How To Start An eCommerce Business FREE (Wholesale Startup Training)

what's gone guys city hockey today we'regoing to be talking about gettingstarted in e-commerce how to start ane-commerce business quickly efficientlyand more important affordablynot for any of you who watch me for anylike the time know that I'm a hugeproponent of actually creating a brandand not just selling random products nowmy selling banner products youabsolutely should make an income but formost of you you want to actually makemore than that you want to makesomething that's a little bit moresustainable because when you're sellingmetal products you have no control andif you have no controlyou can quickly hit a wall meaning yourbusiness can be doing great one day andcompletely fall apart the next now abuilding brands are something I know apretty decent amount I've done a lot ofit over last couple years helping ahundreds of people to do so around theworld and building a few of my ownbrands one of which being you knowgeeksmas calm you already know what Iwas going to say so that being the caselet's go ahead and dive right into someof these things you need to get startedbasically in the beginning is sourcingproduct in my opinion the best sourcingmethod for someone getting startednowadays is wholesale in the past therewere some different loopholes anddifferent sourcing methods you canutilize but wholesale is a great methodor at least sourcing small-scale hotelnow what you're doing is you areactually purchasing products wholesaleand you're quickly and efficiently beingable to sell them to the power of Amazonanother one thing with this method isthe margins can be a little bit thin attime that's the beauty of building abrand you have a lot better margins youhave a lot more control you can controlyour listing your marketing you canmarket off Amazon there's a lot ofreasons why you want to not just rely onAmazon I'll tell you that right nowhowever being able to set this up theright way what I would recommend to mostof you is get started small scale hotelnow I did a full training that I puttogether and I'm giving it away free Iactually put it together last year someof you see that some of you have it butthe link is the very first link in thedescription 100% free and basicallyit'll get you started down your journeywith wholesale from wholesale I stronglystrongly strongly recommend you start abrand best way to start a brand is- actually in my opinion again this ismy opinion you do whatever you want todo in your business but for me sinceI've done it so many times I would tellyou that I would find something nearsell my passion about and break down theactual niche now I did create a coursefor the regular Academy let you guysknow about it kind of walk through thisactual process I'm actually showing mebuilding another brand just to kind ofshow the different steps has a lot ofcontent in the Academy of this pointswe're going to check that out the linkis also down below but start with thefree training that I have down therethat's a great place for starting also Ihave a free course feel free danceregular calm at the very top you'll seea little red banner and you can click onthat I got free training there as wellwhich will kind of talk about buyingproducts online but you really want tostart steering now and moving furtherfurther in the future to actuallywholesale and building relationshipswith actual wholesalers because they arereally cutting off some of the loopholesthat people like me and other sellersused to do in years past so I would kindof move past that and really focus onwholesale now as far as budget to getstarted most of you can get started withliterally a few hundred dollarsdefinitely if you've got a budget ofabout a thousand dollars you can getstarted and start churning some profitbut the thing is you really got to runyour number so how do you run yournumber as well you know to get startedthe best thing is and I've talked aboutthis before there's a free app calledthe camel Iser it's actually a browserextension so if you use Chrome you cando a browser extension that'll help youwith some trending data and then anotherthing that you can utilize is the FBAcalculator to run your numbers now whatI do is I dump all my numbers in aspreadsheet what I'm getting startedwholesales though I will tell youthere's two things you got to keep inmind with the wholesale C a brand isyou're doing something strategic there'sa lot of components and a lot of partsto building a brand and this is the onething where a lot of people kind of getthe two mixed up when you're trying tomake money online it's not as simple asbuying products throwing them on Amazonand then you're good to go there's a lotof steps to this process that's why somany people come to me to help themcoach them through the process becausethey start to tackle it and realize ohmy gosh there's a lot more than some ofthese people would haveyou try to believe right if it was thateasy that would be amazing if you justthrow things on Amazon and they wouldjust sell like wildfire but there's alot of things you need to look forthere's a lot of strategic steps youneed to put in a place so to keep itsimple if you are new you don't want tokind of you don't want to kind of getinformation overload start without freetraining and then also tune other stuffout what I always tell people is find acouple people that seem to have yourmessage and it may not be me out I'll bethe first to tell you you know I'm notdoing this to try to build the biggestfollowing on planet earth I'm trying tobe part of this amazing community ine-commerce and online business andaffiliate marketing and you know I'vebeen doing this for a long time so maybeI'm not one of those people you connectwith and that's fine but find a handfuland then tune out all the noise becausethe problem most of you have when itcomes to starting a business is too muchnoise right you watch like 40 differentyoutubers most of which don't even knowwhat they're talking about most of whatyou've never built a brand motion whichwill never show you anything they'veactually done and then you're watchingall these people and you have no ideawhat you do so find a couple people isthat kind of aligned with your coremessage but make sure you're takingaction every single day so if you wantto start a business quickly andefficiently in my opinion and againthat's all it is I recommend you startwith small-scale wholesale it again wellI mean by that is you're buying smallermoq you're not buying you know 500 ofthis and 800 of this you're not going tothese cheesy liquidation sites you'reactually going to a reputable wholesalerwhere you can duplicate the processbecause the fact is your Amazon listingis an asset never look at it as anythingother than an asset just like yourwebsite is an asset so when you'reputting these things together make surethat you're buying a product you canpotentially grow as it starts to sell asopposed to find something that you can'tall right guys well that's my opinion togo ahead and get started if you'relooking at starting your businessquickly and efficiently and cutting outon it always check out the link downbelow it's free and I'll see you guys inthe next video
