INFINii Team Webinar Jim Chao Top INFINii Earner eCom Ninjaz

hey everybody is jeff white listen Iwanted to say hello and welcome to ourtop team hangout for Monday night um Ialways say this but every week it seemsseems to get better and better with thepeople that we have on our call and Ithink tonight is going to be really atreat because I have some rock stars onhere with me I actually have a gentlemanon here that's gonna speak at the endthat's um he's he's the guy that'sresponsible for me even pretty muchhaving any type of success in DSDinfinia and if you're watching this dsdsorder a subsidiary subsidiary of infiniaand I owe so much to this guy but firstof all let me just give you a littleintroduction of myself if you don't knowwho I am my name is Jeff white I'm herein Mississippi believe it or not I'vebeen online since februari to 10 2012and had some phenomenal success when Ifirst started I quit a job workingmaking them I was actually in the golfindustry working for a company calledskycaddie sky golf com we made the firstgps device for the golf industry and iwas a sales rep for them making reallyreally good money flying all over doingshows for PGA Tour events and thingslike that and taking my family with meand just having a great time but thatcompany actually started to have so muchsuccess that they put more money intotheir advertising on television thanthey did in to their sales force andthings like that so went from a jobmaking seventy to a hundred fiftythousand dollars a year to a job makingthirty thousand dollars a year andneeded to make some changes and so Iwalked away from the job and log ontothe internet didn't even know it didn'teven know how to create a facebookaccount and two and a half what's this2012 about two and a half years afterthat I got started with infinia and DSDactually andinfineon and I think to date in two anda half years all of our sales andcommissions that we've accumulated herewe're close to a half a million dollarsin sales and commissions and so I wantto just you know I just want to justsometimes I have to pinch myself becauseyou just can't believe it but I wentthrough some tough times and thiscompany helped me out of that me and mywife got together one night when wefirst started with this company two anda half years ago we had some ebaytraining and actually Jim Jim was onethat sent me that training he sent me totraining and I didn't even look at itfor like two weeks and he said man I'mtelling you it's good you were going touse it for this fun when we were talkingabout other things were going to do withthis it's like a front-end funnel foranother company that he and i were intogether and i was in such a badsituation financially because of so manythings that happen in 2013 that I reallywasn't listening to what he was sayingyou know I I thought about ebay assomething that you get stuff out of youryour garage or you and instead of havinga yard sale you know your wife takes herold purses and things like that and putthem online and so and that's the onlything I thought about what ebay but whenwe started we needed to do something wejust were in a situation where a housewas about to be in the foreclosure andjust had to do something I'm sure all ofyou if you're listening in you probablyhad a situation like that or you knowsomeone who's had a situation similar some and my wife got started it was on aSunday afternoon Sunday night and wewere listing an item we didn't know whatwe were doing we were following thetraining just like it said and wefinally got this item listed it took uslike 15 minutes to list the first itemnow after we started a few weeks laterwe were able to get listings up within2-3 minutes but that first night withreal meticulous trying to make sure wedid it right and while we were listingour second item the first item sold andI can recall I remember my wife justlikelooking at me and I'm looking at her andI'm saying wow you know and it in ourcell after everything else we paid ourfaith paypal fees and all of ourexpenses and things I think I herbsprofit was only like two dollars andforty cents but we were so excited aboutthat because we always thought ofnetwork marketing or working from homeat something where you have to do homeparties or you have to call your friendsand your families and you parted at whatthey call the NFL the no friends leftclub before you know it are youambushing people at Walmart or Sam'sClub or if you in a place where theyhave costco's or you know what I mean sowe thought that was the only way to makemoney with network marketing and so whenwe found out that you could do this withno recruiting you don't have to tellanyone you and your wife or your husbandor your spouse or your children are youwhoever your grandparents can get in theroom can listen and watch the trainingand then they can get started with thisthing and they can start generatingincome that can change their life almostinstantly and so that's what happenedwith us and since then we have just beensharing this with people I have a teamnow that I look at my binary a few daysago I think we had we have about 30,000people all over the world and it onlystarted with me sending a link to oneperson just one person is that justbasically the same thing that Jim didwith me it's the same thing that I didand I've been doing it ever sincebuilding huge teams all types of peoplehaving success and you're gonna hearabout some of those success storiestonight and so with that I want to bringon our first um a person that we'regonna profile tonight her name isCamille she's a part of top team and shehas been rocking this thing out and soCamille is gonna come out and tell youher story and listen really close towhat she has to say because it may besomething in her situation or her storythat may be similar to yours and it maytouch your heart so with that being saidCamille come on out and rock it out forushey yes we hear you just fine go rightahead okay great hey y'all um I was kindof saying that I'm a senior at theUniversity of Illinois in ChampaignIllinois and my first two years ofschool got here you know found a jobstarted working on was working at thedining hall cleaning dishes I liked it alittle bit because it was fast work andwe got the list to music why we did itbut um during that second year I gotsick I was hospitalized and I couldn'twork anymore so even though I let my youknow let my job know that I was inhospital in this Annette they stilldecided to fire me even though I meanwhile I was working when I got paid itwas like 120 dollars after pay my phonebill and getting my stuff that I neededonly had like twenty dollars left andgrown up in a family where you knowthat's that's you know that's commonpaycheck to paycheck I was just tired ofit I was just really tired of it so in2013 my brother um and business partnerMichael he came to me with networkmarketing and he shared it with me and Iwas like our friend God already actuallyhad to send me um send me opportunitiesI can make money so I can help my familypsychopathy student loan so I justthought the worry about money ever againand so I mean he told me about thatjumped on right away because like whatdo I have to lose already didn't havenothing so I jumped on was I was witwake up now um that went under about ayear and a half into it on 2015 disruptcame up i was part of this rough and iwas doing good as far as gettingprospects and stuff like that but howyou know how people who are they saythey're gonna do it then they don't getpeople pull out and so I just didn'tlike that you had to like going goingthrough this rough I didn't like thatyou had to recruit people all the timeand so they got very tiresome and I wasjust towards then I was looser likelosing hope in it and stuff I was wantedto give up and everything again myauction mentor Christopher I'm sorry I'malso meant to her Christopher McCoy hebrought you know if any I to me he wasalready a part of DSD back in 2013 whenthey first started andhe brought in Kenyatta me share with meum you know the UM the success of thenyou know how great it is and I jumped onright away so I got um I got my itemslisted i got my watch the training and ijust i just went right in so my firstone i listed my items i think i had likefive items to list first one didn't doso well one reason because i went toofast I was too excited I went too fastand I listed them to fans so I didn'treally sell anything the stuff that Iput up there was stuck there wasn't youknow that people wasn't buying and itjust want a good southern item so myfirst one didn't really make no moneygot it in the second time I mean gotinto the following month and listed somemore items and i sold my first item thenext day right after that and then soldanother item the next day so um what ilearned from that was you know uh justtake your time like Jeff was Sharonearlier take your time when you listenyour items and stuff like that so youdon't encounter problems is that nobodyelse on my team had to ever go throughthat anymore um that that is should bebecause I I did it already and so afterthat then making sales every other daysometimes every every two days and stufflike that and so it's just bad that'sall about FMEA is that I don't have torecruit you know everybody knows ebayand amazon just say that to them hey doyou know do you know either and I was Imean do you do you know you could makemoney on it that's how I got most of myprospects that I got most of my leavesbut like I said if nobody ever said theywant to do it all so they can just comein as a customer you know and startselling right away and that's how I madethat's how to make majority of my moneyright now and so I'm just loving it I'mwhat I'm looking for two now more in gayand you know going on no shopping tripsand making you know big profit biggerprofit margins so that's that's prettymuch my story I'm just looking forwardto growing even more and scale them upand seeing y'all in June down in DallasTexas I was good hey that's fantasticCamille and look you talked about thethe e-commerce side and you also talkedabout being in other companies where youalways require to have to go out andambush people at Walmart and your localquote Kroger stores in order to makemoney because most people that's whateveryone is used to when they thinkabout anything that has a networkmarketing are our MLM are you know butwhat is it that makes this business soeasy for you to refer people because Iknow I happen to know that you have alsobeen bringing people on board on yourteam so what is it about this businessit makes that easier than in traditionalMLM just if you don't mind answering ityeah like um well I'll just elaborate onwhat I said before about everybody knowsebay and amazon and basically what i dois when I when I share it with someonewhat I'm doing I say do you know ebayamazon and they say yeah or they say nobut then i go along with i'm makingmoney and i showed them the proof like Iadd them to my facebook and they see allthe all the proof in the groups or theproof that i'm showing on my pages andthem on my Instagram and so what makesit different from any other company it'sjust that you know I don't have to relyso heavily on building the team before Ican make money I can make money and thenbuild a team or choose to if I want tothe the team part is really a bonus youreally don't need it if you takeadvantage of the eco ecommerce side andso like that's the biggest part to methat's the biggest part that I love isthat I can make money without it andjust and there's so many platforms thatyou can use like eBay Amazon ShopifyBonanza anything I don't even know aboutbananas and most of these are theplateau and I didn't even know aboutuntil I get into e-commerce with affiniaso I'm just you know I'm just happy forthat part for making money withoutbuilding the teambecause that was very difficult whenyou're dealing with people and andpeople are not you know communitycommunicating and you know so forth toso long absolutely and you know what Ibomb what I figured out Camille was wheni was working with companies that prettymuch required that you recruit people inorder to make money what I found out wasthat once you take that barrel boy Iguess you could say out of that out ofthe equation once you tell people theydon't have to recruit one of the firstthing good when they start havingsuccess guess what they start doing okaythey stop me because it's not a it's notreally recruiting what you're doing isselling you just basically tellingpeople your story and if your storyconnects with them personally they sayhey this guy I mean or this person ifthey can do it why can't I do it youknow i mean yeah yeah people people cutpeople talk about the recruiting sadthey really love that is like no crewlike my friend Mike he's uh he's not tobe coming on pretty soon but he when Ifirst told him he was like Nova crude Iwas like naw man he couldn't believe itat first he was like I told him aboutthere's a network marketing sitesinfinia that you can recruit but it'soptional is I you should be sure you'regonna recruit I'm saying Mike reallyI'll have to recruit a lot of people arevery surprised and that that um thatsometimes holds them back at the sametime because they're still good with Iwhile you chew and in your results youshowing they you know they get on realcan you can you hear me Camille becauseit sounds like you you've sort of cutout on me huh are you still talking oh Ithink it might be when you are kind ofclose to the dietokay go ahead we can eat we can hear youI think it stopped on you Camille butlisten can't you hear me yeah I hear younow go ahead say something okay great ijust base I just bit and when people heyyou hear me now yes yes yes I hear youit's clear now yes okay I just squeezeit and that there was no recruitment ofpeople that came from other networkmarketing company they really didn'tbelieve it because they're so used tohaving to recruit to make money theyreally didn't believe you but watch youtold them the purple hey you see goodproven you sure you just share yourstory like you said start making moneywith us absolutely well listen I I wantto personally thank you for coming outand having the nerve to come out herebecause it's it takes a special type ofperson just just to put themselves outhere and even if you you know don't showyour face you don't have to do that butjust telling your stories so it'spowerful and we appreciate you comingout and look forward to seeing you havejust tons and tons of success and justmaking all of the money and helpingother people make as much money as theywant also okay thank you so much justall right thanks a lot and he suggest tomute out your your your phone and I'mgonna introduce your sponsor here mr.Christopher McCoy and you're gonna getJim okay alright thanks a lot hey hey upguys listen I want toreduce another person that Camilletalked about he's wanted to I think he'sprobably out sponsoring everyone in ourgroup right now everyone needs to justlook this guy say hey you know this isthe person that I need to ask what areyou doing to bring so many people onboard into infinia but he's also just agreat guy great mentor for his people umno one has to motivate him to doanything he just does it anyway he'sjust a doer and I also good friend ofmine mr. Christopher McCoy so Chris ifyou're out there man if you can hear usplease unmute yourself and say a fewwords for us thanks all right awesomecan you hear me yes sir we hear you loudand clear go right ahead all rightawesome what first of all days forhaving me on this panel and I like togive again a special shout out to LA noTravis you know it seems a type ofstories that I love to to witness inhere and it's very great you know I'm asa coach or mentor to see you know whenyou put in a lot of effort into thepeople who are willing to win people whoare willing to be coachable to whatpeople are willing to take nap of actionand you see the fruit of their labor Imade there's no greater feeling in knowthere I not been Noah Camille for a veryarms long time and I've seen herstruggles through this industry and justlike some of you out there you know youprobably tribes if it stays and you knowyou got tired of if you're a teacher ofbecoming a nutritionist if you're abarber becoming a darn you know physicaleducation specialist or what have youyou know and that's why i love aboutwhat if any i have four offers becauseyou know if we keep it simple so toanswer to one of your questions it'slike what Chris how are you getting alot of people into your team is theirbusiness is that it's very seriousbusiness pretty much speaks for itselfall right i mean everybody knows byecommerce a finals our shop and peopleknow about ebay amazon that withinitself laser Jenna has frame ratecondition alright it's not like some ofthese companies that will look like okayI know this company has a funny name butokay what am I actually doing a my agentmi a nutritionist and I a dermatologistthe whore I mean what do I do so it kindof takes that whole you know what do Iyou out of the arena when we have asystem that says hey listen you can makemoney on ebay and amazon just follow ourstep-by-step process and that's whatreally get me hooked on this becauseit's so they break it down Barney stylemaybe a little bit of sesame street onthe side all right is it actually leftfoot right foot step by step streamlinedprocess to help each and everybody outthere to become profitable in e-commercearena okay it just like just said andyou when you out there you haven'tsuccess when you have a success youcan't help but to share the courage tothe world okay vs. people out there andI know some people out there you know weout there trying to preach a dream whenwe live in a nightmare all right i meanhow can a person out there tell you allyear you can make millions and thousandsof dollars if they can barely make ahundreds and sales okay and there reallya lot of people really loves about thisopportunity is that it is simple it issimple its train line and anybody whocan put in the effort can do it and mostof the young and most of all people areseeing very quick to set all rightsometimes people would have successwithin 24 hours sometimes it takes aperson you know a month you know to givetogether but as you can song as youheard what Camille said that sherecognized it's exactly what I loveabout this business with affinia okayshe recognized the problem vs like someof these other companies is that all manwhy can I get my two people by threepeople or whatever kids it is and yougoing back to your persons of elementyou're going back to the old same oldsame old okay systems that you've beentaught and you still is not going towear that's why I have a higher failurerate than a head out there and mostthese companies but it would be spendingI they actually teaches a skill set tosay okay this is what you need to do ifyour items will not sell it if you'renot making an X amount of dollars thiscould be why okay this could be it sonot only that hear what I'm saying wehave support group we're very familyoriented type of scene okay we help eachother some even if you're not evenfinancially ties to one another thefamily the family atmoshere with top pane we we help well okayif it could be something as little asyour title in or you probably sell it tohigh you selling too low we are here tohelp you man so first and foremost manit's just a simplistic on nature ofespheni I that really kind of you knowpics a lot of people interest because alot of us are used to a lot of unused tobindings amazon bindings on ebay but nottoo many people know about this andsellers there's a money-makingopportunity on the other side ofspectrumso Chris as always I know you want totalk about that yellow button so goright ahead yesterday you know ladiesGermany especially the person of who Iam and what I've done you know buildingthe team is very effort you know youdon't have to really go twisting anybodyarm or put them in the figure-fourleglock and try to get them to join yourscene you don't have to put somebody youknow which i'ma choke them to get someexample of whatever a jungle juice orwhatever kids is you know it is reallysimple to build a team okay if you wantto learn how to make financially in timefreedom click the yellow button okay allthe training is there for you don'tworry about the how we get that securewell okay you already know what the wayyou are in stage of support Topsy bigold banner right there top seen that isyour support okay if any i have a greatcompany trust me they pay very well whenthe rewards on side okay but however tobe have a very strong company you've gotto have a strong support system andnetwork top papering is is a boat okayand that was one of the really greenlights if you will while I join withgels and top pains because you know I'vebeen a total type of companies andbusinesses that you know what you get inyour upline you know in the ends upleaving and you kind of feel like thatyour Nylund by yourself and you gotalmost got to do everything yourself notover here what the pic I or top teamokay so go ahead and push the yellowbutton let's go ahead and get youstarted let's go ahead get you startedlisting and making money ASAPawesome fantastic well thank you forcoming out Chris and keep up the greatwork man we really appreciate all ofyour contributions from every level inevery angle on top team man thanks a lothey uh yes sir well guys listen this isthis is some sort of sort of emotional Iguess almost and I'm not reallyemotional tie guy my wife SAT but I'mnot really but the next gentleman gonnaintroduce is the person who wasinstrumental and showing me I guess youcould say the weight when it came todoing things the right way online he's avery laid-back sort of out of thelimelight type guy but he's powerful andhow he builds his team's he knowsinternet marketing this guy went frombeing flat broke too at 22 years oldsometimes breaking in twenty-twotwenty-three thousand dollars a day or aweek you know just unbelievable storyhe's one of the I'd say top five atleast five or less maybe internetmarketers when you call people's namesabout these people who sort of went fromrags to riches and help help otherpeople become successful in life hisname is up there with your Dagan Smithsand your Vince reads and you're you knowjust just these big-time big-timemarketers your great Higdon's and peoplelike that you're Eric Wars this guy's Imean most of these people on his speeddial some of them actually I found outthat I actually found out that one ofthem actually stays new right next doorto one of these people I just named oneof their their employees so um just afantastic person um he's my upline ininfinia he is the number one incomeearner in infinity i right now i'm righton his heels and he's also um is goingto just give us some powerfulthat we can some some nice nuggets tellyou his story and things like that I'mgonna bring out now mr. Jim chow heyJeff can you hear me yes sir loud andclear go right ahead knock it out buddythanks thanks so much for thecontradiction i remember when we when wemet a few years ago I was definitely ata place of turmoil a lot of companieswere flipping belly up and you know alot of things weren't going right inthis industry and and that kind of thingstill happening today in fact you knowwe sing a network marketing company uhyou know like vmail recently you knowbeing being uh been shut down and a lotof things are happening in the industryand there's a lot of lost people outthere looking for a way and you knowlike a lot of people just basicallylooking for ways so that they can liveand enjoy every single day up to lifeinstead of a self struggling and kind ofrunning around like a chicken without ahead and i remember when i first startednetwork marketing it it wasn't easy andit was it didn't go my way at all infact i spent over three years in thisindustry with a combined total revenueof like three thousand dollars i think ispent way more than that tucson eventand traveling and then before theinternet came along um but um you know Iwant to turn um shift gears a little bit2 to infinity to e-commerce and I wasreally good friends with the owners thatlaunched DS domination back a few yearsago I know if any I but when theplatform first started I had absolutelyno ecommerce experience and but when Ilooked at it from a network marketingperspective it made a lot of sense I amyou know my biggest challenge beforethis building teams has always beenattrition people it doesn't matter howbig of a team you build you can talk tothe biggest income earners out there thebiggest challenge will always beattrition can you at some point you getto a record of leakingeffect whereas many people who sign up aweek that same amount of people are alsogetting off auto ship from before asChristian rate most group people don'tstay in this industry for more thanthree months at a time paying forexpensive auto ships so when a conceptof integrating ecommerce a platformeducational platform getting people tomake money without recruiting it mayallow sense to me as you know peoplewould want to stay on a membership ifthey're using the platform to make moneyunder under eBay business on thereamazon business on there you knowbonanza bonanza and Shopify if they'remaking money and they need a system tocontinue making money why would they getoff a membership so that concept thismade a lot of sense to me and I has beena highest retention rate I've seen inany kind of a recurring programauto-ship program so so to speak and youknow when when it first launched Ididn't realize the power of e-commercemyself I stopped that cool people areevery person can make 500 bucks a montha thousand bucks a month easily receivedthousands of dollars a month we seesuperstars ranking in tens of thousandseven over a hundred thousand a month insales revenue that's what we saw thefirst year from some of these ebaybusinesses now I didn't dive intoe-commerce business until midway pastthe second year that's when I startedamazon and only then that I really sawthe power of e-commerce you know I I wasa pure network marketer when when theplatform first launched and then Istarted you know learning a lot ofinformation on launching amazon businesslaunching brand your own product in factjust on my desk right now like this isone of my branded products i have i haveso many things in my kitchen right nowand and a living room that are justliterally my own products and i thinkthis is a major shift of wealth and avery successful person told me beforethat if you want to get rich you want tostay jump right in the middlea flood of wealth transfer wealth isnever destroyed nor created so wheneverit is a wealth transfer you want to jumpright in the middle of it and get richso this is the first time in historythat i know of that an average personcan actually jump into a mainstreamindustry things that walmart sells andtarget cells you can jump right in themiddle bring your product and yourproduct would actually be competitive toa retail giant brain in fact i have manybest sellers on amazon that i never knewit was possible and I'm out sellingbrands that are multi-billion dollarbrands and they and my brain is nowhereclose to where they are right now byproduct product sale comparison I haveproducts that are outsellingmulti-billion dollar brands and it wasabsolutely mind-boggling in fact myfirst year uh well the little story i'msorry amazon i start launching fallingtraining start long for some testproducts and i want to see how theybehave in a marketplace after some trialand errors we're talking about minimaltime of trial and errors of only a fewmonths i start scaling stacking upproducts one bestsellers up to anotherlong story short first year done overtwo million dollars in sales withabsolutely no e-commerce experience andmany of my friends are doing the samething i have a lot of friends doinghundreds of thousands a month and ebaysales I have a in fact I've I've helpedpeople launcher amazon business and nowwithin our first year in businesscompany that over a million dollars insales that's another brand and I havefriends that are getting retailcontracts with Walmart and underdistribution just because they have madea name for himself on on amazon and onon internet right they expand those liveamazon once you start becomingbestseller developing your brand newestablished retail contracts and youestablish international supplied supplychains there's selling other continentsas well so it's absolutely amazing whatyou can do so i want to get back onback a little bit I've been rambling ona lot of information in fact of some ofthe numbers i threw out may not even bebelievable and it definitely wasn'tbelievable for me when i first startedstep into the world of e-commerce butyou know the most expensive mistake thatyou can make if you want to launch areal business okay now disclaimer a lotof these successful businesses that thattalked about launching the e-commerceincluding my own it takes money to makemoney so that's why there's many ways tomake money in in phinney I not everybodyyou know to launch a product like thisall right you're gonna need at leasttwenty thousand dollars to launch abrand you know you have prototypes youhave designs you have distributionsthere's a lot of things you have to setup so that's why there's a lot of waysto make money in phinney I there are infact most people start off by dropshipping it doesn't cost any money tomake money you can sell your productfirst you can sell other people'sproduct first okay collect money andthen use a portion of that money tofulfill the order and ship it back tothe buyer and that's called dropshipping there are many other ways tomake money you can you can scan for skinfor profit like Camille said earlierthere's many ways to make money inside acomp plan I know Jeff made a very decentincome in the last few months alone infact a comp I can confidently say Jeffmake more than a medium income a annualhousehold income in the United Statesthis in the last two months so thatdoesn't cost any money to make moneyright that's team building as Commissionso you could sell stuff so I see you andan affinia is expanding dolby digitalmarketplace and Su Su accumulate yourmoney you can launch your own productsand there'll be legacy brands right thatwon't be depending on double your ownindependent business outside of AnthonyI and use affinia as a community tocontinue to grow as entrepreneur there'sjust so many ways to make money so backto what I was saying if you're lookingto do a business likeif you're looking to jump into the floodof wealth doubt is transferring 44 fromtraditional brick-and-mortar business toe-commerce if you're looking to do thatthe most expensive mistake that you canmake it's not educate yourself firstbefore you you fully dive in so you knowa platform like infinity i rather youwant to build a team or not just toeducate yourself and start making thelittle money and get informed and learnabout how their heavy hitters arebuilding their product businesses thisis going to be the most efficient assmartest way for you to invest inyourself before you cuff out theretwenty thousand dollars in thirtythousand i want your own product youknow it costs upwards I've brands thatwould cost upwards of ninety thousanddollars where I have partners and we allchip in so imagine how much that wouldcost you if you don't launch itcorrectly so Jeff I want to bring youback go and see what direction or maybeif folks have any Q&A you know I justwant to be transparent here and helpfolks folks make a correct decision forthemselves i know that this is a hangoutand I heard about a yellow button sothere's a yellow button for you to getmore information and get sign up theperson that referred you so that you canbe on your way to success the fast startway of doing it but Jeff I want to justturn it back to you a little bit see ifif there anything that you you wouldlike to cover or maybe to an AIDS that Ican't see okay no you a like the on theUH nationally streaming site there's aplace with you make comments if you havea comment you feel free to go over towherever the link whoever sent you alink just go over to that lake andthere's a place at the bottom where youcan make a comment if you wanna if youhave a question someone there willanswer the question then we would bereally happy always really really it Iguess you said interactive with peopleand helping them to answer any questionsthat they may have but we appreciate andon here but I do want to ask yousomething about theI guess you when you talked about umlike in most network marketing companiesin most of that minute a person has tostart recruiting almost immediatelyafter they get started cut and and oneof the things that I thought so muchabout in pity I and DSD things like thatwas that people were making money justby using the product now when I say thata lot of people like it sort of goesover the head because it did with me thefirst time I heard some one person toldme that we make money our business it'sby using our product and I said wellwhat is the product and they say wellthe product is the training that weprovide but more than that the productreally is money because basically whatwe do is we take a person let's say aperson gets started and they go out andthey list something on ebay and oncethey say hello the product once theysell the item then they go back and buythe item they ship the item to thecustomer and they get the money adifference in whatever the price was andin most companies the first thing aperson has to do is go out and buy theproduct they have to buy some type ofCarter pack and then they have to go outand get someone to buy the product fromthem or by the opportunity from them inorder for them to ever recoup any oftheir money back no I want you to gointo what what the mindset was when westarted when we actually we were louderyes de oh it's going back and saying heywe want to sort of flip this thing andthe ninety percent of people that failwant to take that night and you want toflip it and hey we have an attic prettymuch success rate yeah definitely um youknow honestly for me too definition thetraditional model of network marketingnever made a hundred percent sense to mewhere you build your own team becauseyour own network to create a come soonbass because your customers really yourteam members who are buying these juicepacks and whatever a product maybe everysingle month to sustain your residualincome that concepts never made ahundred percent sense to me bud you knowlike many of you we go along anywaysjust because that's all we know thesystem works and and we just kept doingit even though it never makes sense wekeep that only attrition rate you knowwith with infinite business model youyou teach people uh this is what anybodywould do so you know like an averageperson Camille is senior year and inUniversity so people don't expect torecruit people when they go touniversity date the mentality isliterally going to university get as youcan it you get a degree you getsomething in return so infinia hasreally that system that infects we do aDS domination with absolutely literallyno mention of complain and recruitingfor like two years that the teamorganically grew as people as they feellike they want to tell other peopleabout the system people join and adropship it make money they make moneyby drop shipping like there is no occurto complain now infinia is new right nowand there's a lot of hype on a comp planso there's more talk about a comp planbut we can absolutely grow in phinney Iby not even talking about the complaintlike people don't even have to know thatyou can make money by joining and finneyI by telling other people because that'snot the reason why people join the firstplace people join because they are seenall these success testimonials on peoplemaking money on ebay and amazon and andthey want to make money too because theyhave failed many times in a traditionalnetwork marketing business and a rent ofpeople to talk to within our circle ofinfluence and they like to make moneyfrom home just like many of infiniteinds members they are making money fromhome by dropshipping on ebay and doingall these cool stuff in fact in myopinion that's a much better stableorganic way to grow your bestyou know don't come into this businessthink you have to recruit 20,000 peoplejust come in and do your part and makemoney and just naturally spread yoursuccess story and that will get morepeople to join the long run so you knowyou don't even have to look at thecomplaint of infinia to organically growit and and in the long run that will bemore stable than you going out there andget 20,000 people and 20,000 people whohasn't make money with e-commerce tellmore people because if you keep doingthat they'll be urban legend that youcan even make money on e-commerce rightif if you have like multiple generategeneration of people who haven't mademoney with e-commerce then you know afew generations later they would be likeso is anybody making money ecommercethat you'll have a single success storyso we do want you to absolutely makemoney now the good news is most ofpeople of my experience most people maketheir in this show so they're startingpackage is fifty dollars a month okay somost people I know of make fifty dollarfifty the first fifty dollar profitwithin their first week so that is agood news so as you follow system thatwill spread really quickly and there'scheckpoint in in your uh and yourmembership to get you going and thisforum's you keep you on track Jeff youstudent buddy yes sir I'm still here andthis appreciate you for coming out andsharing your knowledge with us of thisreally this whole model because thismodel is brand new that's what's so coolabout this we actually created a wholenew model and we have a 90 day challengethat the company has allowed us toparticipate in it for anyone that'slistening on especially people that mayhave big teams and if you if you one ofthose people that hat hey let's see ifsimilar you know let's talk about thatfor a second Jeff the guitarist talkabout people with big teams that may beon this call um you know like I saidearlier there's so many turmoilshappening in the industry right now andmany manyhitters are looking for something stablethat they can set the foot in a lot ofpeople are worried about even if the topearners in fact I have many friends aretop earners in different companies andyou know they weren't worried about thenext complex change the next FTC strikeand there's so many things and justpeople are leaving all the time andthey're looking for solution so you knowI know like I said earlier the firstthing I solved the s nomination was aplace where I know if i plug my peoplein don't make money and regardless ofhow big my check is at least they'll bestable and that's really all I expect Inever had high expectations everythinghappened later when your intention isright the results will happenautomatically and that's what kind ofhappened to many of us that's whathappened to Jeff you know Jeff of I if Iasked you you know like a few years agodid you expect to make you know hundredsand hundreds of thousands of dollars anddo a team and and have residual thatwasn't that wasn't a plan that just kindof happened is that correct absolutelymy absolutely my um my wife and I youknow this because um hey listen I'mgonna tell you guys another thing i'mgoing to co-opt a little bit but i'm notonly didn't you send me the link becauseit was like almost 15 much books inorder to actually become a member ofgives d at that time he also kind ofchecked too he sent me a credit card andsaid hey listen until you get back onyour feet I'll take if I getting you inbut I just I believe in you and I knowthat you are worker and I'm gonna moneyup for you he did it and I think twothree months later I paid him off andalso had my house out of foreclosure butthat's your question Jim no they onlythink my wife and I were trying to dowhen we got it started with thisbusiness but we were trying to find away to control that's awesomethanks for thanks for sharing I might Imight get a ton of messages now as uhbut uh i'm not a a credit business yesyou have no I just didn't know that isfunny that's funny buddy but you knowlike what what what I'm trying to say isif your if your heart to the if yourintention is right thing so it kind ofhappens so you know a lot of usespecially if we're in a more desperatesituation we always think of what can wedo to make money now to make a lot ofmoney now while it does work at timesand you know listen we know what youneed to do if you need to make moneyright now but to set a long-term goaland stability your intention has to beright so the question especially ifyou're a big leader in this industryyour question should never be you knowwhat can I do to make as much money aspossible your your um a question foryourself should be what can I do so thatmy people will make money in the longrun so I can have a stable organizationand continue to get paid and and I Ibelieve Oh Harley right now at themoment ecommerce is a way way to gocompletely completely legitimate uh youknow you setting up a stable businessand all your team members will havetheir own stable business they havecontrol over the business and don't needsoftwares and training to make abusiness work and that's where yourresidual will come in if you're ifyou're big big leader just as a nobrainer you definitely need somethinglike that versus then hoping that thenext month to buy the next auto-ship andjuice pack to keep your check to lifethat that just doesn't work play wowanymore in today's marketplace so listenthere's a big yellow button like likeChris mentioned earlier get moreinformation talk to a person who invitedyou get started top team jeff has a lotof cool private trainings this includesecommerce ebay many of his ebay guruswill do trainings and help it supportalong with jeff to master himself whogive a lot of degenerationaffiliate marketing training support soif you're looking for right team a rightperson Jeff and the team are the way togo awesome well Jim a man thanks againyou know on the call we appreciate andforward to rolling in Dallas we probablygonna just I made I mean come in on abicycle something man but who knows up Imean come in and I super or may come ina bitch no I'm not a bit ly type guy I'ma ride a horse or something but we planto come into a Dallas when our team comewhen top team it's dallas i want atleast a thousand people making a hundredthousand dollars i think we have about500 that are close so i want about athousand people making a hundredthousand dollars and i really would likea hundred thousand people making ahundred thousand but we'll work on thatland but that promotion that couldhappen right now if you have a hugetheme if you have a large secret anothercompany even if you want to keep thosepeople in that company right now or ifyou want to keep them in that companyforever that's fine too i have people onmy team right now who r is an othercompany that have teams that they arereferring this business to that they'reusing this as sort of a front-end way tofund their auto ships and so that's whati think the people in i guess anindustry one for things that a lot of ushave grown accustomed to has been oh manI can't expose my team to this because Idon't want to lose and I don't want themto you know to start doing this andforget about my maybe uh maybe you havea juice or maybe have a skincare or atea or or maybe sell some type of othertype of training but the bottom line isthis guy's it is difficult to get peopleto duplicate period it's difficult andso while you're building teams of peoplethat are duplicating you need some typeof back in our front end product orsystem thatyou can put people in where they canstill make generate tons and tons ofincome even if they don't you know signup 10 people at a home party in order tosell a skincare product nothing wrongwith the products I use a ton of thedifferent process my wife uses a ton ofthe product so we're not here to bashanyone's company that's not what we dois not how we roll on top team but weare here to talk reality and the realityis this like Jim mentioned like Chrismentioned like Camille mention it isdifficult to keep people engaged whenyou're asking them to go to walmart andand ambush someone in the aisle or youhave to travel to another city in orderto do a home party or audit maybe ahotel meeting are all you have to do allof these webinars in order to keeppeople engaged or maybe you're the onlyperson doing the webinar you may have athousand people in your team but you'rethe only person that's doing it are youwearing you wearing yourself out youwant to be fishing or golfing are onvacation but you can't because you gottabe on those calls in order to keep yourcheck coming in trust me we know aboutall that stuff so if you want to reallyput your team on a track to where theycan really be successful and have thereal success stories not the fake ituntil you make it type thing you maywant to get with top team as quickly aspossible so click the yellow buttonwhoever sent you that link click on thatbutton and you'll be directly tied tothem you'll be cloaked to them so it'sno big deal at all but with that beingsaid I like to thank our guests forbeing on the call tonight Jim thank youfor being on Chris thank you for beingon Camille thank you very much for beingon it's been a pleasure to honor forbeing on to be on with all of you guysand we'll see you guys next week takecare of guys have a great nightyou
