Retailers Top Ecommerce Marketing Tactics Unveiled

I'm Mexico Zeke Jones I'm theI typically like to say you know factthat most people won't have a clue aboutme I'm ex British Army and I actuallytook a bullet in the first Gulf so youknow it wasn't anywhere spectacular wasactually my foot but you know it's oneof those things that a lot of peopledon't know so our marketing team told meI had to put this up now I'm not goingto bore you with it basically the onereally one big thing that I want to putacross is that Bronto as a an emailservice provider we only specialize inretail so we don't look at anything elseapart from retail we've got offices inLondon a couple in the States big NewYork and LA and then Sydney and actuallywe're now servicing around about 1,600plus brands worldwide so the agenda andI am going to go through this at areasonable price because I know that youall want to have another drink or gohome is really to go through around 2702017 planning so what tactics retailersare actually using and what they'rethinking about we also did a white paperbasically it was a survey of ourcustomers around about 300 so I'll gothrough some of those copper you knowtop commerce marketing tactics and thenjust to summarize on the the white paperthat we actually produced so yourcustomers may have already startedthinking about you know what lies aheadin planning for 2017 well they may beproud of what they've actually done todate this year it's really around youknow probably looking at some of thecameras marketing programs that havebeen successful and what could theyactually do to increase revenue onlineso yeah you might ask yourself have theyprioritized the right commerce marketingtactic are they taking advantage themost effective programs for theirbusiness is there more that they couldactually be doing to reach out tocustomers to build or sustain a strongbrand and you know is their marketinggrowing in a sophisticated way that youknow they may not be missing or they maybe missing some opportunities so ifyou're curious bronto actually conducteda global survey of 300 retailers andreally what I want to do is give yousome insight behind the scenes of theirmarketing departments so we looked atidentifying the tactics that retailersare currently using and then the onesthat are more effective in actuallyproducing revenue so email is definitelystill one of the most effective ways toreach a retailer's target or withaudience it consistently dominatesagainst other taxes such as SEO SEO as asorry sem and social and it's all arounddriving that online conversation so thedirect marketing associate associationactually found that return on investmentfrom email actually rose from just under25 pounds i think was 24 pounds and 93pens to around about 38 pounds in 2016so if it's used effectively marketingemail marketing can really enhance theentire customer lifecycle so that'sreally from converting shoppers to buyto maintaining a conversation with themfrom a first purchase opportunity allthe way through to encouraging them toactually buy again and not surprisinglythe over half of the retailers that wesurveyed plan to either increase theamount of emails that they're sending in2016 and 17 and as you can see aboutthirty percent of them you know willcontinue sending the brand about thesame amountso those rail raised email volumes andthe increase for competitive inboxreally makes sure that you have toactually have a really good impressionand the more it's more important thanever to make sure that you are top ofmind in the inbox so for years theindustry has been talking about you knowthe number of key tactics that arereally important and when we're askedyou know what are the most importantmarketing programs that retailers shouldreally use we actually say three youknow the first three that you can see onthere which is segmentation a welcomeseries and then remailing so if weexplore a little bit more aroundsegmentation and some of the tactics ina bit more detail so segmentation allowsyou to deliver the most relevant contentto each customer and then use everysingle touch point as an opportunity tooffer additional value so a brand youknow that's using segmentation is closetLondon who are a womenswear brandthey've been designing and manufacturingin London for last 20 years and thebrand knows that you know every womanhas a unique style and by being able toactually identify and target thosepreferences will actually keep hercoming back so retailers who want to youknow personal style particular emailsit's all around getting the rightsegmentation so with an integration ofBronto with the magenta platform andthat platform was actually integrated byblonde creations one of our partnerswhat they've been able to actually do isto really leverage the data that they'veactually got and be able to setpreferences within the database so noit's not only you know looking atcustomers that are loyal to the brandbut it also enables them to know a lotmore about their customers and how theyactually interact with their brand sothey've divided a device adivided the database into a number ofdifferent segments and really it'saround creating automation workflows forall those segments so for example onesegment target shoppers who have boughtspecific types of clothing it's actuallya bodycon style dress and sends thememails with similar dresses so thesuccess speaks for itself where thesetailored emails have actually convertedhad a conversion rate that's 50 more 50times higher than any of their averagemarketing messagesso if we still look at the you know theWelcome series 74 74 percent of all ofthe retailers within this survey areusing them so it's a very focusedmessage that introduces shoppers to yourproducts it tells them why they shouldyou know care about your business andhopefully it'll inspire them to actuallymake their first purchase so the emailcampaign of Swedish fashion underwearand sports apparel brand beyond ball isactual one of the best practice so thisretailer sends a three-part email seriesto welcome new subscribers it introducesthem to the brand history and the bestsellers and then makes them part of thatbillboard tribe by transporting thebrand's value activities and also theattractiveness of the brand so as youcan see from some of the statistics hereis the click rate is at 232 percentconversion is up by 21 percent and therevenue is actually two hundred andseventy percent higher than thisstandard marketing emails so the nextone is reasoned remailing and it'sprobably the easiest way for retailersto actually drive more revenue so we putit simply what is remailing it'sbasically taking the exact same messagethat you sent maybe a week or two weeksago and basically putting a new headerto it and typically what we find is thatwhen you actually do that a lot ofmerchants are actually finding that thatthat type of remailing will actually getexactly the same amount of statistics ofopen rates and click throughs than thefirst one so the grow company which isan exeter-based retailer for babyproducts they actually introduced thebaby sleeping bag into the UK they usethis as one of their marketingstrategies so they basically say thatthey can actually paste the metrics fromthe first 24 hours of the send to ouremail a week later and as you can seeyou know those are some fantasticresults for them the interesting commentat the bottom which I thought was quiteamusing is that it's like printing moneyso by redoing this they can actually getthe same amount of riverthey were doing their first sent so whenit comes to measuring success the rateof retail marketing programs the mostvaluable benchmark to retailers isbasically is to use their own trendsover time so no one knows their businessbetter than the retailer's themselvesbut it's also nice to see where otheropportunities lie so if they're usingyou know commerce smarting techniquesthat other retailers found useful thenthey can be somewhat effective so as wecan see here the retailer's rate emailexclusive offers at around about 99% andcart recovery emails at about ninetyeight percent so those are really themost effective email tactics to actuallyuse so if retailers are not using thesetype of tactics now then really theyactually need to look at those as beingat the top of their list now a founderbaskets they can be a real source offrustration to commerce marketers butthey're also full of potential soshoppers who have gone to the trouble ofactually selecting items putting theminto their basket they are actually juststeps away from converting so they'vealready partially committed to making apurchase they just haven't given you themoney yet so london-based footwear brandHudson shoes they realize that revenuewas leaking from their site by not usingcart recovery so by bringing shoppersback to the items that they had left intheir basket the message actuallytriggered through a workflow thatautomatically sent them a message anhour later after they've left thewebsite so these highly effective emailscan actually generate a substantialamount of revenue and in this instanceit generated total sorry twenty twopercent of their total our annualrevenue from email with an averageconversion rate of twenty one percentengagement and which is two percenthigher than any average email thatthey've done beforebut with the work that we do withretailers typically we actually see thatthere's actually a fifty three percentincrease or fifty three times increaseon ROI from any can't recover email somost comments marketers will actuallyagree with you that personalized customexperience leads to a higher engagementand a higher conversion rate so howeverif we somewhat look at some of the theusage on the personalization tacticsthat would have been used some of themare actually quite low so the tacticsthat were least frequently used byretailers are reorder reminders SMS andmobile campaigns and gift reminders nowso they offer brands a great opportunityto meet the customers expectations andto truly personalized that experience sowhilst these may be lesser usestrategies within the converse marketerstoolbox they shouldn't really bediscounted so keep in mind thatsometimes the least used strategiesdoesn't mean that it's the leasteffective strategyso in fact when you actually askedretailers what their priorities are forthe future many of these tactics were ontheir list so the top three tactics formarketers in their future plans were VIPand loyalty dynamic content and apersonalized post-purchase series and asyou can see by the figures you knowthose are the three major ones if weretailers that are looking for an edgeover some of their competitors then itmay be a good place to start anddelivering that truly personalizedexperience customers want to be able tobe in the hands to actually have a smartand sophisticated comments marketing toactually deliver what they want theother thing you to do is to considerimplementing a post purchase campaign sothis is really to communicate withrecent buyers to try to get them to voteagain and these strategies often involverecommending items for cross sell upsellor even offering discounts so one of ourcustomers so we just brand dr. denimthey focus on 20 to 30 year oldcustomers they don't want to just emailthem just you know sell to them but theyactually want to add something differentand something to their lives on a dailybasis so they use your email as achannel to get more traffic to thewebsite and sell in a smarter way sothey actually focus on editorial contentso again through the integration oftheir magento ecommerce platform withBronto email and also nostospersonalization they're leveragingcustomer data such as purchaseinformation order history and its postpurchase email and then the day afterthe purchase from that customer theyautomatically receive an email askingthem you know are you looking smashingdo you like the new clothes and based onthat it's around pushing them through tothe website and giving them somelifestyle orientated editorial sectionsthat really can inspire them to theirbrandso here's a question can you guess theamount of the SRO the average number oftactics that are being used by retailerstoday is it one two three four to sixseven to nine or nine plus no it'sactually 7.2 so as you can see there's awide variety of tactics and tools toaccelerate business growth so how manyyou should retails have implementedwe've actually seen in our survey thatretailers actually employ an average ofabout 7.2 the number of tactics that isused varies actually by company size andreally it quite interesting the largercompanies so those that are actuallydoing over 100 million in annual saleshave few program a few fewer programs inplace and as you can see it's aroundabout 6.7 in out on average thenmid-sized companies so there between 10and 100 million in sales are using eight18.1 and then it seems that that'sactually a bit counterintuitive so howis it possible that larger companies areusing fewer less commerce marketingtactics so it's actually likely thatthose organizations with presumablylarger overall marketing budgetsaugmenting their conversations withother tactics so they may be using youknow some of the traditional offlinemarketing online advertising and alsoother content so it's also possible thatlarger organizations the lack theflexibility and also the agility toquickly deploy a greater diversity ofprogramsso looking at the finders by sector thepressure of a crowded market andexpedition of multi-channel consumers wecan see that driving clothing onautomation brands in particular todeploy greater number of tactics butusing an average of eight point five andeight point four respectively retailersin those sectors feel that you know thepressure is greater on them from acompetitive perspective and thatactually then pushes them to exploremore opportunities to create revenue soyou can see those particular areas areactually using more tactics than any ofthe others so email continues to be thekey route for revenue and it's going tosurely increase as brands become morecreative in their own tactics and havingan effective commerce marketing strategyin place is really vital to maintain andgrow at retail customers relationshipand above all it actually staying closeto the consumers behavior will enableretailers to evolve with their customersthe more ways to that are available toactually understand customers and meettheir needs but it's also to continuetracking and benchmarking the success ofthose programs and by implementing newtactics they're actually going toresonate with retail audiences so ifretailers want an immediate impact onrevenue then really they've got toconsider these five basic money-makingtactics if they haven't already sothey'll be able to make a more positivebrand experience and boost the bottomline by using segmentation welcomeseries remailing car recovery and postpurchase and again it's around continuetracking and benchmarking your successso as i said i would keep it nice andshort and make sure that it's underneaththe half an hour i was allocatedyou
