneath the page title solet's click on the small plus buttonright here and find the separatorelement and click on that and once youget this pop-up we can just go into thecolor tab and select whatever color thatwe want and then we want to leave thisas a line Center and the style as borderand then down here for the border widthI want to change this to 3 px but youcan make your line as thick as you wantand then for the element with I justwant to make this 10% so it's gonna makeit a pretty short line or at least nottoo wide but that's really up to you soyou can select whatever you want andthen once you're ready let's click onSave Changes and now we should have thepage title row right here so now what Iwant to do is just add some extra spaceso right over here let's click on thebig plus button and find the extra spaceelements so I think that's gonna be downover here I always have a hard timefinding some of these elements that Iuse all the time so anyways once youfind the empty space element go aheadand click on that and once it pops upwe're gonna leave the empty space as32px but if you want to make the emptyspace longer or wider you can alwaysincrease this amount or you can make itshorter by decreasing the number okay soonce you're ready let's click on SaveChanges and now what I want to do iscome down here and add a row for thetext section for the about page so clickon the plus button and then find the rowelement and click on that and we don'tneed to change the row settings for thisrow but what I want to do is add a rowinside this row so click on the plusbutton in the middle and then find therow element again and click on that andyou'll see a row get inserted insidethis row and what I want to deal withthis inner row is I want to change therow type to the boxed option so that mytext is boxed inside this box it doesn'treally make sense and it sounds a littlefunny but the formatting for thisa lot better so let's click on thepencil right here and once we get theinner row settings right here I want youto come down to the bottom over here tothe row type and go in here and selectthe box option and then just click SaveChanges and now what we're gonna do isadd our text block inside this inner rowso click on the plus button in here andthen find the text block and click onthat and once you get this pop-up we canjust delete the text right here and youcan type in your About section or yourstory or whatever you want so if youwant to pause the video and take sometime to write your About section goahead and do that I'm gonna go to thedemo ecommerce website and just copy andpaste this text right here just to savesome time so let me go back to thewordpress website that we're making andpaste that in right here and you alsohave the option of formatting this textso I can just walk you through it reallyquickly so if you want to highlight anytext you can click the bold button andyou can italicize it you have all theseother options here also and I think Ialready walk you through how to linkyour text to another page but again ifyou highlight whatever you want to linkto just click on the link button up hereand you'll get this little pop-up andyou can type in the URL or you can clickon the link options tab and you'll getthis little pop-up and you can link thattext to any of these pages that youcreated down here or you can type in theURL right here okay so I will cancelthis so I have my text for my Aboutsection right here and once you're readygo ahead and click on Save Changes andnow you should have the text for theAbout section right here so we can justcome down to the bottom and now we wantto add a new row for our employeesections so click on the plus buttonright here and I want you to find therow element and click on that and wedon't need to change these settings forthis row so we can just add a smallseparator line and you can see on thedemo ecommerce website I have thislittle border line right here so that'swhat I want to add so I'll click on theplus button right here and find theseparator element and click on that andonce you get this pop-up right here ifyou want to change the color you can orthe thickness I just want to come downto the element with and I want to select80% so that it doesn't go across theentire page and once you're ready clickSave Changesand now what I want to do is add alittle title for the section so you cansee on the demo ecommerce website it'sgonna say our team right there and thenwe're gonna insert these images for ouremployees afterwards so let's click onthe small plus button right down hereand find the text block and click onthat and once you get this pop-up we canjust go in here and delete this and typein the title for the section so I'lltype in our team and then I'll highlightit and go into this drop-down and selectheading 2 to make the font larger andthen I'll click on a line Center toCenter this and then we can just clickon Save Changesand now we have the title for thissection right here and what I want to donow is add a row inside this row for theemployee sections so let's click on thesmall plus button and then finally rowelement and click on that and what Iwant to do is change the number ofcolumns here to 3 so I'll hover overthis and click on the one that says 1/3plus 1/3 plus 1/3 and you'll get 3 boxeshere and then let's go into the rowsettings to change the row type to thebox options so click on the pencil andonce you get the inner row settingsright here I want you to scroll down tothe row type and go in here and selectthe box option and then click Save andnow what we want to do is go into eachone of these little boxes and add asingle image and a text block for theemployee and then their name and theirjob title so let's click on the plusbutton on the left hand side and findthe single image element and click onthat and once you get this pop up if youwant to add an employee image just clickon the plus button right here and if youwant to upload your own files click onupload files and then click on selectfiles and find the image that you wantto upload if you want to use the democontent make sure that you're on themedia library tab and then just scrolldown and find this image right here andthis is actually me so if you don't knowwhat I look likethis is Jameson from NYC tech club hellonice to meet you so if you want to usethis image just select it and then it'sthe employee JPEG and what you want todo is just click on set image and oncethe image shows up right here you wantto come down to this image size sectionand you want to make sure that it saysnow because that's gonna resize thisimage to be the perfect size for ourabout page and if you want to come downhere where it says image alignment wewant to Center this and then for theimage style I think we're gonna keepthis as default but if you want tochange it to something else you can andI think that's all we're gonna do but ifyou also want to link the image toanother page you can go down into thisdrop-down and then you can link to acustom link so if you create anotherpage you can just click on this and thenyou can add the URL right here to thatpage if someone clicks on the image okayso I'm gonna select none' right here andonce you're ready let's click on SaveChanges and now what we want to do isadd a textblock so that we can insertthe name and the job description or jobtitle for this employee so let's clickon the small plus button right here andfind the text block and click on thatand once you get this pop-up I'm gonnago in here and delete this and then I'lltype in the name for the employee righthere so I'll type in James King and thenwhat I want to do is push enter but Idon't want a lot of space in between thename and the job title so I'm gonnaclick shift and enter and then I'll justtype in developer right here and then Ican Center this if I highlighteverything and click align Center andthat's pretty much all you have to do solet's click on Save Changes right hereand now we have our first employee righthere and if you want you can go throughthe same steps of adding another singleimage element and a text block for yourother employees right hereor what you can do is just copy theseelements or make a copy of them and thenyou can edit them so that's what I'll doI'll hover over the single image elementand I'll click on this button right herethat says clone single image and I'll doit twice so that I make copies of thisimage and then I can just click and dragit into the second box right here andthen I'll do the same with this otherone and it goes a little crazy I don'tknow why but yeah it does that so don'tworry as long as you drop them into theright spot you're good to go and you canalways move them around if they don't gointo the right spot and I'll do the samewith these text blocks so I'll make acopy of these and then just drag theminto these other boxes and it's going alittle smoother so I'll just add itright there and so if you do makeof your elements what you can do is justclick on the pencil for each of theseand then you can change the image andthe textfor these other employees and then ifyou want to add some additional rows ofemployees what you can also do is clonethis row so you can make a copy of therow if you click on this button righthere okay so I'm just going to add thesethree employees and now what I want todo is add some empty space below this soif you need to pause the video to addyour other employees go ahead and dothat and then push play once you'reready and we'll just move on to creatingthe rest of the about page so right nowwhat I want to do is add some emptyspace so I'll click on the small plusbutton right here and I'll find theempty space element and click on thatand once this shows up right here we'renot going to change the height so all wehave to do is click on Save Changes andnow what we want to do is add anotherrow for our icons so you can see on thedemo ecommerce website then we're goingto create this section now so let's goback to the e-commerce website thatwe're making click on the big plusbutton right here and find the rowelement and click on that and we're notgonna do anything with the row settingsso all I want to do is just add anotherseparator line just like this so let'sclick on the plus button right here andfind the separator element and click onthat and once you get this pop up I justwant to come down to the element widthand change this to 80% and then clickSave Changes and now what I want to dois add the title for this section solet's click on the plus button righthere and then find the text block andclick on that and once you get thispopup we'll just go in here and deletethis text and we can put in our titlefor this section so I'll go to the demoonline store and just copy this so itsays we empower WordPress developers andentrepreneurs and you probably want totype in something different but you cantype in whatever you want and if youwant to eliminate the gap in betweenthese two lines just push shift andenter after your first sentence righthere and everything is already formattedto heading two but if you need to youcan highlight this and go into yourdrop-down and select heading 2 and thenwe want to Center this so let's click onalign Center and then once you're readylet's click on Save Changes and now wehave our text righthere and what I want to do now is add anempty space so let's click on the plusbutton right here and find the emptyspace element so click on this and wewant to leave the height as 32px so allwe have to do is click Save Changes andnow we have our section right here andwhat I want to do is add another rowinside this row for the branding iconsor the little services section so let'sclick on the small plus button righthere and find the row element and clickon that and now we should have a rowinside this row and I want to change itto three columns so I'll hover over thisbutton right here and click on the onethat says one-third plus one-third plusone-third and just like the employeesection we're gonna change the row typeto the boxed option so click on thepencil right here and once you get theinner row settings let's scroll down tothe row type and just go in here andselect the boxed option and then clickSave Changes and now what we're gonna dois add our services section or littledescriptions into these boxes right hereso you can see on the demo WordPresswebsite that we're gonna add brandingmarketing and strategy with custom iconsso let me show you how to build thissection back on the e-commerce websitethat we're making let's start on theleft hand side so click on the big plusbutton right here and we want to add aheading element so click on the textblock and once you get this pop-up justdelete this and then type in the titlefor this first service or whatever youwant to call this so I'll type inbranding right here and I want tohighlight this and go into the drop downand select heading 3 to increase thesize of the font and then I'm gonnaCenter this so click on a line Centerand then just click on Save Changes andnow what I want to do is add my icons soI'm gonna click on the plus button rightdown here and find the icon element andclick on that and once you get thispop-up what you're gonna do is come tothe icon section and you want to clickon the down arrow right here and whatyou'll see is a pop-up with all thesedifferent icons and you can selectwhichever icon that you want and if youneed to you can go into this drop downand filter by categories or you can typein a keyword right here so I'll justtype in dot and select this one becauseit doesn't really matter what I use formy demo ecommerce website but youprobably want to pause the video andspend some time to find the perfect iconfor your online store that you're makingand then once you're ready what I wantyou to do is come down to the icon colorsection and go into this drop-down andselect the color that you want and whatI want to do is put in a custom colorcode so I'll select the custom coloroption and I'll get this pop-up righthere and all I have to do is click onselect color and then I can go in hereand type in a color code so the colorcode is pound sign be three nine ninesix four and if you want you can type inthe same color code to get this goldcolor and again these color codes arealways going to be on the text tutorialon the NYC tech club website on how tocreate an e-commerce website withWordPress 2018 so if you need to you canalways go and check that outokay so once you're ready let's click onselect color and then I don't need tochange the background shape but you canif you want and then for the size I wantto select extra-large and for the iconalignment I want to go with Center andthen if you want to make this icon alink to another page what you want to dois add the URL right here so all you'regonna do is click on select URL and thenyou can type in the URL to the page thatyou want to link to or if you want tolink to a wordpress page that you madeyou can go into this list right here andthen find the page that you want to linkto okay so we're not gonna link the iconto anything so I'll leave that blank andI believe that's all we have to do soonce you're ready go ahead and click onSave Changes and now we have the titlethe icon and all we need now is thedescription or little text section belowthis so let's click on the plus buttonagain and finally text block and clickon that and once you get this pop-upright here I'm just gonna delete thistext and I'll go to the demo onlinestore and just copy this text right hereand paste it in just to save some timeso if you need to you can always pausethe video and type in whatever you needto and then once you're ready let'sclick on Save Changes and now you shouldsee the services section right here andthrough the power of video editing I'vealready added the other two sectionsright hereand this just saves a lot of timebecause these steps are very repetitivebut if you want you can pause the videoand then create these other two sectionsfollowing the same steps that we didright here or what you can do is hoverover each element and click on thisbutton right here to make a copy ofthese elements and then just drag themin like we did for the employee sectionand then you can hover over the penciland you can edit each element so goahead and pause the video and createthese other two sections and then onceyou're ready go ahead and push play andthen we'll move on to the next stepotherwise we're just gonna move on rightnow so if you want to just move on rightnow what I want to do after the servicessection over here is I want to come downhere and I want to add an empty spaceelement so click on the plus button andfind the empty space element so click onthis and once you get this pop up we'renot gonna change the height so we'llleave that as is and just click on SaveChanges and now you should see the emptyspace element right here and now we'regonna add a row for our last section solet me go to the online store demo andwe're gonna create this call to actionright here with a background color andthen a little call to action and ourbutton right here so back on thee-commerce website that we're makinglet's add a new row so click on the bigplus button and then find the rowelement and click on that and once yousee the row get inserted let's go andedit the settings so click on the penciland once you get this popup we're gonnaleave the stretch as default and the rowtype as full width but I want to add abackground color for this row so I wantto click on the design options tab andcome down to where it says backgroundand just click on select color and youcan go in here and drag the wheel towhatever color that you want or click onany of these other colors but what Iwant to do is put in a custom color codeso I'll type in pound sign DD for 0 for0 and it's gonna be this red color so ifyou want the same color type that in andthen just click on select color and thenclick on Save Changes and now what Iwant to do is add a textblock for thecall to actions so click on the plusbutton right here and then find the textblock and click on that and once you getthis pop-up what you want to do is typein your call to action right here soI'll type in inin working together and I want to editthis font so I'll highlight that and goin here and select heading two and thenI'll click on the align Center buttonand I want to change the font color towhiteso I'll hover over the text color buttonand click on this and then just selectthe white color and now if I click outof this you can't see the font but it iswhite so I'll click on save changesright here and now what we want to do isadd our call-to-action button so let'sclick on the small plus button righthere and once you come to this pop-upwhat I want you to find is the buttonelement so that's this one right hereand go ahead and click on that andyou'll get this button settings pop-upand I already filled everything out butlet me walk you through what I did sofor the text my buttons gonna say get intouch and then down here for the URL Iwant to link the button to the contactpage so what you want to do is click onthe select URL and right now I don'tthink we have a contact page made soit's not gonna be in this list but youcan type in the URL right here so youcan see that it's HTTP colon slash slashww your website name so mine saysshopkeeper theme com slash contact andwhat you want to do is type that in andthen click on set link and you shouldsee the URL right here and then for thestyle for the button for our e-commercewebsite we want to use the flat optionand then the shape is going to be thesquare option so go into these dropdownsand select these options and then youwant to go and select the color that youwant so I'm using the classic orangeoption and then for the size we want toselect large and then the alignment isgonna be centered and that's all we haveto do so once you're ready go ahead andclick on Save Changes and the last thingthat we're going to do is add anotherempty space element below this so let'sclick on the plus button right here andwe're not gonna change the height we'regonna leave it as 32px so all we have todo is click Save Changes and you shouldsee the empty space get inserted righthere and now we are actually donecreating the about page for oure-commerce website with WordPress so youcan always come back here and edit thispage if you need to so let's make this afishand let's click on the publish buttondown here to publish this page and oncethe page is published let's go and checkit out to make sure that it lookscorrect so let's click on View page andonce your wordpress page loads this iswhat you should see so this is thee-commerce about page that you just madeand we have our custom title at the topand we're small description and then ouremployee section right here and then aservices section and our call to actionat the bottom so if this is what you seethen we are good to go and now we canmove on to the next step and now whatwe're going to do is learn how to createthe contact us page for the e-commercewebsite that we're building so we'll putin a custom title at the top and thensome contact information right here andif you have a physical location we caninsert this Google Maps right here so ifyou want to learn how to create thispage for your e-commerce website let'sgo back to the online store that we'remaking and we want to make a new page sohover over new right here and click onpage and once you're on the add new pagelet's type in our page title right hereso let's have in contact and let'suncheck this box next to show page titleand then come down to the pageattributes and in the template drop-downlet's select the full width page optionand then let's come back up to the topand let's turn on our page builder solet's click on the backend editor andlet's add a row for our page title andour contact information so click on theplus button right here and then find therow element and click on that and onceyou see the row get inserted right herelet's go into our row settings so clickon the pencil and all I want to do hereis go into the design options tab and Iwant to put in 200 px for the toppadding and this just gives me somespacing between the page title and theheader menu and you can type in whatevernumber that you want here so you canalways play around with this and onceyou're ready click on Save Changes andnow what we're gonna do is add our textblock for the page title so click on theplus button right here and then click onthe text block element and once you getthis pop-up we can just go in here andtype in our custom page title so I'lltype in get in touch with an exclamationmark and then I want to format this soI'll highlight the text and go in hereand select heading 1 so that my font islargerand then I'll click on the align Centerbutton and then once you're ready clickon Save Changes and now what I want todo is add a little underline orseparator line for the page title solet's click on the small plus buttonright here and then click on theseparator element and once you get thispopup let's just change the color righthere so I'll select orange and I'llleave this as the line Center and thestyle as border for the border widthI'll change this to 3px and then for theelement with for the page title I'llselect 10% and once you're ready goahead and click on Save Changes and nowwe're gonna add our contact informationbelow this so click on the plus buttonright here and then let's add anothertext block so click on this and once youget this pop up this is where we cantype in our contact information so I'lljust paste in my address phone numberand email address and if you want tolearn how to format this the same wayyou can see that I have three lines hereand I didn't just push enter because ifyou just push enter you'll get a bigspace in between these two lines so whatI did was I pushed shift and enter atthe same time so it eliminates thatspace okay so over here you can see thatI have this line that also separates thephone number and the email address andthis is just that separated line that wecreated when we made our variableproducts so all you have to do is clickshift and the slash sign at the sametime so what I want to do is I want tochange the font color to a light grayfor most of this except for the emailaddress so I'm gonna highlight all ofthis and then go in here and select thelight gray color and then I want toCenter all of this so I'll highlighteverything and click on align Center andthen I just want to link my emailaddress so if I click on my emailaddress and then I click on the insertat a link button I'll get this pop-upthat says mail to : and then my emailaddress and all I have to do to makethis a link is click the apply buttonright thereand I can click out of this and now myemail address is a link okay so onceyou're ready and you're done typing inyour contact information let's click onSave Changes and the last thing thatwe're gonna do is come down here and youonly have to do this if you have a fizzcolocation or if you want to insert amap and if you do want to insert a mapwhat I want you to do is click on theplus button right here and let's add anew row element and once you see the rowinserted right here all I want to do isclick on the middle plus button and Iwant to find the Google Maps element soclick on that and you should see thispop up right here and what we're gonnado is come in here and remove this codeand we're going to replace it with thecode for your location so what I wantyou to do is click on Google Maps andit'll open up a new tab just like thisand what you're gonna do is type in youraddress right here and then you shouldsee the pin over here for your addressand then we're gonna click on thisbutton right here that says share andyou should get this pop up and if you'reon the share link right now I want youto click on the embed map tab and you'llsee this page right here and all you'regonna do is put your mouse in here andcopy all of this text and then go backto the e-commerce website that you'remaking and paste in that code right hereand that's all you have to do to insertyour map on the contact us page so onceyou're ready go ahead and click on SaveChanges and now we are done making beContact Us page for the online storethat we're buildingso again just make sure that youdeselect this option right here to showthe page title and once you're readylet's click on publish and once the pageis published let's go and check it outby clicking on view page and once theContact Us page loads this is what youshould see so we should have a customtitle our contact information and thenthe map that we inserted right here soif this is what you see then we are goodto go and now we can move on to the nextstep and now what we're gonna do islearn how to create some blog posts forthe e-commerce WordPress website andthis is the blog page right here andthis is what its gonna look like afteryou write your blog posts so we'll havea bunch of different blog post righthere so what I want to do right now isjust show you how to create someindividual blog posts and you can writesomething very basic like this word justhas a title your information right hereand then your blog posts and then acomment section below or you can havesomething a little bit more fancy whereyou create a featured image at the topand then below this you have yourcontent section and then you have acomment section down here so I'll showyou how to create both of these so whatyou want to do is go back to thee-commerce website that we're making andnow we're going to create some blogposts so if you're on this page hoverover new and click on posts and onceyou're on the add new post page thefirst thing that we're gonna do is typein our title right here so let me go tothe demo online store that we're makingand just copy this and it says all roadslead to shopping and I'll paste that inand then we're gonna come down here andI'm on the visual tab right now and thisis what we're gonna type in the contentfor our blog posts so I'll go back tothe e-commerce website and just copythis text right herejust to save some time and then comeback to the wordpress website and pastethat in right here and if you want toadd some HTML you want to click on thetext tab and that's where you can addthe HTML and let me show you a fewthings if you want to insert an imageyou want to put the mouse wherever youwant to insert that image and then clickon the add Media button and you'll getthis pop up and if you want to uploadyour own images click on upload filesand then click on select files and findthe image that you want to upload if youwant to use the content in the medialibrary you want to select this tabright here and then find the image thatyou want to insert and click on it andthen down here at the bottom there aresome display settings so you can alignthe image to the right left or center ofyour text and you can link it to anotherpage or you can change the size of theimage over here okay so I'm not gonnainsert an image but I did want to showyou how to do that and what you can alsodo is link your text to another page soI'll just go over that again reallyquickly all you have to do is highlightthe text that you want to link and thenclick on the insert edit link buttonright here and you'll get this pop-upand you can type in the URL right hereand click on the arrow or you can clickon this button that says link optionsand you'll get this pop-up and you cantype in the URL right here or you canselect the page that you created downhere to link the text to and you alsohave the option of opening up this linkin a new tab okay and you also canchange the font size if you hover overthe text and then go into this drop-downright here and select the heading sizeyou want so what I wanted to do reallyquickly is show you how you can selectthe excerpt that you want to show on theblog post page so you can see on thedemo ecommerce website that we have ourfeatured images right here for the blogposts and then we have a small littleexcerpt right here and then it sayscontinue reading below that and what wewant to do on the blog page is selectwhat we want to show up as the excerptso to do that what you want to do is putyour mouse where you want to end theexcerpt and then you just want to clickon this button right here that saysinsert read more tag and you'll see thislittle dotted line show up so on yourblog page all that's gonna show up forthe text is gonna be this section righthere and then it's gonna have thecontinue reading link right below thisotherwise the entire blog post is gonnashow up on the blog page okay so onceyou're ready let's click out of this andwhat I want to do is come down to thebottom to the featured image section andwhat we want to do is select thefeatured image that's gonna show up onthe blog page and then we can go up tothe top over here and if we check thisbox the featured image is gonna show upon the individual blog posts also sodown here let's set our featured imageby clicking on this link and I'll juststay on the immediate library tab andI'm gonna select this image right hereso this is blog post out JPEG and thenI'll just click on set featured imageand the featured image should show upright here and this image is gonna showup on your blog post page just like thisand if you want it to show up on theindividual blog post like this what youwant to do is go back to the blog postthat you're making and you want to makesure that you check this box up here inthe post options section where it saysshow featured image if you uncheck thisthen the blog post is going to look likethis page up here where you don't have abackground image okay so it's really upto you what you want to do for this blogpost I'm gonna show the featured imageso I'll check this box and then one ofthe last things that we have to do iscome down to the category section and ifyou want to categorize this blog postyou can add a new category name righthere by clicking on this link and I'lljust type in in style right here andpush enterand you should see the category getadded to this list right here and that'spretty much all we have to do so onceyou're ready go ahead and click on thepublish button right here and once thepost is published let's go and check itout so click on View posts and once thepost page loads this is what you shouldsee and if we scroll down we should seea Content section right here and thenour comment section for our visitorsright here so what you can do right nowis pause the video and create someadditional blog posts and then onceyou're ready push play and we'll move onto the next step so I'll see you in justa few minutes all right and welcome backso if you pause this video to createsome blog posts then you should see allthe blog posts that you created righthere and if you need to come to thispage just hover over posts and click onall posts and in this list you shouldsee a blog post called hello world andthis is created by default when weinstalled WordPress and we probablydon't want to keep this on thee-commerce website that we're making sowe can just hover over this and deleteit by clicking on the trash link righthere so go ahead and do that and oncethe blog post is deleted now let's go tothe blog page just to check it out tomake sure that it looks correct so I'lltype in the URL right here so it's gonnabe shopkeeper theme comm slash blog sojust type in your own web address andthen slash blog at the end and pushenter once you're ready and once theblog page loads you should see somecategory names at the top and you shouldsee some featured images if you insertedthem and then some small excerpts foreach of your blog posts and then a linkto continue reading below so if this iswhat you see then we are good to go andnow we can move on to the next step andnow what we're gonna do is learn how tocreate the frequently asked questionspage for the e-commerce website thatwe're building so on the WordPresswebsite we'll have different sectionswith a bunch of different questions andanswers and you can have as manydifferent sections as you want and thenwe'll insert a call to action at thebottom and have our footer down here soif you want to learn how to create thefrequently asked questions page for youronline store let's go back to oure-commerce website and we want to createa new page so hover over new and clickon page and once you're on the add newpage the first thing that we're going todo is type inthe page title right here so I'll typein FAQ and then once you're ready cometo the page options section and uncheckthis box to show the page title and thencome down to the templates section andin this drop-down select the full widthpage option and once you're ready comeback up to the top and let's turn on thepage builder right here and let's add arow for our page title so let's click onthe plus button right here and thenclick on the row element and once therow shows up right here I want to addsome top padding so click on the penciland once you get this popup let's justgo to the design options tab and all Iwant to do is add 200 px for the toppadding and again this is just forspacing between the header menu and thepage title that we're creating so onceyou're ready click on Save Changes andnow let's add a text block for thecustom page title so let's find the textblock element and click on that and onceyou get this pop-up right here all Iwant you to do is delete this text andtype in your page title so I'll type infrequently asked questions and we'regonna highlight this and go into thisdrop-down and select heading 1 and thenwe're just gonna Center this so click onalign Center and then click on SaveChanges and now what I want to do is adda small separator line so click on theplus button right here and find theseparator element and click on that andonce you get this pop-up all you have todo is change the color if you want soI'll select orange and then I'll justcome down to the border width and changethis to 3px and for the element with I'mgonna select 20% because this is a longpage title so once you're ready go aheadand click on Save Changes and now what Iwant to do is just add some empty spacebelow this so click on the plus buttonright here and just find the empty spaceelement so click on that and once youget this pop-up will leave the height as32px so we can just click on SaveChanges right here and now what I wantto do is add the first row for thefrequently asked questions so you cansee on the demo website we're gonna addthe shipping information section rightnow so what I want to do is go back tothe e-commerce website that we're makingand I want to click on the big plusbutton right here and add a new row soclick on the row element and once youget this row inserted I want to go intothesettings really quickly so click on thepencil and once you get this pop up forthe row settings just come down to therow type at the bottom and select thebox option and you want to make surethat you do this for each of the rowsthat you create for different frequentlyasked questions sections so once you'reready click Save Changes and now whatwe're gonna do is add the title for thissection so click on the plus buttonright here and then add a text elementand once you get this pop up we'll justgo in here and delete this and type inour title so I'll type in shippinginformation and you can type in whateveryou want and I want to format this soI'll highlight this text and I'll clickon the bold button right here and thengo into this drop-down and selectheading 4 to make the font a littlelarger and then I want to change thecolor of this text to orange so I'llclick on text color and select theorange color right here and you can dowhatever you want and once you're readygo ahead and click on the Save Changesbutton and now what we want to do is addan inner row for our first two questionsso click on the plus button right hereand then find the row element and clickon that and we don't need to change thesettings but I want to hover over thisbutton right here and then select the1/2 plus 1/2 button and you can see thatwe get two boxes right here and whatwe're going to do is add a textblockinto each one so that we can add aquestion-and-answer so on the left handside let's click on the plus buttonright here and I want you to find thetext block element and click on that andonce you get this pop-up right here thisis where you can type in the questionand your answer so let me go to the demowebsite really quickly and just copy thetext right here and I'll show you theformatting in just a little bit so letme paste it in and for the question allI did was I bolded this so I highlightedit and then clicked on the B right hereand then for the answer what I want todo is highlight this and I want tochange the text color to light gray soif you want to do the same go ahead andif you need to pause the video to typeout your question and answer you can dothat and once you're ready go ahead andclick on Save Changes and then we'regoing to do the same to the right handside over here so again click on theplus button and find the text block andclick on that and again once we get thisright here I'll delete this and go andget my second question in answer righthere so again I'll copy this just tosave some time and paste that in andjust as a reminder the question is goingto be bolded and then the answer for thedemo website is going to be a light graytext color so I'll go in here and justselect light gray and then click SaveChanges so once you type in your firsttwo questions and answers right here ifyou want to have another row ofquestions and answers what you want todo first is add some empty space soclick on the small plus button righthere and then find the empty spaceelement and click on that and once youget this popup all we have to do is comein to where it says height and changethis to 16px and then click Save Changesand that's just going to give me alittle spacing in between this row ofquestions and the next row that I'mgoing to create so if you want to addanother row of questions just click onthe plus button right here and thenclick on the row element and all youhave to do is hover over this button andchange the number of columns to one halfplus one half and then we can add atextblock right here and also one righthere for some more questions and answersso what I can do is click on the plusbutton right here and click on the textblock and once I get this popup I canadd my new question and answer so I'mjust going to go to the demo website onemore time and just copy this and I'llpaste that in right here and if you needto format this you can do that so I'lljust change the text color right here tolight gray and then click on the SaveChanges button and what you can also doto save some time is you can just hoverover this element and you can make acopy of it and then you can just clickand drag this into the right spot andyou can always go in here and just clickon the pencil and edit this element sothat just saves a little time it'sprobably not what you really want to dobecause you want to create uniquequestions and answers but because I'mmaking a demo website it doesn't reallymatter if I repeat questions and answersand what you want to do to round outthis section is add another empty spaceat the bottom so click on the plusbutton right here and then find theempty space element and click on thatand once you get this popup let's justchange the height to 16px and click onthe Save changebutton and now all we want to do is addour last row for the call to action solet's click on the plus button righthere and then click on the row elementand what I want to do is change thebackground color for this row so let'sclick on the pencil right here to go tothe row settings and once you get thispop up all I want to do is go to thedesign options tab and right here whereit says background I want to click onselect color and you can drag this wheelto change the color to whatever colorthat you want or if you want to type ina background color code which is what Iwant to do just type in this one DD for0 for 0 and it's gonna be a reddishcolor and once you're ready all we haveto do is click on Save Changesand now we can add a textblock for ourcall to action so I'll click on the plusbutton right here and then find the textblock and click on that and once you getthis pop up I'm gonna go in here anddelete this and type in have morequestions and put a question mark and Iwant to format this so I'll highlightthis and I'll change this to heading 2and then I want to align this to thecenter and I want to change the font towhite because I think it looks betterwith the red background color so I'll goin here and just select white and thenonce you're ready let's click on SaveChanges and now what we want to do isadd our button for the call to actionsso click on the plus button right hereand then find the button element andjust click on that and once you get thispopup we're going to change the text forthe button right here so I'll just typein get in touch and then what we want todo is link this button to the contactpage so click on select URL and you cantype in the URL right here if you wantbut we already created the contact pageso in this list right here I can justfind that page and just click on it andyou'll see that the URL gets populatedright here and once you're ready clickon set link and now you should see theURL right here and what I want to do ischange the button style to the flatoption and then for the shape I'll gowith Square and the color I'll go withclassic orange and then for the size I'mgonna select large and then for thealignment I'll go what's centered so ifyou want to customize the button thesame way just follow those options andonce youready go ahead and click on Save Changesand the last thing that we have to do isjust add some empty space at the bottomso click on the small plus button righthere and then find the empty spaceelement so that's this one right hereand click on that and once you get thispop up we're gonna leave the height as32px so we can just click on SaveChanges and pretty much that's all we'regonna do to create our frequently askedquestions page for our e-commercewebsite using WordPress and we canalways come back here and edit this pageor if you need to you can always pausevideo and re-watch any section that youneed to so let's make this page officialby clicking on the publish button righthere once you're ready and once the pageis published let's go and check it outby clicking on view page and once theWordPress page loads this is what youshould see so we have our custom titleat the top and then we have ourdifferent sections right here for ourfrequently asked questions and you cansee what the power of video editing thatall of these sections are now updatedand unique and then at the bottom overhere I have my call to action that'sgoing to go to the contact us page so ifthis is what you see then we are good togo and we're really really close tobeing done with this video tutorial soif you're ready let's move on to thenext step and now what we're going to dois learn how to create the privacypolicy page and you probably want one ofthese for your e-commerce website andthat's why I put it in this videotutorial so if you want to learn how tocreate a simple page like this let's goback to the online store that we'remaking and on the WordPress page let'shover over new right here and click onpage and once you're on the add new pagethe first thing that we're gonna do istype in the title so I'll just type inprivacy policy and I'll uncheck the showpage title over here and then we'll comedown to the page attributes and we'llselect the full width page option downhere in the template drop-down and thenI'll come back up here and turn on thepage builder and let's add a row for thecustom page title so let's click on thisplus button right here and then click onthe row element and once you see the rowget inserted here let's go into the rowsettings so click on the pencil and allI want to do is go to the design optionstab and at200px right here for spacing and thenclick on Save Changes and now we can addour text title for the title so let'sclick on the plus button and find thetext block and click on that and once weget this pop up we can just go in hereand delete this and type in privacypolicy and if you want to format thisjust like the demo website justhighlight this and then go in here andselect a heading one and then click on aline Center and we're good to go so wecan click on Save Changes and now I wantto add the underlined or the separatorelements so click on this and then go tothe separator element and click on thatand once you get this pop-up if you wantto change the color you can so I'llselect orange and then I'll come downhere and select 3px and for the elementwidth I can select 10% or 20% I think Iuse 20% in the demo ecommerce websitebut I'm going to use 10% right here andonce you're ready go ahead and click onSave Changes and now what I wanted to dois add an inner row so that I can addthe text blocks so let's click on theplus button and find the row element andclick on that and now let's change therow type to the box options so click onthe pencil right here and once you getthe inner row settings right here let'sjust scroll down to the row type andselect the box option and click SaveChanges right here and now let's add atext block in here so click on thepencil in the middle and then find thetext block and click on that and onceyou get this pop-up right here we candelete this text and you can type outyour privacy policy here so if you needto pause the video to do that go aheadand do that I'm gonna go to the demoecommerce website that we're making andjust copy this text and then paste thatin right here and if you want to createa link to your email address again whatyou want to do is just highlight thattext and then click on the insert and alink right here and then just click onthe arrow that says apply so you can seethat we get this pop-up and it shouldsay mail to with the colon and then youremail address and all you have to do isclick this button right here and that'sgonna link to the email address ok soonce you're ready go ahead and click onSave Changes and the last thing that wehave to do for this page on the onstore that we're making is add someempty space so click on the small plusbutton right here and then find theempty space element so that one is righthere and just click on that and we'regoing to leave the height as 32px so wecan just click on Save Changes righthere and now we have just created ourprivacy policy page for the e-commercewebsite that we're making in WordPressso this is really easy and once you'reready let's make it official by clickingon the publish button right here andonce the page is published let's go andcheck it out so let's click on View pageand once the WordPress page loads on thee-commerce website that you're buildingif this is what you see for the privacypolicy page then we are good to go and Ithink we're just gonna build one morepage for this ecommerce tutorial so ifyou're ready let's move on to the nextstep and now what we're going to do islearn how to make the terms andconditions page for the e-commercewebsite that we're making so we'll havea custom title at the top and then we'llhave different sections right here foryour terms and conditions so if you wantto learn how to make this page for theonline store that you're building let'sgo back to our wordpress website and wewant to make a new page so hover overnew and click on page and once you're onthe add new page the first thing thatwe're gonna do is type in our page titleright here so I'll type in terms andconditions and once you're ready let'sgo to the page options section and Iwant to uncheck this box to show thepage title and then let's come down tothe bottom over here to the templatedrop-down and let's select the fullwidth page option and once you're readycome up to the top and let's turn on thepage builder so let's click on thebackend editor and we want to add a rowfor our custom page title so let's clickon the plus button right here and thenfind the row element and click on thatand we want to add some top padding tothis so let's click on the pencil andonce you get this pop-up just go to thedesign options tab and right up here inthe top padding let's type in 200 px andonce you're ready click on Save Changesand now let's add a text block for ourpage title so click on the plus buttonright here and then find the text blockelement and click on that and once youget this pop-up right here we can justdothis text and type in our page title soagain I'll type in terms and conditionsand if you want to format this text justhighlight it and go into this drop-downand select heading 1 and then click onalign Center and once you're ready clickon Save Changes and now we're going toadd a separator underline for the pagetitle so let's click on the small plusbutton right here and then find theseparator element and click on that andonce you get this pop up you can changethe color of the separator line righthere so I'll select orange and then I'lljust come down to the border width andchange this to 3px and for the elementwith I'll select 10% here and onceyou're ready click on Save Changes andnow what I want to do is add a rowinside this row for my terms andconditions so let's click on the plusbutton right here and then find the rowelement and click on that and once youget this pop-up right here what we'regoing to do is change the row type tothe boxed option so let's click on thepencil right here and once you get thispop-up right here just scroll down tothe row type options and go into thisdrop-down and select the box option andonce you're ready click Save Changesand now what we want to do is add sometext blocks and separated lines tocreate our terms and conditions lists sothe first thing that we're gonna do iscome in here and click on this plusbutton and we're gonna add a text blockso find this element and click on thatand once you get this pop-up what we'regonna do is delete the text right hereand then we can put in a title and ourterms and conditions for this section soyou can see on the demo ecommercewebsite the first terms or conditions isgoing to be for this title calledproduct so let me just copy and pastethis in and then I'll show you theformatting so once I copy that and pasteit in right here the title for thissection is going to be heading 4 so ifyou want the same formatting justhighlight this and go into thisdrop-down and select heading 4 and thenthe text right here you can leave thisas black if you want or you can go andchange the color in here so I'll justleave this as black just because this isa demo but again you can alwayscustomize the e-commerce website howeveryou want so once you have your firstterms and conditions what you want toclick Save Changes and if you want toadd another terms and conditions what Iwant to do is I want to format this witha separator line so that's gonnaseparate everything so I'll click on thesmall plus button right here and findthe separator element and click on thatand once you get this pop up you reallydon't need to change anything here andwe don't need to change the element withbecause the row type for this section isthe box option so you can see on thedemo ecommerce website that the width ofthe row over here starts over here andends over here so it doesn't go all theway from one side to the other there isa gap in spacing over here so on thee-commerce website that we're making wecan leave the element with for theseparator line as a hundred percent soonce you're ready go ahead and click onSave Changes and then we can add someadditional terms and conditions and somemore separated lines so let me just dothis one more time with you and then youcan do more on your own so let's clickon the plus one right here and add atextblockand once you get this popup we can justgo into this text block and delete thisand then type in our second terms andconditions so again the title is goingto be heading 4 and then you have yourtext down here and if you want to linkan email address right here you can justhighlight the email address and thenclick on the insert/edit link and you'llget this pop-up that says mail to colonand then the email address and all youhave to do is click on the apply buttonright here and then you'll have theemail address linked to your email andonce you're ready go ahead and click onSave Changes so if I'm going a littletoo fast you can always pause thissection to write out your terms andconditions and once you're ready and youwant to create another terms andconditions what I want to do is addanother separator line so you can clickon the plus button right here to addthat separator line or you can just makea copy of it by clicking on the cloneseparator and you'll see that a secondline shows up right here and we can justdrag this underneath the terms andconditions that we just created righthere so if you want you can pause thevideo and create some additional termsand conditions and then just add theseseparator lines underneath each oneuntil you create the last one and thenyou don't want to add thesebecause it doesn't really make sense andso pretty much that's all you need to doand then at the bottom of the page whatyou want to do is add an empty space solet me just show you really quickly if Iadded one more terms and conditions soI'll just make a copy of it and thenjust drag it underneath so let's assumethat I have three different terms andconditions after this last one I don'twant to create a separator line all Iwant to do is come down here and clickthe plus button and I want to add anempty space element so I'll click onthat and once this pops up I'll leavethe height as 32 px and I'll just clickSave Changes and pretty much that's allI have to do to create my terms andconditions page so if you want you canpause the video and create someadditional terms and conditions and justmake sure that you add the empty spaceat the bottom and then once you're readywe are good to go and we can just clickon the publish button and once the pageis published we can go and check it outto make sure that it looks correct soclick on View page and once theWordPress page loads this is what youshould see for the terms and conditionspage before the e-commerce website thatyou're building with WordPress and youcan see down here I added a fewdifferent sections and through the powerof video editing I did update thesesections so they look a little differentso if this is what you see on the termsand conditions page then we are good togoand now we can move on to the last fewsteps and now what I want to do is showyou how to create the header menu foryour e-commerce website and you can seeup here that we have a few differentlinks to different parts of youre-commerce website so if you want tolearn how to create the header menu whatI want to do is go back to oure-commerce website and if we hover overour website name right here you'll seethis pop up and what we can do is clickon menus and once you're on the menuspage what we want to do is create a newmenu so we're going to come in here andtype in the name for the menu so we'lltype in header and what you want to dois click on this button that says createmenu and once your menu is created youshould see this section right here andwhat you can do to add some header menulinks is come over here to where it sayspages and you should see a list of allyour different pages that you createdright here and what you can do is checkthese boxes for the pages that you wantto havelinked to on the header menu so whatI'll do is I'll check the home page theblog page the shop page and then theabout page contact page and thefrequently asked questions page and ifyou want to add these items to yourheader menu just check these boxes andthen click on the add to menu button andyou should see the items show up righthere and what you can do is you can editthe name for these menu items if youclick and expand any of these so if Iclick on the blog tab right here you cansee that it says navigation label andright now it says blog but if I want tochange this to something like fashionslatest I can just change the text righthere and now the header menu is gonnahave a link that's called fashionslatest that's going to go to the blogpage instead okay so what you can alsodo once you have all your items righthere is you can click and drag thesearound to rearrange these so let me justdo that really quickly and there'sreally nothing for me to talk about whenI do that so there was some awkwardsilence right there but now that I havethis order right here if you want youcan also come over here and you can addsome blog posts or if you want to createsome custom links you can always just goin here and then you can type in the URLfor the link and then just type in thenavigation label right here and thenclick the Add to menu button right hereand it'll get added to your header menualso okay and the last thing that I wantto note for the menus is if you want tohave a sub menu item you can just indentthis and now the about page or thisabout link is gonna be a sub menu itemof the home menu item okay so we don'twant any sub menu items though on thedemo ecommerce website so I'll haveeverything line up right here and thisis the header menu so what you want todo is come down to the menu settings anddown here where it says display locationI want to make this the main navigationso check this box so the header menu isgonna show up on all of your differentpages and posts and once you're ready goahead and click on the button that sayssave menu and once the header menu isupdated if you want you can go and checkout the e-commerce website but I want towait until we finish the neckstep so what I want to do right now is Iwant to show you how to create thefooter menu for your e-commerce websitealso and you can have any links that youwant down here so if you want to createa footer menu let's go back to oure-commerce website and we should be onthe menus page right here if you're notyou can just hover over appearance andclick on menus and you'll come to thispage and what we want to do is create anew menu so right here you should see alink that says create a new menu goahead and click on that and once you'reon the new menus page what you want todo is type in a new menu name so we'lltype in footer right here and then clickon the create menu button and once themenu is created again you should seethis section right here and what youwant to do is come in to this tab andselect the pages that you want to add toyour footer menu so I'll select the FAQprivacy policy and the terms andconditions page and I'll just click onthis button that says add to menu andonce the items are added over here ifyou want you can click and drag thesearound to rearrange the order and thenonce you're ready come down to where itsays menu settings and in the displaylocation section what you want to do ischeck this box next to footer navigationso this footer menu shows up on all ofyour pages in the footer and then onceyou're ready just click on the Save menubutton and once the footer menu isupdated now let's go and check out oure-commerce website to see what theheader and the footer menus look like sowhat we can do is hover over our websitename and click on visit site and onceyour WordPress website loads you shouldsee the header menu at the top and if wescroll down a little bit the header menushould turn to a background color andyou should still see the header menubecause we have a sticky header menu andif we scroll down to the bottom youshould also see a footer menu down herenowso if this is what you see then we aregood to go and we can move on to one ofthe last steps which is making sure thatwe have all the WooCommerce pages thatwe need in order to run transactions onour e-commerce website so what I wantyou to do is hover over your websitename on the upper left and click ondashboard and now what we're going to dois make sure that we have all the pagesthat we need forwhoo commerce website so what I want youto do if you're on the WordPressdashboard is come down and hover overpages and then click on all pages andonce you're on the pages page what Iwant you to do is check to see if youhave 13 published pages and if you dothen you're on the right track and ifyou don't don't worry about that becauseI'll show you the additional WooCommercepages that you have to make in just afew seconds but first what I want you todo if you're on the pages page is comedown to this page right here calledsample page and this was created byWordPress when we installed WordPress inthe beginning of our video tutorial soyou probably don't want this page sowhat we can do is just click on thetrash link to delete this so go aheadand do that and once the page is deletednow you should see 12 published pagesand if you need to you can pause thevideo and check this list to make surethat you have all these different pagesand if you're missing some of theseWooCommerce pages what you can do is goto the text tutorial on how to create ane-commerce website with WordPress 2018and on step number 26 right here I dowalk you through how to create theadditional WooCommerce pages but theyshould have already been made for youautomaticallybut just in case I do have theinstructions right here okay so let's goback to the pages page and one of thelast things that we have to do is setthe terms and conditions page in ourWooCommerce settings so what I want todo is just go back to our settings andmake sure that all the pages are setcorrectly and then we'll also set theterms and conditions page so let's hoverover WooCommerce and click on thesettings link right here and once you'reon the WooCommerce settings page what Iwant to do is just make sure that allthe WooCommerce pages are set correctlyso first let's go to the products taband click on that and once you're onthis tab just come down to shop page andmake sure that the shop page is selectedhere and if you need to make any changesmake sure that you come to the bottomand click Save Changes and once you'reready let's go to the checkout tab andonce you come to this tab come down tothe checkout pages and if you need youcan create the cart page and thecheckout page using the text tutorialbut these pages should already beselected for you and all we have to dois come down to where it says terms andcanmissions and we want to come into thisdrop-down and find the terms andconditions page and select that and thenwe're going to come down to the bottomand click Save Changes and once thesettings are saved now let's go to theaccounts page and once you come to thistab all I want you to do is come to themy account page and make sure that themy account page is selected right hereand if you have to make any changes justmake sure that you come to the bottomand click Save Changes okay so that'sall we have to do to set our WooCommercepages and now we can move on to the laststep so what I want you to do is go backto your WordPress dashboard so let'sclick on this link right here and onceyou're back on the WordPress dashboardwe're actually done creating oure-commerce website so the last thingthat we have to do is just publish oure-commerce website with WordPress so ifyou see this notification up here what Iwant you to do is just click on thislink to publish your website for therest of the world to see and once yourwebsite is published you should see thisnotification right here that sayscongratulations your site is live and wecan go and check it out one last timetogether so you can click on this linkright here or you can hover over yourwebsite name and click on visit site andonce your website loads let me be thefirst to say congratulations on learninghow to create your own e-commercewebsite with WordPress and if you haveany questions or comments leave them inthe comment section below and make sureto give this video a big thumbs up andalso make sure to subscribe to the NYCtech club YouTube channel because we'realways coming out with new videos justlike this so again I want to saycongratulations on learning how tocreate your own e-commerce website withWordPress and make sure to give thisvideo a big thumbs up like comment andsubscribe and I'll see you in the nextvideo and there you have it congratsagain on creating your own e-commercewebsite with WordPress make sure thatyou check out those video links belowand there's also going to be a link tothe NYC tech club website and that'sgoing to bring you to a page with sometips and recommendations on how to makeyour e-commerce website even better somake sure you check that out and makesure to give this video a big thumbs upclick that subscribe button wherever itis Congrats again and I'll see you later[Music]
