hey guys welcome back to my channel ifyou guys just randomly stumbled acrossmy channel and you are new here my nameis Andrea I film videos all aboutcruelty free beauty products and today Iwanted to chat about Physicians FormulaI've recently kicked off a series whereI started talking about my favoriteproducts from drugstore brands so Ialready covered essence which I'll linkin the description box below and in caseyou guys are watching this video at alater date I'll just link my playlist inthe description box below but let meknow which brand you want to see next solike I said in today's video we'rechatting about Physicians Formula theyhave a ton of products it's crazy to mebecause whenever I go into a drugstoreor I look on their website I'm alwaysblown away by how many products theyactually have available so I reallywanted to narrow it down to my top tenand share them with you in today's videothey are one of the more expensivedrugstore brands but I think a lot oftheir formulas are on par with high-endformulas but like I said in today'svideo I'm sharing my favorites let usknow in the comments section below whichproducts are your favorites because Iwould love to you check them out if Ihaven't already and let's get into it solet me start with a newer product to mycollection it is the organic wear brightbooster oil elixir this retails for$14.99 and you get one fluid ounce it'sa very lightweight oil it's very fastabsorbing so it sinks into the skinreally nicely so you can actually usethis a bunch of different ways I believethey marketed as a skincare oil but alsoas a priming oil before you apply makeupI personally have other oils that I usein my skincare routine so for mepersonally it's actually a great primingoil to apply before I wear makeup so Iactually take the smallest amount I taketwo tiny little drops for my entire faceand just really blend it into my skinbefore I apply foundation like I saidit's definitely more on the lightweightside so I don't find that it's superheavy it definitely doesn't clog mypores or cause my skin to break out andit sinks into the skin pretty well butwhen I apply foundation on top it justlooks really naturally beautiful reallyradiant and it blends out so easily sothis is definitely one of my favoritePhysicians Formula products it issomewhat newer to my collection but I'mjust really impressed by the qualitythere is another serum that I reallyenjoy this one is the rose a all-dayoil-free serum this one retails for$12.99 and again you get onenow again this is one of those productsthat they kind of market as a skincareproduct but I personally use it as likea base before I apply my makeup you canuse these products as skin care productsif you want so this is basicallysupposed to write in and tighten yourskin and give you again a little bitmore of like a natural radiant glow youcan rub this into your skin and get thatnatural glow but at the same time itfeels matte on the skin so if you haveoily skin this one's going to be a greatoption it has a little bit of like aniridescent to it or like a pearlescentglow it's a subtle peachy undertone andit looks really pretty on the skin and Idon't find that it's super strong so ifyou apply foundation on top you won'tsee that glow underneath but it justhelps all of your makeup products to goon really nicely when you do use it as aprimer I don't find that it irritates myskin at all I will say the scent is veryvery strong compared to the oil the oilis very subtle this one is very strongso if you are sensitive to fragrancejust keep that in mind and the drop is alittle bit difficult to use I don't findthat it dispenses a ton of product sosometimes you have to go in multipletimes to get the amount that you wantbut if you can overlook that it is anice product it's worth looking into ifyou think it will work for your skintype okay so moving on to the PhysiciansFormula the healthy foundation this oneretails for $12.99 it's available in 16shades I were the shade lw2and this is one of my favoritefoundations it just looks so beautifulon the skin and it really does make yourskin look healthy it looks like skin butyou can build it up to be a little bitmore of like a medium coveragefoundation it is very lightweight verycomfortable to wear on the skin and ithas more of like a healthy natural satinfinish so if you have normal or dry skinI do think you would enjoy this again Ihave oily skin but I like more naturallooking foundations that have like thathealthy satin finish because they justlook more lifelike more natural on theskin so for me it lasts about eighthours before it starts to get reallyoily it kind of goes from like lookingnatural and looking beautiful to likeinstantly looking oily once I hit thatlike seven to eight hour mark but for methat's something I can deal with on dayswhen I don't want to wear a super heavycoverage foundation because this one'svery comfortable very blendable reallylightweight and I just enjoy it thisfoundation does have a pretty strongscentit's like a very strong a fresh scent itdoes apply with a doe foot applicatorand I will say that it has a tendency tooxidize on me a little bit okay so Ireally love the Physicians Formulahealthy lip velvet liquid lipsticksthese retail for $6.99 and they have 13different shades I'll swatch a couple ofmy favorites for you guys but the pricepoint is amazing on these because theyare so high-quality is so beautiful theygo on really nicely like they feelreally soft really moosie on the lipswhen you apply them and I'm wearing onetoday I'm wearing the shade fight freeradicals which is a really pretty brightred they are liquid lipsticks butthey're not as drying a super intensematte liquid lipsticks they have more oflike a natural satin finish and the morethat you wear them throughout the daythe more that they do kind of dry downto a matte finish but they're verylightweight very comfortable really easyto apply a couple of the shades I dohave to build up which is perfectly finelike some of the darker shades are alittle bit streaky when I first applythem but I just go in with a secondlayer because generally that's what Iwould do anyways with a lipstick and Ilike them because they last on the lipsbut they're a lot more comfortable thanlike super intensely drying matte liquidlipsticks a couple of cons they're notcompletely transfer proof which you knowcan be a pro or con for you it's nicebecause they're not impossible to removebut at the same time if you're eatingand drinking and talking and touchingyour lips it will come off throughoutthe day they do have a tendency to bleeda little bit like I'm wearing the redtoday and I don't have like a super youknow defined lip line with this productbecause it does tend to move throughoutthe day I've had this one on for a fewhours all of that to say I do reallyenjoy the formula you can't beat it forunder seven dollars I mean they'relong-lasting they're really pretty andthey just look nice on the lips theydon't look as dry if so many of theother liquid lipsticks so I wouldrecommend checking them out if you guysare interested in them another lipproduct that I love is the organic wearlip treatment this is such a good lipbalm it retails for is 795 and it's justa really nourishing lip treatment Ithink had it subdue for the fresh sugarlip balm which is significantly moreexpensive this one is under $8 and Ithink you can get it for an even moreaffordable price at Walmart it's reallycomfortable really moisturizing and Ijust love applying it to my lipsthroughouttoday so if you guys are looking for agood lip balm this one's a great optionit has a really nice like soft butteryglossy feel to it and it's so luxuriousfeeling and it honestly beats out thehigh-end alternative I do love thePhysicians Formula eye booster two andone lash boosting eyeliner and serumthis retails for $10.99 it does come inthree different shades my favorite isultra black I find that the shade blackis a little bit too light it's more likea charcoal grey and the shade ultrablack is like a true black this is thefirst brush tip liner that I ever triedit and made winged liner so easy for meI always struggle with winged liner andI think that sometimes felt-tip linerscan kind of pull or tug on the eyelidand brush tip liners just glide over theeyes so easily so if you guys typicallystruggle with a winged liner try thisone out because it really makes a bigdifference it just slides on the eye soeasily I wouldn't consider it like awaterproof or a smudge proof liner so ifyou have very watery eyes or youreyeliner tends to run on you I wouldprobably skip over this one but if youhave dry eye lids or you don't typicallystruggle with that then this isdefinitely worth a shot obviously thisvideo would not be complete if I did notmention the butter bronzer there arefour different shades and I have theshade of bronzer which I believe is thelightest or second to lightest I willsay that the darkest shade definitelywon't work for super dark or deep skintones Physicians Formula needs to workon their shade ranges and I think thatthey are doing a better job than theyhad done in the past which is great Imean I love that there's improvement butI would like to see even moreimprovements that people who have darkand deep skin tones can enjoy theirproducts as well it's very smooth veryblendable it works extremely well and ifyou're just looking for a good everydaybronzer this one is a great optionbecause it is so smooth and blendableit's just quick and easy to use I thinkit kind of has like a coconut scent or atropical scent but again if you aresensitive to scents just keep that inmind for me a lot of bronzers tend toskip on my skin and it's weird because Idon't have that issue with blush orhighlight but when it comes to bronzersor contours they just tend to skip alittle bit I do not have that issue withthis one at all it's just smooth andseamless and buttery and I love it somuch now along the same lines they didrelease their butter blushes theseretails for $12.99 each and there arefour differentagain these are a little bit on thelighter side so if you have a lighterskin tone they'll work well for you Ithink some of the shades will work foryou if you have a darker skin tone andyou can build them up but just keep thatin mind when you're ordering if you areordering online some of the shades mightbe a little bit too light it has areally beautiful smooth blendabletexture it does not enhance any textureon your skin natural glow is a littlebit more of like a highlight this isvery light so I don't think it typicallyworks as a blush for a lot of people butyou can use it as a blush topper or evena highlighter the other three are Macyou know how some matte blushes look solike flat matte on the skin like they'renot flattering because they just lookeddry and matte matte is not the case withthese matte blushes they look like skinthey look really beautiful so I dorecommend checking them out thereblendable beautiful and again they dohave the same scent as the butterbronzer there is one product that Iwanted to mention in today's video thatI don't currently have it is the bronzebooster highlight and contour palettewhich retails for $14.99 they have twodifferent options one is more of like ashimmery glowy option and one is more ofa matte option I tried the matte optionwhich comes with three different mattepowders again they only have two optionsso if you have a really dark skin toneor a really light skin tone thisprobably is not going to be ideal foryou hopefully they will create otheroptions in the future but a lot of timescontour palettes aren't really like aone one-stop shop a one size fits all Idon't really know what I'm trying to saya lot of times with contour palettesthey're not going to work for a varietyof skin tones it's probably more idealto go into stores and find a powderthat's like one or two shades darkerthan your skin tone that will work wellfor you when it comes to contouringcontour pilots aren't always the way togo but if you're looking to try one I dolike this one the powders are very softthey're somewhat similar to like thebutter powders they're blendable andsmooth and they're just easy to workwith it's more of like a natural contourpalette rather than something like superintense so I just wanted to include thatagain I don't have one because mineexpired fairly quickly which is the onecon mine didn't even last a year beforethe powders got like hardpan that whichdoes happen to powders on occasion but Ijust wanted to throw it out there it isone of my favorite products but it didexpire pretty quickly on me okay Ishould have mentioned this when I wastalking about the foundation and theprimerbut the spotlight illuminating primer isa really nice primer if you wantsomething super glowy this one retailsfor $12.99 and basically like I saidit's a really luminous glowing primer Iwould say it's a dupe for the beccaprimer which looks very similar to thisa lot of people say that it's a littlebit different but honestly if you wantto save money and you don't want tospend that much on a primer this one's agreat option it gives your skin a superradiant glow it's really reallybeautiful a lot of people say that thisactually has like full-on glitter in itbut mine does not I've checked so somany times because I have gottencomments saying that your primers haveglitter in them I wouldn't even say thatmight have shimmer in it it just givesyou a really gorgeous glow but I havehad comments where people say theirshave glitter in it so it might justdepend on the batches how they're mixedbecause this is so intensely glowy it'snot going to be ideal for you if youwant more of a subtle glow and it's alittle bit of a thicker primer so I donotice that I can feel it on my skinlike it's a little bit heavier it doeskind of fill in any pores or fine linesor texture on your skin and it looksreally pretty if you have a oily skinit's not necessarily going to make youlook matte throughout the day it is alittle bit thicker and heavier on theskin so just keep that in mind but ifyou want a really pretty illuminatingprimer this one's going to be a greatoption for you I did want to mention onelast like bonus products because it'stechnically a limited edition productbut it is available on their website sothey have this a limited edition ofbutter collection box which retails forI believe 2995and at the time that I'm filming this itis still available it comes with fiveproducts so you get a full-sized ofbutter bronzer in the shade bronzer afull-sized butter blush in the shadenatural glow which is again like thatlight shade so it's probably more idealas like a blush topper or a highlightand then you get their butterfragrance which is amazing I honestlywant them to make that a permanentproduct because it smells so good it haslike a tropical coconut beachy scent itdoes smell similar to the butter bronzerbut even better it's very warm it's agreat summertime fragrance and then youalso get the limited edition body butterand then a butter highlight I believethe highlight is in the shade pearlwhich is like a really prettywhite highlights so that's actually agreat value I believe the value in thebox is at least like twice the cost ofthe box so if you do want to try out allof those products it's a great optionbut I just wanted to include thatbecause I do love that set it's justlimited edition so I don't know how longit will be available but that's the endof my video I just wanted to go throughand share my favorite Physicians Formulaproducts with you guys so I hope youenjoyed it please let us know in thecomments below which products you loveso I can check the mouth I haven'talready there are quite a few productsthat I haven't tried because they dohave such a large line so if you haveany recommendations let us know but I'llsee you guys tomorrow with a new videobye
