Ecommerce Link Building Made Easy With This Simple Strategy

a lot of people struggle with linkbuilding when it comes to e-commerce buttruth be told works just like any othertype of link building the morehigh-quality links you get pointing toyour store the more it will increaseyour store's rankings in the searchengines but that is really really hardwhen you have not invested time inoptimizing your category and productspages so you've done that now rightbecause if you haven't you are not readyfor link building yet this is a commonmistake we see in our e-commerce SEOclients all the time and if you haven'toptimized your product or category pagesyet then I highly suggest you sign up tomy free seven-day course that will teachyou how to create traffic sucking pagesthat drive google wild I've left a linkin the description for you but if you'vealready optimized all of your categoryand all of your product pages then keepwatching because I'm about to share theeasiest way to build links to yourecommerce store and that is to quitesimply steal your competitors bestbacklinks first competitive backlinkanalysis is one of the most powerfulways to find what's working with yourcompetitors so you can replicate itI mean why go to all the hard work offinding link building opportunities whenyou can just steal from your competitorslink profile this has been my go to linkbuilding strategy for the last decadewherever that site's affiliate site abusiness site or e-commerce site Ialways start by making a link databaseof all of my competitors best backlinksand then I attack them one by one nowyou might be wondering well how do I dothatwell it's easy first of all you start bygathering the first 10 organic searchresults for your main keyword justsearching google for the keyword andmake a list with each organic result youfind then use a hate revs to find all ofthe backlinks that are pointing to eachof your competitors for example theseare the top results for the search swimtrunks we would just look up all of thebacklinks pointing to each of these URLsin a hateRaph's as you can see we could easilyacquire links from these sites andthat's some only looking at one of thetop ten results and by using the a haterefs keyword Explorer we can see that weonly need links from just ten websitesto break the top ten for this keyword sonow we just need to work through each ofthe URLs we found in the Google searchresults enter into a href and export thebacklink profile for each of them nowit's important that you keep youranalysis organized so create separatetabs for each competitor in one masterExcel spreadsheet and instead ofanalyzing every single link from eachcompetitor manually sort them by domainrating and attack the most valuablelinks first just take each link open itin a web browser and try to see how yourcompetitor got these links so you canreplicate it stealing your competitorsbacklinks is my all-time favorite linkbuilding strategy and while our otherlink building strategies you can usethis is the best link building strategyfor any e-commerce store whether you'rethe new kid on the block or anestablished player stealing yourcompetitors backlinks is the mosteffective link building strategy on theplanet not only that but you don't needto be a genius to pull it off either allyou have to do is open each of yourcompetitors backlinks in a web browserand look at how they got the link you'llvery quickly pick up all the differentpatterns of where to look for the thesubmit URL box or the contact us buttonsto steal those links away or if that'snot to your taste you can always have myecommerce SEO team do the heavy liftingfor you with our fully managed ecommerceSEO service the links in the descriptionif we don't make link building morecomplicated than it needs to be look atwhat is working for your competitors andreplicate it simpleyou[Music]
