How To Make An Ecommerce Website With WordPress | Create Online Store Step By Step

hi guys welcome back to the new video ofeasy tutorials and today in this videoyou will learn how to make an e-commercewebsite with wordpress step-by-step Iwill also guide you how to choose adomain name for your website as you cansee on my computer screen it is the demoecommerce website that I will create inthis tutorial using WordPress here wehave top bar with one message then youcan see this logo and some menu in mainnavigation bar here are two icons onefor account page and the second one isfor shopping cart if I click here itdisplay the shopping cart which is emptyright now next we have banner sectionwith some offer title and button ournext section is featured categorieswhere you can add top-selling categorieslinks and images next is new or I willproduct and where you can see when Itake us out on any product it displayedthe second image of this same productand one Add to Cart link at the bottomof product image then we have onepromotion section with image called 2xand text and one button then I haveadded three website features like freeshipping dedicated support andmoney-back guarantee that helps to getcustomer trust for your website in thenext section you can display somepopular products of your store andfinally at the bottom you have fourequal column that contains websiteinformation useful links and emailsubscription form let's come to the shoppage and here you will find all theproducts of this a store in the leftcolumn you can see latest productcategories attributes and tags now let'scome to the any category page and hereyou will find all the product of theparticular category when I open anyproduct you can see put our two mainimage and some other images in a smallsize when I click on any small image itdisplayed on main image position in theright column you can see there isproduct title price a small descriptionand one Add to Cart button in the nextsection there is product fulldescription reviews and some relatedproducts here you can see very cooloption to check next and previousproducts now let's add this product inthe cart and let's view the cartso this is our shopping cart page andhere is one option to add coupon codelet me add this coupon code flat 50 thenyou can see our price has been reducedby 50% let's proceed to checkout andhere people can enter their billing andshipping information and they can orderusing cash on delivery or any onlinepayment option so you will learn tocreate this complete ecommerce websitein this video there are few steps tocreate your own website and one of thefirst thing you will need to do whensetting up your online store is to get adomain name for it I decided to get adomain name which is super relevant toecommerce instead of getting the usualold dot-com I got daughter store domainname because it perfectly convinced thatmy site is a store I have been seeing alot of businesses on daughter shirt andI thought I should bring it to you guysas well before choosing a domain nameyou should know why is a good domainname important and what makes for a gooddomain name well there are about 10million ecommerce sites on internet andthat number is only going to grow withso much competition in this space it'sbecome super important to create adistinct plant for your business and adomain name is the first step in thatdirectionyour domain name is your online brandand your online address it helpspotential customers to find you fromtheir first impression of your store soa good domain name would include yourbusiness name or your business categoryit should not have any irrelevant wordsalphabet characters abbreviations ornumbers and it should be very sort andmemorable easy to type easy to speak andeasy to remember like I mentionedearlier I choose a daughter store domainfor this project some of you might haveheard of it but those who have not heardis a little low down on it a daughterstore domain function the same way does with one added advantage ordaughter store domain immediately letspeople know that your site is a storethis was one of the big reason that Ichoose the daughter store domain for mystore the other big reason was thatalmost all the names I thought were notlaval in fact I recently foundout that 65% of domain name check failsand that's why a lot of people would addunnecessary character or hyphens totheir blonde just to get a domain namefor itdaughter shirt is new so there is tonsof good quality short names areavailable and the best part is thatdaughter story is completely SEOfriendly in fact Google has clarifiedthat its search engine will trade andrank new domains in the same way as adot-comI found a lots of major businesses usingdaughter stores so that definitely givesme confidence in this domain for exampleI found Emirates dude perfect evenKhalid all using daughter store domainfor their online store now let's see howto buy a domain name and connect them toyour online store visit this website getdata store or simply click on the linkgiven in the description you can alwaysbuy domain name from other domainregistration company such as GoDaddy andNamecheap in this search box enter thedomain name that you want to purchase soI am searching go phazon door to storeand here it says available so simplyclick on this button add to cart thenclick on proceed we can uncheck this onewe can always add it later then againclick on proceed I will uncheck this onealso privacy protection and right nowyou can see our total price is aroundtwo thousand rupees only I have aspecial coupon code which is easytutorials that will give you 90 percentdiscount on this purchaseso after applying this coupon we got 90%of discount and our final prices aroundtwo hundred and thirteen rupees only youcan always change the currency from thisdrop downnow I will click on place order here itis asking to sign in or register so Idon't have an account I will click onthis one create account and enter yourinformation and create an account thenclick on pay online and after paymentyou will see this message ordersuccessful and you can see this linkcontrol panel so just click on this linkand it will take you to the your domaincontrol panelnow click on this menu lists orders andthis is our domain name and this is theexpiry date let me click on here andfrom this page we can manage our domainname name server next we need a webhosting for our website for that come tothis website named chip then click onshared hosting and select any hostingplan so let me select first onehere you have to select the fourth ofthe new the domain I own from otherregistrar click here then enter yourdomain name then click on use thisdomain now click on continue now youhave to confirm this order and make yourpayment then you will get all thehosting information on your email ID sothis is the email I got from the nameship about my hosting so let me scrolldown and this is my hosting name serverthis is the first name server and thisis the second one now we will use thisname server in our domain control panelso let's come back and click here onname server remove all the four nameserver from here and here we will addthe new name server that we got fromhosting company so let me copy the firstonenow we'll copy the second one and we'lladd it here then click on update namesever updated name server may not reflectimmediately so sometime you need to waitfor 30 minutes now let me come to theemail again and here we have the cPaneldetail of our web hosting we have cpanelURL username and password so log in toyour cPanel with your username andpasswordthis is our web hosting cPanel let meask all down here and you will findWordPress under this script so let meclick on this WordPress iconthen you can see this button install nowso let me click on this onehere you can select where you want toinstall this on HTTP HTTPS this is thedomain name and this field should beblank next you have to enter your sitename and site a small description nextwe will add the website admin usernameand admin password then admin email IDhere you can choose the website languageand nothing else just we have to clickon this one install now what press hasbeen installed on our domain name youcan now visit the website and this isthe admin URL for our website so let meopen this website in new tab and this isthe basic WordPress website next we haveto customize it for that we need to login to our what this dashboard to log into your dashboard just come to the URLthen type slash WP dash admin after yourdomain name enter the username andpassword that you entered during theWordPress installation then login toyour website so this is our WordPressdashboard from here we can customize ourwebsite we can manage everything first Iwill come here in postand you can seego post here so let me delete this onenow let's come to the pages here also wehave some sample pages so let me deletethis one also now let's come to thesettings and permalinks and select thisone post name so this will make yourwebsite URL SEO friendly next we'll cometo the plugins and here we have twoplugins that I don't need so let medelete this one and this one also nextwe have to install theme on this websiteso let me click on this one appearanceand right now you can see three basicWordPress theme so we will add theanother one for that just click on thisone add new here you can find so manyWordPress theme to create different kindof website on WordPress so let me searchfor e-commerce and these are thedifferent theme that you can use tocreate an e-commerce store but we willuse the particular theme here so let mesearch again I will search for defy sothis is the WordPress theme that I willuse in this tutoriallet me click on install then activateyou can see this message new teamactivated visit site so let me open thewebsite in new tab and now you can seesome different layout on this websitenow we have to add some content here solet's come back to the dashboard hereyou can see this link gusta five optionsyou can click on this link and you canfind this link in this sidebar also solet's click on it and here you can findimport demoso next just click on this buttoninstall gusta file library then click onimport demo simply click on the starthere you have to select the layout thatyou want to import on website so thereare so many layouts here but only firstone is free so let me select the firstlayout then click on next and here itwill ask you to install some plugins solet's click on advanced and it willdisplay the required plugins so youdon't have to install individually justclick on install and it will install allthe required plugins automatically nextyou can see this message import astarter site again click on advanced andit will display what it is going toimport so it will import content widgetsand options so let's click on thisbutton and it will import the democontent on our websitenow import has been completed let'sreload our websiteand now you can see all the demo contenton this website you can see top barnavigation bar this banner area thiscategory section then we have thisproduct and call to action section andthis feature section and again someproducts and this Instagram section willremove and at the bottom you can seethis footer let's come back to thedashboard again and refresh this pagehere you can see this message frome-commerce plugin than the setup wizardjust click on this one and here you haveto select your information in this fieldwe'll select the country then addressand here you have to select the currencythen click on this button let's go hereyou can check or uncheck this paperintegration and next is offline paymentso in the offline paymentI will enable cash on delivery thenclick on continue in this page we haveto select the shipping method so here Iwill select the free shippingthen click on continuewe don't need these plugins so simplyuncheck and click on continue then againclick on skip and now justcome back to the dashboard here you cansee this option who commerce in the leftsidebar so under this of Commerce justclick on settings now let's come to theaccount and privacy tab check thischeckbox and this one also I will allowcustomer to create an account duringcheckout and this one also and I willuncheck this one here you have to selectthe privacy policy page select this pagethen click on Save Changes let's come tothe website and here you can see text onthe place of logo so we have to changethis one for that just come back to thedashboard and click on appearance thenclick on customizeon site identity and here you can uploadyour website logoso here I am uploading my logo for thiswebsiteto crop this so simply skip croppingwill add the same logo in second onealso right now you can see the logowidth is very large so here we candefine the width of logo so for a largedevice I will set 204 medium size devicewe will set the logo width 150 pixeland now for the small device we will setthe width 120 pixel you can see it looksgood for a small device also and for alarge device also here you have optionto add a site icon so just click on thisbutton and upload your site icon makesure it should be in a square sizethis changes now you can see this lighticon in blue color let me refresh thewebpage and you can see this logo overhere and this site icon also that wehave added right now next we will changethe color of this theme for that againcome back to the dashboard then click onlayout and click on top bar here you canreplace the top bar messageand this is the topper color so we willadd one red color herecome back and here you can edit thefooter also so you can see the allfooter text here you can simply replaceitthen click on publish now reload thewebpage you can see different color forthis top bar and let me scroll down atthe bottom you can see our customcopyright text let's come back to thecustomization again and here we willclick on color then click on theme colorwe'll select the same color here andlet's come back and click on buttons andright now you can see this button inblue color so we'll change this coloralsolet's click on publish and reload thewebpagenow you can see these icons links anddiscount tag in red color next I willtell you how to change this content onthis homepage for that just come back tothe dashboard and click on pages andhere we have to search for the frontpage so here you can see the front pageis fashioned so simply click on this onethen click on edit with Elementor sothis is website visual editor that willhelp you to edit your website contentssuppose if you want to edit thisbackground so just click here and in theleft side click on styleand here is the image that you caneasily replace suppose you want to editthis text just click here and in theleft side you can replace the textsimilarly if you want to edit thisbutton just click here and in the leftside you can change the button textso let me write shop now to change thecolor of this button just click on styleand here we can change the color let'scome here here you can put the link forthis button where you want to send userswhen clicking on this button let's uhscroll down and you can see very easyoption to change the content on this webpage you can easily edit these imagesthese text and buttonswe will remove the section so simplyclick on cross let's again click onupdate now reload the web page now youcan see this red color button and theInstagram section has been removed soright now we are already logged in onthis website so let me open this websitein incognito and right now you can seethese two icons let me click on thiscart icon so it will display theshopping cart and let's come to the usericon so it will come to the login andregistration page so let's click hereand you can see this login form andregistration form from this page peoplecan login to your website and if theydon't have account they can create anaccount also and when we are alreadylogged in here you can see the dashboardand logout option now I will tell youhow to add products on this website socome back to the dashboard and click onproducts so it will display all theproducts that is already added here youcan easily edit any of it so we have toadd a new one then click on add new sohere we will write the product title andthis works we will add the productdescription and in the right side youcan see categories so you can select anycategories and if you want to create anew category just click here and enterthe new category name and click on thisbutton add new category in this fieldyou can add the product price you canadd the product regular price and saleprice in this box you can add theproduct short description that willdisplay on the right side of the productimage and in the right side you can seethe option to add product image andproduct gallery so let me click on thisone set product image and upload themain image for this productthen click on this link and upload allthe other images of the same productlet me add this short description alsohere then simply click on publish youcan see this message product publishedview product now you can see thisproduct on this website you can seesmall images main image product titleand price a small description and Add toCart buttonand here you can see the review optionwe don't have the full description thatwe have not added you can see the zoomeffect when I take cursor on this imagehere is one link to see the previousproduct there is no next product becausethis is the latest one that we haveadded right now now if you want tochange this top menu and footer menu sojust come to the dashboardin this problem you can see this footermenu is selected and in this footer menuwe have four links let me change thisone and we'll go for the supportand then click on select button and inthis support menu you can see we havethree links so let me remove all thesethings now we'll add own link here so inthe left column you can select the pagesso let me select the first page privacypolicy and let me add one more contactthen click on add to menu now I willshow you how to add a custom link inmenu so simply click here and here youhave to write the link text so I amwriting Terms of Service and here youcan paste the URL of this menu for now Iam writing has then click on add to menuyou can also drag it to change the ordernow click on save menu and reload thewebpage and at the bottom you can see inthe support menu we have contact PrivacyPolicy and Terms of Service now let'ssee how to change the main navigationmenu so come back and in the drop downwill select the primary menu and in theprimary menu you can see so many linksso let me remove it one by onenow we will add subpage here so simplyclick here and then click on add to menuso you can see software's here you caneasily drag it I will drag to the secondposition next I will add productcategories in the navigation menu forthat just come hereproducts and then click on categoriesopen it in new tab so here you can seeall the product categories of youronline store from here we can copy theURL of any category page so let me copythis oneand just come here in custom links enterthe URL here then write the link text soI am writing this t-shirt then click onadd to menu and we'll drag it here undershop simply we'll add the second linksimilarly I will add all the productcategories link herethen click on save menu and now let'srefresh the webpage and you can see thishome saw blog and contact and under thisshop you can see drop down menu fordifferent product categories let's openthis product category clothinghave only one product that we have addedright now in this category now I willtell you how to change the sidebar forthis soft page for that come back to thedashboard then click on visits and thisis the KU commerce side word let's clickhere so in this list we will addproducts so here you search for theproducts and simply drag it here and forthis visit we will write the titlelatest products then click on save andin the right side you can see footervisits so let's open this one and in thefirst one we can change this text so letme right go fashion you can easilychange the URL of your social mediaprofilethen click on savelet's reload the webpage now you can seelatest products in the sidebar and let'scome to the bottom and you can see thistext over herenext I will tell you how to add a onlinepayment gateway on this ecommerce storefor that just come to the dashboard andclick on pluginsthen click on add new and in the searchbox search for who commerce payment sohere you will find lots of plugins foryour online payment gateway you cansearch by payment gateway name also likea stripe which is very popular so I willsearch for stripe now you can see astripe payment gateway plug-in fore-commerce you can install this plug-into accept payment using a stripe paymentgateway let me search the other one payyou which is very popular in Indiathis is a commerce payment to get a plugin are you click on installthen activate after activation just comehere who commerce and click on settingsnow come to the payments tab and hereyou can find the Bayeux option which isdisabled right now so click on setup andselect this check box next you have toenter some information like client IDclient secret and all these things youwill get from the official website ofpayment gateway there you have to createyour merchant account and you have toprovide your bank details and yourbusiness details then you will get allthis information and you can see theyhave already provided the direct URLfrom where you can go and register foryour merchant account so after addingall the information simply click on SaveChanges and let's open this product thenclick on add to cart then view cart hereyou can see this coupon option we'llcome to it later for now just a scrolldown and click on proceed to checkoutand here in the right side you can seethere is two options one is cash ondelivery and the other one is pay you solike that you can easily integrate theonline payment gateway on youre-commerce website now I willhow to create a coupon code for thise-commerce website so just come here indashboard then click on coupons underthe cou commercehere we don't have any coupon code rightnow so simply click on create and headwe will read the coupon code so let mewrite flat 50 you can select which typeof coupon you want to create fixeddiscount or percent discount so let meselect the percentage and here you canwrite the amountso I will write 50 percent I will allowit for free shipping also then click onpublish you can add some otherlimitation also like minimum order valuefor coupon and expiry date like that soright now you can see our coupon hasbeen created flat 50so let's come back to the website andreload the web pageand right now you can see the price is300 and let me enter this coupon codehere then click on apply coupon so rightnow you can see we got 50% discount onthis product using this coupon code nowlet me go to the proceed to checkout sothat I can show you how you can manageyour orders as a admin so I will entersome information here and I will placethis order using cash on deliveryso after placing any order customer cansee their order number date and email IDamount and order details and address andyou can check that order in yourdashboard so just come here under thecommerce click on orders so this is therecent order that we placed right nowlet me open this onehere you can see order ID billing andshipping address and product and priceyou can change the status of this orderfrom this drop down let me click on thisone and you can see order status you canchange it to hold completed canceledrefund failed so once you have deliveredthe product you can select it ascompleted then click on update so thisis how you can easily manage orders onyour own online e-commerce store now youhave complete idea about how to choose adomain name and how to create a completeecommerce website using WordPress pleasevisit this website get dotter store toget a daughter store domain at 90% ofdiscount if you have any doubt aboutthis video you can ask me in the commentsection I hope this video will behelpful for you please hit the likebutton and share this video thank you somuch for watching this video
