Internet Marketing News for 10/16/2019

all right good afternoon today isOctober 15th 2019 and this is the learndigital advertising internet marketingnews my name is Rick Maggio with learndigital advertising comm and today I'mlucky to be joined by mr. Ricky Shockleyfrom Shockley and mr. JoeFortunato from company man studios.comthank you guys both for joining todayglad to be here Ricky real quickshameless self-promotion tell us aboutchocolate marketing quickly great andJoe company man studios we are a digitalmedia production company based in TampaFlorida and I am the digital marketingmanager for the team so also make surewe get eyes in front of all the greatcontent we produce all right very goodall right jump right in we got abouteight stories today a couple weeks worthof news we've been on vacation but herewe gofirst thing we're seeing and I think youguys have probably been saying this alittle bit too we just need some testingon Google side for removing URLs fromthe search engine results the we got ascreen capture on top which I think weborrowed from an internet resource and Icannot quote right now but we did youknow it's interesting because we'reseeing an icon we're seeing the businessname we're seeing structured data itseems like sort of appearing in place ofa you know website URL guys I'm curiouson your thoughts I mean it feels alittle bit like it's about time thatthat results got a little more robustthan just showing you know really longugly URLs um have you seen any of thisand do you feel like there's any impactwe'll start with you Ricky yeah to meit's just an issue of aesthetics I don'tknow that it has much implication otherthan that I think it looks cleaner itlooks nicer looks more organizedprobably helps if you've built a rantthat have that recognizability in thesearch results other than that I don'tthink it's a huge deal to make yeahyou know and one thing just to playdevil's advocate on I think by notshowing the URLs anymore it takes away apiece from the user to be able to kindof use their own decision-making to lookat the validity of a result especiallywhen it's in something that maybe you'renot really familiar with you know a lotof the time you'll see like in thisexample you can at least tell what a UKsite is – not a UK site but that's onething that kind of popped up in my mindis I tend to use the URLs to tell me isthis legitimate or is this just somesite that figured out how to game theSERPs yeah I'm a little curious you knowI think of you know all the nefarioussort of review websites out there andthat sort of thing and you get kind of aclue as to what you're clicking throughto just buy the domain name and thatsort of thing and you know maybe aRicky's point – like if you haven'tbuilt a brand is this going to have abig impact obviously out of our controlis se owes but you know something tokeep in mind and maybe another reasonfor you know brand strengthening andmaking sure your favicon is in place toget the icon there or if that's throughstructured data I'm not even really sureyet but it's a small little change but Iwill be interesting to see when thatcould push fully out have you guysactually seen it in daily searches atall I've noticed it once or twice I canput it I want to say it was actually amobile and I noticed it aloof I thinkit's the word there yeah so yeah no I'vegot tried like 30 private browsers theother day to try to replicate it to getmy own screen capture because Itypically like to search for cats forthis show and show cab results but I wasunable to find it a second time but Idid see it one time and that's whatcaught my eye originally we'll jump ontothe next thing you know a little thingwe noticed in reddit Google's unofficialannouncement that HTML sitemaps meannothing is this a surprise to anybodyno not not to me and you know really mybig takeaway from this is I really likehow John Mueller is being moretransparent with these you know kind ofSEO pieces that play into how to bestget along with Google when I first gotinto the space and was dealing with MattCutts it seemed more like playingWhere's Waldo or like reading a dr.Seuss book understanding what he meantwith the things that he would say butyou know it's and I think we'll get intoa little more in the next topic as wellbut I really appreciate how forward thatJohn has kind of started to takeGoogle's approach to to these sort ofthings yeah it's a pretty direct answerit's a good point I'm kind of shockedthat John Mueller is hanging out onreddit and I'm not a hundred shirtthat's his account but the examinerseems to think so so we're gonna go withit that actually did you check some ofthe posts on that accounted it's eithera good look-alike or good good littlesnippet there so you know the next piecehere is to take me a second to cue thisup because I'm not all that professionalon this one but here we go just a secondgentlemen this next report is basicallyabout a new service that Google'soffering it's very similar to what youget on Lda here on a weekly basisalthough we cover all the internetmarketing news but Google becausethey're making so many changes decidedthat John Mueller and others Mueller hewill he will deliver the updates viaYouTube video and we have the firstvideo here everybody interested inhearing it yeah that's rolling all righthere it goesand can you guys hear audio on this nowell I mean let me turn that on realquickwell fellow listeners my name is JohnMuelleryou should watch for digital advertisingsnooze interesting did you did thataudio kick in for a second there I'm ohyeah newbie animus like I can't seemcrystal-clear very uh very confusing tome yeah so I encourage people well howthe link below the video to check thisout but it does deliver all the newsit's way less exciting than what you gethere on Lda and we cover all the otherstuff too but it is interesting to youknow come and start getting theseupdates and from the LDA standpoint thisis something we've always kind ofwondered why it didn't exist in terms ofjust from all the changes in ourindustry trying to keep up with themGoogle obviously doing their own andmaybe some other services will suit nowbut yeah check out the video I thinkit's just one so far up there nextFacebook news click to message is a newcall to action in story ads so before westarted recording I expressed my lack ofexperience in running Facebook story adsI'll leave it to you guys but obviouslya few different calls to action in thesetype of ads this this new ad unit is Ithink a swipe up is what I read to sortof message the advertiser any thoughtson whether this is something you'vereally been looking for it's andadvertisers are specific to story ads oryou know just kind of another option Joeoh sureso uh you know one thing that I had tolook forward to with using this I have aclient right now who is in the storagespace and they get bombarded withquestions on you know simple things fromwhat time can I pick up what pricingsort of things and this this gives us akind of unique new format to get throughto younger people who really have beenthe core of our customer base so I lookforward to building out some stuff withyou know CTAs and messaging thatsays that you know swipe up and you'llget an answer within 30 seconds yeah Ithink Instagram specifically is kind ofan instant gratification platform so Ithink these two should play really welltogether I look forward to using themstart a conversation especially whendealing with lead generation a lot ofthe clients that I work with this iskind of a low-friction way to start theconversation without anybody having tofill out four or pick up the phone youknow this integrates with like the chatbox the automated chat obviously youwill use something like mini chat withthis to send automated I actually wasjust reading up on many chatsintegrations and it should work Ihaven't tested it yet I'm actually inthe process of building a mini chat botfor the storage clients I just mentionedbut hopefully by the next time or nextcouple episodes or so I'll be able toreport back on how the two play nicelytogether if you have any concerns overif you take like a high ad budget clientand the sheer volume of messages thatyou might get because to me this isreally low-hanging proof this is like agreat call to action this is somethingthat Google's never been very good atthey kind of run it through they've donethe text message you know sort ofvariation of this and I've actuallynever run it and I think not a lot ofpeople have for a lot of reasons butlike how do you manage a situation whereyou're going to now have 30 or 40 or 50or more messages per houryou know etc like it seems like thevolume could be really high in a spacewhere you've got you know 10k a day plusbudget my hopes are that many Bottle beable to filter through a lot of thatluckily with the storage hyatt we'relaunching just in the tampa st. peter sowe shouldn't see too big of a you knowflood of messages right away but they dohave very aggressive growth plans withinthe next 12 months to being like what'sit like 15 different big markets all upand down the east coast so luckily theyhave a pretty solid customer serviceteam already in place so I'm hoping Icould just pass off that's not afraid towrite to them and not have to worry toomuch about saying hey you know we got toget our response time down underfive minutes or whatever but yeah Ithink people will use it will peoplefollow up in the messages maybe not whatthey call instead probably well I'mgonna send a bunch of messages as I seeit just to see I'm really yeah hopefullyyou can time that call to action to Idon't know if there's maybe a timesetting because obviously no one'ssitting in a room to answer call centeror wherever you try to route these seemideal to put some sort of time settingon that as you do with like callextension and Google Ads and that sortof thing ya know I jump on the nextlet's talk a privacy gate and Facebookand I define privacy gates you heard ithere first an Lda basically privacygates what we're talking about here isGoogle's or Facebook's sort of launch ofgiving the users the ability to blockoff-site activity tracking and just torecap this story we did report on it afew weeks ago and now this is like theglobal rollout and I was curious to getyour feedback on this but you know it'sbasically the ability to just eitherblock or clear cookies from outsidetracking now that it's rolled out fullyyou know what do you guys expect youknow we had other people on they kind ofget their feedback I'm often becausethis is not a default setting and it'snot something that Facebook really likewhen you log in that they're sort ofprompting you for at any point which isI think a really good thing you know howoften do you think people are gonnaactually use this and you know if theydo use it you know what is the future ofFacebook advertising look like is thatsort of a key component to why ads workso well there at least in my view westart with you Ricky any thoughts on youknow what that impact could be yeah Iwould assume it's gonna be aridiculously small fresh and then unlessyou get something viral going aroundwhere this turns into a bigger deal forthe first viral privacy issue that'sactually real the pros through Facebooknewsfeed I don't see many people doingthis I think I echo the sentiments thatallow you expressed on the last episodewhich is I personally like and that aretailored to me I bought this walletright here often Instagram it so I likeseeing things that are tailI mean it makes sense do you want todrop a company on that this is a forestand hero his name I mean ever before butno I like that I don't imagine too manypeople are going to be taking aproactive step with disabling yeah justahead on set I think a lot of a lot ofthat ability already exists that thatpeople just aren't using you know youcan go through and remove yourself fromas many different interests and stuff asyou want sorry I'm getting a conferenceline buzzing you can go through andremove yourself from interest from fanpages from all of that and people don'treally care to go through it they'drather you know post a comment sayinghow did Facebook know to serve me an adabout something that I googled two daysago and forgot yeah yeah so until thatcommentary really you know like rickysaid so that commentary really startsleading the charge I don't think manypeople will will even be able to reallyfind the tool I challenge them to finditValencian Rose this old marketing andthey were talking about somethingsimilar to this they were talking aboutthe the idea that this to shift so farin the other directionthese companies are essentially payingyou to access your data at some point sothe interesting to see how that springrolls out so where this becomes moremainstream thing that these privacysettings are automatically enabled andthen thereby allowing people to use yourdata to market you you're actuallythey're actually paying you a smallstipend per month they start your useractivity or something on that nature soit'd be interesting to see where thatprogresses to I love that concept youknow and it exists in a very differentformat if you think of like Ebates orsomething like that that pays you toshop through them because they'regetting paid by the vendor you know it'sjust sharing the love a little bit whyshouldn't we all get a little bit ofmoney back but at the end of the daythese prices just get marked up to payall these you know if he's toessentially mark it so I'm hoping itdoesn't have to come to that I sort ofthink that free content should shoulddrive yeah it's what drove web yeah IagreeOh free content your try see some adsget updates on your neighbors dogs youknow brash or you know whatever so yeahthat's it's we'll see what happens Imean it's the global rollout we had itin the u.s. already I don't know howwe're gonna quantify it I just don'tknow how we're gonna be able to say welost this much opportunity as a resultof that I don't think Facebook's goingto be sharing one thing that I saw wasthat even though they'll allow you tostop the tracking off of Facebookthey're still going to collecteverything that you do on Facebook and Iimagine they would probably maybe evenscrutinize a little bit closer just sothat they're able to report back toadvertisers and to shareholders that youknow ads aren't suffering because of thechange only essentially retargetingaudiences then that case so it's reallyonly retargeting ads that are affectedby this rollout in the first place wehave to affect look-alikes as well rightI mean yeah oh geez look likes I thinkthere's some there's some interesttargeting you can do based off of sitesthat people visit as well so I imaginethat would probably take a bit of a hitwell we've more to come we'll see Ithink we'll be talking about this a lotmore in the future it's it's a bigchange but again it's if these networksdon't please themselves this will bepushed upon them and I think this is agood step to doing this and you know wementioned in previous episodes you knowGoogle's kind of got this sandbox sortof like chrome framework you know aftera Firefox went and said we're gonnablock Google Analytics and certain typesof cookies you know Google kind of cameout and said you know let's let's createa framework for this we can't justblanket make these statements the webneeds this to survive free content needsto needs advertising right now so unlesswe all want to start paying for thisstuff now we hope this gets policed allrightnext up alright so this is a Googlesearch console change here and it'sbasically there's three different waysthat videos are mostly showing in Googlesearch results now and the first is justregular search results you can also tapover two videos in addition to that nowdiscover is becoming a thing and nowdiscover I'm not an Android user butit's it's sort of a default setting onsome Android devices also on the Googleapp you'll get sort of suggested contentand that can be video it can also be inother formats as well but there is somevideo there and to start to givewebmasters a view of this what Google isdoing as a few upgrades to searchconsole the first piece that they'rereporting on has to do with like theenhancement report so this is the partof Google search console where you canif you're passing for example productRich Snippets Google is going to kind ofgive you an idea if there are any errorshow many products they're seeing thatsort of thing so really unrelated to theactual traffic to this content and moreso just than letting you know howthey're digesting it but what theyopened up to now is a little more detailon video and I've got a screen captureof that it's the learn digitaladvertising Google search console thereand you can kind of see the you knowgreen trend with how many videos theyfound as well as just specific videosthey found and the item name and thatthere's some filtering ability there tooso just a little more visibility interms of what Google's actually seeingyou know in the second piece to this hasto do with the performance reports thereason I wanted to bring this story upbecause I know we're not huge at leastI'm not a huge video advertiser or ormarketer in that sense but what'sinteresting is that discover the productso this is not Google search resultsGoogle discover product the suggestionengine essentially is getting its entireopen section of Google search consoleand I know that at least from themetrics I see I don't have a lot ofsites that even see a lot of trafficfrom discover we were able to find alittle blurb here which we'll see therein a couple days and the traffic wasreally nice you know it was fine but Ijust wanted to get your feedback on youknow discover as a whole doyou use it and obviously just with videogetting you know more detail on that youknow what what is any any implicationsor anything that you can think of sorryyou Joe yeah I look forward to beingable to use this you know as a digitalmarketing guy at a video productioncompany this is kind of like you knowgiven me the other teams playbook so tospeak on on what's going on with thesevideos that we produced for clients I'veonly been here for a couple of months sowe haven't run any large-scale video adcampaigns yet but knowing that I havethis in my pocket is definitely gonnagive me a little more confidence tomaybe ask for a little bigger budget toto run so they're not to mention on anSEO side to start figuring out you knowwhat what are the pieces to optimize fordiscover yeah because you're not limitedto what you can do on YouTube doingoptimization just through that platformspecifically this is what I assume isgoing to be mostly on on-pageoptimization that you know just as yoursite gets crawled and these videos getrecognized and whatever you kind of getyour structured data in place is gonnastart to feed into this discover feed aswellmm-hmm riki any thoughts news everymorning especially with the Google pixelfor launch was today and you get moreand more people using Google productsespecially on the cell phone work and Iwould expect that will continue to growand as that grows new people obviouslyusing Android already that the Googlediscovered feature in terms of how manypeople are using and I would assumetheir own increase as well so somethinginteresting to keep an eye on for sureyeah definitely I know that I and totouch upon some of that a little bit youknow I definitely misinterpreted thiswhen I first started seeing somediscover traffic coming through on asite and I can say as an SEO I've seenvery little of it so far but it's veryinteresting to me what the capabilitieswere you know we had seen like you know50 75 hits for a couple days and thenjust disappeared but you know I hopewe get enough sort of feedback throughthis tool to really know how to handlethis tool and how the market through itbecause it is a it's an organic Googleproduct that has nothing to do withsearch essentially and that's kind of afirst they're Google's the big thing issearch and this is just something wherethey're trying to play the social mediathe Facebook game essentially you knowdetermine what's relevant to you basedon all that data I think it is very timesensitive to it's almost like a like Ithought it was mainly a news feature Ido see articles in there that are olderso I think that would explain the windowof a spike and the drop-off it seems tobe very kind sense of a lot of newsrelated contents and they're recentlypublished Ricky do you notice that thecontent that pulls into your discover iskind of based off of search history oryour search history and websites you'veinteracted with to feed that contentthat seems to be the vast majority of itand then I clean play around quite a bitwith the features so they'llmisinterpret something it'll be a topicthat I was interested in but it'll be awebsite of different City that I have nointerest in following and they'll startshowing me news from that website andI'll Taman that automation that they allshow me news for that specific websiteanymore another mill and I still want tohear your news about this copy but notnecessarily news from that specificwebsite so I'm constantly using thelittle Toggl features I want to see moreand less off it's interesting well I'mcurious to see how that will othersresults will improve for you personallyand you know maybe based on where yousaid if it's so time sensitive maybethat optimization at least initially isjust focusing on news you know thingsthat just occurred we actually the onevideo that caused this spike was not atall time sensitive it was a tutorial butwhen I looked at the queries driving thetrap her actually wasn't in query basedit was just a tutorial like and I waslike ol why is how are they because Icouldn't make the connection between howa specific tutorial was getting into adiscover feed without any sort of searchno aspect to it and Adam will stuff tosee if or Simon look for those anomaliesand try to share them in future videoshere to see if we can if we can come upwith make some sense of it as soon as wecan right alright next I want to talkabout Amazon search share emarketer cameout with this I know Joe you mentionedbefore a little bit you looked into thisa little bit but Amazon ad revenue inthe u.s. is moving up to about twelvepoint nine percent which is about doubleBing which is kind of amazing in and ofitself now we're not talking aboutproduct shares sells we're talking aboutactual ad revenue through the Amazonplatform from Amazon merchants doublethat a big and obviously taking sharefrom Google how does that happen likehow in the world does Amazon kind ofcome out of nowhere and basically crushBing and I'm actually a big fan I'mgonna say you've watched these in thepast like Bing has come a long way inthe past six months into making it likea feasible ad network but that user baseon Amazon I guess it's just too strongwhat do you guys think I think a lot ofthat kind that could be attributed toyou know when Google first kind of roseit was if you needed something yougoogled it now that Prime is availablewhere you can get same day or next dayshipping really any sort of productsearch the impressions are going throughAmazon you know your Amazon in it youknow Amazon me of pack of diapers Amazonme a new pair of shoes where thatplatform and then you know I think alsowithin the next couple years willprobably see in the number four and fivespot something like Walmart or Targetwhere you know people are just takingthat product search away from Googlewhere Google shopping isn't the mostuser-friendly kind of way to browse inand out of you know a single source topurchase something from and I thinkwe're gonna see those sort of thoseecommerce search based platforms wereally start to take away more of thesesearch impressionsit's a good point I agree with throughthe Walmart especially that statementabout Walmart that's that's the next Ithink that's the real Challenger at thereal contender yeah performing searchesyou mentioned the Amazon anything mightbind something I'm pretty much going toAmazon we are paper towels we areare–those paper cuffs on Amazonbasically any toiletries shampoo we haveon auto delivery and then you knowsailing away fairly we just moved intothis condo that we bought several monthsago and we need a new piece of furniturewe go streets and we've barely beenskating over Google for furniture pursesbecause we built that you knowconnection with the brand we care weknow a pretty decent piece of furniturefor a good price so I think it's just anincrease and fragmentation of searchprobably well I got a connection atWayfarer if you buy anything else thereso hit me up so I'm gonna ask a dumbquestion and if not most connector thisis quality content we're giving hereVerizon media and Yelp are on this listhey who still advertising on Yelp and beI'm just confused by what Verizon mediais running what product is that I find alot of media I don't know what my myonly guess would be a Display Networkbut they have across there the othertheir phones and whatnot that and that'sjust throwing a random a random guessout in the dark because I don't know ofthem owning any other sort of medianetworks that you know could it bePinterest I don't know if there'sVerizon is Verizon in the social mediagame we don't know about it if I had toguess the four and five spots there'sprobably like a hundred other placesthat are all one point seven nine ninenine and one point seven nine six thatthey just happen to round up those twoin there because there's no way thatYelp is is still you know be nowPinterest or you knowit's got to be quite a few other searchsort of platforms that are up there theydo email our agency like three times amonth so an aggressive sales team forsure maybe it just works but in scale Imean we're looking at almost one thirdof things at revenue that that's just atotal mind-blowing thing to me because Ihave personal negative feelings aboutYelp in their value to the world but yeswe'll see how these numbers change Ithink they were expecting Google to dropto about 70 percent by 2021 is whatemarketer something like that studyinstead so you don't see what that goesand I'm also curious how the new GoogleShopping not that it's new but you knowthe relaunch or whatever you know howthat starts to play into this Googlebeing able to take more back from Amazonbecause I actually think Google ShoppingNetwork can possibly rival Amazon itsown right but Google seems to be takingall day to get that thing out there andAmazon keeps keeps coming out withdifferent ways for you know even ifyou're not selling your product onAmazon they'll allow you to run offsiteads that look like a product list thingI think it's only a matter of time untilyou almost can't tell the differencebetween one or the other and everythingis still purchasable through that nativeAmazon you know kind of biosphere thatthey've created I know it makes me thinklike I've won Amazon client does prettygood amount there and we do buy ad spacebut they're an FBA client so the marginsare so low that the ads have to thereturn on the ads have to be like 10 Xto even make them make sense because mytime Amazon takes all of its fees youjust kind of whittled down to like justspinning wheels basically you know I'mreally curious because Amazon fees seemto be getting higher and higher how thataffects those ad sales and people areeven paying attention there but it'sactually very complexanalysis to do is to pair that ad spendwith all the fees specific to orders andproducts and timeframes and everythingbut you know and how much of this isjust I'm relying on people just notreally quantifying things maybe as muchas they could well see what happens Iguess I had just one story today this isjust a notice we got recently fromGoogle wanted to share if you're runningsmart shopping campaigns previously whatGoogle would basically do is rely withinGoogle Merchant Center on your countryof sale and we got a little graphic upthere showing how that pulls into Googleads and that's how they determine forthe most part where to run ads beginningin November though there's a separatetargeting feature which by default isset to all countries and territories sowhat you need to do before November isswitch it to your country if you want tosort of restrict that otherwise you canleave it as this if you're a worldwideseller we think it's a really big dealbecause I think that that will adverselyaffect a lot of smart shopping campaignsI wanted to make that'll make you awareof that I thank you guys for joiningtoday you know we'll we'll see you againsoon in the future but Ricky Shockleywith Shockley marketing thank you verymuch a Joe with company man studios seeyou guys back soon and subscribe belowring the bell visit us at learn digitaladvertising com thank you very muchthanks Rick
