Tips To Market Your eCommerce site | eCommerce Marketing Strategy

how to market your e-commerce businesseffectively hi guys it's Sam day herefrom database comm and in this video I'msharing six strategies that will helpyou to market your e-commerce businesstip number one is to make sure yourwebsite is search engine friendly thisbasically means that your website ismore likely to appear in results forGoogle Yahoo and Bing relevant to thekeywords on your website now I'lldefinitely recommend heading over to theGoogle webmasters tools you can findthis by going to google and type inGoogle webmasters tools and submittingyour website to Google Webmaster Toolsthere's also Bing webmasters tools aswell and that will help you to submityour website to Bing and to Yahoo andnow leave links in the description belowwhere you can find these two tools andwhat that basically does is it tellsYahoo Bing and Google that your websiteis live and then it will still sendtheir BOTS to your website and you cango and crawl your website so just selectthem know that you're there and to makeyour website that much more crawlabletip number two is article marketingstart a blog that's hosted on youre-commerce website and start bloggingand writing articles about relatedtopics whatever your niche is in so forexample if you are selling sportsrelated gear then you're going to wantto start writing articles related to theproducts that you sell so sports relatedarticles this will help you again to bepicked up in search engines like Googleit also creates valuable content foryour potential customers who may read anarticle and then click and become acustomer or a lead for you people loveto share blog posts as well so creatinga lot of articles gives you a goodopportunity for other websites to linkto you as well which creates really goodbacklinks which also helps with thesearch engine optimization of yourwebsite tip number three is to make sureyou have a client base and you buildyour own database of clients bothexisting clients or cars who'vepurchased from you in the past andpotential clients so when someone makesa purchase from you make sure you'reusing some sort of software maybeInfusionsoft I'll leave a link to thatin the description below or a similarsoftware thatof you to actually capture people'semail addresses and information so youcan remark it to them later on down theline another thing you might want to doto build your client base of people whohaven't bought from you yet is to maybeoffer a 10% discount to people who optin to your email list so maybe having apop-up that comes up on your website orsome sort of signup form that says heyif you sign up for our email list youget 10% off the next time you purchasefrom our website so have an incentiveand collect people's emails and buildyour database that way if you have alittle bit of money to spend then makesure you spend it on a little bit ofpay-per-click marketing or other typesof advertisement online now a reallygood thing to do is not just to sendtraffic straight to your homepage orstraight to a sales page on your websitesend it to an optimized landing page ora squeeze page which basically tries toget the name and email address or maybeother information of the people whovisit that page so you're basically justtrying to build your client base byusing pay-per-click marketing and thisway if you send them to a sales pageyour conversion rate might be 5% orsomething and you have a huge drop-offbut if you send them to a landing pagewhich just asks them to opt-in to youremail list then you're likely to get ahigher conversion rate especially if youhave an incentive don't just say youknow sign up to the email list but likeI said before they even get 10% off thembags or handbags or purses or whateverit is that you sell they get 10% off ofthe handbags when they sign up for yourlist or some other incentive that'srelated to your industry but create anoptimized landing page that gives awaysomething of value and connects uppeople's email names and email addressesto help build your database that's thebest way to do paid advertisement orpay-per-click marketing for youre-commerce websitetip number five is to be active onsocial media engage with people onsocial media see who is trending onsocial media in your niche see who youcan talk to you'll be surprised if youpublish a lot of useful content you knowsome of your blog articles that you'vewritten or a video that you've producedif you publish that on social media likeTwitter and Facebook and LinkedIn you'llbe surprised how many people actually goto your website just from seeing a posta useful article that you've written andthis can increase visitors to yourwebsite and in turn increase conversionsto your list and sales tip number six isto reward the buyers that actually domake a purchase on your website soeither sending them a free gift withtheir purchase which is going toincrease the experience that they haveon your website and maybe we help themto refer a friend and bring you evenmore business and also give them as anincentive as well like I said a 10% ofdiscount or a 20% of discount for theirnext purchase put it inside of their atthe package when you send it to them sothis creates repeat business repeatclients to you and the best way to toget clients is to keep your clients sohopefully this video gave you a betterunderstanding of how you can market youre-commerce business online if it didthen please click the like button downbelow if you have any additionalquestions or comments please leave themfor me in the comment section but untilnext time what some of my other greatvideos subscribe to my channel for moreawesome content have a great day andI'll see you soon
