7 eCommerce Email Marketing Tactics That Work Like a Charm

– Email marketing is the
life and blood of e-commerce,but if you're using it wrong,it won't generate you any sales.When you look at companies like Overstockdo you know where they're gettingthe majority of their sales from?Email marketing.That's how powerful it is.Hey, everyone, I'm Neil Patel,and today I'm going to
share with you sevene-commerce email marketing
tactics that work like a charm.(bouncy synthesizer music)Before we get started,
make sure you subscribe.And if you're on YouTube,
click the alert notification.That way when we go live
you'll get notified,whether it's YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn,you'll get notified every time I go livewith cutting edge marketing techniques.How many of you use email whenit comes to e-commerce marketing?I know a lot of people
do, but I'm curious,and if you do, what are your results?Because I'm about to
break down seven tactics,and if you use these,
your numbers will go up.Tactic number one, scrub your list.The reason I say scrub your list,too many people have
e-commerce email marketingout there and they're just like, yeah,my list is huge, I'm at
100,000, I'm at 200,000,and I'm going to keep emailing everyone.Well, what you'll find is your email'sgoing to the promotions tab.Why is it going to the promotions tab?It's 'cause you keep emailing peoplethat aren't opening up your emails.If you scrub your list,only email the people that are opening it,your deliverability rates go up,you get into the inbox,
and your open rates go up,your clicks go up, your sales go up.Scrub your list.If you're using a good email
provider like ConvertKit,they automatically do it for you.Some email providers like Mailchimp,they may eventually end up changing it,they don't like it when
people scrub their list'cause it makes their revenue go down,but if you don't scrub the listyou'll notice that your
emails will go more intothe promotions tab and
you won't do as well.Number two, you want to make
sure you do trigger-based emails.If someone is on your email list,they add stuff to their cart,but they don't complete their checkout,what should your email be to them?It should be how they can completethat checkout for those products.Heck, you can even put
reviews in that email to showwhat it's like if they bought
your product or service,more so product, 'cause
this is e-commerce.That's super effective.When someone goes to their checkoutthey have these products
and they don't checkout,but then, you shoot 'em
an email being like,check out our e-commerce store,here's all these products that we sell.Well, that's a terrible email.They already added the
ones that they want to buy,but they just need that
push over the edge.Maybe some testimonials,whatever maybe to get them over the edge,that will help a lot,and you'll notice a
ton of sales from that.The third thing that you need
to do is time-based emails.Here's what I mean by that.Everyone's like, yeah,
you send out an email,people open it up whenever they do.If you have a ton of unopened
emails in your inbox,what happens?You'll find that you're
less likely to go throughall the ones that are at
the bottom and open 'em up.People get lazy, it's not
just you, it's everyone.So you want to look at what time thatperson came to your site
and put in their email.That's when you should
be sending them email.I try to stick within that timeframe,usually within an hour,versus sending it whenever
it's my convenience.The fourth thing you want to
do is promotional-based emails.I know discounts and servicing is notnecessarily the best thing to do,but in e-commerce when you do things likeCyber Monday or Black Friday salesor a Christmas special
or New Year's special,you'll see a whole slew of sales come in.So you want to make your
campaign set up in advance.You don't want to be at the last
minute writing these emails.If you can go and write them in advanceand you leverage these
promotional-based periods,you'll notice a ton of sales.What we've seen in e-commerce is duringthese peak holiday seasons you cantypically get 25, 30% of your sales.That's a lot from a holiday season,even though there's a
whole 12 months in a year.The fifth tip I have for you iskeep your emails short, to the point,and try to use text-based emails.Most e-commerce companies
love using image-based emails.Do you know what happens
with image-based emails?They get pushed in the promotions tab.Google and Gmail and Outlook,they all know that when someone sends youan email with a ton of images,it's usually a promotion
versus when someonesends you a text-based email
it's typically a friend,hence, you want to use text-based emails.The sixth tactic I have for
you is upsells and downsells.Typically, when someone buys
from your e-commerce productyou're going to have upsells anddownsells on the checkout page.If you don't, make sure you add 'em.But here's the thing.Most of your audience will not buythe upsells and downsells
right then and there,so what you want to do is look at theproducts people are buying, and then,send them those upsells
and downsells in email.Sure, you want to still have 'em on thecheckout page right after they purchase,but you also want to followup
through email for allthe people that don't buy
your upsells and downsells.On your thank you pages whereyou have these upsells and downsells,usually they're short and to the point.Through email they can
be much more in-depth,longer, and you want to space it out.If they don't buy right away,you don't want to hit
'em the next day withan email being like, buy this
upsell, buy this downsell.You want to give it a week or two afterthey receive the product,
they get to use it.You want to followup with
all the other things thatthey can buy that can make
that experience even better.It's very important to
get the timing right.The moment you get the timing wrong,that's when you'll see that thoseemails won't convert at all.And last but not least, when
you're doing email marketing,it's not just about email.It's very similar to email aboutthe tactics that I'm going to break down.It's push notifications.I use email combined
with push notifications.So when someone subscribes to my sitethrough tools like Subscribers,I'll let 'em know and push
send 'em through their browser,hey, here are the products
that you could end up buying.Hey, these products are now going on sale.Or hey, your cart isn't complete.Click here to finish the checkout process.And yeah, you're not going to
get a ton of sales through this,but all these little things add up.If you leverage each of
the seven tactics combined,you'll start seeing your sales go up,that'll allow you to spend more
money on your Facebook ads,your Google AdWords, more
on SEO or content marketing.And overall, email marketing,especially when it comes
to your e-commerce site,will be much more effective.If you need help growing
your e-commerce store,check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital.If you have any questions,leave a comment below and like the video,share it, tell other people about it.Thanks for watching.
