How To Start An eCommerce Business From Scratch: Product-Marketing (Build An eCommerce Empire)

[Music]what does it mean to be an entrepreneurstarting the e-commerce businessstarting a business and tackstarting a business in really anyindustry it's become more of like atrend it's become a fad it's becomesomething that's coolwhen I first got started in business Idropped out of high school in 2002 andbeing an entrepreneur meant for mostpeople you were in between jobs you wereunsuccessful people and MLMs that hadn'tfound success yet use that term and nowit's like the new cool phrase so I justgot done shooting a video here for youguys can check it out go to Kody Hawkdot TV that's my other YouTube channelthat I just started and I do more likeprojects prototypes product unboxing alot of really cool stuff I've beenworking on and yeah kind of getting thatstarted my goal is to actually developmore of my own products that we sell onour brand of companies and that's whatit's kind of cool is it's kind of adifferent approach so I could buildprototypes and then work withmanufacturers plus I can unbox coolproducts and things that that I'm usingso if you're interested in that kind ofthing go to Kody hawk TV to check outthat YouTube channelare you doingThanks you have a good dayour meeting number one downtown meetingup with a friend of mine to talk aboutsome business some business we're doingpotentially doing a couple of tripstogether so you should be over here atthe tomato Streetsome 800 street down there you didn'tknow no I didn't know this used to besomething else like a tex-mex orsomething like that I think I use a niceshirt you gotta see the underwear yourcompany bad down sad all right so youknow what you want to get oh do I knowit all again yeah so that was a reallyproductive meeting with Earle old friendof mine we've worked together for a longtime and now I'm getting ready foranother meeting I won't have this one oncamera because well not everyone likescamera in their face but got thismeeting then we got to head to the bankthen we got to head back to the officeso super busy day full of meetings butthat's really the life of entrepreneuralways on the go I'm supposed to be theother one I thought I was supposed tomeet at this branch but I'm supposed tomeet at the branch on the other side oftown so instead of being 10 minutesearly I got 10 minutes to get about 15minutes to my meetingwhat'd you get for not confirming theaddress I so I think I ended up makingit where I need to go always on the goalways on the hustle through these mazeof these maze of tunnels going buildingto building[Music]and now time to grab our uber and grabour uber and jet we are done fivemeetings down and down well it's beenabout five hours since that last clipwhen I was downtown go from meeting tomeeting but I really want to talk alittle bit more about what it takes tobe successful in this business becausefor a lot of people they think you knowconsistency and I will tell you rightnow consistency is key I wake up everymorning with a fire to run my companiesto run geek buds brands and the fivedifferent brands that we run ourwebsites you know my employees got asmall team there may only be six of usbut there's six of us who work reallyhard really diligent we're reallydedicated to what we do but moreimportantly than that it takes somethingof value it takes a product that peoplewant you see when you're in e-commercewhat you're doing and I've talked aboutthis again and again you're taking aproduct and you're matching it with thecustomer too many people get in themindset of you've got to find thecheapest right we need we need to be thecheapest we need to be the leastexpensive and that is completely nottrue you've got to find who your nicheis you guys have heard me talk aboutKevin Kelly's a thousand true fans timeand time again because I think it'sprobably one of the greatest things everpublished but more importantly than thatyou need to go out and find your ownthousand true customers I know thatmarketing is a scary thought for a lotof you guys but you know realisticallyif you're gonna have a product andyou're gonna have a product basedbusiness you need to be able to get inthe hands of your customers and what Iwould tell you guys how to be successfulin this business is to have multiplesales channels to not just focus on oneplatform or one website but to reallyyou guys hear me talk about you know I'mthe CEO of geek budswe have five different sites slashbrands that we run a lot of you guysknow that but the one thing that you'vegot to realize is the reason I do thatnow I don't want to go too deep intothat if you're new because I don't wantto overwhelm you I don't want you tothink like oh you know Cody's successfuland he's got five different brands so Ineed five different brands because thatis 100% not true in the beginning butit's not even about that it's abouthaving different platforms you can sellon so I wouldn't I wouldn't fall in lovewith just one way of selling yourproduct there's so many differentoptions out there you know for me when Icreate marketing plans for my clientsand we build out you know differentoptions to be able to get their productto people there's dozens of differentways we go about doing that dependingupon the product or service that theyhappen to offer but honestly it stillcomes down to the same thing and that ishow do you get your product in front ofthe right potential customer at theright time that's what you know that'sreally the skill I've honed that's whyso many people signed up for my coachingprogram that's why so many people followwhat I do because that I knew from dayone that was a skill to master there'sbasically two skills you need to masterto get started in this business you needa master sourcing and finding a productand you need a master being able tomarket and scale your business so for methose are two things I set out andpoured everything into and if I were togive you one piece of advice those arethings you need to either wise master oroutsource how do you outsource them youcan hire a coach you can hire a brokeryou can hire a mentor you kid you kidyou know you there's different programsand things you can get into it reallydepends on what you're looking to do buteither wise you master those skills oryou outsource those skills but thoseskills are mandatory and anybody whotells you otherwise is lying to you andI hear a lot of this all man you canlearn all this stuff on YouTube but noone ever tells you where because it'snot really true you need to go out andyou need to hustle and you need to getstarted step one you need to get startedstep two you need to get skilled up youneed tomaster these skills okay don't thinkyou're gonna go out there and make abunch of money the reason I mean there'sso many people who want to make moneyonline hundreds of millions of peoplewant to make money online but the reason98% of them fail isn't because they'rebad people isn't because they can't beentrepreneurs it's because they don'tput the right pieces together rightentrepreneurship is building blocks it'sa puzzle it's like building a battleshipout of Legos right you need to put thepieces together to get the end resultand for whatever reason a lot of thishas got lost in translation over thelast handful of years I've seen more andmore people like yeah man you know justplug into this system this this you knowaffiliate system or this all-in-onesystem and you know there's just so manyof them out there that people don't knowwhere to go and these systems are crapthere's no passive income I coined thephrase a few years ago semi passivebecause anybody who makes passive incomeknows that it takes work to make passiveincome okay there's no there's no I didthis back in 2012 but it's stillchurning out ridiculous money there arethings like stocks and bonds andinvestments but when it comes to onlinebusinesses if you created a business awebsite or an affiliate program back in2012 and you've just been passive sincethen guarantee that websites outdateddead probably won't even load it's justtoast right so these people aren'ttelling you the truth the fact is what Italked about semi passive you need toput in the work but you don't need youknow it's about working smarter notharder it's about creating the systemsand being able to put the resources inplace where those resources are peopleor whether they're automated systemswhether they're some kind of assistantwhatever it may be putting the systemsin place to actually be able to achieveyour goal so where you need to start andthis to be successful product marketingplan if you don't have a solid productif you don't have a solid marketing planyou need to hire someone or find someoneto help you build this or you need tonot do it because I see so many peoplewaste so much money now I'm the lastperson who's ever going toan entreprenuer to give up I don't thinkyou should ever give up but I think youneed to put the pieces in place okay soif you don't have those pieces fine takea step back don't do it until you havethose pieces and that way you don't losea lot because I'm four I'm just sick ofgetting these sad emails these do Ican't even open them anymore becauseit's like Kody hey you know watch thefew in your videos then I went out and Idid this this this and this and I'velost $12,000 and it's like you joinedthis scam fly-by-night program and youyou know I'll give you a watch a few ofmy videos why didn't you hustle why didyou watch my videos and then somehowthink you're gonna join you know andthen they're like oh can you help mepick up the pieces you know it's alittle late for that and so it's thesame thing and I hear people like oh manI wish I would have seen your videosooner oh man you know I did this thisand this and you know you got to knowwhat you're getting into it shocks mehow many people will watch a video thatsays all you could make a zilliondollars in half a second and peoplebelieve that really like how is therestill hundreds of millions of peoplebelieve in this garbage it just blows mymind alright guys well that's all Igotta say about that today make sure yousubscribe if you want to check out moreof these daily videos I've got a lot ofreally cool stuff coming up working onanother little series don't want to talkabout it just in case it doesn't happenbut one of the meetings today my goal isto get someone else on camera with mekind of do that dynamic that way it'smore than just me because getting peopleon camera is not as easy as you mightthink so I've got a couple things in theworks there which could be really reallycool but anyway guys hope you're havingan amazing day and I will see you guysin the next video
