T-Rex MegaStore Review Case Study Bonus – Most Profitable eCom Niche Video 3

all right here we go Stephon West againhere with Greg Ryder thank you fortuning in to video 3 video 3 that meansif you haven't seen video to a video 1you need to stop this video and go rightnow and click on the link e over here tovideo 1 video 2 get caught up and thencheck us out right back here video 3 ifyou have already watched video 1 a videoto thank you for your timethank you for your attention appreciateyou showing up today make sure you takereally good notes cuz they're gonna meana lot to you later and thank you forbeing here yeah and again if you'vetaken good notes you're gonna know thatwhat we did in video 1 and video 2 is wetalked about we're talking about thefive steps to a 7-figure your e-commercebusiness step number one was talk backto you oh why yes why always talk aboutthe wise more important in the house ifyou have a strong wife in this case whyshould you be any commerce becauseyou're not insane and you do not want tomiss out on one of the greatestopportunities in our lifetime to beinvolved in e-commerce completely changeyour life and build generational wealththat means not just for you now but forgenerations to come and they probablydon't live under a rock and we talkedabout that so you need to stop go stepnumber one is the why he comes this hotbarrier of entry is easy you can getinto itnumber two the step number two was hownotes we established why you ought to bein commerce tell me where I get startedhow there's a lot of ways to not do itwe talked about some of those and thenthere's the right ways the niches andthen the platform's which is the wherethere's the why that's the how andthere's even the where there's a whereto do it right yeah and so today we'regonna just keep following up with asequence of training to get you to haveall the information you need to make thebest decision on where you gonna buildthe house because we talked about theplatforms we talked about the niches youcan choose and today we're gonna sayokay let's assume you got a niche let'sassume you've chosen your platform nowyou got to market now you got a directrap you got to find your hot hungrymarket you got to get in front of themand most of us use Facebook a lot ofpeople use more than Facebook we'regoing to talk specifically aboutFacebook and we're gonna reveal somegreat information then we're going to gointo demoing teawrex software and we'regonna blow your mind and show you somestuff that you've never seen before ine-commerce that really really isfantastic so with that being said nofurther- here we go we're going to talk aboutthe top strategies for e-commerce withFacebook marketing and Facebook andwithout spending a lot of time onFacebook the reason we love Facebook isFacebook as well those love-haterelationship kind of like you know mygramma zon and Google and a lot of big Iwas kind of thinking you and me thatthat – hey but no here's the thing withFacebook they track everything you doeverywhere you go and they create theselittle things called pixels and peopleput pixels on their site so they cantrack when something clicks off Facebookand goes to your site they can trackconversions then crack at the track addto carts and things of that nature butnow think about this millions andmillions and tens of millions sites haveFacebook pixels all over the place sonot only do they know what you're doingon Facebook but they know what you'redoing on Facebook they know if you go tothis site then you go to Forbes comm oryou go somewhere they can track you sofrom a marketing perspective we lovethat because once we can identify whoour target market is 35 to 65 year oldgreat where 65 year old women that livein Virginia that drive a chevrolet thathave a golden retriever you really cantarget them like nothing ever seenbefore it is the holy grail of marketingadvertising the days of let me put aradio ad let me put something in thenewspaper let me do a TV ad and let mesee my results come back in two threefour or five weeks are gone it's over wecan now put something up and within 10hours 2 hours 24 hours we can find outif we got winners or losers so we'regoing to share with you that kind ofstuff today so the one thing I reallywant to start with when it comes to yourproduct your service your pricing nomatter what it is your marketing butwhat is the number one step everyoneforgets that is critical to your successit's critical to eliminating losses weall want to eliminate losses right weall want to limit losses and here's theanswer that's real simple it's testingyou should test first build campaignsbuild products build things later youalways want to test first and the reasonyou want to test first is because youdon't know if the market wants to buyyour stuff I think I'm a brilliant guy Ithink I'm a genius but I'll only writehalf the time and somebody said to mewould you have good yeah if you writehalf the time you're doing really goodbecause most the time we're not rightright so we want thethe target market to tell us so let meshow you a case study on testing adesign and we're gonna walk you throughan entire case study of how a designwent to a product went to mail went tofemale and that helped drive exactlywhat campaigns what products and stuffwas built so now you're looking on thescreen this is a case study of a designfor a boot which was done by one of ourpower sellers Ken Anderson so let megive credit where credit's dueI'm amazing ecommerce marketers generatetens of millions of dollars of salestrained countless guys to get intomassive amounts of success you startwith testing so they had some designsthey put three separate designs on thesame boots and they put up a page postengagement ad on Facebook and they weretargeting Texas mechanics they simplysaid please comment below with one twoor three and help us find out whichdesign works better now real quick whichdesign do you think one yeah see that'swhy everything in business is a testdon't assume you know because I wouldhave been to form all one or two and I'mguessing I was wrong yes you were wrongit was number three so now the numberthree was chosen and you know it's themap they said let's test three separateMaps so they got the Del Rio map of themap of Dallas and the map of Texas thewhole map and they did the exact samemap the exact same audience but theyasked him okay which design do you likeagain trying to figure out what map itwas and the winner is number two so thenonce they got the right map they saidokay we have two separate badges we havethe round Texas mechanic badge and wehave the kind of rectangular shapedTexas mechanic badge and they rananother ad going which badge do theylike and the winner is number two allright so now that we have to design youneed to figure out what product tolaunch and on so they they went througha couple tests spend five or ten dollarseach test and think okay this isdesigned that this audience wants nowlet's put it on some running shoes abackpack some high tops and the bootsand which products should they launchwith now again this is targeting men soyou can K you see a man's down there andyou got man boots that kind of stuff soagain you have any idea which one wonthis I mean I would guess mechanicsTexas men would have picked the bootsbut has me dude you're really hittinggood it was the boots the boots one butagain you pay for the engagement you payfor the lights you pay for the sharesyou kind of see what's going on and thenthey said wait a sec well we know thereare women mechanics so let's see whatthe women want and let's do it the samething for the women so withoutbelaboring the point the whole idea istesting and you said it earlier it'slike you have to test test test andhere's the point about this I want tomake is we don't want you spending timebuilding campaigns building productswriting product descriptions and all thestuff on the store ecommerce side untilyou've tested your designs test yourproducts on some ads now if you have astore you already got a lot of trafficsure you can throw it in there see ifsome people buy it but if you'reactually trying to drive trafficspecifically to a product to buy thatproduct we want you to test thoseproducts and test those those designsthe pricing all that kind of stuff aheadof time as well as you can do this withpricing and what the contest thing haveyou done anything outside of this boxyou can test test images like it didthey which way that the product wasturned on the same yeah product stylesjust what image or whether it was just aproduct or a product owner person thelifestyle you just mess play with theimages we're very visual ecommerce isvery visual driven so mess with thecolors and the visual and the copy and Iand I don't have time to go intooptimization but just to give you oneconcept real quick so if you were totake a product and you're marketing thisproduct and you can increase your salesbecause you did something different adifferent color a different picture adifferent a different angle and increasesales by 2% and then you did somethingelse with the different orange button issupposed to a blue button and thatincreased 3% you did this for 2% andafter testing and always testing sixmonths laterboy now you've increased your conversionby 18% which when you're driving lots oftraffic is a big big huge difference sothe point is again test everything testprices don't rely upon your greatinsights my great insights we alwayswant to test our market and here's thefavorite saying that I learned find ahot hungry market find out what theywant and give it to them so when youthink you have something test it to seeif theydo want it and sometimes you'll besurprised that the ugliest design sellmore than the best designs and designsyou thought we're gonna be hot or nothot or the part she's not we're gonnasell don't sell at all so now let's moveinto the next thing which is what theperfect engaging and entertaining listbuilding strategy since the beginning oftime could you say like a little morethe perfect engaging and entertaininglist building strategies since BenFranklin invented internet mark I gottathe smile yeah that's what it's aboutit's about the energy hmm and why do webuild a list cuz the money's in the listlist is an asset you sell something toodang you're broke tomorrow once youhaven't had a list of people you didn'tknow you love you trust you they keepcoming backthey once said that it's one of thehardest times in history to acquire anew customer but once you acquire thecustomer then it's easier to continue tobuild that relationship and and get morerepeat business so do you how do youfind that repeat customer unless youhave or find anybody unless you havethat list no I want to re-emphasize whatyou just said yeah so in today'smarketing I used to teach marketingyears ago and I had this whole thingthat we used to have like back when Iwas a kid we had like three flavors ofPop Tarts vanilla chocolate andstrawberry now there's like eighteenflavors there's like 75 different kindsof cereal so we have so many choices themarkets very confused out there so itreally is hard to get a customer onceyou get a customer if you'll take thetime and the energy and effort to treatthat customer right treat them withrespect give them value go the extramile it's really easy to get them to buyto get them to buy from you again sothat's one things we're alwaysemphasizing in our e-commerce marketingand training is build relationship buildrapport let the customers know who youare what you're all about what you standfor service them do great by them andthey will reward you handsomely thereferral social media marketing orsocial media sharing that kind of stuffso again going back to list building oneof the best strategies that top powersellers use seven figure earners use asthey do contests they offer things towin so here'san example of a screenshot where theguys went to ebay and they found somepeople that were selling a officiallylicensed Seattle CX Seahawks crock-potand they put together an ad gone heywe're thinking of a number between oneand a hundred comment below with yourguest the first person to win is theirguest this number is gonna win this seehow the Seahawks crock-pot now obviouslythey have some products behind that intheir funnel that they want to sell thatthey know Seattle Seahawk fans may wantso that's where they're using thisreally good bait to get them to comeover some people call that click baitright to get them to come over to dothis now this particular one they'reusing some cool technology with facebookMessenger where they really weren't evenasking them for it opt-in or drivingthem to a website just by making acomment below this post they could thensend a facebook messenger to their siteand here's my personal profile page andI made a post on the page you can see mymessenger pops up and it gives me alittle pop-up it allows me to you knowcommunicate with them via Facebookmessage amazing strategy tons of peopleare using it great engagement cheap todo and it again gets them into thatindoctrination series of communicatingwith you know what you're doing here'sanother example of an opt-in form withthe same type of thing instead of usingfacebook Messenger you are driving themaway till I say a tier X page with youropt-in builder and you got the crock-potthere they enter their name their emailaddress boom they're entered into thecontest then from there you drop themoff onto maybe a page with some apparelsome clothes some coffee mugs somethingthat's tied into the Seahawks and youget the upsell right there so now you'reeven monetizing building lists andmonetizing what you're doing and if youhave any comments yeah quick commentsorry if it can help if the the thingthat you're offering the lead magnet orwhatever you want to call the front endthing that they're trying to win and isrelevant to the back end offer but let'sbe honest it doesn't even have to berelevant do you remember any good olddays if you went into a bank to sign upfor a checking account and give you atoaster what a toasters have to do withchecking accounts because human beingsin need check and account it's also liketoast so it's just human being somebodyto like see how much you may not wantall from a cowboy's thing after that butif they like a crock-pot they mayso like a coffee mug or had you know itdoesn't even have to be related it canhelp if it's related but it's justsomething right you're just trying towell what if you sold steaks and foodlike that Platt firstso but here's the other thing I want topoint out to so we're really really bigon teaching remarketing and retargetingand that means we drop a Facebook pixelon their computer when they hit thewebsite and now we can follow themaround because it's been said in salesfor decades you know it takes fivetouches seven touches ten touches forsomebody to be associated with yourbrand or product to actually buy fromyou so retargeting is one of the hottestmarketing strategies out there in thecourse when you're in our community andyou get our coaching and training we dotalk about remarketing we teach you howthis works how you do it and why you doit so now here's another example that Iget excited about because you don't knowa lot about what we're doingother than t-rex and print XR dropshipfacility but we do believe in celebrityendorsements that we work withcelebrities we help celebrities buildtheir brands online and we manage theire-commerce online it's kind of a nichethat we have unique to us and one of thecelebrities we work with his name Nickylund and Nicky actually is a fashiondesigner for the Stars she's createdclothes for Carrie Underwood BlakeShelton Brad Paisley Madonna Lady gagaetc etcetera etc well she made a jacketfor Blake Shelton that he won on TheVoice I said hey why don't we make anextra one let's do a contest get peopleto opt-in to win and we did this we ransome Facebook Ads we didn't spend a lotof money we got like 628 opt-ins we gaveaway a jacket so again we're gettingimpressions for a brand and again youjust put this right on your t-rexWordPress site and boom you're set andyou're going and this is one of myfavorite examples that I want to showyou and this is one of those littlesituations that's really unique andexclusive to t-rex so here's an exampleof putting it out on Facebook win a freeSan Diego State personalized mug andwhat I'm going to do is I'm going to hopoff this PowerPoint for a second I'mgoing to take you to a live Facebookpage let me click okay so here we are atone of our websites where we actually dolicense to college apparel and we'reoffering a free personalized San DiegoState you know mug so what are we goingto do is we run typemy name and this can all be done witht-rex and you can kind of customize thisfor whatever you're doing I'm gonna putin the year that I graduated and I'mgonna enter my email and when I hitsubmit that's where the magic begins sowhat happens is that's off-putting intoour database adding that person as alead to our database and this can dosomething that you've never seen beforeit actually puts my name in the classthat I graduated on the t-shirt how coolis that now in addition to that it takesit and puts it on a black t-shirt withthe colors reversed in addition to thatit puts it on a lady's tank top and italso puts it on a coffee mug puts it ona water bottle puts it on a pillow andagain you can do this with all of ourprint-on-demand products you can usepersonal is exclusive to t-rex this is adifferentiating it is a feature thatnobody else has to be able to remember Italked about you go get a go get a checkand account and get a toaster well thatworks but it works better if the offeris extremely relevant and personalizedto where they just were they justentered to win a coffee mug with theirlast name and their graduation year onit and immediately they're served likeproducts after you've already acquiredan email I mean that's as hard to notget excited enough case studies andimprove this you'd be amazed how manypeople just go so we have a little winethere is that thank you by entering youcan save 10% when you use coupon save 10now so people just go I want this nowthat's so cool I got to have this theybuy it and they go on and again that isexclusive to t-rex and everything we'vebeen showing you can be done on ourt-rex platform and do this kind of stuffokay so we're going old school rightlet's go yeah your old school we haverights over all right that's great hairexactly it makes you look really youngThank You speciate anyway we're goingold school and this old school is basedon the preface that long-form sales copyalways converts better than short formsales copy and this was proven decadesago I can't remember the case name isBank my mind but but copywriters andselling people and people that marketedin the 60s the 70s the 80s this hasproven over and over to get aneverything from magazines to golf clubsso you name it cameras it's been this isolder than Internet this is human naturebecause if they're not offline when youdo longer you can keep somebody in a cardealership the more likely they arethat's why they got nail salons andmovies and coffee and popcorn along andkeep you there and a guy just truestories told us on the stage at amarketing conference when they told himwhen he started selling cars to grab thecar keys from the prospect of theirautomobile and throw him on the roof ofthe dealership tell him the only way toleave it is it a new car and he set arecord that first month and they wereonly kidding they didn't mean for him todo it so then they told him to stopdoing any quit selling cars but heliterally after they were just shockedby his audacity they ended up normallybehind a car so they come so a long-formsales letter is not quite as aggressiveas throwing the keys on the roof um butit is meant to keep them there as longas possible to build the engagementthat's awesome so here's an example of along-form sales copy that you can't doon Shopify but you can do on tiers yousurely can't do this on Amazon but a bigfullscreen headline save over 50% on ourpremium quality Texas strong collectionyou got some nice images there and I'mnot gonna take you this would live buthere's another one so again going backto Nikki Lenore celebrity I do want toshow you this live so this is along-form sales page we put for a hoodienow this hoodie sells for a hundred andfifteen dollars so let me go live on theinternet with this and let me show youwhat's going on here so again big giantfree shipping on our premium qualityoversized fleece hoodie and some nicepictures both the front and back of alifestyle photo of a girl wearing it andthen you scroll down a little bit now wehave a headlineNikki line singer-songwriter fashiondesigner to the stars so now not onlyare we trying to sell the hoodie butwe're trying to get some brandrecognition for Nikki and starting toget her story out there because no onein the in the public knows are only allthe celebrity knows her because she'sdone all this stuff all the celebritiesthen we got the one size fits allanother hood another headline or thedescription of the hoodie another greatpicture and then I went and I went tothe website and we literally havenothing but 5 stars for this hoodie so Icopy and pasted the five star rewards tothe left of some more pictures and Ikept doing that I got some real livepictures some more lifestyle picturesbut with the five star reviews and boythe way this turnsgreat on mobile this is designed formobile they're scrolling through thispicture copy picture copy picture copyand then we ended with a great videothat's actually Nikki on extra TVtalking about the hoodie and her line soit's just beautiful and then we saidokay let's go ahead and throw in thecredibilityhere's her celebrity clientele and thenof course we end with the money-backguarantee in the hundred this page wasconverting great we were spending aboutfourteen to fifteen dollars for acustomer acquisition cost to sell onehundred and fifteen dollar hoodie so Ican tell you that that was very happyand we're still doing is very very goingvery very well okay so you know wrappingup this whole long-form sales copy andthose are just a few examples I wish Ihad time to spend more to you but that'sgoing to be involved in our in ourtraining our weekly training and allthat kind stuff because there's moretemplates or different things you can dothere's different strategies to do on along form sales page but we do know thatthis strategy makes your advertisingmore profitable it really helps youconvert more and do more with everythingyou're doing with your Facebookmarketing your Facebook advertising nowwhat I want to move into is the numberone strategy to make your advertisingprofitable and you know over and abovewhat we just shared with you and that isthe key to success is making itprofitable I wanted to say becausepeople get wrapped around act so howmuch should I spend and a Facebook Adsthat's a simple factor of if you've beengetting return on investment then asmuch as humanly possible if you're notmaking money stop if you're making moneyit like you said if you pay a dollar andget two why don't you add a bunch ofzeros to that so that's the key is beingprofitable and being more profitablebecause when you've got more moneycoming back in to do more advertisingyou can lather rinse repeatso the answer to the question is how doyou become more profitable for the samead spend more money for the same adspend is Vaughn Knowleswant to talk a lot about funnels yeahand you know what one of the things Ithink we forgot to really spend sometime on I'm gonna briefly talk about itis we're talking about some of you guysif you're new and you want to getecommerce how do you drive traffic wellyou go to Facebook and you buy trafficyou give Facebook money and they sendvisitors so your goal is to giveFacebook a dollar and Facebook sends youthree dollars I want to give them adollar they give me three I get mydollar they give me three my cost ofgoods take up a dollar or a little bitmore than a dollar and then I make someprofit on that third dollar so thatthat's the premise for what we're doingof course we're gonna happen we trainthis in our membership area we havetraining videos on this so this is allpart of the process is that you learnokay now I got a store now I gotproducts now I know my niche is I'mgonna bring the products in and I'mgonna use the world's best software toincrease my conversions and increase useall the tools and techniques and tacticsto make it all work for me and I'm gonnabe spending money on Facebook so now Iwant to talk about the funnels and theone-click upsells this is something thatagain we've spent months creating fortier X and it is really unique to uswe're the only ecommerce platform thatoffers this and right here when Iweb down the screen is whenever I'mcreating a funnel I literally go intoPowerPoint and I draw some boxes andsome arrows and I kind of map it out inmy mind so I want to walk you throughthis so you can see my thought processso I've got a kid's white t-shirt that'sgonna have a design on it and thatdesign could be anything and I'm gonnasell that t-shirt for $4.97 and I'mgonna also add on their 399 for shippinghandling and I break even on that Idon't make any money so that's what Icall my loss leader so I'm gonna run adsto grandmother's with a nice t-shirtidea that's white for the kids thatgrandma might want to buy but then I'mgonna also offer a blue t-shirt andother colors of a t-shirt because blackand other colors are they sell more thanwhite now I know that because of what wedo so what happens is but those othercolor ones are not 497 they're 997 or1497 so regards to that the idea is tobring that loss leader in and then theygo to checkout and after they go tocheckout they're gonna go hey waitbefore you go we have these comfycritters and we have these really coollike kids blankets that they pull overthey they wear them and they can be likea little Batman stuff and it's a coolcomfy critter and these normally are 20or 95 but today we're going to give youa free shipping would you like to buyone of those if they say yes and theybuy that add that to the cart boom oneclick money comes in then I'm gonna takethem to another page but hey you mightwant a second comfy critter for 1995because we're already shipping it to youit's already coming we'll sell you thenext one if they say no we'rego to the down sell and say hey how it'slike to get a matching shirt for mom ordad to match the same design that thekid has so you see how I'm kind of tyingit all together and we're trying tobring in this this this funnel and thenthey go to the Thank You page now againwe have other tactics we want toimplement one is an exit pop so you'llsee the arrows coming from both checkout and from the main campaign page withan exit popcorn hey save 15% so ifthey're trying to leave the page we'regonna say hey here's your 15 percentcoupon we're gonna try to save thatorder and then of course if they get tocheckout and they start to fill out thecheckout system we're going to get intoa what's called a cart abandonmentsequence you would be amazed at how manypeople start to purchase something andthey abandon their cart the internetgoes out their phone runs out of juicethe phone rings the kids call somethinghappens and you don't want to lose thatperson so what's really cool about t-rexis we have a two-step checkout processand in our to chip stack out process thevery first thing to do is put in theiremail the minute they put in their emailand then go to the next field BAMwe've added that email to a database sowe can do a cart abandonment emailsequence and then we go from there butit's just a great way to save orderswith cart abandonment now if this is ifthis is your no funnels and you knowinternet marketing this is nothing newto you what is unique is how it's builtinto t-rex it's it's just automaticallybaked into the system it's so easy toset up these funnels and it's so easy tochange them because we talked abouttesting how do you know where to back inall for all to be you can test you cango let's contrast that to the differencethat's what professionals do is funnelamateurs may just start out with justthe kids t-shirt that's all we know howto do now they want to make a profit onthat first product any price it way upthere and he getting no customers andthey say I tried to eat my commercething that didn't work if you've gotthem back in if you're willing to cutthe cost to get a lot I knowmulti-million dollar companies that whenthey build funnels like that if theymake money on the front end they fireeverybody they're that big and I want torun and break even on the front end toorequires many new customers as possibleand thenmoney back in because once you'vecovered the cost of acquiring a customerthe back end sales are free money atthat point it's free money and that'swhy the power of being a professionalversus an amateur the customeracquisition cost this Union so now letme go and I want to show you guys a livedemo of heat changing golf mug and I'msuper excited about this heat changinggolf mug because I like golf my son wasbig-time at golf he had with him he hadthe number one us-based YouTube channelfor golf and so we kind of did this forhis him and his brand called MTI so letme go ahead and watch let me watch you alive one-click upsell funnel in actionok so I want to run you through live ourheat changing golf coffee mug so this isa really super cool product it pullslots of traffic off Facebook you know towhen you advertise the golf fanatics andthey see that the content gets poured inand reveals the the 12th hole very verygood very great video to pull people offand we can actually do this with anyimage you want and put any image on aheat change in golf mug so I'm gonnahead and add this to the cart and againthis is gonna be a live one click up soI'm gonna go here to my Robo farm andI'm gonna go to my identity's and I'mgonna go to test credit card I don't hitfill the forms and it's gonna fill inmost of these forms for me so let's seeI gotta put my phone and it didn't putmy address in so let's do that and USAstates California and I got two mugsthere I'm gonna go back down to one cardholder named Greg Ryderone two three on this test credit cardcomplete purchase so now we're actuallycapturing the credit card put them inthe database and confirm the orderinstantly we have an email that goes outand boom wait before you go would youlike to get your matching famous golfhole pillowcase and you can see we havethe beautiful pillowcase here and wegive them a choice of a difference aMcCall and then they go wow that's coolI think I'll take two of those so I'mgonna say yesadd this to my order now if they hit nothey would just keep going on but I'llgo ahead and add this to my order nowwhat it's doing it's it's capturing thecredit card again and one-click chargeone-click upsell they're not to puttheir information again and now it'sgonna say wait a second you just got thepillowcase do you want a pillow insertwell heck I didn't know I needed apillow insert but yep I'm gonna need twopillow inserts to go with those twopillow cases I'm gonna hit add that tomy order and now it's adding that to myorder and again that's the one-clickupsell and now it's gonna take me toanother upsell hey do you want to get ashirt to go with that well I don'treally care for the shirt so I'll hit nothank you and now it's gonna take me toanother upsell and do I want the processtravel mug trust the process travel mugand I don't want that so I'm hitting Nothank you so there we go got to theThank You page and there it iseverything is all there and it's justbeautiful fantastic that's the one-clickupsells so now let me take you into theback office and show you how easy it isto set that up so this is what'sexclusive to t-rex and t-rex so I'll goin here t-rex I'm gonna go to funnelsand in funnels I'm going to edit thisfamous golf hole color-changing mug I'mgonna hit edit and once you have yourpages and your products built here's howeasy it is you just come here to a newfunnel and you choose okay I want the12th hole golf mug is the first productthen they go to the cart then on theThank You page I want the matchingpillowcases and then if they buy thepillowcases I want them to go to thepillow insert if they buy the pillowinsert I want them to go to the processthe t-shirt if they don't buy the pillowinserts I wanted to go to the t-shirtanyway and then if I you know you justkeep coming and you go five levels deepyou just chewwhich product at the upsell the downsell the upsell the down salute eachproduct they buy you can maybe sell themsomething else more something else andif let's say they don't buy the pillowinserts or the pillow cases you can takehim straight to the t-shirt and then tothe coffee mug so that's how easy soonce I pick boom I pick these you know Ijust go boom boom boom and I clicked inmy head updateI now have just created a funnel that isexclusive to t-rex how cool is thatso I want to show you the the funnelbuilding and one-click upsells in thet-rex software so now how cool was thatif you thought that was like super coolto put a comment below right now likedid that wow you I'd like to know yourcomments of what you thought of theone-click funnel going underneath thisvideo go ahead and type in your commentslet me know what you think there's yourfirst well the first that first one noagain you can't do that anywhere elseokay so there we areso now take those four strategies wejust shared with you right the listbuilding the engaging the one-clickfunnels the long-form sales pages andit's almost guaranteed to increase yourrevenues three to six hundred percentand I know it sounds crazy I have otherpeople in our community tell me not sixhundred percent 12 times like 12 timesmore sales with a long-form sales pageand the funnel and the revenues it'sreally that significant so it'ssomething that you really got toconsider you really need to implementthese things and again these are thethings that the average ecommerce personnever hears it never gets to learn aboutnever does because we are experts inthis field and again our job is to helpyou succeed because when you succeed andyou're ordering stuff through us andyou're with our community we succeed sowe're really committed to that now Iwant to go into step number five andthis is something I know you're reallybig about we've had other people in ourcommunity they don't really care aboutit which is okay yes not there's not butit's building a brand and trying tobuild something that has more value andand I call it building brand equity andbrand equity really is the value of yourbrand and the mind of the consumer andit's a function of how do you make theconsumer feel about your brand havingone message one vision one brand youknow and when we talk about fashion youcould talk about Tommy Hilfiger youcould talk about like the women'sfashion andLyons I'm not a big fashion person butthe idea is the brand and the fashionall right so we want you to do it now Iwanted to show you some real quickscreenshots of what we've done for Nikkibecause she's again one of our celebrityclients we create a beautiful visualappearance beautiful photos beautifullogo everything's very consistent ourcolor schemes we did beautiful photoshoots in this particular picture youcan see that not only did beautifulphoto shoots but we had them on amannequin and then we photoshopped outthe mannequin and they just lookfantastic and everything we've done iswith class and with perfection and withbeauty and it's on brandso here's hang tags and labels and thenour folk our advertising our photographyeverything was really nicely done verysimple very elegant white black all thatkind of stuffso it's so it's so important that if youif you really want to have a bash linerbring anything on a brand think aboutyour brand think about your logo thinkabout your packaging and and our partnerburnt almond who is arguably the biggestbrand of fashion guy on the planetbecause he launched Jennifer Lopez'sbrand and Nicki Minaj and Adam Levineand these partners with Tommy Hilfigerhe always says the custom ends toexperiences the experience when theyfirst come across you and buy from youand the second experience is when theyget the product from youso we can help with that packaging howthat works what how they open it updifferent things like I said so it'skind of a little bit off talk but Ididn't want you to know that we believein that we want to help people buildbrands and build wealth that way and wecan help facilitate that through what wedo with print X and T Rex so now we'vecome to the point where I do want toshow and I want to demonstrate what wecall a complete done-for-you storefrontand what I mean a done-for-youstorefront is we took the pain pointswhich go ahead reiterate the pain pointsof building a store and putting theproduct in that because you're good atyou got a blank store when you getstarted whether you're on Amazon ShopifyT right you you start and you're you'rea little bit overwhelmed with theenormity of what do we even do where doI start but wouldn't it help to be ableto start with a store full of products Idare you to find out in Amazon Shopifyor any other platform I guarantee thisis the only place you're going to find astore already full of testsand proven products that people won'tit's been proven yep so the idea is andwe talked about this what if you couldhave a storefront built for you and allthe products all the campaigns all thehard work the hundreds hours the dozensof hours to get it up and go and we'redone for you so we did that in somereally cool niches so for instance wehave the families and grandmas done foryou store and the families of Grandmadone for you store comes withcollections for grandmasit comes with collections for grandpasit comes with collections for moms itcomes with collections for dadsit comes with collections for aunts itcomes with collections for uncle'sbabies pet owners and again everycollection has multiple products andlots of them come with personalizedstuff so I love my dog Jack if they typein their dog's name here my name dog'snames not Jack's now what I do what'syour dog's nameyou know well you would type do you knowthere you did search and you share itit's gonna find it and that's gonna putyour dog's name on the hoodie it's gonnaput your dog's name on the pillow it'sgonna put your dog's name on the koozieand it could be canvas art it could be awine glass if there's all kinds ofthings you can do with this stuff andpersonalize the products of stuff you'reworking on there's your pop-up I went toleave the website and boom it's askingme wait before you go save 10% on yourorder and you'd be surprised at how manypeople this tips them over it tips themover good point about to never assumethat your market is like you I I don'trespond to those things but everybody Italk to everybody else does that's why Ishould never assume I'm often assignedme because those work you're absolutelyright those work and if I did it basedon what I liked I would not be able toretain those customers on page so soagain this whole complete done-for-youstorefront it's kind of like our easybutton for you so we're taking a lot ofthe setup fee into it we're taking allthe hard work out of it and we're givingyou an e-commerce store that has allthese different proxxon let me show youanother one that's kind of cool and it'scalled mugs galore and it's a mug storeand this mug store comes with over 750different mugs all the artwork done allthe campaign's built all the productbuilt everything from political toChristmas to momsthat's the grandparents you name it it'sin there and why would you want to havea bug store because come winter time nowpeople buy mugs and coffee mugs all thetime they're a great gift people arealways buying gifts but come Christmastime and the winter time mug salesskyrocket like a vertical going up andthen they start to back off coming intoFebruary March April it is amazingbecause people buy a lot of coffee mugsat Christmastime and again it's a way toget a customer in there maybe youalready have a tea shop or a coffee shopat a mug store would work for you sosuper cool and again we do have coffeemugs that allow personalization so it'sjust another fantastic option for youwith our done-for-you stores and now letme show her through a done-for-you storethat's it's different and this is forthe team mom now with you having fivekids is your is your is your wife activeas a team motto in the PTA at theschools all the kind of stuff so there'sa lot of people out there and then themoms they're kind of like that right andthey don't necessarily want to sit andlearn Facebook advertising it and runtraffic yeah it is how was I supposed toanswer that question is going all overthen I don't know my wife's horribleshe's not involved in the kids like whatkinda question is that man you'reshowing this to God and everybody don'tanalyze your wife oh yes she's horriblegreat right that was awesome by the waywhy she's sorry you let the world knowyour wife oh honey you could haveeveryone watch this so we have thisthing called school zone gear and theidea of school zone gear is you cancreate a storefront that haspersonalized products that the kids canget for the teachers the kids can getfor the coaches and stuff like that butmore importantly you can get the logosfrom the schools it can be an officialfundraiser from the high school themiddle school is a great school so if Iwanted to get a cool shirt or cool hatfor my kids high school where do I getthat sometimes they have the salesthrough the sports teams that kind ofstuff but there's really no store andit's really hard fun I got to go to thelocal screen printer they got to get theorders they got to do this they got toinventory it's got to be stored herethis is all drop shift all done for youso this is another done-for-you solutionthat's for that real active person inthe community that really wants to havethings happen in traditional fundraisersare very one-time focus ais a perpetual fundraiser this issomething that always keeps them in thegame and it customizable so it's onething to have the school's logo it'sanother thing to have your seniors allupload their their senior picture andtheir baseball uniform on their hoodieor something you know personalization ofthis stuff it takes it to another levelwith schools the small colleges andthings like that everyone's passionateand they have an affinity towards thatand maybe it's the cheerleaders maybeit's the basketball team maybe it's thesoftball club maybe it's the soccer cluband it's on and on and on and on so thisliterally puts you in the apparelfashion merchandise business and younever have to touch anything and I knowI haven't explained that fully but it'scoming up here really quick and so Ijust want to ask you a question likewhat is your time worth like if you sayI'm an I'm convinced that ecommerce isgreat I want to go down this business Ilike the idea of having a business I cando anywhere in the world I got internetconnection and I love the fact there's aphysical product there's real productsit's not like a an information productit's a real product real tangible andyou want this what is your time worthlike if you wanted to go source all theproducts that we can ography if youwanted to go find the products spine thebanners fill out the vendor agreementsthat start and build the store what'sthat work to you right how long would ittake you how long would it take you andyou've done it I've got a newbie withoutthe training literally forever I meanthey were just stumble and Bumble I meanyou've got to be a very strategic way todo that and it still takes a long timeeven with the right trainingI mean weeks and months so we thinkthat's a fantastic solution that we'reoffering and with this that what thistraining in the series is all about isto expose and share people who we arewhat we're all aboutand see if we can help get you ine-commerce business and we thought toourselves if we're gonna do this let'slet's let's take it to another level andyou saw the three done for use will havea secret that no one knows and that iswe've been secretly behind the scenescreating more done for use and otherverticals that are super hot niches waitthere's a complete there's more right soI I asked you guys you know we call itthe t-rex mega store but I'm getting alittle bit ahead of myselfand so I want you to ask yourself andyou don't need to put any numbers belowjust think yourself hmm what is it worthto you if you could have a business setup for you fully funded fully stocked wehave hundreds of thousands of productsin our warehouse you don't ever have topay for until after you sell it whatwould that be worth to you to have awebsite built the ecommerce store thepark what would that be worth thinkabout that number cuz I want you know Iwant you to try to put a value on thatcan I helpcuz some people have trouble putting avalue on things if they're new there'speople here maybe thinking we've talkeda lot about these rock stars ine-commerce there's six figures a monthand seven figures a year maybe thatseems small to some maybe y'all aspireto be seven and eight I don't know youcan do that here what would that beworth to youto give you a chance but what ifsomebody's thinking I'm not interestedin six and seven I think you couldchange my life with just four figures amonth and five figures a year eithersupplementing an existing income orreplacing and exist an income and adead-end job what would that be worththat could be life-changing and then ofitself making a car payment make aninsurance payment doing more than makingthe minimum credit card payment which ifyou do that math will take the next 38years to pay that off absolutely so sonow take that done for use thing and sayokay we'll get you a done-for-you storebut let me just tie this all togetherfor you it's even better because thereason it's better is because oursoftware is tied into our pick pack andfulfillment center that does print ondemand screen printing embroidery laserengraving signs banners everything andyour orders automatically get sent toprint X it's a complete white labelsolution and I mean what I mean by whitelabel is this is if I'm sending myorders to Randi at print X I don't wanthim sending him out from print text Iwant to standing out from my store tobuild my brand that's what we do so wheneverything gets shipped out your brandis on the labeling we can do customlabeling the custom packaging we can doinserts what I call bounce-backmarketing and so Randy and he alreadyprints and ships millions of products ayeareverything from aprons to leggings tocanvas art to wine glasses and this isthe kind of stuff we showed you beforeRandy does this and we're constantly andI say Randy I mean who'sRandy is the CEO he runs print/exportgood great guy from from HannibalMissourihe is constantly adding new products soyou have more products leading edgeproducts chasing trend pucks that youcan put in your store and have that ithas a complete done for you so again wehave all the inventory we pay for theinventory we house the inventory we getyour orders we make it we fulfill it weship it we build your credit card andboom you'll pay for till after you sellit and yet with all that we have accessto print X there is more if you seesomething or realize an opportunity youwant to do and we don't have it yet wecan get it it's just is what would youask me what what limits us to what wecould we can fulfill and you said Ithink I said our imagination ourimagination imagination is the onlylimitation that no and then the otherthing is one of the big epic cues thatpeople ask us well I already have myproduct can you do fulfillment on myfront can you do what amaz from film itby Amazon guys yes so people ship usstuff all the time we have a verysophisticated software program we put itin a number area we know where yourstuff is we pick pack and fill yourstuff for you for your customers andit's very very affordable all of ourorders are fulfilled via the UnitedStates Postal Service except for theglobal or squee due to globalfulfillment we have tracking numbers oneverything so you are provided with atracking them or for every customerevery product no matter what the pricepoint is we give you a private dashboardfor you to see your tracking orders andprocess where they shipped where thatkind of stuff we also give you preferredpricing and you made the comment aboutwhether you're a lot of times ine-commerce and in the world of supplyand demand if you sell a million shirtsand I only sell two shirts who gets thebetter price normally yeah that's rightthe big dogs win so the rich get richerand the poor get poorer because they'realready positioned to get the betterpricing so what we do because we do thisfor thousands of peoplewe give you preferred pricing everybodythe same you don't have to climb yourway up that ladder to a million shirtsto get a good price and we just do flatrate shipping and make it simple easy tofigure out that's usually between 3 to850 per product and we do fulfillment onany of your products you source and ofcourse I said we do global fulfillmentso that's why we really believeare excited to share with you the ideathat you can get into the e-commercebusiness very low entry to barrier haveinventory of hundreds of thousands ofpots you never pay for have it shippedfor you in your name build your brandand we do all the work and then mostimportantly we help you with thetraining and coaching we're not gonnalike throw you you're done for yourstore and then have you go off on yourown we're gonna have onboarding callswe're gonna have coaching callsmentoring calls and all that kind ofstuffso we're gonna wrap up today's video andin the next video what we're going to dois I'm going to share with you the threenew done-for-you stores we've done andwe're going to talk to you about thet-rex mega store we're gonna take whatI've already shown you we're going tocompound it and when we compound thisit's going to just blow your mind howmany products how many niches how manyhot niches that you can take yourecommerce store units to and we're surewith you how you can have one of theseyou guys have seen we're doing superexcited about this I can't tell you howexcited I am because we're doingsomething we've never done before wehave created the t-rex mega store so youknow how we had the individual done foruse we're creating the mega store andthe mega store is going to have all thedone for use in one store it's awesomebut like I said I've T's yeah secretlyI've been working on three new done foruse and three other hot amazing verticalniches along with a whole bunch of giftsand accessories and in the next videowe're gonna share with you what thoseproducts are and how you can literallycrush it this Christmas with like yousaid just one product can can justchange your life change this Christmasand it's not what if you don't know whatthat product is that's why I'm megastore so brick is literally hundreds ofproducts were you gonna give on a finesome successes
