How To Find Best Sellers On Shopify | SECRET Tool 2018 | Ecom Musa

what's up guys Iko Moussa here I justwanted to show you real quick thispowerful tool it's called commercialinspector it is the Chrome extensionwhich allows you to find the bestselling products of certain Shopifyshops[Music]it's really powerful I will show you ina second how it works but before we dothat I just wanted to mention that youshould not fall in love with a certainidea or a product many people strugglingto get momentum to get started due tothe fact that they have an idea and theyjust want to make it perfect I wouldsuggest for example to find alreadyproducts that you know they are sellingwell in the market and to start this wayit's much easier than inventing thewheel so this Chrome extension workspretty simple once you find Shopifystore I will show you in a second howyou can find Shopify stores once youhave your inspector I guess you can getit here exactly in commerce inspectorcomm you just install the free pluginand once you have it attached to yourchrome you can simply go to any Shopifystore and use this tool I have a hugelist of the most popular Shopify storesin the world here you can see the numberone actually it's colour-pop calm theladies might know it it's cosmetic shopand the guys might know or the ladies aswell Jim shark calm this is one of thefastest-growing fashion online store forfitness and you can get this list in myFacebook group I just created a Facebookgroup you will find the link down belowthis video and you simply join the groupand there you will find somewhere thelink of this page so you can check outyourself and just browse through all ofthe Shopify storesso I've pre-selected some stores where Iknow that these are definitelydropshippers I will show you right nowwhat I foundthe first one is be a bigger calm andthis is a general store so you cansimply go over here click best-sellingand after that you will see their bestsellers of their shop so this one is theball cutter you can see they sell it for$9.99and I already searched in Aliexpresscalm you can get it here easily betweentwo and three dollars and another shopthat I found was my free ship deals calmthis is a general store too so they sellalso all kind of products and if you hitthe commercial inspector best sellingover here you can see their best sellingproduct is actually cycling sunglassesand this one they sell for $20 you cansee all the images over here and I tryto find that product and not Express Icouldn't find the exact same product butit comes pretty close you don't have tosell the exact same product you cansimply get some ideas so over here yousee this one cost only 120 has a lot ofboats over 50,000 views and the averageis 4.8 stars so it's a pretty coolproduct that you could sell to yeahbikers and this is a pretty cool nichethe season is just starting and you cango out there and target all the bikerswith your Facebook ads then I found thisstore Express then or expert team Idon't know also a general store andlet's check what they have if you clickhere best sellingand okay you can see over here theyalready know that some people like usare going to check their page so theysimply made a page of funny page likethis did yeah we can search somewhereelse but I can show you a trick later onhow you can do the same so nobody canspy on your shop that requires a littlebit coding but I can show you that inanother video but you can see over herealso best-selling products in their homepage so though you can get simply someideas and we see here again the saladcutter Bowl they sell it actually formuch more than the first shop for $19.99dollars and I recommend you definitelychoose a higher margin doesn't makesense to have a little bit of margin andyou're running out of profit at the endso better to have some margin on top soyou can play around and that's prettymuch from me I hope I could help youfind some good selling products and seeyou next time bye
