Best Chrome Extensions For Ecommerce With Shopify

hello and welcome to today's video myname is Nick and on this channel I makecontent about online marketing aboutgrowing a company and a business onlinetoday I prepared this video which isgoing to be about the extensions forGoogle Chrome that I use in order tosave time and they're specifically fore-commerce so if you're selling physicalproducts these extensions are gonna helpyou and the first one that we're gonnalook at is gonna be commerce inspectorand you can see the extensions here inthe top right corner in your GoogleChrome browser and it looks like amagnifier if you don't know how toinstall Google Chrome extensions youneed to go to your settings and then togo to top left and then go to extensionsand again top left and go to the storeand here you'll need to just look forthe extension so in our case will becommerce inspectorso commerce inspector and you can justadd the chrome I already did itand how do you use it you just go on ourwebsite that you know is a Shopifywebsite so for example we're gonna go toblue crate which is a really popularShopify store and if you if that websiteis built on Shopify the icon themagnifier is gonna be colored like thisand you can click on it and you're gonnasee different stats and details aboutthe Shopify store you're looking at soyou can see this website uses the themeratinaand then the last product was added likea couple days ago which means that thestore is active which is a really goodsign if you're spying on other storesfor products that you can sell and youcan see other details about sales butfor this you're going to need the proversion which costs which which costsabout $49 per month but you there aredifferent plants and you canstart with $1 I think just to try it outand then you can see details aboutproducts you can see how many productswere added and when and then you can seethe apps they're using sometimes by theapps they're using you can tell if it'sa serious drop shipping store or aserious ecommerce store or not so thisapp costs 200 dollars per month whichmeans they're really profitable ifthey're using this app it's calledcard hook so you can see the apps hereand just decide for yourself if it'sworth your time to spy on this store andthen you can click on this and you'll beable to see best selling price of thewebsite some ecommerce website wouldclose this and would make it unavailablebut they didn't do it so you can spy ontheir best sellers another website tospy on is the gadget it was reallypopular but it's not active anymore butyou can still apply this extension soyou're gonna click on this oneand then you're gonna see details thereusing turbo theme by the way guys if youwant to check out there will be links inthe description for all theseessentially you don't have to do anyextra work some of them are free some ofthem are paid but they're gonna reallyhelp you out so you can see the samedetails with this really useful commerceinspector the version I'm using is freeso all these tasks that I'm seeing youcan see for yourself the second onewe're gonna look at is going to besimilar web which is another extensionwhich shows you details about thetraffic that comes with the website andthis is how it looks like so you'regonna go through the same process you'regonna go to your Chrome Web Store andtype in similar web and then installthis extension and you're gonna be ableto see details about traffic so if we goto blue crate again and we go to thefront page and then we load thisextension which is similar web you cansee details about the traffic so you cansee the head three million visitsall of us 2018 and then you see it kindof slow down over time which meansthey're not fighting they're not pushingso much traffic probably because theydon't have any winners and it productthat are winners at the moment wherethey are just closing down their storesmaybe they found another niche and youcan see other details like they'rebringing off the website you can testthis with any other web stuntnecessarily Shopify watch it so if wellyeahfor example so if we go aGoogle account you can see that it'snumber one website global United Statesand then search engines and it's it has43 then 64 billion visits per monthreally useful extension and the next oneis gonna be fine Express privateimporter so if you're doing Shopify dropshipping this is really useful you canjust install it it's from Oberlinso you go to Oberlin and you can installit from here he installed the app withShopify and then you go to an Expressand you're gonna be able to to justimport products with one click so ifwe're gonna type here for examplephotographer watch and then you secretdispatch you're gonna if you're gonnaclick on it and the price will beimportant in your Oberlin dashboard andfrom there you're gonna be able to editit and then it's gonna appear in yourShopify store then after that when youget a word you can easily fulfill itwith a couple of clicks using the sameextension which is uber logo product apartner and when you're on Aliexpress isgonna color in blue and it's gonna savea lot of time when fulfilling and whenyou're putting products if you're doingShopify drop shipping then the next oneis going to be big so helper which willtell you if you installed your yourFacebook pixel correctly on youre-commerce forany other website you can install it soif we go to for example the same bluecrate and we can see they have twopixels installed on blue crate so wehave the pixel ID and we can see whatdata they're collecting and even thougheven if you're not using your anythingecommerce you can use this expansion tosee what other data our website iscollecting about you and then based onthis data that they're collecting theysee that I view the page they will showme ads if they have retargeting campaignset in facebook ads and it not onlycollects they about page views forexample if I'm gonna go to visit aproduct and add it to cart so pixelregister this action and they alreadyknow and Facebook knows that I click Addto Cart for this product so they knowthat I added it to cart and they'regonna show me ads with coupons forexample to try to persuade me to buythis product and if I'm gonna just visita specific product they are going toshow me as with this specific productsbecause Facebook pixel helper andFacebook pixel we should be installed ontheir website is gonna transfer data toFacebook and then they're gonna be ableto pay Facebook to show me ads so that'show this process works and the next oneand the last one that I'm gonna presenttoday is going to be loom which is useloom comm which is really one of thebest extension that I think is helpingme right now so if you have visualassistance and you want to tell them forexample you want to change something onyour website you're gonna use thisextension and just record something thatyou don't like when your website orsomething you want to change or just ifyou want to send a video or a voicemessage or share screen and sendsomebody you're just gonna click hereand record it and when you're saved yousave this you can just have the link ina matter of seconds and you can sendthat to the person and it's a reallyeasy way to communicate and to make sureyour virtual assistant understands whatyou're talking about and what you wantdone and it's gonna save you a lot oftime so I hope you find this review ofChrome extensions helpful and if youlike this video make sure to leave alike and subscribe to my channel if youwant to receive more video reviews oftools that I use and more content andvaluable information on online marketingcontent about e-commerce and I'll seeyou tomorrow in my next video
