The Real Vince Reed Internet Marketing Story – How I Went From $0 To 8 Figures

today we're talking about my realinternet marketing story how I went from$0 to eight figures people have beenasking me Vince how did you do it youknow tell us more about you know yourstory you know how did you actuallystart making money online well that'swhy I'm making this video I'm gonnashare with you guys my complete storythe real story on how I went from zerodollars to eight figures so let's diveright into it so as a kid I actually youknow can remember you know driving inthe car and seeing like kids at practiceplaying football and I remember sayingthat's what I want to do like at a veryearly age before I was even here I thinkI'm like 7 or 8 years old and whatyou're looking at here is a picture ofme and pop water and you know when I gotto play it was just a passion of mineand I was you know I loved the game youknow I wanted to run a football onSundays and I was a star athlete in highschool went on to play Division onefootball and unfortunately my career wascut short and I want to share with youguys a quick story about this andtypically I usually just kind of likebreeze over this part of my life becauseit's a pain point in my life because Iknow exactly why I didn't make it to theNFL and the lie that I used to tellmyself years ago before I became anentrepreneur before I started working onmy mindset the lie that I told myselfwas that I got injured and the coachdidn't like me and he didn't play me butthat was you know not true okay I waslying to myself and a lot of us as ashuman beings we often lie to ourselvesto protect ourselves and we make excusesfor ourselves and the real reason Ididn't make it to the NFL was becauseway back you know back in high schooleven before high school I can remembernot giving it my all in wind sprints Ican remember not giving it my all in theweight roomI couldn't remember just you know justslacking and doing certain things thatended up catching up to me and life is asnowball all right you don't think thethings that you do today affect thingsten years from now okay I'm here to tellyou that you're mistakenso you know me not making it to the nextlevel was my doing because I definitelywas gifted I definitely believe I hadthe tools to get there but I didn't dothe little things and it caught up to meand I realized at the very second Iwalked into the locker room in college Irealized that this is a different animalthese were guys that literally wereliving eating and breathingin the next level and that just wasn'tmy life and I didn't make it I didn'tmake it and you know I didn't actuallystart thinking about being anentrepreneur till my senior year when Irealized I wasn't gonna play in at thenext level and I said what the heck am Igonna do with my lifeam I gonna be one of these guys thatgoes home and like has nothing else todo and we kind of get into that now myonline journey began in 2007 okay that'swhen I actually started to think aboutonline marketing and you know when Ireally was like okay this may besomething that I want to do and I was inthe real estate industry out of collegeso I fell into the real estate industryI had like a small little mortgagecompany and if you want the completebackstory of that whole industry I'dsuggest you actually going and grabbinga copy of my book internet traffic andleads I kind of go in more my realestate days but I got into real estatethe market collapsed I didn't make thenecessary adjustments so another lie Iwould tell myself back then was themortgage industry collapse that's why Ilost everything but in the realityeveryone knew that that was a bubble andthere were people because theyunderstood and prepared for the bubblemade a lot of money I was one of theindividuals that chose to look the otherway again okay I could make thatexcuse-excuse and say I lost everythingand market collapsed and that's why Ilost everything which a lot of peoplestarted this day blamed the economy andthe recession of 2008 on their currentsituation and I remember thinking tomyself okay I lost everything but I needto take ownership for this because youknow it's my doing and when I say I losteverything I had to short sell my home Iremember I had from the mortgage days Ihad this really nice car this truckit had TVs and crazy rims and I wasblowing all this money a stereo systemand I'm a young kid just blowing allthis moneyI remember I was leasing the car but andthe good thing was the lease was up andso I didn't like you know not make thepayment or anything had to drive it backand I couldn't even afford to get a newcar so I had to like give the car backand but it was perfect timing so I endup short selling my house I had no carso I was like sharing a car with mygirlfriend at the time now my wife and Ihad no money had no idea when my nextpaycheck was gonna come from I meanliterally Bank stopped lending and I waslike I am going to be homelessliterally I really believed that I wasgoing to be homeless so one day I got acall from a broker friend and this waswhen the economy was going down and he'slike hey dude you can come back to theindustry you know thethese things called FHA loans and fundedby the government and they're stillgoing through and mind you banks weregoing out of business and I'm like dudeit's over so I came back and I startedlike doing deals again with him he kindof sucked me back in the real estateindustry and within the first week I hadsubmitted like seven or eight more dealsI don't like this is crazy nobody knowsabout these deals they're gettingapproved like right away and I was gonnamake a ton of money so I get seven dealsin like five days that would pay outlike commissions of over fifty thousanddollars I'm like man I am going to crushit everybody's leaving the industrynobody knows about these deals and I waslike so pumped I was like ArnoldSchwarzenegger as you see here I'm backI'm back I'm gonna be able to maybe savemy home I'm gonna be have a better carthat I had before I'm counting the waysI'm gonna actually spend the money andthen I remember I was driving into workthat day and I know you're like well howare you driving in the work you didn'thave a car I was sharing a car with mygirlfriend I'm driving into work thatday and I had this feeling in my gut I'mlike dude this something's not rightlike this is too easy people are losingeverything like how like is this gonnahappen right like something's not rightI like fulfill and this was the day Iwas driving in that all those deals weresupposed to go through like we weresupposed to get the docs send them out anotary was gonna go out and people weregonna sign these deals and I got to theoffice and I turned on my my owncomputer and it opened up I opened up myemail and the subject line literallysaid sorry and like I knew what wasabout to happen so the email says sorryI opened it up and it basically sayssorry we can't fund these deals we'vebeen basically you know told that wehave to cease all funding you need tolet all those people know that you can'tdo these deals like my heart fell out ofmy chest right so now I don't have a carmy house is about to you know I'msharing all my girl like it's just theworst of the worst I'm really gonna loseeverything like what the heck is gonnahappen right so I have to call all thesepeople back and I call him back one byone you know it was it was probably likeeight deals five or six we're about togo that day so I call all them back andthen I have to call the other peoplethat I have deals submit it with becauseyou know tell them that those aren'tgonna go through that weren't supposedto get signed that day so you know Icall them back and they start going inon me and they were like I knew that youcouldn't do because I'm like assuringthemold time yet these are special type ofdeals they're government deals they'regonna go through and I'm sending themthe approvals and they're thanking menobody could get this down you're gonnasave my house in my lifeThank You Vince thing and they're likethis is like the day before they're likethanking me too like cursing me out andthere were racial slurs and it was itwas really tough but I faced it I'm likeI'm gonna call him all back when I couldhave just sent him an email and said heysorry these aren't going through rightso long story short I call them all backcurse debt called all kind of names andI just felt like the worst person in theworld I'm like sitting there at my deskjust defeated and I remember I packed upall my files and I started to walk outthe door I was gonna quit I'm like Ican't take this anymore I am done withreal estate I'm out of here and I packedup all of my files and I didn't evenwant to tell the broker friend who gotme back in the industry that I wasquitting because I thought he tried tolike talk me into staying so I justpacked up my files and this was me I'mliterally opening up the door to leaveand something stopped me at the door andit said do not leave this office untilyou have something else that you can gohome to because at this time I'm losingmy house and I gotta tell my girlfriendwho by the way I'm like she's gonnaleave me I'm a loser why would she staywith me have nothing I'm using borrowingher car it's like just ridiculous rightso you know I go back on the computerand I'm like I'm at least gonna go findanother job so I can go back and tellher that I got something else now mindyou the night before I'm like you knowdancing around all excited we're aboutto make 50 grand bla we're back thingsare good people don't know about thesedeals like the day before it so you knowwhen I go home this day she's expectingme to be like oh we're back everything'sgood not the case so I go on Craigslistand you know I started to look for asales job and I'm looking for the salesjob and I hit the sales button onCraigslist because back then that'swhere you you know I guess you went forto look for a job I couldn't tell youwhat people go today because I haven'tyou know knock on wood I've been had towork for anyone else so I go for a salesjob and I'm looking through and I'mscrolling down Craigslist and this adpops up and it like stood out like asore thumb and the ad said make money onGoogle that's what the ad said nowmine's you at this time even though Ihad been mortgage I had all these thingsI could barely send an attachment on anemail I'm not kidding I had people thatwould help me and people to this dayfriends of mine that worked with me inreal estate can't believe that I'm theguy people go to for marketing and leadgeneration because theyhow you know computer illiterate Iliterally was so you know the ad led meto going to Google and I'm like wellGoogle may be something cool and to meit sounded better than flipping burgerscuz I literally contemplated like wheream I gonna go work cuz I got it likebring something home right so I click onthe ad and I started going through itand I like I'm pretty pumped up and Iremember I went home and you know I hadto go tell my girlfriend now my wifethat I was gonna make money online so Iclick on the ad and the ad seemedpromising it was this lady basicallysaying that she could do stuff and I'mlike okay I'm gonna I took theinformation and I went home I packed upall my files and that was the last timeI ever thought about or looked in thereal estate now mind you again as I justwant to be sure that you understand thisI had zero internet marketing experienceonline I could like I said barely sendan attachment an email and all of asudden I'm gonna make money on Google sothe first thing my girlfriend you knowsaid to me she's like well okay cuz whywhen I walked in she's like oh how didit go she's all excited and she couldtell I was like not excited and I'm likewhoa still didn't go boo but I foundsomething else and she's like what andthen I go like I basically say I'm gonnamake money on the internet and then shegoes well at least do some researchright and that's probably one of thereasons I think I married her becausethe average person will be like you'recrazy you don't even know how to doanything online like what are you doinglike you need to go find something elsein real estate or you know anything Idon't know but you know she's like wellat least go do some research right yeahshe believed in me so I researchedeverything and I started to research sothe first person that I googled was thelady from the Craigslist ad so the makemoney on Google ad that I saw inCraigslist it was this lady and she wasselling this ebook or offering thisebook that was basically saying makemoney on Google and the e-book was wasenticing cuz I look at this lady at thistime I don't know anything about theInternet she's a best seller like shehas his book on making money on Googleand then I found out that she wasliterally just giving away this bookwhich probably she just wrote real quickwhich was an e-book to people who wouldjoin her direct sales company and atthis time I didn't know what directsales was or anything like that and Icalled and I ended up basically callingher and figuring it out some informationabout directwhat's direct sales I don't even knowwhat direct sales is so direct sales islike a it's like basically high ticketyou know affiliate company so basicallyyou know this companies selling theseproducts and to get started in thecompany you're gonna start off andinvest like two thousand dollars andthen you can sell their products and youget like a thousand dollars for everysale you get but then there's differentlevels start stuff they're like twothousand and then like eight grand andthen like twenty grand so they go allthe way up so I joined this direct salescompany oh I didn't join the directsales company but I didn't I now I'mexposed to direct sales companies I'mlike okay well now I'm curious aboutwhat these are because I didn't knowanything about making money online orany of this stuff right so I continuedto search but now my search shifts frommaking money on Google to searchingdirect sales companies so I'm like okaywell this lady's making money and shehad showed me all these like videos andstuff of her making money of whateverreason like I didn't like feel rightabout the lady like I just didn't likego write about her so I said googlingher and I found some negative stuffwhich by the way could have been anyonebut at that time again I don't know theinternet so I started searching directsales companies and this is where Istumbled onto the first online marketingguru that I found and I'm like okay I'msearching company one and then thisperson pops up I search company two andthen this course person pops up so everydirect sales company I searched for thisone particular Goo's ads kept showing upand he was in direct sales and he waslike walking across stage getting thesebig checks and everybody loved them andI'm like man like this must be real soin my head I'm like okay well the ladiesad said make money on Google but she wasjust selling me in the direct salescompany and when I search Google I don'tsee her but when I search this guydirect sales company this guy comes upon Google so makes more sense for me tolike look into what this guy is doingand that's when I had my big aha momentI started putting two and two togetherI'm like hold on one second here I amsearching the internet first like tryingto find a way to make money and I seethis lady pop-up about making money onCraigslist and I said this guy poppingup everywhere and he's offering thisopportunity there's got to be otherpeople like me that's sitting here thatjust lost everything and it's trying tofind a way to make money what if I couldlearn how to do that and that's likewhen I had my big aha moment so all Ihad to do was figure out a way tomaster marketing I'm like if I justlearn how to run ads like this personand you know the lady had put the Googlething into my head and now the directsales thing was in my head and I'mthinking this is how you make moneyonline its direct sales and itsmarketing I didn't know anything else Ijust think I have to be in direct salesand I have to learn how to do Google Adsso at the time I knew there was only oneperson I wanted to learn from and thatwas the Guru that was the person that Isaw everywhere that I went and when Icalled him just like the lady he saidhey it's two grand to join my directsales company but if you join my companyinvest two grand I'll teach you all mymarketing strategies on Google and Ididn't have any money at the time sowhat I did have which was a blessing wasa lot of used equipment from my mortgagedays in my garageso I started turning Craigslist intomaking money so yeah I guess I was doingmy first retail arbitrage because Istarted selling everything and to getcash and I borrowed some money andsomehow I came up with the $2,000because I believe that every person hasa handful of opportunities to make itbig so a lot of times people always saywhat they can't do instead of figuringout ways to like actually do somethingso I sold stuff I didn't even thinktwice I'm like I see itthis person's clearly making money it'spossible I asked myself the question isthis real it was real I said I know thatI can do thisI have what else do I have to lose themoney losing everything and I believeagain I believe that every person has ahandful of opportunity to make it big soI came up with $2,000 I think this is abig crucial point like a lot of you youhave opportunities but you let the moneystop you and if you can't affordsomething that's the very reason why youneed to figure out a way to do itbecause that's part of being anentrepreneur because you're gonna alwayshave to figure out a way to get to thenext step I found I've found that peoplethat struggle they always that money betheir excuse for not doing it but if youwant something bad enough you'll do itit's like if you were to go and need aheart today for some father yourself orsomeone that you loved and they saidit's ten grand you don't have ten grandI bet you'd come up with a way to getthat ten grand you have to have thatkind of mindset as an entrepreneur andso I came up with $2,000 and I opened upthe door and I went in and it happenedto be one of the best decisions of mylife so let's kind of break down why Iactually joined this individual so I hadno I no interest actually in the directsales opportunity it was like somepersonal development thing I didn'treally care about that I just was like Iguess I need that if I want to learn howto do the Google thing because I got Iguess I have to have something to sellso I wasn'twas like hand-over-fist excited aboutthis direct sales thing it was justsomething I thought I needed I wanted toknow how he ran ads on Google so I waswilling to invest anything cuz I saw himactually doing it and I realized hismarketing skillset was an invaluableresource I was looking for remember Ihad just lost everything in real estatethat the market collapse and Bankstopped lending and I realized at thattime that I wasn't an invaluableresource I was just a resource so Iremembered I vowed at that moment tonever be an a just a resource again Iwant to be an invaluable resource sowhat's the difference when I was in realestate I was a resource as long aspeople wanted a loan but the bankstopped lending they were the invaluableresource I needed the bank in order tosubmit to finish the transaction so Isaid if I learned marketing there'salways gonna be businesses they'realways gonna need customers if I canmaster the skill set then I can makemoney for a long time and I was willingto do whatever he would've told me was10 grand I would have figured out a waywith no money to come up with 10 grandto learn because I had seen him do itand and at that time that's all I knewand I just trusted you know a lot oftimes people today they don't trusttheir mentors they're constantlyquestioning everything instead of sayingoh is this person successful let me goall-in and you know give it six monthsto a year and just do everything thisperson says and see what happens andthat was me I'm like I'm gonna be thestudent I'm gonna sit back and learn so$2,000 to master it so I asked him youknow once I got in I gave him the moneyand I had and at this time you had tolike send them like the cashier's checkin the mail right so I send it to himI'm out of $2,000 and I get on the phoneand he like you know tells me some basicstuff about Google AdWords and I'm likeokay cool so you mean to tell me allI've got to do is bid on a keyword likethe ones I was bidding on how to makemoney online and I can have an ad pop upand they only charge me when a personclicks it so a million people couldsearch but if they don't click it Idon't get paid I'm like I'm gonna be amulti-millionaire I'm like runningaround the house and I'm so pumped upI'm excited I'm like this is like easy Ican't believe everybody's not doing thisright so here's what I didI somehow again come up with $1,000because you know I just I'm gonna go inand I'm gonna go in big at the time thatwas like a million dollars to me I wouldsell more stuff come up with $1,000 andI load my Google AdWords account and Iset up my ads and I literally had joinedthe direct sales company so they gave methis like company page to sell theseproducts and I just put that up I don'treally know anything about Google I justknew that I had to put up an ad and putup a pageand money would come flying through mycomputer alright so I put up the pay offthe ad on Google and I drove people tothat page and I was so pumped up and Iremember going bed that night and wakingand I'm gonna wake up to millions ofdollars in my bank I was like so noteven like and like dumb all again didn'treally know much about Google just heardthose basic concepts and jumped in andtried to do it so how many of you guysgot can guess what happened next thatwill definitely shock you did I wake upto millions did I wake up to nothingwell I woke up to absolutely nothing myresults were just terribleso you know I looked I woke her up Iwent to the computer so excited andfirst thing I was really excited becauseI saw I had all these clicks like threeor four thousand and by the way backthen you can get clicks pretty much anykeyword for like you know one to liketen cents I'm talking any keywords youcan keywords that would cost you five orten dollars today back to them acrosslinear like one to ten cents it wasn'tit was not so the first thing I saw withall these clicks I was like pumped I'mlike okay now where's the money and Isaw like maybe like one or two leads orlike zero sales right I'm getting allthese clicks but no one is buying I'mlike what the heck is going on like likeis there something wrong and then atthat point I just felt like everything Idid was fail I had failed I felt like acomplete failure I'm like so now youknow I'm not only am I broke I don'thave a car and I was now I'm threethousand dollars more in debt because Ijust were sold everything it was likethis is crazyI lost a thousand dollars on the Googleads it didn't work I invested twothousand dollars in direct sales companyI really had no interest in that I wasout of that moneymy girlfriend was paying the bills and Ihad to tell her that I just lost thethree thousand dollars and like what isshe gonna say now she's gonna be likeyou just got I'm thinking she's gonnasay you just got scammed on the internetright like most people do right mostpeople go with that what happened I goit's a scam they just took my moneyGoogle took my money the direct salescompany took my money I want a refundthat's the natural reaction that mostpeople are gonna do most people wouldquit ask yourself this questionyou know comment below if you'rewatching this and you know and be honestyourself at this point if this is you doyou quit okay most people are gonna quitso what did I doI ended up calling my mentor and sharedmy results and the mentor was theindividual who I paid the two thousandtwo to join the direct sales company onmy smartphone not my smartphone on myflip phone at the time there were nosmartphones back then and you know hegoes well youso I asked him I said look dude like Iput up the ad like you told me and thisis my results is there any way I canlearn how to like run better ads becauseI remember thinking to myself well 3,000people clicked if I just learned how todo this the right way like I know thatsome of those people obviously theyclicked for a reason so as much as I wasjust disappointed I saw the good in it Isaw the big picture and I think a lot oftimes people don't look at what happenedor how far they've comeI see this a lot with my students likeI'll teach them a bunch of stuff andthey don't get the reacts the resultthat they want immediately but I'm likedude you didn't even know 99% of thestuff that you've done that got you evento this point a week ago and you're madthat you didn't get the instant resultand you probably haven't even invested Ithink to myself you know how much moneyI invested and failed to learn thisstuff you want to come in here in oneweek and get it it's not realisticokay comment below hit the like buttonif you agree with that all right so he'slike dude okay here's the deal there'sthis guy his name's Jonathan but he justcame out with this system this trainingand it teaches traffic and leadgeneration strategies you should checkhim out and you know learn from him solong story short I did I went into hissystem I joined it was only fifty bucksa month and I came up with the money andI was excited and it was like a goldmineit was every marketing tactic andstrategy that you could possibly thinkof I remember I would fall asleep atnight I remember my girlfriend at thetime now my wife you can see there it'sa picture of us actually my mentor andhis his wife and you know my girlfriendat the time I was actually well we weremarried my wife at the time in thisphoto in fact she was pregnant with mywith my daughter and Jonathan's wife waspregnant we're both babe we both toldeach other at the same time so we areboth of our girls were pregnant at thesame time so this is pretty cool butanyways I mean you can see we'redefinitely feeding the baby healthy foodwith this announcements owners we go andwe were talking here but before thislike I started learning from them andI'm like man like I'm just so so excitedI'm watching every training fallingasleep and I can remember my girlfriendat the time coming in know my wifesaying like woohoo you listening to whois this Jonathan bug I'm like sick ofhis voice all you do is listen to histraining and like all day long and Iwould watch it over and over again agoimplement over oh I mean like hundredsof times like I was hungry and I wasobsessed with learning this marketingstuff and it just it just changed mylife and the biggest thing that hetaught me was that online marketingsuccess was really all about math okaywas all about mathso for example like it's all about thenumbers so if you look at thisparticular campaign this is one of ourwebinars and at the time this one wasdoing like 20 grand a week and you cansee it's only $18 per attendee andconversions rates about 3% and a lot ofpeople would look at it like oh my costper lead is let's say your cost per leadwas $12 they go I'm gonna stop that addthe cost affiliates hi they're likelooking at the wrong thing he told me tolook at the numbers and math you knowand I started realizing that marketingwas all about math it wasn't reallyabout what people most people arelooking at the complete wrong thingsthey're not focusing in on kpi's they'relooking at the wrong thing by the waythis doesn't mean you're gonna earn asingle dime my results are not typicalbut this was me understanding it wasabout math and he taught me theimportance of building my email list andcustomer list and building a true assetand he compared your email list and yourcustomer list to like investing in likein like you know a an asset that'sbuilding like sports memorabilia orsomething that starts off where it's notworth that much but as you build it itstarts to gain value and here's how heexplained it to me I've shown this slidefor years and it's really understandingthe value of a lead I'm gonna just shareit with you real quick so one lead is alifetime value of $1 per month and thisto me remains true to this day I know alot of people go what email is deadI beg to differ email is the first microtransaction that your customer makes ifthey give you the email they're givingyou a window into their life and even ifthey don't open up the email okay it's amicro transaction I think that's whyit's so valuable so an example here youif you invest 25 dollars to generate 10leads the actual cost of each lead wouldbe two dollars and 50 cents but thevalue of the lead would be $1all right so for example month one youinvest twenty-five dollars in ads that's500 a month you get ten leads a daythat's 200 leads per month so theaverage person is going to go say okayVince I understand that they're gonna goinvest $500 or whatever they invest andlet's say again your average is twodollars and fifty cents you know perlead you would got do dapat $2.00 tohundreds and you would be at a netnegative 300 in terms of the asset ofyour list right now most people wouldquit especially they didn't make anymoney from those 200 leads they say thatbarking stretch didn't work I just lost$500 but they don't understand howyou're building an asset in month twoyou invest the same amount of money youget 200 more leadsthe value of your asset is negative101:3 now it's positive one hundred fiveyears from now now you're making a lotof money which means that you know ifyou're averaging a dollar per lead okaythen you could get up to let's say youhave ten thousand people on your emaillist if you're maturing it and you'regetting the right type at least that'sten thousand dollars a month and Iunderstood this concept I got it it madesense and still to this day you knowthis is the metrics that I focus on andyou've got a lot of people email is deadthis and that and they don't realizeit's the first micro transaction from anemail list you can upload those emailsto social media and run ads to themagain like there's so many things thatyou can do with your list that peopleunder undervalue alright so when Ilearned this and when I saw how much Ilearned from my mentor I just startedinvesting in online education everythingthat I could and I would do whatever ittook I'd sell stuff all the money that Iwas making and you know it didn't ittook me a long time as I'll talk abouthere to make money I would just put backinto learning and going to seminars Iremember my first seminar I put money Iscrambled up money to get to that firstseminar and I remember I was like takingnotes and every speaker I'd went outinto the hallway and calm her girlfriendout my wife at the time and say man Ijust learned this I'm gonna crush it Iwas so inspired and so motivated to likejust learn and implement and I don'tknow if it's still there today I thinkthat like you know today people justwant it so fast and not like didn't Idon't know yeah that's just my opinionanyways I started investing in onlineeducation and I failed for six monthsyeah I got sorry I didn't make a singledime literally for six months and Iprobably at the end of the day outsidethat three thousand testing things youknow I had probably got up to like maybeeight sixteen thousand in debt sellingstuff um there was one point where Ifound like an old retirement accountthat I had been building from realestate that was like lost in a stack ofmail that I had and I ended up cashingthat money out to reinvest in mybusiness it was like I was doingeverything because I believed in this somuch so finally after six months Iearned my first Commission's of sixdollars and 73 cents online and to methis felt like a million dollars andthis was after six months I want you toask yourself would you have continuedwould you put yourself in ten thesixteen thousand dollars in debt tryingto learn internet marketing as youbelieved in it so much to get excitedover six dollars and thirty and 73 centsokay that was me I was so excited I madethis money and I was I had so anaffiliate commission to Aweber so a weblike this autoresponder service andsomeone bought an a Weber account fromme and I made six dollars and 73 centsand at that moment my career as aninternet marketer began it became realand I don't know what it was and thatfirst Commission came in it was likethey started to just spiral I started tocome in and they start to come in at arapid pace all right so since then youknow if you fast forward to today okayI'm the founder of set up my ads calmthe author of the book internet trafficand leads and I'm a proud to comma Clubowner I host events all over the world Ispeak at events all over the world andit's all because of my ability to drivetargeted traffic and leads not only formy businesses but for the for my clientsas well and here's one of the bestmoments of my life okay and this isactually my mentor Jonathan but at oneof my events thinks it was my thirdevent I brought him back and I sharedthis same story I'm sharing with youand I asked him and I was like who wasyour best student ever and he said meand by the way this is the guy thatearned over 27 million dollars on theinternet bias I think its 27th birthdaynow he's the owner of a company anenergy company I'm and changing theworld so he said I was his best to thanever and I remember I made that my goalI made it my goal when I first went intohis system I said I want to be your bestdude I'm gonna make you a lot of moneyand I focused I made they got a lot ofmoney but he made me more money thanthen he could ever be you know I can'trepay him for what I learned from himand I want it to be as best student andso many people now especially studentsthey just so like almost a little bitlike leeches in a way where they justwant to suck everything from the mentorand they they don't really value thementor as much as I value my n– and youcan see it because I see a lot of peoplewhen they do well they forget about allthe people that helped him I made it apoint he spoke at my first eventactually and I brought him back for mythird and I want to make sure peopleknow who he is like where who I learnedinformation from because it was soimportant to me and because it changedmy life but this was a proud moment Imight imagine you learning even from meand later you invited me to your eventand saying this is where it all startedand then I say this you were my beststudent okay could you imagine that andthis was like one of the proudestmoments of my life and I definitely wantto see that from you guys so that's mystory guys like that's how I got towhere I am today and it was a lot ofhard work a lot of bumps more failuresand successes but I just stuck to it Iwas just extremely consistent I believedwhat I was doing I was passionate moreimportantly I think for me that I reallytruly care about my students and myclients I want the best of them and Iwant to practice what I preacheverything that I teach I do you knowfor example I don't sell courses on howto create courses and I've never soldcourses I don't you know teach peoplehow to start their digital agency andI've never served clients you know thisis one of those things where I you knowI love what I do and I practice what Ipreach and I live for my students and ifyou take that same approach and if youjust put your head down and you buckledown and you you have vision you canmake anything and everything happen sodo me a favor guys if you got value andyou were inspired comment inspired intothe comments area okay because againthat's really what it's all about ourjob on and I believe in the world is toinspire motivate motivate people andpush them towards their goal becauseit's possible you have one life okay wedon't know what happens when we take ourlast breath after that I mean hopefullywe go to the next level and that's greatbut at the end of the day what can wecontrol what we're doing right now and Ihope that this story inspired you I hopethat you do take the action and even ifyou never normally comment or hit thelike button before I encourage you to dothat because I want as manyentrepreneurs to see the story to knowthat it's possible you know to know thatyou can come from nothing and havenothing and still make it happen if youjust stick to it all rightso that being said guys I hope you got aton of value and for those of you whoyou know want to take your business tothe next level and you want to learn youknow how to build a business or you wantme to help you with marketing you wantme to help you with marketing and helpyour business okay you can go to set upmy ads com if you want more customers Ican definitely help you and if you're aperson that wants to make more moneyokay and you want to build a businessyou can go to ad agency allright so if you want more customers goto setup mass comm and if you want tomake more money go to ads agency networkcomm but we've got a ton of value fromthis story you know even sometimes whenI go back through it I forget some ofthe like things that I went through soit's kind of cool even for me to go backthrough it because it motivates me Ican't wait to get off this video and getback to workbecause I have more people to inspireand I hope that this video inspired youand changes your life but that beingsaid as always I'll see you on theinternet later
