Why I Quit Shopify To Do Affiliate Marketing – Internet Marketing Mindset

I don't wanna be a hypocrite becausethat's what happened to me I quit I'mjust driving in my car right now[Music]alright alright now let's get to thevideo basically I'm just driving to thegym right now it's the morning it'sabout 8 o'clock got my coffee which ismy pre-workout I don't I used to workout a lot when I was in you know highschool and early college I used to workin a lot I was like a big gym rat liftedevery day and then as I started to getmore into like the entrepreneurialjourney kind of thing I invest more inmy like knowledge in my brain I startedto cut out the gym out of my life whichwas something that I should have madetime for and I it was a bad idea to youknow not go to the gym because everytime I go to the gym it just gives memental clarity you know when I'm at thegym is usually whenever sight my goalsin my head and all that kind of stuffand it really gets my mind right for theday and so that's what I'm starting todo again just go to the gym right nowI'm on my way to the gym and I just kindof wanted to just pull out my phone geta little personal with you guys becauseI know I don't usually get too personaland I want to start getting morepersonal and kind of showing you whatgoes on in my head when it comes toentrepreneurship and internet marketingand all that kind of jazz but basicallyI want to go over one thing that isactually sometimes overlooked because itis talked about so much which soundskind of weird but let me explainand that's mindset so you know mindsetis like something that is actuallyreally important and it's something thatwhen I first started out you know all myentrepreneurial journey now would heremindset mindset read mindset booksrethinking go Grow Rich read books likeyou know books like that and I use thething he was because I was likeyou know what I don't give a aboutmindset show me like the way to dosomething you know I don't give aabout mine to show me the way to dosomething and so I spent a lot of timelearning how to do thingsyou know one of my first successes wasknown as drop shipping with Shopify whenI had a men's accessory store I wasbasically assigned watches and braceletsand stuff I was reading this back in2015 now it's a really saturateeveryone's doing itbut back when I was doing when I wasdoing it only like a couple other guyswere doing it so we were getting a lotof them a lot of money from it becausewe had like a big piece of the pie butnow everyone's got a small piece of thepie so it's a little harder to get intothat kind of industry right now butbasically what happened was I spent somuch time learning how to likeunderstand chocolate on how tounderstand like everything and I builtthe store and then I started to go I wasI would see success and after a while mysuppliers all of a sudden like one ofthem just was completely shut down and Ididn't even know because I was runningeverything on my own and I was justlearning as I went and one of thesuppliers shut down and a lot of myorders weren't getting delivered and Iwas getting commissions and customercomplaints that I was gettingchargebacks and my account was about tobe frozen and I had to give people a lotof people so many refunds and justapologize so a lot of people andeveryone was a lot of people were likepissed off about you know receivingtheir products late and blah blah blahcuz that's how it goes with aliexpressdrop shipping and takes forever to shipyour products and so in that moment oflike you know hardships I quit and Ideleted this store and I just scrap youknow the whole idea and I think had Inot deleted the store and had I gonethrough you know the hardships andunderstood everything that store wouldhave been huge to this day but I quitand I quit because my mind wasn't rightbecause I knew like what to do liketechnically like and then thetechnicality of stuff I knew what to doI knew how to build a site I knew how totarget people and all that kind of stuffbut when it came to me hitting hardships and you know seeinglike some sort of failures after asuccess I didn't know how to handle itlike mentally and that's where themindset game comes into play and that'swhy I spent you know while was likelearning marketing and stuff I would saylike if it was a split between what Iwas learning and what I was in terms oftechnical stuff from what I was learningin terms of mindset I would say thatabout 30 to 40 percent of the stuff Iwas learning let's say 40 percent ofstuff I was learning was marketing and60 percent of stuff I was learning wasmindset so I was learning more mind sothat I was marketing and that's kind ofwhat led me here todaylet me just incident me in just railingabout mindset like that it's such acommon word let me explain what kind ofmindset I'm talking about and I'mtalking about the mindset of imaginingthings imagine you're walking you knowwith a buddy down the street and I'mjust gonna use cars for an example cuzthat's the only way that the majority ofpeople can you know see this visuallybut imagine if like a Lamborghini drivesby and you tell your friend like wow I'mgonna go in that car one day and yourfriends like Yeah right like how yougonna do that no you're not gonna ownthat guy just probably somebody gave itto him he's probably a trust fund babysomething like that and the thing isthat your friend that says that kind ofstuff he's right he'll never own thatLamborghini why because he can neverimagine himself driving one he can everimagine himself sitting you know in hisin a Lamborghini you know driving aroundshe can't imagine that self imaginehimself in that position so he willnever have a Lamborghini in his entirelife he will never own that car becausehe can't imagine himself having it nowwhat I mean is why you're going on yourjourney while you're learning everythinginstead of wanting things instead ofwishing that you were you knowsuccessful instead of wishing that youhad a Lamborghini instead of wishingthat you had that dream home that youever wanted instead of wishing to tellyourself that you're in the process ofgetting it so what I invited this isinstead of wishing that you like want tobe rich if that's really what successmeans to look rich is a success insteadof wishing that you want to be rich it'swhen you say I wish I was rich it meansthat you're not and you tiresyou were like reinforce that in yoursubconscious mind thatyeah I'm not richI will never view inch and so yoursubconscious mind believes that and it'sit's a very tough battle to challengebut when you tell yourself like oh youknow I am in the process of becomingrich you know every hardship that I gothrough is a learning experience everysmall success is just another littlestepping stone to a huge vision and ahuge success school at the end andthat's like the kind of mind so that Istarted to adopt when I started to see acomplete change like a complete 180 whenit came to internet marketing I wasstruggling I would I would make moneyhere a little bit there and then itwould die they don't make a little moneyhere and it would die and then Ienvisioned myself I'm in the processlike when I make stuff and it'ssuccessful and then when it dies it'sall the process like success is not youknow one linear curve up it goes up andthen it goes down and then it goes upand it goes down but in the long runit's always going up so it's like smalllittle ups and downs but you're alwaysgoing up and if you kind of understandthat while you're going on your journeyand you stop saying that you know I wishI was rich and instead you say I'm inthe process of becoming rich I promiseyou everything will change now theproblem with also this mindset is don'tbecome delusionaldon't you know tell yourself that you'rebecoming rich when you're not reallydoing anything towards it so the way tomake this actually work for yourself isto actually go out and you know attemptand take action and while you're takingaction remind yourself that you're inthe process of becoming rich and thatway when you're taking action and youknow you hit a road or like you hit itlike stump in the road or whatever thesaying is whenever you like hit aplateau you remind yourself that it'sall about the process this is this wassupposed to come in this is supposed tohappen for you to reach your end goalyou're supposed to go through hardshipsfor you to reach your end goal it's theprocess it's all about the process butthe problem is that most people don'tunderstand this and they don'tunderstand it to a full degree so whenthey hit a plateau or something theyquit and that's you know I'm I don'twanna be a hypocrite because that's whathappened to me I quit you know becauseof this thing when I didn't have thismindset you know two years ago and sonow that I do have this mindset it'sreally hard for me to quit even when Idon't seeand I actually did post a picture of oneof my campaigns in my Facebook groupdown below and you could literally seethe first month of me working on itthere was like no success and in thatfirst month I could have easily quit onthe 31st day but if you see just afteror like after the 31st day on the 32ndday of me trying to make this campaignwork it started to skyrocket and it justkept going up from there so imagine if Ihad just quit some time within that30-day period you know I didn't see anykind of different result from day one today 30 but then you know after that itstarted to sky up and go crazy and whatkept me pushing through this period ofno result was the mindset that I'm inthe process of becoming rich so from nowon every time you feel discouraged oryou you're it's those nights whereyou're just sitting on your computeralone and you know you're like isthis actually gonna work and you justyou don't you're not sure and you'reconfused just realize it as long as youkeep pushing it's inevitable that you'llbe successful keep working if yououtwork people and if you you know tellyourself I'm in the process of becomingrich and I know I keep saying but I'mtrying to drill it in your head Ipromise you I promise you that it'sinevitable that you'll be successful itmight take a week for some people itmight take months for some people itmight take years for some people but itwill happen in your lifetime as long asyou just keep pushing forward and youkeep believing in yourself and you don'tlet a single person tell you that youcan't do it not even me if you come upto me and I tell you no you can't dothat don't listen to me don'tlisten to me literally I can't tell youhow many times I met up with like CEOsor different companies and I kind oftold them what I was up to and they werelooked at me just like nah and then Iwent and I did it and I saw success fromit and I would just like laughing likejoke's on you so sometimes even likenobody knows what's best for you onlyyou do so believe in yourself as cheesyas it soundstrust yourself trust your gut feelingand work man work work learn invest inyour brain that's the number one thingyou should do invest in your braininvest in your healthinvest in your body so you say I'm atthe gym better go work out for about anhour invest in yourself guysand I promise that as time goes on youwill transform you it'll it'll beliterally be like you'll walk have youever seen like Captain America wherehe's just some scrawny dude he goes intothe the little machine and then like hecomes out like some buff ass dude that'sLouie what's gonna happen to your brainand within the next like year or two orwhatever for me it's been the past threeyears of going at it when I startedthree years ago I was a little scrawnykid mentally three years out of it mymind is so powerful now and that's whatI want you to know that it didn't happenovernight it takes a while but as longas you keep pushing when you look backall your failures you can connect thedots moving backwards and that's asaying that Steve Jobs said you can'tconnect the dots moving forward but ifyou always look back and connected thedots moving backwards so sometimes yourgreat your greatest successes happenafter your greatest failures and that isexactly what happened in my life andI'll get to that story of that of whathappened there another video but that'sit guys thanks for watching like thevideo if you liked it subscribe hit thebell icon for more videos to come I knowthis video was kind of different becauseit was more of me talking so let me knowif you guys like these videos to knowmore about my life but anyways don'tworry not all the videos will be likethis I'm having you know more tutorialvideos coming out my I buildInstagram page let me show you moreaffiliate marketing stuff more negativemore Rev content it's all coming at youguys so make sure you subscribe and getready because 2018 is gonna be a crazytransformation year for all of us socatch you in the next one
