Internet Marketing Psychology: The 5 Laws!!! Online Marketing Tutorial

hey what's up guys chris said from fulllike freedom com-pub girl doing well asalways and in this video which is alonger video than you usually puttogether i've put together thepsychological aspects in the mindsetwith five laws that I adhere to andfollow and abide by that I have done foryears that I'm gonna help youhopefully it's a tailor and understandthe best practices in which it comes tothink about your marketing with youronline business and he's hopefully goingto get you to the next part of successthat you're after it's things thathelped me and things that I never kindof deviate from because I understandthat if you want to sell someone thenyou need to know what makes them buy andafter doing which relate tens ofthousands of sales online and in personface to face there is some coreprinciples that which I'm never going tofail you so I've put together in thisvideo which is a bit of a longer formata kind of a step by step walkthrough asto the ways in which you need to thinkwhen it comes to strategizing andpositioning yourself with your marketingonline anyway guys we'll get to it nowand hopefully it's going to deliver youthe the value that you're looking forand it'll take you to hopefully the nextlevel of success that you're after sohopefully enjoy it and I'll ER gothrough now hey guys what's up so inthis video we're going to be learningsome strong fundamentals and coreconcepts and principles that you canhave which will allow you to grow yoursuccessful online marketing your onlinebusiness and just some walls that I'vealways added to and followed for yearshave been involved with internetmarketing and growing my business to sixfigures plus easily within a relativelyshort period at sign and over personallyselling six million dollars worth ofproducts and services in a time thatI've been involved with marketing ingeneral so with this particular videothis first one I want to get straightinto the first thing which is psychologyandmindsets now the reason I start withthis I think it's best to start with thepsychology and mindsets because then atleast you are able to have a goodfooting and a good understanding isgoing forward to when thinking aboutwhich methods which structures to deploywith in your marketing with yourbusiness against a specific targetaudience that you are trying to go afterit's always blood to understand thepsychology behind the customer firstbefore record recklessly going intotrying to deploy certain aspects ofmarketing that you have no real grasp ofor understand as to why they will orwill not work first things firstwhy psychology – first as mentioned theway I see it very simply I believe thatthe psychology is 80% of the workbecause if you understand in depth indeep deep depth as to the way a personthinks when come when it comes to makinga purchase purchasing decision thenyou're gonna have a hell of a lot betterchance in selling to those people if youare in no pre and premeditate youmethods and marketing and tailor it soto the thought process of thatpotentially cost and prospects arehigher it's as simple as this and andthis is the hardcore reality if you wantto be able to sell something to someoneand you need to be able to know whatmakes them buy what triggers whatemotions what things do you need topaint a picture of to make them believethat what they're handing theirhard-earned cash over for is going togive them the redesign outcome resultwhatever it may be that the rafterinternet marketing in general all it isis just applying theories and methodsand ideas and concepts in a practicalway and testing a marketing systemagainstpotential buyers out there they're afterorange semi interested in what it is youhave to offer the first log that I'mgonna go into in the first guideline inprinciple of five I'm gonna give youfive in this video I've always a did toget you know and kind of just followedjust naturally followed one same stoneunderstood the fundamentals the coreconcepts the first ones this people whobuy customers quote-unquote aretypically irrational now believe it ornot most of the sign if it's somethingthat you are spending a lot of money onor just you don't have to be asignificant amount of money but justmorning in general you will have thoughtirrational things prior to making thataction of purchasing that products areservice what do I mean by thisI'll give you an example for instance ifsomeone was to purchase a luxury carlet's take a Ferrari for instancesomeone who's not buying that for thepracticality of it driving them frompoint A to point B for its actualpurpose of what a car is meant to do thereason they are purchasing a Ferrari isfor usually a secondary need or benefitthat they are thinking about that isrational for instance if someone buys aFerrari typically they are looking formaybe respect from their peers from thefriends from the family they are youknow this is at the age all theexpression of they are compensating forsomething okay but which no it's nottypically the case it's just that peoplewant some kind of secondary payoff nowlaw to customers buy on emotion andusually impulse I can tell youcategorically that this is 100 percentthe strongest piece of knowledge that Icould give anyoneto understanding the psychology behind acustomer purchasing products I havespoke to in my previous Gerben previoushistory I could tell you I've spoke toliterally 50 thousand plus people byphone over the four-year window now whatI can say is in order for me to get asale to get commitments get a dealwherever they may have been I wouldalways try and heighten the state of theemotion that most appeals to that personafter I gazed what it is specificallyturns them on or off let's give youexample right for instance customersusually buy you know customers do buyany motion and nine times outside it'susually on impulse there and then ifthey are going to buy it for the reasonnow what I mean by this let's give youan example is if you can paint a picturefor the customer of the result thattheir desired results strong enough thenthey grab the belief that what you haveis going to work for them those commitsfulfill their needs the impulse aspectscomes from it is it's usually aparticular let's say a discount it's asense of urgency why they should bebuying it now today there and then so ifyou were to offer it discount or if youwere say something was unlimited thenyou know say for instance you have alimited supply of X you buy now and geta discount today of X that creates asense of urgency is it gonna work foreveryone no sales selling anythingwhether it be person to person orwhether it be online is always going tobe majority at the time and numbers gameis the law of averagesenough people who see that you're gonnaget sales some will some won'tso what text kind of thing as the countyidea the practicalities behind thispsychology aspect customers do buy anemotion and the higher the state of theemotion that is leading them for reasonsto buy what it is you offer a longcombined with the sense of urgency as towhy another reasons why they should buynow and today then that is an impulsethey think impulsively yes it should buythat now because of this someone soreason so understand that the strongerthe emotion you can create that isgiving them reasons to buy whether it befear or pleasure everyone should haveheard of the you know the aspects andthe concepts of humans who ever act onfear you know let's say not doingsomething the fear of loss or thepotential of gain the pleasure of gainshould say so understand that customersbuy an emotion the higher the emotionthe stronger in emotion the more likelyto buy if those emotions are leadingtowards reasons why they should buyimpulse comes from a state of urgency ofwhy they should believe they've giventhe sells reasons or you should supplythem with reasons as to why they shouldbuy today now etc it could be in theform of a discount it could be in theform of a limited supply of that productso announced soon selling out fast allthese different ways of which you canimply and kind of propose as to why theyshould buy today and they will buy onimpulse there and then so that's lawnumber two moving on to law number threeokay so law number three get into it nowprospects potential customers people whoare somewhat interesting whatevs youoffer what is you're trying to sellonline don't like to be confused theyprefer and you will convert a hell of alot more successfully if you give themone percent crystal-clear clarity onwhat it is you're offering on what it isyour product can do what are thebenefits what the features etc butprimarily they need clarity in whicheverway you want to construct it constructorand offering them because ultimatelyit's about impressions if you confusethem about too many things about whatyour comprar duct can provide them ifyou go overboard and list five 10 15different things of the which ways itcan help them then he's trying to solvetoo many problems that are going to givethem too much confusion as to whether itreally helps their core need that theyweren't looking for in seeking so therewas a rule of thumb that I was taughtwhen I was very very young when I wasselling in my you know the corporateNance five here in being a sales managerfor a marketing service company now therule of thumb was this if you are kindof selling them on the core benefits ofwhat you can products can deliver aswell as the options of the type ofproducts and different variations in theproducts always stick to two maybe threemax now it was the case of black andwhite its offering them would you likehere in this color how would you like inthat color would you prefer it alongsidethis item would you prefer it alongsidethat item if you offer too many thingsall at once you're going to give themcomplete confusion which leadsultimately as you may know it will leadyou to or lead them the cost potentialcustomers so not making a purchase atall they're not going to make a decisionall you're looking for is for them tomake a decision on your protowhy they should buy it there and then inthat moment so never over confuse andgive them complete clarity of what it isyour product does and how it can fulfilltheir needs that they're looking forafter you've done your research andtarget audience and nation market thatis that one of the best pieces of advicethat can kind of give to you when doingyour online marketing do not overcomplicate things and give themconfusion as to what it is you actuallyare offering it needs to becommunicating what your product does oryour service with absolute clarity andonly stick to to call benefits 3 max itdoesn't need to be any more complex thanthat that one I can promise you also ifyou give them two or three options ofthe product and variation of what it isyou offer then you're also implyingwhich one would you know that they havealready made decision what I mean bythis is if you say to a customer okay Ihave let's say this pen for instanceI've just picked up here would you likeit in blue are you after that the thispen in blue or in black will give itwhat you're doing there is you areimplying that they've already made thedecision to buy a pen preferably up andof course because there and then lookingat your products in that moment andyou're just giving the option of whichones are like well you are black ratherthan the saying do you want to buy itbuy a pen yes or no because then itgives them an option to decide no if youcome for foreign and imply but they theyhave already made the decision of whichvariations to go for are that they'regonna buy the products then you're justoffering them one or the other and whatthat does it will increase yourpurchases it will increase conversionsthat is just the name of the game so Iwas always taught the principle of blackor white do you want and they saw thatas opposed to do you want this yesNo so if you communicate what yourproduct does and give them limitedperceived options as to what you offerI can guarantee you you will sell moreproduct whatever it doesn't matter whatit is that one has just always been alog but have followed dear to you knowgone by for years and years and yearsand it's always served me well everyoneshould know the old concepts theneighborhood for too much confusion in apurchasing moment is gonna lead to nopurchase a tile table that is just thename of the game so that's law threeguys moving on to lawful coming up solaw number four people are mostlyrisk-averseso you need to limit the perceived riskthat the customer may feel on their endnow this particular law and principleguideline wherever you'd like to call itvery simply is known throughoutmarketing worldwide doesn't really sayagain it just relates to general salesnow there's been studies done where ICameron which there was a studybasically done from the University Ithink in New York that it shown thatpeople were nearly twice as motivated tonot take risks as opposed to beingmotivated to take risks and potentiallyhave an upside they would rather belet's say for instance twice is motivatenot to lose a hundred dollars themgained a hundred dollars so I want togive you some kind of quick tips thatyou may already know what you familiarwith as to how you can limit perceivedrisk let's say for instance your productis a hundred dollars or let's say it'sten dollars doesn't really matteror typically someone doesn't necessarilywant initially to give you their moneythey do you know what to hand over theirhard cash so how can you limit that kindof perceived risk on your end for themto believe that is worth taking the riskwell it calls obviously from previousmaking sure that the clear and what itis the getting all the benefits out howit's going to fill their needs what tomake sure that it's limited on their endthat there is no risk there is a coupleof ways one you can offer a money-backguarantee if you can't do that then whatyou need to do is fill them withtestimonials testimonials so you need togive them stories from previouscustomers and as to why they have had agreat experience with what it is yousell there is you know if you've everseen a sales letter on the internet ifyou've ever seen some kind of productstypically they will I don't if you willhave got these in your emails or mostpeople will have done at some point nowhunt you know by now in some fashion orother where so let's try to sell yourapproach through an email now whatyou'll find typically nine times out often is these emails that you'll justscroll and scroll and scroll and theyare just bombarding your testimonial atone after the other after the otherthe reason doing that is to 1% limit theperceived risk on your end to make youfeel comfortable and at ease withparting with you money to purchase thatproduct is as simple as that they willtypically also offer a 30 day or a 60day window or you can get a refund youcan return the products return you knowwhatever it is you're purchased in theguarantee that they will refund you themoney andif those ways are the future startingout with business if you cannot supplythem with real testimonials and youcannot at that moment in time offer arefund which to be fair in my opinionthere's no reason why you shouldn't beable to offer a refund it's extremelyeasy with online businesses to givemoney back if it's especially if it'sfor a digital products or purchasedonline those methods and payment methodsof PayPal there is other ways it meansof what you can all about it but if forwhatever reason you cannot go throughthe testimonial route because you've nothad any previous customers that give youtestimonials or you can't offer the butmoney-back guarantee then you need to goweigh heavy on the benefits and thereasonings as to why II will fulfilltheir need it's a very simple law verysimple basics book will understand thispeople do not want to part with themoney initially you obviously need tosell them on the concerts the idea as towhy it's going to work for them and youneed to limit that by hopefully ifyou're in the position to offer and youshould always do this if you are in theposition to a money-back guarantee alongwith some testimonials personally I hatethose emails that have you know 75 pagesof testimonials that keep scrollingthrough on and on and on until you haveto find out the prices because usuallythe price is so high is why the bombardyou with that you know risk-aversetestimonials so that you can hopefullyhave some kind of connection between theperson who has purchased it variety IIsell for the customer who you try itsell to that makes sense hopefully guysso that's law number fourmoving on to the fifth and final war inthe next partokay so law number five one of theconcepts I've always understood in indepth is that customers the need valuetranslated now what I mean by this it'sagain sweet very simply is customersdon't always understand the fullbenefits and the bad products of whatyour products can deliver for them itcould be you know enjoyment for aspecific period of time it could be anexperience that we'll never forget buton the forum they do not typically seethe value instantly straight up so theyneed it translated in all the ways andmeans out I have approached this beforeis well it's a Princeton to give you anexample weight loss if I was let's sayselling a diet pill that is going to beable to deliver the result of thirtypounds in weight loss over a six weeksix to eight week period and this dietpill could make you lose that weight nowif let's say a woman for instance isthink about losing an extra thirtypounds in weight and they feeloverweight whether they are or notthat's just how they feel so they'relooking for something that can fix thatproblem and the way I would translatethe value of this diet bill would bevery simply as such I would go deeper asto why the woman would want to lose theweight in the first place after doingresearch first and finding out what theactual real want and need is cosultimately having the extra thirtypounds on a person's body isn't thebe-all and end-all as to what'smotivating their what's motivating themthat in itself to look for a product Ican fix that problem usually it's theproduct of a fear of say for instancetheir boyfriend or husband lookingelsewhere and cheating on them not justyou know it's bit of a harsh exampleBritish true if someone wants to lookgood it is usually for a secondarypayoff it's usually to make sure thattheir spouse doesn't stray it might betheir single to attract a partner so ifI was to position the diet pill myproduct in a way where I said to theperson who was looking at a product pageon you know the product itself I wouldask them are you fearful of your spouselooking elsewhere because of the extraweight you have I would ask the questionare you trying to get the partner thatyou've always wanted and want to get inshape by losing 30 pounds over the nextsix to eight weeks question mark afterthey would internally answer thosequestions whether it's they would bemotivated to do it for fear of havingthis apartment you know spouse orpartner straight or whether it be forthe pleasure of gaining the partner thatthey want I would then say what's thatworth to you what's the value in that toyou what is that worth thirty dollars isthat worth fifty dollars whatever theproducts the costs so in any which wayyou can tackle it rather than just thebenefits on the forefront of what theproduct can do you need to dig a littlebit deeper as to why they are lookingfor that type of products in the firstplace it is typically not just for itspurpose is going to be for a secondarypayoff that's more of a deeperirrational fear or motive as to whythey're looking in the first placeif that makes sense so understand thatthat one Shore giving the benefits ofyour products in a product descriptionor your online marketing in any wayshe'd before me trying to sell thisother than the products benefits youneed to also dig deeper into what's thereal value of the results that you'retrying to sell in other ways and meansif that makes us so you guys hopefullydoes so can it just so wrap this up guysvery simply I want to offer you bit of aquick flush exercise in how you canapply this knowledge in psychologymindsets of what I just spoke aboutfirst if you have a product are youconsidering a product so you have anation and market that you can have anyidea about you already have that wellwhat we need to do is list all thelogical reasons why someone would buyyour products so that they can filterinto your market in bit by bit so youcan slip them in here there as and whenis necessary but I also want you tofocus on listening all the all of thepossible illogical and irrational andreasons the customers fears theirdesires what it isthe secondary payoff some money isthey're trying to get from the productitself as opposed to just getting theproducts on the front of itso once you've listed all the illogicaland irrational reasons why someone wouldbuy that the deeper reasons then I wantyou to focus your time on marketing tothe irrational reasons and make them youstronger points so why shouldn't someoneshould buy your product as opposed tosomeone else's and the one you'll end upselling more that one I can pretty muchguarantee it guysjust wrap this up thank you for watchingit really means a lot to me that youstill would need this far if you havedone and yeah if you like what I have togive you about appreciate thumbs up andsubscribe as Avenue more content likethis hopefully helping you out with youronline marketing business and Yentl nexttime guys see you themyou
