InteractOne – How to Build an eCommerce Team

I'm Brian Dwyer the founder and CEO ofinteract one over the many years I'vetaken a lot of calls from prospects andcustomers who are very frustrated aboutreally how to grow their online businesssometimes the problems are about pricingor how they are marketing the siteoccasionally it's because of thee-commerce platform that's being usedbut quite frankly in most instances itcomes down to people problemswho is behind the e-commerce initiativethe staff supporting you and helping youensure growth and the number one issuewhen it comes to people is understandingthe dynamics and the depth of staff thatyou need to make your ecommerce site asuccess in this video we're gonna take alook at who's needed the skill setmandated to make this work and as partof our videos that gets deep into theseother issues at this point it's criticalyou understand there are three differentcategories of staffing the big threecategories are site management secondthose that build and maintain thewebsite in the third category is digitalmarketing many CEOs I talked to arereally frustrated about these issueswithout even defining the task and typeof people that's needed the most commonknee-jerk reaction I get from thesepeople is how can we really have allthese people how can we afford them allwell there's lots of resources around tomake this happen and I'll address thosein a little bit but let's first talkabout those people and who they are andthe jobs that need to be performed theabsolute pinnacle of this is your seniorwebsite management team from what we'veseen among our clients this is thelinchpin this is what differentiatesyour success or failure merchants needto understand that the person ultimatelyin charge of the online initiative hasto totally and fluently understand allaspects of e-commercefrom how and when you make money doingthis to the administrative and technicalaspects of the site to merchandising andmarketing this is far and away the mostimportant skill set if whomever you hireto do this job doesn't get it you'redoomed because your ability to hiresomeone else whether or not it's aprogram or it's a marketer Fallssecondary to that role the second groupof hires are the technical staff theseare the people who build and maintainthe website for many merchants this isthe toughest group because you may betotally clueless from a technicalperspective and hiring someone whosounds right maybe the wrong personthere are two different skill sets thoseon the front end the designers andprogrammers that code those designs andthen there's the back end those that canintegrate the website with other systemslike your order management systemwarehouse systems shipping systemsaccounting system and your paymentprocessing system front end back endthese are generally two very differentskill sets understand who you need tohire now many programmers claim they cando both by and large they can but theycan't it's like asking an orthopedicsurgeon if they can help you manage yourdiabetes I guess they could but it'sgenerally not their thing and this istrue with programmers understand theirlimitations and if you bypass thatyou're heading down a road of hurt hurtlike standing there ripping uphundred-dollar bills the final group areyour digital marketing staff firstwhat's the primary object are webuilding a customer list or are webuilding sales those are two verydifferent things and like above thereare specialists and in today'smarketplace you need to fully understandand I mean fully understand that thatpeople need to have that marketingknow-how for instance the person whomanages the email marketing effort theyneed to fully own not only how thetechnology works in physicallyconstructing the email but needs tounderstand all the metrics from open toclick throughs they need to own thecan-spam law understanding how you buildyour listlegally and ethically and then there'sthe person who does paid advertising whoneeds to fully understand how thataffects open rates copy and lay out whatpaid options are out there and how andwhen you use them and cost among thequickest way for you to go bankrupt inthe person who manages your organicsearch what and how do the differentsearch engines rank and respect yourcontent why this page works and drivingtraffic and sales and others don't andthe analytics specialists it's not justunderstanding google analytics it'sunderstanding data mining to find thatnugget of customers it's doing the a/btesting to find out what copier layoutdrives more sales so if you can find oneperson that does all that that has allthe knowledge needed of each marketingspecialist that specialization and canexecute it flawlessly and then you justfound the Holy Grail I can ensure youthat that person does not exist everymarketer has their strengths andweakness and if this isn't hard enoughwe add to it the difficulty of findingjust that right person because theindustry is still relatively newe-commerce has really been around formaybe 20 years and you're you're held insuch high esteem if you've been here for10 years because a lot of people outthere just don't have those kind ofskill sets and so that brings me toanother consideration you really have tobe careful of who you hire there are alot of people that talk the talk thatcannot walk the walk you need to fullyvet these people to figure out who theyare and their capabilities if you don'thave that know-how then hire somebodythat can help you determine that becauseagain this is the cornerstone and thefoundation of your ecommerce businesswell thanks again for your time I hopethis has been helpful for you again wehave follow-up videos on this topic soplease take a look and of course pleasecall me or email me if you have anyquestions we're always here to help[Music]you
