Top 10 Best Infomercial Products

you know you want them and it's not justcuz it's 3 a.m. how much would you payfor a knife like this before you answerlisten it even comes with a matchingfork to make carving a pleasure welcometo and today we'recounting down our picks for the top 10best infomercial products now grow awhole collection of fun with gia teddybears puppies kittens Rams wool purplebunnies and a chia tree to keep your petcovered for this list we're looking atthose products that graced our TVscreens and managed to peak ourcuriositywhile the infomercials themselves mayhave been a little bit on the corny sidethe products themselves either becamecommercially successful or a notablepart of pop culture either way they'reworth a mention the Snuggie keeps youtotally warm and gives you the freedomto use your hands so now you can workthe remote or read a book in totalwarmth and comfort number 10hi master like I've been saying somepeople are born with great legs but therest of us have to work at itthank goodness there's five master evenif you weren't in need of an inner thighworkout this classic 90s infomercialitself was pretty interesting spreadeagles and spandex aside Suzanne Somersmay have played a ditzy blonde on TV butshe was a shrewd businesswoman inrealityremember we may not have been born withgreat legs but now we goshe saw an opening in the market so tospeak and decided to help creator JoshuaReynolds fill the hip adductors specificexercise void and thus she bestowed uponthe world a highly successful andsurprisingly versatile piece of exerciseequipment easy to squeeze squeeze yourway to shapely hips and thighs I thoughtI'd never fit into these jeans againThank You time Astor number nineShamWow hi it's Vince with ShamWowyou'll be saying WOW every time you usethis towel it's a dude speakingenthusiastically into the headset mic inthe wee hours of the morning didn'tcapture your attention certainly theefficiency of this cleaning tool shouldhave I can't live without it I just loveit oh my gosh I mean buy paper towelsanymore you're gonna wash your cars orany kind of vehicle you'd be out of yourmind not the only one all I can say SamWowyou could basically clean up a two-literbottle of soda and then towel your boatoff and still be able to soak up somemore or something like that doesn't ripdoesn't make a mess bring it out youwash it in the washing machine maybeGermany you know the Germans always makegood stuff but it actually does hold tentimes its weight in liquid they knowthey've done tests either way it lookslike a good way to conserve thoseexpensive paper towel funds you're gonnaspend twenty dollars every month onpaper towels anyway you're throwing yourmoney away number eight Ginsu knives theGinsu can cut a slice of bread so thinyou can almost see through it the Ginsuis so sharp it can cut through a tin canand still slice a tomato like this itcan chop wood and still remain razorsharp if you ever needed to cut througha can and then immediately slice atomato these are the knives to turn tothe more you use it the better it cutshow's that for sharp that's what we callmultifunctional the genius behind themarketing of this late 70s earlyeighties tool wasn't that they wereactually Japanese it's the idea thatthey were foreign sounding that madethem much more appealing in Japan thefoot can split wood but it can't split awatermelonthis is Ginsu to a complete set ofknives like this ginzu chef's knife thatcombined with their innovateand groundbreaking hard-sell infomercialapproach seemed to work the knife soldlike crazy thanks in large part to theimpressive knife wielding commercialsyou get the Ginsu knife the matchingcarving fork the versatile six in onekitchen tool a set of six steak knivesand the spiral slicer you get them allguaranteed in writing for 50 years foronly 995 number seven the clapperwe love our simple conveniences likeinstead of getting up to turn off ourlights sometimes we'd like the abilityto just clap our hands together and getthe job done just plug it in turnsthings on turns things off just byclapping first sold in 1986 with helpfrom a clappy jingle the clapper is aningenious invention not just forconvenience sake but also forindividuals with limited mobility whostill want to conserve electricity Pluswho wouldn't feel like nobility enteringtheir house and clapping theirappliances on the clapper plus worksfrom anywhere even through windows andwall or switch on the clapper and theclapper plus number six life call youjust press this button and speak intothe air and I'm calling paramedics andyour family mr. Miller if you've everfallen and couldn't get upthis handy product would have beenhelpful I'm we're sending helpimmediately mrs. Fletcher see her folksin their golden years and plenty ofpeople in need of immediate medical carethis commercial wasn't just anunintentionally comical product pitch itwas a godsend protect yourself with lifecall and you're never alone having theability to call for help while you'restuck on the floor can save a life or atleast a hip unfortunately it couldn'tsave this company which went out ofbusiness only to be replaced by thesimilar Life Alert but their ads are farless amusingnumber five Bowflex what happens betweenconsenting adults in the privacy oftheir own home is their business even ifit's working out together on a Bowflexhome Jim want to get ripped want to quitthe gym because you have social anxietyor just don't like hearing gym ratsgiving themselves hernias do you have anextra bedroom to dedicate solely to themajesty that is the Bowflex then thiscompany has got plenty of not-so-subtlepieces of exercise equipment just foryou with ten simple exercises you canwork your chest abs arms legs back andmore in no timelaunched in 1986 Bowflex provided analternative to bulky and heavy exercisemachines as demonstrated in manycommercials and infomercials withfeatures like a built in aerobic rowingexercise convertible grips andconvenient folding capabilities it'seasy to see why a Bowflex was selectedby Fitness Magazine as the best home gymfor 1997 of course most of us probablywatch them while binging on sliders andcheese puffs but that's another storyHere I am 50 and I can keep up with my24-year old daughterI could even keep up with myfive-year-old granddaughter – beinghealthy and fit it's very important tome yes I'll be fit all my life numberfour OxiClean it cleans it brightens andeliminates odors all at the same timedon't just get it clean get it oxy cleanit's always cool when you find acleaning product that's powered by themagic of oxygen because oxygen ismagicalwatch how oxy clean unleashes the powerof oxygen making tough stains disappearlike magic without fading or bleedingthe colors founded in 1997 thisinvention was famously promoted by theever enthused Billy Mays until his 2009death sculptures clean it off seecleanin and oxy clean is not justlaundry detergent either you could useit for almost anything actually the mostimpressive aspect of this infomercialproduct is its ability to remove stainsincluding blood[Music]the matter optically lifts away stagedetergents can leave behind because youknow sometimes a crime scene needs agood cleanup it'll make your whiteswhiter it'll make your brights brighteras a stain remover it's the best grassstains clay stains long live yourlaundry OxiClean the stain specialistnumber three magic bullet but the bulletfast magic that we like best frozendrinks sometimes you just want a singleserving of frozen margarita not a wholepitcher and if you're the type ofindividual who doesn't want to makeenough frozen margarita for theirfriends then this product is right upyour alleynow you can hoard all the deliciousbeverages in your bedroom makingsmoothies guacamole and scrambling eggsall by your lonesome any chance ofgetting a real breakfast how about anomelet friends and family what's thatit's the Magic Bullet the personalversatile countertop magician thissingle sized blender slash foodprocessor slash juicer is all you needfor a party for apparently the morningafter not so loud number two Proactivecome on let's be honest when you'redealing with breakouts you don't justwant clear skin you want really greatfabulous amazing perfect skin and youdeserve back if you ever feel ashamedbecause your face looks like it'sexploding on itself fret not before youare not alone I tried everything to getrid of my acne but nothing workedJustin Bieber acne riddled JessicaSimpson with pimples could it beapparently yes and they also apparentlymanage to get it under control with this3-piece kit why make things hard[Music]developed by dermatologists and launchedin 1995 proactive features benzoylperoxide and glycolic acid as activeingredients this is a benzoyl peroxideproduct the same as the cleanser whichis benzoyl peroxide in fine grains useit over the entire face every eveningand you'll stay clear and while that'snot spectacularly different than manydrugstore brands the celebrityadvertising has worked like gangbustersensuring this company makes upwards ofeight hundred and fifty million dollarsa year there are some things that justcome with being a teenage girl likecrazy hormones freakin I don't want tostop thatand then there's it that's why I useProactiv because there's no way I'mgonna let a bunch of zits get in my waybefore we unveil our top pick here are afew honorable mentions blankets are okaybut they can slip and slide and when youneed to reach for something your handsare trapped insidenow there's the Snuggie the blanket thathas sleeves there's a new pet chia-chiapet the buttery that grows bending overto put your shoes on it's aback-breaking chore one wrong step youcan end up on the floor and trying toget them often hurt even morewell now this shoe Dini the world'sfirst shoe Hornet lets you get yourshoes on and off with ease number onethe George Foreman grill knock out thefet with the George Foreman lean meansfat reducing grilling machine has myname on it it's a winner this innovativelean mean fat reducing grilling machineis a tabletop grill that allows thehealth-consciousand tons of college students to cookburgers in their bedrooms or WIPApaninis in their office paninis is easysalmonmy speciality vegetables naturally fromfrozenenjoy wider variety and reduce the fatwith a lean mean fat reducing grillingmachine from George ForemanForeman himself became an idealcelebrity spokesman andeven influenced the grills design afterhe regained the heavyweight title at age45 and attributed his success to healthyeating that signature George tells uswhat I guarantee you yeah put your nameon it it better work while draining offthe fat appeal to those looking to shedpounds the ease of use and idiot-proofdesign made it a no-brainer for over 100million since its launch in 1994 it'sreally quality and it makes you proudyeah I've done many endorsements of alot of things but never of I find myname sign your name you're gonna have toanswer that this is a good answer forthose who want to knock out that do youagree with our listwhat's the best infomercial product youever used for more entertaining top 10spublished every day be sure to subscribeto here's how to order[Music]
