WooCommerce Tutorial 2019 | Complete WordPress eCommerce Tutorial

hey guys my name is Darrow and welcometo this WooCommerce tutorial today I'mgoing to teach you everything there isto know about commerce we're gonna gothrough all of the products as well asall of the WooCommerce settings so thefirst part of this tutorial we're gonnatalk all about products and all theproducts that WooCommerce has to offerso this right here is just a simpleproduct we have no variables they cansimply click the quantity and add it tothe cart next we have a variable productso here we have different variables suchas size and colorso I'll set a medium blue so this righthere is a variable product so I'll showyou how you can incorporate this on yourcommerce website next we have groupproducts and this is great for somethinglike phones anything with storage sohere we have a 16 gig phone and a 32 gigphone of course you can set the priceand you can set as many variables as youwant for your group product as well nextwe have virtual products so let's sayyou're a business consultant or anattorney and you want to charge someonefor a phone callI'll show you how you can set up virtualproducts on your websites next we havedownloadable products so if you want tosell something downloadable such as ane-book I'll show you how you canincorporate digital products on yourwebsite as well lastly we have affiliateproducts if you want to run an affiliatestore where someone comes to yourwebsite buys our product and you receivea commission I'm going to show you howyou can do that as well on your websitesnext we will go through all of thegeneral WooCommerce options so I wantyou guys to really understand everythingabout WooCommerce so I'm gonna gothrough each and every tab to make surethat you guys understand all the optionsand all the features that will commercehas to offer now one quick thing thereis time stamps in this video so if youguys want to go to a specific part of asection such as products taxes orshipping all those time stamps are inthe description of this video next we'llbe talking about taxes now in additionto automated taxes I'm going to show youhow you can actually set up your ownpersonal taxes so I'm going to show youhow you can set up automated but thenagain also if you want a specific customtax rate I'll show you how you can setthat up as well on your websites andI'll show you the same thing forshipping so I'll show you how you canactually get your shipping ratesautomated through USPSor if you want to set a specificshipping rate for a specific shippingclass I'll show you how you can do thatas well on your website and then we'lldo some fun stuff like decorate emailsso this right here is an email that Ireceive and your customers will alsoreceive this email so here I added alogo I changed the color and then righthere you know we just added some stuffso I'll show you how you can decoratethe emails that you and your customersreceive on your ecommerce websites nextwe'll be talking about checkout so we'dbe talking about PayPal and stripe anddifferent options people can use tocheck out on your website because beforethere was really only one method whichwas PayPal now there's stripe so let'ssay for example you want someone toactually check out on your websitewithout having to be redirected toPayPal I'm gonna show you how you can dothat today in this tutorial so this isan example of what your customers mightsee so I think I put in their creditcard information but in their expirationdate and then their code and then clickclick on place order now guys this isall test mode so these this is not areal credit card number so right hereI'll click on place order so I'll showyou how old people can check outdirectly on your website without havingto being you know redirected to PayPalor redirect it to another third-partywebsite because that creates a drop-offrate people will might leave saying heythis site looks little scammy I'm notgonna buy anything so this this methodis very simple and easy and lastly I'lltalk about quick pay so let's say forexample you have this Buy Now button onyour websites people can click on buynow and right here we have this quickpay so this will basically skip all ofthe you know the cart process everythingit is all automated to make the checkoutprocess really fast and really easy foryour customers so I'll show you how youcan incorporate stripe quick pay as wellon your websites now also if you guysare interested in creating this samewebsite I am using the number one ratedWooCommerce theme on the market so it'sjust a beautiful clean WordPress theme Ihave a full tutorial on it in thedescription of this video there are tonsof features and amazing things his themecan offer so you guys are interested andmaybe changing your WordPress themeusing this one I have a full tutorial onit in the description below okay solet's go ahead and go to our firstsection where we are going to talk allabout the WooCommerce products[Music]all right welcome to the product sectiontutorial so let's go ahead make someproducts so the first product we'regoing to make is a simple product soright here I'm gonna go to plus new andgo to product now you can always go tothe WooCommerce setting in the backright here by going to products and addnew as wellso both ways produce the same result soright here let's go ahead and put it ina products I'm going to put girls shirtnext we have the long tail descriptionso whatever you put right here isactually gonna show up right here at thebottom right here so you can see righthere all this stuff at the bottom thisis the long tail description so I'm justgonna go ahead and paste somedescription right here you can putsomething like you know made you knowmade in whatever country the detailslike washing cold or whatever andscrolling down here we have simpleproduct selected and you can put this isa virtual or downloadable but for rightnow we're just gonna go and leave thoseunchecked now I want to set a regularprice so this is 50 bucks now you canalso set a sale so for example let's sayyou want to set a specific sale for thisproduct and here you can actuallyschedule it so when do you want the saleto occur well I wanted to occur fromFebruary 17th to the 28th so now you cansee that this product is now on saleinventory tab so if you have a SKUnumber you can go ahead and put it inright here the next option is managestock so what this option does itactually shows the customer how manyquantities you have left so this is kindof like a technique you can use to kindof create like a scarce environment oflike oh I only have three left you knowyou got to buy it so here I'll put tennow if you want to allow back orders youcan allow back orders personally I wouldnot recommend it but you can always youknow put allow notify customer or allowso again if you don't know what a backorder is it's basically saying you don'thave any more but if they want topurchase it then when you get some moreyou can actually ship it to them as wellsold individually now I don't recommendthis because that means that thisproduct can only be bought by itself andnothing else with its there are somereasons to use this but for generallyfor simple products you probably don'twant to use that shipping right here sohow many Ounces does this weigh well I'mgoing to saylike maybe 14 ounces here you can selectthe dimensions so I don't know whatcountry you're from but I know likeUnited States has like that we use likethe ounces and inches and Europeans Ithink use like the metric system or theyuse like kill'em kilometers and yeah cuzwhen I was in Europe it was allbackwards I was like what's thekilometer oh you mean mile you know sojust basically put like you know howmany inches I'll put like 10 inches fiveinches and then how tall is it with 21inches shipping class we're not going todo shipping class because we will talkmore about the shipping classes and wetalk about the shipping section linkedproducts so what is an upsell and whatis a cross sell so this is pretty simpleto understandso if you guys want to learn you guyscan actually hover over the questionmark and it will remind you so againupsells are products which you recommendinstead of the current viewed productfor example products that are moreprofitable or better quantity so let'ssay they're looking at this product butyou want to recommend a very similarproduct you can go ahead and put it inright here so right here I'll put insomething like red and then I'llrecommend this shirt as well and you canlist as many shirts as you want or anyproducts as you want to kind of you knowmake your customers saying oh I shouldbuy this as well that looks really coolso again upsells are recommendations forproducts when they're actually viewingthis specific product and now we'll giveyou an example of it right after we'redone making this product now what is across sell now there are some debatesabout cross sells I personally don'tlike cross sells too much because across L is something that you recommendwhen customers are actually on their wayto checkout now my personal advice is ifsomeone's already out the door tocheckout and already willing to buysomething why confuse them even more bythrowing more products that's mypersonal opinion now that could be wrongyou know maybe they will buy more orthey might say oh you know this productyou know I don't know that like one'sgood that one's good too you know I'lldo this later there you go you just lostthe sale you know so it's really up toyou if you want to add cross sells thiswill actually recommend products in thecart so I'm gonna go ahead and set oneup here we go I'll do thisright here all right attributes we arenot going to do attributes because thisis only for variable products advancedpurchase no so if a customer purchasedthe product what do you want it to sayso but like great sale menu order nowmost themes today have the ability toactually put different products indifferent sections but the menu orderwill basically allow it to be a specificsection so you can actually set anegative number or you can set like apositive number so basically if you wantthis number to or I'm sorry if you wantthis product to show up first you can goahead and put like number one number twonumber three number four number five butpersonally I don't think that's a goodidea because you can always categorizeproducts right here to make it a littlebit more easier the next is actually atheme or I'm sorry a theme option so youguys won't probably see the extra thisis only for the theme that I'm using soright here is the product shortdescription so this part is the mostimportant part because this is going toshow up right here now I think theyshould probably change this in thefuture to having it reversed butwhatever you put right here this isactually going to appear right here okayso this is the short tail descriptionnow if you want to set an image righthere on a product image you're gonnaselect set product image and then youwould go ahead and select an image soI'm just gonna go ahead select this oneright here now product gallery images sowhat that is is let's say you havedifferent angles of the product so I'mgonna select add images and then simplygo ahead and select this one right hereso now we have this section right herenow if you want to add tags like such asgirl's shirt and then you know we canadd in like you know girls stuff so whattags are it's basically different waysyour customers can navigate your websiteso you can set tags on certain parts ofyour website and people will see girlsshirt girls stuff and click on it andthen it will take them to all of thoseproduct with a certain tags on it nowproduct categories work a littledifferently so for example let's say youwant to set a specific category forspecific products such as like sexyclothesgo to add a new category now when Iclick on you know sexy clothes thisproduct will appear on the sexy clothessection now you can also put women's sothis product will appear on women'ssection and sexy clothes section sodepending on your WordPress theme Idon't know what WordPress theme you'reusing but you can set categories whichmakes it very easy for your customers tonavigate your website so for example onmy website right here you guys can seeon my shop page or actually on my homepage right here I set up certaincategories so right here if I go down wehave product categories so I have men'swomen's and accessories so the click onaccessories right here you're gonna seethat I only offer accessories I don'toffer any women's products or no men'sproducts etc so that's an example of whyyou would want to categorize stuff foryour website so right here I'll click onpublish I think we're all doneeverything up here we're not going tomess with because we don't really youknow we don't really need to if you guysare interested and learning what thisstuff does even though you might not useit except for group products right hereunder edits you can actually hide thisproduct show up by search results onlythe shop only or shop and search resultsso there are some reasons why you mightwant to do that but you know generallyprobably 99% you won't use that not alls using group products so we have setall the options so let's go ahead andpublish this item alright and I'm gonnago to view product so let's go ahead andview our simple product alright it looksamazing so right here we have theproduct people can zoom over it and lookat it it's very sexy girl here we havethe description so again right here oractually going back we have the I'll goto the other product so we have theshort tail description right there andthen we have the long tail descriptionat the bottom right there okayand also we have the quantity in stockbecause remember we set the quantity toshow so it's telling customers thatthere's only 10 left and it's going downhere we have the category of sexyclotheswe have the tags and then right here wehave a description of it which is thelong-tailed description so whatever youput right there that's going to show upand here is also the product image aswell so it's the secondary image for theproduct as well so that's pretty simpleto understand so if you guys areinterested in simple products that'sexactly how you set it up so let's goahead and go to the next section we'regoing to talk about variable products solet's give this very product a name I'mgonna do men's shirt and then right hereagain we have the long tail descriptionand we have the short tail descriptionso I'm just gonna go ahead and just grabsome dummy text really quick from one ofmy products that I've made you can putwhatever you want there of course I'mjust going to go ahead and just copythis now again this is my short taildescription so remember the one at thebottom is going to appear right here andthen this description right here isgoing to appear right here I know it'skind of backwards but that's just theway it is for you-know-who comers soright here I'm gonna go ahead and selectvariable product now so is it taxableyes it is probably taxable standardclass rates we'll talk more about this alittle bit later inventory again wetalked about this so if you want a SKUnumber you can put it in there or youcan enable the stock right there and seta certain amount shipping again if youwant to select this certain like the wayhow much it you know weighs and thedimensions you can you know put thatthere link products again upsells andcross-sells we talked about that solet's go to attributes and variations soright here when you go to variations ittells you before you can add a variationyou need to add some variationattributes on the tribute app so righthere let's click on attributes and let'sgo ahead and add one so here we click onadd now we're here I'm gonna say colorand then right here we can put somethinglike red and then there is a I guessit's like a it's right above the entersymbol so if you press it it looks likethat but if you hold shift it looks likethat so that is the button you will needto press it's right above the enter signso you need to hold shift and I thinkit's like a – right above your keyboardand then I'll put blue right here andthen right here I'm gonna go to use forvariations and go tosave so for example right here we havejust one variation so we can only offerred or blue now you can add as manyvariations as you would like so let's goahead and go to variations now righthere I'm gonna go to create variationsfrom all attributes and go to go so thisis just if you want one and don't worryI'm going to actually show you how to dotwo variations as well so right here wehave red and blue so right here if Iclick on this it's going to show thisproduct image right here so right hereI'm gonna select red because this is thered shirt all rightand right here you must put a price guysremember you must put a price or elsepeople cannot actually purchase it sohere I'm gonna put $49.99 a sale price Ido not want a sale a price let me goscroll back up here this is basicallythe same exact thing that we had beforeso is it in stock how much does it weighwe have the dimensions right hereshipping class shipping tax etc and thenhere you can give an additionaldescription about the product but I justwant to put the actual product and theactual price and that's about itso I'm gonna go ahead and close thisright now by clicking on this now I wantto select the blue one as well so righthere click on this right here and thenselect the blue and then we're herewe'll put a price on $34.99 and then youknow you can always you know put it onsale or whatever you want to do so alsofor default form values so by defaultwhat do you want it to select well Iwanted to select the red by default sowhen someone clicks on the item it'sgoing to first suggest the red item andthen you know if you want you can put iton blue or whatever you want so thereyou go so right here is click on SaveChanges ok and then again you knowthat's basically how we add a variationso you'd first go to the tributes taband not a product or I'm sorry add theattributes and then right here you woulduse these variations so let's go aheadand test this out right now so we havethe product I'm gonna go ahead andpublish it now and if all is well itshould work fine so let's go to viewproduct and right here remember bydefault it selected the red productand then right here if I go to blue it'sgoing to recommend the blue one as wellokay so that is an example of onevariation but let's just say you want toadd two variations because you know ifyou're selling clothes you know you'regonna have to have two variationsbecause you might want to have a certaincolor and a certain size so let's goahead and add two variations so I'mgonna go ahead and redo the product andjust add different variations so righthere under my tributes I'm gonna goahead and remove this okay and again ifyou go to your variations we have thisbut I'm just gonna go ahead and removeall this right here just to start fromscratch to show you guys exactly howthis works okay so let's go ahead andadd in the attribute again so right herelet's just do sighs so sighs oops Ispelled that wrong we have small mediumand large used for all variations clickon save so now we've done size let's adda second attribute so I hear them clickon add and we are going to add color socolorlet's do red and then blue used for allvariations and go to save attributes allright so next we're gonna go tovariations and we're going to add all ofthose variations so create variationsfrom all attributes click on go andright here then why are you sure youwant to do this just click on yes neverlook at the warning signs I'm justkidding so right here we have sixvariations added guys so six variationsadded so we have the small red smallblue medium red medium blue large redand the large blue so you guys will needto go through each of these products andset the image and the dollar amount foreach one if you guys don't have it it'sit will not work okay so right heresmall red go ahead and select this righthere small red now guys this is probablythe hardest thing about or I'm sorrythis is probably the most complicatedproduct so if you have like you know athousand variable products feel bad foryou but in general ofvariable products are the hardest to setup but everything else is pretty mucheasy so if you don't have any barrelproducts don't worry about it but youknow if you have a tons of herbalproducts it's gonna take a lot of timeto you know create it so remember foreach one medium red medium blue sorryhere medium blue I'm gonna select theblue shirt and then select the price andthen here for the large red I'm justlike this right here go to large red andthen we'll put a price and then again wewill set that for the large blue as welland again guys remember you can have asmany variations as you want for yourwebsite so large blue alright so I thinkthat's all correctall right so let's go ahead now and goto the sexually accept this default asblue and then you can also set theactual one you want it to be on but Idon't know you know what you would wantso remember this is default form valuesso by default it's going to show amedium blue so let's go to updatealright so let's go ahead and take alook at our product view product soagain it is medium blue by default andlet's go ahead and just select a smallred you guys can see small red $20 so Iput $20 for all of them so this guys isan example of a variable product so ifyou want to have different variablesthis is how you do it and again we havelike our you know a product descriptionetc everything there okay so that is anexample of a variable product alright solet's go and do the next product whichwe're going to do group products sowe're here to go to plus new and go toproducts now right here of course youcan add in some description so I'm justgoing to go ahead and quickly grab somejust dummy description right herebecause by now we understand what longtail is short sale is right here I'mgonna select group product now up hereI'm gonna go ahead and grab some otherdescription and then right here I'mgoing to put this in a product shortdescription right thereso I said a group product now right hereI want to set a product image so I wantto select the iPhone and that's it guysso that's basically that's it yeah Iknow right so I'm here to click onpublish okay so we created the groupproduct so now what we need to do is I'mgonna go ahead and close these thingsthis is really annoying so now what weneed to do is actually create I guessyou can say child product for the groupproduct so right here click on add newnow we're basically gonna create likefor example 16 gigabytes and then righthere you don't need to put nothing alsoright here you know to be nothing I'llexplain why in just a little bit becausewe already really have description forthe group product so you can add moreright here if you would like it's up toyou but I think I'll just put like agreat deal and right here just go andput a price so how much does thisproduct cost how much does the 16gigabytes cost well we're gonna go aheadand put it right there now we don't needto add a product image we need to addanything but we will need to actuallyhide this product now I'll explain whyonce we actually create the product soright here click on edits and go tohidden click on OKand then go to publish so I'll explainwhy once I actually show you the actualproduct so we created 16 gigabytes sonow let's actually go back to ouroriginal group product and add the 16gigabytes inside the iPhone so go backto the original iPhone product righthere now right here I'm a scroll downI'll go to linked products so right herewe have 16 and it's gonna show up righthere 16 gigabytes and of course you canadd more but I'm just gonna add one fornow and then click on update okay so I'mgonna go to view product now and thereyou go so right now it shows the defaultprice as $200 because there's nothingelse to offer it basically so it's only200 sohere they can select 200 they have thedescription now remember how we createdthe you know how we added like the greatdeal and everything it doesn't reallyshow up so everything that you reallyput there isn't really going to appearso that's why I said doesn't reallymatter what you put so right here wejust have $200 for 16 gigabytes so let'sgo ahead and just add one more productto it just to give you guys an exampleof you know how it really works so righthere plus new go to product and I'mgonna enter in 32 gigabytes now so 32gigabytes and then right here I'll set aprice for $600 I know 6,000 to much $600and it's a simple product again I'm justgoing to go ahead and just simply goahead and publish it but make sure tohide it guys so make sure to hide it andthe reason why you want to do thatbecause do you really want to create aproduct randomly called 32 gigabytes andyou would you want it to appear on yourshop so right here if I go to viewproducts do you really want it to looklike this no you don't want it look likethis right you want it to add it to theiPhone so that's why we hide it sopeople don't go to our website and seesomething like this right here which isreally ugly really unprofessional andpeople wouldn't understand what thiseven means like their 2 gigabyte to whatyou know but if we add it to theapparent product it'll make more senseso now that we created the product let'sgo ahead and go back to our iPhone andadd it inside of the product so righthere under iPhone I'm gonna click onedit and then right here under linkedproducts we're gonna type in 32gigabytes and it should show up rightthere and click on update all right nowright here I'm click on a view productso that looks a little bit moreprofessional so right here we have theoriginal of 16 gigabytes and then theycan select the quantity and then rightherethey have 32 gigabytes which is $600 andthey can simply select an amount and addit to the cart and voilathere you go now again guys I hate tobring this up right now but if you guysare using hosting I recommend using sighcrown I do have a 60 percent discount inthe description because with sycron youactually get the freeSSL so I'll talk more about that alittle bit later but the SSL's arebasically the only way people can checkout on your website so you know I highlyrecommend psych round for hosting so wemade the simple product we made thevariable product and the group productlet's go ahead now and create thedigital product which is really simplereally fast so plus new and right hereI'm gonna do let's see well we do avirtual we'll do phone call phone calland then again right here we can goahead and just grab the descriptionright here so remember long taildescription right here so here you mightwant to put like no attorneyphone call you know you can put whateveryou'd want right here and then you canset a price so I'll put $1,000 and thenI'm gonna set an image so right here Iwill select what's a good one for anattorney huh let's let's just find outthis this would not be good for anattorney no it's like what kind ofattorney are you you knowthis we go we got this guy's he's happyhe's a happy guy you know so right hereunder the product data we can select asimple product and select virtual now wecan basically do I can teach you both soguys the only difference between avirtual and a downloadable is that avirtual there is no download that's itso virtual you can see the shippingdisappears because there's no virtualand that's it people will buy andcheckout now if you want to have adownloadable product you can select thisright here so all you need to do isclick on add the file choose the fileand simply go ahead and upload whateverfile you want such as your ebook to yourserver and then you know I'll put thispicture insert URL how many times can idownload it well I'll put unlimiteddownload expiry you know you can goahead and put the number of days thatyou want to expire so you're saying nowthis is a little good for 30 days that'sall you get 30 days and then from thereyou can go ahead and just click onpublish so that's pretty easy so virtualagain if you click on this it's notgoing to allow anyone to downloadanything and if you click on download abull it's going to basically you knowallow people to download a downloadableproduct so it's pretty simple so virtualIntolerable products guys it's literallyjust a check box that's all you put soright here let's go ahead click onpublish alright and then we're herewe'll click on view productalright so attorney phone call there'sthe image and then there's the price andthey can add it to the cart click on addit to the cart and voila now you guyscan see right here to add it to thecarts and we can always view the cartyou know if you want to check it out youknow you can see right here if you thecar they can always change the quantityand everything else so that's basicallyhow you add virtual products now let'sgo ahead and do the last one which issuper easy so we're going to do anaffiliate product next so right here isgo to plus new go to product and righthere I'm just gonna type in affiliateproducts and right here we can go aheadand put some description you know orwhatever you want to do so here you canjust talk about itso guys affiliate marketing is verypopular andif you see all those guys like Tai Lopezand all those guys who are like you wantto make a million dollars you know youwant to make 10 billion all they reallydo is teach you how to set up affiliatewebsites that is it that's all they doso affiliate websites are pretty popularbecause it's probably one of the onlyways you can get automated income soright here I'm gonna go ahead and go toexternal affiliate product so I haveaffiliate links I'm a promoter for DibbyI'm gonna promote it for a lot ofcompanies so right here I'm gonna put myaffiliate link now you can put whateverlink you want in there so whereversomeone clicks on that button it's gonnatake them to that and right here we haveby now I'm gonna set the price at $89here you know we get description youknow product image etc product gallerywe can add whatever you want so I'm justbasically saying that if you want to buythe Divi WordPress theme or the flotsamtheme or sycron hosting click on thislink so right here I'm just gonna selectthis random image actually no that'sreally ugly I'll just select I don'tknow it's butts I hate these decisionssee here let's like this computer therewe goall right and click on publish so if youguys aren't familiar with affiliatemarketing it's basically where yourecommend a product you sign up forsomeone's you know affiliate programthey accept you you recommend theproduct if someone buys it then youreceive a commission so right here I'mgonna click on buy product now when Iclick on this link it's actually goingto take me to a different website and ifI actually purchase that product I willreceive a commission so if someone goesfrom that site to this site andpurchases the Divi theme then I willreceive a commission so in your casewhatever affiliate program that you'repart of you can just go ahead and putyour affiliate link right there and thenthey can go ahead and select thatproduct and purchase it and you makemoney money money money alright so thatis an example of an affiliate productokay in this section I'm gonna introduceyou all to WooCommerce extra extensionsnow in short guys there's plugins thatyou can actually use in conjunctionthrough commerce to add a little bitmore decor and style to your online shopso this right here is an example of aWooCommerce extension it's calledWooCommerce productand here we have the basic product of$25 but we can add additional featuresor add-ons to use in conjunction withthe simple product so here we have theprice of $25 but let's just say forexample I want it I want to gift wrap soI just want the basic plan and righthere we can add a logo onto our shirtsor they can upload whatever file theywould like and also right here they canadd a custom engraving so right here Iput like sexy girl and now you guys cansee the price go from $25 to $50 98cents because we added the basic giftwrapped and we also added the customengraving and you can set as manycharacters as you want so for exampleright here I put 0 to 500 but you canput like 0 to 20 so people can onlyenter up to 20 characters on their shirtnow there is a few places where you guyscan get this shirt and I kind of wantExpo also explains playing playing painso this right here is will commerce andthis is where you can purchase theplug-in the plug-in costs around thingslike 50 to 200 dollars it like goes backand forth but I think it's $50 on thiswebsite now if you guys buy it for Moocommerce you guys do receive support forthe plug-in and you also receiveautomatic updates now you guys can alsoalternatively buy it on other websiteslike wool mill and other GPL websitesthe difference is that if you guys buyit from these websites you guys do notget updates and you also don't getsupports however you guys get theplug-in for a dramatically cheaper priceas far as ten dollars in short they arebasically creating a generic version ofthe plug-in just like we have likemedicine with like advil and othervarious brands that's exactly what goeson here so these guys are basically likethe main authors of it but othercompanies make generic versions of itand sell it for a much cheaper price soin short you guys can purchase it fromwhatever website you guys want I'llleave those linked in the description ofthis video but I just want to kind ofintroduce you all to WooCommerceextra extensions and also the GPLwebsites and also WooCommerce so let'sgo onto the next section we're going totalk about the WooCommerce settingsalright I'll see you thereokay so now we're gonna talk about theWooCommerce general settings nowdepending on your theme there are someintegrations with who commerce on youractual theme customizer now so before Igo into the options I just kind of wantto remind you that if you go tocustomize and you go to WooCommerce youdo have additional settings right herenow these can also be accessed on theback end so it's just you know this isjust for letting you know that theyactually recently added this so if youguys want to start notice right here youguys can actually add a store notice andthen it'll appear on the bottom of yourpage also product catalogs these againcan also be displayed on the back end soif you want to show products you knowproduct categories or show product andcategories you can do that as well I'mgonna actually go through all theoptions to make sure you guys understandthis so I'm going to go ahead andpublish this and click on X alright andthen right here I'm gonna go to mydashboard I'm gonna go to WooCommerceand go to settings okay so right here isour general settings okay so right hereyou're gonna put your address and makesure that the address is workingproperly because depending on what youput in there it's going to tax and shipyour rates accordingly so that's ifyou're using the automated taxes whichwe'll talk about in just a little bitright here you have general options soright here we have selling locations sowhere do you want to sell it to so ifyou want to sell it to a specificcountry you can do to you know sell tospecific countries and then go ahead andput it in or if you want to sell to allcountries you can leave it there you cansell to all countries except for andthen let's say you don't want to sell towhat is it well select uh Antarctica youknow I'm saying hey we don't want tosell anything to add Arctica you can goahead and restrict that so someone fromAntarctica tries to buy something fromyour website it's going to restrict itso right here we have also shippinglocations so ship to all countries oryou know ship to countries you sell toand then right here ship to specificcountries only so right here let's justsay I only want to sell to the UnitedStatesthe UK and Canada so if someone from acountry outside of the UK Canada or theUS tries to purchase your product it'sgoing to restrict them as well okay butthat is only if you want I'm sorry if hewants to ship to specific countries okayif you want to set that up you're morethan welcome toor you can just go ahead and disableshipping and you know that foreverything as well if you want todisable shipping and shippingcalculations but I'm going to go to shipto countries that you sell to becausethat makes the most sense right here ifyou want to enable taxes you can goahead and enable taxes right here thecurrency option which probably most ofyou won't select basically if you wantto put your dollar to the left or to theright you can do that but generally thedollar symbol goes to those are the leftright that's pretty standard right hereI'm gonna go to Save Changes and then ofcourse you guys can use these but thisis very technical like a decimal like athousand separator so let's say it costa thousand dollars you want a commonrate like that makes most sense cuzpeople use commas I don't even know whythey have these options to be honestbecause it's like duh like yeah thousandyou put one comma zero zero zero butthat's just you know an example of it sothat's basically letting you know what'sgoing on so anyways that is the generalsection next we have products now againdepending on your theme this can kind ofcontradict but let's just go ahead andgo through some of these so right herewe have feed products and we have theshop page so where is the shop page wellit's usually the one that sucks bydefault now there is something that Iwant to talk about that what happens ifyour pages do not generate withWooCommerce when you install theWooCommerce plug-in you guys canactually go to WooCommerce I will leavea link in the description and youactually put a shortcode and that shortcode will actually create the sectionfor WooCommerce alright so if youbasically started blue commerce andnothing happened or nothing created suchas your top page I will leave a articlein the description where you can simplyjust grab the shortcode paste it andeverything is all good so right here wehave Add to Cart behavior so redirect tothe car page after a successful editionI would never have that check becausethat would be really annoying if you addsomething to the car and I checked themand then you want to go back and buysomething else it's gonna keepredirecting you back and forth thatwould be totally annoying so right herewe have weight units so if you want toselect pounds grams or ounces dependingon what you sell you can select thatthere dimension units like I said it'sdifferent in each country so right herewe have meters centimeters millimetersinches and yards you can also enableproduct reviews if you don't wantproduct reviews you can go is you knowdisable ads if you want to enable themyou click on that and then right herereviews can only be left by verifiedowners which is actually pretty goodthat makes the most sense so that meansonly people who have purchased thatproduct can leave reviews an able starrating system yes I'm gonna go head andclick on Save Changes so those arepretty self-explanatoryalso here for the inventory so enablestock management now if you leave thischeck right here it's gonna deleteeverything now what that does is let'ssay for example that you have a certainamount of quantity you know let's justsay you only have like 30 products so at10 products right here out of the lowstock threshold it's going to notify youvia email saying hey Derral you'rerunning short on these products so ifyou want you know I'm just letting youknow that's I'm letting you know that'syou know your products are running flowright now let's just say your productscompletely run out so I'm gonna put twoso this kind of gives you like aemergency stash so at two products leftyou're gonna get an email saying you'reout of notifications or you're out ofstock completely there I'll go buy somemore shirts so this is basically if youare selling a lot of products soremember low stock threshold means thatit's going to warn you out of stockthreshold means it's going to tell youyou have no no more out of stockavailability so hide out of stock itemsfrom the catalog now that is up to youso if you do run out of items if you dolet's say you have zero do you want itto hide it from the catalog to preventback orders if you want you can selectit if not you can you know uncheck itdisplay the stock display format soright here you can ohyou know twelve in stock only two leftin stock which is pretty cool becausethat basically you know creates a senseof urgency to buy the product or you cannever show the quantity of stock so thisis basically just saying how many youhave left next to the product okaybasically that's a quick rundown of theinventory so that's prettyself-explanatory this is the email goesto hold stock so this will hold stock orcertain out of minutes when the timelimit is reached the pending order willbe cancelled okay so make sure to setthat accordingly right here okay nowthis goes to downloadable products okayso we have the file download method wecan do free force downloads we can doredirect only or actually sell and I'mpretty sure most of you gonna use Excelif you guys don't know what these arejust simply don't check them just leaveforce downloads and also you knowdownloads require login that's up to youand grants access to downloads purchaseafter payment so when it says requirelogin so let's say for example youallowed guest checkouts well then itmight not work but it says right herethis setting does not apply to guestcheck to guess purchases so I guess thatwould make sense but I would not leavethat checked because if someone decidesnot to make an accounts you know theoption could possibly not work so Iwould just go ahead and leave it likethat and click on Save Changes now thatis only for downloadable products okayso we're gonna go to we're gonna skipshipping or skip tax we're gonna skipshipping and checkout we will actuallytalk about checkouts a little bit laterat the end of the tutorial that isbasically four options of PayPal andstripe all right so we'll put these indifferent categories let's go toaccounts all right so our accounts righthere we have your account page again ifyour account page never created simplyuse the shortcode again that link is inthe description of this video it's ashort code that you will need forcommerce so right here you know enablecustom registration on checkout an ablecustomer registration on my account pagesure why not that's pretty you knowstandard you can go ahead andautomatically generate a customer passforautomatically create a username from thecustomer email which is helpful becausethat will actually make it faster forthe customer to purchase and then righthere we have different URLs so if youwant to change the URL for anything youcan go ahead and do that here I wouldpersonally leave this standard becauseparolees can be a little messy but forexample on the orders page if you wantto change the you know – shop orders youcan do like orders 1 2 3 or whatever youwant I would generally leave thisstandard but you are more than welcometo change the permalinks for your storeas well so right here I'm going to savechanges next we have emails all right sohere we have our emails so right here itsays from name and then I put the shopso right here we have from address andthat is the email that I selected andright here it says click here to viewyour email template so if I click onthis right here it's going to give youan example of how this looks so where doyou actually put your logo at well righthere you would put the link from yourmedia file so let me explain how thatworks I'm gonna click on Save Changesand show you all now if you do need alogo there is a website I recommendcalled fiber comm the link is in thedescription of this video you guys canuse that to get a logo and again if youguys aren't using sycron hosting Itotally recommend it because you getfree SSL's for every domain that youcreates so over here under media I'mgonna go to library and simply go aheadand select what's a cult I'm gonna goahead and select this right here so thisURL right here this URL right here I'mgonna go and copy this this is the rowthat you need so remember you must firstupload the image onto your library byclicking on that and then once you dothat we're gonna go back to ourWooCommerce and go to settings I'm gonnago to my emails and then right here I'mgonna go ahead and well first I'llpreview to show you an example so I gotrid of the logo but now if I add theheader image right there it's going toactually show up like that and then Iclick on Save Changesand then right here and click on previewemail templates and then voilathe logo is right there right here youcan change the base color so again righthere is the base color here you can adda background color to it so for exampleadded this background color to it andthen a body background color and thenthe body text color as well so this isbasically where you customize everythingand you can give an example I'm sorryyou can see an example of these emailsso right here a new order so reallyquickly to understand this where it saysrecipients right here recipients I don'thave pronounce that this will go to youso when you get a new order a canceledorder or a failed order this is going togo to your email when a customer buysomething such as a processing on holdcompleted refunded you know resetpassword whatever this is going to thecustomer so let's just go ahead andclick on one let's just click on acustomer note remember customer notewhen they purchased a product we can addthe customer notes that's basically youknow where you would add it so that'sbasically where it is so right here youknow you can add an email heading to itor you can add a subject or you can justleave it as default and then you knowit's you leave it as standard if youwant you know you give you the templatebut this is an HTML template so to dothis you might need a developer to helpyou out but if you want to go ahead andadd a subject or an email heading youcan do that as well or it will give youthe default options which are totallygood and I would definitely recommendleaving these these standard not unlessyou know HTML so again you know you canalways check on the you know you canconfigure it right here and then youknow decorate it to how you want it tolook okayso that is an example of the emails thatyou can send outs so again that's howyou decorate it they do have likeplugins on like how to make it a littlebit better so also for the footer textyou can actually put something on thebottom right there so right here I haveDarrell Wilson but you can put somethingelse like the best shop store or youknow whatever you want to put and thatwill appear at the footer section aswell okay so if I go over here to youthe template it's going to now show thebest shop store ever okay so that'sprettyyou know self-explanatory pretty simplestuffokay so for next for API we are notgoing to use the REST API and web hooksand key hooks because probably most ofyou aren't developers so you probablywon't end up using it okay so that wasbasically equipped right now guys ofthese settings so really quickly let'sgo through some of these tabs right hereso first off the extensions now they dohave something like you know products orI'm sorry bookings membershipsubscriptions and everything else now Ihave tutorials on every single commerceplug-in out there so if you guys want tolearn how to use those plugins the linksare in the description of this videolike product add-ons are goodcheck out add-ons you know you guys canjust kind of understand these and readthem you can purchase them from herethere's other sites you can buy themfrom so if you guys want you guys cancheck out my tutorial on each of theseplugins they're pretty good they'repretty helpful status right here thisgives you a CETIS generally when youhave problems with WooCommerce or youneed help they're going to ask you for alot of this stuff right here like thesystem report and everything so thisstuff is generally for like logs it'sfor WooCommerce services and it'sbasically for the WooCommerce team ifyou have support so that's basicallywhat these tabs are right here all righthere we have the report section so thisjust basically gives you an idea of howmuch money you're making so I have atest set up right here for stripe so youguys can see an example right here Imade four hundred ten dollars you guyscan check it by year by month etc thisstuff right here is prettyself-explanatory you can see thecustomers you can see like the stock sowhat's being sold and of course you guyscan also see like the taxes andeverything else if you've set that up onyour website so it's just another wayfor you guys to kind of like you knowlook at your you know out of stock lowstock most stock you know whatever youknow you need right there so though thisis like the report section so wheneveryou make sales or stock or taxes orcustomers this is where you're going togo okay so that is the report sectionnow let's do coupons so I'm going toshow you how to create your first couponright now so right here we go to add acoupon and then right here I'm going toput I'll put Daryl is the couponsaves 50 percents so we have differentdiscount types so right here we have apercentage or we have a fixed cart or afixed product discount so a percentagediscount is for example 50% off now doesthis product I'm sorry this is couponallow free shipping on top of thepercent you can put yes or you can putno when's this coupon expirewell expires on the 21st so after the21st you cannot use this coupon usagerestriction so how much do they have tospend to actually qualify for thiscoupon well I'm gonna say you know whenyou spend $100 you know then they canqualify or this is say $50 they canqualify now what's the maximum guys everput it maximum that's them you know youdon't want to penalize people forspending too much money you know so I'mgonna put no maximum so can this be usedso it something sorry check this box ifthis cannot be used in conjunction withother coupon so basically can this stackwith other coupons so check this box ifthe coupon cannot be used with othercoupons I'm gonna put yes I don't wantpeople to have the ability to stackcoupons exclude sales items so if anitem is already on sale that you putthis coupon will not work for itso basically saying I don't want to givelike 30% off a product that's 50% offyou know so I want to exclude salesitems so anything on sale this coupondoes not qualify for next we haveproducts so what product it is on salefor now really quickly guys if this isleft default it will apply to all theproducts and all the categories in yourstore which I recommend you know but ifyou want to basically set this couponspecifically for a specific product onlyor exclude products you can do that sofor example right here I'm gonna saythis coupon is only good for the Rastat-shirt but I want to exclude the redJack shirt so this coupon basically willonly work for the Rasta t-shirt but itwill not work for the red Jack shirt sothat is an example of how you can dothat with products now you can also dothis withso let's say for example all the men'sproducts are on sale all of the extentof the Aesir that will not work all theaccessories are not on sale so that'sbasically what that means so men productcategories are on sale and accessoriesnone of them on sale so this coupon willnot work for any of those categories andwe have email restrictions if you have abunch of trolls out there you can goahead and you know you know put an emailrestriction but generally you probablyyou know won't do that so okay so that'sbasically a quick rundown of coupons soI have my coupon set up now how manytimes can people use his coupon so usagelimit per coupon so how many times can acoupon actually be used ten times so doyou want to limit this usage to aspecific item I'm gonna say no I'm gonnasay you know as long as they're buyingstuff I want them to be rewarded youknow so how many times can a specificperson use this coupon well I'm gonnasay only one timeso that means a user can only use thiscoupon once this coupon in general canonly be used up to ten times that'sbasically what that means so right hereI'm gonna go back to general now reallyquickly on the discount type I want totalk about a fixed car discount so righthere we have a fixed card discount of$50 so this is going to go ahead andknock off $50 and right here we have afixed product discount so what thatmeans is a specific product will beknocked off $50 and you would have toset that with the usage restriction youhave to basically combine that to makeit work so it's up to you if you wanteither a fixed product discount which isa specific product discount only a fixedcart discount which is a dollar amountso remember that means $50 out of thecart or you can have a percentagediscount which is saying I'm giving 50%off with this coupon so here imma clickon publish and let's go ahead and testthat this coupon now let's see if thisone really works so let's go shoppinglet's go ahead and go shopping right nowall right here I'm go to my cartand right here we have the product nowright here I'm gonna select Daryl soit's 40 is I'm sorry it's 98 dollarsright now buts remember we added thecoupon for 50% off so right here I'mgonna go to apply coupon and you can seeright here 45 dollars was removed sothat means 50% was taken off of coursethe shipping and also the tax stillappliesyou can always decide to take out theshipping out of the cost of that but thetax will still apply and then rightthere they can go ahead and click onproceed to checkout and you know do allthat good stuff they can go ahead andbuy it right here okay so let's go aheadand go back I think that was generallymost of the options I think there's onemore so we'll commerce right here I'mclick on this and we're gonna go toorders so the last section guys isorders and guys this is basically whensomeone purchases something it's goingto display right here alright so it'sgoing to click on one of these righthere alright so here of you know just goahead and ignore that section rightthere okay so right here we have thebilling address we have the shippingaddress we have the item that waspurchased we have the cost and then wehave all this stuff right here thisright here the shipping all that stuffso right here we can do order actions sowe can you know send an email invoice wecan resend the new order notification orgenerate downloads permission so youknow if you want to go ahead and emailthe invoice you can go ahead and do thatclick on updates okay and then righthere we have shipping label so righthere we click on create new label nowwe're gonna talk more about this when wewhen we actually set up shipping butonce you actually set up shipping youguys can actually go ahead and you knowset that all up so this is basicallyautomated shipping so right here you canyou know select a letter you know thisis a nun dollar dress it's not even areal address so it's basically tellingme it's it's not working so I'm gonnaselect those see if this see this oneworks right herethis evening invalid this dress okay soright here you guys can see that we canyou know select the suggested address wecan you know use that and then you knowfrom there this one is the correct oneso this is just a demo one so also righthere we have our packages and everythingelse now we'll set all this up a littlebit later but this right here is justbasically for automated stuff so we'lltalk more about this when we talk aboutshipping rates but that's where youprint out your shipping label if youdecide to have automated shipping soit's not required but it is recommendedand here you're giving different notesabout everything elseetc okay so I'm gonna go and click onupdate now so that's basically guys aquick rundown of orders and everythingelse so in the next section we'reactually gonna go ahead and talk aboutthe taxes so I'll see you all there[Music]alright guys welcome to the tax sectionso now we're going to talk all aboutWooCommerce taxes and I'm also going toshow you how you can automate your taxesfor your WooCommerce store as well soright here I'm gonna go to my dashboardand right here I'm gonna go toWooCommerce and go to settings alrightso here we go to tax now if you guyswant automated taxes there is a plug-inI think it installed by default calledWooCommerce services if you have thatplug-in installed it will work I'll giveyou an example of the plug-in just tomake sure you guys know what it is soright here you have WooCommerce servicesso this will do automatic calculationlive shipping rates and it will printthe shipping label etc okay so that'sbasically how I got the shipping labeland everything else and I'll talk moreabout the shipping labels when we talkabout shipping so let's go ahead and goback to WooCommerce and go to settingsnow guys taxes is kind of it's kind ofyou know so right here we go to text soI want to enable automated taxes now Idon't have to but right now I'm justgonna go ahead and leave that automatedjust give an example of how it worksprice is entered with text so no I willenter prices exclusive of tax so whatthat means is do you want your productsto have the tax included if you do youcan click on there if not you're gonnaclick right there generally you probablywant to put no you don't really want toput your product with tax because itjust looks ugly and that the amountsgonna be kind of weird so calculate thetax based on the Koppers the customershipping address billing address or theshop based address now I am noaccountants but generally I would wantto leave this as customer shippingaddress because that's probably wherethey live and purchase the productshipping tax class right here I'm gonnaput standard we have reduced rate zerorate and then we have shipping tax basedon card items so I'm going to explainwhat those three sections are it'sbasically like categories guys that'sit's basically that's it just categoriesthey just made it sound a little bitmore complicated than it really is righthere we have reduced rate zero rates andthen you can put more if you wantyou're basically putting categories inthat's really all you're doing sodisplay prices in the shop excluding taxright that makes sense or you can havein excluding taxes if you'd like displayprices during cart and check-outexcluding tax so it's not going to showthem the tax when it's in the cart andcheck-out process so you kind of want tothrow it away at the end you know whichis ideal you know you don't want to likethrow the tax at them right away becausethat might discourage them from buyingand WooCommerce kind of knows that sothat's why they've excluded the taxright there so price displays suffix wecan go ahead and put your you know pricedisplay subjects so define the text toshow after your product prices so Iwould just leave that blank right thereI would not put anything there anddisplay tax totals as a single as asingle total or itemized generally youwant to leave this as a single total youcan put as itemized but then your taxtotal can be a little convoluted soright here I'm gonna put Save Changesand I'll explain how that works in justa little bit so we have our settingssets now right here we have standardrates so let's go to click on standardrates alright so right here we have acountry code I'm just gonna go ahead andremove this and start from scratch solet's say for example you have aspecific standard rate so we can getvery technical here so for the countrycode I'm gonna put United States rightthere now you guys can even set the taxrate for a specific state depending onwhere they're subject to so you guys canactually go to tax jar com now dependingon their where they live from you haveto charge them tax accordingly but forexample right here let's click onMontanaso Montana sales tax rate is zero if weclick on in Nevada we have sales taxrate of six point eight five percent sofor example Montana has a zero tax rateso right here for the state code I don'tknow Montana what is it against Mt rightthere MT I'm gonna put eight zero taxrate because Montana is not supposed tobe tacked whatso ever and I'm not going to tax onshipping so right here you can selectthe option to tax on shipping and youcan compound it to tax the shipping anditem together so that's what thecompound is right there and you can readall about itbut some states are subject to it someare not but I'm going to go ahead andleave that unchecked so right here I'mgonna go ahead and say no I don't want atax on shipping however in some stateslike California you can tax on top ofthe shipping as wellso right here I'm a click on SaveChanges ok but that's just an exampleguys so basically what I've done is ifsomeone buy something from Montanathey're going to get a zero percent taxrate okay now let's get a little bitmore complicated so I'm gonna go aheadand make another one right here US andI'm gonna do California so right hereI'm going to put the rate of Californiawhich is seven point two five percentokay seven point two five percent andthen right here you know do you want taxon top of shipping yes and you canactually read you know is is it taxableon shipping etc so you guys might wantto go through tax chart and read alittle bit about this because again Ican't really give any advice on how youwould tax your business accordingly butthere are some states there are somestates where you would have to Tarzantax basically where they're from orwhere you're from that list is on hereso you guys might want to go ahead andcheck check this out but anyways solet's just say for example we're gonnago ahead and check out another one soright here we have let's check thoughthis one right here so in this pickanother one let's pick Sacramento so inSacramento the tax rate is eight pointtwo five percent so it's a little bithigher than California's sales tax rateright here so right here you canactually create a second one such as usand then go ahead and put this and thenwe can actually find the postal code forthe actual you know we could put ninefive eight three five and then peoplefrom that rate nine eight three was itninety threethree five nine five eight three fiveokay nine five eight three five sopeople from that specific zip code aregonna be charged a sales tax of eightpoint two five percent now again itdepends on what state that you areselling it from I will link this articlefor tax jar in the description belowbecause sales tax can always be a littlecomplicated and you know it's it'salways a great area it's not a greatarea but it's a little complicated thereare some plugins that will actuallyspeed up this process now tax jar hastheir own plugin I will leave a link inthe description of this video so righthere you can I pin WooCommerce taxplugin now this will make everything alot easier so right here this willactually automatically do all the taxesfor you if you want to go ahead and usetax jar you can also use WooCommerce bydefault okay now some actually I believea lot of the digital digital goodsaren't subject to tax so if you're inCalifornia for example digital goods arenot subject to tax so if you're sellingdigital products and you're taxingpeople you shouldn't because digitalproducts do not have a sales tax inCalifornia however in certain statesthey do so you might want to triplecheck on tax char to find out exactlywhat it isagain you know I would recommend doingthe automation because quite franklythis can get a little complicated butI'm going to still explain what theseother ones are okay so basically I'veselected a standard tax rate for Montananow it reduced tax rates so let's sayfor example a specific part of LosAngeles has a discounted rate so let'sgo ahead and give you an example I'mgoing to go ahead and go over here tothis one right here so in Bakersfield inKern County they have a rate of sevenpoint two five zero so right here I'mgonna put country code USA that's andthen right here CA and then right hereI'm going to putat 7.25 zero and then I would select thezip code for whatever from it's theresomewhere you know it's here somewhereso we can just I'll just grab one seeright here I'll just we'll do we'll dothis one right here or San Bernardinohere we go San Bernardino okay and thetax rate there was seven point sevenfive I'm just gonna skip over that oneseven point seven five okay and I'm notgonna select shipping even though it issorry here click on Save Changes so Ihave reduced rate rates now why do Ihave this option well when you createproducts you can actually set a specificproduct for a specific tax rates solet's say for example you are sellingdigital products and you're sellingregular products you might want to put azero percent tax rates on digitalproducts since in California digitalproducts are not subject to the salestax so let's give you an exampleproducts I'm gonna go to all productsI'm gonna go to girls shirt right hereand I'm gonna go click on edit productalright and right here under our see youever inventory or general okay so righthere in our tax class we can selectstandard reduce rate or zero rate sohere I'm actually selecting this productnow to be in the reduced rate class sothis product will be taxed seven pointseven five percent so that's an exampleof how you can select a specific taxclass okay so I him click on updatesokay so let's go ahead now and check outthe products alright here we go to viewproduct we're gonna go to checkout oh Igotta add that to Cart really quick sosorryAdd to Cart I'm gonna go to view thecarts and I'm gonna go ahead and get ridof this one and then I'm go to proceedto checkoutokay so the tax right there isaccordingly so it's charging me sevenpoints whatever of that so that'sbasically the the tax rate it's it'ssetting me because that is a tax rate Iadded for that specific product okay sothat's an example of basicallycategories and if you look at the othertax rate there are zero so for exampleright here and we'll go back to mymycommerce and go to settings and if wego to our other one right here for ourzero tax rate you can basically just seta zero tax rate right here so zero raterates so these ones right here you mightwant to put like there is no tax orwhatever so it basically just helps youcategorize specific items for that sothat's basically what the standard ratemeans reduce rate and the zero rates aswell so right here I'm gonna click onreduce rates I'm gonna go ahead and justdelete all of these and click on savethe standard rates right here go aheadand remove those as well and click onsave alright and tax optionsI want to enable automatic taxes and I'mgonna go ahead and save it right thereso now I'm gonna go ahead and add in afew products right here and againremember that the tax is based on theshipping address so right now it's basedoff my personal shipping address howeverif you want to do its to like theirbilling address you can do that I'msorry their customer shipping address soit's based off the customers shippingaddress or you can do shop base addresswhich is your shop such as like whereyou're from so I hear me click on savenow I'm going to actually give you anarticle or basically let you know whichstates are subject to tax base off whereyou're from or base off where they arefrom okay so I found an article thatmight help some of you if you decide tohave you know taxes not automated sobasically there are some states whereyou would actually charge base off whereyou're from or base off destinations sothey call it origin of assassinationbased and right here they have list oforigin based sales tax so again if youread this if you live in one of thesestates youto be charging everyone in your statethe rate of where your business islocated so where your business locatedsuch as Arizona California you would becharging the sales tax base off whereyou're from however if you are based indifferent states such as these onesright here you would be targeting peoplebased off where they are from so it canbe a little complicated guys so againyou have three options your first optionis to use WooCommerce automated taxesyour second option is to use theWooCommerce I'm sorry the tax starplug-in that is available withWooCommerce or you can actually do ityourself and go through each state andset it up yourself if you would like nowif you're just from one state obviouslyfrom Californiathat'd probably be really easy to setlike such as Arizona these ones but ifyou're not if you're from somewhere oflike Georgia or Hawaii or Idaho youwould need to charge sales tax base offwhere they are from so again I'll leavethis article so you could read moreabout it and also the tax rates for eachstates again those are your threeoptions so it's pretty much up to you atthis point you know this is yourbusinessI'm just basically showing you the doorsand you're gonna kind of walk throughthem and you know do whatever you wantfor your business okay so guys that wasa quick rundown of sales tax it can be alittle complicated but if you are youknow using the automated system it willmake your life so much easier because itwill charge tax accordingly okay so thenext section we are going to go toshipping so I'll see you in the shippingsection[Music]alright guys welcome back we are now inthe shipping section of this tutorialnow quick heads up shipping is very verydynamic so there are so many differentways you can go with shipping and I'lldo my best to help you decide what isthe best option for you so first let'sgo to WooCommerce and go to settings nowthe first thing I'm going to do guys isset up the automated taxes I'm sorry theautomated shipping then we're gonna goto regular shippingwe're gonna go to different styles ofshipping and I'm gonna go to shippingclasses okay so if you're looking for aspecific part just bear with me while Ido each specific section so right nowI'm gonna do add a shipping zone so nowI'm basically selecting a shipping zoneso what I want to ship to you well thisis for the USA so the United States theUnited States and right here I want toadd a shipping method so I can add aflat-rate shipping so no matter whatpeople pay they're gonna play a flatrate I can do free shipping I can dolocal pickup or I can do USPS whocommerce services so this is the firstone I'm going to do right here and I'mgonna go to add a shipping method allright now right here I'm gonna click onthis and we need to basically set upwhat kind of rates and services that weneed so I want to select Priority Mailand maybe first-class mail or somethinglike that and then here you can actuallyselect like what kind you want I'm justgonna select all of them now if you wantto set a price adjustment for each oneso maybe you want to like charge someonehey you know it usually cost I want twopeople to to pay for my tape you know sohere I'm gonna put like a dollar extrafee for each specific one on top ofwhatever USPS rates are pooled now youcan also do a percent so if you want toadd like you know ten percents you canadd that as well that's pretty high butyou know you are the boss so you canmake whatever decisions you want sobasically these are the rates on top ofwhatever USPS pulls from okay so I'mgonna go ahead and just select zero forthese just because I'm just going to letus PS decide how much it cost and againyou might want to adjust it becauseyou're paying for like supplies andstuff like that right hereshow all of the little rates or let thecustomer choose or we can just say youknow what just show the cheapest rates afallback rate so in the case thatsomething happens to Moo Commerce orsomethingwhat fallback rate do you want to showso for example let's say the plug-inbreaks and it doesn't work by defaultwhat rate do you want to charge peoplefor shipping well we can say 6 dollarsright something like six dollars andthen right here we have retail andcommercial now after using who commerceservices you are automatically oncommercial however you can go is goahead and select retail depending onwhat kind of deal that you have with thepost officeand right here for packaging you mightwant to do you know packaged itemstogether for as few as possible to makeit easier okaynow I'm gonna go ahead and go to safenow again guys remember you must set thedimensions for the product for this toproperly work so what do I mean by thatlet's go ahead and go to products allproducts I'm gonna go to girls shirtright here now right here you can seethat under my inventory right here or isit my shipping that I have the ouncesand the dimension setsso basically USPS needs to know you knowhow big your product is how much is away so they can charge you accordinglyfor shipping so you need to make surethat that is set for your products inorder for the automation to work allright so let's go ahead now and test itI'm gonna go ahead and visit site let'sgo ahead and buy something now so righthere I'm gonna go to actually I gotta goahead and empty my car really quick wellI can actually empty right here so hereI'm gonna go to exit all right I'm gonnago to the shop I'm going to go ahead andselect the girl shirt add to the cartsokay and then view the car okay so youguys can see now it is pulling all ofthe ones that I selected and the onesthat are available for me so I have apriority mail I have first class mailfirst class package services and a flatrate so that's pretty cool that you canselect or the customers can select whatthey want for their product okay so thatis an example of how automation worksagain you can like you know select itfrom quantities and it will adjustaccordinglyokay so I basically shown you how to dothe automation for your your website butfor most of you you might want to be alittle bit more in control of shippingcost correct the automation sounds greatby theory but sometimes you might wantto be just a little more in control ofyour shipping so let's go ahead and dothat so right here I'm gonna go toshipping and let's go ahead now and doanother shipping zone now really quicklyif you guys go to shipping options righthere you guys can like you know do someoptions right here so shippingdestination default to customersshipping address which is probably whatyou want to do right not unless they putBilly but you probably wanna put it asshipping address because that's whypeople put shipping address rightshipping classes we will talk about injust a little bit packages that is forthe automation of shipping so basicallyyou might want to add a specific packageright here you can always do like aservice package and then select themwhatever ones you need right here foryou know your service package or you cango ahead and put in your own custompackage depending on what you areselling for your product alright sothat's basically you know packagesshipping labels we will talk about atthe end of this section right here itcorresponds to basically printing ourshipping labels for your automation butI just want to go over the other optionsbefore we go into shipping labels solet's go ahead and add a new let's justclick on this right here and right herewe have USPS so I'm gonna go ahead anddelete this now so I don't want thatanymore add a shipping method we have aflat rate free shipping and local pickupso a local pickup guys will basicallycharge whatever amount you want it tocharge so some of you probably don'teven use local pickup but if you decideto use it you can go ahead and put thecost right there pretty simple so if youif your store is like a mom-and-pop shopand you have a local pickup only you canput the mount right there I don't wantto do that but I'm just showing you howit works we can also do free shipping soif you want to have free shipping foryour products and you don't want tocharge people shipping at all you canalways just do free shipping but itrequires a minimum order amounts soright here you have free shippingrequires you can put a valid shippingcoupon a minimum order amount a minimumorder or a coupon or the worst one whichis a minimum order and a coupon whichwould be stupid because if you did thisand people didn't go over the amountsbut they had a coupon it's going to saythat's there are no shipping methodsavailable because they have to reach acertain amount so maybe something aminimum amount of like I don't know 20bucks but remember if they purchase lessthan $20 it's going to tell them theyhave no shipping rates available becausethey don't qualify for the free shippingand we have no other rate set so youneed to create another flat rate for oneto $19.99 for free shipping for that towork okay I hope you understand how thatworksso you'd need to one you would need toshipping things if you want to getreally technical but that's an exampleof free shipping next let's talk aboutthe most probably standard one which isflat rates so what do you want to chargefor flat rate for your product forshipping well I want to charge tendollars all right ten dollars let's juststart off really basic we are going toget a little bit more advanced in alittle bit but let's just keep it simpleright now so I here I'm gonna go to myflat 'some tutorial and go to my shopand sometimes guys if you are messingaround with this and sometimes thishappens where nothing pulls up you haveto kind of like you know refresh it anddo it all over again because sometimesit will save on your MySQL so right hereto add a product you the carts and nowyou can see the flat rate is ten dollarsnow no matter how much I add it's goingto still be ten dollars okay so rightnow it's still ten dollars so that is anexample of a flat rate it's pretty it'spretty standard pretty simple tounderstand right now there are some newfeatures of WooCommerce where we can geta little bit more I guess you can sayadvanced so there are some short codesthat you can find there is quantity costand fee so right here I'm gonna selectquantity TUC times $5 so basically I'msaying for every product in the carts Iwant to charge $5 for shipping so righthere i have quantity x – 5 go to savechanges or I believe it's 5-0 and I haveto I have to check it out really quickso let's see hereso I will leave the there's an articlefor this guys in the description so youguys can go ahead and check it out -miss make sure you guys understand theshort codes there are sort of shortcodes for it but again this is if youwant to get very advanced and you reallywant to you know be is as customizableas do you want so right here it's goingto check out alright so right here wehave the subtotal let's see right herethe shipping cart so right now we have aflat rate of $5 because right here youguys can see that I charged quantity of$5 per quantity so let's go ahead andadd more let's go ahead and test thisout to see if this is working correctlyso I'm gonna go ahead and add in fivenow so now you guys can see the flatrate is now $25.00 because rememberwe're multiplying it per product so ifyou want to have that kind of approachfor your your store you can go ahead anddo that as well okay so that isbasically a quantity I will leave theshort codes for WooCommerce in descriptthere's a small video guys cuz they alsohave like a a fee – equal product likethey it gets really advanced and I'drather you watch theredocumentation and video because even itmyself sometimes I don't understand likethey have like short codes they havelike three or four short codes likeconditions like conditional logic so itcan get very advanced like if they spendten dollars and you have three productsyou need 5% back it's it's crazy I'mlike okay I don't get itso next let's go ahead and do somethinga little bit more simple let's just do acost percent so right here I have a costpercentage of five so let's go ahead andsave thatnow that should make a really highamount let's see if this works okay soI'm gonna go ahead and close this righthere and we're going to my shopping cartand let's go ahead and shop around uhlet's go buy something cool don't returnto shop I love this theme also again ifyou guys are interested in a very goodhosting company you guys can get 60% offcycle on hosting they give you free SSLand SSL is usually cost around like 50bucks for Hostgator so and it's thefastest it's the best hosting hands-downso the links in the description so Ibasically set one product right now thatone product right here you can see theshipping is five hundred dollars now whydoes it cost five hundred dollars well Iwanted to time I wanted to multiply theshipping times five so what I shouldhave possibly done is do something likethis right here where I'm charging fivepercent now so I basically said I wantto charge five times but that was waytoo much so now I'm charging fivepercent of whatever the cart total costalright so let's go ahead now and redothat just to make sure you know it worksalso guys depending on your hosting atheme just empty out the cart and do itover again because you can see if iteven if i refresh it it doesn't workproperly so let's go ahead and buysomething over here alright and view tothis of the carts alright so now youguys can see five dollars and it's beingcharged five dollars because fivepercent of a hundred dollars is fivedollars so let's just you know change itjust to be a little bit morecustomizable so eight percent now solet's go ahead now and empty this andI'm going to just randomly grab anotheritem and it should charge me eightpercent whatever the product cost soright herethis should charge me $8 in shipping andvoila flat rate shipping $8 so if youwant to go ahead and add in a percentageyou can go ahead and do that or you aremore than welcome to just enter in aspecific cost of just $10 so I hope youunderstand how that worksI'm not going to go over the fee becausethe fee can get a little bit moreadvanced I will leave documentation foryou in the description but for most ofyou you're probably just going to use aquantity or a percentage right I meanthat's basically it you can get veryadvanced such as like a per like aminimum amount and all that stuff itgets crazy so I basically shown you guyshow automation works I've shown you howthe flat rate works I've shown youdifferent styles on how to use that butlet's say now for instance that's youhave specific products that you need tobe charged a specific amount so let'sjust get a little bit more advanced hereokayand this is very ideal for someone who'sselling very large products likerefrigerators if you're shippingrefrigerators you might want to setshipping classes so right here we have ashipping class alright and I'm going togo ahead and add a shipping class sothis is going to be special shipping forfridges or yeah for fridges and I'mgoing to save the shipping class okay sonow we need to assign a product for theshipping class so right here we go toproducts and I'm going to select girlsshirt again you know she is populartodaywe are using here for all of our imagesor all of our stuff so anyways I'm gonnago ahead and leave this as standardbecause we talked about taxes earliershipping now right here I'm gonna selectspecial shipping now sometimes guys boocommerce can conflict you know it's it'sbuilt base off logic conditions sosometimes things don't work out all thetime and you have to like kind ofrefresh things wait a little bit and itworks so I'm gonna go toshipping section right here okay andright here and we go to edits all rightand right here now you can also add adifferent shipping method guys you canadd a second one so maybe you can addfree shipping for people who spend likeyou know a certain amounts you knowpeople who spend under $50 are gonna getfree shipping and then anyone over freeshipping the flat rate rule is going tostart applying I hope you understand howthat works so that's a good technique anidea of what you can do but I'm justgonna go ahead and take this out ormaybe ten dollars just because I don'twant it to interfere with what I'm doingbecause remember if it's not a hundredpercent correct guys the rules willconflict each other and then it could bepossibly that the customer gets a noshipping options are availableso anyways edits now you guys can seeright here we have a new section soshipping class cost so right here wehave special shipping class cost so howmuch do you want the special shippingcost to cost well I'm gonna say you knowfor that product they got to pay $20 nowremember they're gonna pay $20 on top ofthe ten right here so whatever you putup here this is going to basically buildon top of it okay so special shippingclass cost will build on top of it so Ijust hope you understand how that worksand again you can always enter the ruleright here so you can say you know whatI want to charge you know thirty dollarsor let's see right here I want to chargethirty dollars for every shipping classcost product they buy you can always dothat as well let's say for example youhave certain fridges this would protectyou to say okay oh actually no it wouldbe like that right oh yeah thirtydollarsyeah thirty dollars so it would be likethat so now they're going to pay thirtydollars on top of whatever other coststhat is so let's go ahead and give it atry I'm gonna go to Save Changes andlet's go ahead now and let's just goahead andto our shop again I'm gonna go ahead andtake this out Oh guys see now that freeshipping is available that's pretty coolokay there's a reason why it's there Ijust I haven't like looked at it yet soanyways so we're gonna go ahead and findthe product girl's shirt all right nowI'm gonna go ahead and add this to thecart and view the cart okay so over herewe have free shipping enabled because weenable free shipping and it meets thecriteria of being over $10 right here wehave the flat rates because remember theflat rate was ten dollars plus thespecial class was $30 okay so that'sbasically how we got this amount now Iwant to go one step further and get alittle bit more complicated to give youguys a more complex situation and justkind of expose you to it and see youknow if this is something that you mightwant so I'm gonna go back over here andgo to my flat rate now right here I'mactually gonna put something like costsso right here I have you have cost of15% and right here I'm gonna put $20 sowhat this means is that the flat ratefor shipping is $10 we're gonna chargethis specific product this one rightherewe're gonna charge it 15% of the costfor shipping and any class that is notin the special class that is in the cartit is gonna be charged $20 okay now it'snot $20 per item it's in general so allthe items if there's one item that isnot in the class it's gonna charge you$20 all right so let me just give you anexample what I'm talking aboutso I here looking on Save Changes allright and here machay click on check nowwe're gonna go ahead and go shoppingagain we're gonna do some click shoppingso I want to add this to the cart I wantto add this to the cards and I want toadd this to the cart right here thisother one right hereoh that's at the cartoon all rightbuying your one more time all right so Ihave three items so now I will click onView to cart or view cart and now ourtax rate I'm sorry shippingrate is 30 $3.75 so how did we get thisamount well let's go and take a look sofirst off remember that the first rateis $10 now over here we have the noshipping class cost of $20 because theseproducts right here are not in a classso any class that is not designed anyclass heads on in a class is gonna becharged $20 because this one right hereis the special class and these have noclassso again anything that's not in a classand we charge $20 now this right here ischarging 15% off this product so as aresult we have 10 plus 20 plus $3.75equals $33 to incentivize cents so againthe flat rate was $10 this right herecharges 20 and then 15 percent of 25 isthis amount right there so I know thatwas a little bit more complicated but Ijust want to show you how dynamic andhow diverse you can make this shippingfor this you know for this plugin soagain there's so many different ways youcan go with shipping so it's up to youto kind of decide what you want you cando a percentage you can do a cost alsothere is one more I think there is a feeand I will leave a small too tall forthat in the description below it is alittle bit more dynamic as far as likemeeting criterias for certain pricingsand everything else so it can besomewhat dynamic I will leave thattutorial in the description below it isfrom commerce ok so I hope this washelpful guys as far as shipping goes Iknow there's a lot of different ways youcan go with it so let's go ahead intothe next section and I'll see you there[Music]alright guys welcome back now we aregonna do the payment method section andbefore I talk about pay method if youguys are looking for hosting I highlyrecommend the site ground because sycronwill actually give you free SSL's forall your domains and other hostingcompanies like Hostgator they're gonnacharge you $50 a year for each domainevery single year so it can really eatup your costs and I used you know psychround they're amazing I use them on mywebsites so there is a link in thedescription to psych round if you guysare interested in changing your hostingyou guys do use it I get a smallcommission I appreciate it if not thatis OK alright so let's go ahead now andget started so I'm gonna go to mydashboard right here and we are going tointegrate PayPal and stripe on ourwebsite and you will also be able totest everything to make sure it'sworking before you make it live so willcommerce settings and check out so righthere we have you know payment authoptions so we have PayPal stripe allthese other weird ones right here nowunfortunately stripe stop supportingBitcoin January of 2018 because of theprice fluctuation you know so that sucksis I love cryptocurrency I have it it'sfun but anyways let's go ahead and usePayPal for now and then we'll set upstripeso PayPal enable PayPal you're gonna goto PayPal right here you know do apaypal email so this is where you'regonna put your pay melt your paypalemail and guys just make a free accountpaypal you know just go to paypal.comand just simply type it in you knowpaypal calm and just go to you know signup and then you guys can even do apersonal accounts or business accountsuse a personal account and then just youknow mess around with it and then fromthere you can do it later or you guyscan do business accounts and then setupfrom there they will charge you guys butyou guys can use your payment standardand you can use this account for free okput the payment pros and I don't reallythink you need it I just get the freeaccount three counts good once you guyssign up and use the email you guys willtake that email and you guys willactually put it right here okand then every time someone checks outwith PayPal it's going to go directlyfor that now if you guys just choose tohave PayPal only it's a very bad ideabecause let's be honest when someoneactually uses PayPalthey'll have to be redirected to PayPaland they'll have to you know purchase onPayPal and then come all the way back toyour website and that creates a drop-offrate because I'm gonna have to make anaccount for PayPal it's a total pain inthe ass and let's be honest nobody wantsto do that so I'd recommend having thisas a secondary option for paymentmethods so right here you know we haveour PayPal email information etceverything else you guys don't need toput anything you know you guys do notneed your API your password or signatureyou do not need that you will only needthat if you decide to process refundsthrough WordPress to PayPal that's aboutit but you can always process refunds inyour PayPal dashboard so that'sbasically how we set that up now let'sgo ahead and setup stripe so right herewe have enable stripe and maybe youdon't want it to say stripe somethinglike that's credit card right I don'tthink he wants to mess with that soright here we have test mode and then wecan take that off and we can also putreal mode so let's go ahead and firstuse our test mode so to get our testmode we'll need to first make a stripeaccount it's free doesn't cost anythingand stripe is probably the easiest oneto set up guys out of all of them sobasically you make an account at stripenow there's a link in description if youguys wants to go to stripe if not youguys can just color stripe calm and makean accounts and I got I'm telling youguys stripe is so easy to use so youmake an account this is your dashboardright here we'll go to my API and righthere we have we have our publishable keyand our secret key as well so I want touse my test data right now so right hereI'm gonna go ahead and take this copythis and then I'm gonna go ahead and putit right here okayand then I'm going to take my secret keyand I'm going to go ahead and put thatright here as well test seeker keyalright secret key publishable key okayand they also have like striped checkout it's like a different way to likeyou know check out I'll give you anexample of it it's like a cool hip wayyou know like a little thing pops up andit's really cool you guys can alwaysname a Bitcoin currency as well you guyscan have a stripe check out image aswell you'd probably need to link yourmedia so whatever files you have in yourmedia you could paste it right there solet me just give you an example and thenwe have like a payment request buttonsetc so that's pretty cool so I'm gonnago to Save Changes right now and let'sgo ahead now and test this to see howthis looks so let's go ahead and buysomething now we can go ahead now andliterally buy something and it'll showup right in our test boxso here shop I actually will use thisright here really use these productsfrom earlier so check out all right andI'm gonna go ahead and use my my creditcard right here so continues a paymentnow you see how this little thing popsup right here that is what I was talkingabout with the stripe payment method soit's just a cool hip way to you knowhave people you know pay on your stuffand then right here you would add inyour image okay because this probablylooks really ugly right so I'm justgonna put my secret information righthere and pay two eighty and we got thegreen little cool check mark and thenyour customers will be brought to thispage right here awesomedone easy simple see that's what I'mtalking about guys it's super easy thatis what you want I've seen othertutorials where they just use PayPal andI said why would you only use PayPallike what are you stupid you know likethis is way better and let's go aheadnow and go to our home now you guys cansee two hundred eighty dollars andthirteen centsvoila simple now guys the onlydifference is by simply going to the APIand taking off the test data if you takethat off then it's real money so peoplemust use real money at that pointso it's the same thing for test data andthen for regular so what you guys areready for your sites to go live you dothe same exact thing you just take yourstuff and you copy and paste it rightthere on your site super easy and youcan sit like your payments from stripeto go to your bank account like once amonth you can do it once a day howeveryou want it to you know work you guyscan go ahead and like you know gothrough all this stuff like for yourpayments you know you guys can you knowmess around with all this really coolstuff right here so once you guys didn'tknow learn how to use stripe it's it'llbe your best friend and you guys willlove it it's it's so incredibly easy touseso again if you guys want to change itwe can go to our WooCommerce to go tosettings and let's just say you don'twant the you don't want that little boxright there so for a stripe we can takethat box off and lastly guys the lastpart I'm going to show you is how to addthe add new button to what's it calledto your products so right here we havean able stripe check out and that's whatyou want to disable so that's basicallyit right there okay so I'm gonna goahead and open up this page right heremake sure to check outside chrome guysit's a great web hosting company ace useHostgator and yeah not anymore notanymoreso let's go ahead and go to you shop andpurchase some products again and giveyou an example of how that looks andguys this is a live ecommerce website sopeople can literally come to your siteand buy stuff right now so it's prettyamazing so now the little credit cardappears right here because we actuallytook off the stripe checkout method sonow what you do that's you'll getsomething that looks like this righthere and then place order and rememberstill in test mode so you know you canenter in whatever credit card you wantand it'll just basically run it and youwill need an SSL guys for stripe so ifyou are using another hosting companythat doesn't give you an SSL you'regonna have to purchase it or use myrecommended hosting site ground com sothere you go you know easy simple rightthat's basically it now one last thingif you guys you know I don't know ifthis will work for all themes it worksfrom my theme is adding the instantpaymentso I talked about in the beginning saystoriel on how we're gonna add an instantpayment so let's go ahead and click onthis now right here we have by nowso someone clicks like this you can goahead and buy product right away whichis really really cool so if you guyswant to have this feature I believe itis this feature right here we're chargeda capture charge immediately you wouldneed that check right thereand now basically authorize it and makeit really really easy for people topurchase on your website if you take itoff its gonna disappear and then if youguys want to decorate that button youguys can actually do it right here solike lights or light outline etc sothat's basically how that works so youguys can like decorate and stuff likethat the Buy button so it looks prettycool I think it's actually this oneright here enabled payment requestbutton yeah let's see hereand then we'll charge the cardimmediately I think that's how it workssometimes when you're working on yoursites your your cash doesn't clear allthis way so that's probably why but itwas actually the the capture buttonright thereso I'm sorry the pay me request buttonso if you guys want to have that you canclick that and then it makes it veryfast and easy and of course you canalways decorate it so a light outlinelet's see how that looks really quick alight outline I guess that's kind ofcool you know but it just makes it soeasy to buy products now it's like it'sthis is so amazing you know like againguys if you guys are interested inmaking this same exact ecommerce websitethe link is in description I highlyrecommend it because it is just anamazing ecommerce website again all thelinks are in the script in this video Ihope this video was very helpful and bynow that you guys know how to fullycontrol and manage your e-commercewebsite if there's anything I missed letme know in the comments below make sureto give this video a huge thumbs up ittook me a lot of time to make it butagain you just gotta do this one timeand then you know your store is ready togo okay so my name is Errol Wilson and Iwill see you guys all later
