bonafide hustler here raking profit inthe house and I guess I think he saidSteven hopefully all right wellhopefully his internet connection isokay I think he froze right would westarted I think you did too buthopefully it didn't freeze right nowanyway if you think you're freezingthere Steven you're active now okay goodanyway so welcome to the green roomhangout number 41 and today we're goingto be talking to Steven Peterson aboutreally amazing things tips and tricksand all the learnings that come from hisamazing podcast ecommerce momentumanyway I'm the bonafide hustler i residein austin texas and i flip stuff i findfrom estate sales garage sales yardsales flea markets pawn shop swap meettonight put it on places like ebayamazon my antique booth craigslist andconsignment stores in town one of theadmins of the green room and i'll tossit over to Rick and profit thank you sirwhat's going on everybody my name issteve AKA raking profit 28 years old oneof the admins of the green roomcommunity is well buy and sell primarilyon amazon FBA but i also do a little bitof ebay and craigslist been buying andselling and working for myself full timefor a little over three years and i loveit i couldn't imagine my life doinganything different but would that beingsaid really excited to pass it off to mymain man Steven Peterson hey everyone soas they say Steven Peterson I have apodcast called ecommerce momentum andI've interviewed both of these guys onmy podcast and the podcast is generallywhere I take an interview I call themtop sellers but not only top sellersinteresting stories I always like astory because I'll meet people at aparty and they'll be like hey you shouldenter me me and I'm like okay you sellon amazon okay so does every otherperson in the room tell me somethingmore you know tell me something aboutyourself and their stories I get or justincredible the people I get to talk tothat's it's very humbling to get thattech contact you know Steve it asked mehow do you get so many interviews youknow I just asked you know I'm real andI asked and I've had some real successwith it so I'm a full-time accountant bytrade I'm a controller of a company Isell on amazon NE Beymy wife and I do and we've been sellingFBA for years so we've been doing a longtime and then we have the podcast tubeso got a lot going on welcome to theHangout we're glad to have you andyou're also part of the green room aswell I am agreeing me remember there yougo okay so let's make sure that we havea sound check that's going right rakinshot some people out in the feed that wegot going on right now sure absolutelywe got Mike Decker in the house greenremember KDC who actually met up withthe other day at the Massachusetts meetup we've got Seattle seller actuallysaying hello to katie we got Henry ssaying raking profit only 28 you'relucky jayma Jamie Watson the house swamppicker interacting a lot in the commentssection good to see you there swamppicker we also have green rememberthrifty treasures in the house ayeshawho is actually the green room member ofthe month last month and sharee Harrisonwhat's going on model girl good to seeya we got a lot of people in thecomments section interacting so I justso everybody knows if you're you know ifyou're on your desktop or if you're onyour mobile device there is a commentsection arm that is live right now sofeel free to jump in say hello and letus know what where you're from and whatyou sell and also let us know if wesound good because I think we sound goodbut let's make sure you guys think so aswell and while we're doing that soundcheck let's uh let's Steven know alittle bit more let's let Steven explaina little bit about how you can find hispodcast so just type in e-commercemomentum on Google you're going to findthat thing immediately right yeah it'sthere my 98 episode actually comes outtomorrow at 3am 898 started jun 26th oflast year which is my 50th birthday andso since then 150 thousand downloadsit's crazy 20,000 so far this month wellit's just it's amazing I mean it reallyis amazing so pretty easy to find meplus I'm in a million Facebook groups Iremember still when we first met for thefirst time Steven we were overat the conference that I went to withChris Green what was the name of thatconference it was held by Gregconference the momentum conferenceimplement and we met for the first timeand I remember i'm pretty sure that youwere getting ready to launch yourpodcast I don't think you had evenlaunched your first podcast if if youcould recollect the date of that but Ibelieve I remember you saying I'mgetting ready to launch the podcast andyou know there's a lot of people Italked to who say you know I'm going tostart a YouTube channel i'm going tostart a podcast I'm going to start anAmazon business but you've taken massiveaction on it and it's a reallyimpressive how well you're doing socongratulations on that and it's justit's amazing how far you can come in inabout a year's time right yeah I've beenvery lucky I think that that comfort isprobably in March of last year and I wasa speaker at it and I was speaking aboutinventory right inventory management oropening up a B plan I tell peoplebecause most people that are in mycircles are Amazon sellers and it'sgreat and you know I've got many friendsselling millions of millions dollars butI always say you need a B plan and yourB plan i think is ebay it's a naturalplace to go and my comment to them isthey're going to throttle you in thebeginning so you're going to get tons ofinventory you have all this inventoryyou need a place to move it ebay is notgoing to be the place if you're notthere so go out open up an account useJoe Lister I have a friend who justmessaged me a little while ago he'sselling three items a day using JoeLister taking his Amazon listings andhave him convert over and that way he'snot going to get throttled he can handlethat volume so that's what I wasspeaking about and how to manageinventory how to manage because we have4,000 skews live on ebay so how do youmanage that quantity and so that's whatI was talking about and so many of thepeople that were at that conference Iinterviewed you know I met him therethat's that's where I start meetingpeople so I go to a lot of conferences iwas at chris greens conference is a scanpower conference in orlando and it'sfunny probably 20 or 25 people that i'veinterviewed were there these were allmillion-dollar sellers everybody theircell at a million bucks to go and it wasjust a great place to and i identifiedabout another 40 people i want tointerview right but it was just so neatto get all those people together andyou could see that there's a kind of agroup pulling together in that way soit's really exciting okay well one ofthe things that we wanted to let thepeople know is that this show is goingto be about basically tidbits from allyour podcast right we're going to lookbe delving into like the lessons learnedfrom top ecommerce seller so I thinkthis is gonna be a fantastic subject Iwas graced with a what you hit me upmaybe two weeks ago to do a pug to dothe podcast and I think I don't know ifI was 96 or 97 I was one of those eitherway I was better than Macon's podcastthat he was on that's all we're numberone that's my answer you always the top10 as long as I be raking it's all over96 by the way you know 20 we talkedabout raking though his prop but when wetalked this was this was last year andhe was hot and heavy into the books theebooks and that's what I wanted to talkabout because nobody else was reallytalking about in my circles again andyou know I know that that's waned but Ithink that that's the beauty of thisbusiness of all these businesses is thatthey wax and wane right so you have tobe able to Evan flow and I can't imagineyou didn't learn a million things doingthat and so when you're now able tobring them to Amazon and able to scaleyou know those processes and everythingelse and I think that that's what youlearn and that's what I keep learningevery time I talk to somebody else I'malways like oh my god Oh smart and he'sbuilding on something somebody else saidand somebody else said uh-huh so I wasbetter than Reagan right you were muchbetter than Reagan all right whateverI'm just kidding okay so we got into alittle bit about who steven is his ageum married yes oh yeah married two boystwo granddaughters um my older son is achemical engineer but he's also an ebayseller he has a website called dollarflipper where he blogs about his ebay hedoes ebay for a plan so he'll he'll belike a goal to replace his furnace sohe'll use his ebay proceeds for that andit's really a really neat stories verygood writer I'm very encouraged my otherson is a callstudent he's going to be a junior thisupcoming year he's home from the summerhe works now in the business for aboutthree hours a day he listed would hetell me 18 pairs of shoes today so it'sreally good and so I sit back and I sayyou know hey $35 these are shoes thatI'm selling on ebay that probably wereamazon returns you know $35 x 18 itemsyou know hey for and I'm paying him tenbucks an hour that's a good return youknow and so he's learning that I call ita side hustle because I want him to youknow I keep encouraging them not to goget a job I want him to you know findwhat he wants to do and he can use ebayor amazon to help fund that lifestylethat he's looking for right mmm so thoseare the two kids right mm-hmm and thenum you also okay so you did say thatyour part you're in ebay and you're inamazon yard mess with the local hustleat all I don't because I don't have thetime I buy a lot so I bought a lot forwhen i started i guess it was you knowwhen i started on amazon i was buyingstore so i would buy off of craigslistI'd find some retailer going out ofbusiness right everybody does it rightso you search going on a business or yousearch pallet loads or whatever you canI'd go in and buy the whole store so Ibought three DVD stores back when thesewere good to buy now it's sketchy for meto buy used dvds i generally don't buyanymore i bought a hobby store a modelshop all the models and 28 cases camefrom his attic that he has not openedsince 1980 something so you know justthink of all those old models that whenwe were kids were putting together ibought a cake pan shop all the wiltoncake pans and all that kind of stuff ibought the whole shop try to think ofwhat other stores i bought I bought atoy store I bought and all that stuffcame from generally craigslist and soyou know I'm not sure I would do itagain it's more of a Bay quality stuffanymore it's hard to find really goodquality amazon worthy stuff in thatenvironment well i also bought a hairsalon that was good that was really goodso you did say that you're um ebaystores about how many items is itknowing 34case I'm like that yeah 4100 I thinkthere is your wife does help you withthat right um she sheep out it to behonest with the way we scaled it up butshe would come and take the pictures Iwould send we would use no chromewhatever it is google google share andwe would share with the VA in thephilippines and he would create mylistings using inkfrog and he wouldcreate three hundred a week i think wewere doing at that point and so we wereable to scale up very quickly I almostwent a year without listing a thing andI think we still sold almost 50 grand onebay without listing a thing because wehave such a large pipeline and it'sanother thing I advise people is to getthat pipeline filled and you can rideout pretty much anything yep that'sright you can fill up the ebay pipelineyou can fill up the Amazon one there'sall kinds of pipelines you can fill upthere it does take a little work thoughyeah it's a lot of work yeah um okay sowe have one of our admins that justjoined up what's up young hey I wasgoing you have a headset man uh-uh I'mtrying to be professional okay like it Ilike a young you sound really good toknow no for anyone that's watching theshow that it has never seen a green roomhangout this is the third of the foradmins of the green room and there isyoung jay chou okay so we're gonna go alittle bit more into your business eventhen we're going to go into that podcaststuff okay so let's rapid fire throughthis one section because i really wantto get into the podcast questions andyou know all the insight that we can getout of all these amazing interviews thatyou've done so okay um how do you viewsales on ebay you think sales areimperative to your ebay business do youever run them um I have you know i don'tknow i mean it i think they can you knowmost of stuff i don't do auctionsanymore i haven't done an auction ican't tell you how long um it just itjust doesn't seem to work i mean i'veseen our sales on ebay flatten out Idefinitely know their lower today thanthey were now I haven't listed anythingand so I had this thought this morningI'm like noon since I said all mylistings at good till canceled theyautomatically renew every 30 days rightdoes that count is a listing and if sowhy wouldn't there algorithm count thator do they diskthose as because that's longer than 30days so they put a little weight a lowerlesser weight on that right so I thinkthat's probably true so I don't see thesame sales and I don't undiscussed set aprice and almost always I'll just leftleave it okay I'm a huge proponent ofsales and I know that the second deathrow on a sale I see a direct correlationwith stuff selling I've also been on thephone with ebay representatives and theysay running a sales absolutely like it'sin the algorithm it will move you upinto the ring so just like a heads upand not telling you to do it but itdefinitely is part of the ways that youcan use the algorithm to your favor evenif you run a five percent two percentlet me know what the run like it i'mrunning a 15 right now but there's ilike yeah right i've noticed the sameexact thing too when i when I've runsales there's a strong correlation andyou know customers coming in and buyingyour stuff and for some reason the moretimes somebody buys stuff it feels likeeBay just pushes out your other listingsas well it might just be in my head butyep okay that's just me um so Stephenalso uh keywords do you kind of gokeyword heavy on your title or anywherein that listing or do you kind of likeyeah I tried to I don't use for ebay idon't use like merchant words or any ofthose things those I should but I justhaven't you know it it's I guess likemost people not all people I spendninety percent of my time anymore onamazon I think I have 8,000 skews andAmazon 8,000 Wow for my books know abunch of my books and if he started inbooks that's not an unusual number righti mean it that's just normal but now Isaw mostly shoes and clothing so and Ispend a lot of effort because I havelimited time because i work full time soi have limited time so I spend most ofmy time on that so ebay is kind of asecondary thought I still like it Ithink you know when you could takesomething that you paid you know lessthan three dollars for example that'sthis past weekend we went to a militarysale right so I think I ended up buyinga hundred SKUs and they're all ebayrelated not one of them is going to goin Amazon I don't generally I don't selluse media on amazon if I do I merchantfulfill it always I'dwant to risk my account and I'm approvedto sell all the dvds and all that jazzbut I don't I just don't my littlebullet thumb and so a hundred SKUs and idon't think i spent you know 200 bucksand i think the average sale will beabout thirty five to forty dollars wowyou can't make that return on Amazon Idon't care whoever tells you you knowthe average return I see and I talked tomega Amazon sellers about seventeenpercent twenty percent is what you'regoing to make after you pay taxes you doall that kind of jazz on ebay it's adifferent world because you know they'veall have stories you spent one two threedollars and sold stuff for a hundredbucks and so as much as I don't like thework in ebay it's just so attractivefrom a financial perspective so I can'tlet it go I can't let it go because Ilike it and one thing that you obviouslyknow is with Amazon most of the time ifyou're not creating your own listingsyou're piggybacking on listings andyou're not having to put in that legwork to create pictures and all thatgood stuff what are your thoughts onebay when it comes to creating picturesdo you have any strategy in terms of youknow are you spending a lot of time withpictures you know editing I'm crappingthem all that good stuff are you justtaking a couple what are your thoughtson pictures you know it depends on theitem of course so like today he wasdoing shoes and I did a few pairs ofshoes myself you know shoes take moretime because i want to show every sideof it right and especially if they'reused you got to show everything rightand so there's a little bit of work inthat if you're selling you know think ofa postcard right it's really twopictures so it depends on what the itemis but again you want to sell higherpriced items at least i do because iwant is just as much work to sell atthree dollar item as there is to sell athirty dollar item so that's anotherthing that i've moved away from i usedto buy everything now i don't I try notto buy everything but I've alreadybought it so I have a lot to sell um soyou know a process pretty simple rightyou know if you're efficient right youjust put up your products you knowbefore I leave in the morning to go towork I'll have in my warehouse I'll setup for him you know his his work for theday my son right so he'll go he'll takeall his pictures and then I'll bring himover and start inputting them I didnotice today we have two computers in awarehouse and one of them is an oldercomputerand he's been using the newer one andI'm like I never used the new when Ialways use the old one it's by the wayI've been doing it for years it'samazing how much faster the picturesprocessed through it and I'm like huhthat's an efficiency and I'm like okay Ican see you know for him and he didn'tknow he was i'm going to use that oldpiece of junk but i saw a littleefficiency so I crop them right in theebay directly and you can't own a littlebit I don't use a third-party softwarefor that for Amazon of course I dobecause you got to take the white outand all that jazz but actually I have anamazon manager and she does that for meso that's a different story but ok so weheard you correctly on FB a about 8kitems give a couple tips to the peopleout there regarding like your productsbut do you have in a certain way are youlike what twenty percent reap lens inlike eighty percent are you eightypercent re plans and twenty percentwhat's your products kind of look likewith the AK items well since I've beensomeone for so long you know I get Idon't I don't do a lot of retail armanymore I have a couple stores because Isell some health and beauty and they'llthey'll message me and say hey we've gotyour products in or whatever I got 12cases would you like them I'm like ofcourse I want them just you know themessage is so when you have thoserelationships and I know you guys talk alot about that kind of stuff with storemanagers so I still do that I have notbeen in a target or a Walmart I can'ttell you how long so I have if you everlisten to my show you hear about theyoung guns right if you ever if you everhear about these guys these are foryoung guys who all under 30 that haveall sold over a million dollars now someover 73 million I have to two of themthat live in my market not far from meand they'll plow through my town I'malways like dudes just come and get itcuz I'm not interested I don't want togo I hate target end cap I coach peopleaway from that I just I think you haveto do it to get it in you to get thehang of it and learn it but you got toget away from it too because it's a it'san addiction that doesn't end well formost people right it's the race to thebottom because you know common sensewould tell you is that if my targetsdiscounting young yours on the westcoast is eventually going to discountand so there's a wave that goes onthroughout the country right they starthere and they work their way across thecountry and eventually all of us go downso if you're in fast and you sell itfast you're good it's the ones that whenyou buy too many because oh my god thisis selling for so much and then theprice just keeps declining and declininginto client right and so I don't dothose much anymore I du du Shu some shoebuyer I like shoes I like clothing so II do a little bit of retail because Ihave a couple relationships but I dotrade shows lately for wholesale that'sone of my big favorite things andprivately but I do some private labelwith with a couple of mutual friendstheir private label I'm not interestedin doing it myself so I buy it from themmy partner with them and so that's beenvery good but I do a lot of wholesaleand so I just went to a trade show inNew York City I can take a train intothe city in the day and come back thenext at that same day it's about threehours each way Wi-Fi bathroom and soI'll be going to one in June anothertrade and I really enjoy i'll go tovegas for a trade show too okay um areyou and gated and everything what I am Iam I'm ungated in everything and i'mstill not bragging so please don't takeit this way but i have daily payoutsbecause i've been selling for so long soit's an advantage i mean it isabsolutely an advantage because i cantake a payment pretty much every day ifi want ok cool so that does it prettymuch on your portion of the pot of theinterview now we're going to go into thepodcast portion before we get into thatI did want to shoot it over to rake inreal quick break in and we got anyquestions coming in there's some peoplethat were like I hate I can't see thequestions is our way I can see um if youopen up the if you open up the linkthat's in the green room right now it'llbe this live show just make sure youmute it that's the most important thingI'm not gonna mess with a real mess I'llstay with we we've got a question fromEnzo the picker question is as part timehow many hours do you put in and how doyou source for FBA I know you weretalking a little bit about this but howmany hours are you putting into yourAmazon business if you had to take aguess ok well I know these numbers andthis is going to be scary for somepeople but I'm a very focused person Ihave a reese and I'll tell you why so iget up at four o'clock every morningevery single day just that's my habit iget up at four i leave my house about430-5 I Drive the same way every singleday Ryan accountant so I do everythingthe same i'm at my warehouse about fourthirty seven and literally i will workuntil ten eightten to eight i leave drop off all mypackages for ebay and any merchantfulfilled at the back of the post officei have a relationship with my postoffice they loaded him up off in theback they and i bring them doughnutsevery once in a while just really workyou know that really work well with themand it just works really well so I shipseven days a week I work every singleday and I have grandkids so we'll travelor if we're on vacation or whatever ofcourse that stops but I pretty much dothat so my process is I get there in themorning and ship out any ebay or amazonyou know merchant fulfilled first andthen I jump right into my amazon since Ido a lot of wholesale so for example Icame home to I don't know how many casestwelve or fourteen cases of shoes from ashoe show i bought maybe about two orthree weeks ago and will my wife willcome down tomorrow and she'll help meprep them and so the prep if you if youhaven't done wholesale it's sweetbecause you open the box right it's agreat box generally they come you openit up if there's a barcode on them someof the shoes you buy don't have barcodesshe's going to be cautious with that youliterally put your label on it closeback up the box the weight is already onthe box they not the way it anymore ihave a tape machine one of the old thatthat you know gives you the tape it's avery simple process so i can literallythe ones that came in today willprobably be gone tomorrow i have a dealwith my UPS store my local UPS store istill have to drop off my packages toUPS which is a hassle but i'm not at mywarehouse all day because I'm i have awarehouse i do have a big warehouse i'mnot there because i work during the dayso I'll take the packages down the UPSstore but through that I got a legalstreet address so I don't have all thatjunk coming to my house anymore theyalso will receive my packages so I'vehave several shoe companies that shipdirectly to them I got two pallets inlast week and they unload them they putthem inside they're locked up what'scool is they give me a code to the frontdoor which I think every UPS store doesbecause I have a mailbox there and so Ican go at you know before work beforethey even open and drop off my packagesinside they're locked door and justleave it's under cameras allgreat that's a huge savings and it justmade it so efficient for me so I'm atwork by eight o'clock so i would say youknow thinking about that with aboutthree and a half hours i do go back atlunchtime and I usually sell a fewthings in the morning you know a coupleof ebay things will sell i'll ship atlunchtime that's why i never get behindand so I ship ship two thousand itemslast year so they give you someperspective so i'll ship out and thensaturday mornings i work a little bitand then Sundays after church we're inchurch to about 11 30 i go for an hourto and that's pretty much my week wow Icomment from Robert banner as greenremember says I've been doing everythingwrong beast mode y yeah you're a verydetermined person yeah determine I'mgetting close to retirement so for meyou know I want to hit my financialgoals and then you know slow down alittle bit I don't know I'd be curiousto a play out that story a little moreso you're going in your starting at fouryou're getting to work when are you andyour your over at four thirty seven yougot it down to a dot you're over thereand you go to work at what eight o'clockaround there around eight now you knowI'm a senior manager so I can kind ofcome and go as I please all right Idon't but you know I go down at lunchtime I pick up our company mail so I youknow at my lunch time I take and I dropoff any packages hence the reason that'swhy I ship every single day to Ossiningand then i work until about four-thirtyand 4 30 my wife and i go to the gymevery single day so we go to the gym andthen obviously get home 535 you know 540have like dinner or whatever and and Iinterview two nights a week because Ihave a podcast right so that's nights aweek of interviewing and I edit two daysa week on the podcast so I got a prettycommitted job I don't do a lot of onlinearbitrage I'm in almost every list groupthat's out there I'm very fortunate theylet me in because you know I have Iguess I have a little bit of an audienceso so for i'm in most of them and i do alittle bit of buying from some of thembut generally I don't because I don'tlike the hassle of online arbitrage withyour credit card not matching yourbilling address and I use a prep companyin New Hampshire sometimes and that's ahouseeverything's I don't hassles and so soso what time do you end up getting tobed by because I've been trying to wakeup earlier and earlier as well and Inoticed that if I get to bed too lateit's uh it's tough in the morning so anytips for because I know a lot of thehustlers listening now the brains arealways going a million miles per hourand you know there's always somethingnew to do how do you slow it down toactually get some rest and in fallasleep to wake up at four in the morningyou know try to get to bed around nineso you know this is way past my bedtimeso i typically go to bed about ninemaybe 930 but you know i I've neverslept a lot of hours and I'm a verylight sleeper so you know I'd like toget a little later we'll say but worksfor me and I've been doing a few yearsthanks for share notes very inspiring Ithink I think that would give me a heartattack but that's really that's amazingthat you can do it reminds me of when wewere talking on your podcast about mymba school and how crazy like my lifewas but you know if you can get it alldone and you know sometimes you just ifyou can get it all done you can get itall done it's just the way it is butdon't get me wrong i mean we havegrandkids now and they're important partof my life so we live about an hour andchange they live in maryland and sowe're down that will go down thissaturday so I do disconnect and thenwhen i turn it off i turn it off I'vegotten to the place since I i buywholesale I'm getting into pallets ofstuff you know or I'll go drop like Isaid fifteen thousand dollars at thatshoe show well that's a lot of money forme because i only use cash and so nowI've got to process it once that's doneyou know I've got a couple ebay items toship or whatever there might be a coupledays where I don't have a lot to do sowhen i get home the other nights I don'tgenerally do much of anything other thanmy family you know so I don't wanna makeit sound like I'm working you know18-hour days I'm not I've reallynarrowed down my focus and my job is youknow it's you know I've been doing itfor a long time so it's pretty easy forme at this point my life ok young doesthat schedule sound anything like yourschedule young no he sounds it look alot more efficient than me man that'sfor sure I mean I don't sleep much as itis but my gosh Steven that's I mean I'mhonestly starting to believe he's acyborg yeah I don't travel though Idon't drive very far I mean it's 2.8milesto my warehouse by my house I don'tdrive very far there's no traffic in mytown i live in a small town and since Idon't do retail ARB I don't have that Imean I don't know how you guys do that Icouldn't do what I do and do thatthere's no possible way because justeven being on the road is stressful soI'm fortunate in that way I have a youknow a 10 mile radius in my life prettymuch oh that's good yeah um okay so wegot college picker who probably hasinternets not that good he's in the chatif you guys want to talk to collegepicker what's up he's in the chat goldenfinger pick her chat is in the chat aswell what's up Chad good to see youSimon for you chant I want to interviewChad I'd like kissed oh yeah there yougo he is one message away on Facebookyeah I know I'll get him out there hehas a wicked selena obsession um okay soand he didn't come in Texas but herefuses to hang out with me I'm justkidding I was actually in Florida theexact days that he was in Austin so itwas really weird we just like we swappedstates when he came down here so okay solet's now get into you know thereflections and the learning stuff thatwe can get from your interviews thatyou've had you know you've had 98 right98 comes out tomorrow I need comes outtomorrow okay so 98 interviews with tope-commerce sellers or people that justlive a really interesting life and youknow reselling us at the core of thatright um let's talk about some of theseindividuals so let's get to the verybeginning of the whole thing it's likewhat kind of what caliber of individualdo you seek to interview is it someonethat just has crazy sales or are youlooking for someone that just looksdifferent has a YouTube falling likewhat is kind of like your your go-tokind of person it's interesting you askthat um you know since I go to so manyconferences I meet so many interestingpeople and you start talking to somebodyand then you hear a little bit abouttheir life and what they've overcome youknow you can't help but be fascinatedright I like somebody who's taken aprivate label products out for example Iam I I called them the triple-threatright 47 48 49 and 50 where my threewere they were all five million dollarsellers one of them is going to do tenmillion dollars right one of them thefirst one I interviewed will turn lindawas his name and he's a 20 somethingyear old kid he's brought two thousandmark a two thousand prodto mark it I mean just think about that2,000 private label products to marketthe kids 25 26 years old he's the mostdown earth kid he's such a great guy andhow could you not be impressed with thatyou know and so it was a greatconversation I mean it was soenlightening he has no fear whatsoeverso he lives up like a Wisconsin orsomething he took the summer and spentare the winner and spending in SouthAmerica because that's his world becausehis products are all you know he doesprivate label they go right to theAmazon automatically he doesn't touchthe product but he's 20 something yearsold the next guy that interview rightthere right after it was Brett Bartlettand if you know that name he's now justtaken over Jim Cochran's coachingprogram in his whole program but Brettis a young guy lives in California isbuilt up this massive business and he'sgot it he started using people sourcingat garage sales he has a garage salebusiness where he hires teams to go outand source at garage sales and he's downin town in southern california not up byyou I think he's outside of LA anyway soit used to do a lot of Amazon sourcingbut that's kind of dried up as we allknow because more people know more aboutit right but now they do ebay sourcingso he's taught teams of people how to goout and source at garage sales for eBayitems he brings it back and he has hehas set up division so he has a group ofpeople week or two guys who calls the eboys that work for him and those guyshandle the the packing and shipping andthe listing in that process he's got ahe set up a photo studio that handleshis photos for eBay and Amazon n privatelabel oh and he started his own websitehe has five girls who run this websitefor clothing because he's in Californiagets all the clothing right coming inand it's just an amazing story to walkthrough that process you know and whereare you coming from and then the thelast of that triple step the same cohenit Sam will do 10 million dollars he'sgoing to mass a business in New Jerseyteams of people doing are a teams ofpeople do an OA teams of people do inwholesale private label he has his ownhis own processing center and it's justan amazing group of people and so whenyou talk to people like thatthat you have to get inspired you justhave to that sounds crazy to think thatI didn't know cohen was 10 no that'sthat's pretty big yeah they're gonna be10 million this year and you know it'sjust an amazing any Sam's a great guy Imean and what's so cool we so approachher you know I mean it was him so Iinterviewed a guy by the name of DavidShannon David Shannon sold 20,000 pairsof nikes last year twenty thousand pairsof nikes on amazon and david is just aregular guy really just a real great guyand so him and I and sent mehndilipstick who is a seller from Miamimassive shoe seller and Sam Cohen and Iwe went to lunch in New York City we allwent to a shoe show together we got tosit down have lunch in New York Cityhang out for the day when you haveaccess to those people and that's wherethe podcast is done is giving me thoserelationships where I can hang out withthese massive sellers and talk becausethat's when the work that's when youreally learn is when you get to lookthem in the eye and say you know there'sa relationship and we talk about theirkids and you talk about that's where youget that's yeah thats thats and say soyoung let me ask you this you young doesshoes as well on FB a right mm-hmm areyou close to 20,000 young not even closea lot of shoes me a lot of shoes on youhave to remember I'm a one-man operationso it's difficult for me so so Daviddoes this he has buyers I go out and buyand ship for him and he shares theprofits wow so that's how he's able todo that yeah that that's really goodhe's going very wide in that game um solet now let's go into a like three titor let's take three characteristics thatyou see all successful people havingthat you've been reviewed all thesepeople if it boils down to threesuccessful characteristics what wouldthey be I think there's focus rightthere's a focus or intention if you wantto call it that right so their abilitythey probably know their why so muchbetter than we all do right they knowwhy they're doing it and most of themit's not money everybody thinks it'smoney it's really is that freedom and Ithink some of you guys have experiencedfreedom more so than somebody like mewho's beholden to a company and I haveto go and I have to be there at worktomorrow right they have figured thatout um I think the other thing is they Idon't believe in balance I'm not reallyconvinced that balance is the right wordI think they have figured out thesegment of the life they want to give totheir business I think some of the moresuccessful people have realized that youknow business is and everything and oneof the things that you and I weretalking about Chris was about the peoplethat are running seven days a week andworking now here I am working seven daysa week but again I'm very focused I goin do what I need to do I'm not runningaround buying like crazy and having tobuy more and having to buy more I thinkthat catches up to you after a period oftime you feel like a rat and a hamsterin a wheel most people here have figuredout that this segment of their life iswhat I'm going to give to my businessand I think of Darla flack as a personright she she has a son that was goinginto college and so she said you knowwhat Steve I'm giving this much to mybusiness and this much to my family thefamily peace is not negotiable thebusiness side is where I negotiate ontime if I need to cheat on time thebusiness is going to get get cheatedbecause my family is so important so Isay that's another another common tradeI see the other thing is I see that thereally successful sellers is they canlet go of control my I'm a controller ofa company I've been trained to be incontrol that's what I do right is tomake sure that our processes are hereand make sure that nobody can do thisand can't cheat the systems in thatthese guys have trust and they'veoutsourced and some of them out sourcedincredible things that I would say thatthat's when most of them has said thepivot point for them that tipping pointis Malcolm glad we will say was whenthey learned that you know what Stevericans a better box Packer than I am andthen they swallow their pride and sayyou know what I didn't have to put it inbecause he's going to take more carethan I ever did and so I'd say that'sprobably the third trait that i wouldsay ok well that's that's that's reallybig though that's that's reallyresonating with me because i found thatto be true and that's something that I'mcontinuing to try to do in my businessesas well and there's so much more that II know that I should be outsourcing andletting go of but I you know for anyonewatching just start small startoutsourcing a littletiny things that really can't hurt youand I feel like the more you do it themore comfortable you'll definitelybecome without letting go of your babybut with that being said what are thethree things that in your opinion allsuccessful people seem to find they needto work on hmm so all successful peopleneed to work on I don't think I comeacross a common trait that everybodysays oh I wish I was you know i wish idid this i think you know for the mostpart and I don't say you know I don'tput everybody in this circle but what Isit back and I think about almost allthe people I find a genuine nicenessabout these people almost every singleone is so giving and I believe you knowyou give you get right I am I would saythat that's a trade I've seen amongstthese people so I don't see them beingvery needy or you know having living onthe edge in any way I I see a lot of youknow a common you know maybe an evennessand I'm not saying that they've alwaysbeen there but I see a lot of evenpeople there and so I don't see in themsaying oh I want to get sharp this somepeople say hey I want to outsource mybookkeeping or I want to outsource thisor other things of course that commonsense but I don't see people saying ohmy god I've got to stop doing this Ijust don't see it what about vacationsor something like that do you see anyonegoing I which I you know this is a greatbusiness and I'm not taking thevacations I need to be yeah you know umI guess there are a few people that havesaid that but you know I think about youknow it's just watching you know I guessI become friendly with most of thesepeople and I just need to pull up one ofthese because it was such a great oneand when I saw it I was thinking oh mygod she's on another vacation all she'sbeen doing Breanna more green okay sobri and her mom wear green is a greatstory blew me away I mean she she is socool and I got to meet her at the scampower conference she's down in someisland right now again as she was at thescamp our confidence and Orlando and wewere at a great resort then and I thinkshe went somewhere else since then sheis she is a massive amazon seller whouses software to bring over amazonlistings to ebaywho uses software to bring amazon orebay listings over to one of the othernot so known websites but then alsobrings it over to Etsy and I'm like oohnot many people are doing that that wasvery clever what she was doing thatthat's not good enough she then starts apartnership with a couple people to doone of those lists right selling list topeople you know of things to buy orwhatever and there have a massivesuccess not good enough she now getsinto merch by amazon and at that lastnumber i saw she was doing eight hundreddollars net commissions a week one ofthe top sellers that I've seen and shetouches nothing one hundred percent isoutsourced she has VA's who create thelistings VA's who do the Instagrampromotions and all that jazz one hundredpercent is outsourced and in a VA thatover seasonal and she's down in anisland and so I think again I think thatmany of them have figured out that theyhave to give up control to get controlof their life maybe that's the right wayto say it and so I see most of themtaking vacations will take I was in notbragging but I was in Orlando twice thisyear I was in New Jersey and an eventthis year I was in New York City anevent i was in vegas and i work afull-time job i'll be in new york in twoweeks we're going to vegas in augustagain for another conference st. ThomasOrlando so I think you can find ways toput all that into your life if youprioritize yeah you're right you'reright absolutely I think people theyneed to well some of those things arebusiness oriented as well right correctright so you make it you know so thiscamp our conference now my wife didn'tcome with that when I went with theAndes lamins and a bunch of otherfriends and which is great that's agreat story to tell but it was it turnedout to be such a great experiencebecause you know I don't know about yourworld I don't know if your wife is intothe business as much mine's not I meanshe is inch but she's not she doesn'twant to talk about it all the time withthat group of sellers I can talk aboutthe business all the time which is whatI love to do right so it turns out to beyou know a working vacation in some waysbecause you could talk about it you canhang out you canyou can figure things out and I tend tolove that okay um let's uh talk aboutthe highest seller you've ever had onyour podcast okay I'm pretty sure youknow you know who that is Kate but thisis not name a name just to be thereright so think about this highest sellerthat you've ever had on your podcast andwhat was their operation like a zitteams box trucks like what we talkedabout here well there's a there's twodifferent people that would think ofright so one is a company that I've hadbecause I've had some companies thatoffer services and that one did over ahundred million dollars so I throw themout I don't use them in when mycalculations even because it's just soit's such an enormous business right butI think of a ten-million-dollar sellerright they have process they have teamsthey have teams that you know it's abread Bartlett guy and his teams arehe's got you know Oh a team's he's gotretailer games they just I think theyfigured out that there's a process to itand then you can replicate that processpretty much in every single one of themvery similar right when they're verysimilar retailer benoa and online Arboralmost identical they're just a littledifferent approach but the skill setthat you use is generally the same thinggoes for wholesale and private labelokay so teams box trucks the whole nineyards right where his box truckswarehousing I mean everybody has awarehouse at this point you know youreally and I shouldn't say that so Ithink of urban to Rojas and she'll do acouple million bucks she doesn't have awarehouse she has she's in LA and shehas a office building so she has spacein an office building she doesn't haveher own warehouse she out sources thatand so for her she hired designers shehired people who were skilled inPhotoshop and who do she does allbundles everything's a bundle and sothink of a birthday bundle or somethinglike that right that's her forte soshe'll go out and source particularitems and nobody else can buy that'swhat she does then she brings him backand she has teams of people who put thisstuff together or figure out do all theyou know the editing in that but thenonce that packages design it goes off toa processor and that processor puts ittogether for herour standards oh cool okay well that's apretty crazy operation well you knowhere's the thing right so if you want todo wholesale I've interviewed I thinkfive experts in wholesale and they havefive different approaches and guess whatthey're all successful and yet there arefive they're doing wholesale fivedifferent ways retail are I've had tonsof people with retard and they're doingit their own way I think you can figureout your own way there are some cheatsyou need to use but then again you justcan't get distracted you know and Ithink that's one of the biggestchallenges is that you know Oh merchcame on I got to go do that oh I got todo this because retail or I get to dothis whole private label and assignmentsays I better do private label I bettergo to private label right you just gottapull back and say no I'm gonna masterthis then I'm gonna move forward yeahthat's tough there's so many thingsgoing on as of late you know so manydifferent businesses and it's tough toactually say you know what I'm going tomaster this I'm going to focus on thisI'm not going to let the what do theycall it the shiny object syndrome andget to me and chase me away because youknow when you're when you're takingyourself away from what you're reallytrying to focus on you're giving it lessand less effort and it's like a guardianif you're not in there you know pullingout weeds and watering in and takingcare of it it's just not going to growto its fullest ability so you'll bemarginal and all of them that's ityou'll be marginal novia high marginalsuccess and you'll never really get towhat your potential really could bethat's true um that being said uh youngwhat are you currently working on rightnow like what's your main focus I'm justcurious um well I've been doing twothings primarily as of late um you knowI've been I've been doing this whole abay thing again and I've mentioned thisbefore I've been I was really inspiredby choice acocks about just getting ridof stuff you know personal belongings soI have a lot of stuff that just beensitting around for years and I and Iknow I can sell them on eBay that's oneand merch birch okay I mean I'm stilldoing FBA not with that but but I'vebeen really focusing on those a veryfirst time I met you I remember your FBwas at twenty-five hundred items youwere like struggling to get to like3,000 or 4,000 youit's impossible I can't do it like ican't i can't source enough like AIsource and it's like gone I source andit's gone but this was when I met youyeah it was right around Christmas timeand it's like every every time i sentthe shipment in stuff be selling so itjust kind of flatlined right like youcouldn't even do it like you would workso hard it would never would neverhappen anyway but yeah that's uh it'sone not interesting times of the yearwhere that that is definitely down tohappen um okay so um we talked about thepeople that you mate in seminars and thepersonalities are you know good for themost part would you consider thesepeople you know Stevens well-spokendynamic extremely personable I mean orare they more what's a general kind ofoutlook on the people that you intervieware they you hung up a little bit inthere so I didn't quite catch everythingI so like the people that you dointerview right or that you are theydynamic are they personable are theyfunny are they I could hang out withthis person all the time what kind ofpersonalities generally well I meanyou're gonna meet every kind right soanytime you get in a room full of peopleyou're gonna meet every kind of personyou know but I I try to go out of my wayI always use a nice laments line it'sbring joy to others so I really want tobe I will meet every single person so Ijust spoke at a conference same callingat a conference for Ace members right insama and X one of his experts and I go Igo down and I spoke about you know spokeabout lessons learned in the podcast Imade it a point to meet every singleperson because I figure if they take thetime to come to that conference and I'mone of the speakers I have an obligationto meet them all that opens up doorsright so even if they're a little bit atif they have an edge whatever that'svery disarming when somebody comes upand it's genuinely nice to you and wantsto learn a little bit more about you soin my world and I you know we might bethe same person and have a differentexperience but I make it a real point totry to be nice to everyone to meet everysingle person because i think you knowi'm no expert i talked to a lot ofexperts but they'll tell you they're notan expert they're still learning too soi think everybody has something tocontribute and i just take that approachto it so you know crazy jason smithright you guys have probablyJason on the shell right yeah crazy he'swhacked I love him he's so much funcan't have it every time I end up in asome room with him and it's crazydrinking and I'm like oh my god I'm anold man and he's just so much fun and hejust brings life to it and so somepeople get turned off by that I don't Ijust think he's a great guy and I justhe's such a real guy so again you knowyou just meet people where they are andI think you can do it well okay um wouldyou say that the average successfulseller you know now go back to jailbecause you appears this way but wouldyou assume that this the averagesuccessful seller lives a very balancedlife yes we know um or do you know Idon't know I you know here's let me makethis general statement right from myexperience generally most sellers don'ttake care of themselves physicallymentally and that was a conversation youand I have right so I see a lot of thatI see a lot of people overweight rightmyself included I'm trying to lose 30pounds forever and it's because it's alifestyle right so if you're running andyou're eating it you're going to targetin caps and you're eating their crap onthe way in or you're standing in linegrabbing whistlers which I like to doright that's not a good lifestyle butthat's the problem right because ifyou're running you're not going to thegym you're not balancing that life rightso I would say that that's pretty commonyou know I'm looking at the pictures ofmost of the people I interviewedgenerally speaking that's not the caseof most of these people they look inpretty good shape I think again I thinka lot of these people who have reallyconverted from a job to a business andyou know let's face it many of us arestill working a job we can call this abusiness but many of us are stillbeholden right they haven't been able towalk away from it for any period of timeso therefore it's probably more of worklet's call it work instead of a job alot of these peoples have have gottenpast that so I think they're backworking on their lifestyle I think aboutsome of these people we tend to end upin those conversations saying and I needto I need to take better care of myselfand here's what I'm doing trying to getback in the gym and stuff like thatright I know that uh that that'sdefinitely one of the things that I'vewitnessed as well and what's what I havealso witnessed iswhen they are shown the right ways orjust shown you know places where theycan get free information or even be tobecome inspired by somebody these peopleall have the mental capacity to act andchange everything like I've noticed thisthat's what I like about a lot of thepeople that I've met in the reason iwould agree I mean I absolutely agreeit's just like they're smart enough tochange and every moment is a differentmoment to change it every single thingbut let me make an observation I seeabout the green room right so I see thegreen room as more of least it was was alot more of an ebay oriented kind ofgroup and and you could see it'sevolving into ebay amazon merch andeverything else I mean it's like theyit's like you fed them a little bit andall of a sudden they grew up you knowten times right there heart grew 10times and they're just exploding withthat knowledge it was like i I'm I'mvery impressed at the way the groupsticks together so I met a bunch of themin Vegas when I wanted to vegas for ASDand I went out there and bought eightwholesale accounts right it was verygood experience I met Jason Clark greatguy great guy and I met a whole group ofebay guys Robert banaras Jonathancleator we had such a great time youknow just hanging out i think i was withthem one night but it was such a greatexperience they made me fit right inthey made me feel right at home and tosee them working together that's what Ireally appreciate it I mean they workedtogether they were very clearly workingin unison and that you don't see verymuch and that quite frankly is whythey're going to be so successfulbecause they're working together and Inoticed that about the green room inparticular it seems it and you have aconference coming up I'm gonna be in st.Thomas otherwise i would be comingbecause i like i like to see peoplebring each other up you know i mean ilove that you know helping people moveforward i don't like the i don't likethat backbiting fighting i don't likethat so i don't want that stuff in mylife a lot positive encouraging peopleyou know trying to help each otherbecause quite frankly you know there'sonly so much money you need there's onlyso much what you really need is yourhealth and your friends and your lifethat's true I like that that is truepowerfulum so here's one got a couple morequestions and then we're going to shootout to the feet here hey guys in thefeet if you have a question real quickabout you know all the people that he'sinterviewed you know if you want to getsome tidbits of information I want youto shoot that a question right now andwe're bound to see it we can only havelike four more questions left okay so iwanted to ask this question do mostsuccessful resellers drop everythingthat they do and focus on q4 when itcomes around you know i think that lotof the you know a lot of the sellersthat i have put a heavy concentration onq4 because you know i know everybodydoes toys right because that's easyright everybody does twice because it'sjust easy there easy to find they'reeasy to sell but a lot of sellers sell alot of other things so if you sell shoesyoung you're going to sell more shoes inq4 just because you're going to see somany more people shopping right commonsense okay so I think everybody'sramping up towards it I think thedifference is they're not they're notyou know only buying for q4 I you knowI'm guilty this in the old days I wouldbuy toys i started in toys so i guess istarted in books and moved in the toysand i've been going to the Toy Fair inNew York City for five years right I goevery year and i would start buying andputting stuff away oh that's going to goq4 oh that's going to go q4 I don't dothat anymore i buy it I send it ingenerally unless I buy you a hundred ora thousand and I can store it in mywarehouse and i'll send in 20 or 30 at atime because i should for several days aweek i think most people are now at thatplace that they will ramp up with theirpurchasing just before q4 but that'spretty much it really doesn't affecttheir business some of them who do theretail or go crazy still but a lot ofthe other ones generally don't they justthey increase their business becausethey have the process in place to handleit and it really you know it's they geta boost but it doesn't affect theirwhole life the other thing i noticed toois a lot of them shut down right afterthat right in the middle of december orwhatever they're basically done theyhave older inventory in their repricingand they're on vacation you know that'spretty cool they shut down and reallyhad to vacation you have pretty muchshut down think last year well youngwhat did you shut down last year I wasshutting down right around the 15thbecause it was startedthat lag time that was starting to occurthat no one really forced yeah what whatyou have to remember i didn't this isthis past year was like the one yearthat I didn't do I hardly did any retailarbitrage i was going to some personalmatters and i was in the middle of amove so i think i did like one week ofreach arbitrage but i still didsignificantly well with just theinventory that i had in place alreadyi'm gonna just blew me away yeah fourthquarter is definitely fun and it'salways something different every fourthquarter I mean it is the same stuff andit's a rush and it's a whole lot of funbut there's so many other things thatoccur and now that our green room isabout twice as large as it was lastfourth quarter can't imagine all thegreat finds are going to print this timebecause the room just tends to shareeverything and things are getting hit sofast that the race to the bottom reallyI don't see it occurring to like thoselast like three days up to Christmasthen you start seeing the Rays prettyhard but you know there's some very hardto find things out there and if you knowto be a part of a group that's sharingand caring I mean I know bolos that Iposted that think that rakin might haveposted but various bolos out there thatwe all saw and some of us found it someof us found some that really cool rarestuff it was really amazing whathappened when you can fit in so thingswith astronomically high ranks to waslike totally selling within a week Imean it's just crazy so you know whatnot things I think about I was a stolena lot of toys so i buy wholesale toy soi have accounts at all so i was ungatedin Star Wars all that kind of jazz couldhave been selling for so long um I don'tthink I'm gonna do that this yearbecause most of the products that ibought did tank because you it's so hardyou know i think about you know some ofthe stuff that I bought it just it's sohard to predict what's going to be thehot toy you really if you're in thewholesale model you're not gonna I thinkof goldieblox i'll use that exampleright remember when goldieblox they werethe grill that is what they wereconsidered right it was aboutengineering my son has a granddaughter Ihave a granddaughter he's like dad yougot to check this out these people gotfree ads in the Super Bowl because ofblood or whatever so I go down there toToy Fair I find goldieblox I go inbye-bye yuge amount so when we weregoing to that conference down the onethat you went to Steve down in GregPurdy's we stopped the toys r us AndySimons and I we go new toys r uslook and I see a display of old e blocksand they're selling them for half ofwhat i paid for him wholesale and I'mlike what anime can write and say Irealized I think toys is one of thoseplaces that I don't think it's really agreat wholesale business to be in and soso that's one of those things I probablywon't do this year I think you have todo it more of a retail orb with anonline twist right where you can pick upat Walmart that kind of thing so thoseare kind of lessons I've learned for q4um we got some questions coming in fromthe feed from our very own Aisha whatwould be the first baby steps to moveaway from retail arbitrage / driftinghmm you know again if you want to makemoney the most money you're going tomake is thrifting right you're going tomake the most money unfortunatelythere's a longer tail to that stuffright in a retail are you're going toget the fastest amount of your money butI don't think it's a sustainablebusiness although you know David Hawkinsand his wife IV will do three plusmillion dollars this year one hundredpercent retail are one hundred percentso they will tell you Steve you're wrongand they are right and i am wrong whenit comes to them but that's them I don'tthink everybody can do that or wants tobe on the road for a month like they areon so what I would do is I I think goingonline is pretty easy right so if youfind a good toy so that's the Chewbaccamasks right everybody's selling the truebiomass I found two in my warehouse thismorning I posted a picture on facebook Ibought them from amazon for sevendollars a piece I don't know when I justfound him on my shelves and actually Iguess I bought him in March Marchtwelfth when I put him in skin power andit was a I'm like oh that's cool rightso those you could buy from kohls orwalmart or wherever and you can buy themonline right or target hate target butyou can buy them online and so that'sthe place i would go because you couldscale the advice i get from people isyou chase the product so if you wantedto buy Chewbacca masks and there's AnnaNicole's you go hit 20 coals right andyou'd scale up but if you order themonline and you made store pickups rightsthat's an efficiency you can getthat way you're not wasting a trip youknow that they're there so that's theplace i would start scaling towards theother thing you can do is if you're notbuying list should consider buying listso I'm in a whole ton of list groups Imean a ton of them and I probably domore online art from that because I seeit come through in a my god damn I gottaclick on it because that looks likeSusan that's why i click on it is adistraction and I do it but you makemoney at it you know I mean and what Ilike about it is it shows you hey thiscolor shoe and this variation is hot whyand then you'll see people also boughtright you just follow that rabbit trailand you start that and so that skillsbut it's hard because it's expensive youknow get in and I'm getting gatedcategories right if you're not choosingclothing getting them getting sexualwellness get in DVDs over $25 but buythem from the right places don't buythem from thrift stores know there arecompanies that will sell to you you knowgo to a trade show if you haven't goneto a trade show great place to startokay the excellent advice they have themin your town trade shows that's that'sthat was another question that peoplewere asking they were asking about themilitary sale how do you how do you findthem is there any strategy to figuringout how or when they're going to be intown so we have a base in our town rightand that's what it was was a base saleso there's some security you got to gothrough whatever but you can get throughit right you can't jump every to everytown that has a base has and you knowthese guys are going overseas so theyhave to sell everything and the crazieststuff you see I mean it's just thecraziest stuff and I bought a ton of ityou know and I enjoy it awesome cool umwe have jason clark in the chat as wellwe wrap up the show in one second rakinyou know this is a very very popularshow it seems like in the comment feedso what can people do you know we have47 looks like thumbs that are pointingnorth do we like the thumbs pointingnorth yeah we like them we like them atnorth you know I'm no mathematician butit's been said quite a few times in thecomments that Steven is you know seemsto be quite the numbers guy Steven wehave a hundred people watching but only47likes what's going on here break it downfor me let's above my pay grade I don'tknow enter that mad that's near thatyou're the box Packer Steve yeah yeahI'm just the box Packer I don't knowanything about thumbs up or thumbs downthe box pack or use a rocket engineerguys um yeah hit the like button that'lldefinitely help out the show it'll alsobring on equal is awesome guesses wehave here today Steven Peterson andwhile we're on the subject of StevenPeterson hey how can people find yourpodcast even so it's on iTunes rightecommerce momentum or it's a websitee-commerce momentum calm and twice aweek every Monday there's a greatepisode coming up tomorrow mondays andthursdays and tomorrow's is a reallygood foundational because that's kind ofwhere I've been focusing lately is onfoundations building blocks of yourbusiness and and if you've beenoperating it for a while and if you hadtax problems last year or just grieftomorrow's is a great episode because Ihave an account went on and we spend alot of time so when you get toaccountants as she said what's callednerd talk right we were talking about itbut it was in plain talk that mostpeople can understand it's thatfoundation you really need to go backand look at your business and go backand put the foundation in place if youdon't have it and so that comes outevery Monday every thursday i will pump11 episode i don't pump a lot but myepisode 100 s coming up with chris greenand i think you've had chris on andchris is a great guy just a real greatfriend but he's gonna drop something onthat show he said I got dude I don'tknow what you're gonna tell he said ohdon't worry I'll bring you something sohe's going to announce something on myshow 100 and that's coming up next thereis a June second and so I'm excited whatwas the podcast again i'm looking atleading Dahmer's ecommerce momentum okayyou always gotta check it is viable ornot I'm just kidding okay so look whilewe're on the comp topic of your podcastas well before this part before thisinterview started we were talking aboutyou know you're you're very religiouswork ethic and how you just stay onpoint and that people that usually makeit in the game of the people that stickwith it and they have a schedule andthey just go with it right now you letus know about your schedule early in theshow which was pretty much mind-blowinghonestly it makes any of us look at thetimes that we wake up and we're likeokay like this guy's definitely living abusy liferight when you look at your podcast yourupload rate and all that kind of stuffthere's no telling the story thatthere's no luck right we were talkingabout right before this interview youryou started one day and you didn't missa beat and now you're a business to beall right so this is going to be about athree minute story I apologize for thisso if you ever heard a guy named DaveRamsey right so Dave Ramsey has a radioshow he's real famous whatever he hasthis guy on his show who he calls hisemployment coach Dan Miller 48 days thework you love no more mondays he'swritten three or four best-selling NewYork Times books so I got to meet Dan ininterviewed a ninnies episode I forgetit number that he is so we had lunch andwe're talking and he's like you knowSteve I work for six years I had a radioshow that went all across the US for sixyears 52 weeks never missed an episodethen he went into podcasting which ishis choice he wanted more freedom so forsix years he's had a podcast so 12 yearsaltogether never missed a week he does anewsletter he said Oh people say why areyou still doing a newsletter he's doneit for 52 weeks a year for 12 years soimagine it right this guy's 70-somethingyears old a hugely successful guy and hesaid somebody said to him the couplepeople said to him dan you're just solucky and he's gone lucky 12 years nevermissed an episode 52 weeks that's notluck that's hard work so I take thatvery serious so I put out two episodes aweek I have since I started becausethat's my commitment and I don't plan onstopping it because and I know that'swhy I'm having so much success because Iput out two episodes a week I get betterat it my first if you go listen to myfirst ones I'm definitely was I'mdefinitely better today than what I wasyou know and that's the power ofpodcasting if anybody wants to knowabout podcasting they can talk to meabout that but that's the answer youjust got to do it and do it and do itevery single week if you're going outand buying stuff and you can't fly sosomebody saying I'm having troublefinding stuff well go out tomorrowtomorrow's a new day get to start overagain yep that's right so um where 906p.m. I want to thank you for being onthe green room hangout number 41 if wedidn't get to someone's out there we weapologize but he's allso one step away in the green room youcan just ask them a question directly inthe room and if you need the questionass as well you can hit me up onbonafide hustler on facebook and i'llmake sure that he gets that answered foryou as well if we couldn't get an answerin here on the show but anyways yeahit's a lot to you know think about andif you want to replay this episode youcan do it after the show is over won'tbe live though but still at the sametime that's the beauty of youtube is wetalked here for an hour and it's goingto stay in there forever so there wasone last question and it was from tanyathe very beginning of the show I saw itit said do you have a youtube channelfor your podcast I do and I haven'thaven't monetize it or anything likethat i think i've only got about 40episodes up i just haven't kept it upi'm converting a podcast to youtubethere's software that does it it's justa hassle factor and you know again so Ihaven't I haven't kept it up I probablyneed to and you can get back at it andit's just a repeat of what you hear fromitunes stitcher libsyn pod bay or my ownwebsite they're on all of them so it'sreally just that in just my logo ok soeveryone's saying thanks for a reallygreat show awesome shell a little winnerever show you're a star man thanks fordoing what your you Larry cold and I'mSteven and then sieve don't miss a beatok Christian thank you very much I knowif you just go to the website I mean itdid streamable right from there you canjust put on your laptop and just listento it so all right how many oz from thedoppio scale I give this a five aw righthere on this show so thanks for watchingthe green room hang on number 41 we'llsee you next week on Wednesday a p.m.central time on richens channel tillthen thanks a lot talk to you soon thankyou bye
