How to Make a Multi Vendor eCommerce Website With WordPress – Like Amazon and Flipkart – 2018

hey what's up guys losing a shake fromrock to calm and today we're going tosee how to create a multi vendorecommerce website basically what is amulti vendor ecommerce website it's awebsite where in different sellers orother people can register to yourwebsite as a seller and start sellingtheir product on your website forexample we have Amazon where you see inAmazon you can register yourself as aAmazon seller and you can sell yourproduct on so basically thisis the concept of multi vendor ecommercewebsite so without wasting any timelet's see the demo set which we'll becreating in this particular tutorialokayso first let's see how this website willbe there for a seller or a vendorbecause that is the most important thingand a very important and a very awesomefeature of this website which are goingwhich we are going to create in thistutorial is that our we are giving theseller a front end dashboard that whichmeans that the seller don't have to comeon the dashboard the backend dashboardwhich we have the WordPress admin pageif you remember if you have no basicknowledge about WordPress you know thatwe have a dashboard which is WP dashadmin so the seller won't be able to goto that page they have their ownfront-end dashboard so let's see howthat looks like for example as you cansee this is the website which we'll becreatingnow whenever a new person comes on andvisit on your new website they will getall these options okay so for examplethey want to register as a seller sowhat they will do they'll click or yourstart selling when they do so they'll beredirected to this page here we havedifferent options to login to registerand if you see the register option youhave two different options register as acustomer and register as the window sofor example now I want to register asthe vendor so I'll just click on hereand I get some more optionsokay store URL and so on but I havealready already registered to thiswebsite as a vendor okay so what I willdo I will click on login over here andas you can see guys this isthe front and dashboard for the sellerthis is amazingbelieve me guys you won't see this kindof website anywhere this is just awesomethe plugins which we are used the themewhich we have used is just amazing andthis is the best theme and the plug-incombination which you can get for anymulti vendor ecommerce website okay sowhen the seller comes to that – but thisis how it will look like and as you cansee we have a report a dashboard okwe're in it will show this is the salesthis is the earning and as you can seethe earning is less than the sales whyis that so see basically when you'reselling on Amazon and you're not gettingthe whole amount if you have any basicknowledge on selling on Amazon orFlipkart you know that the Amazon orflip card charges around 10% so forexample if you have sold goods worthrupees how wealth rupees 10,000 thenthey will be charging thousand rupees astheir commission for maintaining thewebsite and giving you all this facilityand so on ok so we will also be giving90% to the seller and 10% for us for thewebsite Oh Nothen we have two page views in one orderthis is basically the dashboard how aseller will see all these analytics onthe front page sales this month as youcan see there is sales worth $2,000 ayearokay then we have orders to completedorders okay one order in process okaythen we have this review and productoptions okay then we have all yourproducts when we click on this we'll seeall the products which we have createdokay so at present we have created onlyone product so we can edit this productfrom here and as you can see it has gottwo views till now okay so we havecreated a product and if you want tocreate a new product you just createclick on this button add new product andyou you add a new product will see allthese things later on first we are justseeing the demo how this website looklike so that you can make a decision towatch this video for the or justskip okay so then we have this ordersoption here we can see all the orderswhich we have got on the website okay sothis is order number to zero for orderamount to zero six dollars okay state iscompleted state is completed means thatwe have delivered this order to thecustomer okay so here you can see thisorder in detail then we have anotherorder worth $70 and it is in processingnow as I told you earlier in processingmeans we you have received the order butyou have not delivered the product tothe customer and suppose you havedelivered the product to the customerthen you can just click on this buttonokay and this thing will be changed tocompleted the status will be changed tocompleted okay now here is the couponsoption a great feature really an amazingfeature a seller different seller cancreate different coupons for theirproducts okay so here we have created acoupon near shikse near 60 okay fix themon the user will be getting 60% of theirproduct if they are purchasing anythingfor more than ten hundred dollars okaythen they if they use this coupon theywill get sixty percent off okay so auser or the seller can create their owncoupons they can fix and expiry date forthat coupon they can have differentoptions over there okay then we havethis reports a very detailed reportabout their sales their earnings and soon as you can see the first one isoverview and here we have sales in thisperiod basically in this month we havesold this much amount of money averagedaily sales is around nine dollars andtwo orders placed for items purchasedand charged for shipping so we have wehave charged four dollars for shippingwill see these shipping options later onin this videonow you can see this a report bydifferent criteria for example sales byday top-selling product when you seetop-selling product basically we haveadded only one product till now thenthat's why we are seeing only oneproduct or this product it has foursales till now top earning productalways obviously will see this sameproductwe have created only one product for younow next option is the reviews optionyou can how the seller can see differentreviews by different customers and theyhave different options for example theycan unapprove this review they can markthis as spam or they can throw thisreview in trash okay they can also viewthis comment they can see the rating andso on then we have the video optionsbasically it is the withdrawn settingokay so for example the seller has madea sales of around thousand dollars sowhat we have we have different optionsfor example we can pay that sellerthrough PayPal or through bank transfersso we can select that thing over hereand you have different options forexample if a seller wants to withdrawthe money withdraw what has what he hasearned he must reach a certain amountfor example $100 so we can set that andwe can also set a fixed date for examplehe the umpa sale after 10 days of thesale he can be drawn the money so theseare the different options which we'llsee later on in this video okay then wehave settings option again here we havedifferent options we can set up ourbanner or image we can have a shop namenumbers of products to see to show perpage we can have our address phonenumber and so on everything will bea-okaythis is the basic setting then we canalso change the payment settingsbasically you if you want to change yourpaypal email address you can change itover here and we also have bank transferwe have not enabled that that's whereyou're not seeing anything or here butwe can also use that option you cantransfer your money to the sellerthrough bank transfer okay then you haveshipping options it's all up to youwhether you want to you know enable theseller to control all the shipping oryou as the owner of the website one wantto control this shipping thing okay sowe'll select these things later in thisvideo okay so basically this is how thedashboard looks like this was the mostimportant thing guys because you knowwhen you're creating a multi winterwebsite the most important thing is tocreate is to give authorityto the seller to create their ownproduct to create their own coupon andas you can see this is so simple and itis all on front end so this is reallyamazing this is just my mind blowing andlet's see the front end the front pageor the main website with the customerwill see so that was for the seller andthis page or the this look is for thecustomer a new coaster when when theycome to your website this is how theysee okay and we have maintained all theyou know the design and everythingaccording to the giant companies likeclip cut Amazon Alibaba and so on okayso this is how their website looks likeso we have also created a similarwebsite as deep top as you can see thereis a big search valve then we have thiswishlist cut and then we have a top menuyou know you can track your order youcan see your cart you can see my accountyou can change your password and so onfrom here you can see your orderseverything under my account then here wehave some different categories and thena slider then few images as you can seeaccording to the categories okay then wehave this special offer and we also havea timing going on for example it saysfive days and some ours so for thisparticular time we are giving somediscount on this product so if a personmakes purchase within that time framehe'll get this discount okay then wehave given us around six products orfeature product own on sale product toprated product when you click on on sellproduct you will see the products whichare going on sales okay and you can alsosee the CD top rated products so usercan the customer can make their choicesokay then when we come down we havedifferent designs of product for exampleone product is there as a main productthen we have few products decide thatthen again we have this best seller thebest selling products on this websiteand this all products are created bydifferent sellers or another either inother words you can say these areproducts of different sellers on ok andyou as an admin as the website owner canalso create your own productsso you can provide a mix of all theproducts whether created by you orcreated by some different sellers okaythen we have this recently addedproducts then at the bottom we have afew simple products like featuredproducts on sale products top-ratedproducts obviously you know you canchange all these products we can changethis criteria and so on and this is thefooter okay now let's see how a singleproduct looks like so let's click on anyproduct and see how it looks like justclick on this product console gameconsole controller okay this is how asingle product looks like this is theproduct when you hover this product weas you can see the image gets loomed inand this is very important okay and wecan see how many products are then instock it can be backordered we will seethis back order thing later on in thisvideothen this is the short description it iswireless motion sensing and whatever itis and here is the option to add to wishlist Add to Cart okay then we have somefew more images over here then this is avery important feature I would say youknow this feature if you see it isavailable on big websites like Amazonand Flipkart you know when they'repurchasing one product when you supposeif you have ever purchased or someprocess or motherboard from Amazon thenyou also get some options below thatproduct key suppose you're purchasingone processor then they will also showyou the motherboard which is of you knowfit which fits with that processor orwith that motherboard okay and you havedifferent RAM on and so on so basicallythe idea is to increase the sale and youknow generate more sales because when aperson is purchasing one product then wealso expecting to purchase somedifferent products okay and he canselect all these products and add tocart from you then we have thisdescription the long description then wehave shipping options okay you canselect with shipping and get theshipping cost from here okay thequantity he can select state and whenyou click on the shipping he will getthe shipping cost six dollars okay thenwe have specifications option then wehave reviewsif there is any review and all the userwants to provide review on this productyou can provide that then we also havevendor information who is the vendor whois the seller for this product okay thenwe have some related products this isalso important you know when the personis searching for one product he alsowants to see different product which arerelated to that product so basicallywhen the products are from the samecategory those products will be shownwhere your under related products souser can purchase different products orfrom here okay then we have differentoptions you also have a compare optionyou know you can add two products incompare and then you can click on thiscompare button and you will get acomparison of that product and there aremany many different options in thiswebsite which we are going to create yousee all those options later on when westart creating the website this was justa demo to show you guys how a websitewhich we are going to create in thisvideo would look like okay and I hopeyou guys like this video and you guyslike this demo set which I have shownyou and you guys are really excited tomake this website because this websitethe multi-window website was requestedby so many people that I have to youknow keep the different projects on siteand I had I started working on thisproduct project and I finally I amrecording this video ok so guys let'sget started with this product to createany kind of website we need two basicthings a domain name and a web host okayso basically what is a domain name asyou can see over here this is Naish acalm so this is the domain name googlecalm is a domain name is adomain name and what is a web host webhost is basically a computer or a harddrive somewhere in the world where allthe data all the images whatever isthere on your website is saved at thatplace for example when you open facebookyou see all those images all thosedifferent things so those images areactually saved somewhere in the world ina computer which is 24/7 running okay sothat is a web host so we will need adomain name and a web hostor both domain and hosting I recommendPMD hosting and I'll explain you why Irecommend p.m. be hosting in a momentokay so open a new tab and just type inblog TOCOM slash DMD okay guys when youdo so you will be redirected to thispageokay just scroll down and here we havethree different plans let me zoom out abit okay okay so we have three differentplans summer clouds rain clouds stormclouds why I prefer TMD hosting fore-commerce website there are manyreasons and you can see all thosereasons here earlier the first and themost important reason is SST space youknow there is a lot of differencebetween HDD and SSD if you don't believeme you can just go on and search onGoogle you will get your options SSDversus HDD web hosting okay and justclick on images and let me show you thisthing okay hey guys as you can see thefirst one is speed difference and as youcan see there is a lot of differencebetween these two different Hosting'sthe SSD is way faster than the HDD okayand that different latency is also verylow lower is better ok latency should belower you know basically the time yourwebsite takes to load the website ok soit should be very small time sobasically your website should loadwithin few seconds on milliseconds ok soyou can do your own research and youwill find that SSD is way more betterthan HDD ok so the first reason and themost important reason why we prefer t mbhosting is that it provides SSD spaceand not only that not only that itprovides unlimited SSD space which isjust amazing ok and not only that guyswe can host unlimited websites on thisparticular hosting account for exampleif you see the demo website it iselectro dot mega shake com electrode mayc-calm is just a sub-domain of Nashikcalm and I have you know hosted boththis domain and subdomain and aroundhundreds of different domains on thisparticular domain name on thisparticular wave host okay you also get afree domain nyesha comm was given as afree domain name with this account okayyou have premium support you has cPanelyou have wild card SSL which is justamazing see when you're creating ane-commerce website SSL is just must youjust cannot create a website without SSLokay what is that SSL here you will seethis secure button where your the securesign which this green secure log buttonthat is SSL and that gives a sense ofconfidence to the customer that theirinformation the trade cut they would cutin information which is they areproviding to you on your website is safeokay and it has wild card SSL it meansthat not only you will get SSLcertificate for one domain name but formany different domain names for exampleif you see the demo website it also hasan SSL certificate my main websitenyesha com also has an SSL certificateso this is really amazing okay so forthe money which you're spending you'regetting a lot of things guys and this isthe best thing which I recommend and youyou guys should also go with this thingokay so basically you know how to dothat just go to slash TMDand you can choose any of this from thisone summer rain or strong I am using thestrong cloud and I also prefer thispackage this storm cloud package and Ialways prefer and suggest only thosethings which I have used and I am usingand I have experience with okay so I amusing this for this particular plan andI am really satisfied with this one thatis why I am referring and suggesting youguys to this thing so just click on signup now here you have to choose in yourfree domain name whatever you want okayjust type in the domain name which youone for free and you can select dot-comthator net whatever you want I already havea domain name so I click on over herebut I strongly recommend if you'regetting something for free then why notget it okay so make sure you are underregister a new domain and type in yourdomain name and click on proceed but Iclick on oh yo I already have a domainname and put in my domain name now clickon proceed oh yes so here is the checkout option you here you have to fill insome basic information like your firstname last name email address and so onand here there are two different paymentoptions you can pay by credit card ordebit card or you can also create bypaypal okay so you just enter your cardinformation over here then we have thisthing you have to choose your datacenters and you have to choose thenearest data center that is morepreferable so for me Singapore is thenearest data center for me so I'llselect this one and here you have toselect the period to 12 months 24 months36 months I basically would suggest youguys to go with 12 months then make sureeverything over your is unpickedand then we have this promo code optionI would really like to time tmd forproviding me and for providing you guysa coupon code for which you will get 7percent off basically you get only fivepercent off with regular coupon codesbut they have provided me a special onewith which you can get 7 percent off sojust type in a year yt which stands fornow your YouTube okay it's n a double yAR YT and click on apply whereas as youcan see this promo code gives you 7% ofthis purchase okay so this is amazingyou're getting an amazing discount nowjust tick mark oh you're I obliterateTMT terms of services and click oncheckout oh yes when you click on thatcheckout button you will receive anemail address from tmd hosting this is avery very important email address makesure you save all this informationsomewhere in your local computer you canalso mail this or forward this email toand email address if you own more thanone email address so that you know youcan be sure that it is secure and youhave access to this thing because youknow it has all the important you knowinformation links which you will need infuture for example it has your cPanelusername your password your name serversand your you know cPanel link and so onso make sure you save all thisinformation somewhere in your computernow what you have to do is you see thiscontrol panel link or you just open thatlink in a new tabbasically it's nothing that it's justyour dome your domain name slash cPanelwhen you go to your domain name slashcPanel you will be redirected to thispageokay now copy your username and passwordfrom here and paste it or you're in thecPanel and click on login oh yeah thisis a cPanel now what we have to do wehave to install WordPress on our domainname so for that scroll down and you'llsee this thing Softaculous appsinstaller and you see the first optionis WordPress just click on that ok nowclick on Install Now and from yourselect HTTP wwwo key and select yourdomain name from your whatever domainname you want your website to be on okand in the directory make sureeverything is empty so just select thisWP and delete this thing it should beempty now we have this site name saidescription we can change all thesethings later on from our dashboard so noneed to change it from your now we haveuser name and password you can put somedifferent username for example I amputting this in a yours shake and alsothe password should be different ok somake sure we change the username andpassword or else they're very highchances of your website getting hackedok now here is the email address optionmake sure you select an email addresswhich is active and you have access tothat email reference because he will begetting you know many different andimportant informations regards ourinformation regarding your website onthisparticular email address okay andobviously have to select English fromyour rest everything is fine just clickon install now as you can see guys ittook only a few seconds to installWordPress on your website now what wehave to do just open this link in a newtab okay so you will see your dashboardover here now what we have to do we haveto install the theme in our website okayso basically we have installed WordPressnow it's time to install the theme whytheme let's see how our website lookslike now just how over here and openthis link in a new tab okay so this ishow our website looks like right now andwe have to change these things for thatwe use a theme okay so come back to yourdashboard our appearances and click onthemes now here you have to click on addnew and we have to add that theme whichthe theme which we have used in our demowebsite oh yo so for that what we haveto do just open a new tab and type inblog TOCOM slash electro okay guys onceyou do so you will be redirected to adifferent page to this page and this isthe theme which we have used in ourwordpress demo website which we havecreated the multi-vendor website okay sowe have used this theme this is just anamazing team as you can see it has fourpoint nine zero average rating which isamazing more than 164 people have ratedthis website this team it has got morethan 2000 around 3000 sales this is justamazing super awesome team and this istraining if you see this logo over herethis is trending okay so this is thetrending theme this is amazing team andI have used the same theme in my demowebsite so go ahead and buy now click onBuy Now and purchase this thing I won'tbe doing that because I have alreadypurchased this thing okay so now it'stime to add this thing and upload thisthing when you purchase that team youwill get a zip file so what do you haveto do just click on upload theme oh yeahnow click on choose file basically thisis not how your themeif I would look like it will be like thetheme for a stork on something and thenyou have to open that zip file and underthat zip file there will be another zipfile which would look something likethis electrode theme dot zip file andyou have to upload that zip file okay somake sure you don't upload the main fileor else you'll get stylesheet error andso on you have to use the file which isunder the main zip file then select thisfile and click on open now click oninstall now and if you are using GoogleChrome you can see at the left bottom ofthe browser the progress uploadingprogress okay so by the time this thingis getting upload you can do one thingyou can subscribe to my channel and alsogive a thumbs up to this video and ifyou guys have any doubt you can alsopost a comment in this video okay so Iwill be more than happy to help you guysokay so our theme has successfully beeninstalled now it's time to activate thetheme so just click on this activatebutton okay now it will ask you toinstall some plugins you just click onor your begin installing plugins nowselect this thing it will select all theplugins which are there oh yeah and frombulk action select install and click onapply where so all our plugins have beeninstalled and it's time to activate allthe plugins so just click on your returnto required plug-in installer now againselect this thing tick mark this thingeverything will get selected and frombulk action this time you have to selectactivate and click on apply ok guys soall our plugins has been successfullyactivated ok now it's time to installthe main plug-in which is dokkan thename of the plug-in is SoCon this is theplug-in which is used to convert thewebsite or to make our website of multivendor website ok so for that open a newtab type in blog – dot-comdokkan and press enter obviously yeswhen you do so you will be redirected tothis particular page okay and you havedifferent options for example one sidefive side unlimited size so this is oneninety nine around $200 if you want touse this on one side then go ahead andclick on this purchase this theme andinstall and download this plug-in andthen we can proceed further don't seethe amount my friends don't see $200that is frankly speaking not too muchbecause the amount the quality and thefeatures you are getting with thisplug-in is just amazing you know andit's really not possible to create amulti vendor website without this pluginso you have to purchase this okay so Iwould recommend to go with this one theone site or $200 ok just click on thispurchase this plan and again I havealready purchased and downloaded thistheme this plug-in so I won't be doingthat again okay so for that again comeback over here to your dashboardhowever plugins and click on add new nowclick on or your upload plug-in nowchoose file and this is the file ok nowclick on open now click on install nowclick on activate plug-inokay since you need the coal plug-in tomake it functional so just click oninstall now okay guys now whenever yourWordPress asked for any update then youhave to do you have to update thatplug-in or theme that is morerecommendable ok so just click on thisrun the updater you might not see thisbut I am getting this option so I willupdate my data okay okay it says nocomments data update complete fine thankyou now again come back back to yourdashboard and let's see what we have todo next so we have the theme we haveinstalled the theme we have installedand activated the plug-in now what wehave to do we have to first delete allthe extra themes which we don't need sohow our appearance is over here andclick on themes ok so this is the thingwhich we are using electro we don't needall these themes such as click on ohyeahand click on delete again same thing forthis delete ok now we should have onlyone thing over here now let's startdoing the WooCommerce settings commerceis the main plug-in which will make yourwebsite and e-commerce website okay sofor that come back over here you willsee you commerce have a commerce andselect settings ok so this is the firstoption the general option ok here itwill ask you for page location whereyour store or your distance is based okthen you your select this option and youhave to type in your state name ok forexample I stay in Mumbai which is inMaharashtra State so I will type inMaharashtra and I will get this optionok India model select that one now itasked it will ask you selling locationsto – what all countries or – which allcountries – you sell so I am basicallyplanning to sell only in India so I willselect this and I will select sell tospecific countries and then choose thatcountriesif you're planning to sell into threecountries then select all thosecountries or year so I am planning tosell only in India so I will selectIndia if you are planning to sell inmore than one country then you can alsoselect some different countries forexample Pakistan which is the nearestcountry our neighbor country so I canalso select that if I want okay now comedown and you see this shipping locationshipped to all countries you sell – thatis fine because we are shipping to allthe countries we are selling to so weare selling in India so we are alsoshipping in this particular country okaynow enable taxes and tax calculationmake this make sure this is tick markthen we have storewide notice notnecessary now we have to select thecurrency oh yeah okay for example if youwant to go with Indian rupees then typein Indian rupee you will get this optionand select that you you'll get all theoptions over there now it is currencyposition and you can also see a demo ohit starts from left doll or 99.99 youhave different types for example if youwant to put this dollar sign at theright side you can all select this oneyou can select any one of this I amselecting the default one now here isthe number of tests and decimals so asyou can see here it is 99.99 so we haveto do two decimals so it is two selectedor you if you want to increase ordecrease anything from here you canselect that and after you're done allthe changes just click on Save Changesover here okay this was the generalsetting now click on products audio okayso this is basically settings related toyour products so weight unit which youneed do you prefer for your product so Iam selecting grams basically if you arein India we we prefer grams if you're inAmerica some different country eyes Ithink you basically they prefer thepound and so on so you can select thatfrom your now dimension unit you canselect meter millimeter centimeter orcentimeter is selected by me now we havedifferent options like enable reviewsenable products we will see how we wantusers to you knowprovide reviews on the products so wehave big marketing so verified ownerlabel on customer review this is veryimportant if you see sometimes ithappens that you know someone who hasn'tpurchased the product comes and providesa negative or a positive review althoughthey have not even purchased the productso this is very important you knowsomeone when when anyone goes and seethe reviews a verified owner will bethere besides their name so we can sayokay fine this is a genuine review okayand then the third option is review canonly be left by verified owners notpreferable you know because we wantothers also to provide a review or ifyou want only those who have purchasedthe product to make a review you cantake much this thing it's all up to youenabled star rating and so on obviouslywe want to do that so just click on SaveChanges okay now click on tags over herenow this is very important you know youhave to see all the taxation option andso on first option is whether you willbe entering the price inclusive or aexclusive of tags I will selectexclusive of tags so no my products theprice which is shown on my website forexample let's say this product thisproduct is does not dispatch does notinclude taxes okay so the taxes willcome when the person is going tocheckout okay so make sure it isexclusive of tags okay now you canselect this tax calculate based on whichaddress the shipping address billingaddress whichever address you want thenwe have shipping class a tax class okyou have I have created different classfor you I will show you how to createdifferent classes ok for example inIndia we have GST so I will create GSToh yes so just click on over here andtype in GST okay then we have thisdisplay prices in the shop excluding taxyes because we are displaying this priceexcluding of tags okaynow may everything is fine just click onSave Changesbecause when you put in GST over hereyou'll get one extra column or your GSTrates so now what we have to do is clickon these GST rates here we'll set allthe taxation options okay now what wehave to do is just click on insert rowand if you guys are from Indiayou know that we are following two ratesa state rate and a central rate sobasically a person is paying two taxeson one particular product so I willteach you how to do that setting invoyage you can node see what what taxrate is applied in your country on yourproduct and you can make these changesaccordingly first one is a country codeso basically if you are from UnitedStates then you will put us I am fromIndia so I'll put I and this is thecountry code for India and as you cansee when I put I and I get this optionIndia okay now state good I won't putanything over here because when I putIndia and I don't put state and citythen basically it says that this ratewill be applied and to entire India okayso I want to do that because this is thecentral tax okay now I have to choosethe rate what is the rate tax rate forexample I will select 1200 and tax nameI will put see GST which is centralgoods services tax whatever it is andjust untag this thing okay so this isbasically this is the central tax nowwe'll do the state tax so click oninsert row and again I will put in IndiaI n okay now for example I want tocreate a state tax form arrastre then Iwill type in M H which stands forMaharashtra and I will leave all thisthings bland postal code and city andeverything will be blank because I wantanything that comes or any place thatcomes under Mara I want that this rateto be applied on that so I again I willput 12 percent and your I will put asGST state tax okay and I unn take thisthing now click on Save Changes okay sothis is how you do the taxsettings now let's come to shipping okaynow here we have to create differentshipping zones and shipping classes okso just click on add shipping zone nowyou have to type in the zone name sobasically I am selling only in India soI will be entering a shipping class andshipping zone for India so I will namethis thing as India you can name itanything you want ok now I'll select theregion so I am selecting a whole ofIndia oh is the option ok now click onSave Changes now click on add shippingmethod now we have to add a shippingmethod ok now for example if you want tocharge a flat amount for example if Iwant to charge $2 and for example anyonepurchasing from anywhere in India I wantto charge them $2 shipping cost so I'llselect flat rate and click on addshipping method now I will click on thisedit over you now you have flat ratetaxable or not taxable and what is thecost so I will put in $2 okaynow click on Save Changes now let's comeback to these shipping options ok enablethe shipping calculator on the cart pagevery important so make sure this is tickmarks now shipping classes okay nowsuppose ok fine I am charging $2 ondifferent products but now many timesyou are selling different kind ofproducts for example for mobile phonesit is fine $2 will be fine for safeshipping cost but when someone ispurchasing a refrigerator or atelevision set then obviously $2 won'tbe that shipping cost for that onebecause those are bulky products and theshipping cost for that also will behigher ok so we will create differentclasses for different products forexample for those kind of products wewill create a new shipping class so justclick on ADD shipping class from you andyou can name it anything for example Iam naming it as bulky products or youcan just put in bulky and in thedescription you canput something any description forexample over 10 kgs ok over 10 kgs soany product which is over 10 kg I willapply this class on that product nowclick on save shipping classes now thencome back to shipping zones ok now againclick on edit over ok now again nowagain click on this edit ok now we havethis new class option bulky shippingcost ok so here you can for example forthis kind of product I want to charge $5so I will put in 500 EUR ok now click onSave Changes but before that there isanother option for example suppose youknow when you do this setting there willbe one problem if a person purchases 10cellphones still he'll charge he will becharged only 2 dollars but we don't wantthat we want $2 per quantity okay so forthat there is a code just type in 2 yougive a space put this sign a strict signand in this bracket type in quantity Q TY okay so this is the code the amountwhich you want to charge then a spacethen this hash trick sign and this andthen under these square brackets type inQT Y so basically this will say thatquantity into this wrist so if they arepurchasing two products or they will becharged four dollars to into two okayand similarly he also will do the samething okay fine so this is veryimportant so that you don't have don'tget any errors over there now click onSave Changes okay that sauce shippingsettings are done now click on checkoutnow there are different options forexample enable the use of couponsobviously we want to do that calculatecoupons discounts sequentially if youwant to do that just click on orlike that or just leave that now here wehave cart page checkout page you willhave this pages already selected overyour the cart page and the checkout pageok all this thing will be alreadyselected and just leave everythingeverything will be fine just click onSave Changes oknow suppose you want to enable all youknow provide cash on delivery optiongentle then just click on this cash ondelivery and take mark this enable cashon delivery and click on Save Changes sowhen the person is now Amanda now whenthe person will check out he'll get cashon delivery option and if you want toprovide PayPal option just click on PayPal ok enable PayPal standard put inyour paypal email address ok now comedown and here you have to enter yourusername password and API signaturewhich I have already entered and wherewill you get that for example open a newtab and open PayPal dot form click onlogin log in to your PayPal account okscroll down at the left-hand side youwill see this seller preferences justclick on that and here you have APIaccess ok so beside that there is abutton which says update just click onthat and here you will get anotheroption which says view API signatureagain click on that whereas so they willverify who is checking this option soyou can receive an email at an SMS or acall ok and you can select your numberand just click on continue so I will getan SMS a code and I will have to enterto that code oh you okay so I got thatnumber now click on continueokay now here you have all the threeoptions API username password andsignature just click on show you'll seeyour username copy that username fromyour face tutorialsimilarly copy the password andsignature from your and face tutorialonce you have done that just click onSave Changes okay now click on accountsof your okay so everything over here isfine okay now click on e emailsand make sure you have your emailaddress on all the three options all thethree top options so basically whenthere is a new order or a cancelledorder filled order whatever you will begetting an email address and an email onthis particular email address okay sothese settings are very importantsettings okay okay let's beforeproceeding further let me clear onething come back to the checkout optionor you and here if you are not gettingthese pages under card page if you don'tsee any page which is card page or undercheckout page is there is no checkoutpage don't worry it happens sometimeswhat you can do is click on oh your howare your under pages and click on addnew page okay and you can just create anew page and name it as cart and herethere is a page which which is theWooCommerce shortcode page if you searchon Google you will get this page vucommerce shortcodesand scroll down here you see this codeshow the cart page and just copy thisshortcode from your and paste on thispage okay so just create a new page nameit as cart and paste this code and clickon publish I won't do that because Ialready have my cart page but supposeyou don't see your cart page undercheckout where you have to select thosepages then this is how you do that andalso for checkoutjust you know click create a new pagecalled checkout page and enter thiscoupon code over there ok guys so don'tworry if you don't see those pages andfrom my account page also this is theCooper shortcode for that okay so justhave to create a new page and enter thisshortcode over there okayif you don't see those pages option onthe checkout option or there okay fineokay so I won't be doing this I willjust move this thing into trash becauseI already have a cart page oh yes sowith this we have completed theWooCommerce setting now let's select touse doc on setting so Howard dokkan andclick on settingsoh yes so first one is the generalsetting the first option is admin areaaccess make sure this is tick mark whatdoes this too is disables the vendor andcustomer from accessing the WordPressadmin dashboard this is the page of thepage which we are on right now the WPadmin dashboard page so basically wedon't want the customers or the vendorsto visit this page because they don'tneed to visit this page because as Ishowed you in the demo website you knowthey are getting up front and the frontdashboard so they don't need to visitthis page and this is also dangerous ina taken if they visit this page it willbe dangerous for you so make sure thisis stigmas and the second one is vendorstool URL so this is how your URL willlook like it will show you your domainname slash store slash seller name okayif you want to change this toad tovendor or to seller then you can do thatdo that if you wish okay thenextra fee receipt okay basically what isthis extra fee receipt we have twooptions vendor and admin make sure avendor is selected it says that theextra fee receipt for example X if incost and all the extra cost who shouldpay those costs so via selecting vendorvendor will be paying those shippingcost and so on okayif you select admin then you will haveto pay pay those cost okay then here itis show map on store page make sure itis notwhy we are not selecting this thing seewe don't want the customer to know theexact address of the seller the vendoron our website if they know the addressof the vendor why would they come toyour website and make a purchase okay sobasically we are the mediator betweenthe customer and the seller so we don'twant the customer to directly contactthe seller okay so that's why we aredisabling the map okay then you are itsays show contact form on store pagealso make sure this is also an tickedbecause you don't want the seller tocontact the customer because customer tocontact the seller then here it is thenext option is product mail notificationyou make sure this is stigmas becauseyou know whenever a new product is addedby the sellers you will get anotification that the seller has added anew product and that product will beunder pending status and you will gothrough that period and if you seeeverything is fine then you can justpublish that product okay then this isbanner width and height this is fineeverything is fine just click on SaveChanges now come to selling options thefirst option is allow newly registeredvendors to add products what does thismean see whenever a new register newvendor you know signs up for yourwebsite as a seller they won't beallowed if you check this if you uncheckthis thing they won't be allowed to addnew products unless and until you as anadmin and owner of the website markthose sellers as legitimate and you knowyou provide access to those guys okay soif you want any new seller to come andstart selling products then you can takemark this but I would recommend just antake this thing because first you willmanually accept them as the seller andthen they will be able to add new trucksokay the second one is vendor Commissionit is set to 90% make sure keep this as90% what does this meansuppose a vendor is selling a productfor $100 and there is a purchasemade by the customer for that $100 sothe vendor or the seller will be getting90 percent of that product 90 percentprice of that product and you will begetting the rest 10% as commissionbecause you are doing you're creatingthis website and you're doing all thisstuff okay if you want to change thesepercentages you can do so order statuschange vendor can update order status itis all up to you if you take mark thisthing then the vendor can change theorder status from processing tocompleted or if you UNTAC this thingthat you as the admin will have tochange the order status for the productokay disable product popper this is notso important flat view fine everythingis fine all your rest everything is finethis is important new product status sowhenever a new seller will add a newproduct you have some options publishedif you select publish whenever a newseller will add a new product it willautomatically get published but when youselect pending review you will get thatproduct will be under review until youpublish that product okay so a newproduct and has been added by the sellerbut that is not life on your website youget an option you go to your dashboardand you see okay fine all the images arethere all the categories selected allthe different options are perfectlythere so then you can publish thatproduct okay so this is also veryimportant after doing all these changesjust click on Save Changes ok now clickon withdraw options now we have selectedthe two different options PayPal andbank transfer what is this view optionsbasically whenever the person the sellerwants to withdraw money we are gettingtwo options he can withdraw through payPayPal and we can also provide the moneythrough bank transfer then here it isthe minimum withdrawal limit it is setto hundred so basically when the sellerreaches this minimum threshold of $100then he is eligible for the paymentorders if he has earned around $90 andif you want to if he wants todraw he won't be able to draw thatamount because the minimum amount is$100 okayorder status for withdraw what should bethe status order or status for theproduct so that he can withdraw themoney it is selected to completed whichsays if the order is completed only thenthe seller will get paid for thatparticular product if the order is underprocessing or under hold he won't getpaid for that and that does make senseokay so make sure completed is selectedthen here it is withdrawn threshold okayso basically here what does this meanafter a person or the seller reaches thehundred dollars of minimum amount thenafter seven days of reaching hundreddollars he can we draw this amount okayso make sure it is seven or you canincrease or decrease the base from yourand click on Save Changes now click onpage settings and your make sure underdashboard dashboard is selected andunder my orders my orders is selectedokay click on Save Changes now click onappearances and this is the first one isby default selected this is how thebanner for the seller will look like youcan select any banner of your choice Iam selecting the default one okay nowagain click on Save Changes so we havedone two important the most importantsettings of you commerce and the tokensettings now let's see the vendor guidehow a vendor will you know create a newaccount how he will go about creatingnew product and so on which is veryimportant so let's open our website infrom a new browser so that we can seefrom our vendors perspective how andwhat steps will he be taking to createdifferent accounts or to create you knowdifferent products okay so let's openour website so for example let's copyour website URL from your and open a newbrowser paste it or your okay firstlet's see all the changes that we havedone on oursighs so this is our website look atpresently on let's refresh and see whatall the changes have taken place I guessyou can see this is how our websitelooks like right now now what we have todo we have to add these differentoptions for example here you see sellerdashboard then here we have differentmenu Soyuz so let's create these twomenus this seller dashboard end is thetop left and top right menus okay socome back to your dashboardhowever appearances you will see thismenus click on menus now suppose we wantto add this menu first the top left menuso what we can we can name this thinganything for example I am naming it astop left okay now click on create menuand select top power left from your okaynow what we have to do we have to addthis thing okay so let's do thatyou can do just select this dashboardand click on add to menu and we have tochange the navigation label for exampleit says cellar dashboard okay so let'smake this as seller dashboard okaynow click on save menu okay so basicallyif the seller is logged in then he willbe redirected to the dashboard but ifthere is a new seller and he is clickingon seller dashboard he won't see thedashboard obviously because he has notsigned up for the website but he will beredirected to the my account pagewherein he you will have to create a newaccount okay which is very important nowlet's create this menu again come backto this menu click on Oh your create anew menu now let's name this as topright okay click on create menu andlet's see what all different pages wehave over here we have start sellingtrack your orders okayshop and my account whatever here wehave over so let's see all the pages thefirst one is dashboard we have myaccount then we had shop pageget in shop page okay let's see all thepages of yo dashboard my account shoppage okay click on add two menusokay so dashboard it is not – what itsays start selling oh yo okay so let'srename this as start selling okay we seebasically this is the dashboard page butas I said when a new user base click onthis he will be redirected to the myaccount page where it me he will have tocreate a new account and then he canstart selling okay then we have the shoppage my account page and so on now asyou can see we have different icons overhere okay so how to put that again comeback here and first let's select thisone top bar left and just expand thisand here you will see Ike in class sofrom where will you get icon class opena new tab and type in font awesome okaydot-com dot IO I guess font awesome dotIO okay now what do you have to do wehave to go or your icons and click onall icons scroll down now let's searchfor this one this is the user I can okayyou can search all these eigen so hereyou can also search from your forexample let me put in user over herebecause you can see when I put user Iget different options user user – – soon so come back or your are and type inF a space F a – user okay click on savemenu now come back to your websiterefresh and let's see whether all thechanges are taking place or not as youcan see we have seller dashboard overhere we have start selling and with thiswe have our you I con user icon now thenext one is shopokay so let's search for shop orsomething similar to that we areshopping basket we haveshopping bag shopping card so you canuse any you know I can from here forexample let's use this shopping bag itemso it is shopping – bag so what we haveto do we have to first type s a space Fa – shopping bag shopping – bag okaythen for my account again we have theuser I can okay so we'll do the samething F a fa – user click on save menunow let's come back to your website andrefresh and we should see those changesor yo and as you can see we are seeingall the changes over here okay fine sonow the top left and the top right menuare completed successfully now let'sstart and see how a seller will be ableto start selling on our website okayokay for that let's open our website ina new browser so that we can you knowsee how a seller will be able to do allthese things so I am opening my websitein a new browser and let's refresh thiswebsite to see all the changes okay nowas you can see we have this menu so nowlet's click on start selling okay as youcan see now we have all the options thelog in register and all options now Ihave this thing over here I am a vendorso I'll select that ok so the firstoption is an email address so let me putin an email address okay fine now secondoption is to select a password so justput in any password of your choice firstname your last name shake store namelet me put ntek and for now your techokay so it says it is available so thisis all my store or my seller URL willlook like the domain name slash storeslash and tech okay now put in any phonenumber I am putting this thing one twothree four five six seven now make sureI am awareis selected now click on register okayif you when you register you will getthis option over here click on let's gookay store products per per page howmany products should be shown per pageso it is select 10 let's keep that as 10street name of this street let's put itas Street Street to Street to CityMumbai postal code you can put anypostal code then you have to select thecountry I'm obviously selecting in Indiastate selecting your state Malhotra okayclick on continuum email address now youhave to put in your bank informationearlier because when he if you selectbank transfer then you will will needall those bank information okay so makesure you put all in your information ohyah now click on continue okay so itsays your stories ready go to your storedashboard so click on that okay here itsays arrow your account is not enabledfor selling if you remember when we weredoing those token settings we got theseoptions okay now first what we have todo we have to enable this sellerso let's come back to the website overhere this is the different browserobviously and here we have the access tothis dashboard and when you however thistoken and you will get these options allwindows so just click on that and as youcan see you get this option now yourstriple7 this is the account we justcreated ntek okay so it is inactive nowwe can activate this account from yourso just click on this activate sellingnow again let's come back to thedifferent browser okay and now let'srefresh and this thing should be gonebecause we have activated the thing fromthe main website the admin website okayhey guys now as you can see that erroris gone and now it says start withadding a banner to gain profile progressokay so first let's start first let'ssee how our profile looks likejust open this thing in a new tab okayas you can see here is the icon youdon't have any banner image and here'ssome details and we don't have anyproducts either okay so come back ohyou're under dashboard and click on thisedit account okay here you can changeyour password and so on your name lastname email address okay but we want tochange this thing we want to add a youknow banner and image and so on so forthat come back and click on thesesettings okay now here we get all thoseoptions upload a banner so let's uploada banner from your select image okay soall the images which I have used in mydemo website I have this all all thosethings for you and I'll give you a linkyou will see a link in the videodescription below you will get all thosedis images all the codes F whatever Ihave used in my website in my demowebsite you will get all those thingsfrom that link okay so make sure youclick on that link now let us see whereis that image okay this is the imagebanner 7 click on open click on selectand crop yay let's select the cropsection okay now click on crop imageokay now we have the banner now let'sselect a profile picture you can uploadphoto again upload files select filesand this is the profile picture click onopen ok select and crop okay it willcrop this image click on crop image wehave this you can change your store nameand all those information street nameand so on from younow click on update settings ok so allour settings have been updated now let'scome back to the dashboard from you hereyou don't see anythingwhoa okay now let's see how to add a newproduct from our sellers or a vendor'sperspective so click on us or yourproducts now we have this option add anew product just click on that now let'scome back to the demo side and see let'sadd this product okay so let's copy thethis thing the title ok now this hereyour title will come let's see the pricethe price is 7900 price okay so theoriginal price is 99 and the discountedprice is 79 to upload a product coverimage ok this is the product cover imageok fineso we have to upload this image click onupload from your choose file and underproducts you will see all those imageswhich I have used ok here is the imagewhich I have used so just select thisone and click on open now click on setfeatured image now we can also add fewmore images for example let's see thedemo website here you have few moreimages as gallery images so we can alsoadd that just click on this plus buttonupload files select files now let'sselect these 3 images and click on opennow click on add to gallery so we alsohave three gallery images and we havefew categories or years so this comesunder category ok computer inaccessories and if this is not thecategory then you know we have we cancreate different categories from themain website and we can add thosecategories oh ok I will show you in amomentok scroll down and you can you have toenter short description about thisproduct this is the short description okthis is the product short description solet's copy this thing come back overhere and paste in or your now click oncreate productokay now let me show you how to put indifferent categories okay so come backto the main website where you have thedemo of the dashboard okay now underWooCommerce you'll see under productsyou will see these categories so justclick on categories and from here youcan create different categories forexample this was game console which waywhich will come under gaming categorysomething okay so just create a newcategoryGaming okay and click on add newcategory now under gaming comes gameconsoleokay so just type in game console okaynow from parent category select gamingokay and click on add new categoriesbasically gay game console comes undergaming now again come back for yourrefresh the website now the seller willget more options okay so make sure youhave to create all these categories byyourself okay now when we click when wesee over here let's okay here is thecategory option when we see we have moreoptions here is the gaming game consoleslet's select game console okay here isthe short description then here is thelong description which is the longdescription let's come back to the demoset again let's scroll down and when weclick on this description this is thelong description okay so let's copy thisthing just copy and paste it over hereokay so this is the product longdescription then we have more optionslike SKU stock keeping unit basically itis the warehouse thing you know so let'sadd V WH one okay in stock or it is outof stock so we will say this product isin stock okay and when you click onenable product stock management herewhen you see in the demo website youhave 14 in stock so this is how it willcome on the website when you click onthisenable stock management okay now put inquantity 14 or 15 whatever you want todo now here is the option missus allowback orders it is at present to do notallow you can also click on allow okaybasically what is back orders supposeyour product is out of stock you havesold the whole quantity which is 14 wehave set that to 14 now the product isout of stock but still we can allow thecustomer to place order okay so that iscalled back orders okay then you havethis shipping and tax options we canselect the weight of the product forexample 200 grams length for example 10centimeter which for example 4centimeter height for example 10centimeter okay then we have shippingclasses suppose it comes under bulkyclass then we can select bulky class allobviously you can create differentclasses okay so no classes is selectedthe basic thing which we set to $2 thatwill be applied for example no shippingclass is selected then those two to $1which we created if you remember thatwill be applied okay whether thisproduct is taxable or not so you canselect none if this product is nottaxable but this is taxable obviouslymobile phones so click on taxable andfrom here you have to select GST okaythe tax class will be GST now we haveattributes this is not for simpleproducts because this is a simpleproduct for example here if you seeproduct type is simple and attributesand so on are for variable productswhich will create now after this productthis is just a simple product so atpresent it is pending okay visibility isfine now click on save product okay sothis is how your seller will add asimple productnow again after saving all the changesstill it says pending review thisbecause this product is added by theseller but it is not live on the websiteokay it is not published you as theadmin will have to go through theproduct and see whether everything isfine and if you're satisfied you canpublish this product okay so let's dothat come back to the main website comeback to the dashboardand under breath here you see click onall products and here is the gameconsole as you can see and if you seethis is the author name is also givenover here okay now what you can do hereit is show pending so this is spendingwe haven't actually made this thing aspublished it just click on edit or youokay if you want to make some changes ifyou think you know that seller did somemistake then you can make some changesby yourself also from you you can changethe category image whatever you want youcan add some tags by yourself forexample add a new task called game so wehave added a tag so you can also do somechanges if you want and if you aresatisfied with this product just clickon publish now this product will be liveon your website okey now again come backto the seller dashboard here it sayspending review now let's refresh thiswebsite and as you can see now it saysonline so the product is now online okso this is how you create a product in amulti vendor website this is how a useror a seller will be creating a productok and suppose if we wants to create avariable product what is a variable perse variable product is basically forexample you take an iPhone you areiPhone 64gb you have iPhone 32gb sothose are different variable productsyou have two varieties so that isavailable product so to create avariable product everything is sameexcept for few steps for example insteadof product type you have to selectvariable ok now you can select differentcategory for it if you want ok thencoming down everything rest will be fineexcept this thing now you have thecustom attribute you will click on addattribute oknow you can name this attribute forexample we can name it as memory this isgame console obviously use not have thismemory options but I am justsaying for showing you how to add avariable product for example we can put32gb okay then put this icon the pipeicon okay now put 64gb okay so basicallynow we have two different values andmake sure this is tick mark used forvariations over here okay now click onsave attributes okay as you can see whenwe click on save attributes now we aregetting this variation options ok sojust click on that and select thisoption create variation from allattributes and click on go okay click onOK okay now as you can see we have twodifferent options 32gb 64gb now you canexpand this thing from your okay now youcan change the price for example for32gb this is the 32gb variation supposewe are setting this $200 okayand now okay now just expand this one64gb and we can set this price to around150 dollars whatever you want to gainplease just for the sake ofdemonstration now what you can do isjust click on save product okay it sayssuccessfully the product has been savedsuccessfully now you can view thisproduct list through this product in anew tabok so this is how your product will looklikeok we have here we have the optionmemory then you have two options 32gbwhen we select 32gb the price changeswhen we select 64gb the price changesokay so this is how you create this kindof product okay so this is how theseller will be creating differentproducts whether it be simple product orvariable product okay so again let'scome back to the seller dashboard so wesolve it the products now let's seeorders click on orders at present itsays there is no order formsso let's come back to our website overhere okrefresh this website now let's place anorder and see how it happens so this isthe product we created let's click onthis productok now let's click on add just selectanything 32gb click on Add to Cart ok itsays has been added to cart now click onView cart audio so we have this productwe have two different products in ourcart let's delete this one we want onlythis one let's increase this quantity to6 ok now click on proceed to checkoutnow let's fill in some differentinformations ok I think all theinformations are automatically filled oknow let's select cash on deliveryok here you will see this flat rateregular shipping different options andhere you also see the GST options youknow the GST is applied on these thetags which we created the tags this isapplied over you so we are getting allthe information the product price is$100 subtotal $800 ok then the GST andeverything is placed over you now thisclick on place order ok so it says orderreceived order number and everything youhave all this information over here okfrom a customer's point of view you haveyour billing information shippinginformation your order number andproduct and what was the product and soon now let's come back over here on theseller dashboard and refresh this pagethe orders page and now as you can seewe have an auto ok which is order number49 this is the auto ok so on and soforth now we can see this order so justclick on this icon ok here you can seeis email addresses phone number iscustomer IP and so on and we also say isa billing address so this is the addresson which will be or the seller will beproviding the product ok so you use thisproduct and you can also add a noticethis othertwo different email address which hecaught thus the customer got okay now wecan suppose when we when we when when wehave no ship this product when we haveall put ship this product to thecustomer we can add a note and from yourselect customer note and click on addnotes so he will get that email addressthat his product is has been shippedokay so that is how you do now let'scome back to the orders so suppose oncethe prod the customer has got theproduct what you can do is just click onthis button okay now the order statushas changed to complete it you have toclick on that button only when thecustomer has received the product okaynow let's come to the coupons I presentthat no coupons form so let's add a newcoupon okay so let's give it a title forexample okaydiscount to ten so ten percent okaylet's add a description get ten percentoff okay now product discount or productpercentage to come so we are giving tenpercent discount so we are really selectproduct percentage discount and underamount type in ten percentage okay andyou can restrict certain image of fromusing this this coupon okay you can setan expiry date for this coupon okay youcan select a minimum or and for examplethe person has to make a minimum of $100purchase only then he will get this 10%discount if he uses this coupon code andyou can select this coupon code only forcertain products okay so this is veryimportant and this is also veryimportant exclude sales item make surethis is tick mark because suppose we aregiving the product is already on sale sowe don't want the user or the customerto use this coupon code on this productwhich is already on sale and get morediscount okay so make sure this ischecked markand after that you can create couponokay it says please specify any productwe haven't specified any product so justclick on that and let's select thisproduct and click on create couponokay so coupon has been savedsuccessfullynow let's go to reports as you can seewe have done a sales of around 100 $100and the with the average daily sales of3 dollars ok we can see sales by theirtop-selling top earning and all thesethings now click on reviews we haven'tgot any review yet so we won't seeanything over here now let's see bewithdrawn option ok it says currentbalance is zero minimum withdrawn amountis $100 well drawn threshold is 7 daysokay so we cannot resolve the moneyright now so let's go to settings and wesaw these settings options earlier whilewe were seeing the demo website we canchange the payment option and so onwhereas so this is how a seller will beusing your website for creating a newaccount for creating a product forseeing different reviews for seeing orchanging the order status for seeing ourfor seeing the billing address of thecustomer and so on so this is very veryvery important ok this was the mostimportant part of the tutorial now let'sstart creating P website the front-endwebsite for example let's see how ourwebsite looks like right now let's go tothe home page oh yes so this is how oursite looks like right now we have madethis website our multi vendor websitebut we haven't actually created thewebsite so let's start doing that ok forthat let's come back to our website oknow come back to the dashboard now firstwe have to create some categories forexample let's see the demo outside asyou can see this is the demoand we have some categories over at thissides at the left-hand side and when wehover any category we can see this looksreally amazing you know this is when allthe categories we see an image and wesee all these things written over hereso this is just an amazing website okayso let's start creating this categoriesfirst okay so come back to yourdashboard how our products and underproducts you will see these categoriesclick on that now let's see it is cameraa camera's audio and video so let'screate the first one cameras and audioslet's make cameras and audios leaveeverything as blank okay and click onadd new category okay that is added nownext one is called motorbikes andindustrial soldiers car and motorbikesokay click on add new category the nextcategory is computer and accessories okI will put this computer just to savetime I do not keep on typing everythingclick on add new category then we havemobiles and tablets ok add new categorythen we have movies TV and watches okmovies TVs watches ok now click on addnew category so we have successfullycreated all the categories now it's timeto create this Jumbotron this is calledJumbotron when we hover this particularcategory you see you know this thing thewhole thing or your you know we havesome different first few subcategoriesunder camera audios and videos you havetwo subcategories then we also have thisimage Oreo so let's start creating thatthat come back to your website here youhave static content how old that andclick on add newokay so first one is camera so let'sname this as camera okay okay let'spublish this thing because first we haveto enable visual builder for that so forthat scroll down over here you'll seevisual composer where it is visualcomposer click on role manager undervisual composer okay and under post typeyour ad presented is selected pages onlyselect this select custom and now selecteverything post product and static blockand click on Save Changesokay now again come back to staticcontent okay this is the one we createdcameras click on edit now as you can seewe get this option visual composer justclick on back-end editor okay now clickon add element and search for imagesingle image select this one and let'ssee what image we have under camerasthis is the image okay all these imagesare there or you as I said you you yousee a link in the video description goto that link you find all these imagesok so just select this image from yourclick on select file now let's see addblocks or this which was the image okaydepartmental menu this is the image okayselect this camera click on open clickon set image ok now click on SaveChanges now click on this pencil buttonto edit the row now scroll down to thebottom and last option LC extra classname now were there putting VG – why amm- content okay so make sure you put thisexact thing DG – y8 mm – content comtE&T now click on Save Changes okay nowwhat we have to do we have to add thesethings this different options over hereokay so for that again come back foryour click on this plus button now toadd an element and now select this textblock okay now we have to add thesethings or your now let me first open mywebsite block to calm and let me showyou the link which I am always talkingabout I said you there's a link in thevideo description where is all thewherein you know you will see you willfind all the images codes and everythingso this is the link when you click onthat link you will be redirected to thisparticular link okay so when you youhave this theme you have images alsowhen you click on this image is downloadyou get a file then everything ispresent the codes and everything which Ihave used the images everything which Ihave used on this demo website okay soagain come back over here and lets meshow you that file okay so this is theCSS file here there is a code this fileis also present in that folder it's astatic blog just select this much okayclick on copy this thing come back toyour website or your and under textblock delete everything and paste thisthing now click on Save Changes and asyou can see over here we have twodifferent columns this is the firstcolumn this is the second column so wehave to add another column okay andobviously your just edit and you canmake all you can edit all the things forexample here it is audio and video youcan change this title you can put inyour own title here you have all audioand video okay for example here you seeall audio in video everything so you canchange those thing you can put in yourown title it's all up to you now clickon Save Changesand here as you see we have two columnsas I said now we have to make this thingas two columns so how are youthe second option which says half plusasks just click on that so now we havetwo different columns now click on thisplus button to add an element in thesixth column and again search for textblock select this thing okay now againpaste that code but we don't want thismany thing or we want only two threethings so what I will do I'll delete therest of this thing and click on SaveChangesokay now click on update okay sosimilarly you can create for all thesedifferent menus we have created forcameras and so on and you can create forall these different menus so now I willpause this video because I don't want towaste your time and my time creating thesame things again and again okay so youknow how to create this now and you cancreate as many different menus studiesblock as you want okay so let's see seeyou guys after a short interval oh yesas you can see I have created all thisstatic contents over here okay so onceyou do so now it's time to create thismenu and put all these things over hereokay fineso let's come back to your dashboardpower appearances and click on menuswell now we need to create a new menu soobviously click on create a new menu andlet's name this as department ok nowclick on create menu ok the first thingwhich you need to make sure is thatclick on this all departments menu oknow it's time to add all these thingsover so for that you will see everythingover here in the under categories clickon View all okay we have an OK now thisis not the categories we want we wantproduct categories ok so select thisoptions over here and select productcategories because we have created someproduct categories courses so click onview all and select this categoriescomputer and accessories ok car andgaming and sowhatever we did okay give me was notthat I think mobile TVs watches so nowclick on add two menus okay but if yousee about all these things we have threemore options or your value of the day1200 offers new arrivals so let's addthose things also click on custom linksover here and just put in hashtag signfor now and the thing is value of theday in the link text type in value ofthe day okay now click on add too manybasically instead of this hash tricksign over you have to put in the URLvalue we want your users to go when theyclick on value of the day okay so thisis how that is that is what it wants andnow just drag this thing to the top andalso highlight this and I can class okaywe want CSS class we are not gettingthis CSS class options over here soagain click on this screen options andselect this CSS classes again come backnow as you can see we have new optionwith six CSS classes under that type inhighlight okay now similarly create twodifferent menus top Android offers andnew arrivals so put in a strict sign1200 offers okay new arrivals click onadd to menu and bring this thing boththe menus to the top okayand again expand this thing and underCSS classes protein highlight okaywhy are we putting highlight over therebecause you know as you can see thesethree things are different they arebolding so that is the CSS class thatwill make all these things all thesethree menus cold okay fine now if you ifyou see under my cameras and audios wehave different options over here okay solet's put that thing also okay now asyou can see under cameras and options wehave this static block which we createdso let's add that so on the cameras andoptions go to studies block from youokay we don't have that option also soagain go to screen options and here itis static content blocks take this thingokay now we should have this here it isso first is cameras so select thesecameras and click on add to menu here itis now drag this thing and make thisthing under cameras and audios now causeso address thing again and drag thisthing under cars now we have watches andeyewear it will be under watches then wehave TV and audio which will be underTVs okay then we have mobiles andtablets now which will be under mobilesoh you okay then we have cameras andaudio and video so it will be undercamera so is cameras let's see here itis okay we have already added that Ithink this is not needed this removethis thing extra one okay then we havecomputer and accessories computer andaccessories will come under computer andaccessories okay then we have movies andso on so just Ohkiyo it will come under movies okay nowafter this the work is not done yet nowwhat we have to do you have to selectthis top one the category one open thisthing and under CSS classes type in y8mm- TFW okay for all the things – justcopy this it is why a mm – TFW now underall the categories put in this thingokay okay fineyouokay guys so I think it is fine and nowwe'll just click on save menu and I hopeeverything should be fine now come backto your website let's refresh thewebsite and let's see the changes okaynow click on all you care is not gettingclicked ok – one thing select this thingalso Department menu and now click onsave menu again come back to yourwebsite and refresh the websitenow again come ok click over here now asyou can see everything looks fineeverything is awesome we are not gettingthis thing because we have to change theheader as you can see the header overhere is totally different whereas theadder oh yo is different ok so letschange the header come back to yourdashboard here you see Electra optionover here under electro you will seeheader just click on headerok now under header style it is selectedheader volume 1 of version 1 select theheader version 1 ok now click on SaveChanges and there are different changeswhich you can do over for examplesupport and these things or your forexample if you see you here if there isany support and all these things whichwe had in the second one if you want tochange all these things make changesover here ok your number your this andall those things will be changed fromyou now click on Save Changes again comeback to your website refresh and weshould see the changes now ok as you cansee the changes have taken place nowwhat we have to do we have to create ahome page and start making this sliderand all these things ok so come back toyour dashboard power pages over here andclick on add newnow give it any title for example let'sgive a title of home page ok now clickon publishokay now come back to your website themain website click on customize nowscroll down you will see this staticfront page select that and select thisone a static page and select the frontpage and select the home page which youhave just created here it is okay nowclick on save and publish now click onthis X button ok so now as you can seeeverything looks fine and similar tothis website ok as you can see now mostof the things look similar now what wehave to do we have to create this thingthe slider so let's do that so for thatagain come back to your dashboard scrolldown here you'll see slider revolutionjust click on slider revolution nowclick on new slider okay make suredefault slider is selected from your nowyou can name this slider anything forexample we are naming it as slider 1same thing for your slider 1 put thesame thing oknow scroll down and select full-widthfrom your okay now you have to changeall these things all these dimensions sofor the first one it will be 1 1 7 0into 4 85 okay and for the second onefirst make this thing on custom gridsize and change this thing also to 1 1 70 into 4 90 okay or 4 85 same thing nowthe third one here it is ok again clickon this and select 7 7 8 into 3 24 okayand this last one here select 6 18 into3 20 sorry where it is ok here it is6into 3:20 now come back over here andclick on Save Changes now again coveryour slider settings click on here againscroll down we have to add some customCSS ok so you'll see oh you're the topcode this page is obviously these codesare all available on my website so copythis thing come over here add this thingunder custom CSS fine now scroll up hereyou'll see some different settings ofthe general setting and so on so clickon layout and visual ok and select thisthing show background image ok now wehave to upload a background image as youcan see here there is a background imageto the slider so let's upload that clickon upload files ok slider this is thebackground image click on insert finenow you make sure it is cour and here itis non repeat and here it is CenterCenter okay so this was for layout andvisuals heading now we have navigationsettings ok where is it click onnavigation click on enable arrows andclick on enable bullets ok now againminimize this and click on Save Changesok now click on o your slide editor nowwe will start creating these slidesdifferent slides so let's first createthis slide the first slide let's seewhat is the first slide this is the oneok let's scroll downokay if you see if you could see I don'tknow there is a line or you're acolorful line blue color line so we haveto keep everything under these two linesokay so the first thing is in image thiswatch image so let's add that click onadd layer and select image okay click onupload files okay so this is the imagewe want select this click on open ok nowclick on insert ok so this image is waytoo big ok we want a smaller image sowhat we can do is we can just decreasethe size of the image okay Kay okay fineso when you click on this image you haveall these things different options youknow hide with and so on so you can dois we can you know change these thingsso under height just make this 500pixels okay now everything is fine okaythe image is quite big you have tochange those settings and make sure theimages under this line this colorfulline so we have our image now let's seewhat we need okay fine now it is the newstandard okay which is gone there it isthe new standardokay so let's add that text first clickon add layer click on text HTML andselect this and type in your own textthe new standard so the new is adifferent text and standard is adifferent text okayso just type in the new click on this OKbutton now we have to add some changesover here so as you can see your thereare different option font size font fonttypes on the font size make this thingas sixty six pixels okay and under fontheight make this thing as fifty twopixels and under bold make this thing300 becauseyou want a will thin image okay now hereis the color option as you can see hereit is a something like grey color soselect these color options I have my owncode for that okay a custom code whichis hash trick triple 3 e 4 8 e 4 8 ok sothis is the color which I have used justclick on this tick mark ok now put thisthing Goyo ok again let's see that imagenext one is standard ok so click on addlibrary ok let's do one thing just copythis thing so that you know we don'thave to do most of the changes are mostof the settings for those are same sojust select this and click on this copyok new thing will be copied now what youhave to do we'll just have to change thetext so double click on that and changethis text to standard oknow everything should be fine except forthis you know as you can see the heightshould be smaller so that both the thingare aligned at the same thing ok solet's change this height to 55 okay nowas you can see now both the thing lookssimilar now we have to add another thingwhich is under favorite ok what it isunder favourable smart watches ok okthis is annoying under favorable smartwatches so let's add that again addlayer text and type in your text finenow click on this button make this thingput this thing over here now again wehave to change all the size and so on sothe font size is 15 pixels font type is22 which is fine and this is 800 this isvery bold as you can see in this this isvery bold so this is 800 and then thecolorsame okay which was hashtag 3 3 3 E 4 8ok now click on this plus button oknow everything looks fine then we havefrom dollar 749 so let's add from firstadd a new layer text and type in from oknow this is a very thin thing a verysmall font such as font size will be 14font height is 22 which is fine this is400 which is fine let's just add thisthing a new color and we have to youknow put a consistent color for allthese things so I am putting all thesame color again and again okay nowbring this thing Goyo to you okay fineokay and now we have where it is gonenow we have dollars 749 okay let's addthat dollar seven four nine okay nowthis is a very big and bold text so itwill be 56 more pixels of font size fontheight will be 52 okay boldness will befont weight will be 700 and the colorwill be the same color obviously nowjust okay and bring this thing Goyo finenow this last thing is start line it isa button okay so we can add a buttonfrom you click on add layer and fromyour select button okay you can changethe color of the button background coloranything yellow whatever color you wantokay click on this button you can changethe text and text color for examplelet's make the text colors black selectany black fromclick on Save Changes you can change thetext also and now you can select thepattern so let's select this one okaylet's bring this thing over hereokay so we have successfully createdthis but this is not the end we have toadd more things over here and let'sbring everything closer so that you knowwe don't mess around with this thingeverything closer to this image and ohyou fine the button fine okay so firstlet's save changes so that we don't missany of our changes now we have to addanimations and timing for example if yousee you know when it changes the timingdiffers first this comes then the textcome and then at the last the buttoncomes okay so the timing differs theanimation are different okay let's dothat okay let's come back the firstthing is the image okay this is theimage so here is it or you can justclick on this image and this thing willget selected okay now we have differentsettings just click on this edit firstframe start duration so when should thisanimation start and for how long theanimation should be there okay so theseare different settings so we are setting500 milliseconds which means half asecond it should start the image shouldcome after a half a second and theanimation food should be for 1500seconds which is for one and a halfseconds okay click on this okaynow you can just leave this thing as itis now select this thing the the textthe new text now you can also change thetiming for this one so basically we wantthe new text this is the this text tocome after the image then we want thistext so one after one this all text willbe coming okay so for the new text weare setting timing just click on thisedit it will come at eight hundred megaseconds millisecondsit will go for 300 milliseconds okaynow the we have the other text which isthe standard text so you can click onthis standard okay and keep on this editokay now it will obviously start afterthe first text so it will start exactlyat one second and if this animation willbe for 300 milliseconds so click on okaythen we have under favorable click onthis click on the edit button it willstart at 1.2 second which is on one onone thousand two hundred millisecondsokay then we have from text click onedit and change the time in 14 hundredmilliseconds okay then we have this textthe dollar seven four nine types thiswill also start at the same timeokay fourteen hundred milliseconds andthen we have the last button okay sothis button will come at last which isat 1.6 seconds which is sixteen hundredmilliseconds okay so we have set all thetimings now what we can do we can alsoset different animation for differentthings for example let's select thisimage now come to animations okay forexample fading is selected and you canselect different animation and you willsee those changes so you okay as you cansee it is coming from bottom rotate fromzero and so on so you can selectdifferent animation you can select thenew one and again select any animationokay and you can see the changes okaythis is how it will look so you canselect animation for all the differenttext and so on and after you'resatisfied just click on save slide so wehave successfully created one slidesimilarly you can click on this add newslide and you can create differentslides we have created three sidesbasically now you know how to create aslide and you can create differentslides similarly okay fine guys and Iwon't be wasting my time and your timecreating the same slide again and againthree times because it is taking a lotof time okay soso again I'll pause this video I createthe remaining two slides then I willcontinue oh yes so I have successfullycreated the slider now it's time to addthis slider on our home page okay so forthat come back for your under pagesclick on pages now select the homepageclick on edit click on backend editorclick on add element and now search forsliders evolution selects revolutionslider from your okay now just selectthis slider which you want and click onSave Changes now click on update comeback to your website refresh the websiteand hopefully we should see changeswhere as you can see we have thislighter but we also have this thing homepage we want we don't want this okay wewant to remove this thing so let's dothat again can come back to you over tothis page backend editor' and when youscroll down you will see this optionhide page editor okay just stigmas thatclick on update and again come back toyour website refresh and everythingshould be fine okay that homepage isgone now this looks awesome okay now thenext step is to add these things theadblock these are called ad blocks okayso for that again come back to this pagethe back end click on this plus buttonto add a new element search for adblockthis is the one adblock okay first addan image let's see the image this is thecamera image okay this is the imageselect this image click on set imagethen you have different option captiontext action text so this is the captiontext catch big tails on camerasokay so copy this thing paste it overbut if you see the deals is bold it isyou know the weighted so what you can doto make that thing just put this codebefore tail strong type strong okay andafter this type this thing close thisstrong okay so this is how it shouldlookdeals should be under strong tag okay sothis is how it will look now click onSave Changes now you see as you can seewe have three different columns so howare you and select this one 1 by 3 plus1 by 3 plus 1 by 3 okay now we havethree different columns now what youhave to do we have again you have toclick on add element and click on addblock now this time it is this computerstablet smartphones and more ok we missthis thing shop now let's see how to dothat first let's add the image this isthe image okay hopefully yeah this isthe image click on set image ok nowlet's add the caption text and here thistimes and more is under strong text okayso let's add strong before and after andmore fine okay now here is the actiontext so this is the action text it saysup to 70okay so let's put up to 70 okay and thenwe can put an action link wheneversomeone clicks on that text well is thelink you should be redirected to okay soclick on Save Changes let's do thosechanges were you also it was here it wasSHOP NOWso action text should be shop now linkwill be this Save Changes again click onadd block okaythis time it is shop the hottestproducts and we have this imageset image caption text and this timehottest is under strong code okay findthe action text is SHOP NOW and linkedis just a hash define Save Changes clickon update come back to your websiterefresh and we should see those changesnow okay as you can see guys now we areseeing those changes now it's time toadd this section but before adding thissection we obviously need to create fewproducts because these are differentproducts we have created one product butthat is from a seller's perspective howI show you how a seller will be able toadd a product now we will see how you asan admin can add a product ok so againcome back to your dashboard powerproducts click on add new now let's addthis product ok ok let's copy this titlepaste in all your then we have theproduct short description just copiedfrom you and come at the bottom here wehave product short description paste itover hereok then it is $68 so let's put in theprice over here $68but list first but let's first put thelong description here the longdescription will come so let's scrolldown and here you see the descriptiontag just copy everything from your okand paste it oh you now select thecategories this is a notebook ok so itwill come under laptops maybeso select laptops you can add some tagsif you want you can add a product imagethis is the product image ok this one isthe product image so let's click on setproductimage and select that this is the oneselect set product image okay now hereis the simple product ok the price is$68okay now the sale price is actually thesale price is $68 and the actual priceis maybe $86 okay so it is taxable willselect the GST tax class okay productlayout product style inventory SKU youcan select any SKU fine then you haveshipping your you have to put in theweight dimension of the class shareselect any class if this is a bulkyproduct select the bulky class okshipping class now you can add somelinks products you have attributes wewon't be adding these attributes becausethis is not for simple products this isfor variable products and I showed youhow to do this in while we were doingthe seller thing how to click how aseller can create a variable product sothis is the same thing but still I'llgive a link to a video where I haveshown how to create different type ofproducts okay so make sure you watchthat video also it is it will be therein the video description below okay okaywhat is this accessories okay as Ishowed you when you see a product belowthat product there will be fewsuggestions okay so this is how becausewe haven't created any product we cannotadd any accessories okay but if you havecreated some some products you can addthose products it will come under thisproduct okey so it will be under overhere and you will get this options threedifferent products added and so on okaynow specifications this is thespecifications okay so you can just copyand paste it over there okay so whiledoing so you will get a new tab whichwill say specifications and you can putall these specifications over here okaynow everything is fine if you want youcan add some product gallery images okayit will be under this image you'll seesome few images or your product galleryso you can also do thatand going very fast because I don't wantto waste time on in creating thisproduct up because we have already seenthese things while creating this sellerproducts okayand I also as I said you I'll also giveyou a link to videos where you can seethose things in detail ok this is notmine important the main important thingis creating the website and obviouslymaking this versed a multi vendor whichwe have seen how to do that now thisclick on publish ok so we havesuccessfully created one product but wehave to create many products because youknow we that then only we can adddifferent products on our homepageok for example let me show you that forexample this is the demo websitehomepage and we have seen to so manydifferent products so first we will haveto create those products now what I willdo I will pause this video again andI'll add some products oh and then we'llcontinue ok oh yes as you can see I haveadded few products over here ok so oncewe have added the product now we canproceed further now let's add thissection but as you can see it is ascheduled section there is a timer salestime 1 which means within 5 days if youpurchase you will get this amount ofsale ok so for that first let's add theedit this product and make this timeworld accessible ok so come to productsthis is the product just click on editscroll down ok now here you see thisschedule option just selected fromselectively from date and select the todate till when you want this sale to beaccessible ok now click on update raceonce you have done now let's add thissection so for that again come to backto your website ok open this page thehome page in a new tab ok now click onthis plus button and select electro onsales ok okelectro on sale product so this is theoneokay now you can have a title which saysspecial offers to just copy this thingand paste it over your shows savingsbasically this will this is what it willshow over here okay in amount savingtext you can put any amount if you'resaving products choice citizen productor random product or a specific productwill add a specific product okay so thiswas the product and when you see thisproduct audio here you have this code inthe URL bar which says 46 just copy thatand paste it over and click on SaveChanges okay but here if you see this isdivided into two different sections thissection okay there is a column and thereis another column so let's divide thisthing come back to the page and how areyou and that is not there a by defaultso we will have to create a custom sohowever here and click on custom andfrom your typing 1 by 3 plus 2 by 3 okayso this is what we have to type andclick on update now everything is finenow click on this add plus button andnow let's see what we have we have thesethings this tab option featured on saletop rated so we have to select producttabs ok product tabs of K where it ishere it is product tags and you can wehave to select the tab 1 title which isfeatured product fine and from yourselect featured products ok now thesecond one is on sale products so selecton sell from you and from you alsoselect on sill product the third one istop rated products okay come back selectthese third tab titles on sale and fromyou also selectchristop read em sorry and select toprated products okay now click on SaveChanges and click on update now comeback to your website and refresh thiswebsiteokay now let's scroll down okay as youcan see now we have this option overhere okay it is showing the timer overhere and we have this thing threedifferent products on featured productwhen we click on on sale we havedifferent products top rated productsbut we are seeing only three productsand we should be seeing six products asyou can see over here so again come backto this page the edit page and click onthis setting this pencil button and weshould be seeing okay enter productitems enter column item so enter productitems just enter six over here and clickon Save Changes click on updatehopefully I hope now everything shouldbe fine refresh this website okay now wehave six different products fine okaynow we have six different products overhere so we have done this thing nowlet's see the next section okay this isthe next section this section is calledtwo one two sectionokay so let's add that come back to thispage oh you click on this plus buttonand select two one two product two onetwo grid okay select this one you canenter a title do we have a title oh youknow we don't have okay we okay it saysbest deals best please okay and you canprotect we can select which type ofproduct will show featured product onsell product if you leave then anyregular product will be shown forexample we want to show only featuredproducts over here okay then all is ifyou want only specific product to beshown you can type in the product IDs ofthose products okay now number ofcategories to display for example herethere is one two three four fiveso let's put in five categories of yoyou can order it by different criteriaokay okay fine everything looks fineclick on Save Changes click on updatenow again come back to this website andthis okay this was not the other sidescome back to our side refresh thewebsite and we should see the changesokay as you can see now we can see this2-1 to section also now let's see theanother section which we will have toadd okay so this is the section the bestseller section okay so again come backto this page scroll down click on thisplus button and search for card carouselokay product card carousel this is theone we want okay now you can add thistitle bestseller okay okay then you canhave this rows columns and so onproduct shortcode what kind of productto be shown which we will just put inproducts okay I have no products allowokay now click on Save Changes click onupdate come back to your website refreshthe website okay guys we can see thisthing but this thing looks totallydifferent from this one I think we haveused some changes for your so again comeback to this website or this edit pageclick on this pencil button and here itis says rows and options so let's seethe demo website here we have two rowsand three different columns so let's puttwo rows three columns show carouselnavigation click on allow because hereis you so as you can see we have thisnavigation options ok show top text wecan sell our show categories allow limitokay then we can type in three ok numberof categories to display 3 ok limitswill be the number of productsfor example 20 products and number ofcategories to display will be 3 click onSave Changes click on update andhopefully they should help us justrefresh the website ok now it looksawesomeexactly like the demo website ok now thelast section hopefully yeah this is thelast section which is the recently addedsection so let's add that section againcome back to this page click on thisplus button and select recently added okrecent products ok not this onenow click on this plus button and selectelectro product carousel ok where isthat now electro products carousel fineselect this one and from your productshortcode select recent products fineand this stability is fine just click onSave Changes now click on update againcome back to the website refresh and weshould see all these changes oh ok wecan see these but as you can see thereis no title nothing so we forgot to putthe title just copy this title againcome back oh yo this added this entertitle even Save Changes click on updatenow everything will be fine just refreshthe website ok now we can see this thislooks awesome now and this is alreadyhere ok now we have to do some changesover here in the footer section and wealso have to remove this section ok socome back to your dashboard and beforethat let's add this thing the menus okthis menu we don't we haven't put thismenu yet as you can see this is blankright now so come back to your well ourwebsite our appearance is click on menusclick on create a new menu and just nameit anything I'm naming it as secondarybecause this is secondary menu click oncreate menuok so first make sure you tick mark thissecondary nap now what all we have yoursuper-dee switcher brands trendingstyles whatever you have and this isalso part of the inner menu okay solet's start adding those so go to customlinks the first one is super deals ok sojust put in any URL you want this toredirect tojust put in super desuyo click on add tomenu then we have featured brands thenwe have training styles then we havegift cards ok then the last one is freeshipping on orders over $50 ok so let'sput that also free shipping over $50click on add to Minnie now hereeverything is fine but if you see thefirst one is a red color and the lastmenu is just to the extreme right so wehave a small codes for that so againcome back to this menu and open thisfirst one the super do this one andunder CSS classes just type in highlightokand now open the last one and under CSSclasses just type in fully – right oknow click on save menu come back to yourwebsite refresh and now we should see amenu over hereok fine now we can see the menu overhere so we have created almost all themenus the top left top right thedepartment menu secondary menu oknow with this we have completed thehomepage ok guys now let's see thesidebar based shop sidebar for examplelet's open any product let's open thisproductand as you can see there is no sidebaroh yo okay whereas when you open thedemo website and you open any product wewill see a sidebar okay here is asidebar so let's open and add thissidewall so again come back to yourwebsite to dashboard and underappearances you will see which is justclick on that and the first one isproduct categories okay fine so under itwill be under shop sidebar okay nowlet's see who commerce productcategories KBOO commerce creditcategories is the one and from yourselect shop sidebar click on add widgetclick on save the next one is compareproduct we don't have any product butwhen we add two different products hereand we click on compile we can comparethose two different products okay solet's add the compare think WooCommercecompare with yo-yo okay where is itBuchanan's compare with here it isfine you can put in any title compiledproducts you can see then we have carticon then recently view products okaythen again come back oh yo it should becard WooCommerce card here it is addthis thing okay then the last one isrecently added okay recently viewed thatwas I think oh yeah here it is recentlythe blue commerce recently viewed clickon and you can decrease this to 5products okay click on save now againcome back to your website refresh thispage and we should see the sidebarokay as you can see guys now we havethis sidebar over you okay we haven'tseen any products so that's why we arenot seeing the recently viewed and wedon't have any product in the cardthat's why it is not showing buteverything is fine okay so with this wehave added the sidebar now let's add fewmore pages for example if you see wehave created a few perk pages forexample let's see the FAQ pagefrequently asked questions page okaythis is the one let's add this thing soagain come back to your dashboard howold pages click on add new page nowenter the title as fact okay now clickon backend editor'add listing search for fact you will getthis option okay for example this is thefirst question what shipping method isused so let's put any question or youokay here it will be the title and hereit will be the answer so this is thetitle and this one these two lines arethe answer okay so answer will come heredelete this and the title will come hereokay now click on Save Changes now letme copy these things to three timesbecause I do not do the same thingsagain and again so this is how you dothat okay now we have to hide the headerfrom you so just select hide header pageheader okay now click on publishnow let's view this page in a new tabokay so this is how it looks this looksfine okay we have this question theanswer over there fine now we also havecreated a Contact Us page so let's seehow to create this Contact Us page okayso this is the contact us page so let'ssee how to create that again come by ohyo and click on add new page enter thetitle contact us okay again back endeditor now the first thing is a map soclick on add element search for map sohere it is Google Maps okay now what youhave to do open maps of Google map soyou map dot Google whatever it is matterof google calm and search for your mapfor example let me search for cyanmumbai so here it is now there is anoption when you click on this menubutton you get this option Oh shall orembed map just click on that and go toembedded map now here there is an iframecode source just click on copy this codefrom you come back for you and deletethis thing and paste in your code okayjust Save Changes now click on this plusbutton now what we have to add we haveto add this two sections the firstsection there is a message at the topand then we have a contact page so let'sfirst add this message should add a textbox okay now let's add this thing okayfine for this I have given the code sowhen you see this code there is acontact page though first select thisone okaycopy this much and come back for you andunder the text block click on SaveChanges then below that we have acontact page so first we have to createa contact 7th page first let's click onpublish open this contacthowever this contact and open thisadding in a new tab we have to add a newcontact form and come this code sidepage come to this code page and here youwill see contact form code okay so justcopy everything till you're okay thismuch copy this code and name thisanything for example font okay andselect everything delete it paste inyour own code click on save okay nowagain come back to this page click onthis Add button this plus button searchfor contact you see contact form 7 fromyou now from your own select this pointwhich we have just created and click onSave Changes ok now our your and selecthalf half plus half because we have twodifferent sections okay but this is nothalf I think this is 2 by 3 plus 1 by 3maybe okay I think it is ok 2 by 3 plus1 by 3 so select this one and now selectthis thing add search for text block andagain this code is also given in thiscode page ok here it is Contact Us pageare stored so select everything copycome by for you and paste it over nowfrom here if you want to change anythingfor example if you want to change thisaddress then go at the top and here youhave the address okay then here fromhere you can type in your own addresssimilarly you can you know replace thisemail address with your own emailaddress so let's scroll down here is theemail address you can just delete thisthing and put in your own email addressnow click on Save Changesand again for this also hide the headerokay click on update now let's view thispage in a new tab right so we can seethe map but there is a problem or you asyou can see where when we see this codeand this code it is just showing thecode we don't want this thing so againcome back for you on this page edit thistext block select everything cuteverything from your and go to textsection and paste those oh you knowclick on Save Changes similarly overyour click on this edit button selecteverything cut it and go to this textsection and paste it or you click onSave Changes now if you can update nowagain let's come to this page refreshthe page and now everything should befine alright so now everything is finewe have our map we have everything audioso this looks awesome so we havecompleted the FAQ and the contact uspage successfully now let's add thismenu more here for example if you seethe this thing we have to create a menufor this first we have to create thismenu ok so let's add a menu come back toyour dashboard power appearances selectmenus create a new menu name it asfooter menu okI do not have to select anything fromyou okay now we have will add this factpage and let's come to view all page thecontact us page the FAQ page will bethere just click on add to menu ok andthen we have will add a custom link inthe URL put this hashtag sign and in thetext put in terms and conditions addthis thing ok save menunow let's add these menus also importantlinks and find it first okay so click oncreate a new menu title will beimportant links click on create menulet's see what all we have over here wehave my account checkout card shopwishlist so let's add all those pages ofyour queue my account got wishlist myorders whatever pages you want justclick on add to menu click on save menuthen again we have another one whichsays find it first and we have all thecategories under that so again come backfor your create a new menu name it asfind it firstcreate menu and put all the categoriesunder that okay now the productcategories now let's select thisdifferent categories and click on add tomenu click on save menu ok so we havesuccessfully created all the three menusnow it's time to add these things in thefooter ok so come back to your websitehere you will see this Electra optionsgo to that and click on social mediafirst let's add all these social linksfirst then we'll add the footer oknow put in your Facebook or your Twitterall the URLs oh yo okay whatever youwant just put in all the don't put thishashtag sign obviously put in your realURLsnow after that just click on SaveChanges okay then come to footerchopin's slider this is off show footerwidgets it is on and show footernewsletter make this thing off okay nowhere we have to change all thesesettings okay first is the logo this isbelow instead of this look what you haveto do you have to insert your own logoso just click on this upload button andupload your own logo then we have showfooter colors section okay this is thesection fine and now you can change allthis information got question call us24/7 so it is called question call us24/7 you can change this thing okay thenyou can change this number this is thenumber you can put in your own numberthen you have all this quantainformation address okay this is theaddress you can put in your own addressafter you are done doing all thesethings just click on save and publishand this is the footer credit ok here itis you see this is the footer credit soin maybe if you want to add your ownwebsite name instead of multipurposee-commerce website so here is thisinstead of my blog you will have youwant to maybe add your own website namefor example now you shake them just typein air shake and just you know changethis link if you want click on SaveChanges after that okay now come back toyour website refresh the website andeverything should be fine now let'sscroll down okay as you can see all thechanges have taken place and here youhave no your shake okaynow it's time to you know change thesethings okay so let's do thatcome back to your dashboard ourappearancesand you have widgets okay then you havefooter widget footer bottom widgetsokay now let's scroll down and here youhave this custom menu and from yourselect footer bottom widget and click onadd widget as you can see the first oneis important links so just copy thistitle put in the title important linkand from the menu select important linkone this is the one click on save nowagain click on custom menu select footerbottom widgets click on add widget nowthis time we have these finded firstmenu okay so putting the title find itfirstand select the find it first menu clickon save and the last one is check thisout menu ok so then custom menu makesure footer bottom widget is selectedclick on add widget ok now check it outof the way it is okay did we not createthis ok we have created this what wenamed this as different we named it asfooter menu I guess ok huh now click onsave and again come back to your websiterefresh and now everything should befine okay guys so everything is fine wehave completed this website just fewthings are left okay so for that againcome back to your oversight oh you andwhen you click on this general settingsyou know you have different options youhave this header you know from here youcan change your logo we haven't changedour logo this is the logo when youchange it to your logo here from hereyou can do so ok then we'll also see howto change the so I con so for that comeback to your website click on customizeok first click on this site identity andwe haven't changed this thing yet myblog it is it will be your name of thewebsite for example this could be an tagSolutions okay and you can also have atagline best e-commerce site whatever itis okaythen here it is the site icon the favicon when you see this website at thetop you see this small logo this is thefavicon so you can upload your own subicon from here and click on save andpublish okay now cut this thing whereaswith this we complete this awesometutorial I'm sorry forgiving fast Ithink I was going fast okay so I'mreally sorry for that but you know themain important thing was the firstsection which is the multi vendorsection and resteverything was no the thing which wehave done many many times okay so I hopeyou guys enjoyed this tutorial make sureto give a thumbs up to this video andalso subscribe to my channel to know getmore awesome stuff more awesome videosfrom me okay see you guys in the nexttutorialtake care
